Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1893, p. 3

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m- 4 bkfik of hamilton had office hamilton cmtti p rp i tlesnull htsojoori mm 000 h 6 steven astt cilhlce georgetown agency uritic dblrnttrsl ea of cij pa tbelmttd stite otthtkr buisgsrvp drrosm rceclroa ol 1 uj upwards aod in bplcul deposits j u eot ajcat the methodist church actok rev joseph edge vcitor cinomge boweratsnue lulllcsmiceilchoarn tads 30pm 6unaav set oil w jhblcclarseoiducwbithe listor allcorditllj invited linrn md vlstore tlwars n it ejtivc usher at the door at wadding and bertftday presents wc cany a complete stock new lines in sikerware rogers knnes spoons and forks nickel table desert and tea spoons goh end siher watches ladies and gents sicee new designs id brooches ear rings chains teals iou will find our stock oocqplete our pnoee right all kinds of watches clocks jewellery spectacle repaired bring jour repairing to to us charge reasonable geo hyndb acton ont itije xton jree ress thursday jukl 13 1613 2 little local brieflets which caught the pyes or ears of free press reporters this week grand growiog weather just now hajing will cornmeucoeri suorth june ii the fnorite month for tourists mrs k morrison lias opened her new store ou mill street general repairs are bem made to side walks and crossings in town new steel rails are being laid ou iheg t 11 west of the station ard here the new buildings of messrs harill and fern man are beuig poshed forward there is not hkell to be an pnbjic demonstration m acton on dominion diy mr r j kerned of flint mich has kindh tent the prm fees copies ol th columbian edition of the flint jot mal sergt lairg and two or three men left on tuesda morning for camp at nisgira the acton contingent will be attached to btewarttown company no 2 thib year a large number of iret parii rdb acnptions expire with the present month lrimine jour label aud see thai the date is advanced so that no numbers be lost owng to neglect to prepaj lille slots for nickels open m utbed but dumb give the jawious school girl wad6 of chewing gum little three line ie the uj iu hum jj locals m the free petes shine buj merchant wads of good old co u a spirit of improvement prea is to an uausnal extent in acted this spn g be eiies the new buildings m cours of erection we not innovations and renovatiois odall eiles the carpenters plasterer and pauters are bus if a mower were rpn over the sides of the sreets now the appearance would be improved the grass is growiog tall as a result of the tlnctlj enforced animal b lav conldu t this be done before the c mention next week a team which was insecurely tied ran avdj from the methodist church shed on tuesday forenoon and smashod the street la rip oppo the church tbe were caaght before any further damage was dene bj mr t baili j thew uiomb green aromeishirt co ace packiug up and leaving fcr berlin and have notified the major of their intended departure their agreement with the titj will cmt up at the next meeting of the opine 1 gueph jjtrci vj osprhge sunday school hat lately beed re organized the officers for the ensuing j ear are j millar superintendent mr al aikens secretary and miss l webb librarian with these officers and the slaff of teachers the ischool should be pros parous iraecd the followiu is from the guelh firakl the lltrail ib iu rtccipt of a natlj printed programme of the firi an nual cjnventiou of the hilton com tj 11 s c l to be held in acton on thur day and i riday 22nd and 3rd of june the programme is tjpographicallv a creii to mr ii p moore winch by the win rheans a great deal acknowledcement to the officcrh and members cf acton i home circle i acknowledge with thanks the rectiptof bheque for one thousand dollars 81000 ptich ha been hsndeil mme td doj b kour trilsurer mr geo hjnds this sum teint tht full amount of benefic erj certid ate held by my late husband as a member of jour ordor please accept rr lest wishes fcr the propmu of jour order i i remain xours sincerel signed si ah cunc cton june loih lbi the news at home mofttty of a local character and every item tnerasttne ttool fjadnele udehrmkablo gra and natural all wool flannels in oxebanfie fer wool at netoh bone milts lime bouc if ou want firet claeaguelph biehaiid doora at guelph nnces x hitxtz can fi