Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1896, p. 2

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terr su3tlmarjxj 1- hw- llllm iiohs lit ailili on mill jtr- ill mtrr in nmmiuwkm i it m lav lur lal lo ir kill mm juf ill kit t a aim uah mi i m ill m ltrriiin in oakvilln on vlmlimi lav jiuiitl ly iuit win unit if toriml hit k ii miltfili of mlnilihu nn m iuulo antfllnii ol oakvlll itk a hi atmitih x al ilm man rrunvn maylmtli ly tlie llnv i jnrtlii mr ltrr i 1114 nf olmiwllllaiiia lo hlaa 4 oil rim ami illatkatook of llioaamt place llovvtivtvotiniral iii- l lirlilnaiaruta lualpl mi wftlimeday juno tnl liv uov h hollnrv h a haiiiucl xi onady miii of tliomaa luwilt u nrntliia alliaoti ilauliur of all a rlil uun ilkmnle in i re4alitr on tllia11 juno lul ti org manilla tnmkmkmi ai ttjra iua nil htlunlij may mill falharltie tow nan id atied h vaara i okwav al mlltoci on friday may juui jano lllack rollol if lliolati michael conway aod oc skimam a t ilia mlitonim jiitlllih- tralal oar hay jfllli kllaha oukrniali tf li vuara h uiiiiuia joiinaov at milton on kri lav uav vku ada laiiln uuih andoiaoli wllo uf 11 11 jnboatiii atlatl 36 yeasa hi k mixtai muntrral on holiday ivili may t h lllack wood of toronto undo uf hot j k ooddeu ua afchl bo yoara thursday junu 11 laofl notes and comments tho dominion government haa paaaed a il order in council annojntlnp a commia ioq to oonaider tlio pro loot at at in lorn a lional expoatlioo for montreal if tho oommiaalon ronorte favourably u la under atood that tho jo varum ant will flrant aub atantial aaaialance lo the achema the woarinf- of oampaikn buttoiia and other election favora ia becomin diu oommon in canada but our frionda aliould remember thai il ia an offonoa against the oteolton taw to wrar n ribbon batlotr or other favor reiirtbcniini any candidal within oifht daya of uluotion accord inn to law election coinmeucca on domination day inmier ureanway attdreaatur a political rntmttnk in liaar on monday aald it baa been reported that iho manitoba oov orumcnl would utile the aohool rqcatioo if mr launcr came into power tho local government ao limit have any connection with it would never mako any oeltlcment of the ichool r neat ton which would involve tho rcatoratihji of heparate choou tho reaolulion of tho toronto city council in favor of reducing tho poatato on drop lotujra lo one con i haa boon approved of by almoat all the citiea of the domini from halifax to anoouver tha leellim in favor of a reduction to one oent ia very atrond and wideaprrat and lha fiovaruniaul will have lo take oonikiica of furthermore hero ib a atronu atfitatton two oent rale thruuithout all canada and will before long aaaert itanlf uur roort llika week from tho now yurk oommeroial aencloa allow lillh any chango aa crop prumiae well old atooka aro larnc it la likely tho low prlcoa now roaliaod fur farm produce conliiiuo laulorioa are moatly ou ahorl time and the purohatlutt power of i in people ta thua aanoualy ourtailnl uut th tone amouk the comtreroial oommumty la reported aa hcellenl aud it la aaaumod ooundenlly that buaineaa will unprovo aa aoon aa tlio oooventiona aro uver the boot and ahoe luduatry la tho ouly one juat now wliidli oan be fairly oallod aotivo and enaplaymeut in una line ia iood though ordera are diitiiiiiahiii i itiancial oompllcatloua aud political agitation are orloualy aflootiiin trado all over the united htato tho uonotatloua whloll have been pond in for aome time between canada and tbi united blatea upon an amicable agreement under which there may be mutual ahln righta in the st lawreooe lu the vicinity of tbo thouaaotlfwlanda have beau brought to a aatlafaotory