Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1891, p. 3

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j tly pt a loot ohrotr tutd ri mr i jut i bank of hamilton kstd offios ttucttok uevb rrro j tcrshull ciatus tttttvb astxciikttt asorostovm aashof mottrtrucsbi tarau a pkau on i slvtxrjs rspafttltkxt btrotrr recti vde ruttmui nitwarw also receive tx currsut reiat of i- i of withdrawal iiit kborafirt i befght beautiful r of gold and silver atches gents chains ladies fobs brooches ear rings cuff buttons scarf pins baby pins chased rmgs stone rings wedaing rings jeeioht and biatitiftjl oar cruets butter pickle cake stands napkin rings silver knives spoons forks tocxmif we ca rait von qko artrog acton ottt heaaviaartar foe toys dell boob as q jctttit fm fuss thursday december 10 it little lo b which cuhtth eyes or er of free press reporters this weak v 7 0 m 1 if afc 7 t3 i the fur puss to til new subscriber from now to jtnsjary lf93 for oce dollar send in names end money council meeting next tueedaj evening wedding bell will toon riot in err quarter io town- drill shad aita tele it the town lull saturday afternoon the peel coast election trial ht been adjourned to 23rd istt st joseph fancy fsirppena una afternoon at two oclock a street lamp on bower ave wit blown to ieeec on saturday the injury sleigh befit hare been heard it interval the put week the provincial fat stock show we opened at guelph lastevtning the tawnthip council met on ilondsy they will meet tgun next uaadsy the peneral taeaaiona and county cosrt vere held on tuesday at hilton llr james shorttil has been engaged teuliero daoiin public school for next v the bell piano and orgau company nil boild an addition to ilieir factory- at gcelphibortlyj 1ir liavid wiuixmaon ataafawey haa toe t condstian for new teceered brick htaie completed several of oar citireni atteaded ket prineipci oritnts lecture on weitern neichbora- at toronto friday evening rstanieipal election matters are remark ably qatet coctidering how close we are to janssry thtulaess u almost oppressive bokneas men who go to toronto now by the chicago express require to get op before lreakfaal it arrivea here at s10 hr john williams received an agly kick from ope of his horses the other tnorcug one of bis bands ra badly braised the dominion votera list for socth and centre wellington have been finally revised and deposited with the clerk of the oroinr in chancery i barney gibson a well known quiph botcher supposed to have left for the elate after borrowing about ijojo to pfy for iambs that he never bought compuinu about the itreet lampe cone from nearly every partof town the majority ace worn oat and acot for anger sernce they hoald be renewed with electric tight the annoil niistionary meeting wa lieldin the baptist churcb monday evening rev w hartley of ijnelph wa the tpeiker of the evening and delivend an appropriate address with the changed railway tim table- the time for dosing mail at ths pot offite bis been changed a follow going west 025 am and 6 p-m- going east 1045 am and 50 pm top sacrament of the lord i iapper will wobserved m htnoi chtueh ot san- day morning preparatory service will be tseld on ustardsy morning at 11 c clock when rev j c smith b d of gaeiph will preaeb the addresses of rev j w 1 jae at the wellington county sunday school convention u guelpn last week wer i high- ty apprecuted mr raa also tool rev mr mullaoa place in addrtsaiog th mas meeting of the children the following appear in the niutt general order 20tf haltoo batlioo ikoe rifle miitoo ato be 1 cajor ctpt and brevet major george 6 ewart goodwill ms from the adjttancy vice john katting wnoia permitted tire retaining rank an erchange aays a better wiy for farmera to make money than by ai owing wholesale men to nnfead their inferi c gro eerie and other unsaleable goods f hero would be