Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1891, p. 3

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ft v 7 i v h e i t- f taxy trfcleet actemjhtlrjch fotmxk god tvwtoat btrbtwaavuatoriit lia bank of bmadorinox cuttiltitnrr- ucuavfcfcxri hamilton k 8 staves uhmi wwico j turkbvtji- cuabxjl wn adkkcy tuiuuh 5is2 w lu j klvoiob pspjljrtlekc i sthcul deposits v4tc0x ko s the news at home motti uf mattrst raiafcegfvfatf the annuel harvest faauttj cud thaalle jlripc service il b ha41n 81 am eharea to motto evening the ladles uieijongweuton hew bwnibasily engaid hila week i decorating the cbttrchwlio italia flower aud cteju cad ware 091 a- dtatad the effect will b iu cclamfmoa iborenrfha in fu occasion mfpjoa 5erontu4 to t it the country alwuhld nawltmt8uopud b wktche gold silver i a geo hynds r 9 atjeohypds woddmriug8 t hyads weddingpresenuqoo hynds silvenefear at geo hynds stat5onry at geo hvnds walt papers at geo hynds window shades at geo hynds vcfartaiu poles at geo hynds qep hims sign ofjthe bigvatch 7 m irtmjmfvss i thtjrdar september ilisr l4ttletd al isilets calirf the eyesor i which caueht tho eyesor ears of fre praia reporterstkila week i 7 september rfirtt moqtjh of the fill cbaocu toaetinj nu uooday eveninc tbaad caoeert oftcaklin 6qaue thia etwiog tiona crt now pretty tfieslitg eoketxl will thartly remove to icauloeat oj jtrea ia due oa miciehooi is well filled ineiary pcblufced at wurtoa j dow the go inj fhooliog ygnen oora aocltli mbe kstliti gaglpt l bare bo taaje 06 of aaaaon 1 the boywi oa actoa mat kat axe offer iof35 to 9s ceou for 6e the cioae teuoa for harea pbeaatnta vild dactt til ended 03 tuesday jfche text fitting of acton divines cwrt will b held on the i7th inat j earertj nw panila ate nowajloding gaotjjeitaini hlfihscbool from acton the cpjt ran ta ezsiraon from faranto to detroit oa tcesday for 100 tbt kiljtkrtnta are not likely to 11 op ary riptdlv ia thix conn try owing to the uier date rf the camp rmf jofia e cvirry bii parehaaed tropx h e- riisklio son heir erain warthooae at the gt b depot the aaecefaf d caodidatea at the recent kith school iintnnoe examinations re- oeited chetr eertifioata thia week gleowilliama lacroaae clab will f uy th toiag canadian o acton ia the pedt tart 00 satardiy afternoon s krioo arthnra haattmoved the rear boldl at the old glove factory to tth fwewof tfiebt 00 kill street and will fit iijjiocaitore mmiaa croaathwaite the retomed mia- amtjatf from chifla will give an addreae in tba kotfolfc atreet hethodiai chircb goelpb tonkt theambijaa atock man will now be carrying hie fpting colt giving extra feed to the big calf apd in every way preparing live itoek lot the fail fair the pampkina will be hd on lot utoakvihe star ap ear of corn of the laxraxap variety well filled with corn for thirteen inched from the ffarien of the late jobo m btepfaena wu left at tbia office tbe other dy thetylaar to provide fanda to pat m 1 ryatera of water worki waa carried in dntinville tjoeaday by a large majonty 00 ty 10 votee being recorded againat tbe bjuw an iotereating maaisal and literary eqtertainroeotj auder the aaapicea of the kpwortb uagae will be held in tie ijeth- odm cbarobj neit wedueaday etening adouaaioa tier ceou 1 cooaubl grahams wctchful ey haa eacaped sv number of vehidea and other o6araetiooa od tome of the tide vtreeta a bylaw epeaka iatronglyjagaicat leaving aach artiofea op the ttceett j the adf of kcfly bro oj tbii page ia worthy of otrr atteotioo tbey o5er ibefratock of dry goodf redyniade clothing and proceriea ctgratry reduced pcioea somp valcable vilue property ia alao offered fat aalel i monioipci osioer graham ia be facher of a real live aon and heir and thja ia the aoug they aiug now a bbji in the kon aad erirjtwdra barpy f hut 00 ones qoiteco iifoud as u ttuct new bsb pftpl3 tbe new cuaa rooms it