Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1893, p. 2

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i i 3 u4rried aik fjucb at the rfauenoe of john jtwxtth oorv esq llmeliousc uncle ottbebride on fky tburviav evening jth jpco by itev 3 v 3 v rae jobu hauuewin druggist acton to rv jennie edna truer daughter of tho late alet fraxcr ogdemburc n died vic hii 1 suddenly at hi late residence oak tlllf ou tl urclav- jnneth henry mcolll to tbc th jcar of ullage owen sound 1 r t 4- t 7- its attentions as a business centra and a laker port town a call at markdalje j the worlds fair interesting- itame palatine to the big eicpoallfon clje stctott m fjress thursday jtjhl 15 1693 notes and comments from the conservative papers thepnbho it it read them it learning that mr mc caithy meetings aro poorly attended and uial they generally declare ageio6t tariff reform the most charitable construction that can be placed open these misconcep doni la that the wish is the father of tho thought jlail jft csnada 1 joreipn trade in ibw wab nest ly 10 xte 000 in exceeb of highest previous teoord this jear the sbowidg will be fewlitter th talue of the experts for e grit ten mombi being oter f i 000 000 in exceeb of tl e figures for lact year while ihe imports how an increase fnr the fame period of nearly wten and a half millions tin cted growth in encourapnft owen sound being the seatoflhflgaelph conference the present jear has danng the past wtjtk or so boea brought into erycial prominence tho three or four hundred delegates and niters were delight ed with he town and its surroundings and went awaj fajing cry comphmentarj things of the place and its hospitable citi xeni the icee fkuh has pleasure in gmngt brief description of owen bonnd and gomje of its attractions i the approach to owen sound which is the count town of grej is picturesque end striking by eteamer b stogacoach or ctenbj rait the great iviagari escarp ment runs through the count becoming the clue mountains of northern grey that extend to cabot s head much of tho topograph is therefore rough and broken id order to escap the great lime stone rocks that environ the town the railroad begins t circuitous route about three miles from where the engine whistle it 16 lobtinj eneudd a pretty pennj toprt6tre the rights of canadian fiehef inthedchnnfioea the pjroent of 8100 000 lo the detained tealera by wa of in demnit ia being rolloifed by otheroullaj the coat of the arbitration will becodtider able bir charles russell s retainer ia an aoonced to have been 10 000 and this is oolj the beginning of the expenses in con i ectiou with it it ftbould not betorgotten thai 1 upland ib fighting for the rights of 1l e whole world to fih in the sea cana diau fishermen bae a large interest in the seal fisheries but there are others who also have rifihta at take it is hardlv joet that the burden of establishing these rights ehonld fall upon one nation jet it ia safe to say that england will not complain during the last twentj jears there has beeu a great id crease in the consumption of coal in europe the amount burned during the decade ending with 1690 wab f 2 009 000 tons greater than during the or e prewoue it ia estimated that the anneal output of coal for the entire wotu closely approaches 500 000 000 tona the chief cor suroera of which are america 141 000 000 tone great bntain and ireland 123 000 000 tbtib germany jo 000 000 tons and 1 ranee 260 000 000 tona of course tie euppl cannot last forever and there have been many attempts to calculate just when coal will be a rare commodity lach ear the amount uecd increases and thus con slant increase seems to be taking place in an ever growing ratio a rojal commib sion have estimated that in great britain about kg 77 j 000 000 tons are available at depthi not exceeding i 000 feet and we note that another statistician declares that this supply will require lets than 300 ears to exhaust it tcaua lian hngu itr court of revision the assessment roll for i83 re- 1 vised and confirmed thcouncil met on mondav evening firet for the transaction of general bubincss and subsequently a court of bevibion meeting opened at eight o clock mem bcrs all present reeve pearson in the chair l the minates of previous meeting were read and confirmed the first business of the evening wab the introduction of a bv law regulating athle tic games m the public park this action was deemed advisable owing to the fracab between members of the foot ball and lacroaie clubs last week the bv aw provides that in future clubs desinng epace for their snorts must first make application to the reeve and council who ma allot sufficient space for the proper enjovment of tuch