4 the5iethmst0hrbch aotok rev n fdo i gtrs jojjeps edgfe pkstofc rto ifcipoirtataor irtm v simla l k it rdialli imltet barvk of hamilton read office hamilton ill t st 16ljicoaji i i 1 1 it n 1 h ti m str tutm iris fit ill it i r if t x n i i al it u i i i 1 lit t 1 ivul iitvri f i otorqetqvfn aqe vote i r rttol il miibm ttifl ob d wjc if unlu plum c alliasio iibto hoi ik l al it li t aujin vl ar faill trl tow icril lc terras i tctt on 111 i 1 i 1- if t ol deivml te 4t trntft wrj fn i da tlrl i fpj tul 1u10s1ts u vm j t rrrrtt n c inw h u w vtson no its stock wit old i lir itt geo jjyjigs cknk- at geo kynck dilmc rings at geo eynd prekontsatgeo ih nd 6t geo ujnds at gqo huids at geo ijnij at geo hi nils at gei 11 ud wlj s e n etr n ihoner wall paper itirfow shade lurtam poles 1 h iiifcufiodb firs class geo hynds sln of the big watch che cton f r gss thl f3da1 m g 1j1 little local brieflets which caught the easor ears of free press reporters this veek h hi r jtt nf od ilf tui il i tl i anett 5 i eit ct ccr l ill ml 11j kj jltl c n t- h n iei d i fall c 114 lbronio tihtb tioa ofhrns s week froci neit mendai th otcrt list la tbjs rcunictpaliy as routed on the jlat tnt nutty to u letj ttree ceuls u beiu ptta here fcr bet tbii wi a kit kill be he 1 it the jcrega t achcrcb chsrcb hill tn era ice fcolicot 6dder kill lecture to gatlpb tdrrorrawetenicn on life on the rail jarmere bricg joar train to cton toe bejeca caat joar graju and will pa bipteti taarkti price for it tfr fcaeuerfet tit iinnkor at d o prarrrti at jrimbm i ark atlrantctl n am ra ocr c uzejo the pt week nearh all the tpi rls in t n went to georceorn on tneeaa afterrioo to wit ceei the hilton v oeorcetom cc tet the jiterary and rnasial entertain rnat pf the hpworth laa will be held on wedawdty eienm hseptaber the literr aad musical entertain tnentof the eptrorth laoe will b held fatiur oj einedai eienin b september i rluc mr jjbn stfpher 6 who bs resided tr 1 a for sjm ears dld on ucda eie tng fcftertn till ess o ojisidcjab duatioj dexirb a tlson ahill hie cmrrenced cperutiona on the frsui market here mr william hill will superintend the biicine t a cow d ed irida night on mr hermits farm thu is supposed to be anober cje of anthrax gaflph thrall gaelpb centre exhibition is follow n the example of acton tjoion tndwlll opet tie exhibition the rst cienicg j the 1 ubiic the tnnaal thankssmg sen ice will be ltld in bt albsua cbsrch bd iridai evening tth september the re canoj hlockridge al torpntti will prsch tue temperinca efening gneo bi ihe lpworth ltae on xsedtj night re loll of interest the proaamrcebid exclnsne reference to the qnny traffic and the tem pencce uote the pconj meeunfi of the ontario branch a the domlbion alliance will be be d in ktchmpns hu 2o ficbcntjcd weat torpoto ontuetda september 1 1 commencing it a id tbe remeini of the late llaud mo re o gcelpll who lned in acton for several er8 were broneht to acton on mondai rorsgie q to bo wd ccarlers r bjoeainf for interment tier- farmer one meets these aas it tilkog of the price of wheat and the wild at cpinons are erpre sed regarding the tgnretbatjiu be retched the yed w this locality er satislactor the nsjtvt home vw ripi r nr trtin tho tu- niimojr of t lllwr nbliih i u h 1 1 x 1 urch slbbalh brlool miiiftiliiul i tlltl r v ll 1 i r i b t u l f lw tlniactfr on ttvera tics the balanc uiiil tilled uu etieral tvliaiiui tlwlton iho ieraio itteid iic cttlickcliool fortbo iirat en mouuii o tjie prcktit wai ui and the tne oollictton si 17 iho jubilee kruccs ud the fourth anniveriarj of iho iniuelton if jtov j piur wrorred u it slioou bo a kelcomo ublicmion to the membcr cf tho clilth nd ho 1 ibo lame 0 the editor or the trouul l ihue tiro not reiealol the rarrtibirnof the i u aid of tho methodist rliiinh are to