volume xviitino foton tjc titt jffcj jrcss ti rcuittrf every thursday horsing it vht- fr irwt steam ittrttfar otflc ulta street i actox ost is traieior fcbkturttac on dollar pfrwtf it fj4 in fcircac ot rtthla thrt tuocvbi from tculo of rc libw rvtr if dot so paid th ht to which etvry mbiwrtpuoq it pid t tjsoti by lh data oa th dirism ubej atirutrutka rinw trtncicct advfrtit- bcu r tli fr soopcrttl uo flrt la- rnvi s recti a lin tor etcb subwbcnt covtjuct juttith follolnp ulil hcwt njr rlo fr cie irmrtion ot i4trtlnionu or 1 inc 10trchm mnehw linrh 1 1 trjt ko i va a 0 woo too it co sj3 5 ko 1 ko itv tco t00 xco1 lcu aitrtiwlmtt withit tpeeiflc dlrfttloe rill ls trfrtvi till fot44 tad eorp5 accord- tcw ttaicrt vlrrtiaitau taot t id lc sviraboo k adttrlvtiau ill b charm car mtb rorth tl fcrfj for chancuar lbaa oao ruanih it eouiixitionmntt be paid for it wcciu ctvtsc ir contract tvirrtikniu tuiut b la tt otic ty cooa en tutji nruoone elitor an proprietor i fl fi sasincss bircrtorp j fivrknim dc m osctai rrtiiccf corner mill a knvicrict ttrwu artec samckfagveild gnjuue o trinity collfce ucabcr ol comtv cithyiiciixi ind stirftxms- licatittc of kcyal collect oj ibyticitun and bareboat eiistcrcb 0 tad retiieac dr iarry lit irai- deaoe fcc4 rtlrts3fnck tlrcc actoa l l bess ext lds dentist ct oac crown ovriaio m cleak 4 mcleas bjtutra solicitor ncunct costcjaaccr tc privautcsda to lotn ofloe tore hall ac tea w i mcltix jso a mvlcis t a mowat bttustct soucrfot soutt pratic honey to lotva- ornct dir taejy 1 syirlty ornce karini bok acton ciiuirt the smooth ivory exercise book ho dclitutfal it le to write j 64 pages only 5 cents the central school sctfljbler a lire book mk of cctr troib ltc ruled i lb bt 5 cent scrlbblfirln guelph to b hid oclr tt days bookstore the traders i or qhadai nrid arrtct tanokta j cirrril avtookiiio hmoxo cxtttll pltd up aoi40qjq- tat tvkd 1500000 bank i quelph brakqh cokxu or ttkijttilt ixd qtilfflc ttuetf btttnfk btnk dputmnt pratpcloamlohiiiilipinicfrooj ato ot denou to dito ot vluidtmrtl or com pound htu rewlf oa uit ucr uui no- vtmbflf i oepodt recitu wood jcadrucoc m4d to hpoailu i tinnen 6ttac ezelutue ootiac cai told drftc tartsd poinlo h ul point la thd jnltod sutee lndcotul4 i a catu bjitlnc buttnoa tmi tcted a f h j0he8 utater qijelpb bnscb bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department been opcnkt in connection with thif iirnch intitrit allotirtl it corrcst sites jas hfinuay mttuctr uluph btancil wlbarber bros paper makers georgetown qnt i icatb 1 trccllltt of macfiifie mm book papers i ix high grade weekly news r mcsabb c05ttasrrh couxctor ktc- illa4cco2cu colced acat fir ead lilf awsrurv property boapht and toli uorf j lo iox en tie cot frortle tennt jaiiowarfioace acton the piper used in thi journtl is from tha above millsa wm bahber beos- steel eagravix6s rrji etchlajf coiora iictur picur uouldila ivory oak guelpja business college enterprise c the won r mtl taloud anoaj tlio tfrf foi ettn ley by jour jnify it rot and jo bu f in st uh paaajr edtouiet it mijti refill oik too nevct ncjdto ilt- taerof u itoctlo dofn ia lite foure uionlulop einixttkcnoitbtt rtt ennf ploee dno irarmcd njia t liter punc jact ufc i itock- penny cilned vltaa edd- t wti iu runet u udo u luiar kulkiroondor ta corner ttcllnlled mi toek i inlcndent rinc in 61 toatl io hie ciqc ilrj to fittter ye 1 ikht tblt mcy i 1to ueh it vlctorliv tockln sir troabie doamo iled miyb j nieli ltt tbo capacity success ixd circular tclany address m maecormick principal sent free in st try lya to rittir be j lou kecr turn 1 1 oc tbcm r p so miyiblc i n i fit be ctrefn bi ju youll hie to cimeu ajo dnp tue by bit tberel tnctij- lo fit 3ntario thursday october 13 1801 bocbq via stocicar fit plenty friend iroand rbtle i d dit ye tcirco let ye oot their vmi but tbo beet friend tery t tlnfeaie lico in t colllulod r- aiy ojjrut yulti ba cy th d tnj add vtnt o i a k aq t irk tier mty uiirart yoar bt 111 ua theres c pro i sac fclians ui that narer fall ed mej it i gi put lmpllf faltfi la that aud in your rtocfc su the leader frames silver gilt qhiltos wallbridge stoke birruters solicitor t totasno urdctoiqctoiri ocecreecio stocfc georgetown lad trujr biik chmibere 63 yonge it tproto v i er h rilixtll- ie h tetosc ateiits secured foe inventions hesbt grist onitricixir1 trerty t in pnctice no piteat so pit w hekstreet licrsscd accnoyccb artists materials lull neck o wlnor 4 setoai 1 doable tcboa rovcey lftd fe i 10 dp 1bpto frttgc cemple ic 5 feet cornice pole hrua fitticc 2jc our wall papers ajq said to be the beet selected ia the city waters bros established 177 st george s square guelph 99 upper wyndharp st cholee new novclticiln scarfs ties and neckwear juct ojad dp for the cosntlea of welliaton aad haltoa order