Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1892, p. 2

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010 v bqrk irrvln art on on llir iilt telrctrv liirvifc married auivritirruoorai lli trtldpiiw ot the tirltun ctielf liporr httungw ou lltnirj kuit uejykona3n win j aud loiiiiitljrttufliurcmirpe imte rtrodi til 1 tli tcnilnpornfcw4fj men iviiatomicti otrkriuj itlv k1lt jobli i id in uir vli jrtr ot iiwikc iraim in nmvro on lith fclniftty lionn in inf t y- nt moot ht ct at hit rnuatht primon oti tlie sul rdruyjiotfrt 1fitc in lilt kind jcu i nuiv4 at ieonjtte uif ittli fek trtii cum nmici lonnnlj ot acton ts 06 pr g pivv inklrirlvon ttiarfcuy fck uth lrirl gordon taiiirr of mn ijimi ti k sullen hmimcu vlt ciur at hi rrituciccluclphon felivary intlir uccrfctj cj t vrr vtlrv o kltvitiunihtilliy rnvutin wiiukkhoy at iirim hilloa turtjkrli lli t tlir rriam of ju ltr mm 7 m wtihuinnciioiitiilu id hctnlii rr ontario legislature finance minister harcourt pre sents- th budact lnmatt attractive form mr ctancy criticizes thinsday fbhitvaitt 2 1832 parliament opens today at the rcvjuftt of the governorgeneral tlie liitfcnnt mcnikrs of parlianicnt and cnator throughout the dominion will nimble in tlie senate chamber today where hie kxoclleocy will rvad to them hie adilrf and they will be railed upon to hifaute for the good of the country several chinpes have taken tuace in the ministry since prorogation whether for better or worse rcrruinb to be seen the pixknt government promise to be some what stronger than list session oh account of the increase in hhcir number due to gains in the recent byelections notes and comments seventeen new poet office wereestibliah- ei in canada on the ut instant add six were closed among the latter were those at bcnnifi corneri and jamicaon id north lanark of the new officii two aw in ontario four m toelec seven in nova scotia one eath in sew brunswick manitoba and saskatchewan ottawa workingmeci hive declared for a aecrtl ballot in ontario election they tay that under the system now in vogue it ii possible for the official to ascertain how every elector votes tee matter will be brought beforethelegialatonhyapetiubn this charge bas been frequently mada sod aa often denied wby dot submit it to an investigating committee fj it does cot follow because the waching- ton mission ha failed that canadian pro duce i going to be shut out of the ameri can market altogether on the contrary local necessities will force the united state government to lower the duty on lnmber wool and barley and our producer will thua get advantages in these line without canada giving any equivalent whatever ir a proposal to prohibit by legislation the tale cf tobacco in any form to persona less than eighteen year omia being discussed it ia argued that the diincnlty of correctly deiercinicg the age of youthful smoker would render such a uw inoperative if however hotelkeepers are able to discrim- inate as to the ages of their customers tbe tobacconists aboold afciibe able to do to the suggestion ia well worthy of consider- ticnjoi dtspatcbee from abroad show that the remarkable display of sdrora boreaiis a week ago was visible all over the dorthern part of the earth it was a veritable electric storm the telegraph lines in russia sweden and 5orway were inter rupted by earth currents during the dis- playand the same difficulty wa eiper- ieaced in chicago ttidi westerp cities scientist deecribehpday evenings dis play as the mostkinderful exhibition of the aurora ever on this con- tlcent solicitorgenera 1ugiley of new bruniwick wlio u at ouawa attending tbe suprestie court informed a correspondent today that there will be a deficit of about 70000 in the provioce for tbe year eddiog deuiter ltt last it ia proposed to make up una deficit by issuing liquor licenses the lime as i now done in ontario so tat these licenses have been under tbe control of the municipalities it i also understood that a provincial tax will be placed on telephone and telegraph companiee banks insurance and railway companies torosks feb so the irctenlilioa ol the tate ot the provincial finance by trcitsrer ilurcoutt yesterday afternoon iwas done in a very iuterccling manncrj the ireaiurer not only lucceeded hi cshl biting a very roseate view of the proiiucial suanoct but managed to clohe the dry skeleton of figure wtlli a carment of rhetorical ornamentalion that did credit to his skill in that direction mr clancy ap peared in the role of the opposition critic and performed hit viearioui task in a fairly satisfactory manner somo ettractt from the trcatorey ad dress will give an idea ot hit bett points i will first tpek very briefly of oar re ceipt he eiid wo estimated to receivo during tlie year from ordinary touroet ttms we actually received