Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1892, p. 4

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a a ijc jtrton vk rtss ttulrstuy dkcewuett i 1692 flic ijoung yolks rrt- ill- nor wnvr oowv ii i not in tin- ft 4 of iwttlc it not vith lilpt fr iiu a title fx rcrt una f ittifr tliftt ttmr lilm y from nit rith lrli iti lli ruvy iiir cup tint ilir r i tixl irk drown he ilnik ttir allurtic oloti atil thru tuv lj nt dn uowcftmtii ue iwihuof iiiitilioojl to vt ar itln of dltijtsce tvod tin p- xm wfrtlilf wicf ironi tiif iipv of wbst tutftit lit tctrj ivr lii britii of liettt resetted li udtvrm hi- mtuirirov crown ttviii hi cmrof inful pwturo ti or llir tunr oul itory ttit uohrn o often tell in win tif kiftmtf anei lite tlio liie of funrrtl tall hut i icrr lliucm mire irn i lii it t lo urn ni nil u hlf hillf tn j df 1 1 jit lifl u- true to lii tuctlirr i tuxiflit lie 1 l trui to liiiarf v hi ku fr iu liov kll dflutlpn aia twltii milui prue an t are ulc wliru dtuicrti fh n oi rrr ille oil rm iiotliirilrtrxy thi great evil no lt la tcir itlicty be thrown tixu from tiir terrim nswlitrom ttf ticniint of loyt coinc flown racat it tctri a rwtffct copy tt etvt s srt on the cloitk yoact b0 obfsud uy intentions m rood- cive you plwar tid mr obcr voice and itftinc th jitctaw fram the tiblo oa which hit wife hfd pleedjit he crri4 it fwm the room emme bsck for a lustier of n eledid lot boar thetjvenitic ptttm withont further re a wifes lesson til buy that for my wif catd mr 1 ton a he ttooj before the window o a pritittdler admtriu a copy of frit cele- ceecrat pictare of kvmctfhne so fcctinc oa the momente impalce he wot nd rotdc the parchite hit firtt intention ru to mod the pictare home to his wife wjthoat fraraiof tjat being id the dei ire to eire her pleuafe he took ecood thoaghl how much wijl it cot he aaked the ooj to mr dixon wn thine to be cortidervd or hn income x not lare ind he had to practice economy in hii ex- penditnr i will ay nine dollars for the print aod frame mr dixon hood irreolote but lie thcracbt of hit wife and of the pleasure the would derive from the pictore and ielded she hai alwaja admired thii pictare mr dixon ulked with himself u fie left the itore i want to cee her tarprue and pleafare when it comebome it will look churning in that frame nine dollars ii a pretty lirje aam for me to ipeadin a pic tare bat then it iff oojy for ocoe and will be a perpetual toarce of eajoymenl i meenpo bare bocght a bew hat today mine ii tcaroely decent bat no matter i can wear my old one for a few monthi bger the anticipated delicht of his wife waa a toarce of pleasure to mr dixon all throah the remainder of the day for the sake of givinc her so mach enjoyment be wnald willingly wear bis shabby hat fnr a yex the honri semedbardeoded with delay bsteveoiog came at last and he turned his tps homeward he came in before 6 oclock thepictare bad not yet armed as the clock struck c the bell rang xir dixon liitened while the servant went to the door what it it un diioa called to the servant as the saw her coming along the hall with aomelhiog in her hand a pictare i believe maam a pictare and mrs dixon ran down to meet the terrain mr dixon did dot follow bat stood in the room above in a qaiver of nerroui satpense a few moments aiid his wife returned her face all aglow bearing the pictore in her hand evangeline she exclaimed with halfsappreastd delight as she placed the picture oo a table that stood by the wall and exposed it to the light is this for me hecry yet it is for you mr dixons heart wac in his voice is it not beautiful the pictare is beautiful ahe replied her tone was changed already something had been discovered to mar this beanty picture and frame both are heaatifal spoke np mr dixoir in an emphatic tone mrs dixon bent down toward the pic tare knitting her brows and looking criti cally not at the sweet dreamy pensive face of evangeline bet at the frame tbat has been mboed she said lay- ing ber finger on a email cfingj spot not larger than a flys wiftg sever mind its only a trifle and wont be doticedby one in a hundred said mr dixon look at the picture look at the face i oh its a miserable fotme youve been cheated just examinefeis joint i ooald ran a knife into itfj never atw sach a piece of work mr dixons heart began to feel like lead ob