ft- ii jsg ilt li l imimlalmu 1 j 1 i tafsi7m- 4- borv rclo aetpoon strilft fcut uimifct kev ft itf a oancmer- fcrsrtjn an oii lli isth witrfiilr lift wile st e4arl mm tt ii rift tii roreiiic i ui tind september tti vuf ur ttiotm hyde ot a son ktmtn kaxaeawr im in itnd vfilcm- i t llir wife nf mr ii itf lcvl ot k ann kx rrieft s ln lirnct co nyo srlt eir rs u vtrolmoti ti mivtj trie rel iliral lniuayiririiimr alf ilrem msvrlitcanna onlt ttuelilyt of tlie jtlr- w t llftlmfnancf nrlcr- tf uivk a soevt himtilvuuovop li iilstnlct u hie rvitetr i til lalryphtqu lit ilcv william lttrt tflhsaninlityitvbtn mltwiifmith toryiitoto wit hit h uuctur o j ii rau yj merchant acton nffn fivitu i ii artyh ra hie ltli kept kumn vpr itcojlrdtrtk vl 11 imjiii js4ct on hie uvfi 1 the ml t 1 oljrw uncle mr fii tailrr caroline infant ittcctitrr a win ani klico litlt kar ma ar1 s uir nth rtcrton jfrcc jjrcss tiivksday slttembkb si mi notes and comments the stele missouri licific and nil western roadt lute notifiedcram dealers that they will oulj ilki gfriin to stand iu osrs side trtcked for s hours the roads will lifca store it in an elevator at the pes of ipe owucr this it necessary on account of the scarcity of cxrs in one day reecuuy the sauta kc road had sl cars loaded with frill on its fide tracks at kansas tpity i the australians according tq a contein porary are tip greatest lea drinkers io the ciiilired ijrforld next comes britain where thept capita consumption of tea is j lbs to less than one pound of coffee coffee drintjrt have the lead on the con- coalinectcf eorope ratsiaaloneeicepted the- foitud states follovtethe lead of france in the xtionauste for coffee l well ti fuhioas bat in canada the con- sampioa ia two lbs of te per he4 to c lhaa one lb of coffee thus it kill b toen that the cop which coirpcr ttcc so jwcctly holds iu pfaoe pre eminently in the affections of britons the world over te dnnticc is a hiiit and perhaps the uteof it as tomemoiern medical theor ists might tntkc oat a hereditary lejscy the pridtng bureau neter necestitv tik at htawa was recent exposure of scandals in concecxion with it miles this more apparent than over the gov eminent never had any rijjlitto invest jl- oxow ol pablio money to compete with private enterprise it his bow been proven to haveixen woric thau a mistake the government had im more riht to to- gag- in the printing business than it wonld t bare to enlace io farmini n a commercial tpecalatioo phvate euterprisc can grow all the wheat that should be crown in this country private enterprise can do all the pristine ceerded in thit country without tbe gotemtceot taming prioters and tiling sioectl and other unoonscionable rticaja an epportouity to rob tie public treasury clinton v-i- vvrl house of commons i when wu1 th settlor cot mr heriairor iooklnax after i httftotvt tntrttii kotes from the capital omw kpt itja sonutton wasqirmig uvii tlic kouao thisaftcmooti by mr lister iaft titico of motiou for ft ctimmittoo to in- ttigt clwrgo ho rruuio tlutthon j i hagrt roatmaatcrcieneral waa licuo- filciliy interostod jn the proflta of the contract gitn by the govcrnnient for the ojottructiou of portion of the oaiimiittt purine luilwit bccwwii port arthur ami ibat portago there were few members in the house tvhen mr lister roso to make his ftunouticcmctit it was iimde on tho orxlcrs of tho dity lcin chiilhi ami imimcnt before tho member for avcst lamb- ton was across tho floor talking with hir john thomson alout another matter walking lack to his place ho rofce unit miuir his charge and the surprise of tho minister of justice was plam upon his face wkcn mr lister ivf finished sir john wtalkej out of thechatnbcrwithoutspcftking to any of his colleagues tr ahlxitt had come into the speakcrv gallery when the house opened aiid was chatting with a couple of young iksiple when the impeach ment was made he