Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1891, p. 2

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i ju mm thgr8dit fpojcfst 1 note8 ahqci jtt fires r tsat rnt8 v tarhlnviwtl 1 i -r- ottwaaattb- now ruahing basin as iwdt xtnaay i ptate mepibarsi yju i the molt jw v itwty pa to ctea uno she paper tb wastoraalctot at 4ieuc and mottoes for pepart ai an evident anxiety to for- ward the business jfuie house alt the thir in fee faehalug sat ihij have been wtroed to leave by lh america war vessel hy b ietjved with alleged copies of morfai v vendl batman greet britain lfldjiai ml4 states that oofvtm while kbey contain th name of witti fwhkrfoo andsfrjouentasoe ate te parties loth agreetaeat rehreeent that th orkiajt fignedtiy william f wharton indaviuitm psaacefbtfe est u k nice utile fceho canity which mff pttvt to be of eome taper inca the ttnw tar jtojuviat application by i the bevitftejjkftjti mt ot the trtw voter l1u4 fax beta ju4 pd by pcrffcjjiept till the 15lbjotiuc9 it those who nice hitfierto oagtfcju t hand their hum to the proper otxt hoaltt do so at oocej and tfau save ihe it eeaviet appearing btferathe juae the final rtvitioo to oaoti fiooefibo 14 uka lltor grtnted thvhi oaihe it on the list bev toy on who ie ia doubt a nald bee no lima itt eeinrto the mtuer perecatajlywittilo th tiow sow iflmiei upon the preparation of the present trftt ntjp topend important rwalu a gbrioaa phase of th perueiioshe afeina tbit hit p rty id england seem inclined xo forgive ptmeu end uka hint beck tat it good gi toes now that b hat done the only lhiug be coo id do to repair hie wrongdoing ei dmxndmr oshe bsthe iriih home rale pmrtyeppeere io be mote bitterly i id hopeteeety tgtiset aim una eter tt ie i ettriboteil ptthy to jeeiocxy ot him noag hrxx iruh ied- ere ut perily to the infloeoce of the bomta cctholio cl arth vbieh doec not ooontectnoe the i urritga hi diiotfai ptnoas rerneuc ran hu rriijently est tr fattr tn4knadel7oaadniiiriy u the piui otvtpid taulml reoomawnded by tha pedtl ootrmuuoa ippoiated to vflvfr theauuter in ke cork if bail t it wilt pete under the tree i ran the beiftry fa to htrtets the po jautiaa at ke york hu iacrauad r rtp uy tha there affl be fall tving tor each road ia uiitiaa to the denied road i reedy argotbeyeod uieir ocpaaty the aodergrxmd boed sen nillf dispikfa trdn i ngiiij it dots e in loodoaendie 1 ev itock boailniaoan here decided that hey cannot do better then to try the land m pun the nnder- groaod rxd wifl be bach mare tgreetbte foproperty omer i bnc the route of it line from car lo thc ptt jrabod for tiie from lkacfon lea c makee a ition tothepab- u that poataga lettaraand pack made that the t maciias upon r 4ut too touch it taken off to the proois of wetting them it it therefore tomeatad by uie depart- tnental ofbciau thtmnttaad of the ktampt betagmoutenedtheenvefcpet orpaokagee be wetted and the rfimpa then affrwi it u tbonght til oaaejot loompbuat will be removed ii thi pljn be foooered i ctibws coorsmtsce la the hones juohday alternooo mr kignaolt i aked aa to thi dntiea of joeoph dognay a rnaefnan atnoi the twpaioa of work at tie cigar factory abieafehte hahkr cicatigijiviiedlhttea work hid caaaed it jac proposed tojaaperaanaaie mr dangaay helaoiroeiyiat down when aaapatchjwachaodeajd him tonooncing tthatjgenuejnant death 1 nncsntm iiucpo ass mr barron movod ihe jesoond reading of hie bill ia amend the bajlway let he one cf the puaeadki by the empreaa of india frtan vancotm f oa thethlaly oeorge k keafp 0 ik of vietoria who ailed for yokohuv where he will take omvxapumee itean er direct ti tadi toijoek eaatern sine ia afr jlfer who wis engaged in the nosstaina of britith colkmbu goea oat a bekaif if a canadian yndicale whihhii been inrited bj the bosun goveaunen i to fender