thats a trifle be answered and not worth con ii deration it us edjoy the pictore its crooked in the frame she respond ed oh no said mr dixon it is cant i cee mrs dixons tones were growing sharp and triey cut the eri of her hasband painfully just look at this side and now at that theres half an inch difference in the margin i dont tee it replied mr dixon i wonder what your eyes are worth jcit look here aod mrs dixon took a strip of paper and measured from the left- hand tide of the frame across the white mtrgin to the edge of the pictare do you see that v and she marked the dis tance on the paper now see here laying the measure od the right haiid side an eighth of an inch difference mr dixon turned away and walked across the room his bopey was turned into gall he had denied himself ii order to give enjoyment to his wife and this was the result youw- uen cheated in thie picture ferenc in tvancclina on the next moraine cr- pis ihbat going away he sat3 i will jeo mr bird the printmiter about the will fend for it during the forenoon a b the picture atid took it arty ed bat it waa not sent horn duott taid nothing about it ind his wife did not venture to ask any qui itiona on the subject about a rtnnth afterward ri visiting friend mr ditin notice 1 evangel iha in lb pvo very familiar she un in whei her friend came down from my 1iuband said thofi it charming he took roe ycmcrday 1 a an plepl she pud hut ms v antcer aie had already tcmred pic tare and frame there a tor- aboqt it the friend mr bird sold ii man whn wished to mate a p wife but tome defect in tht vented her from njoying h it was sent bocv to be reorl bought it jut as it wa and where another saw blemiih im sorry for the ladys husband he mm be a i kind and thoughtful man and dee rvet a niore appreciative wife suppose i hadnt fancied the frame do you th nk i wdold roar my husbands pleasure or hurtlbil coodwiil toward me by pointing it oat or letting it shadow roy delight iis thought ful love expressed in this gift is far more to mo than the gift itself that wdald make even homeliness beauifal in my eyes i dont winder that son e men grow cold toward tbeirvvives mrs dixon turned away fnj tare with a choked feeling she answer nothing her c a new revelation had come to hastened home to count it thoughts im us t act dfferently a4e mast have clearer eye for duller eyes for defects things to intentions kotes itamt of qan ra1 ntrit to fr prit rdri rv tjrninc the word cjt t iarp v on hie eurn a he fbirti the opp jtjte ude of the room kt ivjk here what i it he k1 it i- ii much ralmhe- e he i mllr ihiine man uvisa if tmkwprt it 1 cj to ml ujiot tw liver th thing to prevent ihiituedr pirce pleasant pelleti tcu one of 1 leso uttie pellets for a axrwsivo or genuo laiitive thrw for a csthirtlc thetre tho tnuiu est eaticrt to take plcauntet aid most niturcl la the way thej- act tlary do permanent good conjtl- peton iaujistlon bilioo attack kick or bilioui hcadacbe aol all derengemenfc of um urer rtotnacfc and iwweli are prerentol reliereil aafl cjrctl theyre quaratiued to give us- hcoa la eery caie or jmr money b returned cither ija licture ii v calltd for iyt pu- picture of it lootaj ilini befora it riretcnt end int by nnrpriie xon diii not continued to a jrentle- tnt to hi ftame pre- picture tnd my hutband 1 find beauty the pic- vhit could 11 wa btjief ler and khe iver in 5ier taid i beanty and i ma it look put it wti a rostn narrow telfiib ipirit which oo lid only te the blemlihea in that pictare iottcaj ot the lore which prornptad my uutbadd to deny himself that i mbthavf apleatqro 1 aod i am rightly puniihed 3at heaven helpinc me i will be a wiaer t oman and a truer wife hereafter and we may hope that she tcta poor man 0 the tt e polut when its i nnsd uuol etc ave and and it claimed for it prejudiced agtli how the patent not a machine ii and there qoatcoo trukec rood v hi for ytrt parllla a oar family ot fall equal lo alt that it cm people are tettly t patent tnadlcintt bat xa hict i mtdtdlae tai a myttery at tnjrttetiee a hocult iilli on ra liver illc the indignant icoltier yoa tty th young aearop too c you lo hit armit whit did you tay to hi n the artlete dduafa ter i taid holi on i lim it ii one of the to cure a ooru ncltriaturo j arleat thin lo the world do not aw tcldt or other ctatlic preiariti in and dont