fhc ctan jfrcc lrcss j j rrwtcr eyfrv tilcttsclav horning it rii- frre rrri mcm mutiae office lustbrlt acvox osr trass or si rkmrnokon dollar per rear ff pisealrr or wuhlo uiwempech from eisi rt i imi rwpklt ho so nil tit if to iioi emy icbwrrtjiuoo it raid a iuotalt l dau cmlievurase label aprtunifvii luttstruelwc adnnle- hkl wri rt xoeraxwil lie for ortt la- miiw crr h oc each ubeequeat meitfccri ookt luti tli fallowing ulile shows ear rat 11 littloa44ertiesmufef ftwciswl-j-l- spir k ir il8h i 1 j i im li irk i ko ai savcoi ijb f mn itj iycd sun i it jeo son itsol ua cto tip i x1 0o 1jd0 orirts withpwt specific dlrtcuoee ailll tokrtel tillforwfl and eharfj4 aeeoel t i tpxr trasur airrrtlaerafcla rant be raid h lirtlv 1 airtrtimcrrut wilt be chanced bate aeh eocth if clirj for ctiace otteoer then taar a n irih tla cotapositioo tauttfue rld icr unc r rtntt aiwrumeasatt rctrst be lo is o- ly riooci on tuealaya rfkooric i editor aadrropriator susmcss fitrcrtont j v vkunm iic m 02c r rifi nccotxcr utl frederick c5 he f trinrtjcollr u ember ol coitvt rfriyiietnt tniurcont licest ute ri kfkl liltfe cf rhjtia cad surceoct kishnrh i 0fca rri5eucc 3r liwryt ute ri- dsr id of ryedirick ttrvet aeon wtrv-rta-ilij-ssvi0taiit-ijawaai- mexican grass hammocks large 1 i trono i specirl low prfce -at- days bookstor bank of montreal the traders bank op oikadt nuo orrick toaoira crtttuttmoriin uman cirmt vup cr- smtoaoo liurkura isjnun guklph brakoh cornkft or wtkobiltaxd 0011x0 ituxtt stride bnk department 4 percent iiejdoatuucocf laud upwerdifrora date of deposit to date ot withdrawal or com pounded half rearlr oa sltt uar and sqth ko- raaibec deboall roalriu laatied rjtadrancea made to nerotutble fanuarc steruoe caehaneo baacbt rad told dnita laared payable at all polule la tle united gtttee and canada anntrttbanklnttnntnoaatn mad af b joh uanatc- uelpli uraneli oapital rest si2aooooo 6000000 i a bavisfis department liai bn opcad in oonncctioti ktih hia uraucli lutcrtit allovril at currmt batla ja8 hftnlay i uanairr uuetph btaljcii w barber bbjofs paper makers georgetown ojnt l l cennktt iids dbntist dcoaqetovs ostaaio i rdlfeix i mclean barrllts3icit3te kourlea cootrranoera t rnratfcnito loan 0a town hail acton w a uclcik jso a ucltas t a ilowat bittitk solicnoc xointpceuc llcaey to loan omn dara tbeuyaa3 saturday ornb ki3aai blork acton upftaira kice a arrciurt or mtefiiitt ffnislttd floofe papers high liuade weekly news the paper used in thia joarna from the ibore mill wm barrrr bros- r j ilcsabb cntetaxcex colilttot etc rusu irj vrt3ru cot a3t fire ad ue arc iroitrty boccbt and twu jldf j w 3u cc uit cjasievtorbe lenri jku0wats03 acton q hilton wallbridge stoke brrkter solicitor ttt toejsto 1xd qtoeactoitb 0 crtecitni kiock georgetown acd trii iusk chvinlrc3 yo2 st toronto jihrlrds ri wn wfiircnoe bcstoxe stjeel engravings rroo eihicfk colarl iictares kooca i sd picture jloazdiceit ivory oak frames silver anit artists materials a full ttock ot witivor newtosi flak white doubl- tcte koncey tloc 6 x 10 deep fhoto frauiie compleu i fee cam ice iole una fittings sdc plush parlor s uites ifr solid walnut ftames complete from 30 up wttgtttkb iraufdaubh ih walt re i taoulau it la a utile qnlatr bare for one h a been af out tho world au xanlcd j far an near lllit mebbr came i hater ilrod no other plaoa i tome the loan u ou 14 udl u 1 iau otter la to iboi oar brafceaa in a qoiet tort o wy kjruitom oc tb ootalde oitd arcepunn luoei iday we ather a i the iefa vhar a las an telle an evi i ourjaraa af valch fho peoplo elicu the train iwet tooiat u l jookloa lia tho j pendij hit money for apafefi an ltal to lome thejother fef era an ro all tako turni j anchak an taoh one lolla ahi i i that ak in a nowl loh of waptaprwttrtdoai aujitcauitouto lj i aalq thetoueriatoaiorro trheathe tralneoinoe la iflte t aet around the tai- p sprrcce cualph all ready for school solid leather school boots from the best makers i hed do u he itutlilior ray aore an hoora one wbafa join op let abont uutll e meet hat ah go abontjmy blali warm 1aolia lalni i j farm ari folka aa fovea thd t mind til ee all they t every pair warranted r i j pitests secolted fob inventions eeniy gkit ottawa caxatja twenty v r frctic no ftzt no pt vym elehstrefcet j llccsstd ficctioxeel tleco3tces of wlinioa vnd hltoa oriertleli t tte f tkjm osoe ac too or tl tzjtauuitain accj will be prompuy ct- lcadd ta terrct rcasocbltv i i alw coney to lova en tbe most f4torme wri md it the loewt rte of interest in fof t550vni cpwthi- john day architect grclrif ovt omc wvniljjs street our wall papers are iaiii to be tbc bt fcieted ia the city waters bros established st aeoroejs square odelph p aascis nunan ssccetwrtot- fcbiianl aooebindeb fiigtorseisqsare gcphoaurio acmzat booki