left at the fajce pbxu ooce actoa or it ajyreciieaceia actoa till b rroaptiy ieid4to teraii retaoaable aio tlbztj to loca on tht tcoti latortblol tcrzlaad at tbe i avert rate of intcrecr id isntof tikjtad cpwxrd j u john day architect gctlrii ot ornct wyniiiamstrui j new planing wilt sixh ind door factory- trakciskusak tsietor to t fcaapcto bookbinder j stgorcessqgare 6uelpboauio acccraat 7oki oi all tioi roade to order periaiicali of tery deriptioacretqljybodad eazitr acatlr tad promptly done j rrihe haklafbarber shop illllstiteetactos i aaeaiyate astylitbhaircctaeoodaeajfotra aa ethifitrrticchainpooalayciten etton hoat4 aad pat ia fintclasf condition lfcdie aai childreai tir uxtijy cat i j htwordentoaioriajanit actoa liodge no 204 looj john cameron contractor hu fittad ap tbe baildiac on ifaia strefct lately occupied u a trunk factory ritb aev machinery aad ib prepared to jaruub plaas fpciiicaxioca and ettimate for all claue of buudiac and execute ail kiad ol djtfssing hatching r andueuldixg 1 jaee all ttus op sathea doors tod windowi aad door prunes tad dressed lumber and keen a stock ot haad all orden pronptl atteudm to john cameron tba finwt itarc of cfcoloe new suitings fine trovvserlngs la tlietrado close prices for cash a nnnj th trutnteipteop the exceedingly irty wtllj ptper is very oomicai itdnt it is juct ul to prove ptiici iisertion nuimm took li i lit ok tbo miienible tabbed together like chil- isy specillty rerttet fittins pint to order r e nelson ilercblnt tlhor ind gecti pornitber 99 upper vfyixfiiira st guelph acton- livery bus line meets ia the od4fello hall hills felock every wedcetday ereaing vititiagjbretb- rea alvaya welcome for copy of eomtitation aad lava apply to tbe aaderaiaed or tor of tbe hhwokdn sefirrtary w wnuau 6 n j salesmen w ante w 3 t iratt both trttelltdf aad local aalcsmeo to re pretest tbe ojd eitabluhed fbathill nurseries faalaey paid from the start to aalmtn fiyeriesee ia oar liae liberal tercet to beciaaen and penaxaeat littaatiou atiured we bare 7tf acrti uader coluratioa aad furauhoa fanklaai ttock orrrniface hardy ttrfti for kortfiern oottrioaaako- toba a speciality we guarantee otr stock apply for tftta at once w want tbe ccderkigdtd reqctfally tolidta tbe petrod age of tbe public aad inform t tbem that well equipped tnd stjllsh rigs can tl- wajt be secured at tli stable a comfortable bai meeta all train betweea 9 a nr and fci8 p in careful aticatioa potato every order tbe waota of commercial travel ler fally met john williams jou btone a- wellington toronto ont agents wanted in every township to eetl the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tht in ot complete an i cotnprcbwuiv work tvtr pjbhibtd iu aatliori stad at tbe bead cf tht r prof ewioa aad aave a contintatl repu- ttioa wortb iu weight ia gold to efay oac baring hormrf sheep cattle hwiae lloaltry doi or bet a praad opjortljalt- t luake moaey burt ttrfitory at oiic addrtt- e n uotr fubluher j 120tongest tpronto i wellington mutual fire nsoram company established istd head office guelph ltuarebaildfccelerchandii kcnattetorles aad all other dcicriptloas of iamrable property on tbe caab and premium not system f w stone chas davidson pretldeat f kiinitger j0h taylor aqekt plush parlor suites mo in her liini boditeul lid drcn there v frill both teh be rcpick the intentify tli of everythi3j now deir today i tivc work yon i ia unill thl bat i thtyl vre look foi fl ih imid preieotly now we what ofl gratefully eetly i help mi ft- solic walnut frames complete from 30 up iuit it krouud her niihed roonlj vrhich ione pltoed the harrobniouk funny f into tcoi dont yi hajoliea vaje ot mi ricbt fieljhuor tbifj bowod ilooa uuo or you to you can do ilo no vosr door nroride andfclt e atund uixin jour etoekia no ifirxardly cio every inm big tnin lookout ba doeitbo iber benny in twill swell ap bit lulbjsjlbzleo kclifllloditoek- auz broictt 3fi mtc hf aatitg isiiqderstaqding tiv jixsi htrrfim mirnaia uid looking very email meanly fur in he fev atlikble tpacea of tly ornamenta bad baea being certainly far from nkfch kith hold you i sa hprfiidg her what i iaii xherf upon neat declf him jriod trying not to bant nt kseralchfnn in it kow 1 think that pair of that frightful old wooden h the bronze clock againtt try jeatfe dear to laugh dont ter i think we had better jmjmenu jestie they only pi vertyrtrieken appearance t ae and might be it ilea jli t n e tell yoalwhat ihavedoae secured work for both of ot 1 liceembriidery the pay hat wo had to pay for it will give tja a living while aoiiething better cheer up ibie jessie baxter iayi are opining i do without yon i aid ly elp yon v iho asked cam- fly do so think u ioud die wit hoot and i meant ot ny mother and was retlly r ider than myself and i was b at for four years