Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1893, p. 3

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i bank of hamilton headomce i cifrtai rld up krtrhvk rckd ha14ilt0n sis30on to0tt 1 tulnnull ii s steves c1m1r11 autchbim diiaxtohsjonjetctcirt president- a llnnt irrrrw johx troctor cum ii i ior1 uiojiuichu t wood a 11 lrt qeorqetowh adeno nirdifrountcdiad advances msdo on all nulwcircumlta hum on all nana 0 cin iiuilc i kiicd snira gnrit ltrsliirv and lt custinfst op ecrort boucbt ud told cvilrcriosa mcie on ill tccecitb ciott latomue terms bis tkiinu od 6a visas dspabtuest nrrosrr rewtwd of 1 and upwards and in- u m allowed from date or deposit to date of withdrawal 6pecial deposits alio received it current rate of interest so cotice of withdrawal required j mtoy accnt the methodist church acton re vjoseph edge rronigciloircr avenue pastor rjmic efnlpet0s0im sunday icnooum uibeclaconductdbythe pwtor all cordially invited strcnctn and liitort alwayt rclcome entire ufchen attlie door you will find our stock of school books complete everything the children require in the school book line will be found at geo hynds we carry the finest stock of envelopes note papers pads in note letter size givedaacallwberi tomrurjt anything iu the above line headquarter for pretests wedding and lilrlbflay- oeo hynds acton ont sign ot tie big witch 1 thdrsdax january 12 1633 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of f ree press reporters this week zero weather the pt few days tbe ice crop is in good condition for cttting now the good elcicuinc lice rcdnced the price cf wood a hoc was bold on guelph market last saturday for 54405 plenty of enow now looks like an oldfashioned winter the meetings in mrs secotds hall ha e been diecootinued its the star almanac of montreal that takes the pilm for popularity it is immense the mercury went down to fitteeri below zero tuesday irorninn the coldest of the season only tight moro years and we who are living will be the snperannnatcdpeople of the last century the epworth league has just issued a very neat programme for the meetings of tbe current six months l the grippe has pnt in an appearance ajraio and a number of our citizens are suffering from ks attack the memhereelect of the new council will meet neit monday morninj at eleven oclock for organization subscription renewals are stilj being made in very large numbers we cant do without the fntn peess is thn univer sal expression the woodstock stntinelttcritic com menced the year with a complete new dress of type and is now one of ibe handsomest papers in the province the firs prcss carrier boys desire to express their hearty thanks o their nnm- erous friends in town for the kind remem- brsnees at the new lcar a copy of the splendid review edition of the sioar city tribune has been receiv- at this office through the kindness of mrs james barclay of that city the regular meeting of the halton temperance societies union will be held in the royal templar hall milton on tuesday jao 17 to commence at 10 am rev a e st dalmes of st cathar ines baa accepted the call tendered him by the acton and georgetown baptist church es and will take charge about 1st february a conple of ramp broke several panes of glass at lorie behool tlioriday nuht in an effort togain an entrance they failed bat 6pens the night in mr c david sons barn the news at h0mei mostly of a local character ond evfery item interestlne vcarfja centenarian we rccotd ihe death monday trofnng at eight oclock at the corner of- dublin street etidlloudon road of marion relict of tho latcj david mccrac r mother of the late tfioma6 mccrieandcrandraother cf ifr david mccrae janefield in tier 100th year had she lived to tho i2thj of october the would have been a centenarian guelph ilmitry a hew dental surfeoa residents of actou and vicinity lmvo bu considerably lucouyenieccid lately or tho kant of a dentist bus this vacanoy is now well jfilled dr wilkinson late of streelsvillo has settled hero and will ave ii who require the cervices of in exper ienced turfeon dentist his best ftlcnibn judging frciinthe following compffmenti ry referenoo by the streetsviue rccm the dr was hejd iu high xstcemin that town dr j e wilkinson our popular dentist goes to acton this week where he will locate permanently there is a fine opiin iug for a good dentist iu that town