Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1891, p. 4

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r fft jkctisit fm fjros te tjintwiut iantunt k in 8jf goung jtolks thli farxe davgtrrk tpba ill doorstep uiwltv wlita iic alt the snnmicr dr r srpl tbajpcbtlegrtcoiri xiuiecnl meckii tbeia b tfakj tinuu uic nnwr4ckl lifts lu twit ic tkviui thoacula thtr srenuor cpoiji tier uf ml enflneoee shed a farninis ttaociiitt plaltd- dmiod qt ciuwlo nicidty u4 pr with birmett nrh exprcsttd at it lb wanly of her ftcc whrn jl at y call sve fomrl spritves to amvr tt the tuk out couie and by ik mattery of thing lloxc tattuful she main the hotuti tb btoac trf pobdt to br cttutrol thr uhlcli mw ntatiy fprpad thcre noncbiircrcuicirbowl on which som chumkhc baa ooitbod iial ogv sbo hears a ttcji clow by wbibli momently approaches ltd rt u a voulliv those happy jt ipoh her tfqrili hu lobe wii cut r thought arc uccsd tbniuuic trwisflfurimrmnicim shu it the otic b lore the best and instiling cite attract bit ejc at length tb happy talc it told and cvlcouictlvluiiaauivcriykl hie tuesaso which is nvr 14 i which inate lo hsjart and lire coui- pll i joel bfhoh notes he an theret ltm of osnertl inmrett to fn press readers thitttnrl is tlwt canon t roinr out o uhlan lint lb fashion drill not last long the cane li one of ilie tbtucsthat uetcome lostay ijspel uie worma by mutt lie safe tjd and reliable amlictniinic freemans worm powder i the couittmniioa ot ncattry and ccg i the people of the tuitcd stales ii 500 000000 per iiiuuai wuicu it greater in amoatrt than the wheal stidcolloa crop victoria carbolic salve- ii a creal aid lo internal medicine in the ttcalmeul o scro- falors tores ulcar and abccs ol all kiridt- j la iu atir lazy a groap o noble uunetbomu uatdyure forererjr summer ihere ii 1 triotet and aometimei a visterandabalf skia ditaaaet are moat anooyiojr becarjae ao uotioeable dr lowi salpbar soap heala aad cleinseallieakin aak voar friid i who havt taieo hooda saraapanua what thej- think olicud the repliet ariu be poai- live in iu favor one haa been eared of iadigeatioa and dytpepsia another endi it indefpernihle for lick headache othen re- port remarlrible earea for crofala alt rheom etc trolr the beat adtertiatng hioh hoods sanaparilla receive ii the heaftr endorremeni- of iu army of frienda itave yoa tried imperial cream tartar clkiag poidtr dctao it ia the pomt and bestaiiraya reliable fbrowni household paaiacoi hie uo o aal tor relienuc patn bath internal and external uourej paiu in the tide hack orbovrela sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbacoandauykiud of pain or ch6 it will most surely quicken the blood and heal u its acting power ii wonderful browns household pan- aoav beinc acknowledged as the cecal pain reliever aud of double the streoelh ot any other elixir or liniment ia the world stocld ben every family handy for use when wanted as ft really is the bestremody in the world for cramps in the stomioh andjitiui and aches of all kinds and is forsale by vll drucgisu at ti cents abottie mr john anderson grasamere guu writes the vegetable oifcavert you r is allfionc and i am clad lo aay that if ha krmtly tcaeted thoec who have it- one man tn particular aayt irharmade him a new man aud he cannot say too much for its cleaneiajr and ccratire qualiues ib lloliowavyfi com care ttttroy il idndc o carctand trarts root ug brandi vtbo then woalti enacre them willi facfa t chcxp jlnd ettktaul reedr tsithin teach piciied tongue therais a papcrprinted iitiiecerqfckiiatiaaiii the natire di alect- tait arkaasas editor says it k the trorf speciiiicii cf pichai tocgae vre etersirtr ii 1 3ok as thoagh a nitro-glrcer- int ssiplosoa had occrred in a trpe fooii- drv v 1 c r- hill grayrille iu eiyt i hace bcid at rttah price tiaee be lib o december last 15g- bclje of dr thomas eejectricoil caaracleemg every bottle i must say lerer eold a mediciae in my life that give such ncitertal satitfaction in my qkti cse sritiia badly ulceraial throat aiir a physician penciling it for several days to nci esect the eclecfric oil cared it thoroughly in fwentyfoarhotir and in threaicced croapiii m children thi winter it never failed to rekeve almost