loft tjie gallery im- nuiliately after to- consult with sir john tlwmpaan i- tbe cans4ian gaiur lonton eng ys again ftod- again havewv urged upon canadian breeders the value of the bntish mtrket for canadian bttrses as yet the result has been small but the de rami in this country for really firstcltss horses continues unabated and formed the great feature of the business done at tbe great horn ctstie fair iiit wk english hunters made from 70 to 210 guineas and irish from i0 to ho guineas one or two reitlytiptop animals making 200 guineas there were but few good carriagehorses lad tbese mtde up to about 150 guineas the lowest price reported being 70 guinea in the carthorte section there was no difis- ecty in getting purchasers for useful irimilt wbrch ranged generally from s to cosuineas a te of the best making b0 guineas the telephone service lately established between paris and london ia said to be proving a great sacobia bojt from an electrical aod a financial point rf view- and the claim umide for it that there is no telegmph circuit in london or in england thijworks so clearly and perfectly tariff is eight ebiliingsi or ii for three minutes tse of tbe wire and tbe average number of calls during tbe past few weeks has been fifteen an lioot during the busy part of day aod about 103 a day from records kept of actual bniiotsj transacted it is estimated that messages are tent between london and paris at tho rate of five words for two cents a considerable reduction on tbe resour cable rates tbe telephone has been used- through to brussels and al60 to harseilles the latter a distance of 000 miles a london correspondent tells how the queen is kept informed of the daiu pro- eeedings while parliament is in ieseion he ayi during tbe last fiveyears the tiew lord dertmootb has acted as special house of commonsreporter to the queen a duty which was always endertaken by tbe leader of the house it jwas his duty to despaeb two or threa telegrams every evening to her llajettv giving a precis of the proceedings in parliament and ic addition to this the queen usually receiv ed a sort of newsletter either from lord lewitham or fxdin mr smith the parliaments ry reports which were sent by lord beaconrficld to the queen when he was leaderof the house of commons dur ing lord derbys administrations and which are well preserved among her majestys political correspondtneeat buck ingham palace are full of bright and vivaoicus criticisms both of the msriner an the mfier of the principil speakers of thote days the eipedltion tothe grand falls of librador has been sudc6ful and the mystery which only two years ago wis the subject of eitebded debate jd the lioyai geographical society of london is at lift cleared op the most extravagant ttlei have beenrelated of these falls for years they were bejieved to be 2000 feet bigb it is now known that the final plunge of the river where iteontracts to a width of it feet is onryboo feet bnt a series of rapids above tbe falls carries the water down for 600 feet so the river has a total fell of 700 feet from the height of laud to tbe canyon iuto which it drops the tajls are said bytlie present explorers v afford a magoinceut 6patacle and if tberewere only more aooesfblej they would aowng the great natural attractions on weootitient an immense volame of water pours over che edge and the drop of wteet mikes a waterfall that is surpassed prf the world thesa falls are milesfeland not very far from jjj nf the fifty tbirif parallel tsl meri luej4 empties into the inlet vowsrs t- t csr auwttauttum w- uivu itvlilhl mr d heiidenwn mp your inemlicr for halton accompanied by senator mc- kicilscy dio other lay vaiti uixin the acting minister pf public works to repre sent that oertftiu improvements were necc- sary at bronte harbor monday mr hen derson rvoeived an ofiicial communication from hon frank smith stating he would