Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1892, p. 4

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m sp wlutim jrwress notes here to there 4 twrrtuy maylt ut he jfouttg folks rs rrsrov items of oanen ouuuftlccum r aii titlinc alotir lrrf atid uilulinc a ad a uiion betar m doth rtt of ltvlf c with th tiu crl adatarhlxcltilirt dukliroun ry i a n hear her tilrcir laucbtcr ada thip toon cl her mutkal tipc vou cal1ftrr kith rapt urpritp oo poall o fo dr to tut iil uh the srk brown f yo mi t luuaiuc ever vtnucr 1 nli her fiw toward th 1 u tlmivirc now ot fert thrrt 1 ut never a tltcacht of tfie al will i nro1 not iroutc t can cc hit hrrt witti k lit ah i cmi wa haf my vuon ijf thf girl with rlaik irotrn rul sip ia jutt like one wf thr anccli tht couie dowu from flie met lirruin hht ami joy without alloy inxn lb at ptht of tier cwrk hrowu til 1 cant think of a world without her k jiiinif j ihrvu utv w4inarr my path- iwayli thflun tlihilnr hjijlit ami thr tar at nim n j no girl with ilv inown t why do i it litre ilniiiir fjad lovrr will xn claim the riit wtit thro till llft to lbote tonll pf the licht of tl dark brown ryw i ice bet t know ru 1 happy kylal thiituhiii hat thf weak that line falcon nervi prase 1 i tder toth oactf tormliit in oq mtauto tow mouxeri try it or came fcimlof tfatt an itie hfrrict djc with il jot am happic fto thfviri iih tti jaik liroin rve i am so tltrtl i a cox men txclamtki at this kcaon then it certain bracing erteat in cold air wbicf ii loal when the weather crora ranier it i remarkable how f ntceptible the ijvutm i to ibe help to be derived from a cooi medicine at tiiseason fosiric jast jho parifyinc buvldiucp qoalitie whtcli xhf body crave hooda sartiparilu ooap vercotncfi thai tiredfmlmr retorei the isppctite parifie the bfixvi anl in ihori imparts vicureiit health hflncy bees never tinr one anothtr mtlbarn cftl liver oil emouioa with wil4 cherry and hypophopbit is the sureii tod bert care for congha cold hoarwneta brodcbitii aod aethma trice x and 510 per bottle a yi rcpotation ia a hard thing tq lote or a disordered atom by tiling national tkj it in very import i material prorepi th to the latte aod to toothache tue rarj i the moat painful tlectfonc ia totuntly curtsj by theapplica io of tolsoaa keru o powtnl anodytict und ii ttrilctaat ott th and tffordiog relief from pln mmmmmtm m nteratt to fr9 for twnlnclio mtnmon aod ono ot lie it a combination jdiir children tooth- trh kcrhioen uk in 10 mj i- cent bottle hy all dfu i remember that vi 1 are mtdo out of tha 11 other people sick headache caofed bv etoeci c bile tub tasateb 81 el t tik ch i iiromptly relieved 11b kkss irt thia ae ft- rat ttartinedybepleafinr 1m ere eaily taken aoeptable tojlie tlimach and healthy in it nature ami elmo rieaaii theas qaalitier svrap of fifvm tlt one perfect title diuretic known laiative and mott kvery tin that u and rircs afmily fabeth snow vtritct i ai irith the asthma thomas kclectric t and it did meao rr other and before it my ton araa cored cl of half a bottle it boot like wildflre make core vherelvr ifa it ueed not forrakeo marriet unninb coto n 8 ximpletely prostrated but hearinc of dr il i procured a bottle c cb good that i got au- jett uted i waa veil a bad cold by the u and bho poc tli tketaapoa my saeet madeline to yiincaalflci vxk wtiea a maldaa oac in iltta who eaa nu tier uik i a iuint our talk which btdbeen 1 tie ifli btltk wta fiow returned at clot r vfpir aul atlll i noticed not my bk whita laltt lor ball tad lajiadcf 1 felt to bafpy re bad met ahliow i itrov t do tn kcr cliaruit blcb i could uoi ftrcot avoko uow rapture lu tt y bttt coufuiedlropiiodoiieliiftlietkclo ubul tu thread wcro all ataetr and alien tho put it muffin itald tue fault ii til tith you aud wbllit her ftatcrt toui hid iny hind- o f alrett rarett uadtllu i uu nbat ihocoulj uud n aod i aiked bor if be would ia ujtoo boft bluthc mantled all