cutahole in your loot iu i imply to apply put- mant pinlc corn istraotor and in three dtjt ihe coin pun lie removed wlthoat piin8ure f pilnleei take only iutmln cirn ktlractor the nun who fte lil wife tpllt all the wood my mean ell bnt he ihoatdat b aliowed lo do all fhe talking at a prayer mectlnc ai larmeleet ivgetable pilji contain uatidrtke and dmdelion they can liver and kidney compltlntt with unerrlnr oer- talnty they t alio onataia rosti and herb which have i iecfio virtaea traly woa- deffnl lo their ac cloa oa the ttomtch and bowelt mr e a saltacrotc 8htkepear writet i eontider farraeleaa pille aa ex- cellentreojedy or bilioaineti and derange meat of the liver tell for tome time a temple of aoy perton who coooa it iojarioat boict cratit bavick om4 them my- radeamane challenge an ihow me that my health will receive tea indeed it he whose blood who hu lost his appetite flesh and seems to b lo a kpid de cline but is poor and his i of pre kfflrtgfu co liretldcl ml spftafaflts i caa aate rlcti tfala by reateih tfieeuu letli at rlek umc aad ta t um eoerjr aa perfect pirtical he carta cao at ottit cw terela aad sraad it it is 1lm0st is pauttsle as kux prepared oalrbru4b4ne b llcnlla dont tay a crowd of twell i bnt a flock ol chappie it cured mother 1 so fieri og appetite gextlsiies my mother w from dyspepsia and had everything failed to cure ber anjtil one day while vie ft ing a friends hoam i saw a bottle of bbb on te table 01 1 inquiring what they aied it for i soon found oat what it cored and when i went borne tofd mother that she should try it she tshd she bad no faith id anything an 1 objected to try it notwithstanding her 1 bjectionjl went in the evening and broagh home j a bottle but it was ip the bouse fcr a week before we could induce her to- tae it last as she was getting worse all she consented to try it and on tsjbing the bottle fonnd it was caring be and we believe saved her life we aren out bbb now it is such agocl remedy for headache as well e wektos 12 dalhoutie st montreal ate it at iii the time taking- half if you want to bay or sell a farm svd tertisejnthetorfnto wttkiy mail thtt paper reches 100000 farmer 1 homes every week and youradvertiaeme itthoald meet the eye of someone who wan a to pur cbafce advertisements of this els is are c- serted in the toronto wtly mai for fire cente a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada a sermon is more voluminous than luminous it does dot illuminn ns made with skill dr woods norway pine 6y modern kticcessful cure for ooag hoareeneftb asthma bronchitis so and all pulmonary complaints from the best pectoral herbs and the most skillful cud scientific and cannot fail to give prompt rel ohyvhfttacough7 wjll yoo heed the warning tr perhapa of the sare approach of terrible disea consumption selve if ton ran afford for the naving mi to run the rifk and do for it we know from experic shilnhn cure will cure your neer f n if- why ttys he locked within hi and orkiil without rest he embroidering home snper for the girl that he loves ap the s colds e throat made i arks by ttbods f tl aik e signal atmore your 6ike of nothing ce that 3gh jt dern t a itfmarknlilf inte the worst ca of chronic ca tarrli in the head yield to dr 6afrij vcaurrh kemedy so cer tain h it tut its makers offer s500 rv3rj for an incurable ctse jlmiekkk about five years hgo i nniiredon my hands h great nnmberf toft spongy wuru very pattiful and whic bled when touched i never witnesei anything ike it and was qnite alarme we are never withont hagyarda yello v oil and one evening my little girls applied it to each wart they did this seven d niglita and in the morning the paitt ar itcbiug were so had i had to cool my banc s with tnow bet finally the waru dropped out and i have never ieen troubled since mis wk cnita brighton ont milburns beef iron and wide restores strength and vitality and makjs rich red wood t if any when from ovet by an inherited and rest or medics sorted to then no ed with the ume emulclog work possibly assisted weakness the health fails treatment matt be re 1 rjcdiciue ctn be employ- b neflcial recalu u scotts constipation is able diseases promply remedied cathartic fills are perfectly safe tendency to liver s ani th a gasburner at the house of hii ycrai c c rioiaius d i have used mest saccessful y croup