tor the oonetnetion of letwt a 300 and4cp mibt at the eastern term noaiof the siberia a railway from iindr i iter to vlateoatocfc yiaditoatock it thb aihernmoati point of siberie u in the u titade 1 degree 30 minhtes and will b the tatnre terminal seaport of the roia an traaaoontibental railway on the ae of rapan the railwar will ran searly nor h from thi sntil it reachee amur nee r the intarnatiocai beaadery between cf inaaad bcsaia tracfleying do t m canary nd ed monton rtilwey wee i nxthadvat elsxonton on the ihhail the i let totint being drirei by donald boa the oldett aettler in the locality on thefou wingkoediy train left caigart for the ther end of the jute carrying fifty passe gore and tweire air ioio frieeht and 1 1 ii expected that the line will enjoy j a uf j ttaffic which will ioereisi a aetfemeni priueiua alone it roaw speaking of t ie eompleauaof the wortfandtue railway nrotpecteef edmoa too the calgary bu old syv v may exheva line intp edi mnton from uie east theee will certainly be extenaiaa to the peace river conntrj and there den be ittle doobt of he c b boildinj mo the tetkriheadptis if i aly to hold the against ao eojnea rhat there will be great tailwayj jutcti o aome dty in the pdnity jrf esmoaki i does nod admit of siachjdoibtubethe at edmonton itself of fort faik t h qaeatioo for rejlwwyeoeii iftheg by the life ooi healthfal province of panama teen to the tfcooteii ctti the moat bealtbfat cityj of arth america might enry the tute of f tnam aodordutg 6 the government oen nt contains issfioo inhabitant ret ia its ona prnrioce of chiriqoi abdre ment oued there are 193 persona 100 years old ind npwarl there is one old fellow wl o mnfiaai a to being yeartoldbathit neighbora kay there is a doccmest a exist rnoe which he dgned 142 year ao i ketaj e a bath irery day anddonka nothing tt eager than coffee or chocolate he otrna a coffee ipwtation tod worka oo b erery lay whit hi more this truly marrelloas sle goes on to nar rate ths the old gentl marieojbyaexoeient health and gir pron ue of living- sereral moteyesn howtir dhta hjrmatitbe of wtitilk to inherit tlat coffee plantation raeq ttatutto pabhafaed of i olambis t reliable topics ia by no means on- dettl ntte in ihiriqti v in year wjed there it no rerolatioa i j little orer lereti two little btrls ik grave t irougl i a r ickles in leikurwv aog 11 hatlie and lillie aged ih and t i yeart ehtldren at joseph damasweredn wnedtdy ajedains brother of the girle rho ie botne on fate vcationhd tiken thrafor adftt tnd dfoteipthedoekttthei tt the hone be came restireaoil bacja i to thewfceej went down saalog the children to fell into the wat rr j voone harried for held botw tea the hodie were reentered life wjie trfii et geo booth will be received of silreiioo an aidj to mete nrtbods if wtideasef ilatvur ijfmfc whi be hanrrarr i 11mttltrtlieittvt itwaioitaevi enl ftomuteprooeediag ui weak that u greajt rial before tht prtvuegeaandaleol rc4aoantteunearing an end lpeej a jouoifi and uodoog- all preeented thai report on the varloui lender foe the en aaafl i ock to the tarte gocwuee yteier lay home evidenoe re- taujj td it arphy lettimoay at bribery in qoebfc election s awtaken the other day when mr per ey waiting renunhied be tnddeoly brokt down and tainted away tb trial hit had t very jieriou effect upon hu ivealtn- j mararu t tifotirdtuxt lfrdwdnr b is brourht down reeoia- tlooa grafting ai bautee of land to these railway oomnanie tnl the korthwtst to the manitoba bo ithwestem cdonixalion tiilwsj in addili n tp the previoaa tnbatdy 0 0 acre a mile formpcetjnt lobe con- ttraoied aleo to the tai pneahaay tt00 acre a mile for t e mantobarnaler 4 in addition to pre branch njaning co0 acre mile if or j i ti ra the pijttroffico eimpte bat prtclic it i lierdatirtolho oerr