Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13 1896, p. 4

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nirusha afarhi i ri tfhr llomiy jfollts tin sii i mm w trrtt i i i i tlh hi- ii tin n i tnwt mm llkrt r ini ii i y mil lli tti i i wo huirlv laillua read liutli ti rim t ii r k turkey thru thnro win mm oun linwt 11 athalr hrllil in ilia vim horn lion lite mil inn tintnli man won avir urfrtiitt ittiitiitr forestry in ontario riirb in pcrbapn no oludy ontirrliid with material pronrcao mill national ecu tiomiii iovtjluimoiil which haa made audi rapid itridra uu tin continent dtlrinn the uat clrakde aa that at foreolry ly ttin counlrira ol luropo the prftrvnlion or restoration of the foroala hu for loon beau iiuoalian which baft ooifroaaod the at ton lion of lclblftlora and aciaiitiata but ii la only ot late yeari thai tho antna problem hu forced t tacit upon iho people of canada and tho united butea the moor i of mr tiiotiiftb boutlrworlh clerk of i orootry lor onlftrio for ilia current year jual received in a notableaddition to tho lilrraluroof tho auhjoct and cautaina ft largo amount of practical observation of ureal valuo to every farmer and land owner a well to ihoao who tftko a ooeilina or mineral liitereat in the joeatiou iho report in very oomprohenotvo in ila character deal in with many phaaea ot the loreatry prob km in the hunt of tho lauai icicnlihc con clualona and practical obnervatloua in addition to a maoa of kncral information the ipjealluii aa amctftlly ftiillcablo to ouurin ib very fully conaidered and oome coiialtiiiouo preeeiiled which have ft moat important bearing on die oroiiornio future of the province mr south worth baa avoided the miitftke into which wtiibtb on forobtry frequently fall of trcftluik the aobjoct mainly from iho aetilimenlftl or tiil he lie point of view tho report la fthove all thinn practical and clearly bringa out the fftnl that acleittino foroatry inatcad of boliik aa half inalruoled people aonielimea imagine antagonistic to ihn in ureal ol the farmer and lumberman la full in accord with tliim and calculated in itromote lhe laatiiy proaponly ol all our domen ihoaa who in cily or oounlry am tenated in tree planting eiihnr lor purpnra of ah ado and nriiftiilrih or willi a view to future profit will tln1 in the rrpdrt many uaeful autdealioi i y one deair oua uf obtftliinih a copy can do ao by adiircaalii a pool card to mr xiiomaa rioulh worth hurrau ol hortfttry jarlla nienl llillldlutta torooto a mans best help conquests for medical science a had hnnil chronln cutnrrh 1 vnnlwh nt vlth tom ii of dr a- i now u winnlnrft1 t v i jnui dr auuow h ri lor iii 11 ml nud bum 1 imiiidiil rlnf i ham liken fmir hnltll mi t rlow m fre in in inr hvntpimt tf imtrl ir iilili bhi i hh llntl tin tit in- ill i1m in in i olhrrm troiihlii i i m uiim niit titliihlih rtiiinlv n uil wriln milium iulr ol lim r lii hi in rindil virifynnv li limuiii il lnt d in i ommaiid l tin wmlrfiil 1 iv ry of mo li m ii in iii 1 hmimtiiti tytlvi iimii1 iln iirnhmi iiiftlilk li r liniini d tor f v aiil wr r iiiuid hop iuiiiulh ii km h hint rolt it haxprowd niiih a bii lint hnlirii would bo aparod if hi m tln liiiu at uiitnaiin mh ftt the linarl m i it notici d 1r anow heart cure wt rt tmd catahhii lhlioiihlnil i1 dial i wim iloing my dot did i nil rdenrnim nil lr agnow a alarrhnl 1owdor l every one writcm iloritn