to u better oara ol farm machinery- a hen can roort a oo aoedaror hikcorr t t old vruiter ait tfpon h ihrine 4n4 tt ahat sadtfogs tie hefty anew all round ia wowi jtieiortii wind cute and kwlirimoamlr4eft n40mretnta1iarwim j uopthpunvawwisoat andtrlr writ to uft w f r value with f o itl 1 tato rff a mm orandjtrunk rs mmiai the ijw trains chanted to wmwujt train rait at ow it aston unfoliw aw m oi m tllo tm 0pm and 10ltprn qotturirwut w38 vos2 a 2 m 606pm and 6om the eranlug trin ettt and weat crow at actoo at 006 mabjad olat qeprntown at during 1h p4t aalbl djifc larrankoent of tbatab v j4 be apprsoiatoi by travellers from hamilton aadintermedt ate potuu to acton and othar place wtt tot tnttaad ot eounecfiut it ijiaait oclock traia at georgetown in the vaning they will be obliged to remain at george town for the eight oclock train we haiaof boodle a few daya ago mr d headarsaa im p had occasion to go to ottawa aud from the train on which he returned hom nine tatlooking mail- bags were diipatoimd addreiaed to him th wort boodle m rapfdly parsed axouad and vfaiana of another election trial riou in spicy evidence were teen in the imauttioa of local politiciana nett lummcr fhen tho bag reached mr henderson omce they were opened to the preaenc of number ot expectant postettora of the franchitejbut they apparently contained nothing mora attractive than a tot oi government blue books giving reports of the miulatec of agricultum and the ofcera o the dominion experjmeutal farm it was toggetted that pouibly a 500 bill might be secreted within the leave ot ach volume but with the closest scrutiny nary a sigu ofspondulix wa to be found the report will ahortly bediatri outed arhocg oat farmera of the county who will no doubt value them highly sjjosephgcercftfancr fttr for many weeks preparations have been in progress and nearly every member of the church has been actively engaged in further ingthe arrangement for the fancy fair under the tuspiciotst joseph church which opens in the town halltbit afternoon at two oclock the public ht- been well inlormed as to the particulate of thi affair and further information will be found else where in this isaae the programme will be continued every day except sunday-f- until next tuesday evening and with the attractive display of fancy and useful articles offered for sale tho numeroa can- test for securing valuable nrirec the music by the btndi the sonceru iff visiting artists the talking of the phonograph and the omdga the tempting- refreshment always ready to appeal to tbe appetite the fair will offer en a tail attraction and no doubt the coffee of st jotepha church willbe well filled mrs john ucgrail is president ot the fair slid will be ably assisted by mesdams holmei limb hickefj uccanrj mofildery and uiase julia lee sharp kelly hefiemau and others aotint w of all will re ceive prompt and oourteoui attention heroic rcscafftjlficlpk on saturday morning two boy mamed willie waldron and harry buchan aged about 8 and t reif respectively were elid ing on the ice on the river in front of the homewood retreat harry broke through tbe ke and hi comrade willie witboot a moments hesitation jumped in to save him he tefttd hi cempshioo by the collar and kept him above water until assistance arrived dr lett principal of the homewood retreat rushed to the rescue of the drowning boye and foand wille waldroo hanging onto the ice with one hicd with the other firmly grasp ing hi companion coat eclltr keeping hi bead above water the two lad were urarf of n hour in the water and bad wuie let co hiihotd on the ice both would undoubtedly have been drotroad lr lticredinto the water up talrissetkjfptf rninptcei to kwp the almost exhautted lad above water until some men from the retreat reached the tpot with a ladder which tbey stretched oat into the water and tbe doctor with tbe rescued children