of tvll tiari tride to order penmiei of erery detttptioacrefalir bound ficliar cetvtlt tad promptly done mue havlan barber shop hill stbtct actos vieiiyi cat 4yiiinliiiratcoj4foj3 ialhiixrucjibtiupolwjripren k4or hoti tai pat in crk coadifcon ix4ie tsicbildrtai bir twuly cut v j h w03den tentorial artuu acton lodge no 204 loor 1 feethhatheodduowhjijiirbipck 1 etryvtxindjjete3tng vitlo breth- vxlavdj cteatng rtc blwiyii wtlcoae forcdpyof eocstirttioa xi iawi tjjlv to the ttndcnned or tny of tbe cliberi wwriuaiis h hwoeden no becrrr7 salesmen wanted new planing milt urr stxh tnd door factory john cameron contractor hu fittad op tbe buildids on uain street lately oeccjied aa a trciit factory vilh nev machinery tua if rrrpared to furnish plant cpecincatioca and ratirnata far all claaara of boildinr and execute all aindi of dress esg iiatchixo 4 atuluoulocsq tcixz all cmxa or scahoc doon and wlndcm and door frames and dre caed ltmtxr acs keep a stock on band all orden promptly attcnjcd to john cameron prics r1cht leading boot fsuoe store w mclaren co cuelph ont season1891 te7hiee returning thtnkj to our liitnyptt tt roni for their liberxl rapport ia iheptit we with to intorta yofl tht w hte eatered inuxtn urencemctrt with b ecerirt gaelpb totftepconttxnoy on hnd fall ttockl of tb ortinrr six at sash doors etc juict will tlaofopply tnycpeciu tlte on bai notice it guepq prtcee frames of atl kinds mtd to order we tlto keep ioj stock line of bte window tnd door cccicg corner elocks yoar ltanler drtid while you wiltv price ci 50pr jc an yit i like me mot a stogc thr olbe cta fo ir u knowt thf ftdcy la tome coi plceej croquet irberot ratilii who t doc a in t ihen tbo tnin oomee in piciuuat to theri no thine lalu au uke it ill in troun acoodloacuile ti tpctt an thua u not cxria m ta suite an here i m ja to rech ti e end 111 icy god a ftjthfii kin rterof cmo friend um oc tho petco ho illatt which bo ittacec throagu whoa e 51 ipaamma i iwx ill tp ef ooraetft mrr wlij log etc ith fellers fiotn the j j oat toe hot va goto pit hla ho4 viciuh lot behind ho ircrt lule in before tho ftmo it done ek uko c hot iomj i clacit latma fliie other feller ire i ulfc tlwut tho jrow- oontry ulf tho taa tat choco iaitdthoaiicoac fellertl uy bis tug kta u they uko em oat tad a titer tho trtia comco la it tome folks whoa catn- httettiplti hctdltftblckiatof lroitlathtpen irfef 1 1 4tt vck tip th tlr tntnf tn joaraey to tho lot thoro t rery ye to koep from letutji cuuetrack ive m better i wtythialfety fcr whea iti hot i lt t ctbbto let lucmo my u jetttu thoach it wttnt doin tf ach tlneo i tnorcd oft my outtido world if theyre t fcllowt 0 to uicfce ta t to t t tn tpcud htlf fichtiaout ft bctuo tt ndr the t to old an cncle pciry eon en itd do yon good to ceo ue fell en mtul tbopi bll troan wo meet time ta tin an pltyta liiftq in filty until the trtia come i i bet youd litre- to look re youd had 4 nioer little the pjople lire a qalet tort o life ch tbofit the worid iui til fu woo tpend my tuyi tawbea i ye tn goojbyc to erery an when thev follerfruo to where thej tlat no cere net tin ill meet em tt the eepo when the trtia eamec in ifatvrni xlcon ftdtljt yetb saitng ui acton livery axd bus like the nndenientd rccictfqllr tolicit the nitron ige of tbe pablir tad informttbem uitt well equipped tnd stylish rigs cw cj- treys bo secured at bil tttblet a comforttble bn vatci til trtini between stta tnd fel8 pm ctrefol ttteatjoapitea toeveryorder tbe wtnu of cominerciil trtrel- lert fully met john williails xve btlt ib trtilcfctld jctl ulefctflen to rtiltibu tia tiumuhed foatbill ncrmtie hlapv paid filottthe staitt to vtlttvati fiineijrj in oar lint llbertl iercf j bnrikitrs tuj t icrmtnent titattiou tiicred st hire 7 teres cader coltirttiop ll iunithryaytnvqmhiock otrrit feef htfiy ttre fw northern oattrio tad ktni- to iktlilitj- kbgcakantee oub stock apply for trtn ii once we tint joj nv stole a wellington toronto oat wellington mutual he insume comply established 1s0 head office cuelph ihanreabntldinci merchandise ifennfactoriee and all other deaeription ol inmrable property n tbe caah and rreminm note system ip w stone chas davidsoh pretldent j kaner jokn taylor aoent pumps being better tble thtn heretofore wo will cntiply either wood or iron ptimrt promptly all work cntrtnteed tttitftctory plecte ctll tnd intpect before purchtticc eltewbere tros ebbage icanaffcr to look well it more the recalt of good judgement end tute then mere urtsh ace of axtooey my ttock of boots shoes la adapted to fill tbe want of thote who having alender inoomee itill deatre to rnito their appearance creditable uy experience and close relation with menofecturera eneblee me to preaent a line of footwear untqatlled jn tbe county for style qatliy tad pnoe agents