Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1892, p. 1

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volume xvhino u ffhc ctoji jfrcc press i n kiuk rr- evkry tiukspay horning at tr jfrrf prr sterna imotuc offlre stkrrt acton ont one dollar trr tr inidtauco cr villi to the moo lb trxn ttrcf m if mji in jtau litlfcol impe jt if orft w ici4 wt nt cutcrlrioo u rd tt i th iut ou iti lddrcm ubcl jltrkavrvvn uatttraiot adrertu- crri hr sonjicwu lie fat cm in- j crrt vr lint far fcti fubqqeat 12 oofxit iuti io11odc ullc ilior ttwt for tvr urrtjon rl advrrtiwmcnta for j lets lltk wjnii un i ft no is u i lu sioo roo it stu mco lilt tip 150 fro trc i ki specific diwclioa utlottt nn l4 nil forul co lot trriiftt idtrtlktaecu ructt t paid twsiaaoc i littfl ill l fhss oooe each boat it hv irc t hircv ofkner than kirati arwtitltn mutl be ru or tfwpi rates caifr i- f trtract stve rtmmrats uiuit 1 l th cite t r oxia co tomdsyi ii imoore r editor and lyojtietor j 0a t rni ii lcc oinuc mil a frvdrriek itwi act s lmckkagveul jrtcat o tneity coh usbcr of collefi cirtrtutaa and sarcona liceauat s lifia volvve cf ihyciarn 43 sarcrosa ldcrrc oft art njir pr 1owryl lit rvi- fcrmd cf kmirnca ttrtxt acton l it m lean a hfleak euxdter solicitors noune convcracecis ac itspfiici to los 23tonttiii acto- wit ucleix jo a mcltu rl fitisittcss btrcclorit f tkkn m 1 c u bennett lds dentist actartowx oxtuo thowat iittt soucrroit notitt prcuc qmcr dirt tce5y nii stunlaj- kiiu block actoc up utrt j mcsabb ulinixe cc lit ten ktc j iriiceoclt cii accst fir kij nurt wcirty locrit odoij tv l ci ttf ic4l ffciortll unit j auowajsofijrf acton 3ihlt0n wallbbtdgka stone lurricfri solicitor 4i t0lctt3 ixd gtoecetotx trt iek cfraibc ci voce tl toroco tcx ri wn wilujcncic ec etoxf stents- secured foii invlnvion5 innnet orist ottaw tiy t n trtciiee no l caxaxa- iacdt so lt w hek5tbeet liccxfcd arcnoxeu kcr te cazctei of wiictoa ac3 kitos orletti irfi tt it kcce lttn oce acoa or i cj ri3c ta acion ill to jtoeflly l- eij to tr3i rejo3alle al tcney to ltn c3 th nott ftormie ur4 ni ny tht lower rte ofickret ic in ljjt2icpwtrj john day architect j gurliiiovr orriccviyeilt btreel peancis nc scunr lot fclti-lii- bo0ku1ndfh ttgtcreisqcire gteholurio kzxjzzi bdtl of u kici kv to order peroczxl of errrj deeriitioacatfcijjboatd euliv ceitlr qd pronty dose mexican hammocks large strdnq specif low phce -at- days bookstore batik of montreal grass the traders ot oahaba tut orrtcc totkurca bank cirrrtc acmantcfo cjtpttal litt cp ttcct fxd iooaaxi twtoaoo 4500000 quelph branch tohvtr of wtkwiik iso ijciotc itmstt ettlno bulk department s rcr wat pcidoavuuc of uad ajitirdctrom tu of depovtt us dct o yc lltadrtvai or ootn tiouodcd udt yccrlr oa sttt ult u toui ko- tttabc ofpotlc rciiu utaod tsradriook m4l lo reipotiixblo fcruen btrtlae gxcbuuo lioacbt cad told dnftc uttvt piw tt til polnu a ui udluid butac end outdo k ecaertt uaktac tiucfaou trtnud a v ii jones f ittntcar guettib itrtncb capital rest sl2doo000 6ooojooo a savinus dermltstent iuh lcei opcsikj in cyinoctiou with thi urarchl lulcmt auoumi t jarrritt ct jas hftnlay kuipr hktpli ukaxcii wbarberlbros paper makers georgetown ont fike i mrxiiirr or macbtne ralsred iiiuii hum wekkly news the ppor ud in this the above milla wm baeber t bros steel exglf avlngs rrtrof ktclicjti gorl ij 1ictura m ivory oak frames artists materials ick cf wiiitar a full white double tcbct ilcwufyi hxlo deep pboto fnmi 5 feet cornice pole ilruj book papers jonrrtl it from ietur iiooui taj lame silver oilt i norton iiilc 0c coezrilrtox ftucct kc our wall jiapers art hil tj lr tli ut iltell la llic fit waters bros iistablished it7 st oeorqe s square quelph new planing mill axi- suh lnd doct ftclorj john cameron contractor lluftted op thr buildinsoa 3iin btreet utely oceufied u a trunk ftetory with new uchiaery ld u jtfiaiel to furitb tiftttioni ad mticale icr claai of irjildiqgl tad execute tvll kicdi of dbfssing matching kaju all rntxs cr sftches doort and windowi und poor frames and dretd lumber i ar3 tcpa itock on lbtid attt m3e hanlanbarbersnop hill stecct actos in eum steitiiibhvirctteoojieaoua la tilliirtiljiljtiap6oilwyi cites llxor t5s5 mdrbt id cntcusf eoaflitiod ltvlie iti children btir tcly est j t hmvobdkntosiorialartir acton lodge no 204 lo0f hektn is theodifello hl hilliliiock jl ercry wsdctti cttlinp vitiiinfi breth ren ctt tticocie for ccpy of couttitotioa i2tfttrilvto the cndcricod or try of the neeawrt vvtiuas k j h hwoiiden salesmen wanted li- tt iojj trttcllic aad iotai uetaeo to rrjirwentttw old tumtbed foatbllj nwien halaky paid flioji the 6ta1ct io il ipcriecrded in oar hoe liberal lerrti to bflucen end jrtnmct titotxloa ared we bre too trc nader caitiruloa toifcniiabonlyfincclmsilocfc ccrrn pete- raxj ttriies