Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1891, p. 1

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fr cljc tatt jrcc press m riburnrn bveuy thcrsday mornlnt t tnr- frw- pjtm su m rrlntlnc offlw 1 miltbthbet actoxjlst tfcrkvktrrionor dollar writear it rd in advance- or within throe month from bjciniinc ot veir flro pc ynr it not to lld th4itlo hindi orery tubtrriptlon it rtij uj denoted by the dttc on the iddmt libel 4arvmtitrva uitestrieucat tdwttlhl wufr m3u tor nanpinil line forftrtt in- urtion j crta per imt for each culwcoueni insertion jooktmct iutvtthp followlnc table thowt opr nto tor the inierion of advcrtuewantafor pecice1 cruvi araer soinrhc loitxhe slnrhe lined i 1 tn 6 mo si m aim f to i ku 10 m 1ud 1200 isro too 1v soi eto soo 2v 100 alrertrfxtn without ipccifir direction it h forbid wl oiiircod accord- laclv tnctlcot ijvertiieaieuli mutt t paid la idvinee adreruaeracnti till bc cblared oner rich jsorlr itcenmi kur rbtcctt rtfrncr thin one i niotlbire composition uiuit be paid for al rrlu ritai chioxettorcontriri ltrrliihnts uiuit be tn the otsee by noon on turf tyi h ruoobk editor inj proprietor business dirtdorp wh lowry m b mcp8 griduateot trinitycollreilemberof cauecect phtticiinaicd surgeona osee icj reti jence at lhehcd of frederick ttrt acton d u vrex phtsiciin sraarox accorrnixb orricc ikd rksmesct or ucqirrini boa corner mill ici frederick ttreeta l l bennett lds dentist ocoeoetoks ontario m clea a mclean buruun solicitor nourics coavejwceri ic pritlfaadio loix 0set7w2 lltll aeloa wx a ilrttjx jso a ucleax t a mowat bittiice soucrrcr notaet pceuc i moccy toloa 1 orjite dati tuesiar au j siturjar 0rice kinmwini bloci actqaup4utr r jmlnabb covvtiafcrt collttton eic pnuamidafcoets coiieetj acat kirp and cite atfiiraace iroin loccht and wld uoccr to loan ca tie ciot faxormble tenus j amowarsoacc ac ton s hilton wallbridge t stone birtister solicitor it totosto ind geoeoetots oscca crwlnanf ijlock georgetown aci ttijcrs kak ctaittcr tj yocp e tortato oatent5 secured for ixventdss hekry ghi3t orrawi cinafa trcnty year practice no tatiat no m hemstreet lictsitb arcnovtre i for the cosniiet of wollmgtoa ad ha on orjera left at the fexe fact osm actop it tiy reaideape in actoa will b pxonpll tadi lo trnni reitoaable alw money to loan on tfceiaost faroable term aad at thfl iowtit rait of inure t io inmiof 53aud crward joh5 dat architect gculrirjost ornce qeenihor block market siuare f rancib kunan succtitor tot fchajinla bodbivdeb stgeorfieisquire- onelphonurio acconat iiobkf of ill kini mide to order periodiciljof erery tiicrntion cirefulljr boend ballad ceitltinipromptlj done nphe haxlan babber shop iiili sretnacios aneisyilfite itylibhiircutgoodeafoini m exhiliiritiegibtepootltriji civea kiion honi ind pat in nrtrli condition ldim ind ciildrena biiruetiljca p d s t on orial artiiu a a hxirtat ihw5l wellington marble works qceexc steeet gvlwu clark carjer dibect importers of granite and lurble mcnstneata and headstonci of ajl ihadet and from thejiewt designs all irork and ma terial warranted firstelai parties wiabiilg to purchase will ilease cire d a call adj icjpoct oar atock and prices a e are confidant we ran compete with ujr esulliibment in ontario harinjrtold oat my interest to tbe above firm i reapectf nil y tolicit tjc itfttrinagfc to tnv friendi an4 the pablie on their behalf jh hamilton irfelknds desiccated wheat for dyspeptics and anyone with weak digestion try it tiik iuemvu nati0xal food co ltd toronto agents wanted in erery township i to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tii- mi complete and coaprtbuitive work ecerpuihtjji lit luthorl ittnd at uje bead of tbeirprofis end havt i cohtiueutil repn ution worth iu wtlht iu gold t snj- one liring hrrmi fcijeej cluk- swine ionltry dog or htri a crard oiportunitv tf mike money fctcurt territory tt once addresi e h motee publliher j 120 yon e st toronto the lawks pictorial xmas number willi coorrc supplement rival queens to hand at drys the other number cxpooted diily will hive plenty in stock httwnp bought extri urjjc iuintit day s6lls chssp auto ontario thursday december 1q 1801 bank of montreal capital rest 512000000 6000000 a sayings department has been oiwihh in connection with this rmnch intcrcsl allmxd nl currcut rntet j as hfinlay tfimetr uetph buaxch w barber bros paper makkrs georgetown ont hike 1 precultt of machine hitislied book fapus ani high kalk weekly syws the papcr use j in this journal ti from the above mills wm barber bros- steel engravings pro i3cijs cviorrl iicturvs itoom and ivory oak ifftamesi s artists materials a full fok of wicnor d nrvtona flai whit double tcli ioiiiift f ik h 1 ldctplkotorraioes complete ik 5 kctt cornice foi ilrtss fitting ix our wall papers art saj to bi tbt btn tltcted in ihe city waters bros kstlbldsheo 1j77 st george s square guelph new planing mill sash ind door fictort john cameron contractor h15 cttedap tbe balmicp 03 