conclution mr coaltkai haa been informed that the bill covorm tho auroomont with canada haa paaaod the now york state aaaeubly and ia only awaiting tho governor a aaaent the no york senate aud tho houao uf itopreaenh tivoa bavo iu view of tbo canadlau oouoai aione unaoimoualy naaaed a reaolutiou oakiog con groat to aiiotid the alien ibor law by providing that citioena of tbo united butm might employ forblgaera aud allona aa oarameu or boatmen to row oonvey o aid the ni while angling or neblng oxoluaivo ly for ploaeuro in tho water o tlio si iawretio0 political notes aa we go to praaa hou g v lt mlntator of bduoalhin aud mr w a idle are oonduatlng a moetlng lu tlio town li rbriuooling la well alloiidod mr hsuiurauu hold a vary md noo lu valormo laat iburaday evotuig mr waldt bold iiioetlnga in noal mouday anjart glou wllllaiuotwa ituoaday wvouiuga mr heiiiloraun hulda inoolloga in the aamo plaoca un i huraday and krl day evoninija mr hume haa completed bv tour of the oouuty and at proaaul la puraumg a private ceuivaaa lion wilfrid 1 aurlcr addreaaod the eleotoraat gunlph laat ovoiilug while hlr cbarloa tuppor will hold forth monday morning lttb al lira rup ton and lu tho afioruoou al uuolph mr ilaiiderauii addroaaod the eloolora at llrookvillo on monday and a milton on tuoaday ovenluga hjih mootiuga won wall attended mr waldle will apoak at milton 1rl day evrniuguf thla week m r ildiidoraoii apuko laat nittht at oiauge hatl hornby monday ho apeaka at uaorgoluwu aud al burlluguiii uoiathuraday of next weok mr houdor on anlltad by mr wallao neabitt o will addraaa the oleouira on tuealay av caropbellvilla aud wodueeday at 0kville mr ilaoderon will bald mmtiutta aud lo aomm ou friday the luth in the loan hall the meeting will be oddroeaed by hlmaair and uthara mr a y luia editor of tbw duudoa unintr baa beau addreaalug moat i a at aeveral iointa iu thla oounty in lha intoroel of mr waldle ha ia alwaya a popular apoakar and hla elinjuent pcrloda ara invart able lialanod lo with tnlaraat hir oharlaa tuppar la annuuuood to ba lo aolouuat mouday for about halt an hour from 12 bo uoon tba oanuidalm are all couodeai of vio lory but who will baiiiaappoiuleiirwtit not ba known till evening of j3rd balklrk waa vlaitod by fire on hunday whlob did fjoooodaniagp thlt hamil co an intiirontlnr soaslon in thii prutty nnl indiibtrloua town of onlt ihn rtiinual acaalona of lha church tjourlh of ilm varloiia roligiuua bodloa aro nlwaj odcahhina ol intiront thu intorcat anil plraaunt aro cnlianecil whon tlio town or nliy iu wltu h ihn aoaaion la jiuld ajiprc rinm 1 1 in irraotipti uf tho n proaciilativua and oitrnd titling wojcomd and linapllalily tall h wtloomc lo tho hamilton con for lit i wlmili waaluld llioro from tho 4lh to ho 10th dial waa moat cordial and iho lioapilality of the poonlu a uio amlif o oify waa unlkiiiiidiid at tlio uutant of thu pro condinga mayor ardon jir offered ihd free im of the own and thin generous art was anlfeatly aupporled liy tho pmplo tiuivor ally gait ia a very pretty and plntiiraauo town of nearly how population and haa noma ipiralioiia toward tho adnptlou of city ivernmrnt aud prcatlgr 1 hn town known generally aa uirmlngham of canada ia a highly pruairaroue centre uf induatry i la material advaulnrn in water lower are man if rat but atoain and ohjctrtclly kimi coutrihiiin largiily to thfl ve power nl ita ntimnroua machine ahopr faclnrua foundriea and indua trial llfx ha location la unlquo and oommanda the admiration uf every ohilr vanl vlaitor tho gently- aloping oval ahapnil falliy the watera ilf tho grand ltiver panhf1iko a broad hud baautiful band of wlver atrtlglil through ma catitre the graceful