fgz itlotl frtt flttss notes here and there tihrsuy vu iei cbc younjfjfolkb vbbuattt tlma ltci toc boaac ivwt u opu 4i you re op slukc each blaukoi tad tiocu lfte uibo5i o pel tirku oft thetic ctomm floor it ll itnl tvpcp right through- cion itnl and door liki f tht bid iu ill null mil 4ilbpodatrcomiu h and iwttcr uuu vd do uiu li bxu done slllllllllllllhr tn ihe frcli motuiog nr shhhji i will uflitfla joar itix- and ifivoq jtmr care ke ou arc eirj do roodcr tlicrc vafcht and txcir t gloom uug boartlf round in oaeb owfull rtow sb t mrc ill sic trculjo u profit im n h i cr tberc f tteadiclc and hrtciit tid ever and vad herntag roand settling down 1 la the closest ud but wt tho vind tvwp right throacti till the air irwli an itm t nd more ctwrtal toall ij thro the toil of the da mow nfmih d youll avk hea ui nichu pitied a vir om ijayazutf good old steve goal old stave it a bi gray how one dav he ras feeding bv is roadside new a little brown house bs koosie lived m tl t house ana babys mamma was very bav that morning baking babv had on her bine cambric frock she crept ont into the yard mamma did not mrs her at firet bit b ind b the heard her en she ran to the door tad aw sim standing under the big maple tree he was holding baby ap by her dress with hn great strong teeth mamma waj frightened she cried ont 4 oh mj baby my little ncmue steve heard her cry heturced quickly trotted np to her and dropped the baby carefully veto her anna baby was very lad to he dropped into mammas- arms she crowed and clapped her handt and patted mammas face mamma gave steve a coobe and au apple then he wiunned goodbve and trotted c3 yon see he knew thai tnch a wee baby as kontie ont not to be oat walking alone so he had picked her np4o take of her lutlr lit amd vbukm ltm of oenaral intereat to free prsta roadflra wnttlti of confidence thowlio haie ued t praietl mr genrw ward nt from jostphiue oot coucemilueuatyarji yellow oil kit aure cure tot chipped hands swellnnf or throat etc 1 msommcud tlagjards yellow oil lo ill teacher lo the class in chcraistnl- what doct toi wttr oonlain besides the sodlnm clilonde that we hare mentioned ueadboy ilili uenry clcraonlc almoule wnlea for a long time c was troubled with chronic bhcomitrero at times wholu dis- iblod i tried anj thing and even thing rvcommended bat tailed lo get any benefit uulil a gentlemen who was cared o rheu matism t dr tliotnav eclectnc oil told me aboat it i began asing it bolh m ternallj and externally and before two bottles were used i was rajicallj cured we 6d it a household medicine and or croup burn culs and bruises it liss no eioar jlrum is always to tell the truth yes interrupted an acquaintance and you are probably the worst shot m the united sucs mr john anderson grusmcrc ont writes lhcvcgttable discover jousent me is all gone and i am glad to say lhat it has kfeatli benefited tho who have used it one man lu particular eayt it has made him auew man and he cauoot a loo much lor its cleansng aud caralue qualities llit ughcd jeiikiniou ills lo thmk that i who am such a lover of nature should discover after ray mirruge thst lamindissolublv wedded to art i m came to his senses w 3e i wish lht mm woald go home if be h got ont to go to lmdlordr- hash hash hell call lor dnefc iiirecuj- wile- i wish- he woald maie hirte iboqt it then for it is lime every honest mic wis in bed iandlard he u ukia the shinfilea off hit hoase tnd patting them on oars at this tune junes cune to bu tight senses nd commenced rabomfi his eye uid stretching himseu as d he hid joit aote swd i believe ih go dont be in a harry junes said the undiord oh yer t mast co old james and be sluted after aa absence of fiome seek the land lord met him and accosted lam with hello jim why am t yon been down to pee as why i had taken bo many shinglec off my boose it began to leak and i have been mendng it sud james the uvern keeper and his wife were astoniihed james is now a happy man and his wife and children are happy too yoodr nan whose hoase are yoa ibin- is the effectof clirks lhtmng liniment when applied to a bcry it stops the pain lnsunuv and even in the wont cues the careisrspidandthoroash there is no other preparatiou equal to it and m iw states ita use has become cecersi in the hospital clsxfcs lightnmc