miln street litely occupied as 1 trnnlc factory with new micbinery lad i prepared to foniijb plibg fpeciflcitioni and estimiteb for al clissts of baildicp ind executeall kinds of dressing uatchlsg and uouldihg liatr ill sttlts of sasnes doors and windows and door frames and dressed lumber and keep a eiock 05 baad ai order promptly attended to i john cameron acton- livery bus line the undersigned rcsjkctfulk folicite tbc natron age of tbe public and informs tbein that well equlppedand stylish riga can al ways be secured at lie 8tblcs a oobifortable 1ui mei ajl traiw ltjvetn am anfl rjjb o tn careful attention given toeveryoraer i tbo wants ol commerciaj traval- lcr fnlly met john williams wellington mutual hbe jmsxffiuge ook pjlny eltitytigep wis s- head office cuejph insnrea huildinb mcrcbandine uannfactortes lad ill other dcscriptiotib of insurable property on tbe ctfih and premiumnote system f w stone president john ce4s davidson manager tarlob aoent coal wood james brown ha ii hhul a irrviiutin of iknt na wijicij jit will prjijptl dfltvtr to any part of bo uvn at neaoriabkjprtri hardroal atd hiubt cut fcpjvt- leugtb alwab on band i i i telephone tonimuiatatiaa ki cook cv gkoegetowh i zaceatei auctloneern apprauers valu- ttors collectors rasj eitata and geceral lend ajsntr roa txe coumeier hilton feel walllngtoa sltnooe tt or end ontitrta iosv co loim from u40 an iqilxrjec cint piftiew puemgxbeir file or ober boiideci in or luiulfj wta bxre tbe ilrse promptly attended a t lnodnu birgm ortjt isdtillm rooki mill fitgeorr own or idlr boi lm s it cook b co bxijtcs otrtcc si queen st east toronto g k itook co attctloneels oeorgetown and toronto m i4 hamiltons marble works hauhtons illock formerly hatch iilock tbe core conier of oolwicb and norfolk streets gutlplj ont s john h hamelton proprietor wholesale and reuil dealer and direct importer and manufacturer of all kinds of granlw and marble llonumtuta tonjutoaeb etc having ha4an extensive experience fortbelaat ic yean the public may rely on getting all eupertor article at a chfcaier rate than any otbtr dealer in the west n b 15 pet cent off on a detect order re ceived for the ncxtsodavb d i bell pianos the traderebarifc of canada wfiulaatooulutftta eotinocuon wltli good illablo aruicrt and ktioslcc how did cult it la or them tocoafortii to ttxed rutoavrlll uwayfl ktcnd to them crrtr privilege tbamny other i lata of bucjawa men i traders bak op oakada- ueauorritlltouosto raidtrpoxpitll 6ouoo00 kcit ktkd ssfloxm guelph branch wo call your attention to the coarcnuncw offered by our 6vlac hank dcncrtmeat d- boaltbof plabtiupwardj rocclved iqd iaurott il lowed at tho rat of i per cent per annum from date of depotltto wlthdrawil ptldorcom- 9oandodhalfyearly6uallitllayaud soth sv vetntxr jaadrancoa made to rcapoptiblo faruier adf aacca made to armor ou tho security of fajeaoote acpocialtymade of collecting fanuera lc tatejmd uocharko uiadofor collectiuc wbeu ikfabloinouelpb i wobavo uniunod fa cl lit lea for trttumlt- uncmooey to all pcrta of tbe oountry i a ccnercd banking buihieaa trmiitactod a f ii j0nk8 11 an ago r quclph brancb j crindells machine repair shop in additiou to macbiaery repairing i am now j prepared to uo horse shoeing general blackamlthlng iiimouictitfaetorymaaner woodrork re pair also made careful attention given to all work brought m jany machine or implement by whomsoever manufactured will be repaired iu aworfc man- like manner jlow nd tuxehiner repairs oodstautly on btnd i henry orikdeix season1891 t1thile returning thaaks to ourmauy pat- m ron for theirliberaliapportjn tbe peat e with to lntorm you that we have entered utoaaiarranptniotit with r 6 to raft oaelph okeepooattntltohhadcia full stock of the ordinary alcefi of i sash doors etc ami will alfto supply any ajiccia aire on ijiort notice at gnelph price frames of all kinds made to order we ilfo keep in stock i line of hue window ind door cming corner tllockf loaf lumber dressed while yoa wait triretl bo jwr m pumps iielog ibettcr aiile than heretofore we will anitply jltbcr wood or troo pumpt promptly all vorkj guarantee aatiafactor- pteavfcall aufl inspect before purchasing elaewhcrje thos ebbage ttanacer gentlemen order now joar fail suit and overcoat hew goods specially imported for my trade j chpioe f4ttems fit style and workmakshiptbe beat i prices the lowest hy specialty perfectjfitiidg 4 pants to order renelson pasffieaabte olothlar 99 ltpprwyjicihajnstatilph organs uepk awxkukd the gold medal i jamaic alnternational exhibition 1s91 in comjciitioa kith american german english andcauadiau manufacturers j cj nelson wants i to see t for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries a trial solicited jaatfqj robiuxrof we itmai i thero loo mitti of we f rite llttla scfrl iixad wfth a ili chinfotwoildatb tired f a few of your chiidc ahauld dia ewuaolrllfnsiecrt oldtufa oae tvbo iiralta iitit ttriuf e d itiy a tbe flaw hac motharc imnatisnt frown