Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1896, p. 2

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llgv nortar lriiini july to llr and mrs 1 hto mahitirt atllntwotml inwmn jnetghbc j nowo llomi v liym sfe tuili 1- anoki 1 al christ on prllsv allh june liy hv iibiii k ua1lt nf llottwiiuai bmt ilauulilor of the lata iilili uiastlull kv al llio rhsllmiro if llni blli iwretils mot ml lilian t1 lhiftalti n nil wjliir1irjmly jilt i i- l h unroot hunwii a irani of ai ln l alsll ilaiijlhlrinf john 11a lloy town out li hrnitiii 1 mslah wil in illlh m hll aliilnll i ilkhki ihhborhoob jiews nowo komi supplied biporros nantfn nta and exchanffo eden mills kijc 3rton jm flrirss tiixiksuat ji iy 10 ibiw notes and comments mr 1 ii hlratton m 1 i liilonda lo introduce a biayaln bill into ilia iioiibo next ilia purpose o which will bo lo npl bioyoln from seiauro tor rielff just re ant ttpld tho kronen fjovorn ul ia aluut isstiinn bmnlay bvanint mowa 11 v tooim aiml j h coli mfcn of titn sctiool t aotoia will laku pari mr wnhard iuniiwn bmfhrr nl mr win iiinpioii omlvml moudny from capotuwn hunt africa wlmre 1 been lor llm iul lour yeir and a half- during 1i114 kirlod in linn bctu ruprcaoril itik the world pblihhm co ilo haa been k nock 1 up round tho world lor number of years and it la 1 lion lo aetllri down on bin f township georofctown intern 1 in arlln as fqrmliire and personal otecla aro is aluut ibb decree increasing bo otialoms duties ou all foroltfn augara tho decree wlilob will jo lulo effect annual i concurrently with the now german huer aal rains fheduty frum 7 iraiica lo i j ram 1 upon refined sugars the united trades and labor coitnoll oi buflalo complains immigration inbpea tor u brian inot duinji his iluly at niagara falls m between mix and aevon hundred canadians croaa thn border every morning 1 to work 011 the united btates aide and r turn lo llioir homo in rmd at night japan ha now 71 000 000 on depoait in iha hank of knlbnd to her credit and tlo 000 000 in tbfl rank of germany- ihia being llif amount of the instalment reoenl ly paid by china on war indomihy acoounl moat of lhi money will hay id hurope and will be ojwiit there by jaii for abiia and monitiona of war u liaa boeii atated aulhorilalivoly that the lial of g 11 mil a oonael whloli conttl luted noarly tho lal aot of sir charlea i upper a iavwiimnul would nut ba tub it joctcd lo a ruviwion by iha prraunl minuter of jmticu but would ix completely aunull d1 no aiipoiutiueiila of a liku naluva will be made wilhiu a year at lttat aniffort ia benik mado by tle banka and other financial inatitiitioua hrouuh out lic dominion to nl rid of the urk 1 v amount of american ailver at preaent in v circulation hero if free silver ahould pre vail m tho united htatea ibia ooin would have no gold behind li to tnaiulain it at ita faoe value american ilvor would then have to rely wholly on ila own inlrinaia and commercial value the gold aupport being lalun away the american ailver dollar would be worth only fifty oontn of cauadian monoy for ibo year ending utb june ihjc the railway buainoaa of trie i 11 hod b la lea ahowod a marked improvemenl over that for the previous year et an immenaa amount of the capita invoatcd in tticao roada yloldod no return almoal four bil lion and a half dollars of the outstanding slook paid no dividend while upon bonds a mo mill t lo almost a billion jdojlara no i merest waa paid much of the capital 4hua uu productively employed belting to uriliab investors and the greatar pari of it ia swallowed up dover to be roooverod the riia military oatte has this to aay of the new minister of militia tho election of dr borden m 1 for kings county n 8 to minister of mlluia ia a popular one we have alwaya oomplainod thai previous ojernments appointed gentleman to this i in pnr tan t department