liwmeot stands alone a pwaalettor sd by all rstclass diagicu price fly cents- curk cbem- ical co toronto kex vorfc sow can yoa get a ne- 6et ot teeth icsert- ed gralugo into somebody t eardec where a i dog is kept and kick him the worry of tt- the worry and sickness of stubborn headache are easily cared by the ase of st jacob oil it the best a temperance lecture i m there is a very healthful moral tn the fallowing taie and a good temperance iecrare thrown into the bargain a resi dent of besnbaniois was a few da a ago called by telegram to sc jerome where a near relative was slid to be dangerously ill be got as far as montreal but on coming otjt of the bonarenture depot he met t con vrvil acquaintance the piirurted in to liquor op at a saloon hard by they continned at it until it was too late for the man from beaobarnoi to catch the oclock tram from the dalhouise square station and fhey decided to make a night of it in the morning the man from beanfarrnois received another telegram stating that his relative had just died intestate leaving about j 12 000 lo be divid ed np amongst aboat fifty collateral rel atives the beadharnois man taking his share among the rest but that hsd be reached st jerome in time he was to have been left the balk of the property to say that the beauhiraois man is mad but feeblr describes the situation a sore remedy for caralclft neuralgia is one of the most common and distresing complaints incidental to this climate it is not confined to any parti- colar eetkp for whilst most general in the winter seasons 3 et many suffer it ex- cmciaiing agony in the heat of summer fn ute years this form of disease became better known and consequently the means of relief have become greatly increased in numbers as well as efficacy among the most powerful and penetrating combination placed within the reach of the public for the relief of neuralgia we can mention no remedy equal lo or more certain than poisons kerviline ita power over pain is something wonderful and we advise a trial for neuralgia or any other painful corn plaints aslnnuaday a minute a day devoted to taking a doze ot burdock blood bitters will core any case of constipation dyspepsia biliousness or bad blood and may save weeks of sick ness and dollars of loss there u nothing better than b bb five hundred doiiarc will be given for a case of catarrh which cannot be cored permanently by clarks catarrh core step right op to the office tad get the reward thousands have tried this- remedy hot 00 one has claused the reward because it cores in every case if yoa hare a cold or are troubled with catarrh ask your druggist for clarks catarrh core price so cent and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly if yoo are asked io take something else send to ordirectaod we will send you a bottle bjrmiii 00 receipt et price clark cheeai ed co toronto flaw york owing lo the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced coosiberabh in price messrs mccautknd t strr tor onto fortanaleh mide a contract before the advance for a ven considerable quantity and are thus enabled 10 offer their patrons thif season a very decided advantage in price the quality being so penor to any ever previously impacted almost tike jfipc onr annual hralf will occur in june this 5 ear in prepanni yonr lanch we suggest oa asc imperial cream tartar baking powder sold b all grocersl in making the biscuit cakes c it is the most healthy and perfect mfi bye yigiuxrr toronto ont whats the best sue for a lazy man i asked a fop of liu physician eierciie said the doctor a common oi a common origin aj1 skin diseases of whatsoever name or nature are caused by impure blood bar dock blood bitten is a natural foe to im- pare blood removing all foul humors from a common pimple to the worst scrof alons sore pspi hive guns got legs ko how do they kick then with their breeches my son the greater psrt of poltical capital is made np of private interest bicklefl anticonsumptive birup ir a combination of several medicinal herbs which cxrt a most wonderful influence m curing polmoatry consumption and all other diseases of the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy eipecfor ation and gives ease pen 10 the greatest sufferer coughs co shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weakness of the digeitive organs or with general debilityjseem to vanish under ita use ko other remedy acu 60 readily in allaying infiammatiou or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by ita penetrating and healing properties when children are affected with coughs colds mflarrrmition of the iuag croup qainsey and sore threat ibis syrup is ot vast importance the number of deaths among children from these diseases is truly alarm lug it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and 1 pat at such a price that will not exclude the poor from its benefits from the tscific gnjt we qttote from a letter recently received from mis eleanor hope port haney b c foe sore throat coaghs craap bruises efc kagyirds yeeow oil is the best thing i ever used milton was asked b a friend whether he would instruct his daughters in the differ ent languages his reply was ojir one toogue is enough for a woman what influence has the moon on the tide the teacher asked john henry and john henry said it depended on what wn tied if it is a dog it makes him howl p m markhell west jeddose n s writes i wish to inform you of the won derfol qualities of dr thomaseciectncoii i had a horse so lame that he could scarcely walk the trouble was in the knee and two or three apphations completely cured him direclir and tudircetlj kidney complaint dropsy and similar troubles depend directly on wrong action of the kidneys and indirectly on bad blood burdock blood bitters regulates the action of the kidneys and oleaoaes the blood from all impurities in this way coring kidney complaint dropsy etc best thing to do when you go shopping with ladies take notes a nteb 80kc why was eve like sunday she wu the first ol the weak as an aid to internal remedies for skin dieeaaes dr lows sulphur soap proves very valoable how to acquire sborthard fool round a catting machine tffcro7rvre for a tboroogb and speedy core of all blood diseases and eruptions of the skin take northrop 4 lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit had a running sore 00 her leg for a loos time oonmenotd osmg i northrop lymsn vegetable discovery and she it now con pmstyeortg her husband thinks there 1 nothing equal to it fc agon or any loi tew 1 jtlie wrdi utwli the brsurlics hlh i wluurwur s we tilant tor utriu s homo ihudsi to tvsl their wrarr wiuc 1 hcltl t ti10 lomfty iras th loialj iraos the love homrlnt trees til ianl bcm here year aflor tar ttiouululiuvlr trees the iuu frill smile uikhi the leaves when tuorulim hani apvears the winds ul uhlfporsolt and low through tiim scouring jesr the tnvclcr livru uiaj stop and rest al iiocutidc i t ullry hour alldicot bin osrr loul refreshed llenoalh thu leal bower ual it costs most be careiull coosdcrod by the great msjont ot people in bujingevea necessi ties odife hoodbsstsaparillaoommendl itself with special orco to tlw great middle classes because it combines positive ocon omy wilh great medinetnal power it il the only irediciue of which can truly be said 100 doses cue dollar and a bottle u ken accord iag lo direcliout will average 14 last a nuulh hen jones heard il remarked lhat the less a man drank 111 warm weather the cooler he was he wsnled to know how much drink he would have to go without in order to freeze there n nothing equal to mother graves worm rrlermiuator for deslro ing worms ko article ot its bad hss given such siliitictioa civ told cured dim siim mother was attacked with 1 very severe cold andeough she resolved 10 try ilsgj ard s pectoral balsam and ou so doing found it did her more good than an oilier medicine she ever tried mas kiamjiy hamilton ont a hnnluiuie lrl is a thing o beaut and a joy for ever but where the chirms ot joulhfal health theros lips and pearl teeth are accom panted b the breath ot catarrh why it is time thst the maiden bought clarks catarrh cure pnoe x centr this would cure the catarrh at once and save her chances if not her life so other remedy so easy eel plcasanlito take and nothing eke so sure there is no excuse lor an ooenrivc brcalh when it can be avoided and prevented so eaail and pleasantly bashful ladies mav send the price direct to clark chemical co toronto new york a roan in the write plice an editor hlairli ltalata for tale cverrwkere