in my fa mi medy no house sh cape island voaoff uas i the pirent of innomer- thoald therefore be by the nse ot aysrs iece pills do not gripe 0 take and remove all d bowel complaints suitor who stays late best girl the co hinard8 ma in a serious case of y i consider it a re- old be without j f ccxkixutnu that string on ciy finger means bring home a bottle of 11 inards liniment weakntras of bigot is frequently the result of general debilitl when the blood is impoverished every orgaoof the body and sense suffers as an effective powerfal and economical uniclte relive ayeri sartaparilla may t relied ou every time the place to eep up ones spirits a haunted house little jrujuie was cared dfab sins my little jennie was very bed with la gripp which left a bad coagh i gave ber hagyanls pectoral balsam and it toon cored her una mcaetuic copies too ont the man who always stops to think what he is going to say seldom says exactly what he thinks free and easy ex xctoration immediately relieves and free the throat apd lunge from viscid pblegci and a medicine that promotes this is tie best medicine to ae for coaghs colds infiamatioa of the lungs and all affections of the throat and chest this is precisely wrist bicwes aoti-coo- samptive byrap is a specific for and where ever aied it has giuen onbbanded satisfac tion children like it becaase it is ples ant adults like it because it relieves and cures the disease for cuts burns toria carbolic salv soothing ointment sores or wonnds vic- 11 the best heaiing and id ere at deaths door a great medical my medical advi could not possibly to use northrop a covery for dyspepii the worst of iu ki coo id not eat meat ed from 218 to 119 for thirteen moothi vegetable discovi am now entirely ci my usual weight keen relish and have sold over thir covery since it known and people bow low i was possibly be cured this grand medici my life as i never first i commenced agerating anything to contribute this may be the means its merit ae a cei signed wotton p q nred 1 the great value 0 morally speaking i people lock higher vvwr dyipeptit conquered riamphgrkrlriiek r and others told me i ve when i commenced yratne vegetable dii- l my case wee one of for three yeara i end my weight decreat- be all the food i took previout to taking the contisted of milk i and have regained eat anything with a like a new man i dozen vegetable du- me at i am well- in tbit section know thought i ofauld not they are eager to try it certainly lived pec ted to recover when ng it i am not ea- but feel clad to be able imonial and trait it f convincing others of care for dytpepejt jeis valcocet general herohant fel cured and 1 111 test rtajin atlronomyas a gcience that it tends to make purest strckqest cootahu no af aa aa nwala i ph sptutc rial 9akins powder rbest umt tec or tnj lajartant ew cilletjt toronto otru why should u it tt the larttt when daatarf trt lafnoe ktni tenon ell from itrlktagt eaee jtoabtoii a htttte aad i n work- all ihe ed leaving nel oota repeated thit prompteel beet remedy larptleed at ill ssmi a 8 a george pat- a teoond tlory window i found him iifog st it freely tit over hit hint utit mofnlag at ipottflnilly dluppesr- llhplti tear nor iwelllng k keouuck u d oiedl bits vrl 0 ltr sahatbl build a chleeaa mrpsalerr tad bmtll 80a that ii wtleta delegtl h uclut wye irldge old urge jaiat i trio oil it it craap dra tud la the throat it worti care tit burnt wojicdc little dei i erer any wela in cert llttfa die eye an i guest keep the cinders eoip wanu hit boy lo help lets play we are ire a homo lo build ii be real aloe ill bo e vrltmi ilitv ofdr thames ecleo- ar ooldt tore throat ftct for tuy affection of likemtglo it it a sure and bcakcc rnnder why there int the cormri of- rillroad spliler have eight tt too much trouble to ut llloti lies cured dctt sits in 890 my body was cover- ed with blocohee a id i waa tt latt induced to try burdock bl od clttert by he time i had ated 8 bott it of tt i est completely cared end i cann t tpeak too highly at tt um jiutf lxeiuoxii halifax ns uamma i httw day where ts th i know hat i pat neck this taornla thowln herself t blu t leea the kitten to- f little dot i doat is tlbboa roandher tad i gaett theaat caatdc it being t jngrttuliteo everywhere oa he eieelleaoei of her miaaftcluret art stained oiui tt promlaeady fa