w luechlldroni boittcroatplif ti cro were half a iloteu wbo round ber itood tnd the tnadter wtc tfcic ind poor v mi out will the care of the noity brood lnd debt with tbe wolf at tbo door i t a mile- or kin no time uo placo oe tbe little ooa teut of all aijd tbo tbidotr tbat darkcuod tbe uiotberi face er tbo young life kcmcd to fill u re thouf btlpl tbaa any tbe felt tunre care ud pondered iu cliiidiih way ki w to llrfitctt the burden ihe could not ahiro irowintf heavier erery day oi ly a week and the little clare u hee tiny white trundle bed lajrwltbher blue eycacloflod and the tunny hilr cut cloce frotu tlie goldea bead d jitf cry tbe laid tftd the ward were low i eeliag teara that the could not tee v ju wont haro to wort aud be tired to 1 ben there aint to many of we an 1 tho dear litue daughter who went away j rem the huno that for once wtactdl 1 8b iwect the mother heart from that dreary day bit a place the had alwayt filled jv jrgaret s successful liife x sutat ksou utu rpirct o was born in ireland m of p rents yho did not marry until late in life ind were very old when she was but just lightccn m rgarct lovod them fondly and loved hom too but wlicn pocrty fell npon them ho kntw that the tnut toil forthem and hear ng thru raoaey w tosnade hand oer hand in america set to work to earn her usage money and parting from the old f lks with many- teara came across tho oomi enduring the terrible trials of a voy age made in the steerage hcroontiitution how ver waa good and her health did not bseal down she stood fresh and rosy checl ed in the intelligence office to which she ae directed the day after her arrival and n answer to a country ladys inquiries rcpli d i am veryanxious to suit maam and will do whatever yoa bid me in the way you lid mo do it though im just a green horn as you see tl j lady iauglicd and engagad her she kqt hi first place five year improving const intly then her good friend died and maggie sought a place in the city she i ad meanwhile sent all the wages she did i ot require for decent clothes to her parci ts kd w she found that wages had gone up she odd gee mech mote indeed shewu wort i twice as much she sent for tho old folks and a little niece who had been cast an ot han oli their uandt boarded thorn with roctliy people from the same county and i a happy once more of xioree her city pueea were not per- mane it people change about t good deal and i ne thing margaret waa determined on she rodld not rtay where her fellow- scnu its drank robbed their employers or were immoral evil oommunioation it to be ga xded agtinat she bad heard that often a church ind took it to heart but she w taiever oace dismiaaed sh was neat baying strong good fist- colore 1 calicoes to work in with tidy caps and a ron the waa an upstairs girl and 1 3r bplidaye better staffs as they were always made well and loose enough she n ver had rips or tears to hide in goibg to a new place she always requested a wee a trial after that engaged or a montl the e are very finely dressed people in great ities with whom no respectable girl shbah ever live margaret took good care of her ielf in this respect as was her duty but s e never asked impertinent questions of her employers and never deceived them as to er skill in certain matters i m very good at this or not so goocj at tin she used to say and so was often fpand better than they hoped at ther work if the thought of leaving she gave proper warni ig with respectful manner and left her wi rk tidily done oh departure reg tlarly once a month the put by a little i aoneyinthe bank she fas gener ous b lt against one thing 6he set her face from i ne first she would not be imposed upon 1 y those idle young men who mako a practi e of getting acquainted with domes tics off the other- sei and managing by to get their meals and loans of when tom the blacksmilh was flatter money hurt nd really disabled for a while mar garet was the first to call on his mother with y hies and a bottle of wine which had been peter irderebi for the invalid but when who was well and hearty having irank burgess housel painter paper hanger sign writer etc is prepjred to elecuta orders in my of tie ibove lines in tbebertminnernditreuoniwe termt ettry job bittofmy iksrtonil attention i can ulfre cuctomert complete tstuficacjc ortiuiujiauwoodtarijieclaltr orders left at my rwidince if tin su itaa will receive prompt attention mbpjimting ikcludiso books pllnphleu posters bill hsidwcireularste 4c erecuted in the best style of the irt at moderate prices ind on ibort notice apply or tddrew j h p koobe fiteepgetl office aeton flatter d her with fino speeches pat in a petitioi for a couple of dollars she answa ed with a decided no that put n end to hie little plan of pocketing her ages tndpaying for them with kisses a ilan w lich hod succeeded with several girlb before its nhf riendly of you maggie said the cook thank goodness im not that poor obliged to bo me now was she learned intytoitrn