at once bring the matter before the responsible vifhccr and soc what was necessary to bo doue it might not bo possible to do much work this fall but it would be seen what could be done i rroimml nr i iuni mr iirouard delivered one of the ablest and most practical addresses of the session aside from an excellent and logical bfenco of tbe majority report he raised the ques tion whether all things considered the committee on privileges and elections was the best tribunal for the trial of such an important case his idea was that the house should- take authority to refer cases of groat magnitude to the courts with the right of appeal to the supremo court if thus were done the composition of the eommijtee should te changed and its numbers greatly rednce1 mr girou ards euggtstious are certainly worthy of crry consideration rttucit st- imilinn two dew phrases of departmental irregu larities were brought to light by the public accounts committee monday in the first place it was shown that between jsi and 1 mr v inghs braley ail extra clerk in the kailway icpartmcnt had been md for twelve months services while he vs actually at college for eight mopths lie was at the torcnto iniversity and for four months at mcgill all the while drawing stio a month the accounts were ccrtifierl to by mr a p bradley the secretary of the derarrmentand father- of the young man and tbis morning that officer defentled the transaction by saying that the late mr pope had anthorired it it wus not clear however that mrpojie knew that young mr bradley now a doctor at thcsoo wa6 attending college while his jm- was going on but it did seem likely that he granted the application of mr a p brad ley for leave of absence of his son without regard to the circumstances sriu wotiirr tiie next matter was of a more serious character it was alleged that in 1 mr ernc dionne in the accountants branch of the public works department had taken advantage of tin money coming into his hands to accommodate a friend in bus-nets- he declared that most of the money actually belonged to his relative but he would not say that a small portion of it dil not belong to the government over and against this was the statement of the merchant la rose that he cheques witlf which dionne helped him were really for tire payment of public works in the out lying provinces- mr foster moved that the auditorgeneral be- directed to bavc two accountants to thoroughly examine laroses books and the- accounts of the de partment hi- tiiti silili mr tartes bpeech was interesting for the view iiaffordod of the inner history of politics for years he said there bad been a political and financial conspiracy capable of crushing almost every one ivho was bold enough to stand out against the eonspiratoib or to have ideas of his own many conservatives had by this conspiracy been driven out of public life many were sitting in tbe house who had bcen almost ruined by it and among them was the minister of militia mr tart had a high estimate of theipower of the clique of which thomas mcgrjcvy was the head and he holds it responsible for putting tho conser- vhtives in the quebec legislature nlto opposition and keeping them there- it betrayed and ruined them at the close of his address mr tarle referred with justi fiable pride to the services he had rendered to the country i have spoiled the game he said of men who ware stealing every year hundreds of thousands of dollars if that conspiracy had not been disco ttrcd millions would have been stolen he added that the thieves and their friends had ruined him financially and had endeavored to ruin his reputation by dragging his name into the baie des chaleurs business the mat ter he said would be thoroughly investi gated and if be were not able clearly to es tablish his innocence he would resign his seat in the house of commons tilr nkw srrokavtat aijis it is likely that