im- media iely- a chief of police there is co body of men more liable to suffer from exposure than the police bat ia an example of how they get rid of their majadifi the ouowiug is eitd green leiahd ky usa feb if hvsq i suffered vith nenralgia in the head bat fosnd instant relief from the application ost jacobf oil which cared me e p erxupree hief of police if the man with a pen is made of the right rttisthirajkjtbeanaffiiiitybettreen him and themaa o the hoe and plow dont mess it i tew and attractive publication con- tainihp many osefal iniemiivg and in- strnestive featnre has just been issued by tmilboniafeco of toronto j ander the title of bprdocfc blood bittert almanac or 19l it is dot in the haods of dmfigiita andjnerchants for free distrtbation and we would adnse oar readers to eccore a copy before the supply is exhausted- jacgjfor y6arbelx the agent for a patent coffin says in his drcalaf under- taiers who have tued if prononnce it a perfect mccess and we aafcyon to try it free of charge and jadge for yourself the otiuer esulo of ilctuct miditctjat onuige coot uouse va it ovued by william bradlcyot boston and louis f dctrick of baltikow uilburut beet irotr mid wine t pre pared from intk beet solabte irodand pare sherry wino cbtubiucd with choice aromatic- i ovc woo000 worth of french bonboni a exported to goostauliopleyearlyrorlhc ladies of the tatkuli harems licit andcvmiftjrt tu the sruffcrfiifi- amiafster lookiu iato the boi afttf the collection rcraarkod alciacder the ooppenmilh iscvidcnuy prnt les responded another bome of the icct of the kicolaitant aiso i greatremedv rheumatism neuralgia 8cltica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bftes sprains bruise burn etc sell fcr drwri tl ljctiirt crcrrrhcre- fifty cen a bale dirocriansia 11 usararca thecha8lb i- v06eler co tjannbore mi canadhadgpct toronto ont to invigorate bcth the body and the brain t use the reliable touic ifilbiims aro- matic qainine wine it is reported tlut tht eightmonthtold son of mr and hcl j j johhson of tel- fair coanty ga can walk and talfc and weighs fiftythree poands if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto ithy mail that j6aper reaches 100000 farmers hamee every wee fc and yoar advertisement shoald meet the eye of someone who wants ta par- chase advertisements of thk clase are in serted ic the toronto wesby mail for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada a very close watch baa been kept over the moon for many years at greenwich the moon ha been observe with- ecarcely any intermiasion for 150 years medical hints the qoiciest sorest and best remedy for rheamatism neuralgia lumbago sore throat soreness and lameness ii hag- yards yellow oit it laicfciy care sprains braises barn fenstbtter chilblains etc for croup coldx qcinsey eir take 10 to 30 drops on sagar and apply the oil exter nally also when immediate relief will re sult i a s750 cottage- or ite equivalent ia caahjif be given to the person detecting tbvgteatest n amber of errors words wrongly rrtued or mis- placed ine decern her issne of out jfcraika in addition will be given two cah priiea of t30 each foarof i00 eight of 0 ten of 527 twentyfive df 110 fifty of f5 one haadred of 152 and one hondred and fifty of tfl dxstribnted in the order mentioned iarnles and fegnlafions which will be sent with a copy of december iasne on receipt of 15 cents in stamps- special jfcask prizes given away almost every day daring competition which closes february 1st 1651 i i addreaa 7r m- publishing co erocktiue canada xeter played kch a a hamp- ihire farmer wantacfa farm hind and was applied tdjjy an irishman wea wanted o work the farmer objected to ecgagmg on the groond that two iriahmen prerionfily in his employ had died on his handil then yoa object to hiring me r- for that do ye said pat faiths and i can bring yoa ricomendations from manya ylace where ive worked that i never played each a- rick i hr toothaclie i is an fcxclfl nation heard every hour in the diy toothache is thmost common ail- ment ofcyoohg and old tah ia the aggregate inflicumore stjffering than perhaps any ether siagle cmplaintv a one minute care is fap winter y person desires toposiesb neryfline nerve