Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1891, p. 3

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k i ink of hamilton ywwvwis tucofnci lsttrsva fcxo 4 tobxbua cuaujl hamilton uyccj b s otbvex asrrcuttlea m- 8 1ut vietrcs jor risctoat cijl at oto boca a t wosxais georgetown aqency kojetalfeeoatod and adsaaces tna4 am n scli nrao btm oust umtis i ssihr sb paffli rxvtkds dkrabtukxt issdrviil deposit to aau o stsclal deh6tts h m watson afcot the methodist church acton bkvoaotitord pa8tor fumip botr atomic caulc serriea lftjo am ud 6j0 ragday scliooltao bim claacoadnctej by tic puttr auconuijljiiitiwd singers axd tttitorl afrart rclcomc at tentive nabcn at the door ifcttlitarcdoalrtd applj- to u- t itoare rsxstevini sign of the rig watch arc you thinking about buy ing a watch then call in and see our stock of silver watches gold and goldfill ed cases- waltharn elgin movements our new styles m vvali pa pers borders window sljades are coming in do not miss seeing our stock no trouble to show you our goods call in 1 ceo hrnds acton fflje rfoit fxit vtss thursdiriiabgh 15 1691 uttle i0 b which caught the eyes or ears or free press reporters this weelc good friday next srek- palm sixadar ifcjad inxt council next monday evening oils ire bnejin 30 ta ii cents in gaeipfc spring is on deci in this seifchborlood again spriis bcrse shotrs are now bring arranjed were lad a prtuy good winters iboari o education a week roai monday etdicc 5tr- t h harding tax been shippim tamps here lias sreek v pl jlexab hardware merchant kntos has assigned if this weatber continues the back yards will soon demand attention bsiler and esses are scarce again they rill liely be nntil after enter three cents will purchase a copy c the friz pxem- wrapped foe the mail one of the most wintry spells of the season was experienced the put veefc ih- fcrr pees u as good as a dozen letters to yoar fridt away from home the cyster sjpper by the featlemen of the methodist church 5 tit progress as we go to prsss 7jobn baird taney goods etc of gorrunrn has made an assignment to tarhlsn grant- sfrloiry ofknox college toronto preached two eicelinjt sermons in enor church on santtay dont forget that th harding can snppry yon with choice cirer and timothy med at bwesl market prices the frxt ezzss has somethmg new fikd beantifni in wedding cards jttit in tocsg ladies come in and see thenx very few of oar atizeni celebrated st patricks day 00 toesday kevertheless the dear little shamrock was worn as usual eer jlr eae leaves this mortung to pexid a few days with friends at we hand- port eet itrleitch of elora will preach on sabbaths eer dr gifford will- delirer his faetnre on tbt itammoth cave of keo- tucky in dablin st iletcodist church gueiph this evening i the trkonbnrg iikraf husatelybeen enlarged and improved itr hcgaire the propnetor is alive to tne denxands of the times and prepared to meet them the ms n hoase georgetowa it another coinmn gives a listof their new v spring arrivak the sfiliifiery opening jtaies plsee on tie 2nd 3rd and 1th of april hrswrn esas3er will sell all her household furniture at her residence by private sdleforthe next ten days- farai- tare allaew and will be sold at a sacrifice tie frrr pczea omitted to mention last week that kfaslers frank ifcrnunb and looisorr interested the company afthe cedaiscreek social with their harmonica duetti i a very interestmg programme snper- intended by mr j b cunerpn was pre- jested at the meeting of the eoyal tem plars sa temperance meeting on ifooday ereniag- about a doien members of the dis ciples church attended the special services in georgetownoa sunday they speak in bigfa terms of atr campbell as a preacher sliss grimshaw of toronto will arrive oa 1st apni to take charge of the drebs and mantle making department of j b- b jerxsyc orders placed now will re ceive first attention special services will be commenced in knot church next monday ber mr ixilck will preach on monday and tuesday evenings the quarterly sacramental ser- rica will follow on sbbath 29th insf the public reading room in the town hill will be si established fact oext week a comfortable well lighted room liberally supplied wiui the papers and msgaztoes of the day should be an attraction to many of or young men merchants who advertise their busi neas on the feocesby posters at ba band buls fail to get anything like foil valo sxn mosey the same amount expended in newspaper advertising will bring m limes the result r tfieother day a merebant in syracise jefced a young woman 40 yards of atlsr for s dress if she would saw half a cord of wood in front of his itore bbe borrowed 1 w and went tb rough toe woodpile fo jm three boors and use adcoiring crowd bought ber 112 bat togo with the 0 themews at home mostly of a local character and xvory ite int8 graduated wonorn mr ii j sliliglootcampbcllvtllc stood lint mlahhlttilwllaw xamiuatlon in ixnlistrymduu succeeded in obuintng the