i hwib hlinniohin l and think that nn hnrniii of ad 0 iti evry hunilrdl who i in will uipnt thu m to ft irnatr or tritr dtirt ultictd by una iniliou ii ih only uun bate hiirn anl hariulnh utl dr aguim u atarrhal 1uwkr no u niih lliat yoa can alford to niglci t o uau til remiuly no caao o acuta or ihip aruttd ihat it will not rellovo tind ubnolutol ciiru no catarrh romml ban workml audi itinrvul laiia curee no remody ha had no much good afttd p it d uu remedy haa the high ciidiriftllon f tliu uiojidftl profeanion it enjoy unj your cnnu i mil hnptloaa whilo dr agimw a falurrhal lire i to lx had hold by j ivfttiitttwui btorewalu mottoeb wo dou t want the oarih onl jual oiiouuh prom to hvu tin it o llko tho hhtollltt w h liko to k i bftrnam the atrnjcr fate we wrh nun- m it bocm clhbvih u bo o liko iho r vulvmo coftl light 11 will robiprr lftke all tho time yon wnnl lo look ihinga ovir limu in ii nt waabliiktou oiiwi throw ft dollar atrtin ili broad 1oloniao wo will try to makti your dollar atill farther all buainoia dayaiirooiir t ivrjm ili heat iiuajlly joined 1- luwml price i the wedlock wo invito yon lo 4very patroi get a piece of tho cake ypcilllin nim lljloii piltt rich iiiikmi luid ml mud ocjl ftur nirvoimpriiiilrhllnii n r nri jiu win n ll y ii ro impril rly iui1 iommil l lit k nlmriliil 1iir i t ihhr r r loil iiiid pur bl i mini i ukmu iihiu huhftpnnru luli u iho- h htutl mid ll nryji t nli iiiht jfinll- up hit wholi iti ii i ll iii lll flvlllll llj lb in v i tk to hrl h iir it in nl hint jutrn l with our utn miy give fich xiniirt bnl nil ih ii a man a bcnl help i blmaell bla uwu uort bla reaoluto purpose it oaunut be done by proav a nin a mind may lo aruuaod by auotber but he tnual mould hia owu hftroaler what if ft mii faila in ouo thing 7 let bun try again bo rami iiuarry hia own nature lei him try hard and try agaju for he dooa nut know wbal he can do till be trio from tommy s standhoint tommy bay mft don t it make yum hands warm when you amack me 1 hu mothorwhy yea lummy it tommy tueil vyuldo l ft do jual ai well if yoo hold them over the gaa alovo golden wedding uut pap thluga bftvo chaiigctl aluce you were youug yea they have b ulk uaed to wait fifty yeara for ft golden wed ding now thoy want it at the atari vnfio lircurtt a womans worries would bo fow worn it not tot aha and plnfowor tjtlll to man and women allko warn tho groat south american hmdlo in bvory houio nuovnui rbaauifttiambr aomajgia t loog blftndlug ihftl it will not biiooumb lo the woudarfolboulh arboricau uheuiiift tlu curo mra john lleaumout llura out aaya tor is yoara 1 have beau an liiteuaa auflnfor from rhaoniallam at tluiea oouuued to my bed 1 doatored with all tho local phyaiolftiia but with little or no relief my reoovery wbb ftlnioat do paired of 1 wa mduoed by ft friend in try houth aniartoau hhouuiatin mo aflr taking ft fow dooa i waa able m h ftp and when fuur but lien bad owen taken i aa aa woll aa ovot who u la ruieiu bercl that tho pain waa o li teuae al tlnio- ibftl t oould not bo moved m my bed i lu hul aay tbftt my cure lifta been wonderful one tho moo inaldtooa 011 dtaaaab are perhapt thoeo ot the kidney a and it la only within ft tow yora that dvaiioed roeilloftl aoleuoe bfta atephd in and haa buoooaatully oopod wilh tho ravagea jf tboaodrvftl diaordora tho huuaauda tf oftaoa which lto beou bolod and ab lulely cure iu the ue ul tho