and tho people there will find in friend wilkinson just he man they want dr wilkinson has been in streetsviile nearly two years daring which time tie made many friends and succeeded in working np a good prac tice rooms have been opened and very comfortably faruished over the drug stoo and the dr is now it home to all desr ins his sertices sari accident wfjlc vsftiiif rev and mrs r b cook left aclon pn satarday24th alt to spend their christ mas and kew year holidays with his brother at lcckport ny whom they had not visited together for forty years the very plsasaut visit was marred on jhe following tuesday morning when mrs cook slipped on the 6tairs cud from the fall sustained a fracutre of her right arm the lockpnrt union refers to the accidcdt as follows as sets cook wascomlng down stairs she lost her btlince and fell to the bottom of the stairs she was earned to ibe sofaand dr hurd sent for who on arrival made anexamination add found the right arm fractured about three rincbes from the sboulder and also oat of jointjat the shoulder thib seems doublysadias mr william cook has not yet recovered from k fractured collar bone about four weeks hco mr and mrs cook returtied- home last week the injured mernbor gives much paiu but is doing as well could be expected a pleasant social evening a very pleasant evening was spent list thursday by the piemberb of the boardlof education in mrs adams oyster pariir the company gathered at the imitation of the members who were returned by acclurnalion at the annual meeting rnd their generous hospitality was thoroughly enped after the very appetizing repast had been fully dibussedi rev g j b cooko was moved to the hair which he assumed in an interesting and appropriate speech short addresses followed by messrs g hynds chairman t t moore primipal h p moore secretary- treasurer james mclam t h harding and john cameron architect of the new school building the pleasant relation of the board its members and officers were i re ferred to tbe satisfaction felt in the new bujjding hid saccess of the school from an edocatloual standpoint and the excel lent staff of teachers were all spoken lof during the teningmauy matters of inter- en inciiectil to the fnturc prosperity of llieschojl were considered the occasion was one of pleasurable social intercourse and ehould be emulated iu future i halton s s conventlou the annml convention of halton san- day school association will be held in oakvjile on wednesday and thursday 22od aud 23rd february a very attrac tive programme has been prepared and will be circulated in a few daya the ist of speakers will comprise some of the best sunday school workers of the province including the indefatigable general secre tary alfred day esq of toronto rev j w rue the statistical secretary has during tbe past week sent to every school in the county ft blank form for the returns of the past year prompt compliance with his request to give the desired statistics and forwarded tohimattheearlieslpossible date will facilitate the work of tho associa tion through the efforts of mr ran and the country around news ttamasupoliad by corres pondents and exchanges i speyside an entertainment wis held at boitou church imt evening wood and logs have been moving lively at speygide ctpce sleighing came the thermometer registered it below rerp tjesday morning cold enough for mr h sayera has not been very well for a few days but he will likely be around again shortly miss txe of acton has been visiting friends liere mr amcs martin has disposed of the haw horse lo mr h p lawson at a good figure j j nassaqaweya we are very sorry to report the sudden illness of mr wm lalng sr who was un expectedly attacked with heart trouble last friday night wheu his life for a short time was despaired of wo hope he will recover and be spared for some time to bis family we aro lad to ssy that mrs buncombe has so tar recoveresl as to leave the hospital in guelph and is now ahle to visit her friends in this neighborhood rev j w robinson goes to ponsonby circuit next sabbath on missionary work we regret to hear that mr and mrs gruromett intend leaving oar ideality shortly to take up their residence in guelph coming and going visitors to and from various other p acton and alnotes lii hiulia vent taferrtu kit week to it friends there iliss luody left otij biljrjay visit frietidi ubrimpton