lieutcol macdocald as sergeantatarms will have as his deputy mr douglas camerau of toronto son of the late chief justice sir matthew cameron who is now clerk of the minis terial whips the petition for his appoint meut signed by eighty two conservative jjjembers headed by lieut col kirkpat- rick ex speaker and air daltou mc carthy q c has beeb presented to speaker wbite mstrkoeished visiteiis the earl and countess sl aberdeen with their little dauehter lady jiarjoris visited parliament buildings last thursday afternoon they had seats oo the floor of the senate chamber while the senators were j session aod afterwards hid place in the speakers gallery of the jiouso of commons where sir john tttoropsoii spent aquirterofan hour in conversation with them they left for sault stemario next day xorfcs the first minister slated to night that no farther iuformifiqti jiad been received by tfteiovernnicnt as to when tho great railroad would be operated hon iff dickey will call attention to tbe inadequacy of certain judical salaries in the saperior courts of the doroiiiioov and srtll eoqaife of jhe government sdiether ic t their intention ta propose a remedy for th feiitting state of thine mc 1rui wllfco i ic to th city ilf will the sabjecl ot the napa titaa post ofsst iter williira 8oou u llto ricka of w unfattttttileusfdttity urdiy whllsoat walking bo fell on tho lidewilk tadbroko ii is thigh ho wu remc red to hit sideno and medical auisatiu o ptompuj sum- moiled tho kev etit cmtus trioids at solicitous about tilt cendllloa it ho hit reached a pretty idvam cat tec with retorsiaco to 1 1 tppllotttort faf divorce by jtmot jt jiyle of torooto meiuioncd on rjaturday tlio itatao roqulr- iug the application to b i uu t cectaiu form givct ati erroneous i oprttttoq of tho groutult for divoroe tlio ftett art thit mrs lole having sepirttod frotrihtc husbaud torfttiutttbcfbt yart httmirrtel again in kansas city without a regular divorce here hud otl ll tt ground ho uow applies for one local leqismtion rtfcaafflwtfgatffiitsrj mp at kaptnot bo tiard from ofl tho bulsnost trttnktihtod by our aldormon on mon faevanlne council met on mom t evening at h oclock with the itcov txi tho ohtlr and members all present the minutes of last minting read and confirmed the clerk was initr ictod to prepsro ft bylaw with regard to tho appointing o oflleera to cuforoo tlio truaiit act here fn i connection with tho pub to ejehoolt tho fiuinco committ e hn pcotented their report as follows a stcpljcjibou streets do- library -i- t uittuaus i ed mrlauglillo 2dys oo jtrets tieo vordeu3 do f lrown ft lynd stonluj abil irsdlug jas llrowil lumber for irk ilo stroeta adam cook gil rods rrarel at s0a do tcaiiiiug vouoo st juo flordou c3 7dsgravo at10c 3 73 9 10 to i so e uk inn u a m 6i3 1 aa moved by jnohtrvtysocdndsd by jot anderson that the eighteenth report o tho finance committee just tfeaibo adopted carried a deputation from tho agricnltanj society qousistihg of geo hyndt secretary and alex waldie vioqprosidont waited oo tho council in grd to patting tho part in proper shape jtor the oomidg eihibtuoo mr uynds coiiplaicedthat tha benches tables etc used in tho hall in connection with tho show had mysteriously dttxip pcxred the council oamo to the coaclotioa that u would take smo 2000 tsct of lamber tt a tost of sac to construct the tablet band stand and secretarys oflio reeve lowry hoaglit tho coancil ooald hardly be expected to jicar tho entire expense after a considerable amoent of ditcusiioo the generoushearted aldermen settled matters amictbly by passing tbe fdllowing motion i i moved by jno harvey seconded by jos anderson that the a uj a society be allowed tbe use of the pjirk sheds and stand on the 0th and 7th pet for the tarn of s20 on the uuderstaudiog that tho societystpply lumber to erect tables etc within the buildings provided also that tbe grounds and