who were entirely out of touch with the foroe tbey had neither ax parlance nor sympathy with ua lion mr borden joined the onlh baltaliou a boy of sixteen years lie waa big for his ago and parad ed with hia company aa the flank man of iha front rank ilo worked hia way up to a commission lie studied medicine and when a vacanoy occurred he waa iransferr od from the lieutenancy to be surptood lie haa served continuously for 41 years in i the ghth and ti we miataka not ho has i never missed a uamp 10 that lime ma is stilj turgeou in his regimanl with tho rank pf lieut colonel cardinal ta8chereau dying hln emlnanoa a said to bo fuat approachlnu dissolution ji tnii july jh cardlual laauhareaus couditiou obauged for the worse this after noon aod hia physioiaua wore hastily autn moned lo hia bedaiald lxcasstvo woaknosi renders his ooudilion alarmiiim ills lmlneuos la aulfartug from lb ailmonta oommou to old ko his strenglb malls him entirely uiadocuira torin hlimbul docrtilludd in fscl it liaa been an open sccre i for soma lima thai ilia kmin once wis so lor log from bulb mouial atid physical decay infancy halulessiiesraiid lunmilles ha to walghod uou tha vouorsulu prelate ills private phyait an says lhl tha reinaiuing days of ufa of tho ardloal archbishop are iimuberat at u to iilhhl the cardinal was a lillln bailor but his pulse waa very feeble aud unsottlod storm in brant crops destroyed birnt unroyfuu tress uprooted and other dimigsi lutrt out july in the moal dostruo live storm experieuoed in this part of ihe oountry in years pasaad a few miles north of this place ibis a lorn on aud with il waul all the proapoou of tho nioruiiitf for a beautiful crop wheat aud barley haa been noarlv all alored but oats peas aud roots wore almoal totally destroyed by the hail sdiiub kavo tha ground muoli ul tha apmtaraoo of jauuary mama were 1111 roofed while orchards wars nut only strip ed of their fruit bul matit trees were entirely uprooted 1 tia extant of imo storm or damage done cannul al prpseul be calculated a shambhul phactlck mauy tooth preparations ooutain sub slanoea thai speedily destroy the enauiol aud beauty of tbo teeth km this reason tha graaleat oars should ba sxsroisad in the selection of a dentriflo ivorluo for the leelb ia offered with tho asaurauoe thai it ia absolutely free from objectionable lu gredieuta ao admirable oleanssr ia ivor lus impartiug daaalmn wniteness lo lbs teeth armoeaa lo lbs gams and renders iha breath a west aod fragrant vjj r 3ca is- ofucara of ths salvation army haxe bean nod al baginaw miob for belpg noisy joderieb liaa granted tha dominion cold hloratte opsipany lax exampllon and frse water for leo years f hir adolpho garou liaa lean served with an omoial ooti float ion of llio rmrtcai nl hb lee lion for three itivara aud huma- a aorvice of song is in prliparaliuu lo ho given tcit hunday otouiiig in ho luplisl churlsh- mr tho huso haa rollirnod homo aftor a two months aojouri in lnguad mr t i matchesou and family hvo removed to milton mrs lurv d o ingord haa roturnod homo after a ploafaut visit to on tin by and brant ford frlenda mr n m livlnguone and hisdaughler mia agnes am visiting friends in montreal mr wm barclay has returned from a montlia visit in manitoba aud exprcssca himself aa doltghlnd wilh the country mr b ii jermyn of niagara rails wav in town last wwk mr c bamea has leased hi oottou- batting mills to moaara hmall a to of toronto mr a 1- combes formerly uf the high baliool staff here waa 111 town last week tho now watering cart was lakcn off for repairs after a few rounds i al orsngrviild last thursday iha ltuaa of georgetown beat the dufftrius orangevilla by x goals to j the lima of toronto prousud the recent lacrovao aiiio vrou by the 1 luas in a score of i lo j tho protest was sua lalnnd and the match will bo playud bore again at