mmp wfl not adiee agt complaints ttamp hive not rami th4tnbatit is 10 otttni nunt tin fail t itk nunrot t whabded wrroook mm joe mr arthar mrtjohawa atim frealasd at miltou ifcy jot mitt hemiet mutco over bauday mtk lena dajland rejurti ad laji week mr alex seoord to hamii 6n ijrsr ban annie kakterbrook ttjatnoakpbalf- ex that it provde4 that passengers entering car shall enter by the doors farthest fmta the loaomuir while those leaving trims thalljmake their exit by dooci nearest the ioccjnotive mr barron pointed cot the great danger there isto passenfcereifrom the lack if regulation bj f this effect he msdej oat a good esse far tbeneceesitj of inch kgitlaijoti ue rtxunrt resrnok there was a ntmor today that mr per ky toe 1st chief engineer of pohlie works had accepted s positidn with ariarge cor- poration ai engioeer at tabry in advance of hat which he hits kses receiving mr fetter was aiked if thi story i were true mr parley bui that tafortanately it was not headdeil that al yet he had no plans of his own for tithe agh aatpended he practically remsined in the government empoyand h case ioaidnot beiiecided ontil the close of the present in vestigatioat itt os k ct stoic jarrfotterigives not osj of the fonowing resolationjtht it ft expedient to pr vide that the govern ieitn cooncs my anthorise the psyment tali the prddocers of any raw beet sogar p rodoced in canada wholly front beets gn wa therein between ialy 1831 snd jnly i lfb3 of a booity of ii per 104 pound a id in addition there to three and onethird ent per 100 poondt for each degree over i degrees ahown by the polariabopic test 1 i k xctv ox tt je t itos some timesince thi csnsdisn govern ment imposed dnty one cent per copy apoo a trade journal b own as the boston omar the tnferenot was that the do- mtnion government hsd adopted the policy of imposing that dottt npon sll trade journal sent to cansdl from the united eutetyrho sute departinent has receiv ed commmrication from the dominion tjosnmentelsting td tins sub ject the cotbrnsiiieatton i not bade pontic bat it eaobe stated tiit govern ment doe not intend 1 hereafter to put prohibitory duty or any ditty on rejauhle amer the fstcricast gnar the probability u that apwavt tikadc will be estsblitnea between the two gvwnxneats eatsinqs at rkc avirc there wa el big row m the senate com- mittee on bsllwsys yeterdy when tha bale dee chaleurs railway compnj bill came op walter bnaiekpe toronto who represented the ontario bank and the estate of meiarkoe one chargedfthat oat of the oeived from the qoebec ckd wa gives to the tor etection purposes a a and the com conf ation mr barwic can prodoce witneues ment and oonstderbfii poftponed until thai the contractor 1000 tabsidy re- ernment s100 govemmeat e cheated broke jnp in declejre that he tnstaia his state- at the bill was y next cipctil xmta i over 2000 samples of sugar have been tested t the laboratory of the cnttom it department since the neir tagar duties came into enbc hi excellency thegdveriocgener re turned to ottawa from catpspedia satar- d s i r an order in counoil has been passed pro viding that in future no person be appoint ed to the cfvii aeryice entitling him to- the beneltt of he saperannoitlen anless st the time of sopbinfanent terarulahesa medical oirtiisiarte allowing tfiat helsfhen fit good a i l many of the maritime members have secured pairs until anguit i2th they have gona home to look titer businns on tietr retnrn they wfll fcerjepsreii to tsy iiottsws anffl well into the fall the prospect fir pwa8atioo therefore hot very cheerful the report of the ceniiifas j regards popafatfoa two wilt o i 0 1 hfswsy tojafrfet 6w iltnd by 001 ipknfe yco w the z lias tre xcetie it eonrerts the gtlva iao armjimhok he prisented in day or tail 4 1 1 ttioan rat laktolloirlii