building bo left in as good conditiou aud free from all oostructiqot it will be seen by this that the rent for the grounds during the time of tho exhibi tion has been rcdaced from s30 to j20 and will thus aid the agricultural society in getting the buildingb in proper shape for the 6how the council will also attend to the repairs needed on the halfmile track council adjourned at 9 pip an intensely woturo bui tuesday it 000 moalretl eibi j1jtp k hot ipu l mpotted jd i i ttfendsd t people the tha saorimoooa ittloot president lie ran lit uoadiiru ii said to hays beta uaa tlnated i svral peril it vote imovhered in a firs tachlotgpoa ittatdir- j orttt dtmt it retolti ig from prairie flrot in tlanotota tha crops in odtttra lot ditloa wllhtoi sxoophont i a min was i illed in i political ogho at kcntgh irttttt i pa httardty the hamllto i legal men hava organised a local legal tc i liltrary society thaflffatulo reooobllaetnpotor ivlillkm to ptlnoa bltmi cklttte completely felled albert ctdmi n had both trail taltea off by t drealtt it r at calgary on sttoxi y 3uot hat beeu tppoidled bfta italian wotldt fair lias douo great damage to iirlouily tnjurod crop in tho duke of prekident of commitioe tho uootretl street railway on itoncity carried c0l20 nojoplohho largest number bo moord lord ltmldof elt crettiofi machduoon teat fa itdlt b t iatetterior with uttlvo customs a furious gale snipping and north britain aojppaaha ftrmeely tnrlcish ifinuter o finatjoo wtt hroiru from a bono btt- nrdty tad killed i a erriblo colli try cf plociou has occurred in belgium la w llch bpersont were killed tod tntny injure i the byuw pr hibtting nretchuje a the ptrkx oa sttndui hat been sustained by chuese jottioe gtlt joseph pagnet lot st bloodine coanty quebec was ruol ovet and killed oa the intercolonial yesterday j the illinois 1 1 decided to admit ethoditt cooferenco hat women to tho electoral the st clair tunnel formajly opened to traffic on sat- 1 urday i siexji si it li the ircat st clair tunnel of the grand trunk railway under the st clair itivcr was formlly ofttiied to traffic today n the presebco of largo nuinbet of invited gnests and tho general public 1fie tunnel runs from sarrtia ont to port huron mich and will be u6d by the traffic of varionsroadt lincluiiing tho grand trunk of cnadaartd its leased lines the great westerii the chisago 4 grand trunk the port i huron a- detroit the detroit grand haven- v milwaukee the michigan air line the toledo saginaw muskegon the cincinatti saginaw a- mack inac etc these railways have hitherto kept- busy fjhe immense steam carferriet plying between point edward ana fort gratiot places jyifg a few miles from sarnia and port hurin respectively pre parations for the opening of the st clair tunnel have been in progress all this week the grand trunk freight sired was cleared and was in the hands of the decorators op to toda under charge of mr aitchison chief of tile hamilton fro brigade who has a widespread repotationfor his taste and skill in preparing large buildings for festive occasions mr anderson alsq of hamilton was commissioned to provide tho floral decorations which sro on an exten sive scale tho banquet was furnished by montreal caterers the bind ofths13th battalion hamilton provided the made tic- 11th band is reported to be one of tho finest in the canadian militia service yesterday afternoon sirhenry tylerand the municipal authorities of sarnia and port huron met and arranged tho portion of the programme in which sarnia and port huron figure at 1215 pm today a special train of official coaches left hero and prococeiotf to the head oi tho tunnel ap preach where a large arch had been erected hero a military escort was drawn np and the twentyseventh ball ban4 was pre sent to provide music on behalf of the town maycf watson presented an address to sir henry tyler the gueslj irurpoctcd the work