an rarly date jtov rural dean fmioll purchtl thn proporty l williniu 1 riuintiii on ktii dsy mr and mik jbhiln mluio and lii bella have rt turned from their trip u tin old country umr house llicro u tome talk ol re organic a buudsy rlchool m tho mulholisl liurh here mr juhu mouru aud alurt and hrank are ruatioating at orillia mr mouru will go up for a woek or ao ucxt woek the wheal harvest is our aud llio oat crop is uow bring iioubcii mr james newton commenced lo rut uu halurday ld yharji whose wile is serving si montha tn toronto jil lor viotimizing oandidatea in the recent dominion ekcliou at toronto was bora on sunday kd wrote ibo toronto m ri a lollof recently asking that iiitlneoca be used to gat his wife off with a light souuincs this letter purported to coma from 1url huron hut it is said kd haan t seen iort huron for montha ilo has an obliging brother ibere however alex hbarp who wfcs so badly nsod up in tha twelfth of july moles at acton is able lo be around again i ho im of good oasu and receipt for his dualor hill form ed an excellent aud rapidly healing salvo for his fractured drauium and lujuml feel lugs hv vietor utlptu uia una mcthodlat preacher is very much though i of by tho congregation here ilia preaeuca al the weekly prayer meetings is appreciated n ass ac awe y a laumrth po tariff oovlalon doforrod until noki yonr thu mnnkoun school quoatlon to id sottlod within blx months month i ai july jn irtfmler inrler wultverttd ap iinjiax4nil i ajf ch nt hi johns aawemesilliatbrrfsm mr larivelniialt ilf ihwio workaln ht john slid lr villi tint iremier in hid rijrjhifhi4 riiitk ssld that nolli would ih dov t lb uxi hlhiinn uf par hamriilaiijil to pand supplies and tho nnnu ralioimf ill 1st ill won 1 1 1 ld ttj until llm aiir-i-wilis- wshtuii 111 uniiary next lliirtiliaiigia woillil l madn with tliecrratrsl itstition so as i lo inlerfera with the btnlnma nterwsl of tho oniutr hie govern menu be woild siltlo ihe manitoba atiwil piihtion in about ulx moiitli by melhixia uf coumhalipii 1 ho invnrtimant woilhl alnodevoto its attention lo tlm nuricultiral mtircsln nf thn country tn i ho dvetommrnt ol thn north woft to strengthening the rmnmerilal relalibns brlwnru i upland and snails and lielwren canada aud the 1 mud ktatim mr i aria aunl thai he had sin ndy clean ol the public otkn ihpirtment of a aol of men who worn prnnig nn ihn tresaury and ho declared lhat befom long uierc would be rovilatioiisrtiiido of a ayalomstta attempt in rob thn public treasury of millions of dollars tin also dcolared thai the 1 rsnrhisu a t auiilii ho aboil died at an uarly dsln bntiiancj examinations tho succnssful cnndldnloh in llio eaquunlnii nnd nasinuawoya schools hornby miuj b basludo loichcr hishnlm aniix lt slbraiili chailrs h luidaa llrrbrrl u itohutaon c atllon jt 1 igny j a hhiraood i uachtr ampuii nollie li mtnab miuuu- h th moore jutiiuo b ho scoll mary m an whoeltr win 17 ualro bran mmsm dsrllug loachor dronks joimiii l w inlaw launolle i h i lliolt i hn mi no 1 i w sot inn i os lirr wi sou arthur s ii 1 no it ll 1 ihr iachrr nnrris llrrltl ll no id mis- m kirkwon1 inathrr lumiixhik irlrdi i i -rj- news the day i 1 ixpltomn nf thn woridai dihfii durlnii thoweok i mnlc nnd mrrt mnl lioiuiifliltnrn of tlm pcnplo in llnodn ha ran pur ii in if a imfllt r tliol u j lift thn t rut h rttnuil lliod n hnr ipnrillu viu kn it himmi n rit imnilhi it rurm hut 0111 n or l l 1 ir a imnornl limh hut in thoiihiiuds aud ihniihiiiidh oiiiihim wi know ll rurtn alihduh i krinniiiiitt win 11 nil othrn fail to do nny cood whutiivi r v n r xnt hoods sarsaparilla inrnrtlli iin li moous phis liuuui- 1 lnrlflrr i llamas glmin apd 1 whife bathing at lnrt1alh hft nuren ynii u in 11 nlrl if l innktii imuliriilrjuixfi inrju kn i iilii ik yiind wntiltsftaa mrietwwjterwjaaitaitrilffiniofrai mi lutu cih