m j 5v ii i ke i me iv j j- fv w fur eatvlt kim lwi alt 1 v j tlf eolstcaumi 40tok i itjaaefcoataeeid e4lauriarfl4 hjth istrane r n rteton lw weloouis at bank of amflton bbid oi rtol ffakilt3n ckrrrii pud tr f lscnoco avi vvvd wj tt srpvun kbltt cls uulj tderrt lags lxoj ca xlkd taiivtytot 3ft at wcjutyji cttoik etowkaaek0y mt tmstliu 1 emi uvc 8 depaitiant ihirwdtree red of mtnauiwuvutiid t ntt natj deposits j i te crit nien f iuicrcri no intictoiklitjr ij requited i i u watson to urulg l ye tie largest- possible untoje goods of this best possible- qpikty for- the least possible stf mrbtfiioney i lotekikq up i fansftoni 5c upwards spec- alyafue iii gold and silver ur headquarters for watcfek sign o 1 ceq jhvi wedding 4nd rirthday ents f res- f the i3ig watch ybtu- acton sfjcgyofc jrccjircss thqrspayly 2 1681 ifc m littlie local brieflets i i- -i- whiph cautfljt the eyes or ears of frae rvesj porters this week jalypatseliaif yeagoue potuaori a good irioe alio icrv 1- l heyisteii is for f liand 5u cn in cod j pgnjnhu liikinfi of paving tcvcrtj of ht pnaapj t iris sooatj iri htfift- fourth tatltr ttry of theqaeaiooroatitin maadittcharch reopeainfic san- diy knd iioniu isih ind 13th joly the high caool ctndidtta gonp for ettepfcitiot oa ttnitdiyof this wk- i jftev j itji r re1io condoised terrioes in st j 35eph chtirfh od sanfliy orjng to t t holidty the fccr vrsj it iasued d eorlitr tlivn ncoil this week i j a firtnisu id ht ba a erected in the ptrt to jiu tie on deitcoyed by the cyefaoe uit jol kr p b i iot of tte nuctir fill reoorf htt difiosed of hip bniinea tojilr a j cuitfc of i t tbomw the drill i iej boalj hire cott of riatto ttfce u appetrioce oorrefpond srith iu sartotu iingi iu the irk acton itbei aeiof officers kddrtcn v the new at boje u ktwttl yqi or d mostly of ilooal chfotr aiwl evary iferfi inurfltttnar a ffcrfdtts ten oa moadty otinu men tcrcuic ihclc tlfd on trk coirto the tutmlrjo byifr btirtotf tu8pbjd ittl the young mo xmtbroirn with gr fore apoo rober which hid bq in t ptit ucdfcaitiit wtm iammoad id it wtttotudlnik bocti bone ol tb tight le sccro frtctuwd below th ka pr surou of gtuipb ctn du onjlutto oclock tnlatud rmorc4 hi bwtbet to the gtielph qnrtt hwpittl stitwmrif lain free tic ittftwbcrry sun on the tjuciolii ktwinds u coadectiou witli tt altais luiriqutw kit triday iraiiug w a pm twuliced iuwttt tlitf ttejin4x wm good j tta roiiik brilliantly itlutjunatod witk oiiiucm uiiunu j tbo band diiobnod wit tirtum nlusio forjthe protciillres aiid the nioro ijuict littenert and uid lo-j- of jouog tidies vlo prvidwt wcr the tcfreshtuont tables 4eiv uvcroa the ojert to rx their kuests the uetbcr witir tritlo u prewnt kpiisurd to enjoy themselves j rr ttxlu ctiiuja a row time tiblo citnciuto effect ou tbo otlt oa moady which ttuterliljy cbmjes the time of trtini levior actop the inline nowro west u follows lit tu 10m ix pm cs1 pm t 73j pm cplag eut nt 701 m lls4icui li10 m 551 pm tui 1011 pm the etenijgjrtitm vhicbhvo or yctrs crosoil tfactoa will bow cross at ucorrctowu tali ptueoprs f roco uaaiilton and intermediate pniuta cau bcreafte reacb actou at 621 instead of bcinouieed to wait ajt heorke itwu junctionuntil 7h as formerly tile forester otsecrs cotfrt olive braocli xo 00 1ok hel its regular mwtins isatarday creatn the follbwids officers elected tor the ensuing term j iflro nvii uctaiiilt 1 jasrianvvcll j jiu sharp icil uitcliell collin us ccrleickl ks treas jclin i vvrlcht ctii ob brown bw ttlosnihaseijw john vlcfiillkj uarksjltcii jii tlioi c um cdlllkr v h rwry ibyf icldii councillor uarljla father deal jatlwt moiiihe aro coancillor georar havill was cajlid to unit to attend the funeral df hu roother last- week his father died in his tjthyear he was an old resident