was drawn to tbe ahore the doctor at once proceeded to retuicitate harry who waa unconscious th treatment waa successful the boy slowly recovering the life which bad to nearly fled such an tit of heroism by to young boy a willie waldron ia seldom recorded his noble act deserves public recognition n v rhrcquntfly around pohdnt t nd jtluad at 1150 i tttmi 8unilld by oorr4- exohang 1 j iknft bolieri audo tan iftittrawtyt lott a on saturday from paralytic tkt tntettalutnsnt albloomibury school next monday t romltt t to be one at sou tidtnble inlcntt tie prouesdt of th evening are fot the parohua of a new desk i or the taaoher i j mr aix wren u uudon viilted lilt brothic mr tjavid wren list week th shaliag rink wffifcon be in operation butna tihono it jaboot to tpmd 4300 for a iw furuace and other needed mprov meat orgtnlxo l effsrtt ate being mtd to uech toietinstltule mr robact uoifil ah of hatsburg has just tlurned hpm from thai to north west i mr dan mllloy icjturaed home lut batuidaj erening ram ins united state when he had been residing during the put tamaer i mr d h young arrived home iatt week from hit tour moat ia trip to the north oakville l rev j 8 wiuiimi oa preached a sermon on tobacco budda iveniog kwaiih v8 who wat accidentally shot in the leg by the dia chargi ng of a guts la ha hand of one oi the party while deer hunting in itdtkoka ht returned home after j being luceetsfally treated by pr pollard ftoronto coafirmtuoo servicet were jheld in t jadat church oo sunday morning bishop hamilton prtaiding j tha oajtyilla women oljrittiah tern peranoa tjnioo are alive to bringing tha moat prominent lecturers oo temperance to our own never have they engaged or tutitici toy but the very foremost jut lately they have made arrangement with tve lecture bureau of new yijrk to havej mn jowen hitchcoxj of paris to give three lecture in the town hall on sunday afternoon dee 13th and th followtag mood ty and tuesday evenings in tha tame placejstar i milt 4n thi patrons df induttry are announoedi to matt hero in convention next tuesday to riamihate a csiidobte for ha coming dominion election j judge runggmtl is snaking an excellent impression among those having basinet with him heis a very genial gentleman thi estate of the uto judge miller is being settled up a parlor concert will 6e giveaby tho young ladies of the methoditt church at the rtsideneo of mr wmi clemeate to morrow evening mr f i hinchy formerly of milton hat been appointed agent for the c p r at the karritton station contractor young set his dynamo to workwt veeckjand tfluminatad tho town with electricity the new method it a great improvement on the old dbal oil lamp which wereuted up to lest week and the crtiient of the town generally are more than satisfied with he change our northern neighbor acton would do well to discs d its wornout street lamp and put in electricity at once lj l i liramosa upon their well htittitbttw irnodin iatmrrptr tatv-wfrp- jstibelwoni km li i v sri an exchange says the best moral support man cangive a newspaper it to tobtcribeforit ahd keep rk tabacription paidflp rev j edge inaugurated hit series of sermons on the ten commandmentt on bundty evening the inftitljatrmftn highly interesting and culcafefal to intplre greater reverence for th only true god the teriee will be continaed oil sunday evening 20tb intt jujumitsmjlapfa i f- pirie the genial wit of the dunde banner wa in branlford addreteing the young libearl of that place and they tay hla eloquence wt to burning that the fire department had to be called out thrsatlme to aave the building rev joseph galloway of clinton will preach in the methoditt church next saq day rev mr galloway it an ex cellent preacher ke haa iacoeaded ret mr edge on every circuit ha ht oocapied since the union ur edge deliver hit new lecture on our country in clinton on friday evening and