knot charch ire ouw aboac completed ijie fadieahave jaat finished batting down the carpet and the appearance ia uow very cey and oomforiabje the soaday sehtjol will grittlf profit by thia added aeeommodation xhasermina ia the aerua oa tbe lords pryeris in pcogreaa by betur edge ar moat interesting and instructive kaxt stmday mornlog tbe aabjaet will givaoa thia day oar daily bread the nijfct car the evening service will be the lint fiome itoree boys entered krt stooea guita kooday eraslog afjoot eight oclock j4arpaalat to help uxnuetrw to tbe pljreaa on ber treea wban the owner aor it1 tijtffl ttk boya aboald know tatter uart itban ti leniency of the didnet vbfnbieer c yij stany of the volanteera were aarioia ihu the jate sept htm flrat fited b fr the ionimtqceraeot ofyutctiiij kt niagara ahould be changed to about beit t5tb they thought that the lkttar dajte vduld be fairly jnvcniit with a g proapeet of pleat ant weather but they not particularly pleaaed with tha data nolw announced october mb on eeoouutjof weather ao late ia the teaaon4cfcdiiuii a ctuumttrm aatkarttr xeivce the jonruiit comment fiiyca advice when it idviaca evetyoui to advantage otj tbe good ctopa to pay get oatof debt should be the inbtto fottl 5ar both- baitmai tnen and farmi- ahould ttraighten np rather anipreid bul in prosperity it ia well to prepare for adveratty good eropa do not borne ere y year they are ralhatth exception thin the tale they ahould be atilited to make genefal clearance of old debt rae social at cnareh mil jbose wba attended the social ia tie congregational churoh chnrchhill la it thartdyreatiahsido eajoyile tirnl ttte chair tu occupied by mr brjce who baa chargeof the ooogregation at present hev lw raefee an raweatingaidri fctoeilent music waa fomuhsd by k nu the members of tha uethodut cboi aiid itisa lilla hcore cheslej uias xatbe swackhanuser gave a bam oua recitation and master brvoe j rendered a selection very creditabl there would have been a larger attendance froai acton had oouvertaces been providi dstrfetroctecfftt rof f j tbe semiannual meeting ol haltop districtcouncil royal templars of tetoi rtnee was held in milton lut fridaiy d the virious seasions of the day were replete with interest delegateal wete presentf roin every council in the ckmnty considerable business was transacted but the most important waa that arrangiog with the various other temperance orgai- iaations of halloa for united effort lor the advabcemtnt of the cause tbia ia a mo re in tbe right direction and will undoubted y prove advantageous tbe aniaal meeting of tbedlstrjctcaaocil willbelfeli in actio ip febarary an enjoyable public enter tainment waa gives in the town hail in the evening song serricei j the bapliat church was well filled lsst friday evening on ibe occasion ol the song service announced- last week io tbe absence of rev mr kortou the pastor mr h p sfoare waa requested to take charge miss greeu of the institution for tiie blind arbrantford rendered anuraljer of sacred iat in a very creditable manner the singer is almost totally blind her voice is remarkably sweet and and although not possessing aa great compare as thit of tbe majoriiy of pro fessional singera it is well suited to such mtic as that rendered on this occasion hisa green intends devoting her life to missionary work sod in this ber sweet voice will be of value at the close of the service- a hearty vote of thanks waa tendered hilton and the census i the free pjess has eecared deuila of tbe reeehtdociinion censu9 for ibis county which raake the population of tbe rural districts hre9 alora of goi and of the incorporated town and villages 7318 an increase of mb the residenta of acton will no doubt be plersed to learn that while every town and village in tbe county baa gained in population the past ten years their own tonn haa advanced