lulla utijirclnih around and the luxurtaut profuaiun of foliage rialng from tho ee litre tmr upon tier until tho varioua aiimmila are reached afford en ohanomg neoullaritlna of landacapa enoed by few loom on tho contuioirt many flue public public buildiuga churohea huaiucaa blooka and beautiful and homelike real uenooa adorn tho town prosperity la manifeat ou every hand the conference aoaaion waa ono of tho moat luteroating and enjoyable held amen the union the regular aoaaion began ou thuraday afternoon and thu attendance of miniature and laymen waa uuuaually largo the work of the conference proceeded with diapatoh from the outeot and aa a reault tlio aoaaion waa about a day ahortor than uaual the majority of tba memlhira wiru gonjmaotily nnablod in roarii their fjomen on tueaitay evening tlio election of conftiroiko ullhrm uaual an event of in tori it t tov un wyck ii a of hamilton waa okctud irealdnn umu the mcoiid ballot by a very narrow majority ilia majority over ilev w c honderaon i d of luelptt waa but live volea itev i- k nugent heapeler waa electod hoornlary and hvb j w cooley tit georgo an t albert moore ialmaratou aaaiatant aoorotafu ilev it w wright ii d dolln w elected journal aeoretary the reporu from the various nelde vi found lo be geuerally aariataatory aud tho oontmxionat omoera gave i nte renting aud detailed atatement of their atewardahlp for the yuar l ight young men among whom were mr 11 ij chriatie late of tho hverton circuit and mr 1- w hollinrake neighborhqod news mo nni in toronto j- 1 fthn 0ipnrtmantnl ncfrn of jtn nhwb toms supptiiid ty corttt- mokonitry at co totally pondonta nnu cxclmniiuu uoalfbyod uallinafad tiinni imiu i tim hr k ontf imrily atlor 1 oolock mutnuy owning hi m k- n dry a big dr gooda alum h ymigo airtil and in an mnn dii b rill in ttmo htnivd during iho hlorm of monday week the houao of mr iltvard hltl mmr lulllna fad wurhlrmk h jighluiig ilm llmd wintdoun thu nhimurv nml fullowcil iid nlinn plpti in ilm ntoso win ii it knoclliid ihn bultiim olll nf hi har- nod paaard fntoliitt filar lay tivaillng vry uooami hrld ou the lawn mr khurlill i rin imml wan prioont itud furnialifd eitllmt innio die prorerila in aid of tho irhylenaii church enin ou iliradn r tirly i irtioiifl tlml h inikil for tu hlork ich rr if tin thf j no ennm i ar having aoothnr inrj roiillagnuli ii in l wmk i im bun noy itiidlng frnu the uriianii on dr mar tin a mllcuo o ijih lire aiul on account llln pl n itmidi iii wall iho fir ii caught on hi loll nig in hu oolui and g t it i hi iho icnn llaptial kuudaj huhnol pic ukod na imii i al kiahliy ivrk jottnrduy- mr liubi rl luunribin w marrlnd jait wdlieailay in mini mary 1 umg ith daughter of mr 1 h young olrrk of crtn lowuahip j chewbons corners i he armera are r j n hu viir tlio r at gddil that the 4tn rrfrrahlng tivuia uov done hliuora aay that iuna w ibilog bell will ring in lhi vinuily on wciimb lay mr jaa lniin- itaform candidate for houth willnijtoii hold a meeting in loa tie a school i rin which waa largely attended a largo number from hire intend ntlend log iho hoform moeliug in acton or niolpii on wedniaday night miaa i mcltiigblni of luolph ul holiday at her iioiik lu maaaagtwa moaara h niokell aud kuchinu went lu milton on 1 iioaday loutltiil tho quir lor konaionn aa juryman mr ii miloati of mardon ia mailing friend l vitliiabl n lull inniik m blm ki in th hiurt nf tin citj vfi it waa tin building in which the hlam ntartad waa onmplulely gntlod and ill dainapn aliontita to hot wren l70ikmittid eikhhmi llln tiro waa llrt noticed al llli i look in the riar of tlio main building wlillt iti i frmu jiij lo jiih img hire i nil itu nuriii tiirlind