lsb27i0 o that we have an excest of receipti over our ratimate to the amount of cisils the leciklatore voted for the yeara mpply f 0tit7 our ordinary expendi ture under the supply bill was f3t23731 co thtt of the money vuted to ut for tbe year there remain unexpected tutvi the increase in revenue it duo to to un expectedly large revenue from crown landt and timber ileplying to the criticism of those who maintain that the permanent resources of the province are being equandercd the tremrcr points out that the crown timber must be told at settle ment advances and that the receipt from thit source have really been invested io public building and other workt which form valuable public assets he called attention to the fact that under tbe term inable annuities plan of paying railway aid liability the comparatively heavy annual expenditure of the lastfew yean would be replaced by a comparatively light expendi ture for the next five after which there would be a further reduction fie gave a succinct history of the manner in which and the legislatioii by which railway aid ha been granted during the past twenty years andproceeded to explain that owing to exctpticnal expenditures partly in the way of inetment it had been necessary to obtain from the dominiou goverumcrt payment of halloa million dollars onacoount of what the dominion owea the 1rovince he expreseed bis belief that a friendly rettlemenl of the accounts between the dominion ontario aud quebec would soon be resched after explaining tbe tendency of liquor licenxe receipts ander the present law he binied at tire possibility and asserted the expedience of raising a larger provincial revenue from thia source he next gave a brief account ot tbe legal proceedings which have resetted in the confirmation of tbe local option clauses of the licenee act aud intimated his expectation that the more general adoption of these provision by municipalities will soon curtail tbe revenue from license dealing with the expenditure on the new parliament buildings be pointed out that of the total of f 500000 expended on them to date more than 00000 had been paid oui o current revenue leaving unsold most of the lands eet apart within the cor poration of toronto as a building fand at these land are untaxed and are in creasing in value the governments policy is easily defensible he proved from the facts known to the department and from tbe written admission of the contractors that the building so far have been coo ttructed without extra in right or need be expected a reference to tbe educational policy which has resulted in the erpaniion of the provincial university was followed by a brief reditcuseion of the old vexed question of assets and liabilities tht amount ot surplus being placed at 52o- 000 before concluding the treasurer dealt in a significant way with the question of provincial subsidies if bis remark mean tbe adoption of some policy by the ontario government in thia connection they mean that an effort will be made to settle once and for all the practice of payments to provinces above and outside of the original grants in the confederation act hie pro- posal ia that the liability of the dominion to each province be clearly ascertained and then fixed by imperial statute patterson electedin huron liberals elected for the local house in north renfrewand kingston brantford has petitioned the legislature to repeal the bonus clauses of- the munici pal act and doubtless other represeota- tiont will be made upon the tabject the chief objection raised againit the present system are that it brings- municipalities into competition with each other and that by removing tbe burdeoof taxation from those who are best able to pay it tends to make tbe rich richer and tbe poor poorer the argument that tbe system encour- agestrade is met by the petitioners with the statement that the factories woufd be rehired whether they were bonused or nit according to the annual report of the winnipeg grain and prodnce exchange the ettimale placed upon the wheat yield of the province fortbe pact year ia 21000 000 bushels thia ia nearly double the crop of the preceding year which up to that time was tbe largest on record the grain ttorage capacity west of lake superior on or adjacent to lines of rail ia now loxgsgo buthel ot which more nine millions were provided by tbe cpe there are in the province 62 flour mills with a total daily capacity of 7i55 barrel and three oatmeal mil which jointly can tarn out 300 barrel daily manitoba i evidently retting tubs tantial progiesa tbe conservative have won two more f greacvictorie in ontario south ontario and but hutisgt both of which elected liberal candidate at the general election by fair majorities oo saturday returned the consevttive candidate by rery large