i onr order at ins planinc mill o0l stock r arnb in creat sanely o beet quahtj in exchange or wool ati newton bona villi limehouec wool wjatu 50 000 ida o clean merchantable wool thehirhes price m cath or trade will be ivei w m mclrttdco georretown faintinjoand ppr lianfiio in all its lranclub orders left at the house will receive prompt atteutton carriage paint ing alco fiecnted id tbe best manner c c brcicht dentil oencc in fatare dr wilkin- eon c office will be open erery day except wednesday and saturday au1 the nret than day of each month oer the dru store cton it 14 reported that au attempt ha been made to atte6ioate tire new president of grate offences a onmher of the yoath in tovu hse ltid theratekes open to a ery cetion chtrfio last sanday cho new achool was vulted vtiudow caid and che dcika in all the da paatments rtuckl rrwji kmve and othet acbobl roian wtb sjolea and uie2cieoradoailwiisfed with road tbii coadact it rtpttbenttbao and thoauthhntiot a determined t pat stop to in the ooastiblec hivn he dimes of half s down or so u the boyi beliered to be coootufd in the matter and an example may be made of the geilty ooev tt u te ported that other boy have lately been amti6iic thcmselrec by throwing tones througu ujt windows on the soatb side of the old ecbool knox cliarch ypsc e the following officers were elocted for the ounepfopes society of christian endeavor for the laet hair of the present jesr ho titbidi t ltc j hat riomdem m klclliail iczl rte8mr ucglll con tecmn h i er brc miw i ttcrc tikas mra mcphail ilookolt cow miss sinclair convenor tiiarn uri tivo con j kcnnoy sociaicok mid l 6cott comeuor i lovrn ilifb a biului si riat bdiool con uiei ii iiosb sirk coil mim 1 cowan the societj iscrowinc in faor and now numbtri some ihirt e membere a qutet wcddincat ltmchousc a qniet but er hspp weddirir was conuromated at the home of mr john motire limebouse unee of the bride la6t lhpreda einiu when mr john i kaunavaiu drurfis acton tnd miss jennie frasr were umtcd in matrimony rev j uae performed the ceremony miss jennie besee was bndeemaid and mr william ksunanin of orangeulle brother of he rroom supported him too cos tntoea o the bride an 1 her maid were very prettr and appropriate the gocts wnh ouq or two txceptioub were congoed to the immediate relatives of the contracting par tie4 man handsome and aluable preb entb were tendered the bridal couple the j otlng people are well kuowu and highly efiteeroed in this locality mr kannawin beibg one ol acton s most snccessfol bubi nese men congratulations and best wish ea are univereally expressed mr and mm kanoawm are now at borne at no 22 dower aenue church nc s 1 j lde will preach the first of a scries of fermonb upon tbe sten church cs in the metl odist charch next 6unday evebidg ijev s o charlton of belham ir tiula preached to hib former congregation in the discipwb church last bundaj hib numerous jriedda here were pleased to hae the opportunity of bearing him again rev bron lairg occufied tbe polpu of tl e methodifat cbarcb laet sunday evening and preached bd excellent temprance ser mon from ro 20 1 his arcuments were logical and convincing and tbe lllus tratioi b qtd re rrodern sud appropri ate owint to the abeence of he j w rae at the meeting ol the general aebemblj at branlfotd next sunday the prebterian and methodist cougrcjalionb will bennited and re mr ldgc will preach in kuox- church in tlie morning and in his own church in the eiening the christian endea or conicntioti tbe people of acton are looking forward witli bgreit deal of pleasure to thetisit of the christian oong poplo of the oountj next week a large number of applications for billete bae been recened but oar citizens arelliberau reeponding to tbe members of the billetingcommitteom thetreomass and there will be comfortable homes for all tie deltgatcs who ma come to attend the con ention acton looks its prettiest jost no and an enthusiastic reception awaits tbe meiting christian lndeorerb and i pworth leaguers the prcgramme is- a most interesting one and lnclodes a com of the mokt prominent workers of the province as well as manj belonging to the county societies k union of the chojra of the churches here will lead the singing at all seei cos all ecesions will be open and the public generallj is cordialljin ited tho program is