she had 8 wife my friend corapan- lthtofih she had laughingly in n btingcalled mamma uy p sprkgce cualph bell pianos hamiltons marble works r hauiltoni i5k jformcrly luuhj lilocll tljfe core corner of woolwich audi norfolk itrteu gufrljib oct i john h hamtlton proprietor wholetale and retail dealer aad direct jrniorter aad raatilifacturei of all jtiadt of orsajte and larble lioactoepu totubttoaei etcj having hadaacktafivexperierice for the last 1g yean the public may rely oa ctttics 11 uuperior artica at a cheaper rate tbaa acy othtr dealer ia the west n h 10 ler ceat off oa a direct prder re- eetftdfor the aeitsdaf j 0 organs the gold jffidal jamaica international exhibition 1891 j la coajpfcitioo viih aldtric german engjiib andxanadiati tnaaajactnrer m cook k geoeoetowk t wint6r stock ready at the leading shoe btore ouelph olb stock ii selected from the best uinnlictcrercin canada end tbe state why walk about with illnttinaihoe when you cao cet exactijr whit will fit you it tbo leading shoe store kot only are oar fins cood chosen very carefully but wo carry the largest sad best itoek of calf sad kip boot la the city special sueatfon giren to ordered vork every pair gutxtoteed leading boot shoe store she was only tit y jmt eight been my ff km cicter indited a own moth and my lifi bail school unti me to a lu moat wini andgiving that my hi moreboari teachers ai in all my in rnqsic and yet mi the house complihi it cu yeare my love everfth ng to make life pleasant then my ulth r died suddenly leaving his business sc j in olved that we found ourselves penniless ti e creditors allowed ns to take away frort on home our clothing and all gifts wehi d i scelved including mammas wedding p tts and harry had accom parded ns n v jyages of kearch for liamble lodgings t nti wo had found three rooms in a tene nei t hoase at a rent we hoped to be able o ty harry vast farawayj cousin of my own did when iwas a little child been pissod at a boarding- miy fathers marriage called us home with the prettiest little lady presiding over it- e mch cordial loving welcome rt vis hers in an hour no ng school after that but i had hone and mimma helped me ud ss taking lessons with me en lan and french petting me t adiciouily guiding me ia all ew knowledge the pretty ae- nts that maae her so charming happiest of homes for four ieyin abundance strong mutual mothers on moutlily or qairterlyptyuicnt coly it c w keflys music store j lowtr uyudbaro itrcct iaelph tcle- phone 17b w mclaren go cuelph ont sbason 1s91 ix fears my senior and a clerk in a dry g odi house or a moderate salary his affect on for me and mine for him had been i o ry much m everyday affair so very pi i and hum irnm that we did not discotsr until trouble came that it was love tr ie loyal lifeenduring love lookint u on me in he light of an heir ess and be ig under obligations to my father for bi support and educatioa for years ha ty had persuaded himself that honor hu fc bid bis met telling me his love and w is content with the brotherly attention h paid me and never questioned my own heai t but when trouble came wo confessed to each othe t atthpbnrden of sorrow was not so ho vy since we could still cling to each othe r only yet 8h her and ried for a licensed auctioneers appraises valu ators collector peal estatejand r general land agente roe tke cirsnei or halton peel wellington etacofe yor and ontario r- 1 kooer to lca from 1w anatcii iccnt tirties plicioj their cilcf or other lkjtinetfr crar handi will htttbeticaevromptljfltteadtfd to it modern- bierj e otttcr juvrwtlm ttookuiil si-georce- towo or taizatu vci isd b u tkk co oetiocerf eliuxrh orruz st qan st ettd toronto s i cook t co- iactloneeri georgetown and oro ato 1 acton saw ivufts i coal and wood vaeds jhkes mlvtfictfbtb 1vd tzutjt w lumber ltcb sbiucleii cocl and wci tt7hile rotarninir thinkltootrr uanypat tv rons for tbslruberal rapport ta tbe part we wtib to loterm yaa tba we have entered into an arrasgeqient with ltlstewue gaelnh tokeepconitatltonbanda foli stock of the ordinary tfiea of sash doors etc and will alio innply any pedal ilxes onibort notice it guelph prteet j frames of alt kinds made to order we alio toe p in stock a line ct due window and door casing comer blocks c j your laraber dresd wblle ton wait i price l 60 nw k f i pleaded do not tell mamma n ight think i wanted to leve tve must not think of beine mar ie ig long time and rfai ima bravely hiding her own heartache coal iq1 wood ilwiyi lo itock and irroolptly delirered to any part of the town at relftocble prices hirdwoodar4ciiu enc f tore length always ou baod i telepbonecoioomcuoauoa r pumps beisff better able- than peretoforo we will cqpplv either wood or frott pumps prdmptly all work cnaranteed latflfaetory please call and inspect before