jgm vera cura cures dyspepsia and indigestion if yoa cannot get diamond vera cora fom j ocr druggist send 15c for sample box 10 canadian depot 44 and 46 lombard st toronto jont ingrowing- nails a poitiic aca permanent cure fpr in growing kails ko pain sent post paid for ijc ttamps or stive addreas home brcanc co ociixu ovt the third page of the toronto duf mail is noted for want advertisements if yoa want lo bey or sell an thing if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings 11you have lost or ound anything or if ou want to find out where an one is advertise in the to ronto daily ayw ard read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertmn address the hail toronto can- ada children cry for pitchers castoria when njb7 ttxiiad we ber csutori when she tras a cfcjd she cried toe cmiotisv when the became km the class lo cutorti when she had ctilldren she eitc thea castoru- c c eiciheus i co t gevticmex in pkjmgtennii i wreneh- ed my ankle caasng me mach safftjnnfi and mcontience bat by using minards likielxt i v oot confined io the bossc b stdrle dij alter a few dayi i wi tble to conucae inimng for bporta at the hahfai carniril fornich had entered r carx yarraaath inatmctc a a c poor fellow be died tpaertj wlda man of a per sou lately aeccaed that unt aoythiag exeaimed a seedy by stander dying ulptrcerty is no hardship its linag in poverty that pats the screw od a fellow mafff men many mtoda bat all men and all minds arec as to the menu of bardock pills small and sagar coated castoria 1 for infants and children caatrtaltmwcfladaraeduiclilmhnuiat i oastorla euns 1o0u5 oraliatlo tron s a kaowdtoms h a aacnaa u d 1 buarona airs aiwp i- lubckoifordsl brooaljn ht i without injurious medkauoa taa owraua oovavr it murray btrset h t nhils cs cut 850 per keg spot cash ar- holliarakos hardware store mcnabs old stand milton opening up new 1 goods this vsteesi mr george bustm a practical hardware man is ready to attend to the wants of customers hollinr ake son the w 1st servants tell us that rheumatism is ablood disease that it can be cared only by a remedy which worki through the blood and et it yoa have the darting pains of rheuma usm in muscles or joints try a little of clarks lightning liniment it will go direct lo the seat of pain and relievo it at once there is no waiting weeks and months until the disease can be attacked through the blood tlusscmi i be con trary lo scientific claims but it is true that clarks llghtmug lmimeul will cure rheumatism sold by all druggists price fiftreenla clark chemical co toronto new york dunn baa good ears for music hasnt he asked one member of the cho r of another well was the reply he has good ears but i did not knew they were lor ransic i thought they were to brush the flies off the lop of his head with stubborn children readily lake dr lows worm brup it pleases the child and destroys the worms i believe youre a fool john lestil exclaimed frs miggs as her basbaod ua wittingly presented her with the hot end of a polahwjish which she proiptl dropped and broke yes he added re atgriedly thats what ihe clerk told me when t went lo lake out my marriage license 11 yoa wapt to buy or sell a firm ad vertise in the toronto hreify mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and our advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements ofihis class am in sorted in the toronto wtdly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty tenu a word for five insertions address ihe mail toronto canada spring arrivals 7 it it vr the mammoth house georgetown 1848 1891 a the oldest drug store iosr otthjlpeit establiflhed 188 c have the largest and most varied stock of tpp and french bur bruthei scotch and t7ennas kuicaoff rubber drealat combi toilet soup clothes brushes i tooth brushes ksm brushes tooth putt shsrlat brushes razor strop sht tint cups soep lubln pests a tkaions i undborfs colt tessnd seelts pvrrvuss- lu bottle and in hulk try the lalest- wltte laic all shades of diamond and turkish dyes w g smith st co oor wyndham 4 maodonald streets qnelpn mm ladies dont rest till you see our dress goods black henrietta j all ool aad 41 laches wide german i make and nice fine even twill other dealers ask 60 and 65c for the same qualit and 2in narrower