haw ky out w port n sal cnimii i from toroi ito ug rom p01 isonbv irtroja bintto d 4y miai yuie from soath- mil iloraimaktbb home tampton mr k weber wtnt 0 oloravflkt n y jtoodajr j mjm- agsle and j eaaie creech woodttock i min clara moore to ajbgrom hekotto a from duog riaoda ot stewart own wu in tor a at a vlliia brown proau is pend from 1 of god- mrs jtjnss anderson ft at pturboro cot karray t iwn yeaterdsy mist ktttis clark to toronto tonthi vtoalion mita jeaaie and matter r iturned to toroato ultt jennie pkrritb of g neat c bote cotuge mr j oaan wial to bevjitltr ic i is holidayt hut week rev and mrtchrlloo 1 f georgetoem m ere in tdwn tut weak mr p htnderson kfpvhoi ttawa tor a ooaple of daysj mr k bmiuiertv of iannvili was the j iet of mr w tarten thit week mrshenor9tiud tcinmy returned last week front trip to i mr and mr james boi 1 rich visited acton friend jtnis week mr j t henutreet of bhelbocaei d 1 day or so with hltftlkerjhui weekll misses annie and martha tijlorare vpending a week with htailton frianos j meatn w 4 storey aid p kaliy left 00 monday morning on a iripioktwjyock j mrsmcgibboaof barniahut week a gueat at the home cf mr d hendtrsou p j mrst p ci maddock tad childnin of london are gaeets of pottaiatur aiatthews i mrs hoiiiager of hanofer was ajgaest itt ihe methodist parsotage a coople of days this week 1 j mia annieitorten left reaterdsj iigtoipendamonthor tc sith friends at dunntiue and bofttlo mrs jennie h ctmeron returned tut imridsy from i very ifeaaant trip to 1 con tretl n quebec mr john ltlag is retkjviag with his family to eandridge mattbka whort he laeportionpablictcljooi fguba mr and mrt fftnk bronson of kew thehafftjcdck murder john week home terk were pjott of mrj and mrs coore limehousa ievers days out kits annie wiflltms returned from bowpiaaruie when she tpent her 1 lonths vicatioo on tai sday sbi iccapje her cuttomtrv iice before ihe ort oesce wicket to the tftitftction pf her 1 nmerons patron army he idqiarteci the ue o jeweilerj army- jclark kuceutedboteikeeperalgrtud valley w fined jfwithkk ooeu be eaate of 1 jftor having been told on his premiies ifinday miss ji onji lipse- a teacher in the central bod st thomas is dying of partiyti at the brain canted by being thrown fn m a bog tha que m of ih belgians has been seised with c soi den ilfnesi and is thought fit be dying i ie sacrament 0 exi seme unction has bees 1 iminittewd in mai itoba and thi kirthwest the wheat croj is so excellent that led grains a day wotki tor teven months wilt be re- qaired to 1 love the erops fir bid ird wilton tr of the township of dereba n hex thrmhed trots a wheat field of eig i seres i bushels to the ipra weight per buthet 65 pound korwooc ont is taking ttefc to make toaostp aug jj f be stndootk 1 ass was called jetlerdsy blithe jourt at 1080 thr two prisoners jweri iruught in the father c f the deaot girl 1 omingin witli a vjery jsni ity kir thst was in great contrast with- the qaiet teksos 1 isnser of the mother the jman ipent ome minuteain scrutiaiiing the face fa tadlenoej occatioosly reoognixing 1 ilir s mile tame friend h saw detective t tteeriwas not bneent whin the esselwss 1 tiled bstapogerett soon a iter whasthe j ritoners werejlold to ftam 1 up hey moved q liokly up to jtha bar afid itod tesdy to n est their trial irat as tba crqwn was sot r dy they were reminded till today i it ji not known yet tijat uteri fseoy erfdeliae u connect the woman with the case ad it ii probable that the provocation against her 4uoapwl j crtshiahi brains out j iaui an la fatii accident took pltoe last night tt point edward at 30 pjm which resulted ml tha death of illiam boot y a youog man 18 years j of ut and a wicjunan employed on the g ai trout the tteamjr conger which w t giving a moonlight excursion