waited in every townxhip to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tc iij jotal fcl coiiijirthontirc work iverptjbliibbd it ailir stajid at the bead oltljvlr rtiou fcul leacodtih-dtalrepn- u03 wortb j wlifit in goid jo uy one lii3 norkis hhm oaltle bine iocltry ti or hen a riinil opiorfjslly to luaif tcleev hicuri umtjrj m oce ajdrefl e nldoyeb pubuther i20 yonlest toronto hamiitou8maiile works ttaurltoxixiioel formerly httehi ikock ix the cre eomer of woolwich tad norfolk 3 best justomer in out coxtkiccton wm williams acton 99 upper wyadham street ner ktutugctlpllont john hikamtlton probrietor mioitlecad twitflf 4eier txil direct importer twh marrefftetwrfr of til kiivle of granite tad iltrhje ifouauienu tonjlrttone etc ktriag bid tn tttuitecepjerieacfciraxt loyeeri tb ttblie mty tetj krticioe tt t cbeeperrtte thita toy otb in the watt f j cived for tbe net 30 dm jamaica international eiiiibition 1891 ltrcouiittitiot with ainericingenntdencl nf ctnililitu mtnaftctarerc csperfar tr detler on llouyilxorqntcterlyptyuiaiita only tt f c w kmly fresh arrivals mm scotcb surmios jtew spbofo worsted srotiwff oyzranitmairewxst colors opened today choice hew una n tina englith hata ta fedoras tad all keiroat shitie tobeaoldatclomptioea w drives in hats eemmherjonr famoua m panta to order music store 5 lower wyndbam street goal phpne jj8 sm cook c0 geoegetown ucenaed aucuoneera appraiaera valu atari couevkpre sefl 1ta and general land agenu ro3 tffe coemta or lialtonpeelwbulcgtoti staooe tor and bntiho if ocey toloan froen ilioo npat sli per cent rartiee tlacln their selac- or other baaroeaa in rxjrbandawtll harheaamepromptlyattemled to at tnodekatt heqrree orricr aiu itauti took kill bt-georee- lorc or s44ros4 bor uc h u cook k co lutatoueers ittaaclf orrie ail qneea f2eaat toronto s ucoqet co auctioneers f georgetown and toronto tele acton saw mills ooad akd wood vikd8 r e nelson faamonable oiotmar 89 upper windlunt st gaelpb jhtes br5flin kllvtictvujailytvzllzt lambcr lcth sbirifilei coil tad wocd coil tod wood tlwtyi ia stock tnd proaptty dellrered to toy pirtof the town tt rettotjiiblo price- htrdwood tbdtllt cut itore ienth tlrti on htnd tcldphouc catumucitrttiotu j frank burces8 house paiater paper hanger sign writer etc it trrepared to oiecale orflere n uy of tb eboro llnea in the beet roan ner and at reasonably terra eleryloh baring my peraonalattarrtloii i aac aaaqre cnatoinera oomplete aaliafaetioril aralnlntinalltoodsaipeclaltr i i orders left at nfjr yeauence tfalnsl actot 1 u1 racve protojrt attention it winter weedier affiln when one evening u i mi doting ho liop little cgaceina cloae datlc uliter crept la shivering willi cold or diilnti i the ui upon hooneitool the ibop booitorl end lifting tt birawrt vail ahowod me lit hoe ot oar beat coatomor white death the greet brawn ereidilated tcllti tome lorrow oodoepfor toen the iwcet aeniiilve montlt rraivering j mtit donaldson ilie whliporod will yoa hide ino foe night will yoo lot me luy hereil gudty i laid bat oil my deer my deer whet ttit r 1 r wm only a few year older then liertek bat in herdiitreu ihe aeemw aach achild that i could not tttiit the imnalio to take her la my ermi to ida her and try in my poor way tooomfort her and when ihe teart came end she sobbed clinging a me i a child to her mother i wae mro the orylag helped her poor aoro heat aad did not try to check it itother wis asleep and i made op aj bed on a wide loango la oar little ilttingroom fdr miia mitchell bofcro ihe lay dowa ho laid to mo i have left my home arid t cannot re- lam will yoa ilieiter me and hido me for a cw dayi until i can find soma em ployment by which to earn my broad and will yea do tuts asking no question bat believing ma when 1 tell yaa i have done nothing wrong nothing hat would make yorjr mother deny mo the friendahlp of her ohtidr r very solemnly even aa ahl had ipoken i madoanawcr whilp ha a roof or a croat i will ibaro hem with yoa aa with a dearly lov ed litter and no litter could havo been more to mo than kcttio uitchell became aa the days passed that followed uiat winter evca- ing bho had some money and ihe ask ed mo to buy her neceaaary clotliing and tho additional furniture that waa needed to tarn a tiny room we had used for lum ber into avbedroom then i taught her what i had learned of homework and while the insisted npon paying a third of oar erpcniot- ihe took care of mother and shared in every detail of cooking andcleaa- ing with eomo difficulty i procurod em- broidery for her and tho went oat- only after dark heavily veiled to carry homo her work and bring back a freah aupply but itgave her a glad pleaauro that although the wonld not go qui except aa i have old her being with mother gave me greater freedom eapecially on