be cklilrtluuttd uwii the suic of their urn sojal of tho mm last lnla euiiin 1 attend and as good ami ue proceedincs tlioiiughli m lable i he irorammo commenced with a number of selections bi act hi trot iund an tho chnrcbhtwri tter nlncli ttl wis fined b tho ladies in the schoil ilooni fter lea itev mr ltc top the chatr and vanoua musical aud lttcrarv nuinbtr were rendered faoj tui due cteiib4jbiljxe uemi trt od huoro jlr gt e kelson gna erj ttcejient retdiiji n did also mies lome ifcpetghc aud krh p moore and the chairman s addreu was brief and ncv ihopxoceol utroibont 50 sir hi nrj r irr iri jctcd a week ago last fencdai s r ikiin tiler 1 resident ol thet t itailnn and till s ttltmfevl tfci anglican chnrcb at 1vli hdward after tlmoeniu crviee the nimicter uncojneed that owin to ill health there viould be i eiemiig seruce mr llirrv 111 r it eer arooe ana com pleteh urinj etcribjji bi liermg to cmduct the iitiiin scrm i it it should be agreeible to all llf cotirtt it wa and prompui oi tiim sir jfenri wiib in his pljice and atl olciated preachm an ex cedu til i ra ical fen wl i lleulaakcd to rach again last sjuda ar d ery ktndu canseotad it is uij th he onco studied for the mtnwtry and wu orcjamed it rcrealung to lairn tint eien railroad pre ideuu tttitnsomo of their earh piety sr j tut sanidy theceritaotiieata celebrate the erection f the crmc on bt jowph churcl ust hunda veref oondacti with more tliin usjil soleiujtty rev father lam r cr oftiuelph whoanui foar iut o lid beet actr i the j in 1 for ll irt t ij its an 1 lias in trjaleutal n uutumug tl t attractiie edfl c in fthieh the coi gre- uaion now worship- wife pre eut for the o r aid ajjri a s fei words of elccomc n t 1 l rcrs strmtn c ti 1 eltit tl l i rote heirs to chnt an ti rticle3 bj i a 1 sber lcui lu the eieuju a rtai d benedtiou nas giieu eu a eermon on the life tt jeph u aa preached b ri rathe o i js tin ch n of tie churcl i a a- i i 1 u th mu cal ort u cf th c ucc ti t ters iron toroi to n tbt cla i ojelf nj m mc to wrt lit caic 1 ina tia cjrihl trb i int mr 1 l i hi j ra itn i a t 111 i irl v ii tit t j i at 1 t mi urai 1 i gta t t r r sunt t ii 1 t 11 a o t t iitd m di t itt itli nf h i rt acnneifi lh bert d cd l k in t r j rt t u j rt- kct cf lb 6 t uq r h eji cf mr laftrft km ei ai i h r f coi i i r or b mc jeir- mr k r t both 1 bten rk r a ri ti t rte it cit tihtl4fcierlauckfi of ilrt v1 c perejptibh wc kei cd hip j re io sh r bast form mr kednnd xa t ra ti h ernt69 shire ound n an bxclfctio thinks there it ohnthiog ron wiiu tb cfacnill utketc afi ihlog kcathomtniitcr gst flvo dpllitt tad buttiptuouji ditinor for pccforrafa tho mkmfcga creqwuj which onlj lkeg ftte imitnitcj lnl tho pooaitot u inked lo fptmd to liour m ritlnu up k notice and to l up r hut of tfvecta do and ho only jcts i piitj of oako whloh if ho eiu tt i apt lo ujket hn dicativntipifatui for tlie iiet threo munthi during iho present ajmrnoe ovcil vorj uoccuful kardn partiea hivo bcoh held in tint towuihtp with u39 combined viw of proudtur pltafant outlogi br tho ncjhlxirhood nd sectjritik ftnincn for varioua uorllij otytxl the oakvillo star hb he following to tay o o io hold las vreck thojjardcn party utiiler tho directfon jf tho apjl6y boatfof lemper anooon iho uwti of wm lucai apejbj wab a grefct tuccab karly in tho dwuidk the coiupati eommfeuced to qatber and di 1 not stop until they had paid 6142 60 to tho gate keopors in 2t cent pitoei the 11 u mm at ion o hiid decorations vrkro at tjractioly urriiloj col kern pi p l cbairmau and read out a grand programme kdok church jubutc bunday and hfondty were dab af pec a liar intereat to uie mernbora and friends of kuqx church and sunday school lud tbe kernels o the to daji w of a highly interetiug chartcter bew j ccfcof the first presuytenaa