for kotihcrn oatxrio tod htfil- tcu a fiweuittr we glaeaxtec opb st oct ajlf lor teema at one we wtat mnqw htonba wellington toronto oat agents wanted in every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tip mitt eoxilet ani comifcbenajte work ctr iiitiifd lit authori lund at tbe hed if tftir irmitoa and lav a coutiutataj reju jttiou- uofth iu weijbt iti gold to any coe batiltitm fciiteji cattle hwine ioaltry to or iia a craod ofporturiity to maie too stcur ttrntory at one addreti e h mqyer publuher 120 yoa s4 toronto icpa itiu ad moulding 4 all order 4romjitl hn cameron plush parlor s uites solid walnut frames complete from 30 up p sprhgca cuelph all ready for sci1o01 solid leather school boots from the best makers every pair warranter pricss right leading root shoe stor w mclaren coi cuelph ont season 1891 tvhilk rrtumitic thcka to our uiaay pajt v roni for tbelrlibcrxl aafport lo tho rit c vich to lnlorui yoa that hare eoter into an arraacrmeat with k strwirt laelf tokeepecnttaatjtoa hand a fall ttocio tio ordinary tire of sash doors etc and will alao aamily any irncial aixcf on uioft notice u guelf b iric frames of atl kinds raada to order we alto leer in hock a hue tf ba window and door ctaine comer blocks 4c yoqc lumber jretd while yea wait price l wit if actqn livery t7e midtrsistifdrejclfut age of tbe public and inform t tbcaa t pumps iltidg better able than heretofore we vi aiply either wood or iron putupa itomptl all work caaraateed latirfartory ilcate call and iaipect before purcbaaia cliewbere tit is ebbage tf annuel bts line tnliciu tbe ttroa lat grindells floetrtj atxi co lorry bna m t hie- tlitaucdava if ak i huu i l mllkac um u como 1 the l lit m iu if d fa ue ova tuo til uie cr xia blulado it datnb aad lojnia b s caruin bait wlthdrtwa juic iljowt c roa jllrara of daira ttaklo tlakr la tuo til all xny bet t if tom ihoutd ml i hoi battpc klikaucurd cyluia wtjtli c vladi iro currodv lar the cut irlshtcaina ilav- tota i loaf deld ifcnowl cooiielll coc eurutl uln uljrvlilte i aoeijoa bldti b la tbe croft 1 ily yoa itccp u r of ruddy light tho uti la ciil hltq fit i aloft whet mtkee uic itctiaiycrooidc chill that lntic abot t tho moral ag aulir tltjkleuakt lutheiil retue otie t ualcn up the vile pabcee at ui brook a vhllc dtlcdlcb at 1 10 medow itllo- wsll 1 if lqt rinf bo a crime roiie ouo tal e hit om tweet tltue 1 sol iterrytof now cherry blow kocpj you pnk uocooutof the pall hot 4 til the too ralnc uhq low tho eharuioc aora coll aud trail how dfta the tkj and far tcay 1 whaa alia the iu uhluo and tho dy t tlokle tlokl la th ji rat for tht l irepoatarout tj ntocj ulxer brought row towu toti la court tig kittyhrowa iot willct i riu wtuio snow julto teate xty tom yoa know ayithuuedownt t cocnlrjf thro tho caua tfut his forehct wear frown and no never i j4a mo walt till thit vatluc lemon doubt angered uaaqd so fell oat 1 tickle uukl i la tho ll tarn roocfj 3d the toftnoit nil chcwlnc btn kicad looking criui wtih i cbex k to peep at lijtn wobdlrlf hi tulkiuctllll alliabout u j walk will will charrjriertyl lilywhlte haattadeldwaxd every oao all thohcavenrecrowldtf bright and ttillunc li 1 do no 1 will i peak to lira and io if hu idrdabipatawfra me tivu i htjtuuiblea off the rail fitodpa tollftjthebriranilntf pall wlui a riutujil pleading glanoo llifto lip njaybap by chanoa andr bat ncd t wblipcr why f tocf if hippfand to tin f i kouttudhlll tom nit ba oc it i st jfamttij ufttstnj jw oli yci uia bm mrc mcrrwlew i told john i wife that yau wunt plwxd with tho irttch t ut joa hid looked high er for k mi n like our brother ttuttxs ft college fim uitc colonel tlightly wm tl it km coropresri ft chopgird tt ncci cary mother cak ho trot i intwcrcd the oq g her t iin lip fiho wi in ft f mcv ktoro in new 1 ftny wfty ypu en ix it still ho kcro thi orry foe the girl thftf thftt poor and im g td ihc wts ibe prety ftked mciuticy why merrydew syply rt machine t repair silop rv well equipped and stylish rige otn tl- wayt be secured at hi ilbl traini ixt carefal attention cia toercryo tlje watte of coinrniereial travel len fully fact comfortable but tneeu tn a u and hh pm raer john wellington fire mmm compm ebtaelifinr head office iniarhcihinpiiicrcjjn3ic liinufictorlei dd i1 oilier dctcrijitiou qt imarftble property on the cub nd ilkmtuin f w stone prauent i kote kjtuui chig davidson tttqiger john taylob aoent beij-l- pianos hamiltons 31arblc wovks hamilton hiotkiforinttly hauhi klctki tbt fore etroir of wwlwlch atd norfolk itreujmliljout john h hamilton proprietor wrymit and retail acakr tad direct iiujorur ijiuiuffurtr of all kiuda of irauite and kut hyirjijn tofjlrttoec etc hariic lit4a xutiihr ijitite fr tbtftt ic ti4r tte iiiblk iftay rtly ou ktttjur all oihjr ruli t a liuper rati than atjvotbt r wnbr iu