wi- 1 j troley nor rlalurdsy in in t lurnili aud hillnl llm lit- ul how ol m ia hhippug lsr uslillm hour uaanatri ia vb nt mm l u xydillni lmlnu 1 i ho sgoot kij yisr on mohdt j1i1 lmni in irundlu 171 anl mm n lm 111 1115 mr juhu ink lh literal umlir olocl fr noiih tri diil ai i hiiiu 111 kuphil luwiihip ot lyii f wr nil momly i lie 1 hauipluii mplo ltuls of i in canadian iaili won wliituwailitil bytttft ukm at toronto on iu hi lie irn standing j to 0 an lufseit dauhtnr ol mo i 1 r 1 1 lladohfta full down a thirty fovwrll st oil hisllig on mm lay wt hil r h iiui with shght iiijiin4 militar men in 1 iun nsrl lire h ualiun in uikmi ia an n ry urate and thu furro at llio diapuonl nf iir tn lore k ringtm a- madrpiali jusiph lmhrrt a u nl urili lu isr mcr chargod with a liiiiih cmiiiii f tilt lili arrest so komly tlutt hu hxii i i1k11 ii 111 tho ulph ailhutiuv night mr thomib burrtl i pronnniiit farmer living near thn v x b ntttion witlker ton wss instantly killed nmr his own i ionic rrlilay morning by a lr lhal lie wan chopping falling on him in the riuvnitchi al itmloy iu burnt won ll in thu ronlrt for ill- jiimi iriae and monro and mil lull 1i0 won money prigs ihe winuiugn nl ihn oaua diau loam amotwit to l k canada si phlob little ovr a mouth it itiklli foil ulu ihe icc cream roolal held lasl 1 buijj evening uuder the auspices nf ibo lpwurth leaguo of christian hndeavor of the kbenecer church waa a decided ducceso a moat eujoyakle timo waa spent tbo uartorly communion aud ua mental services of the nasaagaweya circuit will ba hold 111 tho lbenexer church next sunday morning at 10 u o clock the monthly consecration moeliug of tho i 1 ull t will bo hnld uu sunday evening mix adam son wtu u ho topiu ureal and precious promlsos tho messrs crawfords of naasa weya have bought a now btruia thrrtdilug machma and wo will no doubt hear of some big work tu their lino tins juar mr wesley black of nasaagaweya alao kot a uew waterloo machluo aud wil be makiikg his mark tot hovoral others con lo in i into polling new machines this season mr win diamond has put a uow locked wire tiata up at the road which is an in- provemenl on the old stylo of gate mrs win norrish and family of wai kerlon are vlslllnu rolalivos aud friends in naaassweya tills week mr albert adams 111 h uoou ntliu1 to tho house for a crl willi no sbsteas 11 tns leg ihelsh 111 11 i u10 ai boys and hlowai lliu lit hlnt la m ing rosullfld 111 a mlory for tin mill txurf 1 ho ml wu plsi i j mr ht hiintli iloll the i dies aid i nt iti i 1 t huruh purmso imnnn a in mlii hui vri hodio ftsllval on 111 ihiii of aukiii on mf herborl i lolchi t s lan al lrly vljle iha cunillllltca m iirlni no palim lo ills ho this the best 0111 tlioy have omr had miss agnes a llnd of kualchnoll r lurnnd home monday after a four week visit lo friends hi waterloo ckbwsonb lohnthb lefully lho sploudd rams uf ll- i ed the grain and root crops wn quite a uumbr f quite aiiumber f waltar i man sh dsy last wlnio wslchtuu tl led 1 till i 1 r lltlll 1 ii i tin kl k 1j a iditlo- 1 ng u hltclx- no ma ilorder la 1 no 1 j li hubert h r no 1 c mcssir teacher adam hoi bertlia lt m 1hedrau anuir 11 no 7 mib m lilies teacher don atdauii w llliam i ih mclaughlin jas i f mi 1 k nfl i h ltlck in john 71 no 1 1 minn amur examinations at roukwoou thu buucuaaful candida tor und thu mark thuy ottalntd 1 he following osndldatrs succtmled in paaaiug the 1 iilranco and i ubllc hchoul leaving cxamiiiauuiia at the itockwood uxamliiali ois cjeure liambuia 1 l mntu u cbriatui cualaud 1 lratnuaa i 1 1 llaruld hill 1 ramosa i il rllepiitii iluruby natssgawoy li juhu lulca 1 naessgaweja 1 it lrwiu jackson 1 1 ramoaamil himmrt mulric 1 ramus l wm uddlck lramoia li lmcnl huddetl h kraiuoaa nixie aldnux lramoaa 01 nelly alton 1 lamnsa i ii mary llaiibidcc lramoss i- amolls husband hrauiua