brrcbock aud lieu tbe yam aud ba i acre douo a klu told more tbtn wortmu tpeak and all iter loro va tralitrly wou i wly turn the raicalt jut i we refer to tuoh rticalt u dyipepti bad mood billoutoet conitlpatiou ti headtche etc intcatinr the humtu tytte tara them out and keep them out by aii ilurdock blood ditteri the natural foe dlteaie which invigorate tope t ttrcniithrnt the entire tyttetn some mcnvlll do yon a favor and th ii bore you an hoar about it i fn yran sufferics- gtstirirts i bad suffered very much from inflammatory rheamatifro which throtijh krong treatment left nrty ranninc tore era my hand aod feot wuh these i tofferted for teven year dorin wbicb time i had neither ehr dot nocking on com nenced nting b b b eatemally and inteiitjly ctice the pill aln and i can tay raw that the tore are entirely cared and have been for tome time 1 believe the liuersirefetha maaotol caring mv life una axkie baa crewtont corner acton po ont ght it the mother of an evil a 2 evil thon deec bickle anti consumptive byrcp ia a a co mbination of several medicinal herbt vbi exert a moct wonderful inflaence in curinc pulmonary consumption and all cthi r disease of the lonjs chest and thtoat it promote a free and easy expectoration and cives eaae even to the greatest scserer coabs ooldt shortnett of breath and afferiions of the cheat attended with weak- cesi i of the dicettive organt or with general debility teems to vanish ander itt use ko jther remedy actt to readily in allayinc inflammation or breaking up a tevere cold eve n the mott obctinate eodgh ia overcome by ti penetrating and healing propertie when children are affected with cold coa it inflammation ofthe runes eroap qninaey and tore throat thit syrop it of vti i importance the number df death am g children from thete disease it trnly ala rmifig it it so palatable that a child will not refute it and i pni at soeb a price thitjwill not exclude the poor from it bstet i going to heaven on a tombstone ia a risky bci inese ttlway enjoy it scotts emulsion of pur cod lif- 01 rtth hrw- phocpbues of jm end soda la amotk am 94 iktabl c mtlfc ft wmm flesh pftqducer it is lndeol in 1 the nttl fad and laatles wtxo taa i cotcraaaltr mar b fortified acalnct oi coucti tbat mlctit prat aerlout by taktnc scott emultwn after mer meal cturlns tti winter ttttc n- bewvre of 6ri mam ami imitations scott ft adwke ballartll an eiitenr m it is stated that i hotel man in toronto has potted up a noti o stating that all diner at hit place who us burdock blood bitter to tone up tbeir anjtite and strength will be charged rio per 6 nt extra we do not know how true tail is but li b b on doabtedly does the rcrk and does it quick ly and well i- little girlto blerk in a drog ttore platte five me ai garter of a pound of jump after a lfw question the clerk foaud oat it was f quarter of a pound of hope the wanted if you are despondent low epirfted irrit able and peevish and unpleasant sensa tion are felt invariably after eating then get a bottle of korthrop lymans vegeta ble discovery and it will give yon relief tda have dyspepsia mrrr h dawaon st iftryt write foar bottled of vege table discovery entirely cured meof dys- pe xi mine wa oo of the worsfeasea i now fechike a new man is toon as we form ra ltter a habit we have 3arafising betdtcbea make many live tn terable needlessly to when a prompt cure lite burdock blood bitters it obtain able blvery tear shed in sympathy for other m ike nt better gextlxiies i yellow oil for mj tbem i have ner been them since rxil c c riciuei a co gentlemen tfc top of my bead waa bald for seven yean 1 ued iflnards l1ni5jest and now have as good a growth of hair as 3 ever had siei alsrni mckav wheauy river p e i i have used utjards likimekt freely on my head and low htve a good headof hair after having bten bald for several years it is tbe only hair restorer i have ever found hrt c adderson stanley bridge j p e i