feett organs medal wkteawlndep the gold jamaica international exhibition 189 iu couftitlon with aluerl i4 cftnutlu ibaafcrtirer ii- it tin- j ii a direct ordtr re- oij uoatltl y or qeaiterly rayrncata only it gw fellys uusic store 8 m cook co- 6e0h0et0wn liieemea atuuoneen apprtlr vftlu- v3r colliqctore rtl etitte isd senefl ldd agents ron rvr otvrir or kftllon peel wellington slmeoe yoi ftndontkrio- ifoi v ui iiiu frou ftldutifttku iwr cjt lun- pltfilg thtir oie or other butiam lo our i fid vih tirtutbuerocaptliutidd t- ct ccoderfl ljfrerea orricr ivi bilii boowtkill btoir- tu or iaat itoi 1w k coot t co uctiotetv hum olrirr 31 qimmktettirioto s m cook co ailcuone aeorgtoinuii toronto j ix7er wyoillikm cret phoae ut acton sav milfs coal asd wc 00 vaeds jhwes jcalf cracttttea id deaixtt ik lumber lith rihlntflj coau nd fd cod arvl wood cdwayi k deif rered to any pi rt of th town at tmoumlu i hardwood end alaba en alore itagtb alrtye on hand tlef faooe coma uulrl williams mutual cuelph i i tv rein precrcd to do horse shoeing general blacksmith trig id a moet uttifactory manner woodwork re pairs alto made careful attention given to nil work brouctt la any machine or imjtleraent by wbomtoercr manufacture will be repaired lu awork man like manner low arid machinery repair constantly oa band henry grihdell hi itlipei wvndham street x fresh arrivals fine scotch soittlf os hew spring worsted svitiha overcoatinonewest colors b ropier s w x an oi f uiyilitliftoii krantliy mcrrydcw frcrfttied ixit rctntly fclowly and as f nkidfioioud i canthelpfeeitng kll nonak cid old ilra bierry dew tharply vijhev nothing to atl now icr jot a is deed and harried i wfe back it hec ttdre la but fthdrs tiaklth failed boata thd en ocrmtu englifh gaelpb tele- br0wn opened today choioa hew ltqeslnflnaenguihhttaln fedoru ud ell newest shapes to be ttd it clote prtoes special drives in hats lteuictubor our ktuious 1 vmti to order ft e nel80n fashionable clothier 80 upper wrndhftm st aaetph wcfc tad promjitlr t at um lirlces iloa j i frank burce83 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc u prepared to ezeeata orden la cay of the lucre uaec la uiebetcaunaer cadfttrouaaalite tennc emr job hartac my penoutl attention i eaa accare eoatomera complete latiafaettoa g ralaloff ta all wooda a rpectalt r orders left at my reafdinee lfala 6c aetoa eill recefre prompt attention job printing ikclodtko doeka fampbleu pcetenbul heads clrcalara c c eiecated lo tbe btt style of tae art at moderate prteea and oa cbortaotlee apply or address i 1 p ifoobe fuc fuss 0 see actoa y 0 uti sew you selling tape itnd ribboa and making big eyes if tho nem foclitb yoacg fellow tba the coontci wants to load his heart scroel colonel iteriydew es u iwillingly admitted ifrs prei fy in a bold blaelteyed of way i never liked her looks ie li4f no faqulty at all when liollyihroflieaikod in kit boiom face ikhooght that ir ifutley- j doar dear sr cxpltned the gtel hi died long ago and hlicsecalors rented it o acrt barney t6r a year can i aoo your mistress i cfcrtalnly sir stra barney came in presently ft bosull- ful c arkeyed jonng- woman la aoalfco drcia a inowwhita linen collar and hale is in ootlt and shining as tippled bands of jets 8ha courtcslcd gracefully to him aa ihflcilcrod i tm colonel brantley ilerrydew ho said rather loftily sho colored bit her full cherry lower lip and jcourtcaled again with a humility which might almost have seemed comical t being a kcw york i thought i wjdld just run oat and ix how tho farm wai do ing ho mid a strange sensation of false modestly stealing over htm as ho stood thcrci i jiopo you are pleased with it sir the remarked calmly i never saw things in finer condition he said yoar huiband is perhaps an er perieneed farmer ii have no hatband she answered o quietly i manage things myself every man boy and woman on the place takes orders from mo perhaps you would like to go over the farm if you have noobjoetlon bho put on a little straw hatwitfi a drooping brim edged with black lace reached down mri ib nlth rf it jiiksd company there goes the last train heroins 1 tile fait lrii and than folks havent coma i they ar not coralug as iara as you ive 1 never irlli ask combany aan never what is lie use they name come when yoa eip t them hire it bright sad ihlalog ilaeajday u ever nw and cookaijl coaala beliey tai aunt hirla andiai d oen little kilty ivs been at work fag two days la get up iilahcu foe he cobooro and the feauywtiltlles and they wof i ait so pleased to come and meet each otj ir 1 j i deef re l am so sick of aromen theyj are lit i oil deoeitfai wretches i soelad were thi f i why didnt thejy cometheri t the hoe eisaeneatke an orphan asylam on visitt sday weve poliihod ever thing and toqi aed up everytlrjng o mako it love ly aud there