games or eportd and may impo a charge not exceeding ten dollars for the season a penalty of from ft to 20 will be imposed for mah cious or wilful interference in an game nicholas iorbes notified the council that the drain on willow street was choked and his cellar flooded chairman williams wab advisd to con fer with mr torbes the ninth report of the committee on i- inanoe was presented and the following accounts were recommended to be paid c t hill larflwareforlarklco tor lotrn hall fjoo for btreet vbj0 43 fr03 hot t bnvder work on itreu h 5 d mills dra fine tret i and work at park ft 62 tl oe uruut i lintine trees j0 h i moore advertising o 10 jaineeoreiit teaming bj moved b john williams seconded bj gwrgc havill that the report of the fioanoe cummittee just read bo adopted carried representatives of cton cornet band eamo in to interview the council for grant jubt ab the adjournment was taking place thev were too late t the council adjourned at h 30and or lzedab court of revision there were no appeals against tne aaseisment but own g to ths numerous re mpvala to and from the municipahtv since the asset so r completed 1 ib duties man changes were necestarv to the roll never in the 1 lctor of the mmnc palitv were there samau ma removals as during the preeent ver and everv removal into or out of tho town necesoitated two changes in the roll the court burned some mid night oil before the aesessmcnt of lb 3 waa finally revised and confirmed the disciples on prohibition resolution passed at the recent june convention at everton 26 ihe following resolution wab adorited p the convention of tli diecipcs of chris at i vcrton junfr5th that this convention knowing that the traffic in intoxicating liquors ib wholl evil desires to record its hearty svmpath with the work ot temperance feform and to express the ojinioi that the time hab fully come when the christian tcmicrance sentiment of this country should beer stal iced into a legislative enactment prohibit ing the manufacture and sale o l n toxica t ing li mors save for legitimate purposes literary notes mott americans will be surprised to learn that nil the chinamen in the united bute cametroin one of the eighteen pro vlncts of the celecttal empire most of then from onsbmerof that province in n article id llartxr a iletujioe jane 10 fjv lr frederick j masters who was jine jeers a mitoniry in canton and j- jfct sabefuent years soperiatndent t- jvjacfaiaefe mtwions in cchferuia hp3ie peope iu their hoae and r- t l with the chinaman of olher signals the apprpacb to the northern ter man us and the the train enters owen biund from the north instead of as ona wjjuld naturally expect from the south coming in by steimer from collicgwood or the north wt sail up the beautiful bay which has giren its name to the town and forms aa excellent harbor as our steaoter draws nearer to the head of the bft great white rocka oomeitto view then the rocks on the aides converge andintheialley between on an extended plain formed by the sound and the river bjdenham the prcttv town is eituated a good birds eve view is obtained from tie rugged limestone cliff on the west the cliff is broken and rent with debris of mien rocks at if b feet the white escarpment continued bevtmd then tho loft spire of a church with a cqatinustion to the south of ribbon like terraces the lower well covered with trees in the hollow ib the town with its church spires and poblic buildings most conspicious are the collegiate institute erected at a cost of 25000 the busj harbor and bevond the quiet waters of the 6ound owen sound was incorporated as a town in 1jg and its progress hab beeu so con inuoua that it ib now in the front rank of our provircial towns in fact it regarded as the ntit ontario mamcipahtv to put on city sirs it hab a superior lot of mercantile establishments aftordd a splen did market for a very wide section but is tfdly defjjcieht in the matter of mannfac tones its importance aa a shipping centre is however regarded with much pride and no town in ontario is better bupplied with facilities for summer travelling by bteamer bo evident ib this fact that resi dents of inland towns at once remark it and realiee their own lack in this oircction during ocr stay there a prominent bubi nees mau from another county town eaid to the fexe press representative i m charmed with owen bound and itsbhipping facilities if a god opportunity offered i would not hesitate to sell out and settle in a place like this many of the etaunchest steamers on the lakes including the splen did c p r liners have been built here the elegant new boat city of colling wood which reaehed chicago this week on its fmtrip was launched here this sprrag