as follows eerj speaker has promised to be present and the time table will be closely followed through out ub6t biss gn tiiutfiai uotlmvo jlaf 22nd 10 j3irftjet audi rauc conducted b i resident ii co origin i rrprcbb aud extent of clirietmn enclcaor socmtils b b craieoftkvillc 11 l discution l jo adjournment tu lcndprslonthtpadatxittl vo0h iu joscjli edge topreiide 2jx clin inn pndcikor fscrii liflw eon duett d by j h deacon eb j 1 b i milton 2 n oo slialt remember all tbe waj nhlcb tbe lord tti god led tbet iiev ur brcthour burhugtod tottitltio oo dirntt of ofbcers 1 hoi president lie j i mcqurrrie tanslei 1 re dent mies u inelctiart darlington jtl c becretarie and treasurer mits marj auderion dakville liiiht eebion thlilsn flfmt t snilcc of bo ir conducted by itei j argo tnonal hdjivcslilei t s ad lrc r lt w b bmltu trafalgar f ajdrlbb i c li l pearbou bramptod collection t ij- address ue it j h glusford goelnb 10 00 adjourn ujcct i nu k uonsiho g isunribe prajer meetinc condoctedb uc u b christie eerton i oli t esiofnna lorslvo h i moore to preside r oocbribtittii endeor fxctnplified conduct ed b he j kobineon haseflcswcja uutifb ct conimitteea 1 t onk ojt red c watbon trafalgar 3bocial mibs b peters acton 1 ratrmi tint miss lottie speight oilier committees 1 e u h ibrabai m a burungtou 10 ltf dlfccueblou 1100 tl c i lid pi hen dr diclsod gait 11 30difcusek u 1- 00 adjournracnl nithflrsks i iui ay aftegvoov lo j w hae to i reside 200 ira craidraise conluctedb iter a l do bt dajinas acton it 81 ose 2 ilrntf te of the chribtian ladcator to 1 ite uieuibera ite j v ii milne maneowood tbe cliurcb iter it scanlan omsgn- vy liufmeeb 1 iuj ortof ficcutitc and officers dibcuesion ot constitution dy lection of ollicers etc d 00 adjournment tlosim befsiovrrida 1 emo r scruce of sonc conducted b hex i k duff churcbill hoo ddrcfe iuv a blair b a sassagaweja e loaddnefi it dillon feq toronto collrctlon n 1j addrees ite dr dickson gait consecration bcnice all delegates are exhorted to cope in the spirit of praysc to bring their bibles with them to engage heartily in all the pro ceedinge and to expect blessings as a result of the convention tkecountry around news tiems supplied by corree- pondenta and exchanges rockwood hu ucmpr jtide jtmleson delivered judgement ait wee st ia the srtfon broach t by oeorea coghun o eramws sgsinst ptxmote bcot of hocfcwood oc ditoigea retltog te the rjltfullfl ia the sale to him by hexjefondaau otbroadieavtd rape seed metdofjhedwirt eita variety thir ctadxoftod mack itrteiest among he f trmett ot the oommanuy oir to a treat mttiy of them occupying a itfce potttloa to mr coghhto thepwnttfftaed foe 100 damsgec his honor no a talud the plain tiff and each pecfy pea hta own ct eramosa mr and mr j tovell lrsmosa townshp in the county of wellington the father and mother of rev i lovell of tlili city celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day on tuesday jane cth the venerable couple are 73 and 72 years of age respectively are hale and hearty and were made the recipients of tokctfa of love and esteem from many fneiide they were much aflected by the greeliugs and congratulations conveyed to lhm by friends in the niagara conference ham ilton timr burlington burlington village having rtifltred se erely by firo of ute is considenui ibe quesuon ff fire protection it will be settled fisully this week whether the burlington s ringer company will to to btralhrov to locate on not the burlington jnnior crukit club has organized and ib open to receive challenges from any club whose members aces aver ago 15 years f c oung burlington is secretary a number of our young people will at tend the c l convention at acton next week rev dr bretbour rev r h abraham and misb inglehart will take pbtt iu tbe programme milton monday 1uh inst at b p m has been fixed opon for the induction of rev v t magnot bbrtctor of theparibh of milton and hornby hit lordship bishop harm ton and other clergy roeu are expected to take part in the services r b iorter has a number of meh en gaged preparing a foundation for a block of fine stores on main street between the post ofkee and higginbolhara a co e drag ecre and has ordered 150 coo brick an average of 200 pnpls attended mil ton public school last month through the liberality ot the town conn cil of milton no 7 