no j lire btbcr have nied hagyards chilblains and it cured bothered with keown victoria b c a man will cefend a woman against everybodyexceptj imselt j wieaesnywarfcktt pars her gator wira she va- a ulj ui cnta l-j- irtoria who saidecajnc kin s3 ctac to cestortr or the bad children sio vo ttea caswria not many phyticiant ma te ereat tbeb p eutic discoverit for the mott part uoy content themselves with administer ng judiciooly what in preterit ed in hoboott to dr j c aver tiowecrl it due ihe credit of discovering that greatett of blopd puriflert ayert sarsapai ilia oh what a co igh will you heed the waroi ic tbe tigital erbtp of the sore approai h of that m ira terrible diseaso consumption ask year telve if ou can afford lor the take of saving 50c to run the risk and do noth ng for it we know from ixperienoa that 6hiloht core will cure four cough it ever failt prompt potent and peimtnent rest ltd always come from milbprna aromatic quinine wine an english inventor bs constrocti device by which he relieves tho pressure of water againtt the bows ct steamer it eoqcisu of screws which tirow the winter aside 6uts a year io 1 wtti troubled with spots breaking out all over my body t is effect of bad blood i consulted threo i ferent doctor who gar ma medicine bit did not cure me i was adritcd o try 3 b u ond after using two tittles i nottoid the trnts getting jets iooitlnpl the utd of b b bahich enticaly c trad roe girl lg me a tplendid appetite riqulhcp i would ttte no other medicine are you deif or do ypu suffer from noises in the hed then send 3 cent stamp and 1 wilt send valuable treatise conwining fullirticuli ra for home cure which ootti comparatively nothiui a splendid work m desfnctt and he sr i address pitur g iusclfontrcal when a pretty uirl discvera tbkt the pretty alie loxca her greatet charm canada it being congtttnl ued eerywh icd on the excellences of hct mannfactui es art stained glut i prominently in he front rank of her improvantent thanks to uccautland son of jtbrootc who for 0 year have labored bat only ut aocncis late money but to make stained tnd or ia- mental glass of all kinds a credit to he dominion cfcll pure powdered ltpfi purest strokoest be4tj rcdtforoelainyqnitritltafor ni1acwaa borwain water i nfciael ikhtodredotbtt iny a tr imnnicrilmv csdjc aaaaeqaajjaojvuii btl fcr auckefcnd drwtuu it w cafe to ncc dere as they act c not idjare the chi a v coxslhptloxccnfd an old pnytician retired firom practice hi ring had placed in his hands by an east ic dia missionary the formula of a simple re getable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis ci tarrb asthma tnd all throat and lung afectiooa alto a pptitive and radical cure kerron debiltry tnd all nervou com nt after having tested it wonderful stive powers jo thousands of cases ha 1 it hi duty to make it known to all hi bering fellow actuated by hit motive i a desire to relieve human suffering i j send free of charge to all who desire it this irecipe in german french or english wkh full directions for prepariog and us eg gent by mail by addressing with sti mp naming this paper w a noves 84 powers block rochester n y lmoug the great trials that a woman bt i to undergo t to have a new bonnet in tn i hoase on a rainy sunday i you trntrtt jrour cotton 3lfnn flarinafc attrars wtvat cart snowy white vou want tho wash dona tn eafst the can- eat the quiclcect ths cheap taft way surprise soap tho cur prise war without ijodlng or oaldlng gfvoa thoee roaulta mlslrll irreeroans worm pow u3y on the worms and do the third psgs of tho toronto deity uau is noted for j want advertisement if yon want to bdv or sell anything if you want a eituattan a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or ound anything or if yon want to find out where anyone it advertise in the to ronto daily iiai and read tbe advertise ment on the th rd page of that paper the charge it tcpcent a word each in sertion