hi from ihu cor i isr uf qu ami 1 oogo hlrcela piickly liiniglit all ltn down lowti aitliona to tho miir to tlior wiih lh lliiilind and llibl ngiiiea and iho wall u lnwrr ltitmi i m wa ihn roipoiihn linwivir the lliiimh hid uiadi gn it hi all way biforuo hii could i u noiijhnl and the brick of tho hiiildiiik fnu i lui inof a jnncral alarm una i inn ih il and aa i i oil by ihu volunttr brigadu of tho i katun o ihn ft iinra w ru c ullnnd to mokndrh wlilh wm onplnlrly de alrojod although the h o waa nontlnod lo m kt n dry a htorex an inn datimgi wnt iluiio on cllher anln by walrr an i ninoki latuna iingiun room un lloiahd vft r tint ftrti had boon biibdiu i an iiiliiii waa aenl around to the jtmra htreot aide or the book to pump tho cellar dry bomn am iku iot ui through ih nagr rockwood b a awn u ilamo awa ul- miltou were reccivcil mto full couuoxlon and ordained among the apruial rcnolutloua of otifcr on oo that ou i lie aubjaot of tlomodlal legla latluu commanded the moat i nte real it waa wordod very atrougly deprecating ihu coercion of maolloba and utgod undivided uppobiuou ta the remedial dill it wan carried aim oat auanrmoualy by a ataudlng the work of iho atatiouuig oomiuitleo waa aa uaual trying and difficult 1 he final aoaaion nf the committee laatud from h p in ou monday until 1 o clock oeil morning i heir work however la uonor ally aallafaolorv and accepted by thoao oopoemed 1 bo fullowiug appolutmoula will i nte rot i uur reader norfolk street luolph lliill htl irloy slrool ouelpu 1 w i lioiup georgetown geo a mltclioll ii a milton david w holder lramoaa dixon hhariu maravllio j l h llallle ufelwood llobert duff l fort on lotor j gilpin norval jabex t dyke bt uatharinea kt paul ht i h i a caaaidy m a st cathariuoa niagara hi lurbcrl 11 chriatie niagara lalla j walker hlilltou 11 a lugeraoll george uicliardatui berlin w c henderson 1 1 ayr alex j irwin ii ii oakland ii w hoauluu 1 1 1 mount kuroat j s wllhamtoii kotillworth w j magwood varney j w kitohliik walker ion david a moir ii 1 wlarton haa l blalford the aeaaron of the conference i will be hold at ilrantrord court of revision a r- aw char ljoh mauo a ooaomon ho 1 muntii tho mur lolp ul luunill iho membera o f mu llpal ou a ourt of tov alou on mouday at ulock i toe o halll i cupl 1 ii lu ol lora matthew 1- am ia 9iok 11 owl were in it air p iho r rcccrlvod fri aaaesamout were tlniwu win 1 ynd and olonol allan win complained that their farm laiida tvtiru aaaeaaetl at loo lunb a llgurr moved by j ii matlt owa ariioujel by francia thai the aaaoaatneiit of jamoa mrowu be rod need to i1mhi win lynd lo 1110 and w allan t olihki arrietl a uuuibor ft l wot aided tt ib 1ui1 aa ihl a all ui ll roihi un thu roll it waa ulovod by 1 t iaixu aud aecondod by wm urown ttiai itio aaraa- inonl hull aa retuod by tho ul uf ltn vtaloii im adopted arrml lbotoiirl then adjournal nlla will 1 bo minutua of i aud ouuflrmd tho cumuiltloc oil lliiaiue preoi their alghlh rchirl rocoinuioiidluif pay u of iho folluwliik accoiuila u ullla tmiuluii j oh i imik work ou utrucia i itluliard lnuk outk uu iimli i i llyifda atainuiary iui j joliu llatvsy fmltilit anl tailaga j vv ii nuiroy dual v it wautv lhuiu itmk ul iddar hunt 10 lloyt1 oil tu ooal 11 x moved by j ii matthewa aououded by wm tlroau that thu i iuauce ouiuiitleo jual rood be adoptod carriud cuuuull theu adjuurued the grave of hir john maodonald m tho calaraijui oemetery waa decorated auilabla apaecbab being delivered on the alkth no niveraarxjlarouoaa maodouald waa piuaeut on m md aflornooii j nil v wr htwbt i iw of iho uto andrew iluwat died n 71 nra bho wat a nallvo of htotliiuii but tamo lo thla village over orty yuir