vi i f ftj jxtoi jfcttlf rcis jj ratorrdk icattfojuti e4k r 4 yi ciwfp if a r i wott utve i jw i1 vi 4ij lo we i tjc vtitel tbritvi tinlef i oi tfcth1 rkllft uttli tvurt im kutiirr niilitnj rln jv i tint hrtojtftttiitht ol j0 vl 1irti iwf cat llif ttfm iu- hk fen ant wrr- ttck lb voi liw khcwtw tt icic lr lr v ntnifti illl irinh ectricltyin warfare bomiiitrelinijeiptiatcphve been mmf lip e urf of hi hcitvtrto teat ujeegissry of tubt milt mil s itdefense otitic if protchet i o the port nf liverpool f4r sortie ditihe mrney volnulwr pivi too lik mnjnr mcntgomrrj command- iag denltcd thru elve ti- aving down mine- in diltci at spots iudtiio major with lure pert s- of officer ted oibttti- iauretted proceed 3 oat ia tie war office ttetroer ledy ha ifitld to te ho these m ne boald be efcetricslty exploded and note ui effort one mine in iron bat coetiirncg ico pounds o gun cotton bad brn laid at a depth of is t of water off rok koown a lha bed noses aad eketricatly codnecied with perch bock battery is well tt with a beoy 100 yards otft in tte stream the steamer struck tfunt chis haoy m electric bell immed- itjely race the bttry tod the mine va fined itmi seemed to bo rjricticily iq tttrjttaeaat tnd the malttrt thtt a rodtlv constructed rtlt plicxd orer tbe notes herean there itamk of 0wrl urutrwt to ff tk1 mjipj 1 th follwtng f enph mulw otwtlug wtj sh bt mi d au nhfcti y utiiplmiltat to lh ptltli t mwjtiwifjotihbult writ b a ktkl comfort lathoil iha ibtvi to uka ibnttly 3o i tlrani toliiiian of ettttiitot liqttorioe mtttojt ute ditw- tbutrtle of tlost jlepptctoeut fuf dicfjjwi ult ata utotepum ndtc uilk it to ibtltr of the bluer lu at tttvuublud tlove thttat eant cutor oil con be ufccu if betlen iud lhoroorhly mtted uh thewbite ot to cgk anpthtr method afiririg ths mawoat ttito of ctutor or pod liter oilwt to pal t taipooqfd of ttimiiijrtoraote juicoin inerl ait into xhfl centr of tlwjaios thmar few dropi of lemon jntobapoo the oil tfid ruli tomoottlio jiiwon the dg of the ultit around ti6 houso pioe of licorice itid trootid where knit run ic rearttvnended sterincuee thoald s mt on puddint tfter they were tlfcutly cool tt if the pud- dtnt bo hot the jesu will liquffy lb oiokinciejettilm tlvityi remembci tlttt tuilini ur evtporntm rtpldlyoa the tpprocrlj iif vijuinnr itif u it i rkin i old uewiikptr toru iu imtll pieces tud wet if wfict tot teped hy the tdditisn of little tmmooi ire exoelleot to wih itiop chimatyi t remore icrt tih tod bruiiee from faroftare rab theta rootly with a treth valut batttouf or hickorynut kernel tndthey will dippetr u if by mtctc a little memorioditm book or tltte to h tifehes i great conveoience for buy housekeeper in whicb to write a lilt of thing needed for the kitchen tod table till uwti bm hr vvhw p pit tin aowtr uu of utaju dwtw rat i iloodi samparlua eoholnilt ly protm that thli mdon miktt th nk i w ij j jit dotk not tot u i julpfta anti imf aia- abhtliiat tirwgih kal itoodi bi tipardli blilldi ap at ptrfwuj tulattl y alight wttkaoed ptru pari flet iks b yi and tuiitt lolnvltbjf aotloo thote linorljil orgtn th kidqtwtv llr vf- ut that juita u apou iftlle owii more tohe ttuiect wlidons ihaa ht thai bjknwv dw left hint data to hit ftthertci ro i a ua toolwcff tppuoauonffer ouu kolf i d brulmtj j and adte thert li uoiiir he ituitu viqlotkctrbqllosthe arp you oaf or tliiyia ulcr from uofwtt thjj bead then iciid h cojtiump aid xwlll hod a vtfuthl ti eatittj containing fall pawaltrt for liohtc suns which coiti compairiunly roi o ttt hurled h was tttv to tee noilling tlio cu iplnndid ork oq daaf i cu and 4 d jtccy ikue q uiuse mpatreal i no b r wld the rnanafactireti cant cell haroodi