mw stoddsrd left n ifrjoday for ber homo fa bevcrtoa silss polly edge of riarhiux is a fiaeu it tbf llethodiit ptno 3ge mr and urc jtmii brown visited friends io uitton utt w k sfr viiited friends here this dr william overtai of week ifr preterits his wrd in th z a hell of ptjnetiig stin re- towq ooancil toronto spent ith ictoa frieadc 3n e brown sdsyjor two thlc woelc mri nd mrs jsmes toora were infer- er1n the annual meeting of the township agricultural society will beheld today st hillfiburg the memberb of erin township council for the present year are r laing reeve by acclamation geo robinbon first- deputy and r reed second- deputy also by acclamation councillors dijfl 2go tookey 200 akitt 200 mclachlan 156 a gloom was cast over this community last thursday by the announcement that katie mckinnon wife of mr w barbour jr of lot ja con 9 township of erin had breathed her last the deceased lady was the youngest daughter of ihe late neil mo kinnoa she was 26 years of age the following vieitedfr ends here during the holidays mrs d i cfaol of stay- ner miss shiogler of berlin and frank milloy of buffalo ashgrov e mr charlie douglass of forest paid a visit to his old home here last week mr 7do howsod of toronto junclion called on some of his old friends here on friday last mr robert nixon of sit forest guest at hie uucles mr jsb kixon mr jas murdoch is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe mneter geo murdoch 1bo htus been ill wiihrjtiidby but we belleie he too is better mr ii mclaughlin of hamilton spent new years with ashgrovti friends owing to a eevere cola mies coulson was unabla to teach moreitliau a day last week but is at her post agaiu this week meadowville division bona of temper ance paid hornby lodfie a hit last fri day evening wheu they furnished the pro gramme and were in return treated to a grand oyster supper the programme wab excellent and enjoyed by all aud go wb the supper hn associates halton has become one of a prospective chairman of streets sad sidewalks sayi citiseni moat clear their eideivalka of snow we are thinking of taking up allsidewalks next spring that are not shovelled this wiuter the public school board will hold its firet meeting next wednesday at one oclfck the only business to be tranfact- cd is the apnoiniment of a chairman and the striking of the committees the memorial service having reference to the late mus jessie warren- in the baptiet cborch on suuday afternoon was atended try largely rev mr norton preached an excellent cermon from the text 2 peter 1 xl gn new veard day miss bella ken nedy had the misfortune to lose ber gold watch on the street while going to visit a friend it s reported that a person was seen by a little cirl picking it up and the finder will no doubt be glad to have the opportunity of rettoring itto the owner a suiuble reward will bo giveu if left at the fiee pcessoffice a combiued fang end reception service will be held iu the brick church next sun day evening commencing at t30 oclock- the mitses abbott aud benson of ever too will aenst in lb tout rervice and the rev jo ivlce of actou will go up after hib uwn erice and astist tli pastor revolt ii christie in the reception of the new rnf mberf an extlinge remarks with consider able wm people who have bei moaning that v e dont get any more omfsshiooed winters uowtdaya ere invited to elip out cnthe back tlreets this afternoon ana let the boys have fan wilfj them this winter is oldfathiobed enocgh to sait aoybody if you dont believe it take a shovel and chare the handle of it op and down s han- dred yards cf stdewalfcfor a few henra the congregational cfaarcfaat5waik hammers hill will hold their annatl tea- mettinc on tacsday evening i7th itist a number of prominent speakers are invit ed rev 3 w rae will render several recitations the maple leaf qaarteflo cub mis jessie kicklin sod others will sine tutriebdsof the church will prc- vide conveyances for all who desire to go from actou and will leave the post office at 7 oclock thsrp the beat organized counties in the provinoe and it is desirable that this position be maintained if all to whom tbe annual circular his been eentwill tneet its very reaconable requests this can easily be dc and the good workbeiugaccomplished in the schools throughout the county will be jad vanced and improved knox chtfrch annual sfccltbg tho annual