sunday when frank came i coald go with htm to church and after dinner for a walk yet it waa not long before 1 aaw that the daytime passed more slowly for my brother than the evening when nettie ititchell with her low aweet woice her merry jests her bright animation made the honra flypaac and gave to oar quiet room en added charm for frank he told- her more than he had ever told nsrof hia hope to one day take up hie proferaion and of the ttudy he crowded into all his leitare time she had that rare aympathatio in terest as far removed from curiosity aa it ia from difference that won confidence from every one with whom ahe oame in cootact and with hia ooafideno ihe jwaa r in a largo boaatial rocim tmotujrandellto opening a doorioi i andlbji d your bedroom and beta euio ill ypojrtroainrta arr j lliuoiitfr welcome hojne then wrning to frank ib told ai hbr ptory see fafher had left her wealth y hat the ojald nat control iter money ani 11 she waa if ge i her mother iftd marrl d a man wjo bad determined ia win hettii i money for hit bfolhor and bad compell a her mothir to cximmence a ayllem of ptr aeculionio gain the girii cohaent eddh g in itnatllnipt to force her into a inarriaj hha had iaoapod to como to me and lie rest we mow on the first of laat a le waa twoiyone and taking heir traiteis into cootmence ihe had boagtnd ar i shod horj3ioae oar happy home iv t 1 1 fh j i- r mmm -s- jfa i vayfe i tf v -iis- i v ri- m wrl tare of famou hmru it iuen a a lingular fact that apparently nothing n a literary way iu relegate a writer i oblivion to inrely aa to be tjie aalhorol a worfdiimonthymn takna few initanoci i keatly every one ha heard r inng lie una of shall we gather ai the niver and yet 1 3w many know even the name it tns aatht r maali leia the fact that ha u living r j i the wl iter i the rev robert lowryp d a real lent of ilatnfleld hx inric moddj iii live jdrj s flllmdre liennetl to how many la j that naijie familiar ret to whom i hi familiar chat j long ti efiweet by andby not know i in the interior of new york state lh ea mrt am le sherwood hawke who wri te those faq 3d line of i need thta eva y hoar i j hardl knowu snd never recognizedbn the if tea i of new york u th walk ooi fannie i rbaby- the author of count ss hymtft i noog hem the famous one 8 te in th aj n of esusv j it is ci d that the veil of obscurity tho id seem to j e the nevftable reward of tfa e whose pf is havi i jiven us the hymns wh ch have bri nght ionaolatioa and oy to to many th uiaudiboatou utofcj rtow si me 4 ie f opla oortsola tharfi- aalvas how well i re lember the day oar best customer jtst a me into the tiny shop where i aoldpinai nd needles and notions of every kind to tnpport myself and my dear mother wl j was ptralyced and al moat helpleta s le coald use her hands bat her feet were o stiff and heavy that the coald k ircclj hobble with my help to tho chair fr irrj th i bed or back again the prat fs of the basinets were small and my b other frank who had been studying m dicin i before father died earn ed only a n iall p ttance and so we itrug gled on ita rving ourselves to keep ant of debt and erpet ally tugging at the ends that woald not m set as soon as mother was able to sit ag in an armchair she be gan to knit for h store pretty infant socks tidiec trim ningi of various kinds and all sorts of pre ty fa icy articles and it was a pincushion top ic the window that attrac ted kiss m tchel she cam into lie store one winters day- when i was cryit g softly behind the coon tcr and i wai as if the sunlight had streamed into th place with our best cus tomer her face waa i idescribably lovely with the most beautif il dark eyes i ever aaw and i cangkt the glance of compassion that rested on ray tea swolien face and soften ed ber own to sn n tender sweetness aa i had neveil befo tt seen she made no comment askec no questions but one quick glance abo it tho store seemed to tell her the wb lie pi iful story of poverty and struggle ihe b inght the pincushion top and orders two more only as they were to be finer large and more rouble the should expi ct to pay double i only a fi w do lars were needed to make up tho moc ths i ent but it waa the appar- lent tmposi bilit of having them ready the next day tl at h d caused my tears uy new cuitot ler l ought tape buttons rib bons pins oott in everything her quick bright eyes resu i npon nntil a formidable pile waa hnpec upon the counter if you nil 1 1 these things stay here for an baa or t vo the said i will call again for t wm mamma is at the drese- maker ton th next street and i was posting to maki a purchase at the drag store oa tl e cor ter when i saw this ex qaixite pie je ol knitting how can yaa managesc ch fii a cotton i told h x hi n about mother and her soft dar eyes vre full of