porcbulns ilsewhere tu0sebba6k afanarer petty ml sekes blows abd coarage life w lasoti even iho heavy uhlng and moving if i had not been she said so dreadfully obstinate about making the fires carrying tht coal and doing iho taarketta wo sowed early and la in overy hoar wo were not compelled o gfvo to uouso- worfc md ac wo bocme skillful wo com manded a sufficient pries to pay oar rent and pat food in oar moulhs tor clothing we had an abundant supply at oar mourn ing was ordered by friends beforo wo know that poverty iu to bo added uj our lpsr as iho moarning for my dear alher be come wf tened by time a qaiotiy happy atmosphere was kept up in our humble home by mammas nevordlling ohoerful- nttf and never m oac old borne hod she bean more tender and loving to me wo badbeen an entire year in oar poor rooms when a change cam over mamma she received lettera she did not read to me and which she put awayi carefully and more than once i saw tears fallingfrom the tweet mae oyct gontlo and loving at over there was a restlessness about her quite now to me and sometimes i awoke at night to mist her from beside ine and see her sitting at tbo window sobbing in a sup pressed way bat to all my entreaties for confidence she only amwered that she wat well and no now trouble threatened us only once she asked me passionately doyoa need me jessie i coold yoa live here alone without me qh darling 1 tell me yoa need mayou want mo 1 and i not prepared for the question cried quickly that i coala not live without her then she clung to me sobbing oh jessie love me love me and i will never leave you but the next evening after a sultry july day harry took mo tor a walk and i told him what had passed he pondered grave ly for a moment and then aid vwe ought to bo married at once jessie and leave sirs waldron free dont yoa understand it all dear bho is torn to pieces by her love for some one and her duty to you love i gasped why papa ins beeaj dead only a year true but i dont want to- hurt yoa jessie but j u mart remember that mrs waldroa was a mere girl and your father a man past fifty when they were married he wat very rich apparently aad slas stop i interrupted yoa shall not talk so of her she loved him f know she loved him i do not doubt it harry said calmly but the is free now and some other love hat come to her still she cannot rocon- cile it with her conscience to leave yoa to straggle oa tlaoe yoar marriage would leave her at liberty it took considerable pertoastoo to make me see the matter from harrys standpoint but it ended in our calling upon my dear old clergyman who had known me alt my life and who married us in bis parlor in the presence of his family then we went slowly home slowly for i felt like a traitor you must tell her i taid to harry oh dear if you are mistaken she will think i have deserted her that yoa need not do in any case our home isalwaysopen to her harry- said very grandly considcringthat our home had as yet no existence we found mamma sitting by the window of oar small sitting room her clinging black dress showingoat her blonde beauty and her tiny white hands for once clasped idly inher lap how late yoa are she said rising to greet harry you mast have taken a long walk then i began to cry and ran into the bedroom from which refuge i heard harry explaining the position i was already de ploring oar haste but i was not prepared for the rash mamma made into the bed room her blue eyes blaring with indigna- tion her tiny figure trembling with anger jessie she cried you wicked girl how dare yoa insult me so insult yoar dead father how could you think i could ever love anybody else when i loved him so much i tried to speak but she would not hear me she dragged ma back into the sitting- room i never meant to tell you she oid because i thought you wero so unselfish and good yon would send me away from you but now yoa shall know how yoa have wronged me i did not talk much to yon about my annt sophie who brought meap because she was very angry with mo when i married your father she ia very rich and was always very kind to me but she was selfish and jealoas and wanted me to love no one but herself when she saw thati loved your father the best she was furious at first but at last gave a reluctant consent to our marriage to save appear ances informing me however that she should destroy the will that made mo her heiress and leave her money to an hospital she went abroad the next year and would not write ta me but about a month ago she came heme opened her house in balfj more and wrote to me to retam there i answered tt once telling her abbot yon not knowini of the engagement yoa have kept so secmt and asking for permission to take yoa with me this was positively refused and the old threat of disinheritance made if i did not