with much greater strides than any pthermunicipality in the county the ratio of increase eke ae followa acton 301 equal to a net gain of 43 per cent burlington 257 or nearly 25 per cent milton 148 or lllj per cent oakville 115 or c3 percent georgetown 30 or about 2 per cent thia la certainly encouraging and will give cur citizens a new interest in ac ten the popalatiodgivep by the new census ii acton 1200 burlington lift hilton 1400 georgetown lscj oakville iwoj the school belli rlai j promptly at nine oclock on monday morning the public schools opened the teachers at their desks and the scores lot brightfaced healthy children in tbnir places all had enjoyed tbe long summer 1l a 1 ij to in w k ifto oonstable la arson j utftbtm in nttuas f 1 m bk a t v r m m ink hf j pdndintavand etohi i rockwbod the domiaoavptera lijujarkranoc wilt be tavlsoij at the oanlta tnn bejote judge chadwlck on the bih dcilober ufa plait an j old lady jfflo ylirt wall ratting off tbt train hll rook ood luttao an 8ttardijf awafai el lad b oka her collar boae and also hat com 1 ntfm atkle vacation and nearly every one waa glad return to school dutiet it is only recent times that schools had what ootid be called a jong vacation there are persona ttifi alive who remember when two weeks waa the usual length of ihn summer teat even in our large citiea the present liberal vacation of from eight to ten weeks haa been won against much opposition and there are those who still object to lit upon the- whole we think the long vaca tion u jurtiged by the necessities of both jeexher and pupil ii there are some children who are injured by running wild for several weeka there arenioro who are saved by it from a stnnted growth and lifelong ill bealth the tendency of most of our schools is to attempt too much and detain tbe children at their books loo long vacation does much to undo tbe mischief caused by tbe ambition of teachers and tbe exactions of educational authori ties c w hills success acton not only posceesefl one of the finest photo artists in tbe province lodny but haa turned out a number of artiste w bo are prospering an tney deterve and daily building up national reputation of the half dozen who hate gone from acioo and settled in michigaa c w hill ia cne of the most praaperona respecting anew stadib he baa just opened at maaroe ifich the democrat saya mnill ia now folly settled io bis hew- location and hi one of the prettiest busiuesa places in ihla city he use the first and third boors the third floor ia used as a store roout aad priutiagroom itisoonveaieotly arrjuiged and ia connected with the lower part by an elevator tbe first fiouriaroomyplaaaiot and laitefally arranged she front 1 ia aaed aa a show room the windows which are hahdfomely decorated tvftu ptctares attract an unusual amount of attention jast m the rear of tbia apartmeat and con nected by a large arch dofcr prettily draped with curtains is the reception room wbicb tcipletasnt and oooveniently arranged aa aoy parlor in hi city in the rear of tfctia aire- the operating and work rooms tbe change of the studio from the old qaarten u a good improvement and gilrea ih deaervad appearance of prosperty as an artiat vr hill euoala f not ezoellf all of hia the city and are dnabt- ithehaasuperloriathesute i i-h- jh h f rjclinttrtlaeedftt k huouvv i iknatokbuil aiviuevr oa monday 2tlil iilt mr george kitchinfl waa at ending 1 xi fbg ut erin the glover homestead icjt ll con erin la offered for sale tha council ia putting up a- half ddseu street lamps j the smbutit of moaey paid ialby gtlg bros fur the live stock itiiiped ia jaly was in the aeighbathood c c 18000 rev m p campbell and wl e formirty pastor of erin and ulllabi rg bsftlit chatchea but now la charge of st if a ya baptist church vittod fricnta here week xifrocart j alfred second son ot rev r fowl