is ha new chins iai the bsw til ikias with mouogramt da them tad awffiderlal silk coisett far the teapot weve efen tied up the big dog sod got rid of old sin callaway who always cornea over if ibe sees people arrive to lauchj by seadiiig her tickets to the fair at the neat station mad here we ircmoarmott be- oamiug tostumet with oar best smiles ca and theyi uavo iiot ceme i of cokfs not we shall get such a idrely lebec from thej cobcorns omnrrow saylug mat auaa ifaria had nearafgls f and thesjkate had one of her headaches and thai ney shall very soon do then- selves fa pleasure etc and we 6hah aweeteat notes from the penny- yoar and wc had to come wanted to stay there in tho old house whe e john was born talntjas if i coud h ve ru ted her to take care of things a dlly cit ybrcd girl that wouldnt i ramah fowl from a plymouth rao of rar red gilliflowcr apples ljtrom badwin no no i wasnt such a i fool as hit bo i put hiram huxey in charge of i he fart and how that he has died and the wide w ha rented it to some one else i dont i x a bit easy about it bo if you c aula sp re time when yougo to new yorl branl ley i do wish youd go there and i ee to tl ings a little colonel lerryd w smiled net yoi r dear id licart at rest mother said he i will t lake an especial pilgrim age to the ild fan i in your behalf bo it car le to pc es that upon one golden september aften oon colonel brsjntley iferrydew mine v alking up the lane o the old merry lew fa m on whose greea turf his footsu ps had not trod in more than twenty y re it was ti cnty ears since he had gone south to k ek his fortune twenty years since lie hi d stooc a boy full of vague boy ish hopes md ir ipossible aspirations on lifes thrchold he was a middleaged man now nth lo fcs threaded with silver and crows feet i round his eyes vec here i were the o d pini trees apparently not a day older than hey ever bad been the mossenameled rcof glistening in the sun just as it used o glisten tho samp old pinks bloi somip along the path the silvery tufts of so tthern wood cihaling the subtle fragrance for time relentless tyrant tha ho isetts his oiarkon nature peaceful btw john hai wave i good bye to him twenty years agol the airhaired dreamyeyed little play r ute n lom he had never since beheld he lie i made some effort to sea johns wl low a ho came throagh new york bat in vain at tho fancy store where she isd on x had a situation i ho fat proprietor knew i othing of her oar yo ing la tea grow restless air he said- tleyro tlways trying to better tbetnselvei an im very sorry thtt kr uerrydew hasnt left her address with us he cam i up to tho front door let rather ft melsnchol moc i lie had expected to find everyl hliig ling to wreck and decay bsttoo thi i oonti try the fences wera newly painted tl e bios nming plants were tied to neat green stake along he paths the grass was shorn aa sm loth as velrct while at the rear of hi i boas he could see lie cattle coming sbwly ome to bo milked their bells playing a sllreriwcet monotona as they came the poultry yard was fall of plump he is an cocks the sheep were huddled ii their fold he droves of young tarkeys i adf ilneafowls madei ft kdft clacking even the burnished flocks of dove wer attei ing ft sweet cooing on the bam roof n he sunset hallo aid colonel uerrydewjto him- ielf 8c me ot s it doing justice to the old place wh lever t may be ho kno ked a trim maidservant cami to the doir parasol and speaking ft wordj or two of direction to the buxom maid the set forth on this novel tour qf inspec tion i well sho said wlienit was whtdoyou think colonel ifcrrydew if smiled that mrs burney is an excellent firmer ho said indeed madam i am mor than pleased with what i have seen liut you will remain at the old place alt nighl siic said with a gracious hospit ality which became her well you willbe my guest for a little while if you invite me ho answered what strange sweet spell waa there in this mrs burney this darkeyed grave- faced little creature who sat in tho old chair where mother used to sit colonel merrydew remained at tlio farm a weok then ho returned to new york for a few days then he came out a second timc tho farm so that it wait nearly tlu first of october when ho at last decided that ho must positively return to alabama urs burney was standing with him on the old portico where the red and gold maple leaves fluttered softly down at the touch of the sunset wind thcyhad grown to be real cordial friends by this time the alabama colonel and mrs barney ilo yoa know said colonel ifcrrydew thsitl shall go back to he south with a lighter hear knowing that the old hooso will still seem like homo to me in my memory you will bo its guardian angel joanna she looked wistfully into ins fscc colonel ifcrrydew sho said i have sorhething to tell you