co of lome rifles will ab usual le eupplied with milk batter ac at camp the council granted 15 for that purpoee lrin tbe sidowalke throughout the corpora tion cf our village have been during the pasj vteek undergoing general repairs mtb henry boomer and familv left last week feer their new home in the sunny south isc wish them a safe and speedy journey tbe alton brass thursday evening at at the beautiful grounds of postmaster wood rev 1 strongman returned from con ference last thursdav his colleague next vearwdlberev i b neelev the animal b law ib now being enforced tbe council of the township of erin will meet as a court of revision at dwier s hotel hillsbuig at 10 am on fcaturday the juhdav of june bond we the law n f were present ocial given georgetown rev mr st dalmse r f bessey m howeori dr roe and r d barren are tbe delegates from the baptist church to the asbkiation in sesbion at cheltenham tbis week a pdblic drinking fountain in asked for as the town pump having been superanaated the i average attendance at tbe public school in may was 182 at ttie labt practice of the gun club the score was from 10 down to 7 out of tweoty birds the battalion band and company no 3 left for niagara campon tuesday morn mg there wsbb pleasant gathering at the residence of mr a d thompson on churca bt on tuesday evening glh inst when mr chribtophcr price wab married to miss mary mr thompson b adopted daughter rev jos teunfll performed the ceteinony ashcrove mra w cantelou of bimcoe is the gnetof ber danghtcr mrs geo bailey mieses milly and tena anderson of acton ore the guests of misi annie alex andert mr and mrb edward tolton evertou called on friends in this vicinity on 6atur day messrs holt and alex warren were the guestl of their parents here on sunday agarden party under the auspices of jfanjewood presbyterian church will be held lt tho residence of mr c p preston on thursday june 22od an excellent programme will be provided including tbe milton brass band aud thfl hornby orches tro we wonder when tbe methodisttj will behiviug ttieirs rciricgs are the fashion at preseut they are pretty numerous in this vicinity this season we believe one of cur boys who was haptaia at a recent raising came off victorious congratulations dave coking and going visitor varlo itii kc toronto mzt j town oo xhetdaj to and from acton and is other paraomlnota us llooro li vuiting ritniit ra euii ot bt jaooba wax ia mr w kr ci til health tbe home hiej ai tbe home da ur si the guest ihia week ur anc lire kandawii coon o qoelpli viiiied h brother heiro oa toeadar ur and urt lt vfclted wendt at btewu town ltt week wackhamtner who haa been in sr tome time it rapto ing hrt ja oe h1i of edmonton vuited tritada ia ter old home lut week rot g b cooks alleuded ilia meeting oc tbe sji d tt hamilton lut week ir w e smith mada a chart vutt to frlendi ia hamilton daring the week lira je myn ot beeton is- a guest at ifberion lr r b jcrmjii ley ol gnelpli wai a postt at ot mr alet secord oier san auderbnrg ot welland wa of acton frieuda several daya fneoda hi re last week eev j led by hci meserc oa tuesdi thomae i mclberet had tery mr hn i ot r eannawin shelbarne were and hita fjaecta of w rae lelp ou tuesday moraine for 6t ct tbanocs therjoo he will ko to branttorc to attend the general aucrobly mitrr w illsmb 1 irancis and r mckabb iredelrcatea to tbe annual meet my o lla ton temperance dooietles union at milton on friday 23rd infct mre v m crewion of hautavillewho b 18 boon uitinj friends at spring creek farm lei jesterday tor home eocompan neice mua katie lasby john mattbewb thomaa perry man jr jnd l o matthews were tt mil y on the grand jury and messrs moore w e 8mithand a on tbe petit jurj the court itile business on the docket mrs fenmuel smith ot maui toba eiiett several daj slait eek visiting fneuds ere they were residents of aton in ier earlier days thirtj tiveyeara ago and eipreea s nrprire at the progress made on 11 sides biuce that tune heres a a dun las man john wallace has been sent to j request o young w jolnter 1 on an unusual charge at tbe john wilson the license inspeo tor notifid tbe liqanr dealers that they to sell hijuor to thomab wilson an inebri lie tbe latter got over the dim tulty by jetting other people among them being willaoo to buy liquor for him uon earned wallace not to