reading and 6 teoulinot and tion to maigie but they wotoj respectful jo her if they reio ibt they had no mora of hoc eotttpoti thougli when she carnaqr ho knew how lo dv but fuw uiimjno more skilljil uian maggie everything she had an opport bho could qiako her o wn drussojand trim her own bonnet darn hcautitt ily and tvrite very nicely indeed besides aha was fond of seldom had an employer wl lend her something to read when ihe asked for it tha days were too sh rt for all she wished to no but while girli who had no occupafioa for their work wra inevitably leaving somijthing undone m trgoret navcr waj khownti do k on one occasion margaret haaingjefta placo she liked very much becauja tho family were going to europe onnd one m the heuto of a very wealthy bachelor who lived with several maiden liitefi ho were very fond of him thlsgentliman thought maggie very hontisome arjd liked her trcmcly and after she hiij been in his servic a yparsurpriscd he one day by coming into the dinlngroon as ihowas laying tho i able an4 propotit g to her he was uo longer younc but ho was handsome a mail o ed icaftpn extremely rich maggie lisicnod to what 1 o had to say respectively then after a nouse replied yon havb paid me a very jrcat compli ment sirand i am glad yon think so well of mo but though i am sure it is not id- cause i da not appreciate yon i must thank youhnd say no it woaldnevcr do why noli maggie aswd lie r- sir said maggie the lidieg would not like it at all for one filing ob you know that therf would bo family quarrels and i the cause your friends would despise me and i am used to being respected io my place andji do not feel hat i shoaldbe at all happy i have relations you would cot bo pleased to see though i love them people who have not as mucbedncatton ai i and do not speak tis wel and i would never make a fine lady i liave not tho aooomplithments the way l besides the most particular thing in my mind sir as i hope- will be ih yours i hav s not thought of you i i just well ive just kept my heart sided away sard sfaggfe with blusii noone has it 4t the bachelor laughed t lushed himself was a little angry and wen away without another word that af terniah maggie give warning to he ladies who conld- get no other reason from her cicept that she needed a liftlo rest i might get to thinking if hitrtduterebt- ly now 1 knotv how he eat to- me if i suld in th same houso ine said pradent- ly to herself j and she die think ot ha handsomej gexitieman wh i had liked her very of ten though she nev u repented later in there came i time when she todk that jarepiny preserod heart of hers out of its pidmgiplace s io mat at last not until showas near thirty a fine looking decently educated mechanic some five years older than herself their vtasfes were similar their ideas f life much the same she conld look u to hiitt and he admired ller ah his re ttives became hen friends and when tliey married ana went housekeeping the csngra ulattobs were all heartfelt with such a wife any t an would prosper and grateful to the pore its who had given her to the world he beggjd them his house their horrje miggielives today in a very good well- furnished house of her own and as her family is rather iargekjeps help herself no two people can be more universally respected mrs envious used to live out said an neighbor toauocneroaeday as she drove past in her nice li tle waggonette to bring her husband new head ofahtrge establishment from the- iepot mrs used to live out as hired help and look at her nowv ah replies the- neighbor what a lucky family that ma it hove been ho hired herj she is just pirfeciion in every thing i never knew such housekeeping and how handsome she s in fact margaret thoigb how fortyfive years old bears on her f toe the marks of a good useful and bap y life which so beautify it that bhe throws many a loyely girl into the shade figure good and alio iirei ies eicellerltlyjand fashionably certainly hers is a life worth writing for it proveb that worth and wisdom win their way where folly ahd frivolity miss theirs utterly the ladder or success fob sale ou monthly or tjotrierfr ifuu y c mrbrflss kubiaatoee s3 lower wyndhim street guelrh tdc photieltb acton lodgeno 204 kislcome foreopy ofeotutitatioa mr to ondershjnod or any ot the wwmtlu hhwobden 1 secretary or that mane i wouldnt be able to lind a frind i he loan of a dollar no i saict maggie if the boy was in distres bat its bad for him to loaf about living in loans and eating the familys victual i its not my place to tell tales but wl n master sentdown for cold chicken i felt i ihamed to think peter had swallow ed it you see- master had paid for if and had a i ight to finish it coot was angry but sho could not deny thefoc mag it wts very selfrespecting when there vera callers in the kitchen of an twnfii she had never enecjuraged them in otin course language or telling stories thai w rairmroper iftheyiwould jalk to this wi y she left themand went