grl houlli american kilioy urn la proof that tl pruprletor ol iho formula wlnh ive to iho world ihio valuattlo healor i a- made a thorough aludy of auub diaoaao- and ilio ore apoaka the gruat truth hi a wllllmaon ualom ollh dn dui a pi luwu leuda lilo tol bonolu dorivod from ita uae 1 nail highly rooomubjml una awino a iho groalit of boouo to aulicrlnu imiiiaiiil fur all aftco liuoa ot the blfdder aud kllio- it omod iuo when all eloo failed 1 li dyapoplio who duo out pity him hmaolatod weary jlooiiiy aulferiug ftgun too injniud and boly and how mauy peraotia there fe wliu havo ah u theae ayinptoma and neglect to gl thorn the medical aid uoeded and in bu ftlmoat m ocedftbia utub drawn into ft iftolalrum of phymtaj iliiiiita boulli amcricau- nerviue ner lalla in auctt caca u gf iuicb relief and irftialeuo ftlwaya rewarded bv a mi ftgoolea irou ofigravfttd indlgetloljiid dyila v uo l out i luduood lo lion houth atnar lou norvine ao a lol rcorl nd two bolllm oureu mo of oufterug wbwli bd blllo1 octy treatment bofore ft hold by j kftiiuftwin i constipation lanaea fully hall the biliuhsi in the world it re ulna uio digested fiwil mo luir in um hori and producoa bllioiuuifaa torpid liter imu- hoods gesuou bail utile cooled a aj m busue alek hmdnebe in bp ill a aoinnla etc uhj1 hu h i i i j curt- eoiisuimtloii and all iti re mills raallyniiuuionuigtily so allilnigguu itilwrrd by 1 llitod b tun itul illta lo toko wlui hood asuuullhv iho y i in b n ill wit tin ill t t nl hut liili 111 km in lbiii i ik ii r hvii hrdg writj rnliludu lo dr ilino i i li i d i- for riiring mo of i v to i old llnl iroublod nifi iinrlj nil uat witil r in ord r to give it llllllh to ft lilt king iiiiill ak a dune of dr lliimait 1 aliunnoil llint day or of i in r if tbi jtiiillti ioll rmdur it neceanry weru u uuttktur for mmi in h nir room to ml up mm yn at or lmniilitiiu ndlihiuk of hkhli ihiin li go nhoul with a rimhliuhl ihlrmrr dark ih f r rruefjur j troubles id rkl tlltion nml nil ii vi kutaamitnrirri w ttlouo i ol 111 iiixh ol ilr titk 1tnilit ihr tmnrniof tbu aa article nrr iu mnii i to cure rhex71viatism bristols sftrsaparillju it 13 prompt rcliadle and jieveh fails ft tt1 l kllul uunh 11 li hl ixiulm lufllm uj- t ii win lixii i v uuaol ir and ii per doiilr davis a lawrence co ltd momhul lllivrlv nt nhl and lulkp 1 ul h i i lu all ordinary am n w flral view what in our 1 houtbl art in them daliuralioii li i it m ill hutler mint ilillllult only a w 1 uli uttllig tho degree m hieolh irulic for ftlcuniphabliig urliuular tibjrt in a mere uotiou uf lb ticcintity lor eaprraioii a hugboar lo luldron and i only a more aumilua to niuo samuel arron mother unvcn wuiiii 1 ticdiiiwmi dica nut i inro the help of an purgalivu med kino lo uiiipleto ibu cure oho it trial and be coiivuilci 1 rleudatllp tinll iho aklll aud ubaci v all ill ot the buit obyau1011 hie dlliktii and vigilance ol lliu bent iiuimi and the tender nuaa and pativnoe of lite ucal mother larendun kllk luadatho ai 1 i all mil 1 um promptly urn ly lto to lake auo in ttlol lhe iiroprioturo ol iaruia k 1 liu 1 any lo iho ii mr following whu b oiplaii john a llcaiii waterloo mil wait i never uaed any itiodiuiiu that tai r t 1armoleo 1llla for lppa1a r lu aud hidney oiiiplanili ibu rcliof i mrieuced af lor uiu lb nl wim wonderf ill a a aalo lamlly ulruulii- i ulinnko a t olable 1illa mi i giru n all aacn i