highest number ot marks at the final esaminauou fortbe degree o ld8 held in toronto a week or so ago- his success t this examination entitles him t the first prise a gould dental chair valued at 100 tu oawio says mr btlnglo is about to open an office for the practice of his profession in acton anouier aovej 45calhitrartoii a haniiner aui needle party is the on- tertaiiinienl a country social club inveuted the other day eich lady was requested to bring a needle t spool ot thread and several buttons and each gentleman a hammer when ak the materials were on the table each lady plcksd out hamnler and was given a block nd some nalli each gentleman chose sewing materials ud bullous and the contest began the ladies drove as many nails in ibcir blocks as thay could in live minutes and the geo- llcmen sewed on as niauy buttons as pos siblc in ten nunules prizes were given and much laughter provoked rofflfoi and galltr mr 1 ajeiaodcr of millouviifcd acton friends en mctdy mr and mrs tbemit eiatou are visit- ing friends at markbxra mi m ol wiltoa visited friends iuacio this veck mr george lilstr iclt ca saturday to take a situation at ofhiwa mr fred it small of trvli toronto spent sunjiy with friends in own ifr geo sloe koctwcod made the flex prjs a plctsaiit visit last saturday mrs tren of lfedina wis the goest of hecsoadr free at iiilltcn place last week mr d ll cbristic ot toronto spent a few days this week the guest of d hinder san mp mr w wiilixn aucnded the grand lodge of the hone circle ia toronto the past ircodsys miss cirric smith wbd lias cxtcr sxlisfictorily to the lxdy ccetomers of messrs hcdcrtoc mcllac co in their miiiccry department for a number of years left with miss jeceie soce to uke asituitica at trenton a couple cf weeks ago these isdies hive been installed ia their new quarters and messrs phillips co wilh whom they are engaged refer to them as fibwt the depxtlment is nnder ibe fisnagement of miss sniilh one o the oesl milliners that trenton has ever had with miss kione is head trimmer a xcv fncfcx for uiblc kcv h run laing ivellkiiotii to auay of cinr rcirs luis invited a ncir and rcitly iniiievtd inii fcr hitler it ini urcn before the public doc for me luoatlis and is meeting with very popalir favor a cat of the index u ehown in an advertise ment vrtthe second ptge of the fuii prx- it tfordi the axnie coavtniencefcr sillilth school workers and the bible reader gener ally as the iipnbetical index in comnier- ciil byjks for business rnen the device giies cavirvirg exxctnesi and qnicknes in taming to any book in the bilk- kg need fottxtntieleivvsofyoer bit trik for any boefe tne icdex is in a condensed form only 33 scxltops being njairoiinsteixd oibi as heretofore the cpjjer icdex in each scallop refer to tie booeicimeuxteiy preccclirg and fiie iower iniei to tie loik foliowing to teenre familixrity with the index at once it is dirided into sections by foor colored iadexts a colored micx is placed at the psdlics at hosd bcpcxilcg the minor prophecies 1 xt the beginning of the iew testament and at gaixtians i b- ginnctg the shsrter epittles tiieie fixed in yoar mind oa have the inddx at coin- mxni- if the book of joel is wanted for instxnc yoaknoril isin the minor proph- cies the eye trill nolo the colored index of this siction before you lave time to notics the letters and glxncing beov the beck desired is opened to in a moment so with any other lok yea know the books the index affords a clear oatline for ready reference mr albert laitg acton has chage of the rworfc of indexing and i will promptly 11 nil orders sad accident to a former cllicea ftet pes- readers will learn with gen era regret that mr george p tolloc of kosalia washington has met with an accident which cst him his left arm it appears that one day last week he tried fo board moving train at wilbur when un- fcttunately he slipped and fell in such a position as to have his left arm ran over and crashed off the wilbar xcm gives the following particulars the passengsr train stoppsd for sapper and on account of the rash mr toton whowas aboard did not leave the train with the others- a hort limb later however he stepped oat on the platform ta get a little fresh air when the floor mil attracted his attention and being personally acquainted vrith 3fr kurvens the general manager he concladed to ran over and inspect the plant becom ing interested he stopped a few minotes iongerthan hebadiatendedand as he passed oat of the mill door he heard the bell ring ing and started on a ran he did not reach the train until it had started and in attempting to board the front steps of the last car his feet shppid just as he reached lor a hold and he fell resulting as stated above he undoubtedly fainted upon re ceiving the injury for no one witnessed the accident and when he became conscious the depot was locked and hewa6 compelled to go to mr wauirights before anyone knew of the mishap medical aid was hastily summoned and