charch tjoadon preached nxcellent wnnon on sunday morning aud evening to ery larjo congre gations and in tho aiteruoon ad d re i sod the children of tlie sabbath school captnatmg their attention and holding it throughout on londay evening a comniemortttivo ta meeting wt held nod again the- chnrcb n as trfcll filled tea was eoned in the new claeu rooms after which the etenings programme wan proceeded wjth ret mcsrs i dge and rae made shoriiddrebsea but tlie speclli nf the eeuing waa delivered h he mr clark on the aim and ilei ebla of the society of chrfatiin i ttlnor tho choir ditoourted salable niustc the proceeds were in the uetihbor hood of 10 he at after a pirccj a ood btor concerning a promtnent onng man in town was tnld in one of oar minufnctort the other day b his father the father hawpl occasion to villi a uorthtri iowl jeft the oaug jnan in charlt if iiil bupjiiesb during his absence d dt o after the ung man receive i le froit 1 is lel ounj lad to thw cttct tliut she ftab goinj to a clamiccit m tie uitl or i rida chauginj car at crcoruelotti natural enough the oqti man deemed it a bttiul opporiunil to epend a pleasant hour aud went to torletowu to iucll thb tram from the north y1imi the train reached thqplat form lh t rtet ptrwn to ttcp off wap the father hekai bnrprised and iuzzm his w rtln cftlipnog us followrs ello john what are ou doinj here i thought 3 our holi a weru over johnstamiiierod a m until btn h alh explained i tjad lo c ie d n to ttoretokii for a patue b aid the fatlier i oc will tpd it at u t othtr tnd of the car pointing to the ouru lall win had jut ahihte4 it is n dless tt ta that john hears agood a hi kooot parcels just now coming and going v s tors to and from acton and vanouaother personafnot im nr i came to cam da with hia tnt laic lmncan kcuttdv of iljs i lvi tulironte larm io u c jnt i whicl a l a e rt tn a lue j srn rl tl 1 nt fhtt mr v i k u ej j attj il and rerned q n mil mr knt edi spent several eara r nev rv tate u 11 earh da and a tt ltd facho i jt otnts et about 2 eare kqd ht aa ucitei n marnaqp id on of the first teachers 1 ool two childm a co 6itute their familv mis janfl har of ctot iqtic eoi at d a daa mr ktunej pac a member of tht 1 rtsbj st a cl urcl ere am a erfiiatttii student of tit ual of joj he tdjofcd the i le j t let i f it t per u- 11 tl is c m nun- a j 1 1 rtmaiof- wtitifoll wed 10 tho eraie t rda b mu fnti ds ai d former neilhb rs gr twitiy far tre mai ijitrnent o thin del jbtful cjmmer rort will next ek clo c one of tnttno l jlt t lizard socc sfa tasont ii the r i5ton of this houorerl camp erou 1j tl j ii his had i undrede of prrcai e t rfi ti ta ai d ihoukandb of c jul mm to i durii tic jamtno months ai 3 tb op in frt 1 xpre ed uuil tl t t tiit cp r l hi re n it jo able and bealtn vw 1 ttr 0 tied j an j elojuti t nuj and kcturee lnd inter e tiut eqlertairimtnth hie location of th s bta jtifuf inrk of 100 acres is all that can be desired b those who eetk a charm inp eummtr b t jccationl advai ttes are t j 1 bit cj with healthful re creaticn an j ab olute rest if desired tl t e thu h totlhcr wi h the best i relic ouh teatr u t r m j ul ittii a latform that in is cji tjutnt cat pruduce 1 m djne visiting the council ht been n akiol aomt much uwardi bo ldu l up ibis ire large nucb needed improrementa on the hills on i ond mtxnttreeh tmh of church btreet the ttonea bate bn picked opt and a god coat ing of gravel fiien where nede3 the municipal collector has teen en gtged this wek in presenting etch of the ratpaer with a netl prepared tttte- menc i tywe it no one has been alighted axtou public schools re open nest mini ai mortij the severaldepartmenta haveia cleaned and renovated and there w 11 be do teeter or more healthy place in bn utt bos twirls than the acbool roora knot