sympathy as she listened i a hour or two later a hand some carriage rpve up to the door ana the called for her orchaaet la a few day t she came again buying aa before freely tnd leaving another order for knitting st that my spare minutes were filled tool with work little by lit a she became friendly and she mada an ej cute to see mother by order ing some wort for which ihe wished to leave speial itreciions after that she always ti n up airs for a few momenta i to brighten he d y for mother i we knew 1 tile about her except her name wit wi h all her bright sweetness her apparent lae wealth i was lore be had jome lorrows la her life it was pot natural fc one so bright and yanng to be to tende ly ayropethetio unless she i bad knqwa so ne grief or anxiety herself in if long y or that she was oar best customer i la rnedtolova her as i lovad no one else t ut my mother and brother his love i who loved him so dearly sooa reed that secret and the hopeless longing pain it caused paupers all as he onco bitterly exclaimed working ceaselessly tor mere food and shelter what had we to do with love and hope and bright dream of marriage it gave me keen pain too ta see that kettle did not discourage- franks love though the rriuit have known its utter hopelessness ever her sweetest smilewas for his greeting her merriest jest to win his his smiles her closest atteaijon given to his confidence arid when i timidly spake to her the ctosed my lips with a kiss lay i not love him t the whispered will yoa not trust yoar brother to me j andi fearing ahe read same doubt in my hesitation earnestly assured her that i could not imtgino a brighter fate for my brother to win such love aa hen only i said tearfully it ieems so hopeless how can frank marry harden ed as ho it i hope jessie ahe said brightly i am a fortuneteller though not a gypsy- i forsee that when frank marries his bar- dens will be lifted but how i oracles never answer a second ques tion the said laughing merrily and so when ihe wortfs that could not be restrained broke tram franks lips and in spite of bit poverty ha told his love the gave him softly the answer his heart craved i how oould i deny my love jessie v she said to me think dear of his laving me knowing i- am penniless and hiding how does he know bat i have fled from the consequence of some crime and he loves me 1 so true a ton so fond a brother must be a good man some day when he is a great physician and we live in grandeur we will laugh to recollect rice pudding without eggs and rye coffee in the little room over the store then iho old me that tho wedding day was sot andon ihe twentieth of june the woald be my sister trust me jessie all will be well dear j as the time draw near she became gay aa she had never been before- making the hour 5y for mother working with restless fiogett breaking into matches of song 0a the morning of the wedding day ihe left at promising to return at the appoint ed hoar far several daysihehad gonopdt for hours together closely vailed alway coming in with her fae fall of soft sweet happiness not a fear or a doubt crossed my mind for no guilty eyes could have held alwayb tho cheerful brightness of nettie mitchells the fear and grief that had driven her to me for shelter had left i her long before the june day when she drove up to my door in the carriage i recog nized st once and walked into he store richly dressed aa of old franks eyes spoke hia amazement but shegave him an opportunity to speak chatting in quiet pleasure as we drove to church there waa no crowd of friend to j meet as after the ceremony aa elderly j lady leaning upja the ami of a much younger man advanced to meet ui yoa have chosen your own wilful way she laid coldly and i have no power to check yoa j j i none netie aid gently so i thankj yoa mother for coming here then she introdnced them her mother snd her stepfather and at he door they left her from he church iwej drove jlo large brown stone house on a wide street aty first gaap of anuuemsnt was for the the tt rsrinht form of consolation failure if secnrilig praise or for being he subject if evitspesking and so forh which s adiciods person will uka care to be consti ally provided with a poet v th three res iocs mr instance know that he is at leai admired by tbe ssge few he wise hav i always been a small nam be r and that posterity will dd him justice a defeated- uudidale may assure himself ti ist he had a tthe independent voter on lis tide tad thtt if wu only the overpower ng force of orruptloa which carried the ay against im a gentleniad hearing be baa been spoken of in veryinjurioa ei u by tame rjersonl probably heretofore s ip- posed to m a friend hu it in his powei to jump in t mordent to the conviction t lat the illw ii of aach a fellow is rather