of the owoand took liis full share of the herd work peculiar to life in canada in bis early dayc a incidents- it may e mentioned that on one occasion bemjadojaa early siart from gait led talked to hamilton and- back in one day land on another occasion started and walked all the way from gait to lou don and then backto uie village asain he enjoyed the respect of all who knew him f induction ltilranits3 the rev d b marsh was ordained and ibdoeted in the first presbyterian church kranjosa lattweek the revs strachan mullen grai and lite took the leading parts in tbeeervice after tea a pleasant nteefecfi wasield jvlien tit andrew 1 choir r jjl niii eoiiey is beiafi foreiecl lhel hux of thick wi 1 be furnithedlater tbe ffti loosewife in these days of frait eankky a id prtaerviog hails with joy the repioval af the doty pa rugar j foorjoa wtlhw street cu tueiiay a foim of intone owner can have itly cajlioe ktftec ixm oiiici the yitorni a junior iickxus elub from g rgeto o playes wiih the local i junior tetrnk the park on ktturday afternoon tod w re defeated by 1 goals to 1 the 1 ttte fi oyeaxaldjia uhterof llr john fcaxi fell j5 a waggon rack on the side of tlo atn u the other day and bad ooeofithh banes of her left arm broken- ooudcaan of cccidet that has happened to kr d btotool ih b his brother irstiton of goejph will vmt i aetoo ei ery i fondajr wodcesdiy and i fridky ei tnings frooi t until 8 oclock tli rizs ju fbrthe next toroutor inioitrial fair which it to be held from the 7th t the stb beptamherl has been lasoed copies mo he nroodred by drop ping a poa t card to hr tlill the secretary at toront i toe 1 liggest bargaha in caa4 send im to a j fit ximmons grocer gcelpb and pet 2 be of 1 amoaa emprete tea blk grea or aptn and either ix ibf grana uted bifsvr oe a to bright iporej cant sugar foe 1200 the ablio i erticea which have been in progress he pan week in the disciples chareb fere discoatiaued on tneiday- eveoins ie qampbella termons were exrn xt an 1 practtwl aod listened to by large i aiiefli ee the c tnadii n eipress company k uow imuuig on aey oi tfert payable t or 15- 000 phtoe i in canada the rates are a little higt er tba i po money orders but a reompt i s girei far the money and lost or stoleword jt wil 1 bb renewed harvrt l lairj pltipk to june30th will bf a onrtl of iafy nnmber k will contain aiijxtic e on the uanufkcture of fiewox u i i edmiod collins a tb- o ac lerica by lydis field fammet aaidctohe s appi apriate tb the occaaioa by h hoi edi d ker and others rev rosepb edpp he new pastor of lis itetiadiit 3ttufct will arrive this week and preae h his nnaugarnj sermons ottt sdflday 5hcocjgtegatibfi fill meet- in the tccjoal rajco oasursday ereuing to elooaife eev ir edfie and family to their new leld r jr mr i ran thaw photo artist viio is alraysab rout ne times in introaciog jrnprorem sou a it noveltle in hi itadto has jost p it in a beautiful new background of noral eeigp tad a j new foreground photos al raya icst class and taken with thepstteit ctfe any dtjor bor kotbiag giassc- better rde of a bosioea irmtiao it stationery fine letter eeada eavetofje bill sejtds ckrdt ni cira tiris kreiinhider ofitastp t v mi bisin bi ity wiwo orneridg your prinait 1 uee j 3r ordewwitlr thefaxe pmstend eeon floe srorlc priotajreason- j i i wsuon ljjo ixton were bfciytfotare iui nroy evtii gomtblrard oyhi i-ta-las- vi 6aoul itvium and utmrei nfii vtew ceterr kw old joijrtis 1 i mfed tje uejpf 72 years iaaifimitxtour 4v wihoit iny a and other atngers from guelph dl ghted the audience witlimnsic speachei were ice by the chairman itev i htrichan and res jtemiie use uullao stctassou meliftjre and marjli weather was all that could be desireil and and all the etercises were much enjo edby the