io las secured a second class teacher 1 cacti scfte the methodist oharch 8 8 picnio held in stanley park tharsjde afternoon the annual meeting of the i rin bra ich of the religious trait society waa helt monday evening la the mstlic- lt ohui eh therev dr moffat of toton o the f o- retary of the society adi reased he audience on christian lifn io earnest fu the destu0t mrs a de tiotg of l iw vfile eldest daughter of leary fqs r coatoma officer barlington to iki place on monday after an uloeat of four weeks res ri h abrihara wia 1 ailed aitay laat week to the death bed his- mot icr in toronto she pea id away friday the reverend geolletaaa the sympathy of many frieidi triihia eavement 1 mro t springerf took lastage oa 15th inat for the motherland t invasti ate- matters concerning an oatatjs i wales which be is interested j f a cotter of calgary nwt spending holidays with hismither hugti cottet port kelson 1 wd forste of ibrcnto ouc canadas beat artiste is spepdi ug a 001 pie of weeks ia our midst tbe arish thankagivingjjfoi the blfcee- inga of the year will be held t v in lukes churoh 0 tbttraday j ept sri fjmijrf i ill ft if flunokointotheca on isa c 9 is itra brothers threshing ie met with ate ere accident ko was cutting band 1 and thi 3ga ran smothly for a while h in sudd aly tho main belt broke knockin his st ind from under his feet find letting him d wn with such force as to brpak hit 1 oollar 1 3ne iu two plipes the patient is c oing as rel as can bo eipettted considering the na of the fractnra which is a bad one tbe bloomsbury patroaa of inifni purpose holding on open odg on lion evening the 7th ihstl- the particulars which will appear later farmers are getting aniiaus grain which has been standiu recent rains mr wm rudd near eden with a painful accident oh sa urdav waa attending to cattle in tl e bum ud when one of them struck hitt and almoat at the same time against him from behind t1 1 cattle y ere two young devonshire bulla indpuful but they were too playful far 1 r rude they broke one of hisi ribt georgetown try by of about t cir out in mhla- oet in tbe fib another bt nal the ho principal at the h 8 and mr the the craig ti ke take the room formerly tasjght by pfr hamilton tbe main pipe ia being rapidly laid by waterworks contractors add ev ry day ee big jump taken toward silveror ek there ia ample room for mor 1 men in trenohea mr artx ryder formerly i typo ilalthe herald ofiice now located do rn in p 4i- slyvtma is here on a moatlis vsc1 on seekiog health from our braci 3g cans- ian breezea mr dougald keid aud frknk art home on tueaday after a t ip ex over two monlhsin the not h west the pacific coast kr reiusays homflf om ire- peaches and plums at a delicious figure rev t gee and family gtimsny about one half of acton were at ouef ark last friday the g t r have called a halt on contractors who weretunneliog beneath railway mrs p 11 howe bes retorbed to uwn from montreal and she and url rowe usva gone into their old bom oa u ila st mils tbirz orr of uibridge is at sent at her old home here the attendance at the racesj on tha th wis all that coold be expectei i on acti 1 i 1 amongst oar visitor oa civic holi icy waa one whom the boys are ever gla i to see rev a w richardson 01 braatfi our cricket club are not eve a the iij of oakville a the utter club ave the n a soiud drnbbingon friday it waasugj aat- ed that new bat made fnm wee ing willow will be in order at the esonf d xe meairadr roe and t j wheeled party returned from maakoka 30 6atarfay looting bronzed and hapay schools reopened on mondajv with it ery good attendance mr gibqard ia red ded and hey have been continually oa the o pe i isg- est itop made beingthree day they are much impressed with the c mate of the const bat the country ic no better tjbaa oars says dougald welcoe e home the funeral of mrs godfrel