for the exoefiof th ia it called at at d was in a psrfc oomuittiooert tie dock to t ie oa p tstengert the act of ie tvidg when her ft irn twang 1 round and struck two spring pi e between winch yodng bobdy had his fat ad inclined looking t tfa t people on the beat this xased the uie to aome a idenly tbge her aruthinf lioodyf head s fterisg hit bttint oyei those netreeit hi n on he boat had literbync tes 7ripit aagmtsth is a capital namijer of ait always lively urna the leading csjtoon depict sir hector xtngevin bs tlingjwith a iwsrm of wup the latter heiringthefeatores ofttrte motphy ut greety mick connbllyj larkin aqd a na nberjof the oppoction th tt enqniry th akislly 0o1 reel ikenesi far 10a anither gilmo ais opwtitija pojalsr whi tn w chei of davit t prominedtkn oartoon it on ning the lirit embert of the ynt pobliibd prerand e free traie team of the eo to ohario hy 1 the f the party mr james etialtb a olever llittra3s ic ttory of tihe three jrey nterstting t 000 of the contrtotoi pictdre dspicu sis er fiai hit it ti oppotitiou th nauber aoatiin msayotoer oi wngt of ensi id pejii- get opy hanqet him8 ii jeffeojs- otltcob i for-l- rti 1 csptureotitn enorniusahsrk l trr- 1 puriiu kdx an enorroas ihkrk wi csnghc imhe lurboai here jut week it meesared u fsettn length and was feefr inidismeter at tt greatest width th fleah wss eat off aid the dooal bone is to be preeerved the akin ffaboat half aai incnthlc the monster la ifcaovit as the ooaeless shark it vu csptored by a isr- poa uicown by 1emuou thateiner 3o frakwhoe vit ahe tol qity f todigs 08 to4 lor by isnd and uw um path ilsgie turned tpdnd sod wind lbal wtimft wuflrtoptred wst bonipietelr jy the powerful fir anc altroubiee proved too mu for f dhni htllay of 81j tmry m av aagbrjohn halfey s3 who 1 eeided in thi mwo imt kn mill taicided tin batardsy i fehtfut unfirtaaaanah was fonj d oi 8undiy imgj fa mypwifoeller vjith jifi litp andlkaees rescio an hi ryuiid nd felt headthrjragh a lrs loose i loot ttohd 0 ti chain jwhfchrwts usp iw from tiifl ioiti ootiaertshtver of f itritfocd iifld an ukjoiat wljlcii jiowed ijbiit dtoeamd coni nittd tawide tflillr 4 srpoudatrt k h toledo hhk pmmdoft qtmqmm patrit t9 mio1 mr sj u bahwfi relapse tflbli ojmdttrtiunoritiaal- theft mtty organ faotory of clinton wtllprtmtoaamutoo ajtakt iwaba ybwl kwg ot barvta hu arth in st pofctbw on it tjiit j a ngratn 0 p b tain daarbetklrkand wu killd charle qnlnn bamutoi hueei killed ii amarli t hu lfich 000 rifles of ulegraph wires en ingh to reioh ory timoi around the globs jews oinliuoa numbers last weak the h dy ot 0e rga grows who was trunk b ughtoini teenreoo end 0 h r leave 1 ruaala in large avhaubarg tt000 in brighton bay hu i i v mill laid to be the oomdieooed operations booth new taw largett in tht world aptuwi monday 8 y tin ativ xijn tallt la bogoe ooanty mitt t atanijsot creof corn and ootton hsvebeet destroyed wuliso haddocks a young mus who jell hip lion three yean tgodled tfoa day in p i franciiob 1 m boy 1 toed lawsoo liriag pear mon trasj aoc iealally thofc hit brother while fooling w ih a rsvower anton healer a ted 20 went in bathing at lynn alley ne u siaicpi on sunday afternoon and wu drowned the rto ingla china son the increase sod the o tire feeling agslntt thecbrltllan missions 1 1 unusaally bitter t the all tnoe between franoe and itatsia it laid to unoant to possible ooopert lion between t idraapefltlre fleets sixty 0 rporatioq employee were laid off at hamjj on monday owing to he board of works iverdrawing lis estimates thirty lamillon lioente- bolden will be before po ice msgittrale cahiu this week charged 1 its rioiatisg the jtqaor law joseph irdait we killed near chelsea on the ga ineaa valley railway by 4lmg down aol i with a tttndoar while drunk an ordt c hat been if oed