afy name is not barney i waa joanna barnty before i married but irty real name is mrs john iferfydew what ho cried starting back 1 am johns widow she said tears and smiles striving for mastery in her ejes dcmt look grave dont turn away your raodier never loved me she never called me anything but lira john she never allojvod me to take charge or asaume any responsibility so when sf r huxley died i camo here determined to prove whether or not i was worthy of trust tell mrs merrydew how tho old place looks give mo an impartial verdict that is all i sskj colonel merrydew was silent for a min ute or two then he extended bis hand to niscisterinlaw joanna said he i owe you an apology whfn the news of johns marriage first reached us i wm not pleased i may have said foolish and ungracious things will yoti allow me to recall them now will you consent that all jshall tie forgotten and forgiven i willingly sire answered the soft dark eyes full of happy light more han will ingly and oh my heart is so much light- erjnow that my secret is told 1 i too havo a secret to confide said colonel merrydew with rather a conscious look y6u she echoed yes 1 will you listen to it joanna will you hear mo tell you how dearly i have learned to love you will yoa pro mise dear joanna one day o he my wife she did not qnito promise yet colonel merrydew went joyouslly on hhvtvay with his heart full of hope 1 and when the next year old mrs merrydew came back to the farm her son the colonel stood on the doorstep to wel come her with joanna smiling at his side mrs merrydew waa aged and feeble she had left her venerable lifecompanion in a southern grave sho had looked back on her past existence and sighed for many a lost opportunity and misused ehance and whea her sons wife her daughter-in- law for the second tfme camo forward to meet her she burst into tears f forgive mo joanna she said forgive me j and young mrs merrydew took tho slight weakly form in her arms and ksed- hcr and whisporerl the one word mother henceforward forevcrmoro alt was peace between them i have thi whistles telling at tliey were kept by cir- eumttai ttol fraiji ful inril earliest they e aver which they have no con availing thetnselvet of oar delight- ition and that they will take the opportunity etc etc of course 11 and ill tell you when that pppoctddity wiucomb itwibcomo on some monday when cook has gouaaway in a rage leaving he table linen to steep in thd tubs and whea the upitsitt treasure hat departed arrayed la a four ifpry hat and feathers whea aunt maria ms eona down to new york to look far new combinations of sil he domestic virtues 1 1 the various intelligence offices and coa la betsyhas decided to utilise her artislici bility by frescoing uiedtnlagroom celling when i hiva been so left to my self as to employ the travelling chair- meudti6 teieat iii the old chain stored away injr garret and have permitted him todo it4atho shady front porch when the bill i fare for tho day if ail ha left- overs jtiit to clear up and sate cooking to be satin on all the cracked china on the kitcbenfkblo when grandpa is sorting all the dailjj papers since 1812 lu the frout parlor juiicii is filled with the duit ot sgec in coohalience and grandma is catling ag all the ejl clothes to imaka carpet rags of when yi jerur ba have put oa f faded skirt and an old calico ball and i am staff od into txy blue iknnel wrapper m which i look lik a polar bear when there isnt a human lung in decent trim or a pot la sit dosto- a or a thing to est or a welcome for them in a single hesrt in he hoase oh 1 thet theyll camebleu eta 1 they will msjsj a little party to surprise us and expect ut to be delighted sod i believe upoirmy ioal i dauhst bey will enjoy ihemtel kcut i bciier w at happy asqaeena and si merry at grigs alking i t over going home and they will talk about howl we looked and what righlfal lausekeepea we are and how we are never nice except when we expect them fclkt t enow ihemj thats what theyll do eh what why dont yoa say so they telcome by boat and ebeneeter boltingcl itb has brought them over in the mill wsgi n yes ti re are at the top of the hill waveyo ruandkerohiefs allot yoa i do hope i k vent made myself red ill the face by talkie so hard hat itweald have beea provokjo if they hsift come ill never rrowj tnable again it c learnecl yet lijnoraritc haalitl discourses in a- very amasingh and itifiti ictive manner la one of his essays on the i norance ot tho learned and wo haveott i woodcrcd bathe did not write a compai ion essay o it on the know ledge at the unlearned the socalled learned i sen have too of en very jittle practical learning oat of their owniprofes- tioa at pecialty while all that theun- iearnea i idw is usually of a practical and serviccal e nature j 8ome eour most learned