pain core- act almost iustantly ia relieving the agony and a aampit bottle affords a qaanuyiofficieat jot 100 applicstioni 10 cent fills the bill poisons kenliae is the positive remedy for toothache aod ail nerve pains sold by all taters in saedicine r r 4umar4s umimr mi ttr ulr ertrjnhere beading cars fitted oat with the most popular periodical and books wiil be at tached to thfl passenger trains of the st petersburg warsaw railroad in order to give quietus to a hacking cough take a dose of dr thomas fciectric oil thrice a day or pftener if the- cough spells reader it necessary this yidely esteemed remedy also cures crick in the beck rheum tia complaint kidney ail ments pains etc it is used inwardly and outwardly does erpeiicncecount it does in every line of business and especially in compounding and prepiricg medicines thiy li illustrated ia the great superiority of hoods sarsaparilla over other preparations as shown by the re markable cares it bascconipiisbed- the head of therm of c i hood k co is a thorooghly competent acd experi enced pharmscist hanag devoted tha whole of his life to the itady aadactaal preparation of medicioes he is also a member of the xfassacho setts and ameri can pharmacealical association and con tinues actively devoted to supervising the preparation of and managing the business connected with hoods sarflaparilla hence the superiority and pecafiar merit of hoods sareaparilla is built opon the most substantial foundation in its pre paration here is represented tdl the know ledge which modern research in medical science has developed combined with long experience brain work and experiment it ia only necessary to give this medicine a fair trial to realize its great curative value k- people wonder wiikn they find how rapidly heulth in tauorml by taking ajftps ar sapartlln tlio roasuti lit that thu prriaratlon contains only tho purest atul most iknvorful altcrfttivri ami tonics to thutuaikla ycaily it prtc i vrrlumccuitironify mr- jos lako brixruway centre mioli wrfii liver wmplnhst nml ndlpiloii inl iuy lilc a btirtlcn and roirp ntir cuiliu iny oxlsttnco fif motv uian mir years 1 riuncrcd ttu- old nsotiy i win rihluixhl olmbst to a pkulou aiul liahlly had struagth lo dmg iuvkcu tilout aulvfiuu ot fnot liuvist ntc ftihl only ibc iiiont dell- cntc could k ilicihtottai all whblu the uuic uicutiouwl ccyin1 iijsiclaiis trcittod uuwlttioulklvlg wllela koth- itjg that 1 uou seemed tu do nny per- tnancul nxxl riiml i bepaa iho uto of ayer iiniiiiriua which has pro- ducvd womlcdul ivsulis boon ufter cpmmeticiug totuku thu anuiiiuilla i could 8t0 au impravement in my coodtmon myninpotlto wcnn to rctuni ami with it ciuikcuilhty to digest all the food taken uiy sttnjgtli tuipwved each dirj ami alter a iojt moiulis of faithful ntlention to your directions i fouid myself a well woman ablo to nttpud to nil household duties tlie nuuiciue has riven mo a new han of life and i cannot thrnk yoau uiticli we the undersigned citltcns of brockwar ccnire mfth hereby certify thai the above statciiicni made by mrs lake is lni in every particular and cttlititxl lo full credence o p chmiibcrlain g w waring o a wells drttpgist ify brother hi enclflud for ti long uino tdiftlilc tanucud to his occu- tvauon by iraou of iorcs onldf foot rsent liliii ayern a lmojiac and the tcs- timoidalx it contained induced him to try aacrv kanunvirllla- after using it adutlcxvulle he was cured and is now a well mau wurktuc in tv wipir milt at brlsbauc quccuslaujlauslniha a aucwdl sharlxjt lake ontario flyers sarsaparilla ikarxntd nr or j c aycr co lowell niosa prioa u 1 iix lotu ci wtnu fi a ttuc keen off the chain wet wintry weather caases chapped hands sore throat croup colds pain in the chest swellings etc for which a certain cure exists in hagyards yellow ou iha best pain expeller for internal ef external use keep it on hand in caw of emergen cies every bottle it a utile giant in curative power minnie i heard yoa are going lo enter the lecture field ifamie the idftal i am engaged o bemarriol kianie well i knew it was something of the sort annceto mururiw are you disturbed at nigh i aud broken of your rest by a lick child suffering and crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslowi soothing syrup for children teething it vajae is incalculable it will relieve the poor little saffercr immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake bout it it cares dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation andgives tone and energy to tne whole system itrs winslows soothing syrup for children leetbine is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cccts a bottle be tare and askforiics wrssvitssainzixj sriup and take no other kind editor great daily i want a good strong editorial on the tariff for to morrow i think yoa can write it new man promptly yes sir wbich side v there is no better remedy for worms of any kind in children or adult than dr lows worm syrup cat dipped squeaked the moase u tabby got a grip on him the third page of the toronto detif ifdl u noted for want advertisements li you want to bay or sell anything ix yoa wanta situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if you want lo find out wher anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail aod read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge ia two cent a word each in serfion address the mail toronto can ada philosopher what in i doe men to marry i cynic the girl do the key stone regular action of the bowels is the key stone of health tfa use of bbb in- sores and cures constipation dyspepsia etc miss f williams uo bloor street tor onto writes have used your bardocfc blood bitters for constipation and pain in the head with great saccess i improved from the second dose bead these fines i to 2 bottles of b b b will cure head ache- 1 to t bottles of bbb will cure bilioss- ness 1 to i bottles of b b b will care con stipation i to i bottles of bbb will cure dyspep sia 1 to g bottlesof b b b will care bad bleed 1 to g bottles of b b b wilare scra tch ia anyctsc relief will be bad from the first few doses castor i a vvvvvsa9ai for infants and children castoria 1110 well adapted to chqdreii imt 1 recctomcod it as superior to any prescription known to mc u a aacucn ii d iu bo oxford bl brooklyn n t castor a cows colic ocsuupatlon bour stomach dlarrhonl eructation kills worms f frfe sloop and remote di- without injurious inedlcation taa cornea comriirr t7 hurray street x y couiumtlon cured an old physician rejirci from pratico hiving had placed in hii hands by an but inflivmjiiiodiry the formula ot a simplo ubhj remedy or the speody and per- raihctucure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long iffectfoui also a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thou and of civics has fell it his duly to make il knowu to his suffering fellow actuated by this motive and a desire lo relieve haman suffering i will send recof charge to all ffho desire it this recti peia german fronchor hugliih with full directions for preparing and usiag sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers block bechcster n y j j get out of my whey is wjioi the diary mild remarked to the unfortunate fly kalional pills are a mild purgative acting ou the stomach liver and bowels removing all obstructions if why did the soprano leave she said the preaching interrupted her conver sations wilh the tenor i vhy laffer from disorders caused by im pure mood when thoasauds are being cured byjuiiog northrop a- lymans vegetable diwovery 1 ii removes pimples and crap iioaiof the ikid mr john fox oltndt write northrop lymans vegetable discovery is giving good satisf action those who have uied it sxy il has done hem mere good than anything they have ever taken i a fashionable lady in waiting oc her i i n new palatial residence said the windows were all of stained glass thats too bad 1 exclaimed her old fashioned grand tndlher bolt wont soap and larpeatiae lake the stains out i h c c richuis it co j i gcxts my horse wo so afflicted with distempcflhal he could rot drink for foar dsyind refused all food simply apply ing minauds ltnimekt oalardrj- tured cut hcjit cisk febliss ccluautbs a- co ccitsi hive used oar minaeds liniment for bronchitis and asthma audit has cured the i believe- it thebest lot s p k i miii a livisgstov i i i ao old cathedral is tii standing about seren miles from tucson where it was