at that price im jr not a freebooter i i uukdc ck blood bittfuts for the blood l jhlkdqck ritood bitters for the blood bubddck lilooo bittebel for the blood i bcbdciftjr blood bitt er8 for the blood burddckhlood bitteksj tor the blood the thi it ktttd iflui op in fragment to a great heifht with a vtat vol a me of water what woald have teen tie fate of a ship puoed in the position of the raft ecpeciarly iif the irdo box had oou- ulned i full charge of cin cotton letter mine were hud jwith relatively equal eseett a hundred minet are laid in icer- teyaa port defeueet 1 1 l l- i new rail in burmah ttm new railroad line in birtnaof from the aea to if tnitlt j it paying i expentet and 7 dlndeods a well abough it patka tilnxih a conntry wcere white men wouldnot have dared to travelrten year i t0 railway entirprite uarft alwayt thriten in bdrmah and tbereiioota rail- roadm the coantryi whicll u cota profit y able property the french emnlatjiig burtnab will tee what railrnadfl can dofor the developmeot of tonkin they have jot- opened the firtt aeetion of thtir new railroad from pbaltnf thpoor to lane son on the chioete frontier thit line nattea throofih a large region which wa abandoned by it iohabitanu o acaonnt of pirates three yetrt up tbe jtceocb hats been makings it aery warm for the pirate of itle the country ia becoming protperoaa actio and i ow villageaare cpringing up it ru itkely that the newcoad jot goiug icto prat on will awaken the resource of ttnkln- 1 orrtilrotd aem to flourub in theae odeul al countrie if tbey haveljalf a t v- i- chance cc mpresseb tea tablet te is mtcuftctured at htnkow in ftctociet belonging ito banian firm there it t made of the fined tec doit procurable the aeteotion of the duct i the work of tkalledi expert the coat of the dutt varie from lod a poond upward thi doit ic manufactured into tablet by iteam machinery about two donee and a half of doit an peered into a ttael moald oa teet cyl inder the duct u poured in dry withoat tteaming and the preesore srooghtto pear ittvo toox per tablet great care it required in the manufacture tm paciiog of table tea and the coat it enmparatirety hixfil the tablet are wrapped fini ia tinfoti 1hta hi erpemure and attractive paper wrapper and nally packed in tinlined cu for xport to buttia i tai tea it i tated lose none of it ntvotcj bel4 raaaedfnto tablttl tad u tablet tea ti pfy oneiixtb of the balk of tie feti tea it it mot oosiiemetlbr tratelera and also for importing into the remoter region of eoaia not going the same way the heir dr withertpoon formerly of princetotrn war once on board a packet chip where among otber paatengert iwi jrofemed iatnaitt thiunhapp7 man hit ph jmfcf a4 tt bwao6iicl eabjtjtj faft u at be cpttld ft tbatit to iutaffrhvmnc4tlwttutmvuiij and a future cttte not he by and bye there came in a terrible etorm and the proepect was that alwojd bf drowjied there was much consternation od board bnt no one was tojgrtatlt frigtitesed at we profeteed ataeicf in the extremity he tooght oat tiie clergyman and foond him in the cabin calm mod collected in the midst of daoaer abd tbu addressed hip oh dr akttiefo 1 were all going we haie but a thort inie to tiy oh how tbe iei rocis were all going dont yon think w are doctor the doctor tutneoj to bittj with a solemn look and replied in broad scotch nae doot nae doot mani were a gtngin bnt yon an i dinna gang the same way the easiest way to clean lace ias an o3 lice maker who has woven many agoaeamer web for jtbet connoieeenr of laoee time ifodjesktj andjia tangnt the fair ahfeatlofuiiionioide of the daintiest pattern her left iogera delight a ndoing giree thi simple ireceipe