from salvation important improti school w ilch at p adequate 1 xomodauba foril ichoisrs it is and rttood that the quebec legiahu tore will to set en kotemberknd that the oppotitioo willsuadc mr r tern porary ioi on the gmund jut it i illegal i ber wi liam k perryi putor of the tcenttal pi aafnuriu church at bowlttlg wis preaching t a large om- when be fell desd in green ky gregsttoa off suodsy the pulpit it is taid ithtt when the prince of kapfas attempted id mtie idranees to princees mod ih j rettieat 01 the erioceof walea dsoghtert is was badly nabbed by that young lady t the spai th governmen i ha prohibited gambliqgiit the watering places in the northern p rrtion ef the ajfintry and the casinos thn tten to clots ut protett tgsiutt jtheiptohihil ida i john co way be iteanjthip focemaot found guilt of murdqrig the jiteen-yeir- oldboy wb m body teas foopdlq the hsm- jdenj dock at liverpool on ifoy 19 was sen toniiedwdialhouhswdy nathan lorrie an employe of the do minion org in end pii ao company at bow jmanvtlte fi ii with 1 hoitt jmonday and jfraototed iisarnr ii pfaoes besides tosuining c her serial t injarie j both the english ind french govern ments hsri received usanaoe thst tbe putin sutl orities sje taking sdequsta measure a eat are lb ufely of the lives and propert of foiiig era in chin mr e8 schwabe a manchester eng lani nrahai tcturer mmitted tulcide yail terday at h 1 windto hotel montreal hj thooting hit unit in i ie head mental de pression tt leiiered to hire lead to the dreadfeldeii i abeolntely forbidding by members of the tents to eeent does not effort znttttm 8 ifferlho luhtut wu radneul tow syews f ectoealth levetely e a mcmahou few peop j bsve front dyipej its than wen known toeer of staunton ya eetsyt before 1it rwubtteeuettheaithwelg- fag over sao oqsdt m that year an tflment developed inpo scale dytpepib land foani ttterlng bttrnlnr tnthettomtdi of the htut and indliettfon idnciileepibtt ah crtinejiacbolla ukl have weleomed laltaiandlrrttablev a burden 1 tried lyremedlei one day meiagjetted hat s rbijod i cured his betrtlnmy rsrfcbsd loeaayi at time i desth iba aineaoi and fbr dglit years ufa mauyphyalei his snd workman apioyed btrtap- i uisd wlteot rr jdyspeiv ia i did h and beta 1 takhslhe wljoli of a bottle i beitn to ml ike a new man tbe terrible pain to wbleb 1 bad been sabieewd- oeuedtte p ifttatlon 1 1 the heart fumded my ttomaeb eeaipe e uler p peared and tiy entlr tystsm ibej tooetp im iretarnloi -v- jjjit steugtr cam aetwtrol j bind and bo y poipn theluthbotu wuhikpi inodreptoe itoyforme wdgtitafti condition i ttttoimy rait an i tojakho45flmiimot- tiititlixftiiiii fpe u- rp eetra tor the next sue madthc mjoo tad l maiveriett pert set st jnutateed td bettsaalltr j i j pptirtqn lds 1 qrtdoue of toronto school of dentbtry ana talcougqtpeatalbaoa 11 oirtcfcjxextpbttpfflceactoa 1 iurce88 ipainterjpaperharigeij- iign wrjterietci is preeuid to exeoati orde tn tar of fb abo m la tbtbwt iani4bndtrtaonabt lennci mtjotbviiorpenoalattnuo i ean atssxe eeatomei eoanilete ttutttetloi rtlnlif ti allwoodtwnieetilty ordolltmr rwidinee flasl acta will receive pranpt attention fi jsqlib ritat iljoaiitod1tpri4imljtt if yjmv lfl f try alstt ourmuiarstor wtjjtoniandaoru pdwer thaeeoiltee used and htghly reoomjrimdedest farmgtlph firfmtfiabal t rr wnuia4ttr5tfjyttt0a vt f botleitorttortui rtpaopajastfia daied t lttevjairt r j ki i a h- it lusi apaiwttjrtofywj of julyeydm3trbwifttew- tmmft fams ttiutitotttwibiw- mxt 60day i 11 h t i 11 ourlkaim wctifadtheflaee detuned 1u teffio g- 41 ew okbtetyipt iirlvi4 r turn on lfijgtlttm tbd i i- bm4ltennar ah4iiirsiti tbj 8n noli tapaiftma btlv j miwwiitoyootiibia 1 n m iaspdvireritlk if aitbatinit mtti aaklv a 5virfitrmij

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