lariie number present itev aodif 1 w ue mrs lowry and mr hyud were present from acton cheap snar rfiome people will patronize pedlars awioit invariably thy get bitteu weeks aco an itinerant grocery pedlai raifi tbo geo i few from tchb cpurrry arou hh i h m suppiid by corni panenlt and bkohant oakvilte kvillg j iry populat point or psi oakvltle fs ajvery popttlu potnljfot aicttbn lion two or three a week xuk jlt ml f j attdsrioo sj qloyat alt of a e ople ot weeks with their ilste mrt e k pot ot palmsrsujn tuvl3rjuobelrton superiulendaut ot imtbytacfb ulaiiaa week la tb north wastproar loot ta 1 the presbyterian cuurcl ool sindty eriitt jtolia hf jjdoaaid it having si flue bricl hotuo 4rc cot on hit arm just outside o thtlown i jrajr j bwitllimiod dttcj hti leataro ou foi huqlltig before lb stiidentaot albert college belleville last i i the che p rates to brantford ot do mtnlon di will hkely lake a large utitnbe atouroftit mt to that point ertn esart t lark i- carlerr mublo djhtlek r gdelph ha o juat erected over the jrkw 61 jtolll monday the late v it hr a haticuopie largei roiind doibtel dtta bay ot fuudy tea granite moi aoitut the bottom base is o cleveland tone oatagon styfe feet la diimttar i cond baioof qaocnitowu ttooe th j workti aosblp rettecu credit ou the fjroi a gardeukocltl was held last thursday evening st kr peter blailrt beirouatain fa 4onntio i with itethoditt cbarch mr k ii tnlltou has bid his buriuwa protnitesal repainted iu good style his ttoekjspaco las been ucrsased by extend- iogbssbel ingaud other suitable luteirual arn ingemen i i 1 urns ci urcb suoday school held their aun ual picc io at stanley pf rk oa saturday aftirnoon hev sir ttagwood preached hisfarewell sermon in u e methodist church erin on sue day erenngj i iiciples church 8 s pic uic will be belli at stanley park on saturday jaiy 4th 1c0ming anp viiter to wdtioi6r ird variouiothynyi anal nou jislt if going mr itbomu rwitoa if berlin wu totrntjatfrlelajrii- iuv wb metivlsb tidob gsorte wailatowiioajieloay u mimblahqitookw txi wis the too omrti3lsu4lmtwcljr i mr fuba lalugi waebi returned home from muakoka od salorday j mrt atthur comsroujud chlldrsn b calgtry ace ruettsj at bqtie oatitgs mr tad mrs hitduikdt bonboto were the ifumlibf mr eo bttwlckrodiiiatov ti i 1- f ill mrib n wheialer lidjbcr daughter ot hamillou l4td rleafa in aotou lait wtdciiil i- imr and mm albert israjond ot chtogt have bsea ruostsf o etcouneillor iimaud theast week i j ijl liendenon mp pae up from tawa on saturday and to niiued at home l i 2 titi rgetown a neighboring city vieittd ourcitiaenj and after taking orders for tcapursuided of tbem that ittvotlld baamott dcoiomi cal thing just at theadveot of the preserv ing feaeou to lay in s bairel or half barrel at least of granulated sugar the sugar was of course claimed to be sold at thole- tale figures the epgar was delive tewdats before tho recen tariff chi nges and now tbcueigubccsofthcfefortuijatef people arn considerabiamnsedatlearning that they can purchase tfcfeir eugar from their own grocers now at retail in dollar lots five er sis dnliarfl per barrel cheaper than tlfeirjwholtstleuetghborri do uotjepect to get a huge bargain from a stranger if you want anytmng in dry goods groceries boqts andshoeshariwace or any other linepurchase fromthotse who deal in theol iutour own town i i i jb apiirectitirf sockty iiat friday vening a number of lbei members of the ladies aid society of the hethodit gunrch visited the parsonage and dtritig ttieir vitit the fresidelttmrp james brown read a neatly worded address referring to the efijrts of or- and mrs gilford in tfiiutereito the sapiety during thctrtay iu actdu and the regret of the members at their remeval conclud ing with a few words of