and a considerable company of citizcnb aod conferenco delegates had the pleasure of a short trip out on the sound in lier during the week the town has only one hue of railwav c p r and ib somewhat handicapped m this direction g t r connection is ex peeled coon tn be consummated however there are numerous churches and schools and man beautiful residences and tidy reeidental btreets the ti i 4ilrwtticr and sun eupplv the town with superior local newspapers and one of the best known provincial job printing offices is that of john rutherford s sonb the collegiate institute occupies the 1 lgheet standing outside toronto and hab a staff of nine teachers a mbit to owen sound ib much enhanced by a drive to ingles falls along the beautiful road that skirts the steep banks of the bjdenham the wa leads from the principal busmeus street to the ceme tery hill to the left of which is an exceed mgly lovely vallej we pass the rock whicbhoreb like giveb forth the water that supplies the town passing the rock the road runs through a farm of exceptional excellence and a little farther on we find oureehefl araoi g the mountains asowen bound peope are pleaaed to designate them the view is well worth a longer drive and a well ki own writrsb lord dufferm exaggerated no more than was hib wont over canadian scenes whenhe declar ed it one of the most magnificent he had ever witnessed a little farther on we get a fine view of tl e falls wbkh tumble over sharp shelving rocks in a mass of foam and spra and then with the ceaeelebs noise of manv waters iurgle over a serieb of ruj ids to the juiet reaches below ciucifio june ulh as chicago onn wide bar partals to welcome one of rtfal blood the prihoess ealalis so she bids bon vtyaq to tho dako de eragua tho direct deccndsqt at columbus who has gono iu and out among os since the opn ing da for bo it knowd that ho is now on his way home to sunny spain it is doubtful whether the roil pnuccsi was over more handsomely enfcrtained and feted than she baa been and will bo during her stay among us bhe has bcn given the freedom of city and all the appurtenances thereunto be longing and as if that were not enough a pass engraved on a solid plate of 18 carat gold has been presented to her which enr titles herself and suite to free entrance all times to the world s colombian erpoii hon whether her ejes will sm more under such circumstances than wepoor mortals of commoner cla who are thank fol for the bit of printed paper that admits us to the same scenes is a question appropriately hemmed in between the woman s building and horticultural hall is tho one devoted entirely to the usa and comfort of the little ones it may sound strange to many mothers to hear that their babies cau be checked like baggage and taken care of and amused by compel ent nurses and et for a small sum these mischievious fun loving children aro ten derly watched oser and looked after while mother is sight seeing twould take a letter to describe all the useful and helpful things here ehown to aid parents in rear ing and educating both the- mind and body of their loved ones a sedate man in shiny hat and long tailed coat stepped airily up to a ton of the desert the other da and faid tiness 1 11 take a ride with ou my friend the heathen b camel knelt and the sedate man mounted and threw himself into an uncon cerned eas posture but when the camel humped himself his attitude suddenl changed he had to use his fingers and toes or fall off refore the had gone twentv feet he veiled fotop her before the camel hadja chanco to kneel the sedate man slid to the ground he was pale and held his head in his hands i won t try that again he said it s worse than sea sickness the girls who attend the stands where if vou put a pennv in the slot a glassful of water gushes forth are up in arms over a recent order forbidding them to talk with columbian guards just think of it girls forbidden to talk nth a man in a pretty uniform dear knows what they arethere for unless to talk smile look sweet and draw custnm for the water machine works itself the cremator records the burning of over 1 000 000 cancelled tickets to date notwithstanding that rolling chairs are seen on every hand the directors aro loing to introduce a novel means of locomotion the propose establishing a circuit or chain of donkeys that will on their backs carry their human freight from building to build ing this will become popular with the children the immense roof of the manufactures building hab become ver popular ab a promenade and especially so on the even ingb given over to the electno display it is reached by elevators running from the centre of the structure on the evening of the first day a visit