sabbath bchool pic uic 10 the ieirfe 00 tad eojojedby mr- t iltfoij of hamilton i frit r da 1 ere mr brilc nilkhn has returned from i tl e nortii eat mr liews of iilllon ent bunda willi friends in aitori ir jostpn jetcra of milton wfcs m loan otr sunday mib thonjjon of ulua has be n in toi the pili wetk or two mim lennit mcphail left on baturdli to tieud a rteev rr two in maskoka mies adait of clinton visited fneiids at the mtth ditt parsonage last week mr ai boa smith ppent two or three daje laet wek with friends in mihonj mrs k little of toronto is spending a few davs this week with acton fnenda mre claitou and children of patilej wtre neatb df mre re j ede this neek mies mcdpnajd of toronto hab been the gnest of iiss maggie nickhntbibeek mr jo i irstbrook of toronto gpent a cu or two thib week with frfende here u kellv of ctou is visiting harry stewart of stmson street hamilton hto1 i mr and ire allan rameej of eden miiie were gue at ihe home of t a mason laft week mre mcptjail tnd mies mcphtil have oofc to actob to spend a copple of wpekb goelph fnu mr add mrs john anderson have tie fvmpath of all in the idbb of their little i he programme has babv girl on filondaj uclu ie j manv mr if hanshaw photo artist was a delegate to tlje photographer b convention at hamilton last week miss pjorcmce shaiu of 6hiindan and miss ldna mills of toronto were guests at ropc cottage over sunda mr and mfs a h nickhn andxchildren left on saturday ior toronto to epend a few davs witb fnepdb there mrb pajj land mr lohn btepheue of owen sound attended the funeral of their father the lall j no m stephens on lues much hool afternoon the children of the thttjer w 6ue and the teachers and did jl they wold to fc who rwpatupieant flrucco jfbe uppltneutary pomiokn otm lttrpo id the printer hand the mart be oal b beptember 1st and there h beu considerable hustimg in the depattmot of tbe mltot mormtr 2lc1 fw c vl with h ilst3 veek ir ttihum k far wltl ft pwbcaffici on mn6 he cl fjakic preparthe remain of the t omr stepbedariaraaddha4occic sfplp o dt beibg xlnd fell vitfa dt force btnfcing g l tab rfcadericfl bim uncoiisovoub for tiztad wilipft my tub crc jlwdcbi i 1 roj t uumtroiiih atundcu summer res t in anaiu 1 1 natural altraciictie are vuricd jlert arc out 1 uudred acrcb of forest ana meadow land a gave of wonderfuj variety of foliage jarcfi area and great beaut airj luxuriance of fchade laie frodtagt oftn to the delightful water breez aud commandiijj- a 1 rnagnibocijt vit an uocjualled beach tafe id ever re pft afd affordi the the best po ible orportunitv for bathiug and boating lie rovided attractions cdmi r t beaut ful uatke and aveoues w hicn lead through all prts of tbt5raundb i be i ark ib brilliantly lighted with cltctrtcit a bfeiem of wateraorisb carnt l e w oltr tj each cottage indwells of pure waur abound 1 joutre o rich v anety an 1 liue bloom in the central park arid udorn lht coitge homes baseball i aerobe and lawn i turns grounds are lrovttjei ample it 1 ic grounds are set apart for tl e use of excursion partite aud funitbbed with tabjea eeate etc boating bathiot aud lulling abobnta recreation iafl are appointed with innocent aud invigorating hporis for young and old the sabbath dd is carefnlly observed and although there are at present nfcailv 2 000 persona retiding on the grpundi the lord e dy 10 one of quiet rest ard appropriate services 0 tram or btearoer is allowed to laud paeaeugerb at or iwe the park on faundai so sale barter ar purchase of any kind infitudmg cigaxs and tobtco or opepiufi of booths of animd is allowed in tbe grounds ou the babbsltts da quite a number or out cit ub have utittsi the park this fctitou cud mtpy more calcuut todosoext er r the country abound n ivk item buppllad byroorra f ondanti fcrvd r 1 knatckbulu