go to ter alone i did not care for her money for the ease and comfort of her house i at she is old and feeble and jn her selfisl fashion she loves me so i waa cruelly tarn bywhat seemed conflicting duty ify duty to yoor dead father kept ne with yori yet i owed a duty too to aim i sophie my second mother if yoa had eea frank with me i jmight have been s pared a month of painfaljstrug- gle bat it is decided nov- i hope yoa- will be very happy she drew herself up with an air of cold dignity but i was actually on my knees beside her hair pleading for forgiveness mo 1m s she hat been solicited to pat aside ber mi urnlng and change her name bat 1 10 sayi she can never love again at tholi red m father and that she it entirely liepp with is although wt once to cruelly mitu derstoid her t trie emrjarratmant of rlohat worried wm sons i jworried she wtt ad daughters all worried every lives although they were rich good healths which they did not kiaw hbar to eujoy they lived in a handloms home on handsome ground the firthett corner of which win in the ooltsge a servint ofl he thoi dty their and assess ollsgei surprise of was q s co a disti sc m tuef ther johi will gt timi john whl tied ttj nt th whii maqtaer hayl tit ifp withj ijireat oh wh re i would not da anything that i weald not be will ng for everybody to know i would it conclude that i knew more thi i father before i had beea fifty miles aw y froa home wouldvtgo in the company of boys used liad unguis wdaliat get in the salks and pout rover i couldnt have my own way abopt eveijythini it let any other boy get ahead o studies woaldjit abuse little boys who had no bfgjbrother for me to be afraid of j learn to b polite to everybody woallfnt cry foe auyibiafj when mifnmaoir papa told me it was not cood 1 would nc iu my fori me woald to like wobld try to see if i couldnt ret eo- me by being civil to everybody never mxkefoa of children be cause thej were not dressed nice woald try to learn something aseful cy day and whenever i saw men mak anything i would watch to see how iy did ft woulc keep my hands and face oeao slon my fc sir brushed without having top so woui be respectful to old people and behave s that my parents would uot be atpamed of me j wool be in earnest about everything ien 1 1 lid to work i would do it with ail ght i would study with ail my might atd i wc aid play with all my might i wood read books md papers i that wbuld m ike me want to know something aid do e mething that would benefit other people i woald have as good a lime at i this world bat i wouldnt tell liee nor sed nar be mean to anybody i ried to make light of all the that followed the heavy to comfort me when she so sorely n ed d comfort herself in the dr ary dayt that we spent work fag far s li ing we who had never worked before if w it wonderful to see the energy f devotion in the little creatures e jvaa very small with fairylike bands if idpeet a lovely blonde beauty who looked 1 kel a child playing woman in her heavy v idpws weeds i wst not above the avenger height and rather slender than stoat b itjltpwered above her and could lift her a my arms quite easily and ot she cooked and swept made our tiny r am miracles of cleanliness oar i simple rpeals tempting and woald have her and added hit petition to mine and in five minutes we were kissing all round liughing and crying inthe same breath tho next day- harryj went lo look- for a ooardinghoasei wherejwecoald board until we started housekeeping- and i was helping mam mi to packher trunks for baltimore when a telegram summoned her toher annt a hastened packing and speedy de parture fallowed and ajweek inter we re- eeived the tidings of bcr aunts death and later the newt that mammahad inherited the wealth she left that wat ten long years ago today j tve harry and i with our three children live in tlie beautiful house mamma bought near oar bid country seat and the dear little blonde insists upon tbe babies all call ing her grandma although harry de claret it js entirely w aboard at shej- t looks younger than i do if irit fern thbee cents mh the i die lilcd with hit fimily th ownei of thi whole place often strol led p it the cdttsfta and tomatimet stopped to no e the ink of peaco and contentment tho ace wc re ho letimet he heard a woman voice singi g about tho house often a man wliis od a merry tauo within one day he in aired ha hew is it that yoa and yoar wife ways io hippy f i hear yoa singing or taking ir iidkiiiok at if yoa enjoyed life l lit- w do sir auswered john my wife t stroi g and hearty and ta am i and we c tko ei ough to live aa comfortably at yc x knov sir and were at peace with oarsi vet n dill the world time enough to fr t say i when trouble comet tl i own r of the place thought about johc t coat ibtmoat tad one dty he said lo