majoriue everywhere throegfaoot the province of oatatio east west booth and north and llicfitod tbe ttofy if fbeitme all siksw the came inclination to support the conservative majority 6o far a the tlectitjce go there u not it tigo otdittxtis faction with the doodling and bribery of tbe dominion government during lie last thirteen yctra orangemen and komia catholic apparently cuite to support a- government in which hr abbott i the sgarebad tud sir oho thompson apparently the real leader trie great railway corporation appear to support the government and all tbe maouftctaricg ia terestt are in their favor the goteru- meet it regarded a safe for another parliament and all tbe interest teem to be anxjost to make theirpeace with it and pcrchase it good will by material astist- anoe wtiirt gonecini feb 23 j c patterson secretary of state was elected in west huron today by a majority of 20 over m c cameron the unseated member the uoieated member tbe contest was the keenest ever fought in tbe constituency peiumle feb 23 the election tor the vacancy in the ontario legislature caused by tbe death of mr dunlop conservative took place in north keafrew today mr barr bad a walkover bis majority being 421 kiscsios feb 23 the election for the ontario legislature today to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of mr 3 met calfe resulted in the election of mr w harty tbe liberal candidate by a major- ity of 70s the byeelections last saturday two conservatives succeeded reformers to the commons port perry feb 22jvmiam smiih the conservative candidate in south on tario was elected to the commons on saturday defeating james i davidson reformer by 157 majority bkllvillk feb 22 the byeejectioti io east hasting on saturday resulted in the return of w nortbrap conservative by a majority over w it ayleawortb reform of between 100 and mo a great family of boys s hiuiix n 8 feb 22 mr and mrt jamet nelson of leamington cumberland county are rejoicing over tbe birth of their first dtughter in a family of ii 0128 children born to george james and john kelsoo brothers 25 are boy new music the odd fellowt grand march and tbe air ship waltz are two of the latest composition of isaac dole indianapolis ind both are maeical getnt they com prise five pages each sheet music size besides illustrated title pages not difficult in composition and tell at 10 ctt each by way of introduction wr doles wil mail them to any address on receipt of ten ceot percopy when accompanied hy tbia notice asdress isaac doles indianapolis ind usa 1 the public should bear io mind that dr thomas eclectrio oil ha nothing in com mon with the irtrpare deteriorating class of toealicd medicinal oils it it eminently pare and really etfeacioas relieving pain and lameoeat ttiffaeat of tbe joint tad muscles am aore or barfs beside bemg an eietueat specifies for rheanittitai eoogu and bronchial complaint art epitome of tht worlds doing during the weak uarlc twain dined villi tbe gorman em peror op satarday john clifford an old resident of iimll- ton died on saturday aged 11 if re white wits of the depatjpott muter general died at ottawa tudhope who wat ahot in a salom bar orillia it ttltl alive and may reoove shakespeare t birthday it to bo oelibrated by winnipeg englishmen on april 13 hat pottage hat declined to alter it name to either van home or saltarta bob ford who killed jesse jama wtt hot in a creeds col saloon last week immense narobec of teals havt been lighted in the gait and lower st lawrence premier grcenwsy baa once more got back to bit ministerial detk at winnipeg it it believed the cattle diteaso prevalent in england wat imported from germany the divition court home and other build- logs at stirling were burnt down on tjatur- iy- the prince of wale ha decided to abandon hit activo connection with tbo turf traffic hat lutpuuded in rome oy the intensely cold weather and heavy show itorms there are unconfirmed rumors of an indian uprising among the blackfeet near calgary i the recount for east bruce on satur day increased tve majority of mr carglll from 10 to it joeiah wood m p is dangerously ill of oonjettiou of the lungt at hit residence in sackville n b winnipeg city council want to par- chue the waterworks now owned by a pritate compiny a little girl named willison fell into a pail of boiling water at napauee and died from her injuries two hundred employes of the intercolon ial railway as moiicton and halifax have received notice to quit a negro culprit wat burned at the ttake by an arkansat mob on saturday in the presence of cooopeople the ontario bar interviewed the minister of justice on saturday praying for an in crease of judicial salaries lieut macmahoo of the grenadier guards one of lord stapltyt recent aide hat succeeded to a baronetcy mr gtlmor