pretehet annivertary ermptihtre on sunday k i we prepay express charge on alt mail orders amounting to 500 or over gb rvisico guelpb if you want fjrstclasa guelph sash and doors at guelph price t ebbioc can fill your order at hjt pltning mill ou butiuets baa increased rapidly thft fall liest value are doing it g b rtix k co guelph ge itlemen requiriatttifaf00att initt oi trautert shouldpil pfoairat atl your druggitlj for dr aigntt eoenig i htmburg prop for the blood piftie thinkingabout winter elothfog should call and intpect tie stock ob jlicklin before purchasing elsewhere a worthypreaent a father cfri give hla young toe no better pretend than yeart reading of tha sdaulficiatiahnt its oontentf will lead tha yoooginiqd in the path of thought and if ha read there a while hell forget frfrolltie and be of tome account tnd if he btfl uvanlcve tarn of mind this paper will afford him more entertainment as well a useful idformttion than he can obtain ett1wre prioertsii year weekly 1- j- 4 ptlnfnl burnt brniaettoald stud cat jsrsfluicily toothed and bealednyiotortl caaolio f s ro iert blackjey who owned the nw of lot 22 eoo ji eramots ended hit life uudei very tad circumstances oni saturday the i eoaaed was a son of old mrbiackley to wallkoown throughout the township in hit lifetime at methematiclaa of unusual ability the ton partook somewhat of the ensricterittte of hit father was qont good hearted a goos neighbor but unfortun ately addicted to drink he ha kept bach hall for many years it u believed that he had beta oa a irinking bout iatt week and wit just recovering himtelf when ha took a heavy lose of parit green which wat in tha iioute early onsaturdsymorolng it was not long after before hit condition watdia- vered by hit rulttivettnd neighbort bat be pjrt istently denied taking anything a loctor and a minister were at onto sent for the stomach pump wat used bat it wa oo late ae the poison bad been- in the tysb m six houri or more he lingered oo till 1 zm at night retaining oontcioutnets tlmctt up to the cud adding a codicil to bit v rill i tl e decetted wat inaomfortabje ch-catn- rtauie had a good plaee and good stock tnd iha cause of his terrible act it ascribed itane to bit unfortunate fondaese for driak tockwood lithoun 111 c to t oogtvof th otorgttown freight ihedt tat aaii inttalltd agent htrtj e i it mb w oarau offlotr tod will look will tiur lh lbrtttirt o tht 0 tr it will b tomi tlm baton h hai a wid i ciroie o fritodt and akaoolataaat hit pnd oanor j j wt j t ellitt iatt watk lor hit uw position at 8v jaoobi tttrt ht htt a bat ms tattoo atw od aommodlont dwelling inda higher salaty mr euli came to vimehouta tight ytaftaoo tuddar log that ima dltohargad thdotit of bis office n minder talltfaotory alike to hit employer i and iheltpatroni htwatagtti traifavat where tnd the people otlhlt ham ittntvtn rjaiiiedtnuhbiiwtekwhitahoid h bad u oa thni jack eiht it mitt td by at 11 it tu expratslon of many who have bee wont to fceqaattly spend a half hoar will him at the station tha with b tills i nt mr and mrs elllajuhy toon feel thocc jghly at home la their utwqaar ten but neytr forget their old friends it limehoa s i bulne t it not particularly brisk bar at pretea ga a free aterttlamtat wti given at wood iid fichol no 10 erin oalthurtdty evening at under the- tutplcat of tha patriot f induttry wbn thtrswa a crowotd ttendane tha irogtamma was long and wall carriad i at j it ocntfttsd of tpeechet readings reciutiont jitloguet aad matio this wt given principally by oottida talot t iok bethgjtht uiplt leaf qaattett thi iw brot mtatrt carrol aad moa thur ht j carrie and olhtrt 4 diff eat lnumbrt were anil rendertd iod wau ftcl- a varyllbarilthare of appiaatei beim tioardacl tbote who took part t rh uitifmdlam ol thai fttx pxtstb pakrshth to thank each- and evejrjr one lorjtt tatty way iniwhlijh tho tataral