oa sajday waa very largely attended a he dec aed lady was knoivn and held in h gheeteai sera by fll rev jos fenneu o adapted the service 1 i j the clark house has ag iiu cbjai ged proprietors mr tom c ampbell o streetarille carmerty of acto igding ata pasaeaaiopott tuesday civis holiday hereon the is h waa a big day in our sporting aunais l list if the truitejeaot with the winners wugi 1 la he sporting colamna of the ailiec the laoroaae match betweea bri impfoaj and georgetown waa won by oar boyaaft a e bard- fight by t scoro of 8 2 bram iton looked like c sofa winner ijfc 1 ne time but when our etnaaget awake i tell yc 2 had ulitury ckait4skiok i imcs tjlie canada gatt of sitarday thejfouowing change add promotibnai mtlt halton battalia fl ornebif ea ko 2 company slewartou1 0 be uos ten- ant ptoviafoniilir setgl robert graham riot tphu haioer who retire from the service j no t com aay o mp- bellville to b ptia 2nd l eat matthev beattyj jrlee arthtlc jciatk jnea who retiree from the service fw nert audclieap bbjprintini ttafie tauraa estimate aad see ttij jirsywtt job dejp ftmeut sample ifnor floe 1 otk- ii w x j n carried il howevet there remains an o ien pace be tweeo th wreck and the north pier wide enough fir the steamers to jnut if hey feel their waycarefally j cuuarse tits raixt bji a a a large gang oc itkmea with flaring to the were hard at irork cleafiig tbetapprc tch to the bridge at ur f oiling th ovarhaogi ig oar op tie track it raa fouud that the rail were all right auji tee bridge wasfskn tg into poai- tion- maj iag the roadapeu for trsflic again by i ocji ek the most of tin wreckage is still n he canal land will maibigtaak clearing it out 1 trie coal w ii have to be dredged ip and lightered apd he heavy engine ii ed op id a flat boat w this derrick tbe cars hst went down are smashed to piece at d some of the car lioxes floated away there kill bean inquest od the bodies of the kil nearly eerosa tbe cai al fi ul wtllway aoodntt ifuhin jj w t i uliuxdroxi aug 8lt8hottlyb fnrem k blliidlhaaribrllwij tooldi 00 utrsdat the canal th bastotlbto loi the hk of info lives cad maoh damage loptepirtjy n j i abaudy itrncrt train u ti i ca alaflf fort erie forltlerocilo irawaiy a ioe 858 3oudaclg campbell was ini oh rg afid inlur yvlijjatt h11wm puj th engine with fireman w ji oroaoh tl 1 train took the ahotf out jrttoaa a be ichfrom stoaey creek jastead of cotni iri around tha eud of be bay th nlh wi i stormy and a alt was uwjag ftdm th east eagjueee xfauhadbtwli alojig th ret before bat he aeemi to titj got mi ted with the lights and the oofse i da kuess fhsra is iheavy rad-uorth- wi rd towards the bridge and he ran up at a i igh ratei of ipeed j miert 1 a vrysttinjept tale that eve y tri umait com to a itop before reaching th bridge bat hall says he did not think he waa so near the canal unlit it was too lat 1 to do inching heu he shouted to hii firemaai and jumped ik aichil ftcxai engineer armit ronj who operates lie hti jge heard th train ap roacliing and was laat prapartnr to olosi the bridge l en to hia horror he hi aid tka train co ae ihondetiug jon towai da he open ch am it waa all over to an instant ssj 1 armstrong with s ttecneadoaa pli ogs thegreat engine hot iver the brink an i disappeared beneath the black water ni i can went lumbiiog tf ferj it craih after crash lie lights wero extinguished and a terrbtoaienoe fslloive for a few a menu top few map who rushed to the so ne war naxalyaedbv 1 tl eepeatrenee net knowing in the- storm aad darkness wait to do jtheorleabfi drowning- miu w ire heard at if being kwepi along by t te currant towsxda fha bay two iiuoigotiiioii ita hen ho train crew got t getter it waa found th it tha fireman aud a irakamin named i obett shear were 1 liasipg the fireman irobabty jumped 120 jteoaoal for it wa hi orie that wa a heard ad thia man