scholarswho have gli ed a great celebrity by theip at tainmen i in literature are lamentaoly deficient in their knowledge of everyday attairsja id would hardly succeed in earn ing adix nt living out of ther own profes sion wh e there are thousands of illiterate men thi would be t called ignorant by scholars ho have so varied a knowledge of the waji of life of the ordinary pursuits of manklac and are so skilled in business that the would not fail to make themselves useful o d gain something more than an honeat ving under any circumsfauccs they in y know nothing about technical sciences x unable to tell whether a syllog ism bet nethingtoeat or to wear and in cntnbl ii speaking any language but their vernacu r and even that not grammatic ally a id yet havo to accurate a knowledge 4 character and human motives at a few blua laws in uu the hmscliuietts oeileral court forbade tha purchase of any apparel either woollen silks ar lynueu with toy hue an it sliver gold silks or threed willlsm wcedsa in writing dtkew eng- udd laws tells us ilia tollowing in salem in 1152 a man wit arrested for excess in boolct rebouds gould and silver late and la newbury la 105j two women each wearing a filke hoods and icstfe bat they were discharged on proof that tbeirhusfasada were worth c20q each ah sort of peccadillofn bailed the leleat- men and country court reading in jg3 fines three married women for skoldlng five shillings etch tnd matlhlsw stanley payi ft nua for winning ha affections o john ttrboxt daughter without her par ents oooseat in 1073 a ooqple of yoang women of springfield were sammoued toj ooart opoa the eharge of wearing ilk contrary to law and for toug hair and other extravagancies 1 touofaei we came upoa it ia ftqceerghottlysort of way ba moviag into a new house the bad t bi ourohott dwelling next door was uaoccopied and a 8ebil rhyhe ii on it for come days we heard very queer noises la hst bouse which hid not been emjdted for months it bad a re putatloct of being blunfed bat frightened this fact led as to regard he sounds at anexpecfed a friend of oars whojs a contettjlo splritaalitm aasaredut that it was eonjimin frioklin who wanted to give ui good advice tnd even spelt out tho cbmmqnicatipa areauey saved is a penny got if ya cat potatoes eat era hot which i declared hat eminent departed philosopher rapped cuttor him aa he re peated dha philotopher rapped cut for him as he repeated the alphabet- however- one day we gott key and entered the house by the front door we carried a lantern for he ahuttert tvero nailed qp we de scended o he kichen there a long dresser was bailt iato the wall sad on the upper shelf ot hit tlool aii abject the ghast that had made the queer uores snd frightened away tenants it was a rooter 1 he rqfarded us with astonishment and then altered an awful cry you easy heir one like it by offending sny illtempered camel yoa may see in a menagerie no rooster ever made such a noise before we resolved that he was an enchsnted prince and retreated as he did not pursue us we returned add captured hijn where h came from wo did not kuowl how he hid lived wis no mystery for the tact amity that occupied tbehousehadevident- ly eaten only the middle of their slices of bread and left the crude anywhere be sides there- was the proverbisl peck of dirt we carried him home in an oldi bushelbasket and namlliim capt kidd nobody knewby we ted him well but he always haled ui and drove- timorous people out of the gtrden wien they entered it and finally we found itiat the joy of hit life was in fighting to maintain bis solitude ha conoured several enemies a dog that he settled withone lip qf his bet in the tiglit oye a cat which sat opon the fence antil her back waa iermaaeutly hamped i and her tail like an immense bologna sausage and then- descended to bf borne away a mere mss of grsy fur rsge andhorrbr and nually ha conquered t rat his favorite dish wan lour milk the rat liked this too and wantedhis ahare he came out and aited the milk instantly a beak wssdrivnp into his hesd- he retired o to bti hole the rooster hil himself be hind a iao bush the rat returned then foilqwadsouudt as thosgli all he wild beasts in a manageris had jot loose and we saw capt kiid perchedin triumph on the headi of ft dead rat finslrf tia grew so fierce list wi were all afraid la gdinlo the garden which lie be- gano exermluae ccraching up every- thing in it and we were just wondering whether the good works of the society for the protection olanirads would cover his case when he disappeared in truevghostiy faabiotf leaving no clew behind but we found one long tailfeather in he vard and keep that at a momento i f i l a gonsctanttoua coal mercharit lr blicfc aa wrilwatihdwtthy eng- iiaticoii dctler cajied one ox mr oldest dnren into the office tbe