m mbtrt wtra given an abb critic said til tho eututalument lacked wi i an ablebodied man and a four- yearold cfub to attend to tha rear of tha building the tw rawid barley ht done wonder fully well ia this tecttoal list spring mr bat pt sley told mr w 8mtrt jen bathelt i ir seed this quantity towed tight acrs i and produced sa5 bathelt of mailetab e barley over 8 butbelt to the acre- l you an oow tt full liberty toe aanounce the marri ige of mitt huttie cook aad mr samuel iadtay tha happy eiceat took- plsoe lut wednesday iter mr bali of tbemeth idltt church ottlaiating their many trie udt extend congratultiiont mittet fettle tnd ada clarkej of acton visited fn inda here during the week a coua rt wat given here on monday evening mr j hi cameron alooutiouttt and bum rout vocalist waa the principal artist an adidreaa under the auspice of tha wqttj by tha rev j w raeoc acton in tht methoditt church jn jthnkrdty evening deo 10th tha united choirt of the methoditt and pratbv erita charchat will render appropriate nut c mrand mr f gammer and family wen tha guests of mrs gummert father mr htnry strange th patt week mr john stall who was her vitlung triai it- fit bit youth a week or to his retu ned to buffalo mr daniel schhltz hat been home on tha sick list the put week r j r strickland the paintttking secretary of tha township sunday 8chool attociatinn ia exerting himself to further the interest of theattociation itwakvery satitfactory to himself and others interested no daubt to be provedtha banner town ship attbegaelph conreation lut week mr wmi wrjght of hanover it visiting tt itr john wrights dr mac farrith left for chicago on moriday where he intenda looking up ti hit profetsion t neil strachan haa gone to heapeler where he hat obtained a ret pontible potition in 4rodlet woollen millt than mckarne gave hit hand anngly sat in a tnmip pulper on tuesday morning j cow wongtog to anthony dmiir kuled by w freight train t danbarit aoatdng iatt week mr ja black who ha been teaching iat s- no ljeramotv for pm yw latjretigned hw titoatioawlfc shelnlentipk if jjontintung hit ftadtaiom oer llrtcflon he icng pottnonad itwtait of tbe jjowe uvbulctointicqivi hmhbnwa da- adid before judge chadwick in rockwood atlweek in favor of the defendant i afermlned jtfempt to bunt leei lotei waa made early on monday morning rhf inoendkrjmafa fire of torn of tha urfaitureui a lotting room and looked the oof on eotniag ootl fdrtttnataljr a du- wa made before any aeriont daodage rdonewhei a fetriptlui of water ek- vaitwnamer boipicfpn tamadi iteifr ratted or iodgef bytbawmiclino c0min1 and vlltor to vauouo i intfsr6r i jajiteift 4n ht3rpribriln6thi mr varly ol toronto fiml jfatt ot for cbrisrmu purchase i g b rtixcisl i the cb irch of england in manitoba ia makinga plication to fnaah the bylaw of tha city t wlnalprtj levying ttnttment tiii year on thagroaaol that u it had separate chooupnor to the onion it is entitled u ider the recent supreme court jlecition u have exemption with the roman catholic hurch from paying taxes for the support ol the public schools proliil itran it coming to said a hotel keeperof t neighboring town to a member of the pott tan continuing hei remarked liquor dnakingt going out of fishioa it it seldo n qiitrt or gallon it told for a bee tal ir wadding aid tha wholesale price ia tc high the profit tt the old retail figure is ery small not many years igo oommerci j men and their cotiomn used to patrooi w hie baf freely but now a large majority i f travellers dont drink and the treating s sum k practically dead a com pared wit i tha bygooe days hotel ireep- ingnailot its old time mooey making tnd now i aly th best- fiatneing will tea a man thro tgh tafaly temparaoc tentl- ment itc tha rise and likely tauaolraua to th above wat ifrum oaa of tha threwdeti hotel men in huron co and haa been pro en true in hit own