ihe root rank of hart uprovementt thanks to ucctatiaml 4 saof totoato who for 10 yean have labo ed not only to tecama itt money bat to ntke stained tndornt mental glut of all kinde a credit to the dominion wfiioajsfea bat not wisdom oolt the world hu ed men an toquire knowledge some of the greatest known have beta learn- cought coldt asthma hotrtenett broachitlt eta ytt id at oooe to dr woods norway fide syro the successful throat tod lang specific the third page tl the toronto cu uaxl ie noted for if yoa want to bo you want a situtti wtnt advertiiemente or tell anything it n a mechaaio a bott the charge is two tertioo addreae ada empty heir a the wild cherry barns cod liver delicioui ia taste power batt- castes neat machinery ic igingt if yoa have tott or oand anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone i advertite in the to ronto daily mail 1 3d retdj the edvertits- meataon the thirl page of that paper ceata a word each in ke jiait toronto ctn angry boy combined with mil- emulsion make it tod perfect ta cartttte cil pisas bemad torosteerk st te catarrh sotdbrdructtr iatmtbrmaolt0c7aj gt it tuna pa u txbj ce0rc wo have go fi selves this seaso and cheap goods take the public dence and tell we have gectuet or 54 inch all wotjl dress goods b and combination price 1 per yard surpassed our- id getting nice that we have to into our confi- ihem about it a big line of 64 colored tweed bautiful designs f color regrllar we are sell ing them for 75c 5 yds for the dress only 8375 another lot of i dress goods all the way from 30c to 60c per yd your choice lor 20c dont riiss such a rare opportunity a big variety of all the other lates styles of dress goods and silks our ilantlea vero never so handsome and c leap we are selling a large lot of mantle cloths- regarales 5 of cost a splendid sealette for 8300 per yard our millinery i urprises every- one for beanty tnd owners of price furs we have in great profusion boas muffs capes collarettes caps etc ladies underwear surpri ing everything evershown forcorrifort and cheap ness hoisery staples flannels small wares alankets boots shoes cannot be surpassed by anyone forvariety we liave ever thing suitable for gents from o down to the mil gents v fuurnis drives in men n coiitn ntul men uinl boyb reudy- mado suits uoi flannel shirts c and mens under vear beginning at 50u ii suit up we must not orget our car pets oilclpths i inoleums uuts and curtains ii all our long experience we c ild never oser carpetj cheaper nice tapestry carpet 25c per i nice union 25c nice brussek 50c kow is your on orlimity to get bargains in every line of goods ihe mammoth is the spot w mcl4d co giorfjetowk and cheapness dered clfithirig utest article in lings greitt id boys over s top shirtn irdigitn jackets xlrutrdt ldlgtent tii et coldt etc aa old phytlolen retired flroiiprtohoe having had plaoed in hit haadt ly an em india mtttlontrjr the formula c a simple vegttablt remedy for the speedy tod per manent ou re of consumption bronchitis oatarrh asthma and alt throatl tad lang affeoltons alto a positive and rtdteat cure for nervous debility tad tit nijrvoai cam ptttnlt tiler ittvlng letted its woaderfal atrrmv powers a houttadt o otiet hat felt it hit duly to mike it knows a tit hit taffertag fsllowt aotatted bylhtt mottva tndtjettre to relieve hamta iwerlngj i will send free of charge lo alkwho desire it this realpe tagermth fmaoh it english with all directions for pteplrlng tkd astng seat by mill by tddrejtlng with ittrnp atmtug tbltptner wj a horitc 810 powert diock rochester n y deeply tntetotw- tumbled down a well a mtn who hit pure powdered ly purest 5tronqe3t but ketdrforaiaprcn niiir far sjastea seep sostenuyrwttefliifiir nivoitahttadrotfouiae ua aoauouali i iijvji tm r a i i i ar xr or fy norway pin syrupo r ich ut the leechealuif tfrtuat ecthe phi eombiaeil witil tie seedusr tail exixerut c enpertiecet ether pectoral hattt aod barks i a ftrfzot otfte f off i coujshq and colds i hoarscoect ast dma broschltlc see threti c ciropaodlt throat brokckialani lundiseases qbiaitecoaatiiwfcich resist ether r yltld prgmpfljr to t dleasant piny symp j ruaa t ma aoc pcit oottux the grat3i3lrl mariufacturfng co ltd waterloo ont uakufactuilens 0f rank office sciiooiilorlge ami opera fttmittiue nvv dont fail to get our estimates 6end for