other mocuing lud tendered him qait4 tvurgti iam ot money whtitis this for f uked the utociih- ed tlrivec p jlerely token at inprecuttoo for ser- icas reaifered replied mr blwfc fciadly bat itr yaavealwiyspaid raaenprigh there is more ihan that id itw john ooaiiaaed tbe deiler ireily owe yoa the money 4 t doat aaderi tfnd let me tell jjoulid iff bucksa he 4copsd his voice ta s whisper yoa httva been with tailor 20 yews working 300dayijevefy year aud ktveragiog three load a diy tht mikea 18000 toads voti wcib iboat 150 poanu joiia tnd we icife rietrer fatitj to weih yoa ic wrth evefy ibidbf oar apeciorcoilmhit- mikes 270o0od poauda or fyt jtoul thxt it 20 per ton john represent i 1200 tiie psciat yoa hold in jour biud coatims 120 oclio percent which kc uiiofc ie yoarg by nght we are honest meri john md dont dcxtro to defntad any man oat of what ii justly his john bokeoin honthfe sammiasion atld is now toriaaily waitiuk foe the next div idend u half tha world fa iftioraacs hoir tho other half eiittt tfi awlaflaiac hucotiic lo ci thr jagh hiix ry baxj- mtata i v titrtjsj indeed um do iotknoirbat f votfitop andthlaks wuh few exccpilonf cd soon leiru they re f oa prtalea nfc r the barglir piles huuade at blfihtwhcitmlta qniettbabeuetta i- he dnc wani iia jouiralfrknowoat how be urea j kor bcro he vorfu toe hov bo- xozi por whea badtihiton jrtj fcr liiuiioh nsbii labor it toaldtpou i i the tnia hbojdocs the bunoo act it likctiio tcry aiuin t tbanc4kbicfud hit ckrtibhcity they ibun j f tho gttnbkr the epaiteoa uicc tha marderr and hut lay j the are tbaclaia of tuen whom adtertlalflt dbcttnt pay soofcimcrcbants co rotatic lbcclwrre mntioutxi here i they rotfc aiooo andiia the dirk widcraia mortal fear l j i the other hjf will ccdthcm out and taka them by larprise 1 so they bare ailrisiciand cbancct andbey ncrcradrcrtiac j t tee irou a moral win be found beniatb the linef cf tbui brief acrcd j ii k le8oa plain rcflecw ia that he who ran j my read i i uyoa uoald thrive and kijpyotriellaiidbaai- ncac oat ot the- dirk use printer- ia read rrinter ink to feed the- 1 vitxi fpirfc j sofia- jbarrta m i j what mcithehs- should do 1 ks tie boy rojr dpmake wrnpanionv of them thea they will notieefc compan- foiubip elbewbere lot the children d4ta a noise eometima i i i their happibeas is asjcopdrtant as your uervea t rctrpect their littl ecreta it they have covcealment worrying thearwiu never maketbem tell and patience will probably do- its kork- allow them a they grow older to have opinion ot their ova makekhem iridirid- uala and not mere echoes j 1 retoembor that kilhoat physical health mental attainment tl worthlesa let them lead free happy hvee which wiltitrengih- en bob mind and body bear in miod that yoar are largely rc- p6nibiefor yaarchild inherited charac ter anihare patience witkueir fault and filinffa it- i talk hopefully to voorcbidrenoflifeind iupotftbihtieti yoa have uo rightto tjk- k pres them because yoa have coffered teach boyiaud prl the actual fact of life if coon a hey are old enoagh tounjler- staad them and fiiveihem the rente of re- fiponaibiruj withoat arfleiiinff them fiod oat what hcrlipeotl taste ace and develop t them j fuuead of spending time money and pajience in forcing tbeui intoitadies thuarejrepagnant to thein myoardaafthtorafirow up teach them at least the true dents of houiekeepinfc and cookery they iriji lhankyoo forit in later lite a great dea l more than foraccom- piiahmenu try and cympath ze with girlish flight of fancy even if th yctm absdrd to on by 10 doic yoa will retain yoaruuntwdm over yor daahtersl acdnot tfich thorn to seek sympathy elserhertji i- of haai to coml their fancied superiors to io their binding and minister o heir pleas ures the vj dd la so full of learned men who aro so itr torant of the ara of life we do i i m not m the vicious artt but tha useful arts lh t they are unable with all their know id e to render atsufficicat from wadt bat i litely better is the knowledge of tho ut ie rnedwhich enables them to pros per 11 ia thai learning which cannot save posset so r from starving sfany of tho great je let actors ot the present age have been tm earned and ignorant men sailing wives in england the following clippings areeopted word fori word as they appeared in british papers of the dates named condon tiorniwj ilald starch llthf 1802 oil the illh of lait mouth a person old at market cross in chapel en la firth awife si child and somebeggars furniture forll ihillings londaa jfornuij utrald aptit- icltri 1602 a batcher sold his wife by sdctida oo last market day at herefod she brought ci i ahiilingsand a bowl of pinch innuil register februsry lfth 1600 a man uamed john gassthorpe exposed his wife for sale is the market at hull but owing to the urowd broagbt together he was obliged