meeting of the congregation of knoi church acton was held on mon day evening the attendance considering the evening was very ood after devo tional exercises it wab by motion agreed thiit the pastor occupy the chair and mr j v kanuawin be secretary reports burlington mf000 the amount of insurance on the methodist church burnt down last week has been received there is no doubt that as soon as the weather permits the re building will be vigorously pushed forward business has been unusually brisk bo far this winter and every oneseems prosperous and lappy except the doctor who grumbles at uie healthfulness of this beautiful locality themoat exciting school ejection that ever took place was thjit held last week there were three trustees required mr neljes our popular p m and w henderson headed the poll but the excite- ment was tbe contest between n day and dr fell the voting was not by ballot and the state of the poll wab known and almost to the last minute up to 5 pm when the poll closed the votes kept coming in and tbe two candidates were exactly even when a weltknown business lady came in and gave a plumper for dr fell deciding tbe contest in his favor which judging from his smiling countenance was very much to his satisfaction gac couple of days tui i of dr gilford mrjw h eerr o has tjtjaia been hoaowt the politico of chief towd one old frisud joseph week the guests ho brussels pott wilfi election to magistrate of his barker j p of kincardine has been eh ted to the mayor- ity of that town he w both ability anidtgouy mr r d warren ii give the position thei georgetown herald has been saffet iog ftom a severe attack of bronchitis the at keek he is at his fathers homo ce ear cteek farm tewoj nx who webber for six mrs jverhtc o john was tho guest of mrs weeks returned homo wednesday uat this was her visit to c only enjoyed it very m aada siderably benefitted in h alth icb ut was con- 7 hetrlielt sympathy is mrs li g- jackson o iro inhe death of the garnet i last friday a this is the first break ii for two generations and extei ded mr and the newmarket bright little eod hi fifth year the amily circle the bereavement is consequently felt all t le more sorely eden ml ls er who sold one beet natter and has co will likely the kassagsweya fan of our villagers diseased far refused to settle tbe have a bearing before thfe court shortly tbe flour mill which has been nnder- going some necessary reg aire started oper ationa again on tuesday johngrieve while ret truing home from guelph ilast balurday lad all unpleasant run away his horeo i ecame frightened at an approaching tram a furioois tate upsettin throwing the occupants hnrg to the reins but af abont 200 yards let go shaking generally and smashed jas r anderson ha mare to mr phin of gal walter laing who is peel township visited tives here on saturday nd started oft at the cutter and oat the driver er being dragged it received a bad i he rig was badly sold his driving for 120 now residing in sjome iof his reia- georoet own tho directors of the tute purpose holding an about a month in the toi r hall the death of mr mic ie scotch block who hasbeen ill for som i time took place last week anniversary services t ill bo preached in themetbodist church t orvaj on sunday 2nd by conductor snidi r liclure life on the rail monday ev ling services in connection with the anniver sary of the baptist chur h wijl be held on sunday 22nd rev prtf foster of mo- master hall will preach the annua meeting o cultaralsociety will be hall today when the and financial statemen and officers will be elected for the ensuing year mr h w bell left ithaca h y where lje will persuo hib studies at law the death of james mbrrison sonof tbe late rev 8 morsisonof llenwilliams took place at the residence ol mr p williams chicago about a week aj o herald aactidneer hemstreel of acton con dacted a very successfji sale for mr ni biandish on tuesday the larm sold for 85050 and the horses a ad stock brought good prices- milton were given by the various organizations con nected with the church tiie report of the session presented by mr john j lawson session clerk showed that while the death rate and the nnmber of removals had been greater than usual there was a gain in membership of eight twentyfour pad united with the church during the year ten had received certificates and six had died tlie managers reported