experience ft it an mcoartiug acknowledgment to temperan people but while to there it a big work o be dona before tha desired end it tttalue 1 brunei pott joseph ifckiy who it in goal at dkiih cal chai gerl with tttga robbery hu been found to a the ton of joaquin miller tha poet of tb i sierras the firi t c pu r train to convey britith troop tq ot tha continent puted through port artl ut tawty it it expected to reach ha fax on saturday i r mrs t slia stewart paraell mothec of the lata 3harlt stewtrt paraell tailed from nev york for england on saturday tccomptj ltd by her son john ptmetl at thai iffereutdaaominatianal gathering of the tc raito clergy oa monday ttrong ground i aa taken tgtinst tha sunday ttrett car movement and organised totian an the pa tof the clergy determined oa theciutdlau tectloaoftfaastlawrence and adii juack railway which forma an importao i link in what will in tha near future be tha shortest route from montreal to new j ork city it bow retdy for trtmo i the lot gttt eleotrio railwty ia the world it to be c3uttracted in russia tha very audacloui project ia being considered of construct ngtlinfrom st- petersburg to arkangel a port of the whits sea a du unce of mfa 96 miles it c es the rounds m- t- u i trial from il qutrtert of tba civilited globe ooma wc dtofrata of ttgrtndoleauting na wi frlaudt her tbivwmi mr james v rrn 0 e olslnotrolna wmbtriovtrinaay i if mr h t u paga o porotrio tltlted i mtntidiiirt ifrongalf fl i leatf ln- tiwnt fruoo in town mr john moi mr day fi rorbltlj waablngtjn urt j at ftnley and i m are guest it th old homeon willow bleat ot roikwood wu elulli r ktett it suhderiadviuau monday c efsgl oar sto ikit bow oompltte in all tha lattit j uov ihlat or thcbrittmu trade comprising mush goods leather goods i albums es mr john canjron tpoita eonpl of dayt thit week vjiih frttadj in barri mitaj ida smith ofciuelpbvuiied friandt la aoton audivioiaity a conpiaof dayt this week j mis alloa hemtlraet wto hat been lb guest of her grakdpareatt or month qy td left for home yvlatday mrt jaa oodi r xr4e word fridty motaing ot lh tuddua death of bet titter mrt gntathif 0tlot n y two wekttgo- bet brotbjir mrmi0wo a prominent icititea of tht lame city died oa saturday mr mcliwialtb ot gait brotitriniaw ut if you like tc do butlnest with a house that hu one price only buy from a b rxix co g utlph railway tablsitime mr goldle died suddenly gorxa vtest express 1 18 sm milt j hun eiprest t x pm fall 6cbui faatnger 8 o0im utir j t ot pjn i tiq u pan hum ttica or cuacca qolng wett- ts am and s 0 jun aolugeastlotstni ind 5 10 im this time table wtut into edict oudecouiber ttnlb91 medicines a cur mmott jfiittoutou when i wat it yean of tgs rutdatevere loick of rheumatism and ail er i recoverec bad to go oa cnitehct i year later tcrofula ut tha form of white swelling i tppeared oa virlout parts o my body sua for u yeart i wit it inrtlhl being eounued to my bed yean ta lint tfma lea oc eleveu toret ap pearod and urbkei eausiag me rreat pain and imtering i feared never lirnuld get weu earlr fa uat t went ochl cago to vltlt a sister but wu cohined to my lied most of the tine i wit theri la julyiadalooka day with a oreuj ht which wire ttatemeuu ot curet by hbodf t garttparoli i was to un- prctscd with lbs success of thl medicine tint i decided to trylt to my gre it grilllliatfoa toe sores soou dscreuad tad begin to feel better and ut a abort time i wu up sad outof doors continued to tu hoods sir- optrtllx for about a ytirywae i barfag uted td bottles i lud become so fully releaied from the dlseue that eweotti work for the flint t walllag kfir co and i iice then jmvk xot torr a sac ti dtr maeooant of sickness loeili vethedbeas is ex ptuid from my system i aiwats feel wen im la rood spirits and have a pxxt appetite i am now ji year of age and a walk u well u any one except that one umb it