or lace cleining spread the lace oat crefnlly n wrapping paperxhep epfiukl it frefully with cal cined magieie place anotfier parr orer it and putkajj beteatb leave of a book for two or three dtt am jt mode ia aikiifaltliilx tokttter iik white powder and theu it is ready fnf ieesjr erifb ajoier thread intsctand nsrefhiaswben new mrrlae etsgobd as- failure fadder vttra all dia in de pepem about marriagevst a failure t cg ray fsaci yjtt ft too yoan ootirely to knowaoised min 6nnj i i batfadder i rant to keep kted veil and wljet vt at i mast dell your pretdref tbfta narry re5 n woman mtrsh f to itimta a iocrf a faihre i ng about marriage big boy now and i baft 3t narry real rich qr4 r ft tb aaaity mm- rrr al he mini e qivca up o dial well lets tee what saved bim fultoo njy u s a jan uary so 16s9 i suffeied a year and a halt with rheumatism in my limb uied crfttohea and was gitn up to die by prom inent pbyaiojans st jacob oil cured me john wolcott whether young or od thinkit neither too sooo nor too late to torn over the lea tea of your past life and consider what yon woati do if whatoa have done were to be done again the toronto kane fur iururamea parkdale otbt feb ttth 1883 gentle men it give me pleasure to let yon know i hare derived great benefit from the ute of kerviline i have been a great sufferer from keurahrtaj the face and last two years wa quite a martyr to the malady so soon at i observed the kerviline adver tised i obtained a bottle from our druggist ifetcrs john gray 4 co parkdale and the tfiee t was marvellous pain ceased and i can enjoy aoand sleep at night sod rise refreshed i cermet speak too highly of it and heartily recommend it alexsteen everything by start and nothing long- initial letters henderson i i p4e df fbe toroak wtni dttir free nmcmumsnparlorle t ul so oxford st oramdrs r f on ocoattoruls tounlirerat and llsn i so wttlln that it seems s work i j new vi utej htcwcoatacuitb unit is no ed tori viipt sdvertisementt it you wat t to bay or sell any thi ig if youwaptiiifitiooi nfeahanic t buti- nect mact inety lodgingt it you hi lost or band a ly thing or if you want to tad vt tbatsj inyonti is tdrortim ii ibp tew routo bail i ifif and rd the td fertile- mesta on he third page of thttjjjaper this charguiiirwa cent a wordj cfi in ieriiooj- i ddtw tumail tojcn 3ao- tda he wbr do roatdiain my irother mortjlsta yoa di kit 8hbeciiie he doetrit try to tlujf oorarade jlor tireral nan ijurt ntoommetiilfl i kowixr paaoilka l h kewtotkcitr aos poswairr rt jfoiuut tfniairi kv yoaa fi re if any a the jirottt attaokl ol bbolert morbiu cr imps yiatr7 ooljo oorne taidehly a the night aid apen y and prompt me ant raut bo used agiinii thorn droiei iexttmt of wild b trawl lirtjf ut the remedy keepit at hand for ex lergeo- oies it never tafia toee or relievp itiseasj to nici flaws in other work bafcji u mote profiubie to doj bi work yours f coxsvmfti jx cuifkd an c ipsyiiatin t if rod fifom prsftioe having iid placed fa ill btnie b r anjeut india liissfoiiasythe formats oft eiraple vegetal m remiidy for i ht tnd per- raafaen carspf const aipiion bronchitis ctitrt i asthma and all throat ind lang affectio w utd 4 posit ivs tnd radical cars for her joat debility i ad til norrbus com plaints lifter having tested its wohderfal carttirl powers ia thi asaode of oases bat fell tt h k cjaty to mad e it known to all hit lafferlc i tellowt ad attcdby ibis motive and a tairc iorelievi human luflering i will ten j free of ohargj td all whodealre it thii m jpt in3rmar frenoh or english with f ill- ditectiona for prenacing and using ieit by mill by addtsmingiwllh itamp namlog hie p iper v a korcr 6 poi iera block k