kindly farewell on behalf of the indies aid mrk i frabcis then presented arielegant silver fruit dish with una cut glass bowl as a memento of the relation which have existed during the past three years dr gilford feelingly replied thanking the ladiee for their kijjd words and beaitiful present he tbeureferred to the pleiiant and hkjipy jperiod he hadj6pent in jctdn end withed the society and the cl urcb with which it was identified every prosper- ity and success thronghalltbe future years ilelreehniepts wereltben brought in by the ladies and a pteaaaut hour was pent together a batch ai june vteidlatb june has always ten a tavorite n onth for the consommeljon of nutrimpniai alli ances and a trio of- our young lfde this week followed the course of thoasfnis of their predecessors the three areianoog the brightest and most generally estei med of actops young ladies have ali been energetic workers in the bam ebsrehthe diccipjes ihdwera all married on tues day by rev jv 1 campbell who hat been conducting evingeltstio mcesihere the fjt week the folfowint partlcnhirf willhe o interest mies afigte ramsay daughter of mr wrri ramaayjlof gotirf ville ny formerly of acton was united in the bonds of wedlock to mr joseph peters of stilton for kme time a resiient of acton miss annie mclelndaoi hter of mr johfl mclean gave her hsjjd u mr janjes kfewart son of mr jokn stei icrt near acton and miss mattie bwi da ieh- tf r of the isf e tyorruc- fjlack vis i mei riod at the home of her fitter mrs ij ate hart at toronto to rev i charlton pistor of j tbo diacipiescborcb gjecjrgetowa jthermtny friend of jlhete young keopleso happily weddfti unife in coagrsiulatious and the fbee pkkss ettends itsbestyithas iaeaeainstanee i 4 seut niubt our from with none jhi still t w titin bblds off fjrombtitwi cxajninattonswero held iu our public schoo on monday and tuesday oir dectr a light i fine one and we hav yet tolpw the neck to acton being first in the fi ild ip this line tbo masai sttended divine worship in aibaliy last 5 onday evening at the baptist tclrarth he v mr korton iiresvehed and his effort wa fully ftprcciated by a well fillc i church 1 0 ir crickc c have at list broken their phci lomcnal ecord of defeats by wtttning from the d c park club ofntorotijo on sat may las it was an ideal cricketers day ind a no fiber of ho air and bntve siw the gami mr j ii mcleod did thi hort rs for eeorgctown at the bat ably stiff orted by mr h h ptilrytnplc while c tt roe sla jghtercd the stumpsj oi r travell ng public will do well to libte the tangos a the time tables liroognt abou tby the sprthern trains notv running to tie union station the new tine was fiiiip led on saturday and the switches were turned i onnecting it with the main linq 30 sunt ay so that some important chat es iiv oecnrrod also note the chahlesinotir mail tervieo by the time table pbiied i i the post office tlosejwhi happened to bo witbtn a leagi 0 of our tojaniliil mictay last week wcrcstartled to hear eimc very awful sounds issuin from thence somewhere in a biat human voice wfs it a stam pede in rroklyb or an avalaochp on duddas st oct neither twas but the deacon takin aoinlicelised vankeevjodor to tli3 cooler iudthe yankee wasresfcting squire mac tboujjht a suspended t fine enough and tl e iltnk skedaddled n event u night in the society annals of gorgetowi i vaa last friday evening the occasion beiii ill celebrationof mr frank barbers 21st birtjiday the grounds fetid rcsid aide of he f anuly wero beautifully illuminated b cobritless chtaese lanterus tliat sast a stj teuii light oer all the fair 1 sumuii lgtlte effectstliat eeri beauty crcale v hetijjspread like a feast before senseh invitations were accepted far and leadj and as the hotrs sped music ai d