li iriirgliia met ill i prauiuaa lit clara mojro 1 naasagawoya li i aha o ouuor l ramosa i 11 mary hynuotl i kraiuusa hi jcuuio lovoll 1 ramosa vm lirvo aldoua 1 ramosa iri eorgr hk i 1 ramoa 7li john 00k i 1 ramosa in i frud dredge i 1 rsoiuia tin jainun hugati 1 1 ramoaa nil collier kestle i ramosa 017 bulkrl m ulluu i hmm wm mel acheri 7 1 minus 11 ida llollou uuolph i tl berths mctee rrm jeiiniu met ulloiigh i 1 ramus- mugifu mt ijoreti i 1 raiiiusa 1 ft lixm williams 1 rsinona ml john lultou 1 i ramus ii bwai lowed ihe ntllt h jul in lhru luctoillim si huimiii and it x- ms itc 1 i a of 1 nh llyia to itfllo a- ho wss n i hnia srrltl hole- id idll sod kwe wlnle tu hod ii man to lei it wss handed 10 hm 11 1 t tuck lsol hymau si 1 wlloed ll 1 lion but was isujhl hy a lira by and isken to he will sub for the killro in a runaway li u 1 july il mr jobs 4 litis tills w till al ull hui hr ill a 1 ik of wlmli ti had ulisre unl mntailly killed 1 li horm tiad re frightened by a hhik train anaobllh tiuuli rhuijon mrs ii llsinpor hail her ikol book and a sum of mouey stolen from her imkiket mr win an dor sou raise i a line new bant on halurday ou his farm netr llio ouruor mr jos creweon high hchwtl loachor of cornwall payed his old hunio hcjo a lying visit this woek mr h aim uf last i uther seil a day ur iwu with frieuds hero this woek ho say i the crops aro splendid up thorn miu edith cann omaal lutfier ia also apeodiug a few weeks with friend here mu mail lambert of hepalar nl -il- pi d di ll d llio ago nol ll id hsuuel u riotloo 1 trode tof nlltted to flow but 111 channels newly uewu uul uf the solid ruck of okiui in tiy brann and energy iou1 in lis wi la lilts if boweor ll give rise to dishonest me i hods thru an evil duna it uertsiuly become an enlluonl phy lau ha1 occasion reoonlry lo ircsenbe thai wol ma i line with ve public had kuuo all to plot ra known nutriment slid lomo mallu coua wine hijiallen au ootlvi two ur three days with frieuds hsrs mr john llsrrtsliaw of iort huron mich la visiting at hia undo a mr t itamahaw lie will spend ar month with r tends in this viaiulty thert m who ibrfloe lu tho metbo diet charch here nrst hunday the vjuar teriy aorvicoa beiug haidtu hockwootl thai day there will luaovor be hunday hphuol in tha afternoon at lour u clock five toll gales in kascx county haa been reduced tu ashes the past vrrvk by farmers t ly impaired irawl s luursmk by uulsiltug eaporisnco the doctor knew il to ba tho right thing wall the pxllint made nu progress aud tuveallgaliou established the toot thai the druggist had ulmiumrti awths ateepavasuuu jual u good uf cuurto lo secure slightly increased profit the doctor soon saw that hi pmteol m cured lbs ksuuiimj malllue with i oca viur with ills expected result fur his palieul nit proved from ths atari id lir 1 nl i g lll u ihn inlu lu bo hold una car from thi lb to the uui uf rilplctnbtr i tery anadiaii is srr j celtd l sod j inll proud f ll tin xhihii u prmiinrull imfore them s ll as hi uulsido norld the vast rt r nut n mil products uf our countr and ho iitn u which is belli undo from jer to jnr 111 us agricultural slid nuiuui i iiiuui1h cojismjueutly thu sppr is lung luiliihirial i air is bring loukrl f rrl tu with 111 cresfd uitoresl and phmhtiritle atiti ipi lion and many an alt in ly nmhui nfiiioi inenls lo visit it b ihoilxun it il i in t tho ocalon uf their annual h lid nl lilt and it is uniall a tcr j all 1 there is ocrj mdicition unit il ill ihm year full eipial if not t w 1 i u it ceruors lu meet tho drtrrn nf ihtie win usuall look fur this kind nf llin s uig lied ctei uf a 1 lho in ground fr ckof tho i nl h all ol ol fruit ul be ull nn a th sect imifuru hie iula onlerpr the mho ver miud it ltlie and a rut 1111 1 ou hi be or os doing slumit a mihii 1 11 prie iistm and 1 ili tirms can ourod hy iuiutie