that niver in the history of the church had mcraeyb promised been as fully paid as during 1632 the treasurer mr v henderson mp gave a very dear report of the finanial affaira of the congregation which vere much more satisfactory than it has been his privilege to report for years the total reveuue of the church for all purposes missions included was nearly 2400 report of the missionary organizations sabbath schools the ladies aid ypsce were all encouraging molgsl had been raised for missionary purposes beside the clothing etc sent to the kbrth west messrs d henderson hi ohn cameron john moffat and dr hckesgue were elected- members of the boaai of management a special subscription list for the raising of 350 was circulated ii the meeting and met with a good recep ion 107 being signed before the meeting ch aed harmony enthusiasm and hopefaliiess pervaded the meeting which was closed by pronouncing of the benediction the the the albert armonr who had suffered with hip disease for nine or ten yeard died last weekand was barred on sunday the location o the new postoffice in hr isaao cartmerss 6tore is a convenient improvement for the west end merchants the east end ones dont like it a hit mr john bzard who has carried on a contracting business in this town for some- years past has sold out to messrs somer- ville flros ho removes to woodstock nextj week where ho takes charge of r lumber yard he willbe greatlymissed in this vicinity past district councilor dr robertson installed the officers of the milton ooancil no 61 r t of t on thursday evenin last they are as follows bc bro w j armstrong yc sis a vanallanj pc bro a c bally chap bro w bj chase rec sec bro r g galbraithj fin sec bro a cummer treas bro wm bews herald bro a phase guard bro f armour sentinel bro t wbortong the council is in a very flourishing condition having 158 members in good standing ofwhont 42 were initiat ed list quarter j a lew bf the old councillors who thought they were there for life have found that nothing is sure but death and taxes those who enjoy a good cap of tea and at tie same time lis i to pjractice econ omy should not fail to p tronue the ham- ilton tea company of hamilton wuase advt appears every w in par columns they offer twenty paand i of tea for a dollar or bell at any price from saves cents up to one dollar a pound the i make a bpecitlty of giving six pounds of any i kind of tea black green japan g mpowder indian oolong hyson i gobi on or dufferid landcdiwrie stanley oi coffee bpices or bakit powder for one dollar persona who hive tried this bar gain have been well sat sfied land continue to ase if they alto o eer some extraor dinary largains iugroa cies- lbs peel for 25 cents lbs blneing 12 bixes matches etc for a quarter dr new stork jan 9 1 be new york pres- bytery today finally ac inittcd dr biggs on theharge of heresy the annual meeting of haltou district coiucil it t of t will bo held i knatckbufl the royal templars hall milton on friday january 27lh at 10am a full representa tion is desired from all tbe councils in the district the streetsviile raiac completed its first twentyfive years of publication last week mr lawcelt gives his consiilasocy a good ilcsj paper and will fdtther lim- prove its quality hy returning to the tour page fatal from which the paper wsh changed t toaple of months ago just arrived aud put iu pucejwc lovely bickgroands end accessories fc mttcb pah and see ihe ivory type mm ricrrlothiuiunuw hello 1 whit is that we hear some mdee wedding bells chiming foctlt tbeit plesiirit peals of happiaeas of j young arable at tho residepce of the j brides father on wednesdsyj jaq thby the rev j w robinson mi john looker tq icosisl margaret ann daughter- of mql hngh atkins of nassagiweya tha bride and i groom were the reoipieats of msuty valuable and useful presents wis wish jack and his wife a prosperois and happj future and may they be long spared to enjoy each othsrs company mr william laing sr is seriously ilj with heart failure and but slight hones ari entertained for his recovery still we trust he may yet be blessed with long life mr daniel barboree will occutiy ihi pulpit in tha ebenezer chardb ntssaga- weya next snnday morning ii the ajbsenc of tie pastor i i the revj w robinsou is to breaclx missionary sermops oa the ponsonby cir cuit for the rev mrcaldwellaextsuday we re having cold