it only needed a glance to convince the doctors that ampu tation was necessary astfce- lower part of the arm only remained attached by pieces of skin mr tolfon is ail extensive grain merctadt of bosalia tins state and was on a grain buying trip to this section his des- tinafion teing almira when the accident happenod- at last account mr toltox was doing very welf considering the great shock sustained acton branch bible society the annual moatinganlntereit ingand inatruotlve addreia by ra j w rao the forty third annual tnaetiug of acton brauoh bible society u held iu iho dapiln church last friday eventu mr h p moore the president occupied thg ohsir tut moeliug was opsuw by a hymn rendered by the union choir and prayer by hfv u boook after a few introductory rtjiiatka iho proildoul called upon dr lowry the secretary fur his report for llio yoar which was given as follows in living before you an outlino ol the work ol this society for the past year there ia reaiou or thankfulness that although our prospect was rather doll for a time yet at iho close of the year our position was slightly in advance ot the previous years statement it might bo well to remark hero that the amount remitted from the acton branch uow depends alouo from the oollaetions at the annual meetings and tho subscriptions secured by the collectors iu tottnor years i hod that the amount was considerably augmented by the proceeds of salcsby the depositary which reached at times upwards ol 12000 as this source of revenue has ceased it behoves the chris- tain people 0 acton this village of chorchos and the neighborhood to be alive to their duty and thus evidence that they are coworkers with tho msstcr who himsell ttught the prayer thy kingdom come thy will bo done on earth as in former years the real work in con nection with our branch has fallen upon lh collectors this year their duties were rendered more than usually ouerous from tha almost unnavigsblo state of the roads at the lime they were obliged to make the canvass however i am glad to stale that at no former lime has this most important work been more efficiently attended lo and the favors though oflen small were thank fully received tbe finances of the year were as follows collected i uiu uclhiil olid ulssumiubews ehm collected br hiss itcore md jiixs laavoa 2050 collected br uiss kelifluu md miss atclcau tu collected ly john gordon slid sy lindsay xm collected bv uobt khmard ica thcmit kuiott ton collected by ales ucobuald cio ccllcetodbj jchalcwirreu tj collected by wcrdca ixd c dsvmsoa gjti cjfltction it mscil incclii 715 ii b jermyn is shewing correct styles in gentlemens stiff and soft hats made specially in london england fo his order men talk in raptures of yoathaodbeanty wit and sprigbllineas but after seven years of onion not one of them is to be compared to good family management which is seen ta every meal and every family gathering and felt every hour in the husbands purse mr 3 a- murray ha rather an exciting episode with a beifcr be was driving out to bis farm ast friday wbrit crossing harveys dam the animal became frightened and amped upon the ice which being ulid gave my and it was carried under mr m array concluded that his new purchase could nono placed on the wroog side of profit and loss account when tbe heifer emerged through the ice some yards away aod safely reached the shore upparseit ryae the worse for it cold dip tceit tu this sum was remitted to the depositary it toronto to be divided equally between the lpper cansda bible society and the british and foreign bible society the report wis referred lo ia compli mentary terms by several present and a vole of thiaks to the secretary and the collectors was moved by mr john warreu and seconded by d henderson mp and carried unanimously the cfiiocrs fcr tbe present year were then elected as follows riulmuvrk rxtewr vtt puifd benders jo it j sixyraraidr v h lorry tftxccrimicciexittni jchu caaicrou iter dr giaoni junes l wirrcn j d rearson g tvch jis jxstthe taos- t xtoore sajnuel werdca v t siiiytu uid jchn liobcruca cor rcrcas 1 icisscs untie moore and la rcirsoa i jliifces llcili hil sad itcbecc iud- crsoe j xthsefi ucxtihia- tad xtclcaa itestrfc thoenii elliott uii koltrt kinnsrd i ltessrf- john st warrcz lad xkc xcedoaald e lctirs c diudsca md siaiacl wocdea t xteirt joha gonloc aad k t lialiiy ilev mr eae the agent of the society for ibis district then delivered a most in teresting instructive and eloquent address the growth of the work was referred to dirrisg the year in nsw stations have have beeaopeoedinoatario and 17 ia mani toba sit colporteurs engsged in ontario giving away 00 copies of the scriptures and selling 7co0 special reference was made to the provinkcfqaebec its favorable sitcaticn yet by retscn of a dominating power it was a con condnctor interfering with ihe bead of unity which otherwise would bind oar dcirioioo from ocean to ocean the condition of manitoba was