of the rojal princess not only were buildings and the sea walls of the lagoons sparklmg with electric light but many colored pyro technics and set pieces added to the bril liancv of the ecene the picture of the pnnoes3 surmounted by the shields of spain and the united states ablaze with living fire wab a sight which will be long re mem bered as a moue making concern the world e fair was not a brilliant success during ma the expenses were s2 94o 015 aod the gate receipts were 6s82 005 the first month wab expected to be the worsunonth and it looks as if the expectation has been fully realized four times the attendance of may will be required hereafter to make the show a financial success jaue promises to roll up a big attend ance for the tair judging by the size of tl e dailv crowds so far the people pour ed into the grounds this mdrnmg by thousands all hough there is no special attraction except the possibility of seeing princess eulalia flitting through the park welccmenews for many parents and the boys and girls between the ages of c to 12 years ib the fact that tile admission fee for them has beeu reduced to 2o cents digbt county miracle remarkable experience of a wellknowr sea captain captalr jama mckay tells his stor of suffering and relaase hla tacavary was dtsoalred of and rte longed for daaththa i darkest hour is just bafora the daw and with it cafrta a ray 1 of t opahealth and strength anal 1 restored x from the wermonth k s fred tress frobal ly one of the best knoso men in digby c innty k s it captain jamea ilckty tiverton the cantata is known among i ip owners as a first class mariner and piloi has been chiefly engaged ia the wtit ini ie trade tui has been vecy for tacste v th the recsels under his charge some th ee years age captain ilckaf bad a very a vera attack of la grippe which gradual developed into more senaas troubles nntil his life was despaired of it was with deep regiu that his eraploteri and fnei ds saw him sink gradually under a terribl i disease until his death seemed only a q jestion of a few weeks at tbn time wt en physicians could do nothing for him he saa induced to try vr williams pink pil s and by that wonderful meji cine wt restored to health end strength captain mckays almost miraculous re covery c eated on little amarement and as much in erest was manifested in it both in bis own dilate and in the adjacent places where h i is so well known that the ira pnu th raght tho matter of sufficient lm portano to the public to get c statement of the f te from captain mckay and ao cordingfy detailed a reporter to interview him will that end in view when the fol lowing licts came into his possession i ha e beard said the reporter that your ncoiery was wonderful and was brought about about entirely by the nee of dr wil iamb pink pills would yon let me ham the particulars of our illness and so on the balance of our i f restorat on to health the eleven months end to fm232 800 on our return homo after the rising of conference a few hours werfl pleasantl spent at markdale m which tidyifattle town w n were hoepitally entertamed by mr and mrs c w rutlediie of the standard markdile n onp of the most enterprising places of ha size in ihe province ii has a fine mercantile tmle and i ib merchants and bufioees mttn are abreast uitli the times not 01 ly with sarsfactor stock of goods but with attractive bufiness premise nearly every store has a plate glusti front and even friend rutlcdie s newspaper office- is so gracej there are several fine churcl cb a commolioub new school build luj and coi siderable in the wa of manu factories the btove works of moat t sou the vcteer and cheeec box factories of armetroug brothers and the planing mills ot b uiil are the leading industrie as a bhii plot eentre markdale occupies an impoitttut position grain cor iwood and flock are bought and bhiuped itre in mi menw q ttmtitiea to the profit of the village sii i thefurrounding comrounit talk of the day the net debt of the momiuiou on ma 31 wan 2371b21 the restrictions on canadisu cattle will be removed i julv 1 hundreds of acres of ciops have been devastated in galicia by floods the duke of lorfc priucess may and the itecks dined wiih mr gladstone on wed thesday eveuing tht teirruhip miowera the first vessel of hie new australian line arrived it an cojver bc sunday a ten ear old son of michael dombrow ski was drowned while bathing at gaelph last tharsdny eveniug the interior departruept has transferred lands to the department of agriculture for an experimental farm at agassiz sit deaths from cholera are reported in lltcc where the dilate m racing tue deaths were reported tncerte trance wool knitted oods complete lioe tweed