uo 1 hroo aoiia and one daughter aiirvuiid lior at lbo roaldoucu of lha bndu a paruuta on wuduoaday afternoon j7lh may miaa maud lr uldcat daugbttr uf mr john dyer waa uiiitcid mi marriage lo mr henry bolton nlctinlph by itev jamoa kuath of the milhodn1 liurch lbo bride waa aujiported by her altrr miaa mayand mr george llolloo ofllclatcd aa groomaman iho bndo waa tlio recipient of many liancuotno preatila alter the wrdding tea the you lift couplo drove lo their homo in uurlph wh lid jurlph whrro wo hope llioy iiiiny eara l imnllnfnif appu milium mf twlmti i i muoro dfovo iliwn from aulou mi haliir lay and ent a uw hotira with mr and mr- j h dea m on miuday june nt aa mr geuigo deiiuu on iho jnd in irafalgar waa en gated rollni oiiio land lha veat of tho roller broke pncipitalni turn onto tho will 111 trees al tho aituir lunu loaiuu uilo of tho lnira i bo linrt alartod oil and rati iu a circle rouu 1 lha luld and jul aa mr doiinla had about rrua 111 hi aitiun ono of th iorch ki kotl linii iu lb allo men cloie to the hugh ho waa in ken boom and medical aaalalauco unit for but all their i llnrta proved unavailing a dath uiok lace lucalay morning athiul n uiuk mr i lunula waa vol y highly reapecled iii the comlluuily lu whlth he llvo 1 and bu death la dci ply regretted by all he a man iu lbo prime of life and htuven a wife and aevcral child el who hava ilm ayiupalhy of all ill iheir lorubly auddeu hrreavomeul mra onway motlier tf hleploi i uu way roroiuati of the i a ihihum oftlcc had a paralytic atroke nnt weok ami wo are aorry to aay la hi a i rilical condition t uunly uuocll met on i uoida uuiv el lha andilora rupurl au1 malalled iraaauror mciicloa w hlepheiia 1 ragali mil eilklii nakink preparati mitchell 1 i hollinrake aia uhuhottuwn u party at ihu home n mr j h ot m let r ii lluh bcl tinlaj night huir lath 1 pl of mian 1 iiii ml- 1 ikd a 1 m u loronto m 1iotj lb iipn al 1 mra mow in a ii elo itloiiln til aalal litllll io lh h mi ittt m ml r of mmwilh uia ai 1 mr t lor it 1 1 tuli halilcbi ao hon la j nil 1 look lhtii lliful i hah v evil ai 1 111 iiuithatiarhiet vely 1 wo y mini la la r 1io 1 w 6 u i tti hi relt wk fi lllp aim 1 thu 1 1 it prijeily ll y wr nal it ld ou n dollar and c i- a u lint k al ol ao en do ira or iu tl bard labor iho ih e waa pant and the w tukin bach to i oroulo i lie la wo lunula olub ik bo ti r organ ufl d will the ml whim 111 cor mala lud 11 u 1 r mr 1- it itra hov it 111 d 1 lc 1 rea mr ji m ileal h i n ib mr a llaalew l olll m i h 1 ha b 1 h nl 11 alley a liu uuad ultueaa cd ihn hint chain p litip k iu tho 1 mitral ll lilt 1 vtbl h -a- pla h f a oil hi a eriiiti lal utwun tbo 1 liillei ia of or il le an 1 lb lt oaa of un plaio h lie e y m l pumoii waa d ii b ixlli 11 mi it llo oal nd three ito poator of tho motholul hwrcji waa appointed al tlo re out inferem o to walkbrtoii i he removal of it mr moir will le reunited tlo aa toratn here baa br u moat am urmhil k ho haa niind ihu tun e eat rem of all claaeaof the iiuhiill 1 hi boal k oa of all for aucea lu im- now llel i aro ex tendod uov g a mu hell 11 a of milton ill auoctod mr m ir mr mllcholl a itilatariat career laa heel coo of deueral hu of th imbi pulplta of lbo coiifironoa and a t on forenuu ulcer haa done valuable or vice al lha recent oonfnruiiue at gall mra mitchell aa ronreauut alive of the women a mlealouary sootely tlwltverwel wwtet dlftt no and apprrciatetl addrena hix iiaiiua wore killed at llarc luuu by a bomb thrown into a ruligioua pruovoiun window but did 10 i he ob one ot thu lira ii naknown a great feat iho bioyalo run of mx in ilea in one day pre form edby dr w n hourtaoi of htrallird him hi ird of june waa a remarkable