dinciugand merry- inaking was font d who had not joy and- en joyment pictured ou their face tlie inenn wis oneof tliej best efforts of mr harry webb toronti mlrs barber and mr frank leave shortly fort an extended eixopean trip i bi tt jsvere busily enged in shooting atth ranges here onfriday and satuiilay las thetrwn was thronged with military vuutop and some vervcredi table soorujg ras done we have nit space to pauiculirii jbit it is safe to say that even thcjuglrdj e elements wero against ae shootin iye tlie old xx did its duty way 1 d oy j elec ri light was flret lighted on yi niug one arc light being 1 t i ir roes corner it is a very- fine iteadyjlif it ind wilf hardly fil to give jbe best 6 tisfactionl pjclisosaiji- rev mr buchanan the nevjji indueie i pajtor of the presbyterian churah addrfa sed large congregations last sunday 3t jjp bell formerly of the bank of hail toqhere fs spending a par tion ijf bis bol days in town rev mr idtrttjwfell pres he his farewell sermon on sundiy morting we wish him every eucceiiin bis ollegennd future ministeriai 5 caree- i i j re mr edley of vancouver bc ormi rly cong egational minister here ad j dress 4 bis old congregation and a host of frieni is last st jlay mr campbll with tho isciple again llsi sun lay afternoon and his re mark were ai apt and welt received as ever 1 jmr and mr 1 tbos speight have oor idncerest symj itijyvin the loss of their in fant 1 on tb funeral took place ih acton last i riday mrs rev 3vpy is visitingwith old friefflsbitei 3he looks as genial as ever mr chu qeiuders jkhar atclrtxtla acloa oa monday oioruln ram gtrrnxny tud will make hit ubtae here mcaod mrs robert gibbous left a monday to spend a mooth or so will friend at newark and kesr york mr black who bksitut graduated iu the disciple couegeialkaifttjcky spent a owday this sreawilii riiad here mr jblnouirjof stathcv foftaetir priuppal ot itockwood school haa accepted the hdmuunhlp of gejrptowu high sbhaol i 4 mr j k brown who ha completed hit tlitrcj year la medicine with honor at torouta uoirertity arltl awtict at portion- of- thl tamttier with dr ufeni i 1 rockwooo i i tueanaualiiarinpn to lhejaouwwi priaehed in st john barch laat sunday alernoob to a very large jitthertag iof wjikmau beloogiugto the iooil lodge aiid visitor from ac to a goeipbaa olsewbsre ti e rev gentleman too for hi telt mirk fi p hdw many ioayesha 5 el and frojnthii preached an licetleut diioooxse full of encourtgement 0 the werubersto codtinue iu thirfr works of benevoleiice he ooncladed by cihortlog them to remenj- borj that jesus christ m the iras eumplo jtofptiow j v the aniorj krrhday sclioof aicorsioa roojrockwo6d to burlingtpd beichoo pricuy lith wu a great lace iu every aspect- the day was flue and nearly 800 deketa- were sold the committee 00m- bfljed atju john hart jw burnt rotrascrehind mckenie andhblick set evtfytbingjlhat ooatd be thought of jrovided or the pletaar ant amusement if th schalar tba eicartion iet rock- road hy the regtjltr trsin 910 km eaihtng the beabli on time immediate- y lftr arrival alio ercttrtontjptrtook it their iaach in the cdmfbcfabte sheds irorided at he beach and at one oclock 1 ho splendid steamer modjetka took tha i arty over to hamilton where they spent 1 0 boar in viewing tlie mountain city 1ftrain rotarningicft tte beach at pre click andkae45okwood by special froqj georgetown at eigpt oclock railway qotsa ent hcnsaa 1 18am czprleu totcm t ail x10 ida jit raiaeber 9 sfi am i irtfeu j x sjpm express ui3si ialll 6 tl pm uallitas slpm iaanarj 7 39 pja ktxd y 10 ii pm traxor trtso jcailiii fin i ftest b 33 am ana uo pui olcjeastjllowamandijjpui ith s uueuble wenttototltect oojuuo isth ikl7 1 1 it if be be bird ip tile longer boots aid oboes will wear and