of charlotte tt the only liberal from new brunswick holding a seaffo the house of commoat mr james g blaine jr ha got a divonoe with custody ot her child 1 100 a montb alimony and 1000 coat mr a brownton collector ot customs at dunaville died on sunday of inflammation of the lungs after a abort illness watson school hoase gaelph township have been closed on accoant of the varioat cause of diphtheria in tbe vicinity officers of the austrian army have been ordered to take the men ot their respective commands to church at least oaoeamonth a white mans skeleton bat been dis covered near peace hills station in mini- toba it must have lain there tillcej last fall dr colter liberal m p for carletoo n b hat adandoned bi teat charges of- prrtonation having been proved against hit supporters mr edward britton one of the oldest citizens ot belleville died do saturday aged 6 years he had lived in the city over sixty year w g towncend custom broker of hamilton bas been discovered in dishonest transactioni with the cruxtomt department he has gone to the state mr jackson santord ton of senator sanford of hamilton is shortly to be mar- ried to the daughter o col sanford a millionare of krjoxville tenn there is considerable excitement in prance over the recent resignation of the cabinet mr ribot has agreed to under take tbe formation of t new ministry mr edward mitchell one ot hamiltons best known and most retpecled citizens died in buffalo monday deceased was treasurer of tbe matonlo grand lodge of canada while anbarnessing horse at tbe resi dence of hit employer mr dietrich in gait monday william hunttberger wt kicked by the animal and died almost instantly within the city of buenos ayert it is said there are 1c men for every woman and for any decently goodlooking woman that goes there can have her pick oat of 50 eager suitors d t urtou lds will insert teeth at 0 and per set for next three months extraction free special care given to filling office matthews block acton rewards for bible readers great winter competition of the ladles home matrazlns qcestioxs where doe tbe following words first appear in the old testament kxowletkie win and dove where doe the following words first appear in tbe new testament jnugi fiitcv andixor weekly peizes every week throughout this great competition prize will bo dis tributed aa follows the first correct answer received the pottmark date on etch letter to be taken a the date received at the office of the ladiu home iiaazine each and every week daring 1jj92 will get 200 the second oorrect antwer 100 the third 20 forrtb a beautiful silver service fifth five oclock silver service and the next 50 correct answers will get prises ranging from 25down to 2 every fiftfa correct answer irrespective of whether a prize winner or not will get a tpecial prize competitors residing in the southern state as well as other distant point have an equal chance with those nearer homo as the postmark will bo oar authority in every case rules each lift of answers mast be accompanied by 1 to pay for sit months subscription to one of the beat home magazines in america rereeesces the lcdia tlone ilaga- zinc it well able to carry oat it promlaes peterboaroagh canada litimr a splendid paper and financially strong uastiugt canada star every prize winner will be tare toreceive iatt what he i entitled to norwood canada fcejuur money should be teat by pott arsoei order or registered letter address the iwiei homeiuagailkt peterborough canada receip s and expenditure aotc toltalaac goreram ltuateips receipts imwo tisuw ncarsut utto treasurer igoo oo i i maos bemedjr tecatarni it ib i boss esstest otjieandcsetneat catarrh 1 j i jill iir expenditures tkachi ks bauutlcr paid t t uiuc itlic k atlas u i fuel faii l w kobert i school paldml j v kan xwin itepailt paid a ettli oao hav blmditl paid it uan i j c hill itlchard h p toofe cc bpcl of kptjblip school foriaai 11593 w ion ball cletaland 1 alson irara s0oq3 no oo 10 ins oo intere stand loan raid krt el sauth dray 119 04 johntiudaay mm 10 oo t supplies p utoo 5 60 im 03 m txit i ht offl paldhpu luther l man slutie8 i years balance oo h tud to cash ou i aud having tbo treatunr for tbo year certify the aame 0- 1 so 11 00 t to to it m sco eon 7 s3 e in to s t7s s j16set8 t 3230 e tt ta liadilitieg by lllls paj jblo john b lind say xa oo ualaueo ts s i rule the hooka and vouchers ot ol tho acton public school board i ol we and them correct and hereby alcove to by a true statement ot the iouatthfwb k k nicklin acton felt try ttod 1s31 king of medicines t cvtre alkt jfcracufoira when 1 1 is it years of at i had a severe attack of to tuaatiim and aftet i reeorcrtd had to go oo awchet a year titer scrofula in the form f white swellings appeared on various part cf my body awl for 