widterweatherjrha thermometers registered below sero monday and tuesday this is the coldest spell w have hadtbis winter halibarton k and she not ilechanics insti- art exhibition in esquesiug agri- ied in the town reasarera report ill be received re last week for vioboria mixture brlggs flnall acquitted worst case of scijofula tha doctors eyer saw no oiys 1 completely cur sarsapa km wueh i was t or 5 y ars old i had a scrof ulous sore on the middle inccrjot my left hand which kut si lad that the hand cain nearly oa rnj a octorfrcut the fmrer oft nd later took i more thin half my tlieo the sorj 1 roke put on ray arjn ut on my uek a d faae on both sides jejtroyiiie tin i irjrt dt one ere sjw right ami itofori ald it ra the hoi lift ioci ktlii take ayers sargapsrilla at all seasons in the sprlkff it tired feeling cleanses and vitalizes the crcuiatlo i and to successfully contend with he debilitating effect in the summer it quickens lire appetite regit ites t makes the weak strong in the autumn it lone up tie nerves protects the systemfrom niijlaritil influences in the ittiifer riche the- iilood ancflnvlgcaajtes every organ and t ssue cf the sarsaparilla is the liest alltl hi the heati expels thepoirou of sorofuh and catarrhand t niteumatiinii if makes food i and life enjoyable it is th dightou mass writes io rilla each spring and fall ai george gay 70 cross st oi summer complaints lie has to sars prepared by dr 1 0 ayer k 0o has cured o eyoiirroiiml medlcii a you ourishing wtirkiilcas siitriiir mciliciiic five yrars i have i id received wontlerfi i trt- falls 11 i says nl imi other medicine jowcll mass iioh by i raggis tnr h crettt- cure at the p ijlon gbuelph glasgow e aci that ettt sea lit sit ep refresh miss led a remo ptepa res es that le liver ed tcsrm it jodr canjlud a e ers mi benefit from that far spring and qualioaybjlvji vl ff ns hrsnpa- t efery where you 3hle iaiiil7 wyndham btreet gaelph hi oswald street glasgaw j d williamson cent on in ether use t lis the you ckn buiv neiar right style this advertisement i cut out and broil ght to the lion will entitle the purchaser to a discount oj 20 pe mantles of 10 per cent on all other gorids words any one buying a jacket from advertisement as cash trt payment of c ne fifth of price or one tenth of the price of any othnr goods our stock of mantles and jackets isjistill ivery com plete and we still show a full rangeof fu s of all ikifias we sell the best i sable cape at 37feo beaver cape at 2f5b we offer extra value in j sealettes and make them up as you can get theni no where el co guelpk ifts quality savage co jeusellehs 1 gjulelp stock taking sale goods m the kew 0 has been in bnti know tit wiiqd ttls aro dau fres i meats fowls ic the wo offer gill ft sequence now enjo f oar highcat antlcli i ion boy fthc wealvrays ttade veil aad aa a cotu t lenco v secare pair ones highest cttahpri lov ttc f parties bavins c 3e c to call hr geo r rujitr y awful mammoth- gfeprgetowtt as we are going to take jitaok in a short time we have several lilies or goods we are boa id to clear oat prices will- be pade right to attain the object miuirievj reduced frtaruleareduced mantle cfotha redaded creat8laqghter in djrosa cood4 furs reduced ready made ctothinre duced overcoats reduced dresses reduced to worst case jf cof uiey ever saw itwass mpr birfirl five yciri j30 i besnn to ttk 1 hoods sirssnarffls araduilly i found that he sdres wcrs begio- nlng to heal i kept 0 1 till t had taken tea bottles ten dellar rust llilufc of whst a return got for cijt in estment t usit per ceotf ves nitlyjtllouiand foe the past i yeari have lad uq iprei i jworlcaktftetime ilefore i em tm as trerk t kuow not wliattosif ifroui cnooi h to ixiireij rny brat- ttude to hooi kiwiiiritttlfor raf perfect curcoisonoe w t kxek tanner qat- vaj- saratasacquntr y ds pif8 i ak l aaadtoaeuejlo- tchtrrtlie ic- willialcmcleqd aiohastown juet stuil is in a ton lone cefcagh to mppliea r maeket hero si ch cau bo ttobe apatri cr to iait our en itomera old and paid ft a retain the rpork bidta tal- to tell aro rotintcd i o bf uld pitii erebus umt- intiteilnvecaucj tctand knitted woollen coods jvjtf tt reduced woollen coodsapd idlfi fhsirt aiwwcrs itftricofoefc nrtirted irrli lcott three torwet mrc r r chcw isiswrrs acsmsffisra iwardof ocutoi tth cilonl i0 ibehus e 25c on the dollar s oraoeaitsln sfh i for or f ffijj