an honor ai d thatit would be painful to be he sabj ct of hit praise a philosop ler whose vi iwa go- great way ahead of hia age so t subject him tc ridicule i nd eslumo he effect of which fo mar bis fottane nd make him aaiveraallyahan led has a rk riou cooaolation in the reflect on that abjj it five hundred year hence n an kind wi i be- generally of hia mind nd disposed to honor him a one of the grfat est genii sea that ever iired i 1 jrlte then are boys like ponds clear at the topi nd mad at be bottom jfairin their tonguei bat ioul in their hearts btaep wiy froth inch thfy will do yoa hrm a drop of ink is a fery imall hingrai droipedfnto a tumbler of clear water it bl ikons the whole snd to tbehrtl oath the firit falsehood may leem very trivial bat they leave a dirk itain upon oaai obaracter crook oat for the first sttla hold integrity uored f observe good muaerkj eodare trials patiently be prornptin ifl things than tbe company of lie idle dare to do right fear to do wrong uwalch carefolly over yoar temper nevitbe afraid of being laaghed at fight litejlbsille manfully bravely use yoar leisure moments for study i sacrifice raojiey rather than principle here la tn apt illaitrsllon ylow uldl little j6hnny leti play how do yoa play indian asked tommie jrvall yoa be indisa ud ill be pale now ill make a treaty with yon that ill give yoa yoar apple see there how ill make a new treaty with you than ill eat yoar apple seep bat i wont do it im roiag have mvowa apple on no that aint the way to play indian ic you dont do the way i say yojli be hostile yoa know and ill blow yoa full of holes the fsmou st bernard dog are very carefully trained a traveller who visited some of the monailerie of the monks of fjubernird few yean ago found the monks teaching their dogt from the earl- test ttage of puppyhood notedly it phy sical snd mental training included in tbe teaching bat fpiritad culture it hy no mean neglected at mealtime the dogt lit in a row etch with a tin dish before hira containing hi repast grace it laid byj one of tho monks the dogs tit motionless with bowed head not one stirs until the amen it spoken if a fnaky puppy partakes of hia- meal before grace it over an older dog growls sod- gently tugs his ear r icene at the ifinnespolia conreatioo first delegate you look- pale how are yoa second delegate tm tick suffering from nervou prostratioa and kindred troubles first delegate thats bad i know for i have suffered from kindred f roubles myself have got em how i have an uncle jn the texas ifgislature aud another in the ohio stafe prison my brotherialaw raijon the ticket in new york and my sister is going to marrj- a pooc methodist preacher you neednt tell mti anything about the prostrating effects of kindred trouble on a fellow nervous lyitem hell yoa 1ve bad in- had em bad oa both tides if ishoald alo to uy frfaaat would look tfpoa ray qalct face beforeuay laidltta llrosline pltee and aostri that death bad left- if almost fair and layius soewwblte hewart agalnit my hair wooik smooth it down with tarfol tenderfiasi and fold my hands with uaaoriui caress x poorhandssobniptyaoispcoldvtauical r if i should die lo-alghl- ky frieads would call o rnlnj with loviinr tloajht botne kladly doedtbebacdi lisdwroasbt som i gsntla word tbe frarsn la bad said errands on whiou tba w uliaff feet bad spod- thomenlory o my solalfaeas ao4 tde my hastywords would all ho iwd stide audio i should be lored and taonrced to ulsht ifiibouiddiatfgtit esn hearts estraajed woukl turn osob more tp mo rocalllaff other days rsraorsefiihy i 4 tho eyes lbt chili m with tvazied fiknee p would look opon me as ot yore perch nee and soften inthe old familiar way for who could war with daiflhuncons ioas clay 3o i would rest forsivira jof sil toois t- ob frfends e prsy lornlit keep uot your klasoafor my deadcold brow the waylalooolylflttaafiwrthaniuow thhifc jaully of mej ai travelwornl my faltering feetara ploreod with msay a ihoro forgive on heerfaastraitfrd forjlre iplead whaa droamleasrest is mine i shall riot need the tenderness for wukh i long toulght 1 m by way dates of invent ions helpfut hint lime r sopperia water fjll cleanse the link 4ra a a few cakes of nice toilet ioap sbjald form a art of a travelling outfit eaep ha silver bright jby icaidini it daily wiping it with etian linen to rel knd poliahiug with chamoit once a w k the stockman baa this suggestion in reftreuoe to cleaning pint pails as toon a the p int is emptied lake dry dirt i and pr shav ng and wipe niide and out ide with thi haad and every participle of paint a n be removed with little troa jle and the backet are very convenient tc tie for man purposes j i a ovi dress that will keep the cloth of the ere ling child intact the busy mot ier wilt wit to possess dark