Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1891, p. 2

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sour i f kisw in acton on tbelrh march tbi dfe ot w j but taerebanl el a deathter wtranirtg aetna oa tin mi hired the wife of if r junee ivttsea of e eon uuoin xetecon tht lath karen the wife of jttaoma masoa or a eon flbd kttcitnratnnumnbievontbeeui tiareh lb wtte of mr qeorse kltebi04atd st reart ftadtdoboie f t xtpu jm fhxss 1b15rsdat march 10 1801 notes and comments the official returns thtt raturrtlpt officer daolaras mr htndtrtofl elaortjd by maj 104 a larot vote polud tbe official returns tor the recent election were declared by depot returning offioer freemen on monday tbe following a recapitulation at the votce polled tor each candidate at tbe aeverat polling itttioos in thaoounly acton hssntnsox wauiu the cbjtrniaa xeiio eays there are fwr roible deatimea for canada i colonial dependence s imperial federa tion 3 amrican annexation 4 kational independence in alliinot with qrtatbriuln the 6nt a permanent deatiny a im- possible the second it impracticable the third ia undesirable tbe fourth it tall of hope and will yet have riant ofay mr tartc whose exposures of the mc- green scandal arcfreah in the public mind announces that in reply to the speech from the throne he will rie in hie eoat and move an amendment impeaching sir hec- torlangvin and tbomaa mcgroory for misappropriating poblie funds both mc- groevy and langevin will then have to retire from the tiouse until the matter is killed- mr tarte saysbe will nerer rest until iir hector is expelled from the miuistrv the customs seizures tor the vear accord ing to the auditorgeoerajt report amounted to hs49s0 of which no leaa tbaafcsml went to- refunds or was dis tributed to officers leaving only 106029 that went into the treasury mr t i waiter accountant of the department at ottawa received 79jg aa his share of cutloms seizures 8 w ucuichael of f toronto financial inspector 13790 and john a jroae montreal s7s1 the financial inspector and the staff of special agenu together seized 8cl and retained 3300- this businesa is evidently very profitable for arfew offirfals fa the ontario legislature last week mr mtnrat introduced a bill to amend tbe law respecting tbe solemnization of marriages- it provides that whereas it appears that in the religious society called the sal vation army there arc official persons known as commisaionerf and staff officers wbow position and duties in the society arc substantially the same as those of clergy men and ministers in tbe churches and re- ligiotu denominations mentioned in- the first section of the act respecting the solemniiition of marriages tbe said act and the act respecting the registration of births marriages and deaths shall hereafter apply to the said religious society and any duly appointed commissioner or staff officer o the society being a mn chosen or com missioned by thesasd socief v to solemnize marriage and residents in canada shall have for the time being the same authority for that purpose as a clergyman oz minis ter under ibe said act all the duties im posed upon and rights given to clergymen and ministers by tbe said act are hereby imposed upon and given to snob eommis- fiiopers and staff officers af oreeaid- vtbe provincial license report respecting the operation of tbe liquor license laws during 1890 ahowaan increase in tbe num ber of licenses granted during tbe year in 18674 tbe number eranted was lsg in 18ss 5 2183 in 163990 8609 the provincial revenue ierivedtrom the licenses is also increased tbe figures being for tbe three years named respectively 1201- mi 23a51lso and 3078s13 tba municipal revenue for the same years was 1579 tk9t989 1888 9 h90s9779 and ls8990riu7333 the increase is attributed to tbe repeal of the canada temperance act in tbe different muniev- palitiet tbe fines collected during tbe year amounted to 12107820 as compared with tljsua in 18889 tbe number of prisoners committed for drunkenness dor- ing theyeer 1900 as compared with 1889 shows a decrease of 224 tbe amounts collected on account of licenses and fines including tbe sums imposed by municipal bylaws with the duties derived from vessel licenses were 18876 393950i 18889 h708s3 and 1889 90 ksjm0 this evi dence though a long time coming before the public is good andsubtfantialeviderjce that tie scott act was tbe meant of curtailing the consumption of intoxicating beverages- no 1 mliug subdivision ko 40 nos do 74 51 159 91 majority tor henderson w nurltljaton no 1 polling subdivision m kg noj do m a 117 u9 majority for waldie82 okoboetowk ko 1 polling 8ubdiriioa u u ko8 do 79 80 153 154 majority for waldie 1 ittltox net 1 north ward 52 50 no j south ward 45 sa ko 8 east ward 45 55 142 1ss majority for henderson 4 0vkvttle no l ward gl 87 jcoj ward g7 4g 84 kg 212 169 majority for hendcrson- v esquesixg no 1 sproats school 6 61 no 2 norval 123 93 no 3 stewartlowu 7g no dublin 41 91 no s thompsons