do so but as th j latter did not heed him be bad him arre ted under a law of the ontario goiemrc nt which proudea tl at any per son who uvb hijaor for an inebriate whom the baloc n keepers have been prohibited from aer ing fhall bo liable to a fine ol 20 to j0 wallace was tried before major 1 ckcchnie and was fined 525 or 80 da s ai he did not have the money be went to nl dav by the p ecial last trains on uritod states railroadi to the world a fair are being dibcardci oing to lack ot paying patron age charli a lork while doiug 6ome blasting on bart n btreetebst hamilton was struck by a puce ot rock and recieved injuries frottjbvl icb he died tbe c rner btone of st andrew s presby lerian c lurch btirhoe was laid last thar stirling lodge i o o f assisted by gran lodge ofilcerb ioor umied fila es bicjclere who are wbeelin from buffalo to quebeo are de lighted nth our reads aud declare canada to be u i wheelmans paradise capt f w gormley ol nova scotia baa jus received through the manne de partme it a gold watch trom the emperor of germany in recognition ot lua services georte h clarke ot chicago and cbas harrau ot detroit haie purchased 105 acres ol land at tbe village ot tecumseb out add will it ib said establish a cum mer reiort there tbe committee having charge of the cominj christian ludeavor convention in montreal announce tbat they have secured over twenty thousand lsdginge and tbat fho tioubacd mcfro could be easily ob tamed ur david if jordan ofedmestjk y colorless emaciated helpless a coirjntoto cure by hoods bajtsaparllla this is from ur d k jordan a re tired farmer and ono of tho most re spected citizens of otsego co n y fourteen renn ro i ind nn attic it the travel and liavo riuco bea troubled vlti ry uver and kldnoys gradually growlnj vnrr three years n i cot dawn so lorllut t cola rcartetr wntk i lool more lllco a conno uian a lltlne betas i in i no ipetlte aud tor five week i as i s trwet i wis ludly cmclited 1 1 ia no mere color than a marble otatae io 1 s saranuillx wis recommended and i ou lit i would try it utoro i lad nuliliot ie first bottle j iiotcl tint i felt better sut fcretl lets ttie lnantmtttfl of tfto btitif dcr had subidwt the tol r lietrau to rctuni to my lice and i begatc to reel htsocrr alter i had taken tlireo bottl 1 to ill cat aavlhtar rllliout hurllnr mr u en il i cat aayuitaf nh i pot so hunirry fiat i iirii to eat r time a il i bavo now fully recovered tlianmo hoods sarsaparllla t feci well and nm well all mm know momarvcl toscrnour viii l m juuuak hoods pills nrrt i luitt dfewtlon curoliuuliut tr 4 hi rpiiu 44i i liuouimufc the work of rebuilding goes ou apaco and every lay makes shopping vt ith us more asy and comfortable the delay jeyond tho timo intended is ow- ng to tho extent of tho changes nd improvements w e are making 5ach days ork unfolds more icd inoro the perfection our new nomises will have woaresjire mr friends will bear with a littlo inconvenience for tho sake of vhat will be wo are building ip a great dry goods centre and ire sparing neither laboror effort i o mako the premises worthy of ho business patience then a lttle more pntieneo and our tore will have on its new habili- ents re pho time amed lor size 14 x r7 rayon tints and q029n pure white 1 for destroyin ilellebdri caterpillars kbinets fos t 1 is is ffaritaalazm new new tr m ting i 1 500 j only for a limited west end kvudhrkstrbbt suitings q overcoating 5 akd pantings boa itifal designs rinj hats nts furnishings new sndleadiog styles ur uosnndried shirt tt 50a ality perfect fit- to order 400 nelson t tailor and gents furnisher upier wyndiam stv qaelph er dolkr bays tt th natrtec stor fa kine west hamiltoa oa come tha fotlowiog extrtordlutry bar ica italian peel tor ipenor wtahing sodt for oellent rica for perlor laundry sttrelrfor j king raisios for j e con starch for 25c 2ic 1 2io j jo jac aso- miied bird seed for 25c mon er ban good lieudry soap 25e kind of t etc for ii 00 j irtarjtji for 25c aperioj ttpioct for i 2oc i toilet soap for i 25a eat biking sodt tor 25c laetub for itrsjoatlitv stgo tor f ice lregh biscuiu for s iiaei er kitlhes or ct no soap k hes 25o 25c 25a 25o 25o 25o 25c crude carbolic acid phenyle copperas and chloride of lime for r disinfecting purposes w c smith st co dispensing chemists guelph ont no i2 v3ndham st mmi gbiiring