gingham ii the beat mi terial lor the protector mi te a plain wi iit ful i ikirt and quite long ale vee ehe- ak rt alic old be more than twier the lgth if the ordinary ikirt hem he ttomj and gtlher thai upper pari fa the waist broug i the hem draw an eta itici when t its tki t is patdnj turn it ap a ider all the skirts and the elaatio will a jutt itself ai jund be waist making a to tj ot asack i r the clothing in this wi the babys res in kept clean just sol fall er si id johnny duwd i saw dr grey tc day nd he siycf he aied to go to school i itli yc i sa is did my son and he ia i ire at man no a b ya didnt trifle away ibeir time in those ays they went to n facol to learq audi ley learpedj had ha i i yet fathf r dr grey ked lta of qaeetio 1 aboi t yoa he did ia ha i laid mr lloiwd twellii up w tbpcide jwtitt did hi ask my sofa os he tt ed me if yoa remembered the time jt a play id truant with him and stole farm i whit is spples end if yoa ev ir get but of i wind w now to meek off to i cir cus a 1 1 if ya id forgotten how yoa layed tick i i keep rom going j to school i nd if you- tl re tbire john yoa talk too tnuch dr ey ws thinking ot tim fellows i he a worst oyt ir school here a tickjet for the cftus jm busy uo dell loue cough candy a ulightd i cough candy is made from the f lowing reeeipe and will be fi and a most i greesl le madipfnea well a xnefl cial all w 10 use their voices ai d are troul i id sitl throat affection bi i ik ap capful of slippery elm bark let k au i our or to ia capful of water hal ill a ci p with flax iced and fi i op to the imwi b water leaving it let si k the am time a i the slippery elm wl en yuu are ady 1 1 make the candy p it one poa nd i halt of btown tuga in a pnn t ain it wpaa over the fire strain the j elm i nd poi r over it stir constat tly un til 1 1 begins to boil and turn back 1 1 sugar tbi i pour t pat and it will break up into smij orntibliug pieces a littli leinon jnfcm may i e added if feeired be lore to aaejfie aai ia measuring cap aniline dyes were discovered by onver- dorhen iai82c flints hi gun lock were used in the french army 1630 gun daps were first used in 1811 in the english army 4 the turning lathe was invented hyt blanchard ia ims silk manufactures were established in enrope ia ad 550 billiards were invented ia francs by devigns about u71 the mariners compass wss a chinese invention 1200 bc the iron blast furnace was the work of desmoid in ith2 the planing machine waa the work of wood worth in l628 ishoemaking machines were invented by flailihuaia 1858 i bellows were invented by- auachsrsia in scylhia bc 569 i stockingmaking machines were the work of lee in 1589- the aotatioa system of writing music wa invented in 1070 was hints cdracect habits t the true guide to hvallh is not of lirugi and medicines to much ascorrect habits ot life j riciiieivei 7 peach leaves pounded to a pulp and ap phed to a bruise or wound from a ruty nail will give irsmediate- relief the cihe or sfemclea i those who are obliged to nsi gfasies ought to know how tj take care of ibem to elean them use an old clean soft cot- ttoa prlinen handrchieftcever a toiled one nor chamois leather silk v tissue paper if necessary they may be clesnsed by a little pure soft wafer or anunoniated 1 i rose water j 1 ota heili i take few varieties of food st ona meal it is well now and theurto omit jby tarna t the use at every article of food eeobreadx thus preventing the lysiein from pecoming tied to any injurious routine itvouldnot be amiss to make au occasional meal of some palatable fruit or vegetable in its aea- whea best relished roafocss motbiik 1 tbereere few general principles toob serve in the hygiene of a house that it might be welt io impress upon young- motbers although theriack of observance which is seed ia hot due to want jot know ledge so muchas want of care 1 erery mother shouh tee byi personal snpervistnn that each mbcnberof hefamily becomea habiinated to etapwitlj the win- do w more oress open warding to the season j j j if there are- atatiocacy basins in rooms or in the adjoining bath rooms she thquld enjoin the constant sh j fjce use of disinfecunts ve1 f3 if any oneia obliged io sleep in a room with tuch a basio a good plan is to throw a damp towel over it before going to bed good machlrtasanq poor workmen it does not pay jo fit op a shop with poor machiueryil yoa waat bood work nor do you want to put bad wotkmen in charge of your expensive tools ton are doing things by nalvesj introducing a buu into your china fibop and playing wilhfire in a manner that is certain to fesult in burned fipgers good machines will never do good work in the hands ot poor mechan- ies and although a gooiwockman will often do wonders with hepoorest of tools the combination is not economical and