iag his body was f idadjaboat 60 feet frpt 1 thia ferry where ha had sunk the bra emtn wac oa the rsand itn thought list odyj is undar hewreckage both me 1 came from point i dvrd s do toe rest 1 1 th orair bhaw is a married man as bis friaada live as dorchester crouch 1 a smgw j ida the uewsof tb dli r baiog tele phoned i 1 hamilton wreekl ng train with a gang ol men whs sent a oal icar huog aaapeade i over thebnuk pf i be eaal and in the wi ter beaeatn a few tr ooads of coal and wrec tagetrere visible it ove llhe im face tl e carina went dowrs completely out of iff bt and then- the car i popped prer the top 0 it one after the ol icr until the wreck wi a piled u high the surface of the watei which it so feet leep at that pointi- j he train mutt have mep running at a hijh rate nf speed for il imdmentuxa nkv yjattf a la fam yok aog jsmn lubeooi xlalmiiifelo arrived at the bargti offlo t- day from odosss bringing with her hi opildtaa their ages range frpra 1 to s the rubeustelns are in gojdeli enmsunies aud will settle lathlioltj tb f iher of this lulerostlnavfamilycln weoa panied his ohlldren tq thu oodnrj mrs iiabeniteiu is45 voarspld tfldn glil woma aad pretty ed in order to find w luckily s respon sible tie bridge- tenderer i i ei onerated from au blame ia the mater aa every train la 0 dered td stop before re hiag the bridge tr 1 wait unth sigualled to come on milton ill k h lluddy of otnalia nebii spending a few day under he pdrenial roof 1 i mis e dobie of montrea is visiting her sister mrs j batterfield the bank hamutoc 1 mrh p moore of acton va in town on ftida attending the distiict council r tof tie called oa lit mr jai les hollinrakes family returned on monde y from grimaby pari where they have beet rajoyirig themselvc month for the past the re al templars enterti inment on access as an ire financi- friday ni ht last was a grand 1 entertain nent alfhoagh 4 fail ally they si y cdptairi panton did l rnarkably fino shooting at toronto last week halton fair pn oct 8th ancr jth fine weather c 1 the kth iuinoa theutli de- peudon i j- mr ge irgo ifcnair formerly of milton arrived h re this week from all tralk he looks hea thy and says he likes the country very well we hai 3 been invited to attend the meet ing of the georgetown carreapo ident of the actoa fn k puesh and the ec itor of the stformer in the capacity of referee but have mod sally declined we 4ill not en courage jgilum whats in i name more than yoad thjnkfor if little willie stribclls najne had been something else the act pf um being sen up for trial for steal ng a little scrap iro 1 from the c p r co would never ha- e originated we ibelieve in jus tice but t rich and poor share alike mr ge 3 hume is remodelliig hia reai- deuce on queen street this town isnt modern e lough for thi import tnt person age he mat necessarily imp rt material haibot 4c from brampton i j mr ja nea deforest it prosscutiog mr willis 1 nelghbonr foe teiqdiring tallow potau too freeh which he laimtbbe a naluai e in tetucp mrj wi llic has ur dafored ap for keeping pig 1 00 uear hit residence aad also claims 100000 for siaoder he culraa mr defs estsaid he stole chfavens will give yaariult next week ra tated an electric wires bieus gtn sept 1 a horrible accidea occurred at the electrio worlsiin poseh yeaterds r tha oooduutort 60 the roof of the tvocl a werebeing repaired i iy number of emplo eswhsn by some tnii hap the full current turned into the wires and three of he men received the 1 hook two of them were killed laataiitl but llieir bqdle re nained in contaotwi h tbe- wires and wtrtj terribly roasted tie t poke issuing front th 1 places where the w waa only neok wa m p4ijm5 rw the fleal and the forms being fiii htfauydisiorted ttnnned by the ibpck fooling 1 id rolled roin the njf and hia acuuir ilalmrat ien by tbe fall to the ground ffi fau