eaata wm jtltclck n and a mottvuhi 1 li d tho coulrttc for bulldiii f s now brie ai icr the rjioctn tho bth ooa bvo om i t tlmirwijrkiitltfactoiily nd the pub 10 1 my nonwvd in botj overs good ubitlaltlbriesgi h itv ectltig 6riitlnii iiro jireuyvtll advi rjcid but tlio rccot c tuut wihilndoriu proe rp somoivhat io tuina ot hulad be itlitiftl effeot on 1 10 pastures and root crop i v liich an locking well ri vcr il farmijrt hmo begun ntodaratlons for fill iodiik i cut exchingoa l 1 erm lolling it coo ton i here ittt week for left here last week gl irljo grant left buff lo mi 1 unci harailtot for tt i w hero ho bu secured a lucra live 1 5i tion an miller tin oraoreville e6etiik cfttiroh ipro nickciajt sunlej park hero an tucsdaj after 10c i h0 ticket ncro sold for tbe excui ilo 3 i llr l xlattau at hit resular 0ibl cln held ivi ry thisrtdif uvlnfetg il 7 80 in in thj e iglush churohj taken up the inter nttioi ad series of b b teuont at receut mectlnkoftllosclath well ingtot v oaghinf boclsty held roocntly it gbeltb dcilrs- thosjtoiton and james durrn jr of ospringolwcra cloctad drrec ton mr ja tin rrasr lias purchased the veil mater edltcam of rreys formerly owned by w k imitt dote j rorant i wjucfa i the i miss tvnal ihe wi elilev roiir li foha haa now 12 head sod ntenc i aking a carlpad to tho north rorafe t rockwqod 3 1 ib av on mr tf kenkie of papmore throt wtcka hohctaj tour mii eat to pike is 1stting friend 6 in ilkiutoi i miss m ckie toroak and mu4 langan corgt a 7d ore visiuo jrockuooinemlh mr l hctfat rotoirn ct oa monday after throe w wkft sojaani 1 1 baffsdo rev m motrin ofjtotoato preached in he prt stvtcriftn ciiurci oa sunda v inst mirshuong mount jforet messrs lax btrathun rockwood and stewart if will till the tpul in the town ball vemug of rockvood eiiovv hums has unified her two weeks rvites- in the mttliodist church moit tftectivo tjieaker and it is greit ileal if good will reuult r pusalon v rat io summary eviction took platoon lturda afternoon a tenant wa 6 in cighbo iigtownon business and returning r uud tl epiogfchold goods out on thc etroet i liu si it muv rchtilt from the treskis hon cbeonging te tr drvden tied in front uf a houbc in lvcrton one dav ubt i nil led its bnddc off and to the owner s ibgust qok a skip hoinp to rockwood he bono was uninjured and bcarcelv auv image iiu to tlie ng of harness georgetpwn lome ol georgetown jur mth mr ilh matthews ib ttteudiug tlie cfcssiou fj the hujb coa rt of foresters at 1 vookitb this week mr aid il john b apple b are visit itig fneb if at mount forest men ai ja wurk in loun exc valhig fur ie waie works tiiev bs there ti room ftbr a lieu red n ure 7 mr gigau of rrambton ib vuiliug at nj law g mr a d thorapsdn good willie l sojourning among mwjbitos wlnling awa a few day mis jenfcue and barab laird who had been vieitingjfnends in hamilt6u the week of the baengerfeat retbrned lotie monday evening mr j c hill the popular leader of actoii cornet band took in the best of even thing o a musical character at ham jltoirs big eafedgehest last week miss l luckmn lately of london daughter of rev dr ryckman baa been appointed mdderc- language teacher in the parkdale gollegiste ioetitute toronto kt a salary of 11 00 a song gervfci will pe held in the peterbpro be ready for tem be t thpse coonections west of it e ston ttc 1 i ate baptist chu ch im fn jayi evening mu nnia green of tne institute for tbo blind brantford will smg 6ho is almost blind isa wonderfi uirjger has bean in trtiuing at the institste and is just fiuishtug hec coureein voise cchure mr ancub jobn60d exhibited at this office on tuesday a most remarkable freak of nature the curiosity consisted of a pig ofab lornl characteristics while it had but one hud i had 2 well defined bodies ear ly formed time afterbirth