distil f i hem 1 a ksl card to mr 11 i hill t j lo difouloiof lho ilufn 1 i ctuiilr and fetil i list ill ir tlf nl 1 i at ixeii appreclalotl by tho pjoulo nf i lad and adjoining htalca 1 liero a pcara lo ij greater things still in store lor itiein i in now i ivo htotk buildiiu ltu iun t h tho best 011 llio 1 on i men l f r ilnoli 1 mrim bciui built from plans liiiimih prvpnretl silur viaitnif lb n print ijul imr uf america i liy ur j aiiaul tl ul villoro un alarl at llio man ii ulioj an i go ihoouliro 1 muds u m undu cover and it will tuako lllll r 0 111 r once whether it ralus ur nut aflcr 11 oik lo i there 1 ills oxktiidlt lire of 111 hif hiii uo duuht bo a blj draw 11 uird uu 1 in urease both lla nxhibili noil i mi tins yosr nut1lllai lui tin uuv li ttle understanding mat ucxl yoi will uud ouusldoratila a pawnee bill s make a llrl u of if nol llio r till ill 1 tin wild w- 1 palal 1 y butt i ml all uu there t pother i they ll spirt and iii the htaul ulxt o 1 1111 plate one oau ji money as al lho f delegation fruin tl m iolbk i krl lranl pact lliereu itil thnro bo n ur 9lgltrllhlj a terrible c0ndiii0n in midsummer iaintb i w thy compound mh rirlbm and bui i deh 1 lava i aiublll l i 1 fvel ail nr lilloss d 11 i 1 and luisersblc and i too wil tlii hi 1 ilo abovo docdaraujiu an i liiitlu in fosalou is made by oun kui old w ar ull uf k physically aud stouor ii uu are easily poalrled by thu pitaillui h alitor it ul f tu alloupl lu jas lhroiiili 11 itttibie boat of sumiutr wilhuul ll li tj it such a1ieallh and atrtnglh huildci aa 1aiuu a jelery ohijhiuiiii wrak weary aul uau1 up htuili- u in complain of languor lamnlul waul f buoyancy nieulal drpn uion aul futin by day ropjiro llio too 11 hiciu of amh a modoclue as islne rlt y ouioutid 1 he use ufthii great a timulat inland bcullb building remedy soon renluro nu ulal arid bodily vigor audcivta thai true hosllh und atrfiuith thai call cuinhsl all tha danger that beset us in july palneb ol v unul lu day 1 im a mighly auxk jui ihnuaai uf ik d mnpe letters lot rived dally irutu hull hrt uf ana la alius that ih 1 k b medicine bavs leunl hnplu nun in kiave aud is giving tlicin new lilr header wo counsel juu tn glu 1aiic moral col uahflis tttili coo wino calsry comouud an hunrt tilstf you wjieu yiu pk fur ll aud dun be imiosed wuuld be wall vtg upon hold hy all druggists ihe muel iryjng montli vstalker mcbean ce main street jeoimtomii i s w77 ilclu ilbtrtiscminli hlhs1 itlmtknr o i i tin hntsrvi ol ii iikilllh u vi11 it i mi mi bllriltlnll must s iilthr 11 anl llr i unnp tn titirsk v for sale rcheap goods uui i uoolllt aoluu tjil i ditorfa table uu pn si nl jundurn irt tho prolubi 11 it m lit win n llm j ht ion is likely k u uori hvi ly pntulmii in uiib rt than 1 h rfifpud for home ihn nppturiiim nf i lit 11 w ui to toliiin will hi m iniiird dl ti hi hit luh smpi ih luithor 11 i d of fu fill illll ixpiilr ami 1 11llm huch u 1 lid hy ih nuukt miv unilnr lho uvntua itmen artnmtl jrtouq u i oui alhtrl bankb nru ulmxi wuli known n from lho pulpit aud ir ulum fn ml 11 sphkllg 11 toliim it d benign in iiitruiturl ion m a i uf nr try of ih nainal iipi ih tl 1m r ttiil sir li ilnnk ulll h foll 1 bll 1 1 x ti i it tlit point mli l i i in 1 i iih a pun it but i loio 1 irt f h f ll rough 1 ii arts must ht uul ho iuickeih1 1 hilli rn must b 1 i ifi i hi i to nude at oullcl in ill la i ny nrtv lork an 1 1 n 1 acute dyspepsia ijiuublt that makes i lives op thousands miserable t ly rntlonnl trtuitmont riimiivu thn u of lho truu onn who suffurotl croii blmwi how tih cnn hi don 1 ompiti ittlvnly trifling 1 b f til li lllg uf i n lppl ulhlt it lit ilirrc fullue nnd 1 doubl tlil ran y a feel sflr eat n 110 0 utter hovt ar fully thu food ma be ipanii mil oven nlioii tho patient lines fhl spaniigl ihtro la fnspicntly uo sal of ihe dslissnit puiml how