tlie cheaper he pin lay them the piorwmopev i leaves h m or groceries jtid feut we sell you ti ies necessary articles that willi outwear i rem uiiimfauiy- mm i wo it years of iii bad my uck 9i rlieuraatlsraald after i rtwdrtku- toauwejwetwifitaeik 11 the form otjsjotimbnii appestd 0 ifarfcjaitrorsiy body and for tt years t jm an httlm ftelog- gutaci to mr bed t fear in that tliietewor eiercu sore ap- nrmandbrokoauiiiiiinibgrat pabi ani iufferinj ifehattlitevbratiouwietsvcli- karlylit lwlit to oileajo toyultft liter but ira ceailned to my bed most o in iraal was tlww in jdly froad a book a 1 arwifhctrwtawuielivero itateraenti 1 retire if hocdsgartapar1la lus so fni- i tessed with the iucerti if cui medicine bat dcemcdvalry 1 tojui rat grallllejtkm pie sores sooit d ereasedj audi i frepii o ted letter aiidlla short flines i wu up tbi utof ioortltodialiiuodf 0 dike itood8nrlj i uiittrlllafor abai t x yiir wlisti luvlug usee lixjbouiei i lijj bocofiw ipjfuliy eleased fcitliodleaejfutrwtlbirkfoili j niuttvalljnjiuirwtliiootiii i j iuvk xjt lost ajafxdlb oav eiwfdimtofaiciucisltbelletefthoducaie i ti it klicllcd com n y 0wi auvnyi feci wff ainjoo4titli audlule a ood appetite laraoowstyear oieandcaliallcawelf at any one ex that doe lliib it a llttje shorter than be other axvliig 0 the loss if waeaiidtiiesjifi t furmefly oa my riiil ley jo iny frud 1 ly recafery losnu alihwt nitracolam and i tjiuik hcoilj garsniarlia i lie kluj of uedcliis1 wtttaic a ijbha 1 fy ealwad sfcjlteodalltuie tuii sarsaparilla s4mhaaiiraigifulas pnpawiralri tyufooucoapoiiiufcaa 100 doses one dollar j i jlpijijoutujble woijkg autltoksilackiforojsrfykatchs illoekl johmh hajmlifoh proprietor wubletale aid woh dwotjand ilnet tenortar ni4 atroxbidstve expertofea er ho sat si veers thepttbllcjrar rey ou jcttloe all suiiorior ft i u 1 pt c tt thtr daaler svlrtljlpcr cchi offiou a airoct enter r- eclttd for tfro licit dai j eteiried visitas ti lacs wraps kjfccr dressy things thej rc wcla8li you tojbee tlie splendid stock wo show sin thcrrl parasols haedj v i togfet money i thatjsjiow roouey is we knoi it rod were gofng to help jou make ha you do get go as far as yoa can no dbul 0 yod fill appreciate our efforts i but bit t tell you how we canhelp you well its easy to 3o that araao must have 3ootsjand shoes rhether is hard- y h m you ofteu buy and frequently charge yfa fess for them thau you- m ii lie hsbpi oj paiuc tba same with t lip en rubbers truhks ic i anything rantwesell foa how william h iiav for a sunshad 3s dreus of hcni at all pnti theru aalbw as 25 eaeh good full sirpdpurasol il w apt to sava fpngy j you caiit help but do 6a by tajking advtinwoe ot our june suiq v7e cautnhegui to tell jj au of tt fraction of the bargaius we place bo6taiidsftes rveuablegopbf oar iaocek hinge oc this ijtuj es iy enonglfto set lw goadj batdoit ip bayeroratjtler f our er jerfenc ffu satisfied mi that fthe beat i thei eiespesc and wilt nbj jroartoo lonk w ant yoa oonfiaaooejandi trade our tar and vai ied fltock will merit these wl ei lt iarnt down to ttyle arid price wsiralilt oarha4arbedkidboot oc ii die nee i ia btesk rg in and fit r fc itly io 1 can wear iiz imaller in- thi 1 i no than jirdinaxy good and feet more coi if irtabte to p tuox dr sdjcstbttj e xe sory y clear to acoo t jour ui mminate injiatorp akyoar druggist lac dr agdt koenigsihfmburg drop for the bi ud r r the ontario agtfcal tarsi obfl t is in great favor thi season with aim ooisu imt sieek zm0 vuniort were thi rm ti r -iii- tee oar way rnl w cannot any class oar siperiadie fcultingit ua tot e jone price only your trad on oa good hadef t 1 d be interesting fi el oonfident the mtjt have onsj prioa iin4 we f ill b pie jattifa bivi thutia4 will fr vsluet every i nejklt won