exhibition nt en lurancu in a purely amateur rider i he doctor a acien lillc tram i ug would no doubt jrovo an important factor ia aucooaafulty oniluoonng audi a difhcult ocrauon thoukh aa will be acun by lul tor publiahcd in another column ho dota not hcaitatu lo award dao crtiltt for hia pref ormanm to the atfenl ha rolled upon in hi grcul if rt thu doctor a inaliinony to the marvc lloiialy auataining poair f malliuo willi oca wine ib entirely apoiilaimuiia and unaoliolt cd and therefiiri of the higher value ilia retort will bo road with interest by wheelmen generally in viuu of hie claim thai maltino willi oct wine enabled him lo pedal comfortably for luiura after the period that i ahull id bavo bum cxhauated without ii dr h ihertaon torly aulmariaeb the valuablu notion of mai aiue with oca wine m llioao caaee of ouervaliou euiiilbfm aiiiuu moat novicoa un tho wheel aud ahrma that it la a wonderful heart aualaiocr 1 hi pre para lion may bo had of nil diidgttt- unci may relied upon a an agwut uf iiitliillo value iu norvuua jiiwtratiiii uu 1 brain exhaustion robiilliiig from uiitliic hiram upon lbo men la i or phyihil uiuigun ij ul mkiv and wommn dkop kkkkim pay from ii mart diskvkk raiiws vlcr rfittiiioiimi ciirrs f iltmiicnt and toitiiiic yiouihv tobtimony of a lady who suf forod tor loirg yoara day nflir diy ihn u wapapora give acmiinik f vary hiulten dratha from heart ilmeah he trouble ia n i immon and a prt vah ol i ii in una buay and mailing age but too oil n hthtlv n garde i by jhoaa who cxprneiicu the ay mploma dally hjmploiua may be uiimmouod up aa fol con liiiuu thurii are nharp paiui in the hum it li imjiikaib o tu inke a long aud dcep breath tbo pulae ia irregular there la palpitation very often a dry irritable cough and the a offerer in full nt gloomy thoughts lu order to ouru heart diaeaep every ono of the aymptoma rautil bo forever hauihtl 1 he midicine to euro mo it oaiwni the virtiuh and powcra to atreuglhcn the entire uurvoua ayalum paine a olery corrt mhiml ia thu only medicine that can build ii and lone the nor vcb and give lo the life at ream ilm blood i hat purity and net uoaa thai gonranteoh freedom from all diauaac ii ireda of phrii i nut aro proa uriliug ialne a ulery ompoiliid every duy for all forma of hiiirt trouble and li tltthmt who fiorienm nil thehwful ym ptoma of boarl disc ase those who aro brought lo the verge of tho grave by mr voua debility mental doprobhion alecpleaa nuaa dynicpnia livor and hldiiey affeclloua lltnl in laiue elery impound a true friend and lifu giving agoncy mra i lunkin id ourlngbl oul write willi great pleaaura 1 beg lo in form you of iho good 1 have received from thu uuu uf paiuu n i clury luna pound tor a iiuiubir of vuara 1 have been lu very poor health owing in vroiia caunca and lately i waa adviaul to iry your uiedicine i ucd ihriu kxililrn an i htvo received a world of g ol my a vera imadachca are completely bamahed and the heart diaoaae from which i an fur ml for lliirly nm baa beauty wall 3 31 july hlb ih is i is 15 ih a home oiujort thai all miy enjoy who purchase their wallvluper from us wo hovo tho lalost colors wo havo oloaant doalgne wo havo dordoro and callings to mateyi porloot harmony wo havo the lowest prlcos tell us the style of room jou want to paper and we will send you suitable samples we lead the wall iaper trade a in g s7vuth chamlat and stntlonur no ill wlnlhiam stiim1 oil ill a popular lecture 3 31 m 31 31 31 3 31 31 31 31 announcement r v extraordinary rev r hobbs brantford tub triangular han methodist church next monday evening a it jf itiiilon mo centh fntatly ttclietm j ten the kntire stock of a murray co hamilton upwards nf 