the new copper metallic circuit linea of tbe bell telephone colfrora toronto to is brotlf mr gj mubkokf i olidaa publid opeu ou monday next and l ie w r f usea of the youngsters carry ooe tack vecj forcibly to our own experiences 1 j the htl jou days ikmetnper gtorgetowp s civic holiday t morrov aud if oti are a lover of horce i icing c ldo aod see it at ita best lver c ase will bo fully represented as the entries ere very i qmerogs master clarence benutt ib risitiug rela t ves at kilbride a garni of lacroese played here on vaeiday let ween mil ton and georgetown t ssulled 1 1 a draw each tam scoring two t dais b ith teams wore considerably t nder die rupiouehtp form the htnia being t x men feort of their first team how e er the cien who took ttjeir places are pel t undejn teiand special praieo is duo to 2 ir herb henderson and geo guthrio on c i the hen and goo dennis in goal all of v bom wilbe beard from later in lacrosse c rcles l onr riiemen m toronto are making tiembeivef known messrs conboy t peir m lore grant aud graham all hav l g carrier of more or less filthly lucre and d jsirable i ory miss ri ie of guelph formerly of this t iwu is v uting relatives in tcwn mr wi iam hamilton and family of loudon sid sirs powell of toronto are fc oppiug it mr l l bennetts mr i aaiiltou n removin to toronto from i oudon mr s robinson is jiome- aim from fi erry en land and his appearance would ii dicate t lit be tm ipeutamot4joyable tne the aujaontiea caed dick jnuxon ou fiiturday tud monday hfl wentinto the coler in aparge of constable harfey ijpafnttlcb in business a level leaded exchange bays many business man complains of stagnation in mess v thout b topping to consider that its ni ne implies stagnation is the 8 opptng i landing still of business energy id enter i rise the headtby condition of v ater ib n tion the healthy condition of bieiuess i activity if a business man f 11s into ie habit of letting up at this trreofth year he makes his own bnsmesa tgnatidt improvement in business cbruea ti m individual resumption of b jaineea 1 1 ttvity it is wise to start soon ii u wiser lever to stop fpr keeping ewt li gtingly i lit bungs suceess stir your s lf stir y i ar help gtir ybur customerb to ir thiugi jecearlly and keep them stirred bflstaeit for this purpose tjiere ib rithing fctter than advertising in news pipect o undoubted circulation among t tose whi are able to buy and likely to bcoms ct tomers h legs and 2 tails all perfect tbe freak only lived a abort ave been completed and will use by the pablljoon 1st sep sse ues will also give better between tcpnto and points id believille napcnee rtiug th i lomimon i u 1 i 1 j r 3 -w- owlng is a ilitof ha fill lliows ininyfitrk patsk cctattf tea tte fall f airs a lilt ohha exwbltfortj whloh wllf bo attended by farmbrnct thall- frlands th fol a which titrostod tcrov uxion rtio tndllllrlal wora fljir 7eatei jookuniir fsqaotltig i nortii waltrluo ealnuuriatr acton t r ato lotion iulilpb inlslay 0ctli7tb kupl 7tb lo kill beii ktuioaoui topcwudwaiui bojrt 0ndonth uaoriauivii aitth ish itcrllii kop 23ths0tli chatham kut iituuioctlct proatiritrhattoual kt jabli v 1 kept zj oct i vcit if llliigta hkrruton iwpt oct lit ctrtli iertli fctrilford oct lstsnd rninoja i jjockicood qct lit jnd aimda centra ottawa soft uil to oct ind ueli waterloo cfalt oct 1st hod oruicrii tjuilkcrtoi hi t idth to oct sad irtlmr ifalton glora j fcentri will itigtein i rlu arthur ulltou nqr rergus i rln oct lit 2nd qctb tb oct edieth 0 filb tb oct ktb isth psfc arrived ay maspns r 1 j lie stock of ies keryr provislbns makes the wpk strong tin inrkid lieiicflt ulilcli penjlo in run limn ir ieikened st itc nj lieilth ilerlre from htkuls siriparllli couclmlelyiiroies in clllm tint this niiillclno make j tbe weak ktnmij