corners k3 a no g glenwilliams w 84 majority f or henderton- 512 12 f nassagawera no i campbell ville novbrookvillt 90 9i 7 w no- 3 btnatchbull 70 ug 27 30g majority for waldie jj sxlsok no i freeman 41 72 no s kelson village 70 89 no s cumminsville 73 g4 ko bells school 10 52 no 5 appelby i0g 57 39 334 majority for ileudcrsoa gf trafalgar noithbovne m 71 no 2 drumquiu no 3 postrille no munn i cornert in g4 1 115 71 g9 ko- 5 palermo k hi 72 ko6bronte k 100 501 49g thb cou a nwwsj ittmliuoollwd by oorrwt- pndn nd ln i j bu mr jniaafrtwtoanajijsldarly realdant of freemannfar btrllnitjm ran a narrow soaps from bring kllw on tin n 4 n w railway track on monday hlf eyolghl ni dafoctivo and as ba wak going aenaaom ot the oratiingi tb angina of a passing train itruolt him lit wu carried on tin oowcitcur lor a ibort dlstanos btfora balng pitched off fortonataly ha was oulnjctred exoepta few outa on thi head burlington postoffioa wu broken into on sunday night and tl worth ot ooppers and stamps to the value of is itolen knatchbull the annual report of tbe department of inland revenue for tbe year 1890 sbowi tbe total revenue to bare been 7779010 an increaw oretl889 of over j800000 spirits contributed 842093 an iocreaae of 4730000 the consumption of spirits increased from 2900447 proof gallons in 1839fo 3zl194 gallon in 1890 against ap average consumption of 2641132 during the last four years ontario consumed 1869796 gallons quebec 1254360 new brunswick ii761s nova sootia 10297 bil 2s3 manitoba 101411 and british columbia 73876 license were takes out by eleven distillericf the total number in canada of malt liquor 17- iwus gallons were manufactured an iocreaae from 1889 of over 800000 gallon tobacco contributed 183j9 to tbe revenue there was consumed 9875337 pounds against an average consumption for four years of 9060223 there was a ailing off in tbe use of canadian tobacco there were 9897d117cigan consumed dur ing tbe year an increase of over 8000000 above the average of tbe last four years the consumption per beadwas ot spirits xii gallons against 776 gallons the pre vious year beer 3360 gallons uatnst 3383 gallons in 1889 wine l04 gallons against 097 iui88- tobacco 2143 lbs against 2153 ibi in 1889 a fine church burned st mutts jtarch 10 knox presbyter ian church was burned this morning the fire was first noticed at about 7 oclock in the bastmeat through negligence of those in charge both steam and bndengnies were out of order and refused to work and the magnificent edifice was totally destroy ed befrre the eyes of imndxeds without the first particle of water being thrown upon it the fire originated from tbe furnace and must have been smouldering nearly all nigbt the building is insured in tbe western for 5000- and tbe loss is estimat ed at about j 1 5000 to my many customers in acton and vicinity 1 would respectful call your attention tomy immense stock of choice new spring goods which t can confident ly say are the finest i bare bad the pleas- ore ot showing as i have made special bargains in the purchasing of them i am offering special inducements for spring and srill be pleased to meet all my old custom- en and many new ones and u i am giving roy special attention to tbe entosg i oan assure you of fjeifect satisfaction and good ntintfeaouaog every tiroe il k kcuoir i seating of its supportem while mr isiorier goelpii has located his men messrs charles james and alfred hus band left on tuesday for the north welt in company with mrs q cargo husband ot mooaomin who has boon ou a three months visit to friends in nasaagaweya and vicinity mr charles proctor ot london eng land canto to sec bia brother mr fred proctor naasagaweya a abort time ago he has since decided to stay and try his fortunes amongst canadians miss annie campbell of kincardine is visitiug friends in nasaagaweya special services were commenced tues day evening at ebeuezer church and will bo continued during tbo week the springlike weather last week led the robins and ground hogs to venture out but the stormy and blustery weather since will lest their faith in an early spring vv v- u tlnqothirmen j hmdj 17a uuti triiow brt on sttufs slioritj for henderson o clear majority for henderson 1m tbe vote ru a very large one ind namy bered 4303 there were tntyfive ballots irjectl and be tame number spoiledv tux qfoee or bxttu kixl tbe electiqa excitement lias almost en tirely subsided sad the public lias got down to legitimate every day basinesi again tbe big politidans lave been havinf a fling at each other daring tbe past week however nresamably as a parting shot sir cbarle tapper gave tbe grand tronic luilway roasting for the part it look in the election in the interests of the reform party and sir henry tyler president published in tbe london eng dailies a long reply to sir charles tapper charges he shows how on february 25 th sir charles tnpptrjhid a long interviewr with general manager seargeant and warmly appealed far the supp 61 the company in