chaster nil- ur hot bell of icetsrt scott bell pr prietot jt the txtngham furniture factor j wijite j foi over oh year i wa not fre dnj dy froo haadiche i tfied inti iledicioeli thoight paldgirerae reijef at did oat d rive asy benefit i then p txo red aj bott e ot korlliropand lyman t vegeubte d soever and began taking i dcocding to di eckqas when i toon found t e headache lei vfngrie and i am now cni iply ooitd f-i- ihjolunh u stew t w its m luouif ti mm tt4 twi ti sal nlear tmstiw urn hi ml i4l to us 1 v woi isiu oser tatt i at stat two tottlit ralx ut a talviau raunn m iui w itctsr nftnt win 1u wl a ibr xf aitl u t0 toim i t a stooum m c ibs aotuioe 8t wtw torohto oht l wmm nrnxanr 4 c v wvrf w titt bplowdrl pkiad8hlbtlkab ap i i aikuotwowatalnilt j a yiart- i henderson mcrae st go it ft otorjtllbrjtiid tyemmmm i ii- e j dec roche t arlhabaskaviue p qs rile thir eea ytrt iso i trac seized s itia severe at lack bt rhcamitism inrlhahjad f roof tthh k i nearly onmtant- iytnff ted until aft r having nted df kany pjoplo make drag shop of their hhomai elfrio oil for nina days balhi uilburna arotoatic quinine wine is dis tinctly saptrior to any oiher as an appetis ing tijaic andf fortifier if yon want ti boy or sell a farm ad- vertiaein the tdronto fthy ifuif that paper reaches 1000co farmers homet every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of ictneenswho want to par- chsfl advertfsecaent of this oiii are n serted in thetojwnto rtchy utilise tm cents a word etch insertion or twenty cents a wordfo five- insertions address the isfail tororito canada laud of the aijss church coogrega- tianii singiag vsea baby waa rf ne etnitr csibrfa vrvaitetiaouuclecrtriforqwtarii wltan ishe became jcsc site etansj ia osajoric t ifi bishop johvil vincent did of boffslo kx aayt hy advice ia don t dance dpn play cardtlf dont go- to tbttheatre even wheoj yoa prove that there i nothing necessarily or ettentilly wicked in the things we calf a social dance a game of cards play at thetr the fact remain hat each thing represent an institition and that these institationsthe dance the card table and the theatre an the whole do more harm than they do gxxl svcftrutainii cie araojiua hot o please himself bnt to do good to other therefojev he thoula not encour age in the sligbteat degree any institution itttofl tiie whole ioetjoiocktmore trtbxittebi fmloirc ot the hand or face with what i known a poison ivy especially in hot weather or if the body it perspiring freely thetroahle may tab tide for a time only to appear in aggravated form when epportanisy offers the great psriiying powers of hoods sarsapacill fhoroagliiy eradiaate every trace ot poison frbmj the blood a the caret it ha aoconh plished conclusively show it also core scrofola taltrbeum and all other affections arising from impute or poisoned blood kotkenitudifcrtes al who have tbe care of children should 0p that dr fowler extract of wild strawberry may be confidently depended on to core all jammer complaint diar- rbj dysentry crampt colic cholera infantum cholera morbus canker eic in children or adults ifcdetty alwayt abarmsbut it doe not always eaptcre i ktntncs ualateal rarrii barns etc flo the cod that hap tocure the cold fhe disagreeable tasteoflhe coduveroil fsdissipatmfa emuls iotipare cod tint ioli wt hyp0ehfj32htjmi xcmitvf ctnjesf cr4t tate k 0ur jtt drvwltt ssc loo ot ifiude dentlalty lutntcht in the attempt to reliera efople atu k ot livercoropltint wh nvily a dote or ti o of dr tbomat ecfecf no off thcoompla nt might be easily and li asant- ly bbviatd jcific pile barta eorni lame back nd wi ijled neck are also kmoos the troublef which it caret bight