iipatlanil t of the viotlms zl e third man tint lost his tuesday september esty1891 we are in full swing far tht all trde large quantitie f igoods have come to hihd motejre coming bijt ifyov are in need of i anytning fo early fali weair we thinvyi can serve you better thai ifios of people- our stpcko coutjse is never complete be cause we do not buy a wholt sieaspns requirements at once both european and canadiai markets jkeep us constantly touch and eyeyytimeyou cai j6ullfind sbmethingnew i our fmantte room idplc very stocky just now w opened several cases of get man and british goods ftdni- pristng r i- ladies long scotch ulsters withdeep capesi y ladies long pilot ulsters with deep capes ladies russian circulars if ladies fur lined circulars ladies fancy cloth hoi imans ladjes pjush jackets l-djes- military coats la fancy cheviot coats ladjies plain beaver coats ladies persian lamb trijn med coats j ladies astrachan trirrimec coats ladies reefer jackets misses russian circulars missw plain paletots misies plain tweed- coats misses tweed ulsters with deep capes we lave just received advice bf ihipmen of twb eaaca of miasea and children 1 reefetx which we expect to hand in ft l coarse of a few days we just want to s that wa nhall show a stock of goodsin on r mantle rooms that haa never been equllel in guelpb our source of supply fa th very best knowa to u ia the world oa r parchasca aro on an jmmease soale aa i the business we do in thee goods hat assumed enormous proportions be lure aad ceo our mantles this fall ei r b0llert co 25 27 lower wynahm st guelph summer i clearing sal xoif c b u wp specially iuyiteclpaebuy and people with btiey to jibu and j see and exarniae oarfjj n menao stock we have dijl miriedto clear outsumrnergcji evenjat a loss as we consider tl a bettor than to allow- thernsajj e to be eateii up with iath 1 the i purcliasing public cajtjno aftprd toforgqtittie fact thai will giye igenuine bar so tjht it will mitigate acaredty of money and bard ti a fewjlluetrationa drewgr ind dress silkn largest abend of them reduced to 1 price dres goods 3c per ji itillihery to beeieacedout n less of coat hats for- 5c op ties and jaeketsgennine bargai parattols i25c un sateens priii shirtings tickings staple goc di of all kiiider extraordinary er l fingliams 5c per yard orw eerinckerssc peryard jactc ry cottim 8c per yard white 3 u ton oc per yard good ghqckeif shimngs cc peryard cottar loii per yard a fine loppfcar gram tapestry carpetjforjs per yard lacei cartaiiaj grufjfc bargains fitie setts for 5c eeat made clothing tig stock che ij rkccjblue serge snits for lien 6 373 it would be impossibje 0 r lis tcj euutrienttoour stock j uf tf argkius will be i given car millinery aud dressmaking it parttiaetits ace always ready 4 b t ordera mourning and weurli a r o rders especially attended k f4nr furnishings midour otdei ed lottiiiig upartmeni ia ini meiise iuapeutiou rleapcttully invited rouags tjfiete lejeth w mleoll go azoboetowi r rpeetth or the ni ttlirae mouths eub sad x tw per sett ferfeoi fit prutai 1 1 d8trtqnvlup8 y pnriojkneat cott 0od aeton 1 ibiiiims mmmmmmmemmim8m wmpi ait ait3 jhe toward tbe oompietion of marked dawntbousapds of bar- they were before m wphthv ohentio aofcebthw antlre skafsaainieri afanoy blpnakat taadlleaohltlh eati mor jjaoiid iqlnsf iaoed ftonu atjoi i- 5- ve get bern we iriah to dispose o a grand oig abin9 sal lm3tmtvkfflo md fleecy tioii- prioe75e pirni hivy8airuaatrb josire il 5joperyrj al wool grey fliaoelajirjja j i i 1- j fl bargain 00 the gloveicoarifer will sarbtwavyoui glove i fitso par pair formerly kc r o f r mltutf lie worth ai i 1 a i sl i -l- black tkffata mfttaatjl5i worth 2sei n p large mfcty of lace frnrnsic to 20a some wouh tbreei ir3i tbe price i i 1 1 r trimaiingj x sjnd illo many leas ibso half nrioe i really nice gppda see then