upstairs to her- oom j and ler thing margaret would nut do was to alk against her employers in whis pers in the area i a a leavel you know if lldont lite them she wodld say but while im here im on i of the family in a way and it hurts me at teliae hem to talt freely oat of doors mag ie wag not socfabllttwith evejryboojjf and sp nt little of her limn in gbinp j the few frii adi she had were very dear to her and sh t visited them as often os could sensib imen who knew what a good wife ltdom at the top yet and at the bottom too do your best catch hold wherever you can pusl fairly and go np a step at a time t hoyal roads to succ sss are rare stow and sure plodders are not always left be- hind there are a th msand ways to da- many things and seven 1 roads to borne think of tbe boys wit bundles on their ticks who havesold thsir little wares and started a corner etall nd from the stall gone to a little shop rad from the little shop to a big one and i re pow merchants whosenames are know i in the annals of commerce think of the presidtuts if thp uriitecj states who began by splitting raits or tanning lpather ar masing i coats think of the workmen you halve known who have gone up head in their trades go through all the arts and professions and discover for yourself that whtre hue yoadg man with all the advantages and plenty of money and plenty of influence gets in at tbe top here is auotfler who began poof sndfrieadlest abl hp ii tjpporttinj ities whatever who has climbed fromtha bottom aud stands sbr last of him- avail yourself of ii the ehanees- that may offer to take the upper place at once donotidiebflcauia yoiivirffluoky jiat if on the confrarly yot stand iloneiu the world weighted witli disadvantages and disabilities dont sink down riope1iaa the average these wtio have to climb rat tberefirst tj ji jifsu epplea ncf qood health j ilia sppla is composed of vegetable fifjra aibumeu sugir gam chlorophyl malio acicl lmisai naoli wittr says fltidatyl fafm the gorman- analyiijlt declare thit fba apple eaniafns a larger peroentage ot pbpiphorni than aoy other frail vegetable this phosphorus is admirably odtbfei for renewing tbeesmulialdettoas rattier lethiein of the brain and spinal cord old scandinavia legends or tradition reptjeteut the apple as the food of the gods wool when lhay foand themieirei growing feeb t tad infifm resorted to this fruit lo ji dglng from these tradition apples mutt have been highly houghtpf inancfent times andthelr restorative quajitiet aader- ass to people of sedentary habits whoia livtrt ard sluggish of action they ellmla- lit from the body noxious matters which if retarded would mike the brain heavy anddall or bring out jtundioe orikla eruptions oc other allied troaolos soma iacbeiperienca must have led to the cuilom of iakibg applet sicca with roast pock rich cooio tud ilka dishes tha malic add in ripe apples either raw or oookad will oeulriliro any excess of chalky matter generated by eating too machmeat it is also a fact that such fresh fruits is the apple tha pear and the plum taken when ripe without sugar diminishes- tha acidity of the stainsch rather thin pro vokes it the vegetable sails and juices ars converted into alkaline carbonates which tend to correct acidity a good ripe raw apple is one of thai easiest of vegetable substance for the stomach to deal with the whole process of digestion being complete in eighty five minutes a pool- ties of rottcra apples is taidj to be n exatl- lent remedy tor weak rheumatic ayes in he french hospitals an apple poultice ic applied to iudamed eyes tha apple being roasted and tho palp applied directly to the eyes that is without tha iaiecyeatioa of any cloth or tubituce a modern tusxiax teaches ns that to eat an apple going to bed the doctor then will beg hit bread price theee cjenojsp l quean vl family there lee or a be nofear ofthe royil famllyjsnffering eitinetfoniit least not for soma tlm i says the fntt ualtqaztut- the prince who was added the royal house on 8lnrday wakes the fortfetb griadchild ofrher majesty tha names of tha4rndehildfeh most of whom trealtre areasfoilos prlneese4yai- the emperor wj f looeas chafaotte prince aiwrt william henry prtncf biglsraand princess fred erlek princei sophia princem margaret ptlnoeof alas prince albert victor rene w the powers ot the body and mind priuca aeorga princess louisa victoria t prlnoets vicltjria frlnoess maad j princes alice prineesa vetori hrin- tjeasceilmfeeih princess irene prince stood tliaaoltteof the ippjaaraof-good- ernest ptinda fredeticlc princess aliv- pflucastmart i duke of edkbarg i prince alfred prin cess marie princess victoria prihoe alexandtapflnoess beatrice prfnomi cbrliifaa prince christian prince albert john prinoew jictdria princess laaila aagusa prince harold dakepf caanaaghf- prinoew matgaret j print artliurj princess yotoria daka alhsnvreiinaesaiiice nfary iprlncifceoppli j princes beatrice prince albert aner prinea- leopold arthur prinjesa