the pres ent emergency promising in re tarn that if the gorernment were sustained the com pany should have the fullest and most friendly support from the government if and when reqairecl because this appeal was refused sir charles turns round to smite the company hip and thigh he says with bitter invective the only politics the company have in canada are the inter ests of the grand trunk sirhenry tyler thinks the company will be- in a- better position with regard to tht government as a result of their independent action than if mr- seargeant had shown sabservienq to this it is retorted that grand trunk stock has depreciated in value in the lou- doa markets since the election some two percent the mrjcbebs hlcvs r tex uotfce an ottawa correspondent says the floor plan of the house of commons is already nearly complete there has been the usual scramble for good seats some members will be well satisfied with their positions while others may not altogether like theirr the new members will however under stand that their seniors in the house have first choice of better seats where vacancies occur and acting on this principle many good men who were required to oecapy the back benches in the last parliament now come two or three rows nearer to the front srjeaking generally the old timeprinciple has been strictly adhered to on the gov ernment side the changes in the seating arrangements are leas striking than on the opposition cde mr g b baker m p for missisqaot an old member of the house gets mr brysoni seat on the front row and next to him will be col obrien who for many years occupied a seat on tbe last row mr kenny bob white dr roome col tjtwhitt meask corby madill mas- son and moncnert among a n amber of others have all bettered their potations col denison comes forward two rows eweupying mr smallv old seat mr cock- born retains his desk next to mr topper but mr coatswortb being a new man has to take one of the rear rows he may con gratulate himself however that he has not to sit over on the opposition side where between 20 and 30 conservative members will be found there being not room for all oo the speakers right to the left of the speakers chair here are some notable changes mr mills of bolhweli drops into the chair vacated by mr blake mr da vies gets mr casgrains seat next to mr mills then running along the front row passing messrs laurier mackenzie cartwnght and charlton there is the seat vacated by the third party mr mnlock aspires to take sir peters place nd will occupy his chair next session kext to hlmis the desk vacated by the genial king of the gatineau alonzo wright itrbich has been allotted to the exspeaker col ouimet he will have by his side mr jltesianlias m p for hbchelaga the seat formerly occupied by mr da vies has been secured by lester of lambton and next to him in mills old place will be found mr 1 1 edgar kexl to mr edgar that stalwart grit warrior cameron of huron will be found then skipping over mr- casey who retains his old seat thci genial opposition whip mr trow will be found occupying mr jones old seat our own mr henderson of halton will probably oecapy a seat oir the opposition bide in this location be will have the advantage of many on the rear government benches fnaamnch as be will be facing the members of the cabinet and thus be able to see and hear them better these are- tfie principal changes so far as arranged but possibly there may be a alight deriaiiod tbe gorernment sees to the milton among the subscriptions at the opening of the new methodist church senator mc- kindsey gave mo and d henderson m p mr david mitchell has left milton and goue o- saalt ste marie m essrs mcdaffe audxorris two omagh young men have gone to manitoba the promoters of the high school scheme were greatly disappointed but say that on account of the parliamentary election cam paign they had no chance fa pot it fairly before the electors they are confident that a different result can be obtained if a similar bylaw is submitted under different circumstances and it is probable that they will make the cijenment he next twelve months champion hcv hugh johnston d d will preach in connection with the opening of the new methodist church next sunday morning and the following evening will deliver his popular lecture canada our country and its destines revs james caswell of trowbridge and a e rust m jl wood stock will also preach on sunday rockwood the decision in the case of the home know ledge association of toronlo m black e al was given on monday in fator of the de fendants messrs george ritchie wra hickey and william champion jr left this neighbor hood on mooday for calgary nwt tbe following were prize winners at laa weeks carnival mitres s gibson r larerty and ifessrs herb lee thomas girstang geo bolton and jos james al the annual meeting of the mutual fire underwriters association of ontario at toronto last week mr hogh black rock- wood wis reelected secretarytreuarer the second monthly literary