810100110 purchased by thomas wiitkins the llirht house of the same city al a very lov mte on the dollar ly l upruvtil i im miicmled lu b i toronto ontario s well as eve after taking hood9 sarsnpanlli cured of a serious dtuutto 1 niu aunilit imiu wlnl h i ii a 11 1 11 1 nduuiti inr ii j r- in i i r d t i lit n 1 i ii in luillur tin ut ullmulllut iii- 1 liil lurliciiippll i ml u rl inlkiin it hethut htnal i kirviiwrlll i o iv rluel in un imthriiilccllt 1 i i try a hottlt 1 i una hoods sareapanlla cures i ni 1 llu ilio i nliltig tnlf of n bt- t 4 i 1 tim i likun uin cuik i ui u i 1 i i i n olhir nml llbra il it i i i i ui will bit vrr w u huts0n ionb qalvanil j ikon i uucfii si i ot a lot of chat and dual ii lha bottom ud theu ack yourxlf if im mrrti ol moati u blowing up your wait limkrr ftr your buii atoppuik j hill perl apa ml illa a i at p oof 1 cd wtill iiinvbe il haa but i have not till with dirl enough to atop iu o month or ao due way thu dual ola in la by you i allowing iho atom of hie watch to gt1 turn i od it iho ulumi of the k kol and thou tbti dual gota under tho crown aud thou when you wind it ii falu down tlirouuh the a very ioo i way i lo lll i i la t a lar bullullnlt put lo the bottom of tho phktt not your m iiiry hmikel but your watch hickel in which nothing but lbo watch ahould be kepi and then iho dirt will fall down through alao wear a rather heavy chain bo an to keep thu atem of the caae upperniuat now don t go ami toll lrli nil thu jewnl ler ofluflpl thai 1 told j oil thi- inoaiim if you act on any of the above adviuo iio will loan couaiderahle work and he hkca work however ahould you need any re pairing in tlo jewellery hue 1ring 1 laa moal ra oxjioriencod workman and examine carefully all ilm wurk done by hla ubaialania who wurk nghl boaido him jewellery and thrco on watchea lminle glvcaall that care and eijcrlooco oaii giva wwwwnrnrnfwwnrmmw alton a with tulior il elili1 i u i favor ulb in addition ul dliii lh4lu ii a lokonto in i im alaulu auil l uvvaoll b h lil 111 tm prtmptly drli at loweal iricoa i butter and eggo i an 1 i armi ra 1nntodti generally ar i t hi exchange al current market prlc a call ia aolioilod from every roador j a cornfield charles old 8land mill streot acton iuuiiumiiuiuiuluiuluiuiuiu a big cash discount kenney bros dominion boot and shoe store main street acton ruiu trr to ii will alios anj itiiu uiomj taiinutircb wt fcltn hid iaii wr el i la ultui la iirirnmmvrcata tl avurv fuiully in tlu wo liviu tuatrubfh uui u and uli ihu i elvu i a i b hi jinjcjiro jwr efiat upon a lillly c piutliaa laiu au lyull aaauilttl atuck a huuts mid sinns kulthfin anil slimuis trunks ami u1ims kit oul iifff r knuccaau tins is your opportunity great salt without rcserv will commence on wednesday june i oth 1896 un the premises lately occupied by k murray st co tsiug st ehst hh7uuitofs tho htock cotihlttth it high grudo tiilkii dreaa ooodtt kid jiovuh ilohior ttmjerwiar millmury mantloh tnmimng cur- tunih dnipc iuh lanoiih sheetiugh 8titiloa of men h purtiitiliingh in higt evtrthinijc inually seen m any finitclasa dry uqcxib houee mr murnt tinning ins long business career upwards of 40 veurs lms had tlie reputation of carrying ono ol tho finest stocks to tit loiitid in ontario and now retires on his laurels bearing with him the cntjom uml retipect of hia competitors tho trade and tho public generally wo expect this to im ono ottno greatest katoa over ttrown tn hum sut tion and have madu ample nroparatjaona for tho proper serv ing of tho iiillic parcels dehvorod proinpily at railway station hotels tind private houses thomas c watkins i 01 king and hughson streets hamilit rhe frank dorloi cublph