on this side and passed fhroagh the unnel to the american side where sir henry and party were met by gbvernof winans of michigan at tho head of tho american approach mayor mciiwain o port huron presentedan address on be half of the cititzensef thecity sir henry and party then returned to sarnfa in timo to be present at the freight sheds in tho afternoon and welcome their guests to the banquet robbery at walkeftpn- wilkedtoii ont bent n klr c w dryderman druggist of walkerton wit going to the bank yesterday with a deposit of f 10 when he was called cratsida tha door to attend to atrotheri matter ea left the money with tho deposit slip and bankbook and general coofi renco the discover of rich anthracite coal deposits is report d on tho ked deer eiver north of banff 1 w t the collector o customs atclaytan n v has captured a skiff load ot twoliea yarn toot over fro n canada tho storm iri ngland aud sootlaad oo monday wrought immense destruction to tho cropt and oth r property tho british i earner ambassador wis wrecked on tho davoa- coast on friday night all hands were saved henry bedell a convict in kingston penitentiary rece ved j3 lashes yesterday for striking one of the guards despatches fron bsrlin tfe that the gerthancolonies in east africa are in great danger from hostile tribes james bailey a convict in san queniin prison cal was tilled on ifonday night by henry baker a fellowooniict howell tho engl sb professional hioycliit it reported to hare riddeo a mile last week in 2 15 the fastest tinaoon record tho repair chops of tho quebec lake st john railway at st rtymoad weco totally destroyed b fire on sunday two cart of i obiniont circus were wrecked at washio ton pa on satoxday and an actrest prol ably fattlly injured five men were ki led and tevertj serioao- ly injured in a colli ion on the union paci fic at port neof lob ho on friday albert clark a b ggtgemtn oo tho lqq don huron a brat railroad was drown ed while bathing at kincardine thursday a very largo amo nt of money hafbeea ttolen from tfio lon ion and westminister bank and loodot banking circlet are surtled farther damago it dcnesn the flooied districts of spain o i sanday by a severe hurrictne an epic smic of riiflaean hat broken oat hanfangavomol ian of new wettmin- tter jooi yards start in- a sculling race oq tha frtiser liver y sterdsy and- sf clean won by co yirds tho court of app al will give judgement tomorrow at ii an in tho special etas stated by tho attoi aeygencrsi re liquor license laws ofjontsfio three inmates o tlio central prison were given a fldggi ig tuesday morning according to tbe tero s of the sentence in- flirted on them two j ran ago alexander ii lidd ill a well known tra veller in wholestle roceries was fonrl dead with his throat dt at windsor junc tion n 8 uu sunda r morning a terenyearold i d named bittlo was irojj kjttare hy robert last wednesday and 3a raty not recover on top of thosafe at the back of the and on returning a minuto or two wards flja money was gone- noctaeito the thief ims yet been discovered i store aftec- drseggrod to ppath strack with tn edmonds at gaelpb his skull frtctarod fred kammec a fife- marderer over come with remorse a id goaded on by the oertalnity that he wot id ba hang took hie own life in tho cdaotj jail ttgleveltnd yet- terday a special cable sa s that tho canadian football team defeatex wsjos in- the match at wrexham itoni y thompson and forrester of toronto left tdesday to join the teamj william widgery a a otd man of g sick trilla place toronto srtt rani over by a ballast trtin on the n w belt lino yester day and fearfully ma igled dying- shortly afterwards the single tcau ttee far tlio lsxtoa medal wilt be rowed or hantber bay today between fred thompi n of tho argonaat clab ed darritn of ho sannysides and jos wrigbtiof the to onto a oolliupn between wo freight trains on the ciuclauatigouthe o