it docs tint ict like n stlninljnt iminrt liiit rktltli us btreinrth from which there- iiut fiilloy a reictlon of greater reikness tluii beti re but in the most natural way flood s sarfaparllla oiercomes that tlnd feelng creates an njipeflle imrlfics tbo blood and n aliiin liu trt it bodll nerie mental kiiitilliistll strength i i ilerliul ery mneli beneat rrotn hood j sirenp1rlll- khlch i toot for eiieral debility it 1 ullt mo right uji niul pio mo nn oicel- ent u petltf fn jesklv ht slvcjfd i j fagged out i uit sptlug i wn completely fagged out ii tringtli led mo uul i mtslck and mu- jllle ill he tlnu to hint i ctmld hardly llteiid to ti i liuslnes i took one liottlo of iiihki s iijji i irllh niul it eured uie tliere ii n thing lko 1 it c begole edlt4c iitenrlie ilellullle mlci worn out i hood s arsi irllh restored mo tugood liealtb indeed i might sny trutlifurty it rated m ilfic to one feeling tired and worn out l would earnestly recommend a trial of hood s8irsnparllh ulis ilirbf mosuejt so brooks street e tit bijon mis n b it you deeido to lake hood s tllrs- itartlla do n it be induced to buy anything elto instead infelst upon hiring hoods sarsaparilia boldbjalldnlciuu 61 ilrftr5 prept4 only bye i hoobtfco apotiiecirlet umttiuu 00 doses one dollar mmidd aiijt 2i evtrioh 13 more or less m- tareeted in and nflccted b otlr niotemciits just iion yoo niiy ni on muj not he a regular dus- t ltuer t itli uh there isii t n mem- ijci of thf taniimiiuh ilio hasnt iiu mtertst in the extent of the tasteful ifjixtion the variety itdd talue nt our importations and l ni pluses fm the coming season and tint ire coming to hand nlniubt dmhust muv the summer trade is about over jnst hea iipd theie u parting sfol hit pill campaign is up on iii mil ni arc lead tor it wc mention five sample lines todat as the beet goqds ttebc- hete j nu will find in the trade at the mony we might mentiofi fift but thet will do- for todaj black casumerea four sptcial price oo o 0 65c see if on don t find them 10 to 20t per jard better talue than the trade offers black silk an absolute- pp genuine unmixed silk warrantea to wearijnd not to cut or become grenjj the nclfest goods wo have seen blue dress sergefe lu hue and medium twill and wide wale splendid serviceable seasonable satisfactorj and saleable goods see them 8 i and 4 twill sheeting a big clearing line at 20 percent lest than regular price and a big bargain stripld tlcklnusfeecial job punliase m blue and fane stiipes also 20 rcr cent less thtin ordin trj imitations don t foiget lleptouette raiupioof circulars e r b0llert de co- 25 27 lower wyndham st jttelph choice nationa i breakfast c hygie desi l ide i ned coods rolled bacott r cheese ds ereals 3 foods jatedholteddats ccated wheit iarmose i rolled oatrrjeal cornmeal etc also fresh stoel of our celebrated lh bc on japan tea ilctse call and kaniino our brock t a itison -s- summeri clearing sti ti v espeuiahj iiivitecloset iyet4 and people vith money to calf and see aud examine oar met e stock we have c efer mil d to clear out summery oodi efe ata loss as we considet thai bet ir than to allow themsilve to je eaten up with liifcireit thf purchasing public cnnot affqtd to target the fact that wi wilfgive theth genuine liargattis 60 jtbat it will mitigate i the scajoity of money andliardtiraesi a fpw llluetjatious dress 5oods and drcs silk a large stock sonte of them reduced to rulf- pne dress goods 3c per lard imiljwer to he cleared out reiard- icsjof cost hats tor so up kfau- tlel and jacketsgenume bargains rajasols 2oc up sateeiis prints siirtiiigs tickings staple nods of lllikindh extraordinary cheap giiefbams jc p yard cream sepsuckers 3c per j ard factory oclti n 3c per yard white cof- to5ci per jard good checkeq shifting oc per j ard cottojnade lfll