thankful on ttho has on inborn ihis d nt 1 i rhl m ih in ii lal mo w r rh 11 1 red to health r inailiie1 than net mrs lho n b rclutes her b il may pi uv diuilar siilloror ul r r u 11 misery and ynl shx t k only ll l plum l hr ion lili ti ktpt g itnii worse and waa ithnunimh airutsld by ulpitaiiou uftlieharl brought on hy lho atoms h irubls sh inntnllrilili for tool and ln w 1 tttak llntl il mils with dltluull she mid go j ht lh bullae aud to do of t kuurk 1 ado hi a bur 1 1 possible fm iii illhfitl i u ul 1 uko fol imply 1 ic of nam i uf n lrouulil ou vio 111 i fl ht wi halt taken a k i 1 1 n i ilnd uny impruvo st alts nul in h imaapaper o miliar a tin hili ill use i nk i lis and decided t tnsl vltr tsi hues o i ll llr v n f dr w il r itutod t 1 ul i 1 l an i toull it tlir whole light ixsidn a iii ill urtler u get it 111 tin 1 lif fn 111 ihe j ulu he waa ebihinng worn how h ill his ttjf had ented from it 11 if pink i ills litor len ur si i so drot it rhr ullsm mil thn ulihlo pa os had firurrlt mi hi ill ratle b li ml an i lis w rrll ay ih y ill alwaa limtly rmuuiflitd lf william link 1 ills 1 th lo otni ih tt ill n t ilru if k1rn a fair trial 1 ho unhtiu ltik i il are ld only in hiii s i h wrnpp r armiud hi i uaib lho fill lu in mark r williams link pills for i in fnople 1 hero ru lulilatiuib uf tbh trtal lutdiuiim al txilurcil pink win h aro nil rd hy lho doau humtoi or ouuu ir ul umi without iha directions nn i lruli murk aluays refuse tliosa nil itslious no matter what tho intern ted to i llr just arrived intt lint ol lamps l lllll ll ucs 11 shaws drug stor rockwood great july salg i nstructions have come frojn to unload the block of 10000 00 nnd to do so wc have put the pruning knife to tl c cry core our buyers arc busy looking after kall golijs and picking up the most reliable goods to be had in the different markets of tho world i iw following lines will give you an idea ofwhit this store will do dunngthis khal salic wonderful how much pi opu- t m save b trading with at walker mcliean a co s tallurintf ureas ttoodm tmi know that yn ran luiv a tailor 111 ado ft and 7jc plain anil fancy dress oooiib aala rh ahr anil bolter irnii walker uoltoail a price 4v ibaii anywhere also lu lho county uu dross floods sale pries ote iii at ithui ctionh in our tallurlnit sljr i colored hllk si tie i 0 a 1 1 r sals prloo iorlalilt kiifnin awl floilci for sajle a to hth ittlliioal flnietiu aiily st tlloh t 1iooiii arlrm iioisk am lots for bale pi ik unl inurl ner fnrsalr to bmi- si i 1 two lou uu tin roruor ul xllll and wstllnp ion stmrta arum ti11 iltuss is a oollfovtsllr well built frame i njln room arlui bard an i soft aatnr at the iloor staliln woods barf laocml a ry lu houm lr any business man or rallrptl larui r terms utarln- known upon atflieailon t ul himitrtl ur ii ii wolt dr n wanted nnly nuraory lavlii tmilui urrhar la in canada wo rive ynil the b mrm uf iur ciiwrleuca k ilik wr 1 null siil filmi writs ua si la llh illsl tw 1 hulls fur all i slhllltwwul hulls tor 1 1 tl cillltwhel hulls lr 17 tr uo i mail tnwoa isll nrlr himum unit shoe lni llttatstf r jd sah prlre ki 1 sal pnr el ill 0 islra ll hal and iilnsal 01 mr komi uf these were si iw v hi 1 tan hllpwra el ll aalo iriei lw turn i a tan ofonlel id sli f lc ik- vol 11 s utark oxtoru 1 x sale rlo 7ir lias knl oitonls cl is sale lrlo 7 c 1 ixi luiyallun hals aala price pjc ir i wniiim hlh hthr ale prl 17 idu men rint hllj tnrh aaln price jn iulllalo1 ii hub 111 ills i ta th ii mr 01 a oxfords sale tc a ioui kid oforda fur j a uhlto airsa uifords tni ita all wool dfllaluna sale price lj osou mrs fretiob flanuols faucy lurlpas asla prlca i jo htiaker klsuuels salo prlea lie 1- hi roil twooni for lloys anl ueu i tan is tweeds llot7 f 1 du autl fl jo your lck or ijc jala kloii soft alm ktui llata 7 anl alu ulo nrloa or lly