meeting of theepworth leigue will be held in the meiboditt church next monday evening mn pke- president wctu rock- wood con d acted a meeting of the band of hope the good templars hall gueiph on monday afternoon among jut weeks visitors were mr c r strchan gaelph mr and mrs watson georgetown mrs stephenion toronto miises henderson mcgibbooand abern acton oakvilile resolved that protection u more bene ficial to the country than free trade wu the subject cf a debate i our r t of t council on fnjy ereuiugi tbe leaders dr c it lnit and mr miles smith became veryexcited and earnest over the subject and at limes waxed qaite eloquent tbe lodges could not agree sa the bc gave his decision in favor of the smrmattve a young clergyman from toronto con ducted sertio in st jades church on sabbath mr worrel we are pleased to say u convalescing and is expected to be around again by easter i as soon as lent it over cod hymen f is expected to do a good work in oar town we are anxiously awaiting for tbe revival to breakout owing to mr williamsons absence occasioned by his presence at tbe opening services of the new methodist church mil- ton bis pulpit was- filled on sabbath last by mr koah phelps president of grimsby park he also addressed the sunday school in a very pleasing manner in the afternoon telephones have been placed in a number of private residences and stores daring tbe post week a number of people in ud axoand town have had their henhouses entered by dar ing visitors lately tbeyseemtobavealittle consideration however for tbey generally make it a point to leave two or three at each place they visit mrs e k scott and masjer cyrus left on wednesday morning for their home in palmers ton after a three weeks visit with relatives and friends in oakville the census commissioners lynch yw down sooth a nw orttint mob avthf tha murdtr of chltt hnnty ymviibl w- rsigu of tsrw v day afternoon tht people of new orleans in ovstwhalmlng indignation detormlii- ad to mat oat tba joatlos whloh their ooarta had ianjad and deliberately haw eltvan of tba ptisooare lying in tba city jail wbo bad bean acquitted on ths charge of killing oblaf of polloa befineuy it wu shown that lit chitfi death wu d- llbarataly plauotd and ruthlessly carried oat by i band of sicilian assatiini who bad formed themaalvet into a kind of ven detta known aa the mans wholesale arrests wart made but after a trial lasting twentyall days tbe jury who were openly accused of having been bribed refused to oonviu and acquitted the entire gang tht result hu simply infuriated tho whole oommunlty and at a meeting hastily oonvened some of the citys most repre sentative merchants lawyers and politicians decided to wreak a summary vengeance upon the assassins there wu an immed iate call for a mats meeting which closed with tha significant request to the citieeoi come prepared for action with tbe most businesslike precision a large roam wu promptly garrisoned and sereral thousand of people rallied to the call armed to tbt teeth there were a few short addresses and toon tbe crowd was keyed up to the highest pitch of excitement they demanded the death of the assassins u the law had failed to give them justice the leader of tbt mob wu w s parkinson a prominent lawyer and president of the southern athletic club lawyer wickliffe also made an impassioned appeal forvenge anos and tbe surging aiowd then made a straight rash for the prison most ot the responsible and respectable citizens having in the meantime been supplied with double barreled shot guns winchester rifles and pistols j the marching of the avenging and in furiated crowds had an electric effect on the city and tba sympathies of the citizen were entirely on thejr tide sheriff villere who wu in command of the prison armed his deputies sod then went out with the italia d consul in a fruitiest search for tho mayor the stale governor had oo time to act and the posse of police on guard was ridiculously small to resist the angry mob all resistance wu swept by the infuriated citizens and promptly the principal en trance wu forced in- with axes and batter ing rams the prisoners meantime be came terrorstricken and the officials at a lut desperate ruse transferred tbe la ital ian suspects into the womens quarters then tbe reign of blood commenced rushing into the first cell tbeyuwa prisoner whom some one mistook for the man sooffedo and he wu instantly shot it wu afterwards found that the man wu innocent in a moment the keys were wrested from the guards and some one shouted to tbe womens quarters there ten of the miscreants were found in a crouching position and were deliberatiy riddled with bullets though two of the dastards were first dragged out and hanged on tbe gate in face ot tbe crowd six of the suspects were got away by the officials great crowds have since visited the scene of the awful occurrence but the grcatcst order prevails a strong armed guard has been placed around the prison dcctcctivc omalley who it