victoria prinse her majesty has several greaj- grand citjildren and tha is still eaie and hearty at vi jwe hope shk may lire to see ageneratioa fireatgrsridihildren isunjhlna tog tne sdni of sunshine i sjrithine ihthe hettannshine in oar dtfellings open the wind wi of your soai to f ice- that makifests itself srouudus and is as free as the glat beams of heaven jhaveyoast r thougfit how mich got wints you tc be happjlet i sjj frpjiale your curtehmcjthat yoa shall see it reflected in the jives of ali arodod yoq catch tbe sunshtneres goldea ifwitar flf t- ia all your tvingrnoriis aiorifyyaurjiomes withit pjaa for it whei yoa build sendfoa f rofeitions at j lie front at th i sideisai ilia bacav if need bi tobring it i i let ba- wiudowt make sinningplaoea for the children and the dpwers roll op the shadee tfirowbsok the erimson cartaiaa and the- lace no drapery is jo peaaifal is taashiae snushtnefsuiiihiner- the life of the world the great wouierfal senile of god tbat calls the blossoms from their damp bids lo ntwer it tteettng- that blesses the children aajjesiublessad them that wakes hie wilderness to song tarns the wheitfleldt jyedow far the harvest and the cjoru iu its silken husks- snd clots tha field with goldea globes sansifae that falls among tie ippleboaghs to tarn unwholetotni jhicel into iuto inbrotiil sweetness sunshine that in the winter- time sparklet from a million anowflakas tsroitn from tbl skies o clothe the earth injpetiity f i jsing the s tiff of sunshine terribly lonasoma at last we aro alou f it was the man who spoke the wodtn trembled and lifted iter eyes to his face- they were beautifal eyes but they were tremulous eyes eye whioh loaf oat of c heart which is irresolute fearful he stamped with bit heavy foot upon the floor of tb5 room the echoes brought back in heir in visible arms the sound and let it rippja outsgkiu until it struck the walls ones more and fell into the vast votd of aileuca says the detroit pnzprtu j a bat disturbed by tha unusual activity darted from a corner and blindly dished in eccentric convolutions about tha dusty bailding i great ropes of cobwebs hang down from the ceiling and across the corner of th room dead flies hung- lightly in the hai mocks the spiders had fastened here the dust rote la listless cioadstroax thi shock of the heavy foot fall and sank again overcome hy its own inertia even tha air wis resting tho spirit of desolation seemed to per vadetheplioe tho woman looked furtively iroond apon herdim surroundings and ihireted the msa laughed harshly afbnei i said ha growled yea she murmnred a faint light straggled in through the great windows in front thick withdust where are we she whispered and shivered as tha bat dashed into her hair listen he replied harshly we are in a store which does not advertise i bananas the best way to tell a goos bunch of bananas is by tha stem if this be green sad sound the head of bananas will rippen slowly end attain that luscipusaess for which this trait is justly famed it tha stern be black or has tha appearance of decay the bunch will ripen quickly and tha flavor be very poor this is an infill ible test i dr john borigall- of st mangos college glasgow his a letter in a recent issue of the glasgow fferatdan the banana he quotes from stanley v in darkest africa showing that for infants pec- sons of delicate digestion dyspeptics and those suffering from temporary derange ments of the stomach the flour property prepared would be of- universal demaoa daring stanleys two attacks of gastritis a slight grnel of this floor mired with milk was the only material that could be digest ed it is odd also as pointed oat ia stanleys book that in most banana lands cuba brazil west indies the valuable properties ofthe banana flour are unknown dr daugali has made some experiments m- making banaua flour he concludes that it should be made from the ripe trait at its place of production i iutryingtomakait from banapis purchased- in glasgow ha obtained on drying the palp a tough sweet mass like toasted figs- au appearance ptob- bably dae fd the conversion of starch into sugar bananas contain only about eo per cent of puln and of this about 75 per cent is witter thoy would yield therefore only oneeighth part of flour the best time to eat bananas u in the morning a breakfast of rone luseiow bananas pi tha greatest blow that oan be aimed at dyspepsia eiteo with bread ind buiterthey acid a charm to the mom- fng meal that cannot jbe excelled they soon satisfy aud being digestible in a very short lime they ensure an appetite for dinner that is surprising breakfast is the best time toeatbauauas of all raits j udee f raitt tails a good story uoffro rvy a covptrr weikijr uneln billyboweis of tha bpweif villapsion is np to faojtf sayi the at lanta cotuoitlkn jferiisthelist of thlnii that he proposes to take onlsobscriptioil corn wheat rye and oats i hogs cattle sheep and goals poet pork aablnd fowl froarpartridce optojicotincowl