per jard a fine lot of carpets giud tupestrj carpet for 25c jard lace uartauis jreat insftiie settsfor75c ready- clothing big stock c leap blue serge suits for me i for o it would be lmpossib e for enumerate our stock bat ams will be given oar inery and dressmaking de- ents are always ready for rs mourning and weudicg rs speciall attended tc its furnishirrgs andonrorder- a rat clearfng out bf v ptimmer goods d august we ill make a desperate etfort ti cleir out sunv mer aitd light f eight goods wi fc have thousands t dollar wo ith too much in this line pnd we want moneyrthis means an ofrerfiauhn dart pttiiig clown of t pnees to cost an iitsorr cases mach telow wj gre offering dresa goods fi iq far oc 12jc tor fe 15c ttjr ioa 20c forjlsctoc to 18c and the co wilj b just as great ill mnre expensive dress fatjncs we slulthavsomelovelyfaakes ib pearl grey alniopa and fawn no reasonab drice w ut be refused as wevant thej room cut on s heet fitue the p is 6 rients ths goods are ceie at stoq 6iiy two dosen ieffi the early bh l y getshe plnm cotton altd lilj hosiery are reduced 25 silk taffatta luidligletalovs r i i in all sljades btuck and grey mitts ajid gloves which are so much soug uftepvillnoescape bat ms go at 30rli chaliies take itiottier jumble to gf cents no tiered to s y amy- thing about fcliem goockj yon know the regularipnce ahil jrni ktiotv huw prett and foqd these goods look vhett made mjj yillin is tabinig j well earned 1 plidity there ttoalrr beptroab she kneu wc were stelltug some of jier choicest hats tud- biitiuets at half price mtlincry uiusfciro i try our yatisi cornet no urekrag ui clothing department is mi ise inspection andpatroaage refjectfully invited w mcleod co oeohcetjwn dunns aking 0wder cooks best frteivd summer i underclottan silk balbriggan afl sires mm 34 ti b and the natural wool that- c trinine lumrner resort fet an i evt n b li mado tbo tpbject of illnstre on aud i srription in the lut istno of tbo dhnstmxi 1 aliday t ivetnr eer ksaad in ci dominion illustrated illtittrtittd lalour a ttirnnf i lmiiniuii ittio mu i i j oadmn i isjlad by jatnea hannty with tilendid laetrttions by mus h b- ellis o bt jo i i n b tppetra also in this amber among genertl engraviogi l8 c ie of a british colombia roiaiok scene t ie poet ffioe it edtnbargh tad ous of i ondons aost faiaanta 2rive the natn- 1 r is fat if bright uid interettidf featores 1 bei pabli hets of thn dammum iuadmied avo aire ly begun the preparation of their i ik t sfeast mezscre haw tc grundy auftf wehchknt r ihreshers farmers number which will bethe finest j- qtutr c uuaoieat cures burns etc iiltdi i lit 1 fl dont fail to get a faiprl of the famous ardine machine oil i 2wehde qnrv by ccoll bros you will find it mccmis tineqmllpd cylinder oil should be ued in seware bf mitations t poezskusbv ph ik tkilohs h millowrjdr rb jrmyff silverware 1 for 4 pee5en1js vet goods love ir it- i i berrrvfslies sattr awls egg- stiadt siltjcpeppetcnuts tmplagr baubsmdithcs j i kniasspaons jr b attar kmvti c these ajte hew ooods just ir m b sttifplgg i irlas the best instnirrients and 1 accessories urns out the bqst photos ii r j v l i the county a n t i i- t linjoys a provincial reputation for excellence r pqrtrtits ro toronto r givfff satisfaction f i vea be it ever to humbk therts no place like home u spb1qht hayq a large stock of furniture i t i i i tstson suited i i to everjr pcicketboolc t iiifurnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man -i- i rli we s tfjgnch 1 i il engine gylmdefc et only csnxune lardine can secure articles ocmfort as 1 we have a fall line of furniture- the parior i the dining room in many styles and prices for i i r the bedroom the kitchen evcellfenfi value always v 4 i- i i 4ltttj 1 t 1 i j tt i till mpisrinniriitiynfisi is 1 4