11 rears was an lora id being cotillcted to my bed t yeirt in 11 at lime tea or eleven sores ap peared and i tike earulng me great pala tad itutertar i beared i never shoold get wett early la ma i went to chicago to visit a sister bat wi scicdluedtoraybednostot the lime i ri i ere ia july i read a book a day with a c reus in whlclrwerc statcniente octretbyjtgartpartlli iwatsolnt- presed with tne tueceit of this medicine hut i decided to ry it to my peat pititlcxtiaa the tores too i decreased and t began to feel better and i a short time i was up aud oat of door i coatlaaed io take if cods sir aipatua for boot a year when hivtae used sir bottlea i had become so fully released ran the due lso hit i went to wori for the flint te wahj tg mfg co aud since then tfave cot lost a sisan dit cosecoastol sickneis i bellete the iieie istrpellotr tn my system lafwjyt feel well am in good r rtts and have a good anpettte i am now ears of age and can wadc at wen u any cot i xeepc hit one limb it a little inorteruiia the other dwlogto the loss of bone and the sores formerly on my right lee tc my trten is my reeor teeutfmost dirteuort i id i think flood ursiparllu it the king of meaciiiea wiuiiitl lnuj n s uroad ec eeocuilvine ind hoocfs eubyan y ci hood aroruuiliici prprtojr cxii apottteearka lwetl icas- ases one dollar d sprjag trade we direct spring goodi here and the end of linei will tell cheat accoant yoar attention attention specially to new that hare coma to hand all over the store are the of winter good which re still they are of aeoornlary new goods arp in to cltim iob eaifiy spotted ttri ladies in theyll males ap the wearer tpring wear are plain md and plaid suitings for tery nice and desirable cloth nicely and giro comfort to cc ori piles oe and nice feature 0 will be full show yoa not you uus new print of aaiqae design orings form en attractive record for handsome prints sustained by the gods we c tee the values in victoria lawns nairn mkt molls plain and spot ted swiss an to realize how these goods ft im at table limens value ntpkiis we have ever put into stock be the bett trade other muslins and cambric well it will pay yon to boy of exceptionally good and towels the cheapest seen have been opened nd we believe thefe good to joodt for ths money in the black dbess goods in almost bewildering pr ifation we never thowed such value in ilaln btackt and the fancy designs are bol novel and pretty please tee them art mu8ijins beautiful desig tome very wehavoahost for window ai an in petfctlr new and is very artlitio and hand eap they tell at tight if pretty muslins and lawnt farnitare drossing deep aje aoods point of ths novelties u on the lookodt picked ap at mpaat hhy ibiy coming ia from all in order to get the are opened fori should be many lutes are beirtg open oat e e bjodleet co 25 37 lib war j wclhtni st guelph silverware a new cake baskets spoon holders silverware i slock just in of sugir bowls ma1ch safes biscuit jars fruit knives etc sayapbeco qhxlph p hfino watch repairing a speciality pecialll guelph business college guelph ont v 44 jwetro nowoffetiogedacatloatt tiranugs and taitioa rates tacb as have not hluerto been offered the canadian people by any selfsupporting intti alioa tbe scope andthooaghaen of oar commercial coarse it strikingly shown by the fact that savin ot oar student daring the put year hare been ofltrtd situations on condition that they took the commercial coart at the gaelpu bashes college i in oar shocthtod and typewriting department the two leading bhortbknd systems of the present day are talight oar method it tbe outcome af ten yeatrt experience in teaebfag shorthand ind leads to the best practical results in 1 the tbortest pottibla time f in oar modern laagasga department yoa can get a practical command of either french or german while panning the commercial coarse and without extra charge both langnage are taught by the nataral method which enables the student to read writ and speak then this is a rare opportonity which the ambitious and energetic young man or woman will not tail to seize in paomanthip oar week is be admiration of all who see it send for a specimen student from england and united states are now in attendance for- terms etc address jl maccormick ftfaripjil 5c saved silost i it it fait econony saving u cent liy a bar of poor soap for that bar of fob- soap will do more than a dollars worth f damage to yoar clothes by rotting then i to ay nothing of the barm it does to the hands when yoa bay sunlight soap yc a get trie very bett ralae it goes farther washes easier tares fuel and bard fork and cannot possibly injure tbe clothes or skin no matter how fine or delicate it real economy to use sukh0ht sosjp give it a trial see that yoa get tbe right article as imitators are