his v ifa jphn hslr been a fiilhfal mad and ive led to fjlve him a present iwilleive 1500 tl a wife took no interest in the matter ie way c the other to tbe master had hiss lyand rtve john the nioueyto tho great the man who seemed hardly to compcohend hit good fortane generous donor noticed that o more ringing or whirling in ige the coaple went aboat i acted ic and it wat u if some trou ilo bad befallen them this vat asked why he never sang or y more money sir said john in a per lo iklag hehind him in a fearsome ebtvaitia the home for wji no lfith ia any bank and whiles i it and whiles my wife do and leave the hoase alone a minute sir were terry meeterable and won dye to tnindia if wo gave the money bad to yourself sir teein weve noose for it i id it s ich a care tie miner took it back and jubn whi tied a id ztftry saug as they hid done bef re and jlheapplicatioa of the ttoryto wis and y it kmimpie will notftil to work farfcood were you my boy aaldrjc be ashamed to do right thy- tould cilumbus and tobacco whenlcolambot fiiscovered theisliud of dubi in 119 smoking wis first i mtda qnown to the uivilired world the tailcri hen sect out to explore the island retdm epandncltredthat the uatives carried ith tbem uchted firebrands and gaffed ttnoke tram their months and notes tfhich they supposed to be the wty tho vsges hid of- perfuming themselves they also said- they taw tho native i ivtges twist largo leaves together and i moke like devils so wondertally im- ressed were the sailors with what they fitness ed that they repeated the story yw lere tried the effect of the hsbit pon tl emselves and were the meana of preadiag abroad over the world the most tieleis and expensive not to say dirty and urtfu custom known among men in bint japan persia and other portions of heeait the habit soon became general nd all europe speedily joined in feiving it bniver ai popularity ritrongdriuliexcept- fed no ither commodity his so degraded the ta te of man he smokes the weed fndcr ews tbe weed and snuffs tho weed he- blips little for its deleterious effect upon prohibition doetrvt prohibit j i iutr d msu prohibition doesnt prohibit because men sell liquor and get drank where pro hlbitlon exists tho west virginia rrrj man i ityi ttuppoie wo ate the it roe argument ia other mttlert for instanoe christiinity doesnt christianite became there are sinners in the world i wisdom doesnt mtko men wise became fools are still to bofcund cultivation doesnt cul tivate because weedt itiil come up in the field education doesnt eductte became it doet not exterminate the ignortnoe thlt persists in such silly argomeutr it the tbovp itaina adopted this principle over thirty years sgo and hts been fighting iwty ontbatline ever since and the result is that no political party now diret lotake issue igiinit prohibition- to inert that the aw is broken and that some net drunk where prohibition exists it simply to charge that it ii like iny other law human i or divine fpr alllaws are brnsee i bat the violation is often the mbst conclaiive evi dence of the necessity ofitht law hid no one sny disposition to do that sgsiiit which a law is directed such t law woold bo needless therefore to say tint a liw will be broken is really an argument in fsvor of the law that stale old lie tbit pore liquor is sold under a prohibitory law than under a license law will not to down with the cpmm6h people whose qticfc rettbnlng- discerns that wliile the rumseliers declare their businest to be better under a prohibitory law thatat the same time try to more heaven and earth and the other place to get the restrictions lifted- j they have practiced that lie down- in aine for over 30 years more liquor sold thin ever and yet our work poe oa- some pf them may and no doabt get liqaor bat where in dens and diarepatable nitces when we have driven it there ho respectable psnon will be found seeking ii a traveller in t prohibition town boss- ville had occasion to stayover night h says i found every salooa closed up honey couldnt bay a drink of whiiky in the town the week before a lame msn vp6 had been hobbling aroand on an arti ficial let was convicted ot selling- whiiky and sued 2d bat the fine wst remitted da tccoant of his being a cripple still tbe roughs all said then is plenty of whiskytobehad where asked oh we bad some yesterday they said kow im oot a resident and wont tell so please let me know where yoa got it i pleaded well said one man lame it tons where v why we meeting house thed into the graveyard and there lime john anstrtpped thst trtifictl leg ind hauled out a bottle of whisky oat ot his leg yet his hollow eg- i and what did yia pay for if 1 thirty cents a drink weil boys i said yoa may nothive prohibitionin kossville but when yoa go off into the darkness with a cripple