ko ion pies in ctampe co ic tm mbrboa ek extract of vifd core msov bo ti remedies ae it lain doctor what ia cret of bea rty 7 family physician be boitj pretty coofi- ollie kijltt iringfrom right rioci diarrhcca dyantary ier complaint ewera bt remedy it frwler wberry an or ociple that a itaret kever travel vfithoat pmuphjriwperameitfy rbtztrjskatxsic lambs re kiiptchk taadiaei ne1xltlart3rft sore ttt at swi ftiic frottaii ev scs je 4 it x a j sprt tlrausc bants scalda pild uf iritm jiiid dialers fiverywl ere fiffiii m fluids lamrtiu arnii vrt i m01vd i j amialc j stomach tnu6if tridigestiok i huea saut stc m- acfn gtctd irians heartburn contiel- patlort fullness food jrtsli daagraeaala taste kervo ja nets i i i at drocgltti nadjdi5iknor wntfly miilou receipt of 01 co f- btixis iwt in eta una ijciwtfttairtateittj at c c btcaxute j hid the musoutofntyhandsoooi krac- tfi thai i conld cot use it for two ears uiyipis i lrximrs- cured me and io i have the meof my hand a well at eyer dalholitie fsfrt eicnni feinalea cjci bicaitf i i btf tr colt so bad with mange t rat i feared i would lose him ilrsisbi uxto4redrnmliae cntgia dalhoasiei 6niiitqihen sicviiefs it is to live twice whtn yoa can injoy tfie rccollectictfof your former life iffe in ee healthigiving herbs barks root and berries arc cttef ully copibintd ia bui lock blood bitters which regulate the secret ona purify the blood and renovate tnd trot gth- en the entire eyetem price 1 a bott t g forlfj less than one ceot a dote l no onecan be hapby wifboqt a frisnd and on one can know what friends he ha until be is nnl appy urwfct nver wrighi p j dyepepeit for twenty yetft tried rrjtny remedies and ioctdreibufi lidt nofniief mx yuy poor w adfsti tao ing ptin in hu ile and stomach and gad nal wasting a ayot bfim ben hehi ard of7inlftiafmeaiciy conmcaced takitig northrop si lymans vetsetalite discov ry tho itiii have left and enjoyment of btcellent quite a nevir man i i- rfjmces iin the i fact h i is ifrt tied u claimed ft nauy nnadsd rettmamala etc ittht- ii icboue kltvuk co ujtv jfc iorpattsjon srt fotti rxanlnion lorn ssor tradeitii rk r4- io the teal etc whin i wascomplecely cured t id lave only t ted halt a bottle purely itrtjtf ictoaerjconjiection between good baa it commonly good natati begahteihelivtr and bowel by the jo- diciaat ite of jktttooi iiijt they are rgeuble p sarah xa ilitll king bt klngtlon salt i wa tfllicted with ci nolo rheaima ism for years and used nc foeraqs medici ne without sacoeu bat by t a ae t of g botl es of ba rdock btood bittert wit entirely lured toqaai hied w th the above named cab certify o the facte atatated wade dtaggat kings ton oat night owl ttt i oat long enough he uiej early bird if he beoomee axygenhjid tf yottj fortsie oaeo weak is for ha i fie of tpptret t good worm pon dcrt destroy tnd re- mt withoat ii jury to adult or in- freen nova w dr t a f acorns email ilono pare cod it vec oil v e tighlaeiu the chastjuie it y all draggiait he most fata temptations to the twilight deyiat ion from the truth fmt i those of the gentle a xwho have experi luoed tl eipeini tnd tu noyanoo caused by oooriitik nippii i u inflamed bretsu aui well appreciate lh value of a remedy thlehrsnoves the troible this is pre- itely vhat dr tho iaa ecleetrio i oil toes bei idea corioi w lea used internally uthma croap and otb x maladies adher rigidly and undevietingly to ruth b t while yoa ej press what is true xpreat i i in a pleating sanuer- truth it he pictt re lh raannei it the frame that isplayt t to- adttntagi i ampt detph give flollijwaya coi emoted rithoutii at will ii lagain the 0 iaa grove ba irrap for ithej prudes 1 1 care a trial it