noticed as being peculiar oar own people yet frcrxt indifference liable to drift from the texebiogfi of their ycath hence the ardent need for the work of the colporlecr the eircoktiou- of the bible and sacred literature the organization of ihe british and foreign bible society 60 years ago was next alladedtoasbeidgspeciallyrequiredat tint period of british history indicating iheover ruling guidance of thedivine hand the work of the society in austriahuugary and kussia was spoken of in turkey insurrections had interfered but now the colporteur is free to work leavingeurope the interesting fact was stated that from africa the parent society now receives aid to carry on the work madagascar and the difficulties of the work in china wore tdached cpon in british india the pro gress is marvellous greatly through the instrameulality of worthy women there after contrasting thefruits of the various forms of worship and thus meeting the objection urged that the christian religion is only slightly in advance of that of con facias buddha and mohammed and noting that science wilh its wonderful inventions its use of the elements in carrying on and doing the lidding of man lad alirsys fol lowednever preceded the elevating re fining and saaclifyicg influence oc the bible one of the most interesting addesses ever given to an actou audience on this subject was closed by an impressive appeal on behalf of the society and to those present who have the lamp of life to aasist in givingto those who have it not ber dr gifford followed wilh a few ap propriate remarks expressing his pleasure at bearing tbe address of tbe agent aod the excellent work being accomplished by the bible society the collection was then taken and al- though the 6lormynighrwasrespon6iblefor a very small attendancsamoonled to 12 the choir rendered a number of sppro- priale -hymns- during the evening and the meeting was one of great interest ihroogk- out through the kindness of the- secretary a fsee pan reporter was permitted fo examine the original minote book of the acton branch this old vblome which is still in excellent condition gives much inter esting information the first paragraph iu the minute im as follows at ameeting held in acton esqnesing by appointment ofbev james eichardson agentof the upper canada bible society on the 27th february 1mb it was resolved that a society be formed to aid in circulat ing the holy scriptures and that it shall be called acton branch bible society al this meeting officers were elected as follows president alex brown sr vicepres duncan kennedy sr becy trees john holgate ifiecouve committee lacblan mcdonald duncan kennedy jr alex grant asa hall james cameron samuel smith simon anderson and john zimmerman tbe following year key hiram denny was elected president and messrs john q adsms john holt and wm maaalu placed upon tbe executive tbe treasurer reported the revenue of the society for the srst year to be 11 0 ojbot of this 19 0 wai derived from the sale ot bible and testaments iu the depository presided over by mr ltolgate in those days baok la the forties and fifties the timotife mmmllteebediiusrter ly meetings in tho interest of thisoolely as the work preceded wt find such woll known names among oar early residents in active connection with tho society u- matthew swan john speight abram matthews itobl swan lucltis adsms rufus adams michael farmer oeo mo kay audrew kennedy oliver laiby sr thomas moore sr benj nicklin jacob swackhamer 8 b johnson ales ucpliec charles symou aroh campbell john cameron john warren adam dixon wm mcnab malcolm mopherson kinlan lindsay and others whose ueraos are now gone ooi ol memory among ibe agents of those days were rovs laohlin taylor james itiohardsotj orty arpour dr omeers and the jocal ministers included revs j mceitchlo j mclaughlin w messmore k b cook w wiuooghby r j forman mokedsle huleton j borstou dyer and unsworth the oxinoanoementa of tile meetings ot tho society were somewhat different forty years ago fo those of today as the follow ing resolution will show moved by john wsrren seconded by adam dixon that he annual meeting be held in tbe wtsleyaa chapel on the 6th march and that ihe secretary bo instructed to put up notices of the meeting in he following jlaces on the school bonso at mr campbells kana- gawoya 00 the school house in dublin on the school house at mr j gordons on tho congregational meeting boiise at mr swackhamers 1 on tbe school hobso at mr leslies in erin and likewito 00 the school bouse in the village of aoton csrried i another quaint remark in the secretarys report is this the present slock in the depoilory is j3 english and 12 gaelic bibles c3 english and 0 gaatlo testamenu all the bibles having the psalms the majority ot ihe families in tbis vicinity are fully supplied all the families bnt three tailed upon by the societys visitor being possessed of one ormore copim of tbo holy scriptures the earnest efforts of ihe good