it43 odin gold for a wife we will give to the first person telling as before jurje 1st 1891 where in the bible the word wife is first found 10000 in gold to the next itf 00 to the third 200 to the fourth 20 00 to the fifth 1 1500 to the suth tlo to the next 23 lo each to the next 25 2 each tothe person sending in the last correct answer we will give 100 in gold to the next to the last 60 and an on same as from the first with your answer scud 25 cti in silver or 27 cts in stamps for a box of 1 coles blood and liver fills tbe beat blood liver and stomach fill ever made sore core for slok headache dont orf pe remember tbe presents are sbsolntely free being given away lojadvertise dr cole per fect pills and famjiy remedies at tbe close of tbe contest thenameaand addraasm of au ihe prize winners will be published we refer yon to ihe the traders bank of orilla bend at ones and be t address home specjbc co orillla on 1 i usuef xi purist 8tronce6t best contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates ftf as ibjurhmil mstcrlsls e tar aii i rrr toeoktooxt t qillett aiiovoo nx mtftt sf tat tujuto tent- nit cm sta eerrwere great spring arrivals of dress goods bilks millinery mantles fancy qood6 staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy sateens fast colors for 12 jc worth 18c our 8ateens cannot be distinguished from silk and our prints excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickiriga and denims before the recent rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs and curtains cheap and in large variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and vorj low prices our suitings spiiifg overcoat ings and gents furuishingi were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price ot our gents garments have a pro vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large stock of dress goods and dress trimmings our dressraakiug departmentis in full swine fuming out exquis ite gowns jackets aud mautles our millinery department is complete with all the latest iovel- ties from the different centres of fashion inspection invited our european goods have been imported by ourselves our canadian goods have heeu pur chased before the rise on tbitnost advantageous terms we jsramj ise and will give great bargwis inspection uud patronage respect fully solicited we sho cashm from 2oc to 1 00 but our 40 cent cloth is a plum and n perfect black other black dress goods we bave in serges s alpacas crape cloths also black lawns which will receive a good deal of a tention this summer now in 2rlors we have makes and shades to suit every taste but pearl grey almoud and yellow are undoubtedly the correct things espe yellow wh is much sought after in centres of fashion delaines chall aud sateeus in great variety and beautiful colorings our beaside suituigs cannot fail to please we start them at 10c per yard jou may not be going down by the sea but for every da knockabout dresses tbe are right we have been fortunate iu securing suit able dress trimmings in tinsel silks and girdles these are scarce good3and will be picked up early miss grimshaw is prepared to make fashionable garments tor ladies and children no mis fits or slop work 2 cks6s millinery passed iuto stock to day miss mcbeth and assutants are busy but by early and late work keep up with the orders stock ver com plete now some lines cannot be got later on knowing ones bu earl r b jermyn v w mcleod o oeokojbtown the red color of tbe blood is caused by tbe iron it contains supply the iron when lacking by mlng mllbrums beat iron and m watches watches a largstock of american t watches in gold goldfilled silver and nickel cases just pur chased all reliable timekeepers ib sayaob taurrchmktcer cueuph railway tim tabu grand trunk railway oono aasr r express t 19 m ruwirmr vilsra mallj 11 me in tnroufrhhp oftipm accom vtotxo wasr kirresi 1 iosji kxrress 10 ra sjn thro express sz tun hill hfcptr 1 stun 10 oipm i aeeoni t1kk orcloslxo vllls oolowest0am aodlaopjn qoioeast1050am aadsopro this tlms table went lato cqect ou oct 1 v the largest 8cale works iff canada over ioo styles of may scales grain scales farm scales tea scales shproyed show cases voiey drawers mcwri mo 05tchui ttnua asoaxts is ruix wdla a kroa c wilson son 6 o esplanade