addreasj the hail toronto can ada most girlt like to regard themselves as cold aud unapproachable bessie h bedlte burlington vt bid a disease of the tci p causing ber hair to be come very harsh and dry and to fall to freely that she tiarcely dared to combil ayert hair vigif tve her a healthy scalp removed the daajrqff and made the hair thick and glossy tbe greatett op i that she is tolitti eev wm holliltbed pastor of the presbyterian churdh of s par ta n j voluntarily writes strongly in favor of hood streaparjlla he tayji kotbing i know of win cleanse the blood stimulate the liver orclian the stomach like thit remedy i krio t of icorea and scores who have been helpjd ore iredby it highest praise h a been wot by pills for their ctty yet effic ant ngi the hooda actioo a western man say he altay 8 eaviet a fat person wben be sees hind lsughing there seems to be so much of him hav good time j lf you want to bay or tljl a farm vertise in tbe toronto wttkly slau paper reaches 100000 1 farmers heme every week and your advertisement sbonld meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertlsemept of tbitclaasue n- terted in the toronto wtfily ilail for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions adares the mail toronto canada castoria tnowft bffif ill 3nst1 oonstti ation keaia3he castord lisewalladapticitacfilldnaliiat rceomaieni itaasoperiort lanjprescrlptlco h a aspect il d o oxford bt for jwoujii k t ttbaateacotatafai to unltersal and udrrltstc tnuksowiitbieitemaaotk of npereto auontotndon t raw arathd inielltpat i smlll who do ut keep csatorte wlthlaaasy rsach- kew york cut latapatoi bloomlstjlato eefaromd church nfarttf and children crtrl cures cotte consrtpatfoa bour8lomcaduurtia5i ijmcuuot tfll worms ftvaa sleep and protuotea dl- iums ilajurtnus medloitloa tor several year i have recommended roar caatorla and shall alrart coatlnud t i do to it haclatarlaalr producact beaeacta i results eon t pasnn k d too wfatirop 13th btroit and th ave kew york city taos cajrraoa cotnriirr tt ttuaaxt stassr kit toai dyspeisia rdqck the blood bitters auidinq star to health a positive curm fqk 5ckoftjul r biliotrskess had blood rhetjilatish fotjl ktjmors jatjtoioe bb tnd all d scascs tasm from a disordered condition of the stomach liver bowels and blood rc b acts on 1 11 the organs of the body to- produce regular action 13 etti ig hen purify nd tone and to remove all irnjjure accumulations of ruorbid i latter from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore thcusands of reliable men and women testify to its good eflectsln the at ov diseases sit not worth at least a trial in your case price i psb ittle 6 for i or lesslhan re a dose supariorlo all others n the fpltowfnglpoints j- bt eliipa of flnger bar for low dattfaif ailmple ilronft datable driving gear a llghtilrong grain divider mada of flaugeditwl a flanged tteel f rim a a lingfa pleod hgb t n4 itroug entfro elevator frame made of flanged iteel j tabid ffaraa of flanged tteot la oie phot with wf pffs france adriv wheal simple ta construction large datable aal nekt n apprnee powerful calling tppiralu wiltt direct pitman oonphoo i both ends otmschrae raised or lowered by drivfr without wij hit i t conveiilent irnagtqient fat idjatting micbfai wial tiriatfo iff crop tho liglitelt blading part aod iiwlt knoll iaai a knotter that potiilvelriivet irijm two fo par incfie oli rini jotnttf banaie fodr duchsrge arms making perfect teparfitiott nd ddllrofr o w ib amtchine ot light drift ar tojcperatd and eontiinf ewfr piru thananr owi u i i n0x0klro8msgqomrngrsoli0njt wm hehistieetfagefit acto n i 1 steel frame qiain over 25dob hooaier drllla and seeders with feed in ose in canada drill ooi poshire forie intttnll aeguli od b bmb b eca i gatrtoteed the best in th world and tho only drill f htt can to run the destreddapthsia hard aud- toft groand while moviog thd hoosler it the only drill that