to take her away and defer the- sale however he brought her out- again in ha evening and she was sold for twenty guiaeasito a person by tbe came of housed maa blaming pott october iqth 1807 one ofthose disgracefal sceuea took place at knsreboajh amta broaghj his wife equipped in the usual way and sold her for ill pence and a quid of tobacco what do u ou collect v do yoa keep a collect io a of stampe or do yoa pa in for coin or ts it batterfliei or tl perhaps some one ihay say they hive dltheae and add one or wo other thicjs thai- is wrong for one collection wixtond fo sailer at the ex pense of another ind whertf there are two or thcee collecliohiby cna perron the couaeqaeace iithlt ail wili euffer it if alwaji better to know one tbtngtborooghls than lo have a few stjattered ideas regarding everything v the place where yott uve maydller ad- raotaea to nrajfei collection that others cannot l boy o igirl livineby the tea- shore may- take uj heljk but it wonltrbe very fooluh to ra it kucii a couectiqu and live in indiana tfooa live near any of the western- mine you have reat chance to etady pealoify tr tnuify deuied toanyjuie living in purtsof thi soutkeretbertf are no utoue a city joy catiiot collect bct- tecflfea with anyjcefifte of sucoea bat theie are other special lines ripen ta him idapv your culkitioti tb your circuoi- a auccs find surrotiniimf and pleasure and j j s ml profit will b tig j p tuple jsult fjrr ytas a lens thaup as bean begun a husbanda sad lot hoo m ioaloas he it doped if orodu- leas ie is ridiculed despotic he it hated feehh i o is despised jtoo attentive he it voted a bora indifferent he harts some- bodyls 1 jelings and revenge it tare follow sooner i r later there it one chance in hit favori ir that by good luck or through merito isillok litpart hemay come to be wort lipped by hit wife is which case let ijin be at the fie takes him either pleato or grumpy brutal or affection- ata f intlemaniy br boorish fiickle or faitbjffl iloviog or distant intelligent or tttfpji everytihing will be set down to him u yitae fjanief dart 1 about fer the grcitest rlrcticg tielescopesj yet known are made bv alvan g- clark of cmbrideport hkm so finei the work required on the leases ortbeseinatramentt that the glasairakert commenced work on j two disks from wtiiili a 0iqcb leui ia to be made four yean igo- indjonly one has as jet been sent td llr clark if thete itl the moat miuutespi ck of any kindin the glass it is rejected a disk forty inches in diameter and eu in hes thick cist 18000- ater u clark bai dttermiced what cxtrvew to givk the glass ar ironi cssiing is made- iof the tiro and shape required tbe disk is revc ived upon thi i aud groundjvjth steel crushiigs kext eighteenth sot emery and an ad justable tool are usd and at th fa i stage meashrements are made with an iustro ment that measure one lhirtythousiiidth otan inch the ioil shaping is mtde with beeswax anc rouge and eventue bare thumbdoesiti part in the polishiogt the lens must be i b exict in its curve thai ray striking it shal cedter it a predeterm- ined mathematical point public opinion ym ijji a thougitfti wltfiass loin it good and does good wondrouiiy witbpu tniuking sboul it and without kuoftt i it love doe good by deeds and woriji aud without deeds and words by by looks by gltuoet ieearjitlhe most skillful general iu the world became he has the most axhaiitive knowledge ot human nature he seldom sttacka any two men from the same side and seldom makes a mistake as to the vul nerable place la a mans armor a certain- wellknown indian fighter who hat mora than once with a handlnl of men- held a whole jhdrde of aavagee at bay and finally routed hem always dreaded going into his own dark cellar alone or any bribe that could bff offered another man whose name la synonymous with courage snd audacity in business and upright life often declares gravely that he would be one of the wildest fastest men in town if he poly dared and- then do yoa remember how deadly afraid napoleon wss of c cat whea weak weary and worn outhoodt 8arsparilla ft just the medicine to restore your strength and give you good appetite the witness on ie stand had beenbnllj ragged by the lawyer untilhis patience wu exhauited i kow said tlioaiornctjaii styjib saw the prisoner draw- his pistol 1 yes j j v remember you are on yoar oathj itn not forgetfiog it yoa are snra voa are telling tho truth sure- ho mistake about it i none j j v xoti couldnt jba jiersuadad into- any other statement 1 3 here the judge wleraposed oh let himgo dn your honort pieadt 7ih ed tbe witness doesnt know the im only tooglad as i can hai itruth io sho domeklic fuhtut with a brooms ick lawyer aribas wbenbeseeiiwanajr w aim bow mw chasing u gudaotattl isiis

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