street east toronto ont uclion itll surer c rrj ut ou vrua to mackinac summer tours pa lac c stcamchs lw rate tovt trip per wak bsttmra detroit mackinac island detroit and cleveland our illustratcb pamphlets baim ftoa zzctiraloa ttekuvin fa lubllhis bt reur tveat actay or adan a a 6chan1z arr q pi otraar iteh the detroit i cleteuij stub uv co to the great competition i- the canadian agricultur ists 5000 word hunt positively closes may soth ifyiu uji thereafter being allowed fovetters to reach ns from stant points ttw fdumnnj taopnawrnt pitm m w stcnita vrsont tmdibx in uns ftrutt botnv at werim ama vpcutnftam- irtitr cortjtinol in tb two vtu tl lcrrvltaiiil lupni tkiouotaotr uoortiooli m0qq liriwl tum 07ttai fxtiofar tirlrt in ijvtuqd iwl fthcti id uoj i oou wmc 1 hi cmitoauttsidi m i qdotiw toth hdcicftwvtjc hth bsilmhaal ii pru n 10 ra h a tmuvt ft each- iw juruw ti tlwll wtfurilltlai nuihac a toul o 3o6 prunue itlacti shidi vfj ugmtmtt 8jfj0a pu orvid w d jukunt omapcj ttoo it ojini to rrctrtwdj finf ol jpci to 1m nl lortu coodrtiooa til wwiimnrt liflcooiunrtedlroai tbe two ttinu tim africnltarirt and vati l rl rucfc 41 luj fysjau in wrltfrr 1 urahriilfwi dtttkw- ki7 and in uvr oij hflbe lnoktme c4 the m to t ntnl tbt utiij mam im ahttra ta iok on omvu of llie infr miit am rrumtwi in nxatwo lit acd ooaiotbctntl of the lut or ioliuin ta drtiuaif tlroinnrix tbe liu ronlatnlrtx lb larr cumlctiil wnrd fll h avtvrdml tn twit abd on la th onur rf tatrit irh ltu it la mrltm at lh ace um canaltn afrvvliuriu mh l irmnrtcrnl an4fl of morf uc on tbe urpt i tat u flrl rtrttt4 l1 b annvj lb firatpn ibeslwtjdaalart tctt orpth ttrflt of amdln in nrj vul mwlily l earb liat tmiat i antmiaibtrd if 1 fv c wmthj sab- amiilinn to the can ban afrhuluirll ooe trn4 eart rn4 n ctn tv man ttats acwunpanjhif vtth hi tor whtch itu iit iu i bent to koj tuihtm kr ti taonih nli famut inrr incarula it it no mrati a or trr liut ua ixvn mumiabn of nrdi of ttt iwi abd rarh jar prt in tb rhna- tlon of uv tiictilwt it roniim no tnahj hcwf mjorrj bctloo itrt ha lnimtlpj morw of a mgbtf cum br the moat popular amrttta f liv uj it it cmi nentlr tile ffllrt for bt hrrtnr ojrcle arrf at waytoih tbr abeapeat arl 11 t io llw tmarkrt thta-wat- itlou q1 riutr4j rloa on ittf ur oaiurd date bnjblsff ji ar iajtnl l mnatb aobatrp- tiw lo oor iif lbc lt hoaisitaptni m camih and at thraaaeunr run r sinnln a valoaua priw ailext vimlh stv 1 jfdof thr 1iuwbrrolba colun arioalirrvt in titin asaj ihnv utff astoqdti lnraaliu 1 rxttl tbr dnuuflcwitlbf paper and a nun wr o fnlt arr rl ilml iu errfj locajjtj la vbotblllirnlpaj vill it ftml vn i ttwrtfrtt atiuap for jsrtirnlar a ioi lain nt- rtr asklma tv caaaha at met lt rit imhwutltri d d b burdock blood bitters ii purelj testable compound ix seasinr perfect regulaungpovtrsoveralllheorpaiii of the lysteni and controlhug tlcireocre tious u so punfes the blood that it cures ail blood bmnon and diseases from a com mon pimple to the worst crofnou3sorc and thuoombinedirith its ttnnralledteitilating olansing and puntyuir influence ou the secretion ol hie jtter tadnejs boweli and tkin render it anexjaallcd u a cure tor all diseases of the skin from one to two wiles will core boili pimples blotches nelil rash senrf tatter and all the simple onus of skiu disease from two to oar bottles will cure saltrrieam or edema shingles erysipelas nloera ati- soesses rnnmng sorasand airsfcji cruptiona it is noticeable that sufferers from aim diseases are near olvrars aggravated bjr mluurabie tolling bol tins qnicklj snbsidts on the removal ot the dueobe by um b puvauig ort to arav er jet prev alent diseases soch aa icroiolois fvrelluigs humors ana scr0fuu we hare undoubted proo that rom three tosixbotueausedintcmallt andbtoutward application dduted il the akiu is broleiil to the asectad paru will effect a cure the great inuaion ot b 1 b o relato tta uter kiduw bowels aud blood to eorrwi 1 aclditjr and wrong action ol the atomalw- and to open the slsioe ways ol the si ul wjitt ofl all clogged and impure ma tions allowing nature thus to aid rocoait and remote without ail bad blood urar complaint bulousncsa twji- l w rhurnatlnnstejt spede ol dlaaaa ariaing troiu i urarudnera stoimiclitsowtu and lid to t lolbdbh aottlcis i- l v 1