tows all kinds o grata and seeds evenly anc the depth desired is all kinda ifl toil j r f the hootier is the only drill that coromeneea to sow the instant the none move the hcotiec it the only pptitivsforce feed and it the only drill that depoif ihe grain evenlylidst the depth yadwsnt it ia nsrddc toft soil j ssanietabet his the hootier combined drill with callivttor teeth it thef beat cultivator made i nd is the only implement made with teth oa independent draw bant that caa ba set for hsrd and toft land while the team is in motion the hooiaer ia lighter oatha hoi tea i than any other drilltatde tiie pointa of excellence m thehooiter that other drills do not have are worth more to tho farmer than any drill in tba world 1 the combined hootier eta be changed from drill to semerof seeder to drill in eta j time than drill made send tor oar new illustrated cataxogafl and- testimonial sheet i beware of parching drills that infringe oarpateum i n0x0nbr0shejjc0 ltd lagertoll witt hemstreet agent aotott tbatentfiearypjawa has the bpst insbumentsand acc ssories acton ont come to turns oit the best photos in the county enjoy for provincial reputation excellence arm of a good woman e like a man one oftwabott es of northrop 4 lymsns vegetable ditcojnry will purify the blood sedentary habits gist fenf ion fsl discovery it set satisfaction remove dytpeptttv and drive away that ex treme tired feeling which causes so much distress to the iujastrioui and persona of mr w e ellis drag- i writes the vegettbje ng well and giving good itohs consumption jre thi greal qougir cure til aecewfal cohphptlon cure without a parailecia be history of medieip all dreggittd a lothorioed to tell it oi potittve gaarane tett that oo otiir care c taccett i hy ttatid if yoo have coagh sore thic ex broachltis use i for it will care y n t if yoar child ha 1 e croapor whoop utcoaghtitditpromp and relief it tare if yoa dread that insid- iooa iiaeaae co 1 jumption dont fai to ate it ic will ct let yoa or cost nothf ask yoiitdraai fof shtlohs joe e iirice ioou co i a and ityi ei long are tore o btck ltme asd sbilb porous plttter fzcatt igtwwtwpresiefpgg safe certain prpmpt eoouoniio these few adjectiveaijp1y wjthpecilltr force to dr thomat ectectricoil a dard external and internal remi to tbe relief and cure of coughs tore throat hoarsenest tnd all affections of tbebnath ing organs kidney trouble excoriation tores lameness and phyi ical pain painfal barnt brnltet tcalas tnd are quickly soothed and ctrbolid salve i ittn- dy adi pted cats i by vlqtori purest strobes bojtis co alum aaqioc phocps ies oc i dy bljoksot ew qfltett i i um orontoj on t best acton for portraits of any kind kdkertise noa txs7 some men try advertiting at the indian trl si feathers he took one feather laid it on a board tnd slept on it til night in thi morning he remarked white man tay feather heap toft white man fool j some business men invest 25c ot mo in advertising and then because they do not realise a big increase of batinets they de clare that advertising doe not pay hc spring medicine the great blood tonic is now fecbgrtized as tie remedy for purifying the blood and as springlmedicitie eead the following testimonial from a residentof th s olty of quelpfc gaeipii fanaary i6 meetrtwg81iithco city j gkstleuc i have used yonr blood ton c ta bkxid purifier tnd tlto for chroaio conttipatioo and have found it to bethe most sati5fctoty rtmedt i haveever used i recommedd it to all my friends who are troubled with stomach and blood troubles aa i have received great benefit from its use loure truly jous siuth preparedlontj by sflcvg smith si dispensing ohemists bo arthur st guelphr ont guelph cloth hall scotch tweed stlitingi3 in thb on freeprsss pisos cure for hthftbest cquqh meoiclhe ej h iotiitsrjmawrmttmi w r consumption largest and finest assor ment we havei evershown shaw pruhdy merohant taiiors can furnish you with the