circulars and catalogues latest improved and perfect- ed school desk frank burgess house painter paperhanger sign writer etc it prepared to ececate orders in iny of the tboro itdea iatbebect manner and atroasonabte terma ererrjobharfagraypersoaalatcanuqa i can assure customers complete sitlifactlon orsialng in sit woods a spectaltr i orders left at my residence utia st actc wtu recelro prompt atteatlaa thit is th gains aa any of the but remeqs if yoa wantyoar ia order floases rtc mens fi s rvel ale jhstpassed into stock a lot of hance jeryot mnatpiy t pay i ustom zompetei with uetph rmgs lovew stok just in worth o riiade olothmg drygrobdg which we bpugt at j5c on jtjbie g in ileas oaths boys tmi childrtnt r parh8toklrir tjtveeds towels shh k cottons cottonttdes shtttsjsocks 8u3jiender8hat8aijidapa of your or tort lite far bar- are detjermjne4 to undersell nto hoaset- the oath- we v nutt bedoae other ceth the tltlt csih g wqoe suits worth pants worth white ahd crby qpttons worth hundreds of now for barca1n8 1 1 t suitt lo select front in til bizet tad kelly bros 800 for 450 300 fqr i 50 toe for 7c styfat acton i i j i photo artis lftl7mofuuv acton ont hasthe aeci turns o the enjoys a for jt isones the unt i 5 est instruments and best irovi ncial cellence photos in reputation come to actok for crand trunk railway oob0 wf j yivttit- i m tm i btptesej i w a- maf 1 ra8r biprter espm espvets ii 08 a mill hn mill pttteigeti 7 jftpjnl ulsed a pj- nxtior uovxa tun- qoing-wesl- 5 am and 1 40 pto aolngbatt wtamand5rtpm thit time lahle went into effect on december fthwl issmyhors worth 20 dicxt btooo rtrairnta iche is not health and sound brerr tnlmal thst it worth keeplngover whi ter should bare dfcat wood iaruerlo be sirlntv it will uk lets food lo imp tfaettt in eooditioo they v un betler abortewill do more work diolci horse andcttlle ifediclritt are the best la lie world send a postal card for full particulars slid a book ot valuable bossebetd and farm recelp will be sent roe dickecopx boi fflmonlrtai sold evsrrere offldock i ate the stomach r ancibowuio y nloika rftesecretionspurlfjeth btood and remove all im purities from a pimple to trte wcirat scrofu louts sort blood cures dyspepsia biliousrtess constipation- headachc salt rheoav scrofula heart burn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheuaatisav skin diseases bitters t nvrite for i i club terms f or 1893 axd valuadlk fltlzeluit it will pay yd the flmst lut of premiums ever offered by a cjana- j j diaa paper daily ql0be morning ed moo second 40b saturday rsjo weekly globe fromnowtoepni3i onlr one dollar axvoxk can gkt up a club akd securk a ifjlvdsoke pltuss i t3yma rariyia the globestorohtd s snd fret hsndboofc vrttsto xil oolbvbtwainrit ittw tone qldss btireaa jar fseortas ptru m amsdea r mtn new i lijiidonesil mechanicalgenemb woengrayinc 1 1 0 k i n gst e a 5tt0r0nt send him for any dlass engraving y prirat i can furnish you with the best presses country- and at lower prices j comb to 2 improved cd easy to thetri 4r an co your order of wood ou desire untjrv news and aiiv other ne bbwork to be cylinder pfes pres diy had in- this the free press is printed on the no 1500 drum cylinder pres ye have ran the proaty for eight yeart and the longi o handle oottt little or repair tnd s otty 9a the 1 for the money come and jweoar prett at work we can give yoa your cholpo of 1 nkmber ot diff think of it a new 8 to folio oi oran 8 col h p book pre s for 58qo and the workillustrafa its jneritsi can mo jbetter newspaper or posterior erunjitthe fetter we like it it ft simple easy to rati etay on type iter t pocket book we call it the best p rest to be had in the world oa desire tamples of work tend for them aad we will gladly furmth liies tnd ttytit of presses at ill ptirit i r col qtb power press forj only6oo tood- full particulars from agent for caiada acton ont i otia hundred and fortyjone handsome photographs in one crand i pcturl air the conservative trtembersof pparpamehtl trapirt ewrpoe a perfect efaner pmu m he original picture oostovbr soo jote um grand pictore it jnsd oo spk ovttemarsajdn no extra charge qiven free tj ry tutraerwr for th weekly empire j for 1893 5js5lv or order rlitnl tlwwm te 1 3tut i ruea1 i j sqsbb tv i l i iiisislsimi

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