i fodder ihaaki hiraod tfrav f vlctuilt icmad cooled ortaw if battrejsi moil tad soar applttpaounot iobmur it b onions ulersifldbuek chcrriel uaalt wdseiixcs hoes h ricwed beeto wd toniatoea pants ihlrts lodii and hata iirirti and white rata paper lakaud jood bboli- pies needlei small sihhooka trnlt broajht tn by bennett or dontio whethet sopj anion oryeupw paiiosua- chotofas hosing if hrueh ditehipi bridtafciaddleiorbaaejrbrcclilik copatiacen knitesand faiu plates pllchrajtuj and cork i plbiaatches beeswaiaud-hanej- v- goldiiir and eroeubatk money i- 5uggeatlvo thou8lht foruie fiteepasss f ii y at tha summit of the eocymoontains there is a narrow- bridgarrfhich uj tie dividing jino between two great waters a dropof rain falling on the wejiti side i n flndsj jls way in to the sol umbip rir and after trawslfing hhndreds of inhes h lost in thewave of the pacific ocean whilst a drop falling on the east aide fiodiitiwiy ihroagh long reach ot thbcjsahds of mila i to the warm water of the golf of imaxico and thence to- the atlantic how so parrowit this line ot demarcation whish diyidr these mighty streams that a diop of rain falling from tbe clouds may base its 1 entire future coarsf diverted to the one or i tbe other destination by a passing breath j of air fast so in tne life of our yoaag people the- unconscious aimmtinspprtii1 able infloesge otthetrjrtrrqntiduigs is deal j ding their moral and refigioatfeharacter lot all timqiocome 4 cbeelyallied io tbe dangab tnat beset l bosiness parsuits are thefdaneers that hi- set social lite ihe inariia tget nelj rspidfy fiounhhesiihtbe rfle soil with 4j tbe for finold fast- living sstryr vl a syracasef where formerly i resided the jfillerilei hid qsite alarge seat- and u theysawthe tinie of theendetrawmgaign theytilked qlnkvingall things in common thosewhohialinothiug of their awn to dicida with tiers were of coarse quite willing a ma m jthis arraugenien and the msi of theni were ot this description bitthere wail ana riclifarmer who had joined the coupanyand was looking daily for the comin at the lard he wis csll- edjupoa to gie 5p his large andnandsanw property for the common benefit sniat and i at bur he demurred ha wooid thinfc and pray aver it and report at the- next meeting when that came and they eieail toptnaritr ane place ha said that hiaj mind was fnlly made up a to his duty wnile fraying over the subject a text qtr bcriptarkjhad been deeply impss- ad on bfimtaay ad it had made bis- way perfectly clear it wasthis j oodapy till tcome to wish vindows respect that vasearned itft fttfttit v if wbrzm you mast honor- your parents tha sundayschool superli jtendent said to the new boy im sure yoa obey- your mother yessirl came he reply with aq emphasis that rather startled the qaes llouer j and yoa and yono little brother sera alwayt show bef rewpjat dont yoa yoabecwvdciswhy she kin lick dad she kin it is not at 41 weltveln ddeda not years i a pleasant cheerful generous chiritable- minded woman is never old her heart is as young at sixty or seventy as it waa at elghtaenor twenty and they who ore old at sixty or seventy are not made old by the ravages ot passion and feeling at an un social and ungenerous nature which have cankered their minds wrinkled their spirits and withered thaic suali tby are- heartless dull cold indifferent they want the welt spring xf youthful affection j which is always active- alwayt engaged ln soma labor of love that 11 calculated to promote and districiafa enjoyment tbete is ah old age of the heart that i posse6sea many who have no suspicion that there is anything old about thetn and there is a youth- which never growl old a lover whols evef aboyapayohe wbt ts s r itdoisnl aatltfya hungry tramp to flqc only a folk in the road j i 4 there ii a right arid a wrong way to wash windows and as this operation la uattiilly dreaded thefoilowing method will doabtle8sbe appreciated as it saves both time ind labor pboote f dull day ot at least a time when the sun ia not shining on thaj window for when the ktth shines on a windejw if causes it to dry stroakedno matter how much it is ribbed take a painters brush and dust them inside and oat washing all tne woodwork inside before touching the glass the latter matt be wished simply jinvwirm- water diluted with ammonia to not use snap ijsaa smalt ctohlwithva pointed stick- to get tha dust put of ihe corners wipe dry with a small piece of cotton cloth do not use linen ik it makes the glass linty when dry polish with tissue paper orj old newtpapere yottwilifind thujcanjje ddha in iialf the ticba taken wbeija soap u a ted and ihe result will be brighter windows r whata modern guncan do qoiess one is actually brought into bust- nesi relation- with the great science of modern warfare ft is difficult- to conceive of the terrible pwect of the latest and largest guns these engineaof destruction weighing uo tonavhorlaprojectila of solid steel sixteen inahas in diameter and nearly