lighter for others promptly oat dii pa hilbjirnfs cod liver emulsion with wild c he ry and hypop lotphitee combine the curiti e powers of tie pectoral remedies meatiotec ia the most perfect tnd palat able fo ra price 50o a idji00 per bottle what cm we do eh jot as to help others to beat their birden of tadnets this if re aro merry ur mirth will not betesemel by trying bi bring good cheer toothirt ett fortunate htn onrtelve j if we toe a e tad oar tadtiet will be made a ctipled man ia lelplet frottbltea crippl at i st jacoba c il enrea froatjbitet by forgetting ounielvetin thinking tnd permanently a ftot with- e b st presses foir country news andjobwok tobe had in 1 country and atlc yer prices thain for any other new cylinjler press oo htb to kcfon hnd seb our improved country prouty p vw big sale it 1 -of- idress- sodds akd kew 3a spring 5odis arriving daiilj- at 1311 jwm mcleopfe gos ceorgetcwn j c arc opening oat heaps of new drcs cooils i c- millinery uew printed gateonaab nice na silks new priiits uew staples new sewed muslin embroideries new musliiis new oorseta new cloths ror suitlngi j uew ents new carpeta made jcloth- furtiishings new curtains new read- ing new boots and we have determined i j big sale ot dress good the prices of the said goods werefrojm 35c to goc and they shill be siloes toll also iave a corhe ce big j out an sold ail at 25c par yd early and secure first chjoi bargains dont qiiss i millinery opening will jbfl ndimced shortly pressjrnaking first class tailoring uqthing in canada to beat usl wejraiaye a big choice stock priceg right and wd are anxious to do business batrcraage respectfully solicited 1 theimammoth wkcleodco ijeohqetown m busy lohus it pleases everybody mima france wrtiard ivbritht esc oatiootr window in qhristendom for bun pooitittta wist la ka wxutis pitas on sa wel prortdnce teleffrmmarratbooc to le buij- life uiy and ihe ooooicl the coftcrcauoaahattlisncclhjt h tao design acopi and icarnqf q visioti lhorajglmess is execution dbfliiyiirrafccmttj ktkitttimmqtttwvtu acliicaio revuwtfto- tntaix of ner york has fame to tbe rescue 4 oar people- we know pf ooe i riir omcisl who foe a moo has worfed until h o dock ataitrbt and has kept well infocaced of carrent flrorid events he rtads thi m it prcs hira a fu iiniicommcnuxtco bdportji ctcqu besides a dfrestl of the best ixucks coatrapocarnapumes price 25cc s250 a year j icaxtskiitsil- curbtitxaoximjadu tnttncnu thebeytilwor ketotjfb k- ress or tho next ttirtsa maathi moq and xtt ictt ferfoet qt ffuarantsod and itirton lds of toronto school ot dsntutry and at college of ntntal bargeont omteixertpott offlei aefon the free press is p no 1500 drum we hive ran the prouty for eigbj easy to handle coat little for repairs today tor the tnaaoy come and tee them we can givayoa yoar choice i aamber ot different sizes and atylesnl presses at all ptioea think of it a nev 5 col folio or 5 col qto power press fof only 600 tci 700 ii ted on the above press and the work illustrates its merits g under press can do better newspaper or poster work y in and the longer we run ft ths belter wo like it it is timple easy to rain euy on tyn an a easy on the printer s pocket book we call it the best press to be had in he orld preaa at work if yoa desire iampleof wort send for thetn jtud we wiu guaiy fcraith lamber of different ikes and atylesol presses at all ptioea f or an 1 h iiiiiiifil jflfiir 1 i book press for 800 fult particulars frcm p tvtoofte agent for canada actofii ojt his worth 20 jf he is npthealriiy andsotfiid 1 e animal that it worth keeping over winter thocjdhavepicaa bixmltjactfia tbe sprtot it wttl take less food jo kep thenvn oondffiot thej will u better a horse wfllrsis dicka horse andcawfi medicinea are tho best la the world send a postal card tor tau pttiqaliaand a dickicc up v soldevrrhere 1 j n tons a t ssfe dunms i il

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