i frlee don t 6arpr nrrofrfcer 1 half pricm durlutf lle mi oil cloth ui for tc during uo uoai 1 lmdtea ml loamem tle urloo tuc situ 1mdlem vests auvas sol corsots sal iio itu nul tiadc tt ilic oicat caah store of hal tun tnd wiilker mcb6hn st co ye summer man litist hobby is light brecv garments heres what oiiil ict king and at light and breez prices too prices one half olf ttjdays nal value jes in man lusea one fourth and tlii less u pairs mdh bal br itttca 11 drawers regular soo 7 to uoc it aud ii 21 for taa ih brown tirey and white ottou l uderabirta al i x 1 loen muu s care i ndershirla and drawers at ho men a w into pressed bhirti 0ltcd regular good a at 73c and ii tor 50c strhw hhts hi 8 11 oo haufor w 7c hats ur 10 doo haufor to mhmuuior li 1 23 hals for ih 91 0 hals for i 00 tl 75 hats for j5 tvyhsms suits ai- 1 fc1 halts all wool i 1 atu v hlripcd hulls regular i 50 ml wool blue kerire buita men s li wool halifax hulls 1 j llbt and dark ranoy heok suits to for 1 i blazer uata at a i j pair mu s blue merge uts 1 boys j piece i weed bulla worth tioo lo ti 00 lo bo oieaicj at remember the ordered pant snjo of 1 kreiich and hngllsh wonted hlripes and cheolu and a scoicji twoods at s3 17 1 ha best hue by 50 per cent we have ever shown in a ianl sale 4 00 00 i 50 i n ix 1 00 71 1 00 j d williamson co ilmn and macdonnell streets gullhi cleveland laurels ilu i j cwa mct at queliec iiui fiw mo 1 miiuiccb where diiinicresteil iult s ild to tin 1 splendid record liiisiiiul i iilllic lewland iriaiciiiicm nun on the cletelaikl mckuchcrn on on the leielinul all part i iron uioii rarmora sons alieuld iihii tia this it psya itettor than working on tbo arui and nftirs a elianco for pruuiulion apill 1 territory mtom- wrlilnoton toronto canaila rllens iat n t f i reproof hoofing ailjuilnlilr f uff fjr af root on10 lho rrrau nl ruulluk inatsrlal tln ua1 it is hihtvtronk and flollblo will litl rraea aa other cements du meffroic the itojluify u acton the ilrolllaul i alt r t o llerllu t tare hrua a co inslnil ami otlisrs ibtrnml u giving ttlr ihmi of iatlarli and la imidwi to take tint place uf stilixjeaoi ratio llolhni l alsuut tbo aainn as shim from r i i to el flu par aijuare allen roofing co gait ont brampton pressed brick and tile works jas packham finest pressed brick drtuia tiltt tif au mia m stock salience i sb soth wolllnttton street east brampton hit front with v ill ml i 1 tlilgut is t tki ii in t t liiiic second iiiiki h a irozieh a toronto to il mcabu niit fut hsquam a snfl lirfrt uuorgslown out i firstclhss thilorinc w h adams a nrai cla tuck la all uial iiuiwrallvol uew and wishing tlfat you bpulu koow that drat a fll 4id arorkiuansblp oau ba bad lu aolou fel that an oaaut l la ueocaaary to outivtuos you thai as uata tha rlglu tinrti onrnprlnblltossnr canautab a brown and nine hsrsa ruiftnifs haa jutt arrived it liiltiiu spriuu uvorcusiiuipi st lutois that wlui nstimlsh yuu hare are solus of uur irloaa y bcotcu auituio at 110 oo and upwards canadian aurltinob at 11 0o and opwabd8 bluk uxkai auitinas at 113 4b and upward vbnbtian ovsrooatino at iii sitand upwabd antino at s3 00 and jp wai id ieratilw bilaaiim uiairown h cas i lllaui made and trimmed at situo wi alt yuiiu lilock mil stlthvf aoluu in h kdkjwis screen doors doors frames mouldings lrloo pxj7uvps ol all uul al ri prlcea t foot of river street acton thos cbbace manager chnadns pr1de tilt iiutat industrial fair and airrieultural ehihiliiu toronto aug 31 to sept 12 1896 entries close aug 8th hew departments superior attraction luteal invention everything up to dato rilhe pttopleb great holiday outing ol the year wait for it fui i lla hlala aud kou ruim o k j j withhow 11 j hul tfu i mnf ar turutt princjle 1 -l- watchmaker cuelph ont jllfjntbrjan idea ssr

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