follow tog him over beyond ihe meetiug house shed into the lonely graveyard and he hai to tit down on some luolherv crave and unstrap anartificat le m drinkout of why i think yoa have cot neir enoarh to it for all practicil purposes prohibition ia relation to liqaor is net a new thing for history informs aa that in 1s33 the trustees of ihe colony of georgia enacted thittbe drink of rum in georgia shill be absolutely prohibited and all which shall be brought there be- staved iu scotland twelve hundred tearsaga there was a law that anyone wjho shaold sell idtoxicittag drmkr shoala have his house palled don and he be banished ii he returned and began his business- again he was to he hanged this great evil will never cure itself it never did that aud never will they who are notinthefings ought to make it hard for oteert to be destroyed only a few months ago an elderly man aid le lid that morn ing walked jeremils to get whisky with which tocelebrate his fittyfifth brrwlay which was the next day by getticg n a big drunk but to his sorrow it ought to have beeu to his joy be failed to procure tbe celebrating fluid so much for the duty of putting tbe evil oat of the way in accordance with qiadstones statement not long ago vir it is the function of the government to make it easy for ihe people to do right and difficnltfor them- to do wrong how is this great ensv to be gained i edmund burke once said whenbadmen conspire good men rnust combine let all good men and women too combine in this work and may god help those who axe now praying and working to save this land of orators ind heroes from the caree that has blighted its men ot genius mar- iered its young manhood and broken its womens hearts 1 zt is fcvr this world ii very fanny forao rqitter bow much money ilia ueiralqgb will pond it and be bapsop ill the itroa jtobii utmost he it itrsujiiig i to catch ap vithoatitulnlag tui it mslces his ills i bardea bsn it ihoad bt blls lubiime- he whoearei i tboaiaadrnerly thiajti twothornialyearly would he joit the wery figurs to mike happiness complate 1 hutlhif inconlliwhehit woefales y only maltilli hit lrcahle for bit oasi ihccluicrcisicc mikes hit lctb- crds bird toraeer it is ran la debt sad dottot flaih iodiy ind broke to-rrjcrrot- intncierint every way to postpone the day ot dooui spcndiog msnsy crc be makes ft aiid thee wjndarin what takes it tui he civel ap lbs riddlelooks torrelivitbln tha tomb ob ihisworidl very faanj tolbe iverage msn whose money doesnt ijukepiy for the diiicjne tbit be docs before he hoald aadhe kills bimsprf by txriiic jmt a utile bibber fiyirit tbin isicaited to his pocket ind his own eternal good frank ehollllay varieties john sord fhemu said a gentleman to a colored whitewiiher it the oentril market one day can i put entire confidence in yoa v yes ah welt -then- ive half an acre ot watermelons oat oamy farm on woodward avenue yes sak jeso so- sah am dat all snh1 ah except i wknted to stythit i depend on yoa not to say s word in aoy otjyour colored friendt about it ko sahnosah nota word i haint dat sort of a utsoa sah hany ob em ax me wbtr iget dem mellyonvfll ypdt em on de wrong smell sah somo smefiawa ober in kennedy thmsjorifyof men who have succeeded in life have been able to point to uoatnal opportauitics theybave made the best ot the passing- time snd prevalent surround ings to the one man who finds the large weighty nugget of gold it which the world wonders there are hundreds who lift tbo precious nietaloel of the sand in tiny par ticles but they who lha obtain it by care sod- perseverance may accumulate at much wealth as the more- fortunate teek- h you are a small man intellectually lti because yon havent treated yonrtelt right steel nerves yoa say they wouldnt be as good at those yod have- there irat a woman ill this bouse who couldnt svear loot i set ot steel nerves is three weeks god does not speikhisbest thooghts in the thunders his sweetest words are spoken wentwithhimoverbehindthela whispers 1 know men who will leave roastturkey my time fofeedoo a fact a good name u a great treasure it will be yours if vou keep strait forward in the path ot dutyaod asefhlness tbtt remera- ttsflhat a rood dame is easily forfeited and hard to win back when once lost when john newtons memory was near ly gone he used to say there were too things he could never forger- they were firsts that he w a greis sinnert second that jesa chrit wis a iireit swioar r- and if we do bat witch tbe boar tiire never vet wis namin power which eotrid evid if oujonrften this patienfi search lndvhuhoofi 1 of him wborfrelsdres ap a wroiie i w f r fvpa- kotniirg is more expeunvethanpenari oasaesn nothing more aixioa than care- lesihess iul eveu uutybicb i- bidden to wiit returns wjtb 6eea fnrb duties at itft ta every act of 