ac tn exchange for wool at newton 6om mill ltmehcufe conference news various items of interest growing out of the annual sessions the annual sessions of tho various con ferences arc over and the ministers whose stations were changed will all be ip their new pulpits the first sunday in july tho following changes were made in this vicimt from tho fitbt draft of guelph conference marsville w j brandon belwood wra ottawell lverton judson truax owing to the difficulty of securing a house on his circuit rev mr truar will protnbly reidc m acton rev h b christie john w hitching and t w thompson go to ictona college toronto and rev j magwood to wclean thcolog cal college montreal guelph has tho president of conference rev andrew cunningham and the first assi tant secretarv maor smith who will in all probahilitv be conference secretary next car an office never before held by a lay mau in the history of the conference the membership and congregation of tho church in acton arc much gratified at tho return of rev joseph edge for a third year ho occcpies tho very honorablo po ltion of i manorial secretar of guelph district the net meeting of guelph conferenco will b held in g ode rich commencing the last ihursda in ma 16j rev wm brjcrawaa superannuated at london conference aud wilt shortly take up his reside are in acton rev j w bhilton b a and rev robt dave two old georgetown pastors arc both stationed in w alkerton district the former at alkerton and tho latter at chesley ridgelown was chosen as tl o p for tho meeting of the london conference next year si th result of an invitation from that town tho nitraga tails tfctetpuys the niagara conferenco which has just cloacd its labor at st catharines hai rcmov from this town rev t albert moore to dunnville rev robert burns ph b of ingersoll is mr moores successor mr moore in a marked degree enjoys the con fidence and respect of his brethren as shown by his election to tho honorable position of chairman of the wclkud dig tnct j iho following changes were mailoon the final draft of stations ou mttu district mil grove jl hockey trafagar r b rowe morlo w pearl mounts berg s w liolden ceruinlv replied captain mckay i ha o told the story a hundred times alrcad but as the truth never wears out once m re won t hurt and besides ialwaj think i may be aiding some person who is now suffering as i suffered and giving them a clean bill of health to beyo at the beginning i had la grippe about three years ago aod that tied me up pretty well i wasn t fit to take charge of a ship so tailed south as far as milk river jamacia nurse a id companion for an invalid gentle man the weather at that season was simply nelting and 1 used to lie on the deck at night and in my weakened con dition ot some sort of fever when reached home i was completely used uj and coi tinned to get worse uutil i coalt hardly move about at times my limb i would lcome numb with a tingling sen eatun ib though a thousand needles wer i being 6luck into rae then my eyesigh began t fail it was difficult for me t dieting ish persona at a distance my fac i becarne swollen andtdrawn and my eei almost plbsed at times m mesh wool i assume a gre 19i1 color and remain for da in that itste being at the eame time col i and desh like coo d the doctors do nothing for you enquire i the reporter seemngly not they gave advice sen medictue and rendered their bills prompt ly so that i think they derived the roos 1 benefit for nnder their treatment i di i nut improve a bit at last i got bo bad lost all ambition i buffered terribly wai only a iturden to my friends aod actutll longed for death which all thought wai 6 don in storo for me but the darkest hour is juat before the dawn i bal becomeiso bad that i hardly cared how soon i lipped my cable for 1 wis now almost completely paralyzed but at thi 1 time th statement of a man down iu cap 1 breton who ctee had been some whs similar to mine came to my notice hi attributed his cure to dr williams piul pills aid i thought thtbere might bi a chance for me though i confers i had a that tinte but verv little faith in anymed lciue to mike a long story short i begai the use of dr williams pink pills au soon found that they were helping me am the r continued use put me on my fee again and i went to work after months 0 enforced idleness to thegreatastomshmen of my acquaintances who never expectet to see me around again bince that time have recommended dr williams pinl pills to several persons who have aee them with good results and i feci it m duty to advise their use by people who an run dosn or suffer from the effects of an chroniqailment i believed they saved m life au you may be sure i am grateful thedr williams