st toltar toon r lt 3 i sstii tally tltalrsted pwjj w ifaroivliurtlielnrstklsl wo arc telling carpets cieaji we are doing the right thi ig m ordered clothing onr dribcb makers are at it iiight tn day making maiiiles and dresses- gonebddtflkeadvnntagi of the sweeping bargftipsv a jiglpile of spring pti ute j det arrived pew ioheckshirtingfiitvwjqoit nis new cottonndca new carpetii jewfoot wear new ovecshoes ad feturuimlltoevf ansvrat lluvvouirctthi 1 r rar tuaiiceforoneori rcoftr nirnrtnnltjrandi j rcgrrtlt w 1 ii rive amwers recelro each a siirruoccolinnlx rxvmniir vocti iltorat ttmjj wjw jnu are out vtp mens after recclv lcoplc jon can hi fer lji liirintrflrst pn k1 aidtlielinlaiiotl olswcrtodjyini bicloc ri-lvothelr- aildrcssi htrect west bad and c a con nago which received h la entire vt w ioa will i alas and b the last l otjt lundsome new year presents fbr the m llions glance over our bill of fare and see if we havent just the thing you wantfor your friend remember we have no fancy prices everythinggbes to suit tne times our iishor the latjiesa beayee ketts opfos8u setts 1 seal setts 1 goat seffits beaver icapes i astractfan jackets kid gloves kid mitts- wool auttb silk ties silk is linen handker chiefs r0che3- fine hose kidboots kid slippers dress lengths feather fans curling tongs hats bonnets etc our listfor the children odd collars and muffs in any of these fursr vi give yourfriends some- thing useful grey- persian lasib setts grey peusi an las1b oafs white rabbit setts fancy tvooe setts j white llama setts tam oshanters i fancy wool caps fancy handkerchiefs gloves and mitts i this is only a few of the many articles yve have that wpyld gladden the tieafts of the littiejones remem ber our prices are right our list for the men suspenders sox kid gloves lined t un- lined wool gloves mitts dress shirts collars 4 cuffs ties scarfs seal caps beaver caps persian iamb caps this list any tciea does not give of the stocki cattle in and see us r b jermyn everything goes cheap at christmas corimlaad 3faiii streets acton cl8krinp kls dry goqajs groceries and readyviade clothing aj vreararoingtorliakealtiirittons in oar store we hive deceidtd le make a sweepmg sale i anything dryq6ods wa save an icunensc sfocfcof mens ifouths boys shirts socks ties mitts cottons bargains and clearout everylhtng ia stock regardless cf cost rooner than lobe packiag them qfi sad iloriiifj away rything must go atd will go if low prices say- -in- 30 now is your chsnee for cheap readymai clothing and childrens suits overcoats hats caps underwear top 8uspenders collars cuffs cloves hose tweeds flannels cottonadeslshlrtlng towelliner etc it wont pay you t6 miss thii chance as we stated everything must go a now foe kelly bros acton if you want l your bloocj purified and jytfur system v invigofatedpget a bottle af sut blo0d to inc- if you have smiths our win jad koffget a bottle of cjberf 7 balsam tit to take andcures every time pleas i er fluid s 1 for roughness of the skin cnappeq j hands and to be used after shaving has nc equal prepared only by arl gsmith 5t co dispensing chemists a iid make icflcf walfr stamtk souvenir sat whctll ror not vebiilo as regular oc licit fod4 jio- above r if if briailodiabjb r iutcat- niiciitcaprotoirrounr jjc you luolievlac 1c uu tiliij carrc t answer i reedto dr t reward wclveil b a cents aiu vttdmfiiri emoner too a peop can da guelph ont no 12 wyndham st j joha speight son rurmture und6rtrking oar stock o furniture fs now- complete fot the spring trade and we can supply any article you want atlha lowest poasible prices we dont ileal ear fqrniturs not defraud any one tnjttamanafsclare bat we pay cash for it and tin lellaalow for cash at any dealersjin tha trade we can give you a- bedroom set complete for 14 wove mattressessftr 84 springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 7 50j extension tables st50 chairs at anxprlce jj v lunderthklkcu r rare and ji will ektuff v a full line of coffins caskets eobes stealwaiiu tstook twbcan4ue yoo- satfsfactiati as id prieerwe desire to impress opoa tbe public the fact that we bate no connection with say combiuatiaa sad oar prfemare not governed by the undertakkt usodatiou w can rive you the best the njarma afford at very reasonable prices cbod hearse and outfit for funerals speidht st sn

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