erected by the first misaionarjts dixr three and a half centuries ago i badgering altaracy lusamly runs in yoflr family i believe vi lcng sctlericg witness well my grandfather quit boss- inga fruit stand to become a lawyer- burdock pills cure sick headache byre- gulaticfi the stomach liver and bowels mrs mccracklo how can mr jimson be i offering from sunstroke this time of the year mccrackle he was hit by his an- filiat boy dick a cali prize- the proprietors of bardockbioodbitters trill give a prize of five dollars for the deveresl and best essay not to- exceed 100 words apou the meritsof bbb as a care for disease the competition will close 1st jan 1601 after which the aaccessfal essay will be pablished with the authors name if desired they will also pay l each for onyjof the essays they may select and pub lish no restrictions try yoar skill and address- t milbubx fr co i toronto oat kothingscr snddenly obstractsthe pres- pirsiioa as sadden transitations from heat or cold heat ratifies the blood quickens the xircalatiou and increases the presmr- ation but when these are suddenly checked tha consequences must be bid- the most common cause of disease is obstructed prea- pirationorwhat ooraraonly goes by the name of catching cold coughs colds sorelhroat etc if attended to time are easily subdued but if allowed to run their owu generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases ninetenths of the consumptives date their affliction from a neglected cold aod the diseases caused by wet feet damp clothes or expos- are are more generally supposed one of the most efficacious medicines for all dis eases of the throat and laegs is bickles anltconsaajpation syrup it promotes a free and easy expectoration which frees the inngs from viscid phlegm by changiog the secretions from a diseased lo a healthy state sweeping sale pof winter dry goods at the mammoth house georgetown to ia we beg to nniioatice that we have marked down rcgatdless of exist n large lot of winter goods which we are bound to clear out as wa do notwant to carry them over lo next season dress goods worth 10c foe 5c worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 35c for 15c we have an immense stock of beautiful dress goods suitable for all seasons which we are sell ing remarkably cheap a- dres3 patterns that were 1000 81500 and 2200 we are now offering at haltprice 500 t50 aud 81100 beautiful blacksilk and black satin uerr for 50e per yd worth 8100 per yd col- bred satin ilerv worth 100 for 50c per yd liemnauts of col ored silks that were sold from 4100 to 8175 are now 50c per yd suitable for dress trimming or combinations alet of knitted woollen goods mntked down to 25c on the great drjvc in ladies jackets aud loug maiillcs aud ilantle cloths splendid ilautle clotli tor 50c per yd a fine sealette origilal p rice 8800 now hm short aud j jackets at half price we begin them from 100 up nobody ireed be with out a jacket and long mantleif price will do pt ladies furs a number of thk reduced to half- price gents fur caps great bargains a number of sleigh robes being sold cheap splen did grey ffaiinelfor 15vperyd all wool grey flannel 2s inches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to our immense stdcfc overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300 up we havealage stock ofgeueral dry goods too much to particu larize but as we have announced we will give sweeping bargains in winter goods 3te are es- peciallyfquipped fir executing wedding and j mourning orders dout forget our makeup depart ments sueii as millinery mantle- makiug dfes3makingtailoriug we excel in those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleodco eeobqetown i free trip around tha world i kellie biya roat or its eqairajeot in gold is given by lidci slvjadnc for tha largest list ol words coostracled out o ilia words btlci ilajant also pianos orgaus parlor soius gold- watches silver tea beta parior coaf slovv bfc etcall positively giten away every ona aendibg not leu ban twenty words will get i present bend 12- cenu in stamps mentioning tbe acton fuse peesb for mlw iilnrtrated cautesne and copy of patier to ittlct uaijahkr toronto ont clereyrasn making a caiij and do yon