tsilrosd occurred on friday between t arriinan- sad rock- dale tend brtkema i stawart and fire- man william weir we secretaty willi of tl trads was in ottawa against the snob given e killed e toronto board of jttarday to protest the boards council by tha department of inland rerenaa over the appointment of a g via inspector a yoang daughter of sir sydney mouoir of port colbornie nan od hazel about 8 yeart of tge fell int an opea cittern which wst being leanedj tuesday whua playinia tho y trd jtncj wtsi foani droiyned sboftly afteq ards it it feared that the steam tug lady ellen with a crew of ix tpenj bat been liiiikiev ont sept mr henry jickttai a farmer livioii near jhero met wttb a run away acciden to djy which closed bit death the unfortunate nun wsjs driving lioatewaril when his horsyi got ft iglti iteoame oomajjagasblo iui4 tiirowing oat thedfiver who gat t aught rt the rvggipeant watt dragged a con ilierabl distance cansiag tacit injtiriet iui in deatlt i i gliieneis away lost oa like winnipeg little saskatchewan ot not been heard of yet tent oat to search g b thorttallt ot oac m r- mr d wan 00 uks pleitart in devollnaotrt ot ihejr tf thlt wtefctol jp sw 6y tatasjrfaaplt central jjihioftlob io b 1 itliotsbfreiibibl jj 41 andji yoa aod abtodly nnitmber he txcalltat exhi mon f tat ra ntjd ii but good u tht exhlb t on tu afytar tgo 4n ewtidti trs twllty oiba men who hart hit nttlfc r ia fund and tha efforttihtyastittjo 1 fortlh wt m tktl t mooonfldtatlwlwptlt tn exhlitodfor1eilthat wuifarisrpatrhittotlml5ai if bat hawevk eioolwnfi lh exhibit may be ft will iitf titaaotf of mi bnlttttha ttuaduot it at t ihooldbe tad w woold arsjf fhi paoplaof tblt rloititfj ite bt lord to one district tod lit exhibition tad by their presence thereat to ttrnd opltbs f otioitmr b oett by mraaal fhootandt ovtt that of itt year retmrnbttjtb dtbeetbmbeu 43 md u l y ssi ri x rh- fitis bisitiismtaii if oquout viillt to the caitomihpdta u t jweefc tr ttrlkin ijr j tliiblt jn tha ttore at presebt tha dress goods ooaotert are dtllght yoar yt8hideli tlexf atet cornhntllont tha rtjlaek difflaalt to equal la wlttdra oatuo such i gathering together yoa wondering where ihetod csa be and they are going quickly qualltiet iu new goods for lass raoaey full of doreltie that that yoa will flnd ft of new styles u wit w nerer had ltd ety womia kmt know bf thit ttmi ihtt beruil8pitoatoset tb brfgbteti newest tad choicest ot fhtta goodswild nothing exrt to paybeoause they tn toperiot to othtrs they are iht tnouh to hypnotize tuy not tbit le tttoetltt sly arjapet this year with ta easy olegt y whoca attet demand novelty grace ini sntah i qacdcettnitkldg deiartmont t bailee thta ever g b rffins of course ton 7 a bl6 f fsfti oulo7ton 17 in lbs- town- flbp otdoeum sir with lojtwtllaig mxiitinimredikitli bech- maiils hteiuloeji p lmcia txxfuad soft elm 1 also a iuna aadrca ijut dirt ilhii tun rooms ff 4ars frame suuie with teal lots of ii nd on glph haiti and ouean auesis in tb t llago oticjoii j i if larms jhslfcssb or ciclaiiooor other pro- pitty apply wi v t of coarse yoa dont ws it to be yoar calom and your confidence should ga together the brightest imind it caught napping oncaid a while yc a cant b on the alert alt lie flint ria bate heard of the tido which taken at the flood leads ok to fortune well our ulster colh are hating a riting tfda of rapid tale beta isnft a foriane to tbemfor yoa r b htptor ette taken in bat we da takeaintoiyoarconfidebotb retara than any tltnilar par hae evee tflorded- yoa theylwotfl them with yoar eye that wa are nl aking a special drif e of bat iheret a bigger take a yoa can bar as a special fararve have ho prmtee of parohiging be hiptokette water proofs frorafhemat tifactarers htptoa bros of leads england thus saving to oar icasotners jhe wliolesalemefis profit fact in mind it yill money 5 sad wrudaun stqisipii 84 otwttld