femiifwpreejr borne irimi w amu tmp4bta to a hf ip at be same rate williams cau help it his boot sud s loe store you can lis cant huarats ualiuent relieves vearafgta j3 t bvjibtxk x u ac m e 25 at your djijiow nettstyqsinlttaeilateavljlocks rajiymjejaajhiqu rruwsas goot ag the marke yoa may wparjauobby ait but i f yourvjjama- a bclcijaraber the geiiei h fit is ijttui jhact ithe sarati p jto spgakjjigof i jjgmt y w ilijhahxieitnike th judftdftlgedt6beith beat i in jfc bajt jj 6 ftmrn fb q-7- gjigjyi fcwri wamiited f wi iamln receipt of ftiiotiior sjiiptcjetitl af qhtjlliesi cnetiitgv zeghyijg ttroh 38 ljlaiiiei tl nil rsjelf tit ttrtnl gliallie to suit jpui tasto far 10 cents aud for j2 qenu we ave sateens 111 cori er t b fad other late iade colore aho absofiitejy v rrnixalrtc8i hfjuse painter paper hangefi r sigkvyrfterrltiv h 1 is prepared to txaiuta oroeci la any of tba alx re lines lmucmmlanr aixdatreasonatila jar as- e rry job tavuis m i psrlooaiaaeduon cfia assure customers eomnet smtlafactiaii aipeeiattri tm nl j r inlng la ill cwui i l 1 ordairwutfoj- erdonce rlu moirb prompt tteatiouu v in- st acta mioe0 4 x k tutinbauy itbt tstata ox eatriexeamb tbointela 1 ai tbselst- it ti blh ast i jatbioklamb ie jaredlcon iaejai a iolflt sr aneraj lleah nj- undivided share tharftl arokiaiuoeiastlbf uu afie ontyothaltonwbodidd r f of uarch i991iars on knly lfflutoiaeffiv nosi jsamb aetenpoior jobn l 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stock or clothirjg it thff eouht well we have ydiihave thpyepicetweed suits on the hhvb vtth pelts andpiea ieii iwaist that isthe ve uivi and selisc mao the best of it i i i l i t j l 1 is- kind alt is vthat customers buy fytju neither we a lovely stoci a short timeaco matf thj trtdeiatpriceslvermuchfre itdiandjyti are sell lave k large stopk of furniture suited to every pockethk 31f0icht at son f i t tl- poi in turn shing a house or addfng thereto the jpoor secure i xtibles of comfort as well as the riah i vr i hkvei fulllirie pf purjiitureori if 1 ullilirie pf furhitureoi parlor pining rrian jtyty ji mm room i prices r im ing ciiiespndiilglj lit will ttleasejypu lens clothing au thlav wje jiavej said about lthe styles jlnd tpiie iiaye ritjt bi- goitiea yoijhhjih r itri pbrtti it mvttetpfjtwflrd adbjiiment vfe3 ave a fit it wko 1 will jbe 0fm lit ii 9n4ftat p seet milton iu vfk i lp r jg jme andifee jthetockh it ioeai he boys iv tsr ieaut v ms ririptrj heap ii- i ivvv u ass clothibj t an j mmi hm yputhf stoct jinas1refith wh 01 main 1 1 irent spring arrivals iof dress gcods bilks millinery mauiles fa lqj goods ljifoplesd prints x sa een 1 lieaatiwl lotpf fancy i j sa een last pldfs for lc vc aj 18c our sareoujs caniot l 1 he distinguished irout silkn and oui prints excel m ilcsif s phfee ant quality but ing boi it onin l r go tuus bliirtango ct tonujety ikingsjiand ei rri a fly sfor the rec jutrse we ref3riamei btojoffer tne ret it the prestiit v flolesate h priesr 1- j ii arrleu b igs arid v tains aheipl abd n targe- 1 i etyi j sjl t eiks- aiid boyat rea dyraade cldthifig iii profiti loh anb vei jrioiiv ypicetjij l-j- i iirr suitiuiiirpiiagx yerjjtt- j bj i ardf3e4tsuntsbr igi w6rev7 r r hefet tntit 06netepheut- ci m 7 r t m tinkjiittuicj majbrr anil prioo ot tj 1 ou gengkiinsehttvha o arh l- jr3iirfainel t- k llxjl i ifeill lecaspimlalattqntiiti tow vai ieabd taraaifddk nf prci 0c tdsi and pjfefui tri simluj- 0b pieaatakirigepat aniknt in ijl wnifft4iu ou qnis- ui5m lit jgowris jaajcej 4hanueavfej qowriavfac icej aiid hant 1 imoinjjtvl tlepan raaht is lffesl c141 ivi rt ifii if krlt fte aoniiisptiqu lavftejil j ji uri u fai eiirop3inq opxla 1 ayebajmp im ioriby ii-ouriely- pjfjfxs s latsan gob hay n ohi ibo 1 before tlietifrprtij mt18issnswliiwa