accused with tampering with the jury would have been shot dead if be bad been caogbt by the mob he has fled from tbe city the foreman of the mafia jury hu been arrested u he was at tempting to leave the city the italian consul having instantly de manded satisfaction for the outrage sec retary blaine sent a prompt note to the governor of louisiana in which he said the president deeply regrets that the citizens of new orleans should have so dis paraged the purity and adequacy of their own judical tribunals as to transfer to tbe passionate judgment of a mob a question that should have been adjudged dispassiou elely and by settled rules of law new otunis march 18 tbe ifafia are a their dastardly work again this morn ing psrkeraon the lawyer who led tbo mob received the following note m slia warn- lug you are a doomed man and god almighty caooot save you we have it worn our comrades yet murdered and we will kill jou and your family you will be poisoned the stilletto will do for the rest- the italian government bu demanded indemnity from tbe uoited states losrooy march 17 tire st james gaxuc ssy t it is curious to find tho the people of italy lamenting the death of the mafia conspirators at kew orleans tbey were wretches who had been driven out of their own country upesu of society tbe grief of the marquis di radiol for the men who were lynched will not be long or very profound if the mafia bad not emigrated tbey would have received equal ly short thrift from sicilian vigilantes auptlon balartstfitar person ordtriog salt blllt at tht vati pu offlot- frill rtttlra a f raanotlc list tha following pplodataofaate tht ha puis hu tha largatt eirtalatioa in tblt wcinlty- tymdavhtu luacnaalsof rim moeisod lniilamsou tba nroptrtr of mr doasaa me arthur lot s oou l6hn bale at one oclock wat human auctioneer bitvanst uirkuacnaalatf btoei ate tbt property of tbomu anbus lot h coo a htqnmlng hals at onf oeloek wu hi sttinji- auctioneer few of our the man who will superintend the work n thla district misner the following are annoanoed u the oensus commissiooerr in this district- cardwell john wallace cutleberg halton william c beatty omagh peel harvey miller sireetsrille waterloo north ferdinand walter hamberg j waterloo south william r phimm new hamburg i wellington centre tbomu hamilton hereward j wellineton north william d jelly orangeville wellington sooth john a- mclean guelph wentwortb troy bruce eut- ton j bruce north james white elsinore brace went bobert baird kincardine grey eut william m dobson bocklyn grey north john chisfaolm sound grey south thomas davis jr oar- bam po huron liut epbraim d chamberlain blytb j horou south john torrance varna huron west tbomu ercue dno gannon perth northsamuel politer stratford north walter edward kilner walker- owen as a pick me op after exoat ilveexertions or exposure milbnrnt bee iron and wlnelsgralelnjandaudcombrting 3aiaubssiv5saa isei dtyiicaz iojti fnffrowfnff nails a positive and permanent care far in growing kails no pain sent post paid for 15c stamps or tilver address hour 8reanc co omuxi oxt shot in the throat alnxsraf ont march if ira fonger while out shooting with four other men today stuck hit frun in a brush pile and went to scan ont a rabbit on returuing he gruped the gun near tbe muzzle and pulling it towards him discharged it the hot took effect in his throat and killed him instantly his aged parents have the sympathy of tbe whole community dr stirton the wellknown dentist of gaelph hu taken into partnership his brother d stirton ld8 a recent gradu- ate of toronto college of dontistt and they have decided toopen an office in acton tbey have obtained apartments in mat thews block upttaict and are having tbem thoroughly refitted and furnished this office will be in charge of the junior partner and will ba open every week day harpers bazar tbe leading feature in the uumber of harpcft bevxr pobliabed march 11th is a parlor faroe entitled tola by grace s furnlts author ot those very popular come dies a veneered savage and a box of monkeys agnes bailey ormsbee oou- tnbetes a paper oa tbe kindergarten movement in new york t w higgln son hu an appreciative article on mr curtis u a journalist and walter bet- ants serial st eatberinet by tbe tower it oon tinned tbe fuhiou artioles and outs are varied and valuable including an illustration of ball qown by worth ijiw ifig blgont of exposure those moat exposed to tbe rigor of a caua dian winter suffer most with what oaqnot bewail atoided bat ran be certainly and promptly cored by st jacobs oil and that is frostbites if neglected tbey sometimes cause tba lots of a limb ont tbajr oan ba euilyenred u ttatti i ri makes the weak strong the marked benelli wlilcb people in run down or weakened state of jwaltk derive from hoods 8arupartua conclusively proves llio clnlm that tblt medlelne makes the weak irons it does not itet like a stimulant imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before but in tbe most utural way