c ju 1 c lok ftt laat ih moat m 1 n drrerv 1 o fan w r uilldieu or alultn dr u la ft aaf and uru iciiu 11a py are llioao lliol ki orlh tbry an nut mcl 1 kill aro all piejmvr1 aul ilr i i i d null inn iuioui mai l ullllon of thai li y lo iho gr uuertml ingot no family hvuit in a biliuua ouuu abuuld bo with 1 an olu a ugukble 1 ilia a few doacn taken how bud thou will k iho liver active ukunao mm atiniaili n i itowela from all i ill ua mauit an 1 pie ml aitio i 1 1 rue hlioaln mailiu i in wntea i huvn h ui u 1 ttt meleo imla and llnd them dm bral in d 1 hero can bo no friendship wllhonl vir iuo for lhat iiitiinai win h am mgt good lion in called frieudahip becomra faction whuu it nutiainth nimiin the uiiprlii cipled halluat all kind of cnnjjh irklmg hncking dintjliiaiujj obatinalo or morel alight congvia mid to um uothliiff l ftllng eltecla of wixid a nirw 1ini sru 1nco 2 l llolowaya uun i ui emovl all kindn of illy wall the amall iap1 medllni t no 1 iwcily fiv my u la at i he bolti iu of a pk ikili bnn nninhad horn my alor ofidn lia lo bo wiahcd it had bicn aikiuer doiu hut ntoilen howettr lotilhoti wlnu utgun hymn rietei id ocally ol i by th uno d lliuklo a villi touhunipluu syrup a mcdiutio of eilraorillnary peimtrfttiug and healing pruporln a it la acknowledged by tbone who huv uaed it aa be l lift the tmal nmdllliiu aold fur luugba lou lullamina lion uf tho luiin ajul all ftlleutioua of the uirobl and i uvtk ita agrcoableiifia to die tfthto uiakcn it ftfavunle willi lad ita and 1 uni a tl inker louar and m nhake lhe world 1 in boat i iil iro id hag aid u 1 ot loral llalaam it healn tiio inn and uurea ough- and t oldn oldltunaio diunkatdn t iinc olin limn drink a cough i a i j mi i uihl med by wdujuf im- hyrup d in a omhlualiou of all that in uat in lini hual i uk lllclluiio baby growth 1 in 1 ly i lllllnii n jtftulll lo til i hill i u ii 1 love- inii in i ii ill mi eu lil 1 otui ol ii h uh iii- 111 1 1 ih 1111 oil loll i 1 1 uu ljn 1 1 i i i 1 i lli ulllol 1 jo i 1 ll i uiu sntt lmulsloii miii 1 1 i iii7iiii rm i i i h i 1 1 i ui n ill 111 lil l 111 ill i jilirs iil what h inn t m hii n linai lo 1 1 i 1- hm 1 lk l i lo i i lu t 11 illtli fvery family aaa should kftovv that i l vegttabu i pain v4j vw ira vpt ol i nkr ilgo uu lillnuh imliiliilil 1 i liuv l will 1 ui tilai ul i f lliono in bu 45jll s vul n t wliuli ill uh i iho w reliiml lo k d oility i vfitioo wnr and wliuli wh abb in ii m oun in rtrth l a ou roalur of nilil vtialily i uut to thi t lorlilixv f uu la a vary ramaikable iimody trattt r ih- tbllnal and bitbiimal uao and won- darful lu iu quick notion to rillavo outxaa painkiller ktvrc skilla dlnrrttnra imhr crohftttn htlsana awl all uau i miitjauiu painkiller iffv mrkr 6ssknav painkiller f si painkiuer 7ivrm mdairm i htrahlur a ale ratal i oiiu atiiiriiir i kbar lt bi1iii u kuiuia vwr t- lwu t llsimrt a uk itltiun run u rtkmaaar nun 11 umbra 4 a mvralaa never atroa etc u i win od npr n ii nd 1 ailuilmici t niplt il iu r pi neiaz face- from llio tlrat duoovory of iho groal tlrluo i uf jululuo aa m llrut ftuut been mio uf tile moat thoroughly ilia unaod reltiixlloa evur ollero i to tho put in ul no of tlvu great tumuo nl liftlutal llfckvug nil uiu jftiita whli li lhe modi al jrulranoii have boon lotnpulleil lu tmujnio mnl jrtnt mi norurop a lyman of lurouto ljuliiluo wiua tho tfruat uare duo to ita im port a nor and