foar feet long- at velocity of 2073 feet a- second when tailed recently one of these guns sent asbot tarough twenty inches of stisel armour eight inohesof iron twenty- fa it of oakfire feet of granite eleven feet of concrete and threafeet of buck comparatively a iocoraptive weighing lco000 poubda ouli have to spin at the rata ot 13a miles ad hijar to stnkea blow jeqaav to ihat projectile ihinjc- of tha young man who is irpbitiodr tdget foefefy u coo fronted by- 1 falaestahijl aril thpdoor lltat ought toopen to solid worth in aboanie coat ts opened to a fine suit of eluthes aui fimiliirity with llje fashons otthe day thia tintocextratjta ganoe runs in every direction i j iff every department- of iuuoaa actieint from tlie attainment- of rudiment know- i ledge to thasalfation the roul effort tho price of success every progressive step ir nude by undadnteil jtoili mj 1 youth drones over his book a flare to hat- j less lszlnettjhareby aeeures a place for himeil at thefobt of society itbe younk man who shrinks f rofn diffleulty ri nir j business or profession who refuses top- tj climb beoassa the rock is sharp- and the way steen mnat make up bis mind to slidobaci and to he in the sbadojtt below while others use him aia neppihj block for their own rising young mea soph is the constitution of society that yoa i must succeed by aehbelp or fail by sett- i j neglect by what yon are and by what yoa do tottinatt either bofljrct stpop pall ortriutnnn stanccar droop toa m ast eithex errs or govern lfast be slave or mast be spvareign mutt in fine be block or wedge i iitott be invil or b sledge v ko one can live without influencing others many seem to litre hnconscions of i this- important fact we are in no danger of over estimating orr others the reil dinger lies in the other direction we in fioence others and mould their characters for time and eternity far mora than we imagine 7 i 1 fifteen rules forcirls i a ii v f i- f t v k i shut the dodr aud shut iteofily 2 keepyonr own room intastezal order j 3 have an hour for risiogandlrise t learn lo nukebread as well as cake 0 never let a button stiy off twenty fearhours s always know whwe yqar things am 1 never let a day pass without doing something to oijtasomelccry comtortable 8 never come to breakfast without a collar l- fnevsr go about with your shoes nn- hattoned j 10 speak clearly enough for everybody to understand ll never fidgets- or humi io disturb somebody 12 navec help yourself at be table be- yottpasa the plate- 13 be patient with the tittle oaea m yon wish your mother to be stilli yqo if never keep anybody waiting 15 naverfuss or fret or fidget forgatlt j m jn oft 41 1 -4- dansge wrought in a railroad eollition where thetrsin speeds along at the rata of thirty miles an hour tnd one raaycalculate the distructives of modern ordnance achaince for improvement jftrst arcitlo explorer i say 1 second arclio explorer bijf- ont plsay iwert inabox v jesso j well have to ffiu for a rescuing parly thats it one will comt 1 suppose tyesuthey alw ys oofrnebaf not alpays pnime j i aay i well dont yoa 16 ink the preattrt style of arotio exploratip iraight be isaprored perhaps to 1 hat wonld yoa soggaat i think the j- aouing party ought to go how do yon litely ijattsit hsriiyijt jowvandlt it ache on my way to cue ot the ferries irpass- ed two little girls about eight years of age jehejt ware evidently confidential friends and one with- tn indignant jook oft her face was telling tbe other of eome unkind i word spoken by a lit tie pliymala oh well retarned h j companiou calmly and soothingly dortt ihiuk oir forget it the words rang iunvyesrs all ihrongh thahouri ofthe dayaadaiace then have not bean abeenc from my- tnemory u did not the little ons give good adrlci how often we in oar iutercaaiss with deaf friend take offence ac a imty ord and in our indignation brood over it intil par hearts are filled with oijlerhass iapjcl the friendship tit years it may be rath- leesly deilroyed the oufy remeenbranoe f oar friend being the haity nofd onr dignity has been insulted and we have no destrato forgptit weve heard of awamin w ifa said- shed wilkflva miles toget a bottle of dr pieieers 1 pavorita prescripthjnitshecoilldas get kl without that woman bad tried it and tl its a mediciiia which makes itaelf felt ia toning op the system and correcting irregb iarltfeaas soon ts ususo it begun go to yoar drnj store pay a dollar ge v bpttje and tryittrya second a third k becesiary betirv the third ones bead takes jh j kndwthat theres a remedy jo help your then youll keep on and a curall com but if you shoaldut feel tbe help be disappointed in the resultsrjbuu a guarantee printed on the bpt thatiljet yonc money back for jfoit i bpw many wotfipn i are there oi rather have the money itahllie heal anil fariusiprstion pw heiiih wthaj ji tkit w ri allliiig tosufferwhea there remedy in ih7tiu3h xijfjtju5siri w9t fl sx m m

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