hoods ssrsaparflla overcome that tired feeling creates an appetite purifies tbe blood and in abort elves great bodily nerve mental mid digestive strength 1 derived very much benefit from hoods ramparllln which i took for geaeral debility 11 built me right up and gave me an excel lent appetite en jexsixs mt savage md fagged out last ipriuf i wu completely fagged out my strength left me and i felt lick and mis erable all lis time to that i could hardly atlcud to my buslucss i took one bottle of hoods banuiparllli and it cured me there is nothbig like it il c beoou editor enterprise belleville mich worn out uoodi 8aruparilla restored me to good health indeed i might say truthfully ii saved my life to one feeling tired and worn out i would earnestly recommend a trial of iloodisarsaparnia mas phkm mothxa so drooks street east boston mass k 11 if you decide to take uoodi sam- parllla do not be induced to buy tithing else instead insist upon having hoods sarsaparilla sold bv ill dntxxku fljitxforas preimrrdealy by c i hood a co afothseaiuf lowell hao ioo doses one dollar rolling in open as as fast u we can take tbem are caaes and balee of oooda from nearly all points of the compass la addition to tbe arriraii annoanced las t weak orer do eues aod bales bare been receitad making ia ail epwarda of 60 eaeea and bales of staple and fancy drj goods already to band aod pat into stock as many more are ander war to jtitb cao yoa oouceive wljat this all impliei f tbe care skill labor and capital that are repreaented in tbe gathering of such mooqlain of material months before j oa thoagbt 0 spring we have beea baiy and our oorreipondents in europe bare been basy searching choosing and ordering tbe goods which we now hare tbe pleasure to show yoa in every case it has meant going right down to tbe bottom of the matter ordinary material and ordio- ary prices would not do we most have tbe vetj best goodi at the very lowest price 4j ain it implies that we have confidence oofionly in oarsalvea bat in yoar apprecia tion of the result of oar efforts else what good were it to bring in the tens upon tens of thoaaandj of poods if we did not strike yoar fancy and requirement bat yoa have known ui long enough and we bare known yoa long enoagb to hare est a mataal bond of confidence and yet we cannot trait solely to past achievement present effort ana tneqt strengthened by peat experience are the rock on which our claimi for yoar consideration rest and whatever yoa may have found worthy of admiration in our offerings of past years we assure yoa tbe present season will de serve it more than any that have passed ko are therefore not afraid to invest piles of moaey in large piles si dry goods we are almost at a toss what specially to bring before yoar attention today there is ranch to particularize every line is 1 specialty one thing we want to reiterate quality sod style are with os always the fird consideration cheapness of price we always succeed in getimf bat town ess in scares is not always cheapness in price oe article at 25c may be cheaper in ap pearance bat of poorer quality at 80c bo we say quality and style are the first con- lideration with us aod should they not be with yoa in ibese days of strong and load advertising figures are given and all kinds of claims sre made and people axe sometimes led ulry by tbem and as a result are ready 0 say that all men arc liars tbey found they had been chasing after a shadow goods most always have intrinsic merit in order to be cheap taking it all in all yoa will find oar goods reliable our prices cheap oar mode of busi ness fair aod oar efforts to serve yoa antir- in and we feel confident we shall eon tinae to enjoy the same increase of bosiness which the put very sucoessfal year has shown e e bollert co 25 27 lower wyndiambt i guelph gentlemen order your spring suit and overcoat from r e nelson gu0lph 3 3 3 new spring suitings new spring overcoatings 3 3 an immense range of cboioe new pantings from 4 to 12 per pair 3 3 a special genuine pure wonted black panting at 5 per pair 3 3 3 my specialty perfeotflttlng 4 pants to order sati6taotioh as80bzd b e nelson 7ahlonble clothier 9 rpparwjtbdbamst miss campbell who has so successfully conduct ed our milliner business for a number of years will be pleased to meet all our old customers and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage we are receiving and opening up a splendid stock of the newest and most desirable styles in spring hats bonnets flowers ribbons laces and other millinery novelies we shall be pleased to have you call and miss campbell will endeavor to satisfy you in price and style the leading millinery store i htollustrake fe scxif milton iiiiigagimyaftfas4a be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the pining room the kitchen in many styles nd prices excellent valtie always j a8pbi6htjl iifntuitlrfii fataslaa tjifct tzililiem tzp8 sfwboshsjltjs

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