the elan lard ealutlliiaa uf tho arliole hhnamh oiler to iho publio uomea lulu tliu inarkut purged ul all the dufruta which iklllod oharvu1ion ntpl cluutlhc iipuilou ilia pjllilud out iii li i taluiiiallv porftiu pipataliolio of the jiuat all 4ruut fit xtack wuutei drugy ae ll it wriiii make you well auk jour qu ggisl or dealer tor il bristois sarsaparilu 1 1 m iliuig in th world i am in nt afraid in fi nr nml wuh um i rru on ihal pan iiu1 i in ih tro f nn ling ill hit a i lnl lonlnlkin innhh uu 11 int riuvll iiad ilimuk lllxid llillra ol nunfn punllim and ioiih i vory orgnh of the uynti in in all rnai a whim airtn iccra hlnlclirh ncrofnla iln appar on the aurfaoo and outward applu ation oi ercibrb wondt rf nl cornativu pow r ov r iho akin and flnoh healing hum namploluly without leaving n hir horn in a naan iu point allot having uoul durdock lllood hiu tern for atlotiila lu the blool 1 fiol il my duty lo make kfinwn the reaulla i waa iroaici by a akiltod phaioian but hu failed lo cure i no 1 had uirm running aoreii on my back wlnih could not bo healud uulil i tried 11 11 ii which healtd llmm oum plolely leaving the akn and llmb hound and whob aa lung aa 1 live 1 nhall npoak ol hm vir tueaof 11 1 11 and i i in 1 gralrful lo rovliloncu that nut h a iiiidilne in provid rd tor aufforera mini w itrm ii ail i mot lhe ain we lla ill noon guick hrhof and nuro iur follow the iiho of norway 1iue syrui in all dnaec uf uio thtoit and liltiga oiigho old hoarrrtldaretc price ov all drugglbtn ilcthnltrf tnulr itiporta from llittiuicd rulua ailpport the view that trftihi hiuirnxia infto vaully tinprovi miiitlt mid hm ih inlni oillmk for lliofilnril nronrngrui thm will u widiiii now i fo iii- p pin or bikiib lu it pir own trade tul riutn will imi atlniulalod and improvud in nnluii 1iiih thia improvmiirul in iji hiowti m a mnru mnrkil way hum in lb iimhi4 ktlpiif lsittmiii n hiih 1 urn lor j ii h in lug mil iv rjlhlig not nlmitiila ifnhlullimnii a luxury md it nalo biininu htiilionar now it in dlflfr nl hah hnv rinml tunlly donbtli h4 it ibh pmv n lhi oulv nnh nut mid paiiilmn y fur loru rind wm peoli will iiho nth thh wild gihl lhe girl if alii lien who will imllher now nor flu hoiiitiiwbrk h no buniimcti to ihi drckiil out iu fluury nud nimhling nbiui iu aeaidh ot fun and froliu 1 li rn m no objiolioi lo fun but it nhnuld bo wdl olioaeu ami well llinnd niilrlor wmnnii who will not work linn u right lo nlnro iho wagieufft poor man h toil if alio dura work it ah vkoh tho lollii n nh wmrr nnd hmhntn in ibf imt in 11 dulio um chalirih urn hint nlm will hnv iiiiiugb nlf rorti i to i i hut pruprlywhil pin hum oni- hul if nlm nhnuld mill b n luilo wild uu hoiihl toil nlm bin dino will umfirnpon h r mimio dn of right ui have imr own way ill pi lgril lluiiih it mny bu t ho wild girl iihiiallv ivpirtn to nun i non nn iiftmmu icitial oirihi or oilier aud lur tiininiera ami con duel are in a groalor or luin leg r ui doaignod lo attract tho tol lowing of young men hho ahould rouiuin bur that folluwrm are nut al way a admirer and that the uionl in euro admiration ft nun evir foln for it woman in a drawing room im whun ho lookn upon in r and nai iii hia own ronaiiouaihhii hho la a per foct lady unit in a rnlhirtlon thnl nrvnr occur to him aa hia nynn fall upon thn wild una world la n bad wo id onl for tl who have bad lu arm 1 r a i iihtlpiitl i nml lit r ii