st aiasgow bear tpis save yon- it ivill doyou paod to sea our assortment of plaid griped and plain ulster cloths when ve mention p3oplelo6k tpe price j d williamson efow were jthey ever made for the money is tliel question we heard asked i oar wiado ofjseeiitrmats ii attracting gfjaerab attehttoti and no wonder people were glad to pay 10 and 12j cen for the same goods ten days ago j our f cant wiuoey ia also glad dening the hearts cjf thrifty house wives we sold the same at x2f cents but are now clearing them at 7 cents r ife ttavliij purclimevtlilrnlckiuis wafiboass i t s al5fegra h actoaaigutbisgf hv ejjcobbjr ajtoii fcbdgfc so k 1oori faalwall 5 j 1 i wvilvlwifa- lnnwoiibbjj i ij jberstary fl t lalijtv and commfulon ct it i oincii kchirsaiilcrrit lojulxoduce a no aod rplarttsndtia book tefllmoiiyof 18 ceaiiris of wtof llaaareth tbe most remarkable rolldeos book of tb aw writtetrliy sco emfnistil scbojan noo aelanan every ebrtsuan wants it belaaita twrkyysvcn ariily to the x bill rcblishixd coi 1 kofwfebcbanj i ii m nifieth j edo btstqailitf pstlrtonld irisdostajot torootoscboorof deal t bopal college ot dental sorgeos itwcei ijvert post olbcf acton 5dmislicfe w hate j st receiredoarfaltf 3oott and snoei from tho best i ftctarer iacanads and defy coi lietiion in either quality style or price v puniishings look jat kelly brbsj8ettirig j- i jn f their stock di drygoods ordered and eeadyipade dlothing gentsii and qroceriws iatiles tnariufaoturers priees- just because tbey are leaviilg town i premises for sftle or to let she was duo at tht 8th and bat boats have been 1 r according to the ne railroad rcgult tiout in ruisla a surge iu it toba placed oo every ptavuger trai i ilvery rsdlrosd fine will haveto keep in tscaiploj amany torgeout at it fits passet ger trains running and two physicians at tl o principal station to provide for extra rafai to etery resullerf j passenger train an hot its oac it to he 1 ated ia case of accident on tbe road f lliiejwf3i pile of new fall and wilder goods jtuqiblipg- uj tleyv beatttifut fobhold and comfbi irf look of aad they are witial cheap i tmsis espicialljfrojiof pur pjrefss gods vnichwe hive inpjlin arid fancy cheviotswptaiir- andjraney jtweed efteeta irafe dfid black serge diagonals tails iiair clotha blsckwl estaeieue fancy- plaids ma checjfsbliek and colored silk isatjtt ifertres j pougpes i andbedgttlidegfabackgodg black atd ot hrtelta8mii ewensiye variety 6f t fianby clr goods begiriutng at sc per iyjim and upands iijursraple gptfta are pwuhttsedi right and selling cheap tlautrcfra blanketb and quilts are iat the tight price for the cub tcjmera gay jiannela from ioi wt- ydiipwajrda our glorefc acsieryiand ladies underwear are atfcbetopjfthie heap forvarietv v d lonek ofprfeo w hive jadies jacketsj ciorikt ulsters ehi dreujs treeferahniprtifasiodf-f- i and tbercrly latcstttylea nrautlki i gpbds aim filsteriuga ofau kindls- lqcludinisealetes iid plush ei jipuimlli wotkingsfder jrepliste with ithfe latest fall nbvelties oar milliol ieryopeinwillbdouthnradayi v t sppiemlrmana the foltow mgdaygjof lw week quf dress has gpfe back iron m jholidjiysfr sk withiew idiaa ftj match the tiress goods- w- tiust uotjhcigetlto tkentioti 6ui qepariiuebtut isal flaajpwrs froin dil bftrtir tf caiiiida to pjtroaio thla de parimeut fee- feasor why fhi pace fit aihfwqvkrnauslupjjftht pirmehfsj a e ruht onr really ftl i spkrcoatsih boys lj findlneuiaro ih complete assort jtient- pnees lrjvv tadica and v- eura fdohrcadaro right in price yanpf iaud quality ourcarjpets ruga s oiftmiablctw- v fkitlmtui shape nieo wfrjy darrjetfor tiv r pfijf i mil getoire ir 54 ahdeiicollqiil brussels v jftt adtbat we thed is our nrtjvatiis efforls aridwehaire phej upud immense variefyjoti fit jextfeirely low- prka r 3rt pet for ehisiiassi5j53ai5rsjj r ihk i kuf tjoods spetfull yj 0h1 fed fa p qxoaqstowit k rii lit riid m