i f nevrptemfaea before l ni tnnlf gov flaanef yatd qry fuasel at iofl neryars be beet value are everaold khtshlruclyoeacfcrw f pbalee ofifeyrt6ited ssltu laced booub j2 a white knltjftihlnai wotft5o rr fi f- i lo o w ssrfi eheapjaoo- 1 aenpotlrtutetshaperj f i 1 if wtet iswivv- nevamrtjkberthe koofof the v amdft amivmflpli on 11 aide eabak 8aipmsr of syhah beailti vffilhhpzrs l njade meatlea 6hott ftaet8honlder capes oteoaae of nyult aesjette andeghah plash dolman jaeket and wrajpa five ceee pf elegsnt stjlla of ne- iwajgagok jrbotrgh twiie tnavyjlai and black cdetnnieclotha two ciaeajuritle omrtaiettminirt7 irkisu c m s qolowd bengal ifie black and cfflcvejveivetena w iktyir rt v f- iadei in- crtpeatceene artcaerdn twd eaaeei knitted i3cajbtel i btwrad wcstril 55 vs bal otjiwirnfrffi i fs pflclothind iaiytother new stood tffief thejv tors nen to tha board fence corner of king and hagjuoa ihmtjvjiwatbe windowforthipaipe tti r r tr- y breett iuokbi as ave are retiring frbrn business inaoltdii arid moving to tdtonfove offer our stock- f iry goods readymade cipthmggeritsiw n fact vnir ran crpf trnnrljf ifivrntf raim fiorfrfltk sforuitiiisf ia n 1 rparaa anfilmvinftlav jln fact you can get goods ajtlyour own ngureyfe stock- must be jrekt 30 days i- 1 cleared 4ii iwithin die vm tdtimeis sttorjt and thgbjidsitltistgd sd idwlfor bargainslri rens youthsboysand childreas suits and qvercoatslom coats pants andvests overalls suspend ers socks hats caps tiescotlarsctiftli white lcolored i v shirfs- unherirvear cottdnsi cottpnaie prints tweeds flannels towefs towelling ticking shirttngssiiitangs antings l r l l t v as our store r orderj5lptiiirig iii make ypu asdlt or overcptrkt fifty pr cent ittssthai f ypu can geb elsewhere thissiiaplwillpniylast asilvoftwhile 1 j so makethfejbest of it i j k i htsisa f kpw for bargains 1 owfor bargains i j oxlv8 1 l vi -iv- is to rent or sell possessiori giveniheistpf october r afsd twtj fine brick dwelling hpesituatedin tjie finest part of the town with lard anc soft water and good stabliqg iso several tdwr lots for particulars cerkiernihg property apply to patrick k6ly esqior at jfle a 1 our time islshoitwe aslc all wkoareiiidebted to us to se iajt once as e lijust r mve eve ything straightened before gdngawkyj we are biisy niifrkittg dovyn goodsiaiojiij jvl aie- m iv- u horn m progress iv t mm j ij i mow for bargains but 1 we do taken into igether the brightest confidence llnd isrcaloaht j l6wtakepini r custom and your conndeace ihould go toa napping dace la awbilei yaa cant be on the ali tide which ukeoat the flood lead on to fbrtaae well oar ulster eloths are having a rising tide of rapid sales- there isnt a fortune in them far yon bat tbiarava bigger return than any similar purchase ever sfiorded i you they wont take iniyou can bar them tnthyottt ejeehut- veajemakiiiasneculdriveaf hiptonette and clavenette m mi clrijy -i- h aa a special itavor wehaye the privilege of i nurchasing the- hlptoivette v water- proofs romf ho taannfaptdrera hiptoti broi of leadaj englaiidi ibus avdngitaarcujtbmeriathi wtiolesaiemeiv8 profit barthis tact in- mind lit will tayyou 1 i r r money- r r itj trill do ypd dbdto tee bur assortment or plaid strnpud and ijaintjl8totgtbi people look wbetr aefr ra entibn v price v j 1 v 1 5nd llllfyndlita atqual li mowidtiaijmow- r vv v m ay hoiv were thtfy evtrmarjefor themonfiy tiathe guestiotiwe lieard aaked y r j 1 our jvindowbf 5 cknt prints is attracting general atteutioiv aud no wondef people were glad tppay ior and m lcetrts fpr ttje tame gjoods tendayago u f 1 oartcentwiucey wv wuv 1 luvyi wwov ku- deniugihe hearfffoflhrtfty nouse wiye8 we sbldihe s4meiic cjants butiare now tf etlring jttiem iftitcfentev i r ifflatt j it j i si m isalsoglad- h- r ls tea vwiimjis w a iai3

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