corns fro n one pair of feet y bain whit it has done once if those beautiful if y m yrtnt one 1 rinted pongee- silk i resse at 25 cent i er yan write at on to the lioa of ruelph i ar samples et closing 3- cents in wddretjj d ptss eemedr orc starrii 1c uu rteu ffchespest hers dontcare a wllluusos sco catarrh natbrmilisom r re jus ro zta not man xnt to top- uuta hero btafa lickkawrtft ih ua vont i fatttir to rtup- utom a mlast iota taiciunly rxmct lwaa dthn hrt jttati ctrrr gtvl m boctld osf tar laiaomtu tfatce j 36 adeujqe st trom ceitatnaao ikij aawbalt 1 airilv bti ti or any injurfaas bttvtp obtoi out i i i riitrir 1- ml rounds dobbie barralfai braedhlioaslirwtjjiij it b cue hardened breech and rnoonengi- few set dlrcolal i i m rii -i- i 1 7s with to call the ilfeatioa of spocl imea to what we style oqr it 12 gajrft top laverj lamiaatecl iteel barrel iohok bored extension rib rsboandiii hammert well teleotedjputol rip wafnat stock and patent snipfsra end checkered riibher heel slate a good dote hoofer rith kxj loaded thella any iha or gat e wad rproof canvas oarer flannel ifhed ith handjs- a- tialwq20q0 1 inhraft f jtnravtn jkj 00 ajm is nvm ififzlf frl i uo ponwvjt3fllii abincfattio 0 am is tw ikbjtwtrnt 4 1 t juiuk kk pu- dtwpis irecl4iiai 7 l i w m si m fl m lqratr and i- comjnctlrtth instructionvwjmij 1 s m m adttj eghas stark x iwlo line its intd the belief tlc tho same goods fltnhb sftniaiirice elsewheie as at the ijow 3 mistake ttiaijjofie iaodtiiy necessarily ai another provided it ts that too is a mistake colore are eqaally lfasl mistake in baying st black piieyidf r make only dnq- raistalce o htiy an iraitatioij if gpjodas is heavy tfciatt is also- ft najvy or cair t is 5 and 7 wyndham stqneipfi ii oswald staiaggow we guarantee ourserge to- he i t the real cheviot goods itid the d je absolutely fal therefsnoth- p l ing to eqrial them for traivelling or boating saiuin4sqi- parable ntitjr itapi thcy wont mase wop wont hoid the dds tfceyite jdst i- i r the thing this ago j wants- and tse lion selislthem socheap mi the largest- 8b3le 7i tiririn cjufisibsi pyeo i ijy8italesi j dirajltr sckles l- i j r fea itpmp srowcasi ueneir i ffvii f6m tt h j jum simaar imut c wiu80h a 90 f 60c8pij4fstcet ifr tairssaievv err kaatoi wjitsi hi lj wrnvittr twmii j p raijlamso qaixadij can ftirnisyou aviththe country ansatldwi piiitersj reses for country ws and to1 workt6cehid lathis indestha tot any otfcer new linderpress the ff uitry prputypfesis unlocks allfhelogndiiateiiriiss 1 bowels kidneys ianiillterc osgradaalljr trlthhnt vfoakaning i yf t tem ltbc baiuritis jfaul 1 wwc- sm offfieeocretionk at tosame tno lxhtvj4 tettng 4dd pt iiscaehss pisnlsi kearl lwm- ttnsttpatlotr tt the slrjn dkpsyrdlmpessofiyisicm iaa dieeealtllieainx r ftaiiinuttcrla of vrjasness and general deb i tksw tfld manj other lyieldlo the happy infl odbitteas i ttir suit ayosieojttt m m k mm w m vm lurynf m hbetk6m and cleveuw 0j ltulstbate6 paatphtirrk p ii mm free press is priritecm he above p no 1560 drumgylihc bt ress carriiobetter newspareipr poster wbf kv wehfy ran he proaty for eight yein w c ithi ionier we ran it the beterw1ikb it it is sinipl eaty 0 ron sity on eailr lo haadjp ootti little fdc repairs and iiiati n the printer atoeket boot we call i ahsbe ptettts be ha4mth it 14day fori fts money coma and see oarj p ess jt w rk it yoa desire sample ot work sendjfot th im and wttl g adly an them wattfl give votyonrohoioiofibtmbirfqf 1 iffenksirasandstyletof preweiitau prioet 1 1 it i t ht of it i anew 8 cpl to tpli i gz col qto powerpress foir o if teotp 760 orjant8 colsvtbk ressfbf f8oo fnlliparuculars fr6jx- i b-tk- is ik i-ri- mmm