a uttle shorter hun hit other owlngj to the loss of bone tad the toret formerly on iny right leg to my friends ray recovery jteeaia almost miraculous and jr ulak hoods garunarhu it the king of medfelnet willmk a ijtjnrjlfealiroidstkendtlltllieiul j s aril la tofctbtiadrwxlsu ijilx forta vr 0 1 hood t oo apothoeirlm 100 doses one december pitptnd oury linnuuasa dollar sale a bt1ruino time it h t chxistmu very close it hind you onlv deed to ate our display to be remmdeiof ihtfaot our stock brittlts with tejuonabfe dry good our store it filled wlfh pnrtbuert our december special sale is stirring up a lively bnoness- our tremecidoui efforu are bearing fruit the imraenm purchase we lately made are templing plumt com aad pick whila they tre npe wa have only room to mention i few vtrilie evening silks la pot faille fraacals in lovely tb order lamott elegtat tl most economical prices maker j ty u tad cloths costume tweels rough sergetund ct pe oioi different designs sad colorings ly low prices mida up iu nut betutllnl garmenia ueamleia one tpecialty try our dta4makr ftd iooktets bibles hymn books apnuiils for 1892 pip j mill rtoy books bolls and ladles satchels away down in price at dhuct l stor0 l v kannawln ohimibt jtreet aoiton si 1m t2t- cei klllv brqs lbatlneijdsiitoo being unable to find xo 1 v r jrttn-r- i w nna pnrunaaer to stasffissf i- l v v altlngs anrrtg and overcoat jngs li js a j o wtnnihip in our ordaredvolothln gyu frt5sttt u l wlk rtoei ttu- melns boysk and childrens 8ult8overcoats oddyahu andytstsfctt whan w ra 4 wretour ttockof cenw furhlsralngs thi week it all ba tht beet wanbwatnltoiitn a lifi at ocayoi portrait handsomelr framed g ran to the perton leaving largttt order for pbptot between todty tndioth dtarhlrxiftatw dont target to ot -i- mm m v i j w vj vw- i h and fur caps- j aboni the underwear uet 8utnenderlovet box8hlrte couart jufft to r we htve bought an entirely nav and wh stock grooerie and win deliyat them any place in town u veryelo price s i we nnttosiy a few words to tha cub purchasers aad it it thit that say per aob coming to our store with each a their hand can have more good and batter value- titulthey ever gotin their uvea t j kelly bjrkwc mi lxoiiv r i m i yt 1 iri j sam6iigiireyaiiife we offer we wiilitaldrawkpepr ial attention t ourline or tapslry at pifty gbnlsi tbeta goods are from l them before i archuiag e i- goo to 75c l r- par yard uyoo want carpeta dovaot jail to itwill paly jon 6verarid again i i i 5 and 7 in yuuu 84 oswald st wyncuiam8toualph 01aagowj j j 1 i 1 f l gbrtfsuriht tdas mtde to tnd at tha our drets- ty cloths n mtny tt uullprm- well koowh waitt are be alettes are havloi a bigger- ruah than ever we boughtourt very obttp at much at 15 per cent io rer than tha ututl trade and we irjsellic them cheap our mantlet are always well made and fit excellently try our mautlemakert weve fast cleared another big line of fun and struck another big map pricet in some esses about one half coma tnd see for yourself ment fur paps ladtea fur boas ladiea fur collars lsdiet fur capes ladfeafurjttufft childrens ftlr bttt verily the fur dob fly maktlesitt the after day donna of them taling bo have looked around tht trad bur from at no wander when else oan you findtuch a stock hew ones jatt tohand tlory day people er of 1sunlight audlti r urlng qualit i i- j soap t njakat dirt a id greate vtnith ilka mai io ind brlngt ol taltoawttdooinj fart toi jjljini of nomas tja 14 tclni j never rt prrt it mens and bo y ovfcbcoats not tb trashy papery thliige but good well made oouls not the hweit iprioed goods by any nient bat the bett gobdt forjlhe- money are in stock inl all sites a ipecial line of 17 it exactly half price december sale i ci wantaot ausdysai t onljr i i l lir f s m the rath for qaalittatfatiltleai stylet oar trkda whirling i we th6w bett poasible eervloe tod compt