whu fmid t awake the duvl m- ula oh1 alfbwa itaolt in lj iu and la cara toritd by awelliugu a hoc no a hip diapabtro ita oununiiliou ib arufula of tin- lung- lu tlu oibb of dioaca hiolln 1 mill loll la un puotl inahl tho icoiii e lie i uilt ll 1 eaill ll nil i i many g nig atngccoah while u tnk mil lightning xprena or tho electric ftr when he waa auk ho waa troatad bv old faabuined uiolhoda and give old fuahloned inodiciiiea but yuu domaiid mo lorn ideaa iu onidlcliie aa well aa lo everything elau hood haraparlllft la tho uindiullie of to day ll la prepared bj iiiodern molhuda ami lo ila proparftliuii oro brought the aklll ami knowledge of modirn nuiermo hood a baraapanlla oraia pronplly upon iho bhtod and by making pure ruli blood il union dlaeano aud ealabliahcn gooii huallh for twenty hlx years dunns baking powder the cooks best friend larokt sale in canada dr a gnaw a liver 1illa are lhe mt ported made and cure like uiagir kick hoadailu oitatipaliou llilliuancaa indl gonlion and all liver 1iu 10 ruutn vial it doboa hold by i haiimwin letters come ilturs nolle iliy by di ulln u that ttiu pctxmihn bun l l ihs- pipmi ll 1 psi ol ku hi 1 il ll 1 iui ii lu still llolllli hllmuslkss il l llms s o m pi mils 1 tin slinidi i iv i houlk 111 i 11 tlili 11k iullisll s i hilk lllood 1111 is ll sll i lt p is s nuinu mil i 1 iii 1 llmoosk lllood hnuis s 11 ds ss ol llic sio 11 1 iii llomkiul lllood m 1 i ii in ii i snol 1 i ho i msii ii l 1 1 1 1 lll i 1 11 ku lr lt il i i for infants and children i h i i in i n hi llhy v i 111 lit ii in tvl 1 ld iv im 1 1 vd 1 d ft11 1 mlu llld iii ii t k 1 1 mbit ih d-lln- iv d 1 u 1 i- i and buii thm hi 1 nid 1 lamfurt tu in 57 suits rtoiking from 1500 to o oo 111 111 1111 i ill is 11 i lit ll 11 lllll ill 11 miim i i 1 1 i i m mil li h siiiiu in lul 1 12 so lli i n s u i 1 s is i j- u 1 1 u of striped pantsi i 275 v nl i ins is ll oni wl i k i in 1 i 11 is ih lion a 1 osit i ii ust u uin in i i 1 i j j d williamson co in a ai 1 macdonnell stieet i u iiint n ii ilu in si i s- lis v h adrms llrchant tailor aol gw w i will lu ii int t nti h lust liilil ul nml i i ll holhlllhil hlp tl tin t liiit hhn til lllll mt m 11 iimm tt tl slot k in ftlsf old plrcs ilaviuu iirllaail lliu nlhm aul un4ui i hi i ou 1 luuhmmiblh ltrallv ihal i lav minim- l li na al hia 11 taiil u m11 hlnlnluli will 1 found a liii ii alo k 1 lint u iilr t- muttom i amu 1 tllih lril an halt 1ums hatlhaiii h ml uh i lilt 01 tii1htv yam oa ofcaatrria hn patrowftnf iff nillllona ftfjareonajwranit ftwto apqalt o h wlt g hia a tup it u m h rau for in d cblldreo tho w haa ovar inaowrq it lo qaymlae tthujrwn llha t- 1 axlvea th haalth h will ava tlialr lir full mathwra haw aomathtntc whlo abaolaitalr iaf mn pravouoallr parfaet at a oh i id o modlalna cantoha daatrfty xv arm caatorla allaya rataihaanaom caatorla prnvnntawmlllbbj uomt caretj oaataha nnrti fcuiheaajwdjwua owlln cnitnr railieai taa trftwwaa raatorlw nnrwa coaaupauonoadtlatwlaboy caotorta nentraluae tb mbmnlw of oarboalo aaior fjtaqttf gaitnria iimi nrtt nontaln qoypalwa efpt or ntar qrcehlof jrwprjr caaurla aaalmllatn tbw food iiilaull ojaaa4baidawwo plvlnff hoialtby and natural olaart caatoria la pat np la nnaa4ajatuaa oralyit u waalewai bajlr dent allow oaiw ana ta all yoo aaytbla am tba pi or ramlft that it lj ajrnod aad will aaat wyatt prp ti 8 that ynn art 0a8tohia lratwraf