pink pills for paty people are manufactured by the dr will lamb lledicino co of brockylle out and shenectady n a firm of unques tioned reliability piuk pius are not look ed upon as a patent medicine but rttbe a a prescription an analysis of tbei properties show that these pills are ai nnfailiog fpciflo for all diseases a nam from an impoverished condition of th blood or from an impairment of th r nervous system such as loss of appetite depression of spirits anaemia chlorosis 0 green sickness general muscular weakness dizziness loss of memory palpitation c the heart nervous headache locomoto ataxia paralysis sciatica rheumatism st itus 1 lance the afpr effects of la grippe all disc lses depending upon a v mated con ditton 1 f the blood such as scrofula chroni eryipe as etc they are also a fpecifi 1 for tin troubles peculiar to the feraal i system correcting irregularities suppres sions a id all forms of female weakness buildiu 1 anew tho blood and restoring tb glow ot health to palo aud sallow cheeks in the base of men they etfect sv radics cure iu all cases arising from mental worr and overwork of any nature tliese pilli are not a purgative medicine they con uri wil jackets and cloth capes thursday juiie 1st gbrirn8tco will off r th balance of their spring jackets and olc bh capes at a straight discount of tw snty per cent remember we mark our goods in plan figures and have only one price g b rykn 5t bo the ladies of the presbyterian churoh llmehowe s sben tuaiday evnln junjaotljn aazslslrsssl7r- 1 bt ssfttswssrs- cotrteny ofw 1uele lea fccabtette we cmbmse crotch eefcmhmau will be served from t to 8 o clock admustoa isc 3 children ise summ6r wmthts buying their weh dress good now the assortmei i of them ts put telling n i newspaper yon must see them sufficunt hefsd npt on ofsomkecnnwa check and stripes all scotch goods new sc6 ce fancy cheeked and srjtd qincham and zephyrs fancy printed sllklnella n nigfe mloases- i printed mull muslins fancy white ground scotch iii ln jnthhovni colored spafsy also a large collection of white lawn nainsook andllnduii maallni deep swiss flouncing embroidery for ladies and children s drer belts don t neglect seeing cue assortment of fancy belie nothing finishes off a cos tume like a pretty and well fitting belt wl ether of leather ribboaor metal in addition to belts we have a nice assortment of chattelaines and bag purse which have come into great favor its life absorb organic com i ug disease in this should caution builder rep n tat pills tain on y life givm properties and notlini that oo ild injore the most delicate system they a t qirectly on the blood supplying jivinu qualities by assisting it t i 3igen that creat supporter of all life in this way the blood be built up and beiuf supplied witl i 4u lack ng constituents incomes rich an i red no tisbes the various organs stimu lating t hem to activity tn the performanc i of the r functions and thus elimiuat from the bystem dr ilhrab pink pills are eoj onl in boil i bearing the firms trado marl and wr pper printed in red ink bear li i mind t lat dr williams pink pills ar i never a id in bulk or by the dozen or hnn dred araj any dealer who offers substitute i form is trying to defraud you an be avoided tho public are as id against all other so called blooc and nerve tonic put up in simi iar fore i mteuded to deceive they aroal lmttatti ns whose makers hope to reap i pecuniary advantage from the wonderfu on achieved by dr williams pinl uk jour dealer for dr williiras pink pits for pale people and refuse all imitttli ns and substitute dr illiams pink pills may be had d all dru gists or direct by mail from dr within s medicine company from cither address at 50 cents a box or sis boxes foe 2 50 the price at which these pills are sold make a course of treatment corn paratm ly inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment and most largast complete dlaplay seasonable qoods hamilton june 12lh 1893 of how kjjbai white cintmois gloves white kjt gtovei wijits ribbons white parasols white ties whita blouses white shi b waists whita dickies white frilled fonts is itj white fa csnvas belts or 1 tiita fa other fashionabledst if so wa i ive thim for yott newland scarce goods just rcerped new sty very chkrmiibj tn lsdies sailor ha i covered wire fansy nu logs shot bilk earascis cream milanese gloves i uck jind presm silk irish point lac rtewjdress trimmings black and coli red silk velvet hopsseking dress gtk isestsmine new silks taclud ing penejsaoahs crystaltne and th guelph prices are con- vlnclng than words satisfied customers are good advertisers ho-bxtrss- t e wilkinson djdsld 6- farm foe sale fegssbfsse krtarther e a wlv to tor