8eif3eniar will britfgitsoini reward with it and mk the ntut scep in dttty snd tit vittae easier aad more pleas- sat than the former there never did nd there never will exist snythiqg pert line u y noble andbx- cellent in charseec which is stranger to the eiercise ot resourc aelideuial rys l m howthey helped the other dsj- when a horse drawing a cartful ofcoal gat btilied the public wa promptly onhnnd with sdyice- pet ou the whip l of an eijea wuoii tike hmt bybe hidr baid a truck- cheated the driver talk infetli baifl-a- 1 hikr my hoss said a man with mtr if thttt kii my hoss biid a man a handle of clothes under ms arm id tie a cloth over- his eyp l eeen it trrod a hiandrcd times and it iaakev em pull their best doat btheve it aid a man with a cane iua owned horses all my me and ive had foroe bad ones among them the aciyihjnjto do i ta blow into hia eart yoa meiatheutl said a small man with a- very tlun voic no i dont limetn the right ear tve tried it often enough i guea i crowdof lift people hadcstheredtdd now the drivac cot dowo and looked the ground over qnt wheel waa down in a rut s stood looking nt it hia hand no the boraea hip and everybody aroand him tendering advice when a couple of sailon came along and one of them called ont mate but heres a craft on areef 0ver with her then- both seised a wheel or a lift the drive clacked for thehore to go ahead and away went the laid asesy ea you please they were the only twoof the whole crowd who had hot advised the driver how to do it v- am from columbus to lieut peary the discovery of america began by col- umbus has beau a continuous process it hat gone on steadily for foar hundred years and is not completed yet there still remain portions of the intarfoc and of the northern coast lines that arenot defin itely known counting greenland as a part of oar western world at geographers have habitaally done we may regard lieutenant pearys exnloit in this very anniversary year 18m as simply a contisa- ance of the work of columbus and his successors look at the map of the arclio regiouatnd yoa will see that no northern outline is given for greeulandat least for germany at jena he- suggested that the it has not been given by time bad come when a parliamentary and m bismarcks hint bismarck after huzixig cometlikeround his southern ellipse has coma back to north a long distance the map makers becaaee it h not been determined by the explorersj but lieuten ant peary of whose views and parposea an and havry on the other side leaned over p 0 jnbody and nothing for its offensive account is given in our derrimept of the vuelce upon others at work kr play s ow books hat this summer made a at hois or abroad by uight aud jday he places himelf under the sedative influence oftholfamod narcotic will it be to in four handtjed years from now t mak merv dont admire a silnsh woman a peevish woman anliunitafed woman a woman who it continually falsifying a 6man ho talka disagreeably otother womfn a more a giri worn womtni who shows him she knows than he doet on a cerlaln topic jan rrity think headmirea the manly bnt after all he lovei the jwomanly mane and drama an scjme men kin make votes that can t en e laws i sledging expeditionscross the icefieldsof gteeiland from his camp beyond capo york to unknown north coast and his brought back definite georapici infocf nialion thit will help geographers to com plete the ontliae mip at thit portion of americ the ktvfac of fieaeim last year told ot the perilous undertaking aad of the anxiety that wis felt for the little party wintering fofir north the kile which i took eeary bis wife aad his aetociatee last year ijnd left them in mccorraick btyhas now had tbe hkppy fortone to nad and bring tbem back the return of the peary expedition was one of the- pleiisnt- est incidents of the month of september flerfeuj of rafael r high tempered people are uot necessarily i ill tempered people natiohfil movement should- b organized ogainst tbe absolntism of the kaiser and the domination of the pope it is lignifi- r cant that the stoutest and strongest politic- ian in private lire in europe is so impressed by the growing power of the catholics that he cries aloud against the possible id vent of a centre 51 iuistry as a misfortune and a danger to the empire to aert such a calamity hej takes up what was the favorite idea of paul bert and the french repabli- cans and urges the germans o substitute the idea of the sation for the church we have no kational church he saidl bat might not the idea- of the nation be the sanctuary round which all parties should gather rcyirie cfrcvicici no other strupahlla possesses the combinatiou propbrtiun and prootm- which make hoodr srjajirill pecaluxr to itself- 4- t- vl harniouyialbobriin melody the heats- i of masic i r- l jj0a