up business our great stock must g at any price tliousands of bar gains still remain i this salecannotlist forever but while it does last you can buy a- gaod union carpet for 35c worth 50 other carpets will go below cost you can have curtliris below cost you can bu floor oilcloth- english make at 349 45a is a common price for canadian made t delay is dangerous v 12 do 20c lisle gloves will go quick at 10c l5 doz black silk gloves great value at 33c 20 dents will buy them now 1 250 parasols any color at 75 cents on the take advantage of this great sacrifice sale 5 doz ladies blouses just in to be sold at a loss t 10 doz leather belts can be had at cost 1000 doz buttons for 8c regular price 12 and 15 cents 5000 yds silk braid for ic per yard 10 doz corsets at cost watch for new list net week everything east go cash ot trade no credit r b jer1m cor mill atulmain streets act0iv grogsries l1mehouse tn grrss it is lery important in this age of vast material progress tbat a remedy be pleasing to tho taste and to the eye easily taken acceptable to the stomach aud heltby in its nature and effects possessing these fjualiticp srup of rigs 13 the one perfect laxative and most gentlo diuretio knom ur b lii garvin who has had charge ot tlie toronto lime co e business tt alton this eeason has been obliged to giro op his place owing to ill health he is removing to limehouse with his family a interesting entertainment wts gien here on tuesday evening by prof sudaby and miss pratt it wis veutnlortuial and musical in character ti quiet wedding took place at the home of mr john moore last thursday eienmg when miss jennie fraser and mr j v kannawin of acton were united in wed lock tho heartiest congratulations oe residents here are extended the happy ponale at event is announced to be held in tha prjsbjterfan chnrch on tuesday evening 30th mat in which much interest is centred a strawberry eooial will be held when addresses will be delivered by revs j 3 milne mansewood j h 8 mtgee gedrgetovlntud rev j h courtney of ki oicollege music will be furnished by tin maple i leaf quartette and the cbarch choir boti tie methos and results whan byrttp of figs ia taken it is pleasant andlrefreshing to the tasteaiid ute fenflyyetpromptlyonthokidiieyg iver and bowels cleanses the sys- temffectually dispels colds hesd- achea and fevers and coca habitual constipation brrup of fig is tha onlv remedy ot ita land ever pn duoed pleasmg to tho tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its ictioa end truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from tbe most healthy and agreeable substances its manyescellentqualitiescommendit to b11 and havo made it the moat potlular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale ia 7fio bottles by all leading druggists anv reliable druggist who may not hare it on hand will procure it promptly for any ona who wishea to try it manmictured only by tha guifqrktt rg slfrup co j os fkahobcocit t kt sew tokki jtt charles co have just operied out a fine new stock of fresh and seasenable groceries and a vjell assorted line of crockery glassware etc and desire to inform thepublic generally that they intend selling goods for cash at a very small margin of profit call and inspect our stock ask our prices for any goods required charles co mrs secords block r the auldjr lawnmower money to loan faklt or village property tt reasonable rates j apply to uclean 4 ueleas 1 toirn hall aetoa choioo groceries crockery and gltsa ware at t h hibdisov aclon woafcj blankets in great variety in twenty sit weddings are booked in belle exchange 1 for wool tt newton mile for this month t liwehottje i sons i hortops our feed store arthurs old stand tbe undersigned baa purchased from jobn arthurs tbe flour and feed department of bis business and wilt continue it id his present stand i good stock of flour mealf feed so on hand whero you can be supplied with a gocrt article cheap or cub wheat taken in exchanga for flour rfsts nf ten bushels or over ground at ever to i ullls for ten cents per bushel our patronago respectfully solicited henry hortop elgitf watches new stock ot watch move ments made to our special order at the elgin watch factory just received we finished reliable timekeepe savage jewellers g

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