men srd woman who have taken an interest iu the society in acton dorfng the past forty odd years have been tho meaus of accomplish ing much good who can estimate the value of the work accomplished by the cir culation of bibles and other religioas liter ature wilh the 13000 ors003 sent reward with thai purpose in view by the acton bcsucli since organintion talk of the day an epitome oftha worlds doings durlngthe week there are reported to bo 10000 cases ot la grippe in minneapolis j the algoma election will take place oa april 10 huulingdon next week the periodical despatch as to the queca being in poor health it sgaia lo hand iter d j maedooneli left toronto on thursday for his trip around ihe world au overflow jt the daaaba has caused heavy loss of life and property iu hungary two voters in kiogstpn who caughc cold ingoing 10 the polls have since died mr justin mccarthy declares that the democracy 0 england is on the side of ire land tbe grand duke scrgins brother of the czar has been appointed governor of moscow fat korthern hallway trains were block aded by sno between bsrrie aod orillia last week lady dllke it convinced her husband will yet be able 10 clear up the charges sgaisst him syrscuse soffered aioss otf200a000 by fire oa saturday insurance over i ball thit amoanl tbe methodist church and outbuildings at the sacgeettnissicn were destroyed by fire on monday tbe recoanl ia soath weatworh leaves mr carpenter the coosorvitive candidate a majority of one two hundred dakota farmers have taken land iu the canadian korthwest snd will move in the spring j the vote in binbtook friday on the local option law resulted ia a victory for tbe temperance party col eobles the commander o the chilian government troops was killed in the defeat ot msrcu jh hahlcra swartz a highly respected far- mer living near ayimer made a determined attempt at suicide on saturday oa the 28th february the amount otthe peoples deposits in the govecuaieat savings banks aggregated u755i317 mr martin will be opposed ia his contest fcr the manitoba legislature in portage la prairie by mayor garland of winnipeg mr adam charllon father of mr john charlton m p aud mr william charlton x p p died at lynedoch on saturday president caruot has signed the sgcee- mentiiy which england snd franco sab mit thekowfoaodlaud dispute to arbttra lion mayor porter of bellevilie has been convicted of having voled twice for mr corby in the recent elections the penslly is t200 there is a project on foot o have the worlds fair opened by the only living descendant of columbus tbe dake of see agua ot madrid a jmonthsold daughter of bernard shrone of chicago was suffocated on sun day by a pet cat that was sleeping in the cradle with tbe baby within a week mrs jerry coplin of decatur township pa has gtveu birth to foar children and mrs snyder ofkew washington to triplets a young englishmen named frederick w hall who wedded an ottawa young lady last week was charged wih bigamy on the evening of the wedding the vassar college authorities have settled with the next of kin cf tbe late john guy vassar of pooghkecpsio by paying them llsuooo ol the fgsogoo be queathed to tho college a vercciousiyinsane man belonging to one of the lower parishes arrived at quebec on monday to be placed in the beauport asylum he was tied with ropes and guarded by foor men it is said that eleo- excitement turned his mind kingston claims to have tbe oldest voter and that be voted forsir john mr j m tinsley of toronto was driven to the polls on elsctipn day by mr j j heconvay aud toted for mr kerr mr tinsley was born on july lib 1763 so that heis years old a mob at new orleans composed of business men and other leading cltimii gathered saturday roorolog to the number of several thousands aud proceeded to the prison in which were confined tbe sicilians indioted for the tnorber of chief of polioe hnnesay eleven of ibe prisoners wen killed by snooting and hangiqa spring imbrtatio who have boys to olothe from the age of 6 to 12year8 should know that g b ryan co have opened a ji mi boys olotliing department which has been stocked with one of the best assortments that caa be bought from one of the leading manufacturers in canada the goods are all new and will be sold at less than the regular price we intend making this department a speciality in size the suits will be confined to those suit able for boys of from 5 to 12 years of age the fact that these suits are all new are made in the latest styles of the best workmanship in every variety of material and marked at less than the regular prices shuuld be a guarantee to every mother that g b ryan cos will be found the most satisfactory house from which to pur chase her boys suits in the future remember because goods are fresh from one of the iead- ing clothing manufacturers injdanada gb ryan cs co every mail brings news of 1resh arrivals fro4 ihc old country of netf goods up to date we have ceived several large