tffuu pkt children cry for pitcher castorla rrr railway time table j crnnd trunk lallwny v k 15 cuuns i to clear out i r iln hiluh t of our itolk t makf room for oilier 3 e fiouls i vm mik llic tyllrjuin cut in prices 3 r hammocks ilriilr price ileducrrtff ff ix t 00 do l uo do j 1 iti do i li dn 1 7a do c 2 w do 1 f0 do 1 ki 1 1- 1 j 1 lawn tennis racq uets ilr price wacquota 7 do 1 w d i y reduced 1 j l 2 it 4 20 iazg s7vyith o v mill wl s 1 ki- 1- 1 3s 3 7jiiuiiiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiiaiuiuiuiuiuiuiuf pringl e watchmaker guelph ont screen doors jiuu- n w ii sash doors frames mouldinos pumps so jp i tool ot river street ac i un thos ebbace manager new 1 m 1 i rmhvl kkito0mh main stroet acton the right house king and hughson si hamilton iia inner your iron while hot ll n tin 1 1 ui- nt m i mnl mi tir ao tlu ck i i in nt on il- i nun iiujult iii mtimvi i lioinli isi uut i i iii t t li ivn u k ot nu itt lllll 111 mllu ft tilt 111 illtnb anu bhklt1nu ml null 1 will ijheui til jo im h vwill mhoiim in iii huh kill l iu 11 t lal i i il iii tl 1 lllow i lloll iplaill 11 11 111 i i 111 i oil ii i uni 1 11 iw i lion ii hui illl w i oi 11 ml huh 1 lliu oiun laid 1 nun ipir i f will i mm up u i an l1iua wash uhksu fautus iml lu1 iniil mmi t 1 kilvtlk wlhk i rrajeii av aud a vli rrdij i ik 1 govsla rvduoad to uv aid i t it r lrojr irlir i ineti hauite iho vert latrat at fthsw dhi towv all jan u jv uu i ollon rrvue rtu r hv fc u w ul amhb us i i 1 i i uisli 1 ftiuv liamak ooi tonaueu anu bh1 llrtavy iitluiiili li i m lk 1 i ltll m ll i i 1 m i t ndlll qilur m fat la 1 t a airvil ftud blur hvj gwd j v i tut ghalii iu h i alt i a fl lor worth iv now uk lllaik lrrltonih waah gjda while aid i lured tlkurpa rvaular t s vkib down to 11 cm spevftl ho f 1 tiol- wollli lt and 1 ic tor ilk merloall loiialr a vad wit l lar ik gihkle now r ar i nl r fant h t vad l in hi hu fc rdiei frvfti ik lu j i i lv i tltsthil moiuhb walth mltlhtj i hi uhaulil hamb l ll- 11 k train th c walking king ami h ghbo streetk ham li lis uiim 1 1 ii ilili pusschbion it is tlu pur i li 11 i v sun ti ir uu i t if hijuut dt i i in allt r 14 years experience hi ilu ul ut lmik i vi i ull u wi oliti to the piiulu noi i itic 1 1 putt of frazil it but 1 uliiil instiiu t wilh liuojuu and vitality swift si i mi ami piilm in ranlul symmctricil lu ml iirit hiiiiriiiiis in srciinilliaihl hiorlcs h a itozikn balobioom 169 yonge street toronto j ii jalkuon auunl for biquuklnu und erin ouuriiotuwn onl i ul sallnta ii i lllll i tl in r mltvl in 1 t j speight oeoitpiiowii acton saw mills l ll vl vm h millm ihmes browi a molaren dentist 243 tonga si tokonto vlntlftaillouot ot toath for i 0vt trad mafllta omiom patbhta oorvriohtb ato 1 rnl lntinr rr in tla il hi lin 11 ii r llnnil si uiu nl the perfect tea monsoon tee im ih woftlq aaaalaf fwom tht tift plftnt to tm t co im it wtivk ruhity jhwaa tla i l 1 llhhllhkii vi illtumil j i an ovnito i tl 1- i i llis 1 litjuit hj c u 1aa for tlil ti il mu liul nothi ull itw taui nf liu m niwbiin thalllv mo luimla t oubl auu a up i ll in p up 1 i ii jlba aimlaoljliolx u u ii i ml i i lj lis 1- john mcqueen ila i itln i i i mm s i f mi i 1 urn ull mi iiiik u nil t i on i ika1 him wuntt sinitlfs kuin 11 o olilllmnl a n fit ulnimiil ji m j jiu oi b irui lltiws john mitih n

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