is usually nn embloyer aod employed good toolaj operated bfi com petent mechanics last longeatdq the best work produce in evieryiway the tuoat satis factory resuits and are afways theapett in ihe iongrunoayi rolre j made by aroh- the first pipeorgsn imedes bc 220- locomotive engine were first made by trevethick in 1602 j naiimaking machines were invented by wilkinson in1775 v j furnaces far paddling irorj were inven- bj coct in 1781 the msgio lantern was the invention ot boger bacon in 12g0 1 the steam printing press was invented by richard hoe im2 j tha argand lamp was the invention of aime argand in 1769 ijwoodert patemerrta were the inrention ot nicholson in 165 iobea and maps were the tnveutioa of anarimander xk bc i the machine for paring apples was ie vised hycontes in 1603 j the first pair of spectacle was usde by spina au italian 1299 1 the ciroulatirmof the blood was discov eed by harvey in i61t maobiueafor letting type were invented by mitchell in i8sf five cants worth of travel the farmaran ailrourider the farmer finds it necessary to be something of a veterinarian to care fpr his animal when lick or well an entomologist to know hi friends and his foes among the insect a chemist to understand the nature of his soil aud of the fertilizer he need to ate a horticulturist to know how to care tor his numerous varieties of fruits an artist to establish in his mini the ideal of perfection which he desires to attain in the mating and breeding ot his stock and a mechanic that he may learn how to jadge of the- merits and handle in telligently all the fabor saving machinsa that are offered tor hit use and a good e know of a ibngbfboy whose great longing is to travel his parents have ho means with which logratify him initbat respect he occasionally earns ifew pennietby selling papers and doii gerrthds instead of spending the mcreej- foolishly he carefully treasoreajit in asrrralltron box whichfhe callff his aafe- one dayi alter earftingfive cents he dropped them into the x in the presence of a companion of about his own- age ani- ekefairied l there goes five centxvorth of travel what do yotrmean iv asked jthe other boy how cau yoa trwet on five cents five ceuts will carry me a mile and a hall on the railway wanl to see niagara falls before i dial i am nearly four bnh- dred miles rocu them now bufcevery five a cents i earn will hting ftem nearer and a great many other places hat are worth seeing iknow it takes mone to ravel but money is monej- bait ever ti little it i do not save the little i shall never have the much j i some boys aqnaoder ivery yeur therosf of a coveted trip tq soaie paint- bf mterest let them remember lhit evcty five cents saved mesas a mile and a hail of he journey small amounts carefully kept will foot up surprising results atthe end of if m m 1 jlat m l a r 1 i 1 ja f a tbe year and aifaot testify that five lehts better lor the heal h ol centa worth of tweetifife cwaic those who bilieve laleimanlhathemay dispose of his pro i j eatsrrhiu llje head may bi daots to he best idvanage it it any xhe makerari the worids pispensary wpnder that there are but few firstelasa jjyii assoeiaiaon ot biffslo n y farmers capable in jl directions 1 but here are a good many good ones who fail in bat little ot the above requirements it is not bought now that the fool ot the family should he made a farmer i farm fagots 1 i a fertile brain fertilizes the toil t remember animals relish variety i fertilizing is better than skinning f choose a good breed and stick to it the wise man oiten lizes op himself owls destroy mice and other vermin j lippery tyetasseliog ii called capbnizing corn the best part of comfort ia getting it ripening cream is partially rotting it- i jill animals are entitled to dean feed freat yoar sheep so they will be tame aoh saving of cost adds to tbe profit m jil mfii every cfacsjr will worth of trivelis the boy than five ha ijr sagei wjnore caarrh remedy jrill care thei liable 0 get well win those who dont ilf you happen to be one of those who dont believe theres a matter of 500 to help your faith its for yoii it the makers of dr sages remedjcaut cure you no matter how bad pr- of how long standing they are known o every newspaper pab lisher and every t rucgist ai the land and you can easily as ertaia that their ward aa good as their 1 oud i yoa watch once a day yonr liver and bowels should act as regularly if they do not iti key- the key is di piereeseieasaul pellets one a dose 41 1 ethel after iiirriige weiwb shall te oneihant we georgb george theor- etically thongh i dout if they will out he board bill tbatj way jcche merit ol sarsaparilla ia not i accidental bat is ud eiptrimenby educated pharmtri im up io artns again a jhebaby re- l h the result cf carefulatudy kw 1 fef