mrm l james bfll uugavreya f o june jth 13 i i fashionahl batu cjlkpeti bpautiful qualities m wilton axminster snd ifooiiolta csrpets hsva beenjmirfcep down to very low nrioej styles srs very elegant snd in jfoj m taking arf stupes nearly a dozen different patterns in these pile csrpets ts show yon brussels aid itspestry carpets at special prices carpet sweepers including the favorite 1 ipsinted window 8hsdes aod curtain pelea to great ransfy if all sab the goods formerly offered to the bargsin room upstairs movid to the different depsrimeats oo the ground floor customers will joods at 25 and 3io which we formerly sold for 50 to 84e also msny other lotsof g oos at vi iry special pnoes samples lent to any address iu canada only one entrance ft the if ight poase this is on the comer o king and hoghsoa streets furnituri soia have beer findd x x worthy of motice it is just one year since i have taken over the business formerly carried on under the firm name of kelly bros ann as i was determined to do a cash business in order to keep up with the times and give customers goods at right prices i must now say that it has been the most pleasxot year x have spent iu business i now take the opportunity of thtobiog the numerous customers for their very kind patron age in the past and solicit a share of their trade in the future feeling i am now in a position to do better by them than ever before having the largest and choicest stock of staple i drycoods readywade clothing hats and cents furnishings for the spring trade that was ever shown m acton i want every one to read this advertisement alt through as you will find it of great interest nlck ties in this hoe i have made a special effort to place in stock the choicest collection of knots four in hands windsor scarfs and bows that yon will see in any store west of toronto shirts both white and colored sunday sberta and working shirts a very fioe range to select from at 50 cents hkts never in the history of ac to a hat there been shown such a choice lot of hats ns i have to show you this spring in all the latest 6hapec and colors to fit aud suit all ages aud a special hue in childrens wear resdymhde clothing in this department i promisa you wonderful bargains in mens youths boys aod children suits and odd pant in great variety and at prices that will be sure to catch your eye never before had i such a range of 2 and 3 piece suits at all prices aud styles it won t pay you to pus me if there is saything ia the way of cloth ing you isiknt hosiery i have same very special bar gains women s aliases and childreca a splendid black cashmere women s size for 25 cents well worth is cents this is the kind of bargains yon may look far from me under tha cash sys tern as i have stated before to keep abreast with the times a cash buai ness must be dons and that i will do aud nothing else i have now in stock the balk of my spring goods and tha bilance will be arriving dailv sincerely jonrs i j j kelly successor to kelly bros gclajgoar hotfe acton house furnishing goods f per cert 3hejper than they can be purchased out of town dur th newest fabrics a id trimmings we are showing today some exceptional values m jingle width dress goods th m fietore purchasing we litill rushing hi rgair s remaining henderson yoij in not alwhai rent fa x x lfl c duchesse gentlemen 1 we haves isrge assortment ot famish ingi st moderate prices white and fsnoy vests neckwsar in pleasing variety braces special iota much less thsn regolsr prices neglige shirts pretty i designs oar own make while 8hirts in our own make front 40c each a specisl white it btfi each or s for is to french balbnggsn underwear summer weight of natural wool under- wear in all sizsc at moderate prices travelling rugs suitable for car steamer or driving i timber farm for ale rtrt1 ifilipq i milea from tars 11 miles from 20d oto soox l alia li rcrtsdearea on wnichts a uew frame noasa 15 r et taiartd for q frame l0 stables 10 acm rf hlstt land net cleared remainder irituaah softata cedar birch and soft maple ss ran acroes the rear vo itone d oofttm wmssld at a bargain for terms etc apply t boit28 owen8ound- cittle astray sota 111 vesiltom anr information i jeadtag to their recovery will be tuiublv rewarded j wlf coxb katsmawera pq vasaagawcva june 6th 1s33 k0g strayed stravedonthe precuisea ot the undomejed lot 1 eon xenn on or about the 15th ot lav1833asow the owner mafhave tbenma bv nrovtae property snd psvtng eipenies wottf gamble ieton june 6tb 1933 acton v 3 an offering carpets curtains and valuable property for sale in acton tee undersigned desires to sell his very torn ortsble property foordfths of an acre lot r con t esnuealng kupwn as lots