cjo lt c 1 he p read of hot weal he i gun dwtl- to oar store illi the find heie make lhtii the lief is v wt celt lul to at iueh acllliig hai w n ii duelpli and all the time lb incie 1 we iiteied tile picscilt t ampaign full ltl it iii the soundness of the principles of ou s ctsh and one price 1 lit reiull tti day shows we wcie juollll t1 it i how some may talk vc are doing gi city we tire bringing radt that never iic the diawing power of such juices as i gieal bus im j to came these i l t pi i 10 20 y i i in i0 ki c 1 li all wo i oc i ultn ah v oul dutmisc- u to ik luco ltisttus istureu uoojt 10 i i n iiuteh illnkle loth ard doun tih ttivvclu luu jihtftt 24 lu linen towelling j locos tatlu linen worth 40c lor jh ntice t rod and white do le daniuhk duzon llnecj 10c tor tic doron late mitts 20c aud iic lor 10t dot n 7 si cottats 48e lln tt iii i il an lll frank dowlek c iivat citsh llousu departmental x j at twyrgaigvx g taza84xttteza dsdmfl i nice goods ban you seo tham if so youll be dollghtod with our range of f jiow coloraid titiiru new wlilu bhlrla new drew buiria naar nolia 1 f nliirta new luta aud cam new nook wear new dreaa howe new collar a uull i new spring suitings and trouserings a kotliuiktut laleat uu to data alylca ti no doe yuti cau be auitod m well tot the money al at r wclsopv- kunnbv uhob atto jeulin rulorincl 1urnislier guiilph -yxijjjuv- attn abutrltarmrnlr hakmehs attention notick notm y ia imrelif klvenliytli- uuilaralsnod to alldtumriifhttliat liowlll not im roanonallla for uolta cintractl in lla nauio liy au iwrty or ivarllaa uiwn any preunwi wtiatnvbr m acton ui ruonlioro aflnr ill la ilata hoijsk ai lots for balk imik oiitloraluiithlooora lor aalo ll linuan and 1 two lota on tlo corner of ulll and wallltib ton atiwta actou tlio liouaa la a ceuiforlabrc wall built frouio ot tilulit roouia iui bartl aorl oft water at llio dhir blatilo rnodaliad call fooco1 a vitrjr fine home for any liuiltieaa man or mtlredjrartmr torma made known noon aiiihioatloli to win lleiuattiwt or 11 ii woltotn walunlon mutual flro insurance company bbtanubtltd hio ihuitanck no aal and mutual lan aaj ootuhluuloatloua rorwardml to my addraaa llox ajn ui lelnutioua ml will uo promptly at taudoal to john taylolt afiant qualpb haiiksmkn wanipkix lie aala f out t liolco nurwirv- stock halal auooutrollad liy ua llilisal salary or com uiaaloii iwll wmikl stoady oiuiiloynient ui ar round outfit ira axolualva tqrrtlory islkirlonce oot uoooaaary big ay oaaurad ira bra ajroclal intlueouiariui to begin pora- i rlio at unco fur partioulan to allkn nuithklty co llocibeatar n y a summer session will bo bold at lbo business college durliik tlio taoatlou for tba couvanlanoe ot itulonl tnuliara aud otlirra haaalou to ootn uiouoa julj ntb wrtla lor iartlculara j sharp pwucpaj tenders wanted iu uktlh trill be rawalvod ap to monday utb juua for iiuorry atone to be delivered oi liuroli blroat otou at ao much t oord for 13 oorda mora or i oaa ror full loformalioai iinly to wm lirowu t bolrtuan of slraaiu add rvalka gouimitioa to whom tandara will taa iddreaoe ttia lowest or ooy othor toudor not ily acceptad t t uooiiu dlerh at shaws irl store rockwood t u uan proouro tbc boat wxiitk lzali bolliu oil oabtor and machine otlfl aluraya al uhaw a uhuo skime huokwood to be obtained any wli bt price acton steam laundry a cook proprietor ifc work jcuaraiitcctl in i riully laumlfjf wurk mualurdaj everv aloday aud nil delivered o jry thuraday a cook get your eyes tested wo have idu ate optician pupil ot dr owen of detroit who is thor ough competent to ht the most difficult ease savage go guelph

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