consignments and we still heat of their arrival we have already passed into stock a fine range of spring overcoatings english 8ootch and irish tweeds tho xw styles in felt hats and a full ra menfgniisliings i also a complete stock of boys aod youths clothing we have canvass d bs makers of boys clothing in this country as well as having imported large lines of german goods the carpet department ii more thoroughly clocked than ever md the lace curtain and curtaii goods j j guelph our stock of carpets is complete big bargains in harness at jv hi matthews big stock on hand single harness best mounting for 1800 team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap call and 8ee for yourselves jhmhtthews spring arrivals v agents wanted bt the dominion illustrated rnereryonihfco town md rtlufe speebj ladoeementi offered la addition to oommuiion for puttctilui ftddreu the sbutton li tho ft pub co publisher montre at the mammoth house georgetown great spring arrivals of dress goods silks millinery mantles eaticy goode staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy saieeua hist colors for 12jc worth 18c oar sateens cannot be distinguished from silk and our prints excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickings and denims before tha recent rise we are enabled to offer tbem at tbe present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs aud curtains cheap and in large variety geuts and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices onr suitings spring overcoat ings and gents furnishing were never more complete the ciit- tiug fitting finish aud price ot our gents garments have n pro vincial fame we call special attention to unr varied and large stock of dress siotds and dress trimming onr dressmaking department ia in full swing turning out exquis ite gowns jaiikets and mantles onr millinery department is complete with al i tbe latest novel ties from ttjo different centres of fashion inspection invited our european gdodshaye been imported by ourselves our canadian goods have been par- chased before tbo rise on the most advantageo118 terms we prom ise and will givo great bargains inspection und patronage respect fully solicited p8 our millinery opening will bo 011 tilic 2nd 8rd nnd 4th of april v w mcleod co oboeobto frank burce88 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc ii prepared to execute orden in raj of the ibore line in tho beat nnoner ndlrtonbi tonus ererrjob httingmrpeniij attention lean aamre eoatomers comwet satisfaction graining tn all woods a fpodalty orders left at my reildenee ltaln st acton will receite prompt attention picket wire fencing costs from 50 cents per rod 16j feet up eor the farm or garden there is no fence to durable tad lasting send ta a trial order and wo assure you satis faction will be the result discount to the trade lirice lists and particu lars on application address j m dooley 4 co cueloh ont hlaards llalsaea for sale ivrertwkere ff0rf wuwbl full lines of school books exercise books school supplies at the drug store plush gootls very cheap j v kannawin mill btobbt aotoh 0 all kinds bare nerer been so well represented as tbir spring bnt of tbis depaf more in a later issoc we sbow a mafinifieent assortment of prints muslins sateens llama and chali ladies white cotton undewear and blouse in silk delaine cambric w gloves and hosier weca0 nowrive yea a black that iaperfectlr fast and oar ranje is most cotnpli style ani price tbe detriments are all fail filling ap iu all jines and in a tliort time we will be to anooauce a compielt range in every claoa of coods jadpnd from the mioifireq iacrcaee in oar basinesi darioj be past year we aotii a great rash this spriuj aad are preparing accordinfily j dwilliamson c 5 and 7 wyndham stguelph 84 oswald st glasgow nesr silverware pickle stand9 fancy 8alt cellars cake baskets cruets cups for children knivesarid forks spoons napkin rings just opened at 7 savages jewellery store glelph the oldest drug store in cuelph smiths vegetable blood tonic tilt best and safest blood rnnlior in tbe market care liullgestloti sick-head- ache ixas of appetite tc 4c smiths winter fluid has a reputation second to done for the immediate cure of bore lips chap ped bands roughness of the akin ac 4c smiths cherry balsam is withont donbt tbe most eflectflal rem edy for the immediate care of coughs colds bronehitii hoarseuess w g smith co f f dispensing- cflemisflj cor wyndham jiaodonald streets ouelph ont spring arrivals just opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed suitmgs cheviot aud serge suitings shaw grundyi guelph trilors to farmers and thresher ipbehless 0 9ihr t ubn a t lv beon awarded it dnring the last threl waggonaaud ffiliae pdwari thesa oils ars used an i highly recommended at thd farm onelph tarmers ask for them nsenoother ia manniactnredatqaiiaoltyollworklhy samf uel rogers t co toroftlj f w

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