no so si a s3 llain ittmc acton the rssidenee ismm modioasingood condition bar hard and solt waterf and is very convenient for terms and parucutarspplrvo fj0hv ahebs actoq trespassas take notice the 1 undersigned hereby giv notice that ariar uht date any person or penona found trespassing oh their premises east and west lot 29 coa 3 dv flihing shooting borty picking or in any oth way will be prosecuted according to law j acton slay 1 13 josefh labbt wube0wv driving outfit for sale the undersigned hu for sale a llrstslass dritsr tixjearvj old eoodtopbaget cutter robes sod harccaf alli good condition lviheils1eet acton auction sale t i -or- valuabla frefehold property in the- village of acton ukder and bv virttie ot the power of sale eoouiom in a certain mortgage bearing date the 1st day of june 18st which mortgage u eoouiom in a eertain mortgage bearing date the 1st day of june 18st which mortgage will be produced at the time of sale there will dress goods department is complete with it wilt pay you to see boots and shoes lots of good sco ill be robbed jhicago i dm ini the world pair if gotj are posted very ibsriber oi the saiardaf blada ar chieatv gar will raori a fre cartfooat anuig it hotier to call at our office at antaoat di nti i a graal deal of mooay thd lsti5 j7f lifit p5aj offl waiam roo aft x priced room yoa wish 1 wi personally toveaviiaie hoa5dis fcljl loc to and can aar yoa i gmldaal of sdoo tmx jf noa rrr these prj leges izt abaolataly free to every ntaeriber tha sale ifsy blade is a highly illustrated weekly newspafx i thi chicago ledger 1 la a well known family n i liter iry illustrated waikly tha papers are tha i t nt resting weeklies extant snd hare tha largest c calatin of any weakly aewspapers a th world 000 popies weekly the prloe of either paperisjl 100 pexjeaftll 00 for afjd months or three months i r 60 cla bend in yonr sabecrrptiona a guide td i hicagcfandlhe worlds pair also sample copies te t free la any add the saturday blade thechica olm eu largest weeklies in the world 500000 g bbvcfe iijsiit 5th rub chickg be auersd far sale by public auction by wtf heilsteet auctioneer at jlgnews hotel acton on l saturday the 2 1- 111 da ot june 1893 at the baorot twelve o clock noon the following freehoidjproperty all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the e of aetoo in the county of balton and lllage i ivtnce cf ontario and being cc of milage lot camber six iablocknqmber two province ct ontario and being composed of part in the said village of actan containing 3319 square feet butted and bounded as follows commencing at epoint in the north easteriy linut of kaia street eh laid lilsge ot acton dta taut thlrtyevea feet south easterly from the westerly angle of said lot ill tbence north east erly parallel to bower street in said village eightyseven last tbeace south casterlr parallel tolfain street aforesaid thirtyseven feet tbence south westerly parallel to bower street at oreaaid aigfatrseven feet to the said northeasterly limit on uain sheet thence along said leaf mention ed limit thirty seven feet to the place of begin ning ujon the laid properly is erected a two story frame building the lower story being used as a barracks by the salvation army and the tmner story u a dwelling bouse tne property will be offered in one lot svtbject to ateeervedbid t terms ten per cent ottbe purchase money to be paid in cash to be vendors solicitois at thelimeof sale and the balance within thirtv dart thereesuerj tor further particulars apply to the under signed sieakk8 t uclran vendors solicitors i lffitongesl toronto torcnto cth juno 16s3 i i auctiok sale or valuable freehold property in the village of rockwood usdeb and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage bearing s tb day of april 1w whie mortgm will be produced at the ume of sale there will hefey iuctiovrat wm ihiheicrhona beckwood on 8aiurdarthe2tlhdntofjunea d 1803 fin w o efok in the afternoon the teaowingfreehold property- rt j jugular those certain parcels or tracts fhif tigsesmmsie lyins and beintin puj j skweod in the township o eratnoaa in uo county oltyellblgton an4 which maynrsuybedescrlbedas follows lilt- 4 oathwest angle dflot et viiivi a ln eru division of sail illsge thence south forty live degrees wem two ffssl tem sus tblnosionlh fsj j 2s5 u on hence north os si js22 2 hence norsb s wnditothiraf a l tt dlviaidn of tto ulas mai buwntbussih zls5l t 0 lot nb vendors bolldtora toronto ith june ma uat 8t totolto new p 1 saah aaddoorraotory john cameron contractor ti obr88wa matchiiq sn4ouulkdi saahajljoor and wlndo and door inw llaamltrmoat john 0ah3ibov l aeton

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