titort the reaton it we bought fight we do pot think there bat ever beer this is not the kiud of 8how we ai making- pot tve are making an- ei- hibitiod eqrially fisrefrjwrk- able the prico tge are vqffering carpeta at aston- ishes every one anil the jbeaatifnp effects in these jgoods delight all beholders frorathecommorieraadl8g iartistic goods ib hempto theifkgh art srabsels and j wiltcm they are eacfi for ubaourpobe they are desien- ed he mostsmtatjle oar effort is to conibiue qoality andvalne whatever price we bharge we aim to have itho goods the very best- j possible forthat price v i i i i r 1 v 1m vfvvii i i ri3i v i l v t jss l- r i5a f h mik r lft i t uf3h 11 i 3ji ritef t5ft h v i 5wtei -l- n jt flb qar german manth t inowt to abatement ktirsnrdinarilyjiigh tvlet tollextreraely moderate price are the three licton that keep iw neal at variety jof this seasons uewwt jooai give tdllatprlo wbloh tr t touroi of atrehitbttanttoooi kuohl iat i i broogot into guelph such a variety of ladies and dhildreit vvrapt at we nreaent foyjouriaipaotlojuhi weak virtually controlling the nirkt in thtta garmanttrabd enjojsnffa growiugaod appreoiauvamtlatrade wa have thit season surpiued till pravfont hfotti not only in oar telaction olaa alnioit- faaltltu mantle stock bat at in thatorme i and rapidity of oaraalit in thit lepartment wo would uk lb ladles of gaeiph and floinity not to do ttienjtelvat the injnttlc of baying a jacket or wrap before- taking sj look through our stock of that gan lent j xonwulflnilwmaatloiothtbevstttysth htodtomt andpricat rigbii we keep a large istortmiat ol thwe goods oh haad ask to have them show to you c we bought bar stock of frt efrly n th season at a time when w w m certain of getting the ohotoittgoodi la the mttket anyone pottponing their porch tet of for 7 bn present aott u evtry one ami iar with these igoodt will admit- live a ttock astihg mainly oioallt and artlde o inferior quality yoh will bedpighted the till tha oqanti qualltjy of odr far fjne prie oklx bnormous -riiiietais1ihbeiig- made jtjbt see the to 16 gent ties from l mafinipicen u tnew cameis 8i the illwool french drett goodlt down irom 20c to- 15c short lacet dafrn from 1110 to tt fnm iliofl ftlo to 18 ltdtet ptlefcu from 18rto 5w from 11 frl 7iu to 9a men aktraohao goye undershirt and drawers trom1110 to 80o men ntturt do froml90 to ladie and cbildrent qouart fancy pibi and brooche t yn to nearly half price imiuinery crirjaig uiii4sv 1-j- nw- all- wool caoadian do irpov f 1 jo to bo miulnremarltnhctajud- velvetetntj slikpluthekbtaoliandolorad silk brofladet hnmuttactatroewlaa oari aking jtri it aut and p j5li hair m 388 tjoods markbd down- sboi if- 84dtosc 1876v from crroular clokkt iron j1175 to w from flfrllo from 10 from toota 60c boytwpoj wove 87m toaoojfisowi wool l ottrioh featbert aboat i alf price bilk maapa plbtliall it imantelv reducedita filoe dmi aoh maotl wmmlng6viwn froi tlfifi6tmto mtgnuloani ajtortmtul t frenoh laoe floupclag i4 bgaimportad thit weak j gallo vhadn jsc from- r job tolm from 75o to ladiea atrraobau glove fn o 11s5 to l from 8octo utahmeta glovtrrpm ioetosso ladwt bid ciloveadowc from i108j to tlssjtront iltot ie bejutlfu new heavy wiaav9ubkoluaa bpktvaltet fo lfcnilenoheapjo laokagerof nbw goods bib wbfli confllbtlsgf of lcaashmre dkbb8 wopbi loape iffijesa lfjlinqb i j oafleb cobbe cblf jpoaseb smbxstm iflltbt bee the j uhrteifrbb ft lmabe8 jiebtanirgbn reradeaweabl oa iwhqwpklm9r tar aeethe jescyetbi at onrdoo grey tttoojdqjijfrajiv of ckrpetfaoa otha nobaefurqithln goodt are tjllllvary larglrllh ffdl tuptjliaof t qtte ttawktadsriftop rpeta b aamliaf tbtcrova pfei strpl teti jit olyrdaoein hmiltobthat telr i pamu arekeflt fe to awlhrocptln aodfftll ltwnvwwbatijpt lamkfojotiki fhfitrj arajrtw fat kabl and i w if 4i vital tl iij m

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