trying o humbug the people lever bros ltd torontrt stock taking opportunity 10 per cent j discount off all dress goods for ca6ii i clearing 8alo of dry goods dress goocty millinery mantles marttlft cloths knitted tvoorieri goods furs sleighrobes readymade clothing over goats flannels tweeds carpets carpets eoots cv shoes over shoes big and startling bargitns wil be given also for spring nety- iriute new sateens new cottons ifen check shirtings new sewed ifaiilin embroidery and insoe- tious- the mammot4 w mcleod zo oe6r4etown i cure fits v cart cars i t matltta uo tktfk- fev use tat tli bue uws man icua i mu s njlalatt i in mu it bu o tlts lmljij my remedy 1 cart ibe vuit eucc jkaam etim xhdll taxctifi tarttacaaw rcrllac scare sea si com lac a trrctit int a frm pcttle tt mx lcm kneir ain elszas u tottorttcc h g root m c183 aorxaloc st west itobowto ontv hitftira dr tafts aithmaiiees aoliliha pr tptrimter tails ssad yoaraddrestandwot- djeu rui mail free tttbb0geochwr in rknf if letxtxt rui mail free urlllbouls dbtatbbogehittric esterjjy canadian dept ix uclxeflt aide st w toronto canada light steel harvester and 8uprftr t aii otfters in the foliowlti best thape of angst bar fori low catting i timpls ttrong durable driving gear a light ttwng grtin divider made of flanged tteel a flanged tteel tramrln ringle piece light and ttrong entire elarator frttoe made of flanged tteei table frame of fland steel in one pieoe with strong iimpl adrtre whei dmple in ooaifrnction large durable and neat it powsrf al catting ipparatat with direct nitmaneonaeetioo bold ends of maobtne raited of lowered try dnrer tthbtit lesrfru convenient arrangement for adjatting machine tosait rarialiotu ths lightest binding pari and timpfety knolttr erer pmoetd rj i knotter ttatt positirely uts from two o foar inehes of twine foaf dikhirgetrnii mtkiog perfect teparstlon and deltrery of a machine of light draft esty w operate and contain tswsr m koxokbhosmfaco wm herstreet agent acton bis teal nerop or stsry baodle bef than any other ingettoil ooc 3 parks ltd steel frame crain drill oter 25000 hposier drilla and seedew with bar peed la me in canada potdave r hj reeej s- i- i i aaarinteed the best in the world and the only drill that can be instantly regolatsd j ran th neid depth in baud ind toftgroand while memng i the hoosier ft in only drill that tows all kinds of grain and the deplb desired in all kinds of soil i the hoosier 1c the only drill that commenoei to tow the instant i the hoosier i the only posit ire force feed and ft the only drill grain evenly fast the depth yoa want it in hard or soft soil bemembtt this i the hoosier odtablaed drill with caitlrator teeth is tbe beat caiivalor made aid it tho only implement tttada with teeth on independent draw bars tbkt can be tet foe hard and toftlitnd while ihjtteam is fnmotionj the hoosier it- ughter on fa bone than any other drill made the point of excellence in the hoosier that other drills io not hare are worth more to he fanner than any any trill in the world the combined hooier can be changed trom drilfto seeder or sender to drill in less time than drill rnsdev 8end for oar ntr illdttrated catalogne and i beware of parching llrillt that infringe oar patent j koxoit brqsmfg go ijtd ingertou ont wm hew8treeivtgetit actortuaiso ageni h every woman tnoifawbat home cleaning ir a palling ap a general orerbaoiihg and cleaning jut wbifhoase cleaning is to a household stock taking is to the store only on a larger scale drawer after drawer is emptied meatdred and ticketed box after boa is sorted and counted it may eat jy be understood that many ends remnants and odd pieces are met withj attach a time and these are placed on oar centre table or counters at nominal prices j here and there at fnterral throaghoat dor sfoefcmay be noticed insieitiopt that tbe spring season ifpplrosching a p le of spring prints on one hand kew flannel ettes 4c oo the other bint to preparaiioas being made already for the coming lesson advice of the ihipnienj ot ten psektgo of oar spring parehases were rehired from england this week and package after packs of invoices is already arriving pointing oat that oar bayers hav j been on thealirt tdiecote tje early delivery ot their purchase for spring wethdlbainpositiqatotetra yoi better this coming season than at arty other previbtutime in oarhiftory one frice only gjbryknstcoi guelph vm eleary plows- il i i r i- 1 u i f fvv ii l i i i cnts i i bottle t ifflculty of ibireatliiiig tightness of the giest- washing away jtofj mesk thrbit troubles gonsumptioii ibroniphiis weak asthma coughs oatarrh oolcts h pr tji ists oxygenized emu u issji mfufv wntimicwi for sale laboratory j sion i t- ftoontb ont rl of pure i i mmm ms itffiim

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