always do as yoar mamma teila yoa flossie flossie emphatically i do and so does papa hlnardc uoimeiil for sale everywhere scotts emulsion of pure cod i liver oil and hyp0ph08phite8 of lime and j f 8oda j bat bmedj lor oomsimptiolr scrofiiu broacmaijwartoy dii- eaaes chronic ovagbm and cold palatable as milk seottscoialaiaa la orsr pot sp ia kalnigb eelori vrsppar afoidall intitatloiuorsiibfulbuaaa su br n dim ii kl and 11ta boott dowjie bltorll vj ptios bemodr or catarrh is the h beat easiest touse and cheapest bl catarira sold fay dresjliu or sent by mail sc wl i earttirdthie vrrren pa us a gj rtt fjr n hr abi iltr antic joo lnn twhio fit ckfarntfttfnorhisttl wbj- ttmtit r ranriti lh atittt aid t amr uliiwrr wct irt krea b- rnnrrt ttv rttilr t ruins fimn ti to 10 ft ar a it f-t- w r tiiftr j u bw t in tfiirv- ctttit ttljr litnrr fk- nlnn mnirb-i- tttfuultllfwljixfr nliiaiufalaiasrf01ailnafuaiufl trt ta xir eatest immens gsfimtr g fttit y eworld iwjifely gtaruteed as dalmed or bomt refunds sjaaslileta tcstlaonlalt eto fbee b1dab hldtope h1lleb cp lid 4 ktog st w toronto on soaauaattnrtiifortaedoinidloa aiaards llalntrwi rtr anlr ererrwkere tbwr of imposrloml 8s our trtahmarfc igmmm seas0n18 i7hile retcrnjnr lhanksto oar uiaiiypar- 1 1 roci for tbelrlibcral lupport la the past we wish to lnlorm yoa that ws hare entered- into an trrtn cement with b- stewart goipb tokp confunuyoa hand full stock ot the ordinary lixes of sash doors etc ledwillalwiattplraarspccisl files on short noliccal gnelpa prices- frames of all kinds mdc to order wc alio keep in stock lines of bim window and doorcasiuf comer blockf ic j yotrrlnmlicr dressed willie yon wall rril 50 per it pumps being better able ban hero t of ore we will iniiplj- cither woodiot iron pamr promptlj- all workuwantcciisatiblaetorj- please call and inspect wore parchane elsewhere j titos ebbage hannzer thtrdixahm canada foe clines portalilefoot heater over 500000 in itein canada indtbe united 6utt terlhouri3 solid comfort for 2c invaluable for esc ia all wrta of vehidci in uie household md ia stores ond offices now ii the time to wad in yoar orders write for samples and pric to the cline manufacturing co 28 fnosr fft west toboxtc aoents wanted picket wiee fencing costs from 50 cents per rod 16i feet up for iho farm or garden then u no- foncc to dorihlfl und laiting bend ma trialordor and wa aasare you satis faction will bo the result diacoont to tbe trade price lista aud particu lars on application addreaa j m dooley co cueloh ont foif sale is per gc3gt fjr thfrtydays only all ihioa of dry cood boots and shoes are bolrrg cleated oyt for 30 days retirin otjwo hit express 71 rasmnger 9h maila u w throogheipccv aeoom 10 c tim i doing vestoap doing eaiu1090 this timo table 19co vhe urc this is a big chance for buyers corrie to our sale sale henderson mcrae f cp do sea s scales in over i hay grain farm tea scaujs lupboveo shotry fjasi money drawers heit choppers w anoaass tx rtix i ijonrdwjtlt xpreaalli jrs i52 uxokmt icdstopn asd30pjn- n vl st agalewoaw canada styles of c wll 60 esplaniai n j -for- new goods gold pencils j i pearl anql gold pencils i gold stone rings jgold band rings go to b sayager watchmaker cuph f t be it ever so humble theres np place luce home- speight son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing- a houke or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight ianaser good evening 1 doiydu wear williams shoes you want the best you want the neatest you want them durable you want the cheapest j boots shoes therefore always go to williams boot s hotst tore write a tenaa- street east j torontc tbimlnffirna 1 thar 4nvh bp um rj wrtit 4iw- tamroruo ui irrtijz if jwtwwl wtois fstriwr ilvt d tn wfarau wt- a i m mat 1 n tlul ihh f- w irwt nd fitrif imsjrv i j 114 kk mjlmtaaw cm i- wmmt0 sxri naiut m rpsem tmi it ixw i jmirfirji htf pireciaurwsi 4zo unl2 donsms bakiissq powder thecooksibest friend a new book from cover to cover fully abreast with the times we interiwional dlctionary a grand investment for thtf punily sthck erircfeioial library the authentic webster a aiii bridged dictionary comiuiaiae tk 1 iasnea of 166i0 84 coptrfjited i property of thhj ndersicnediaab v thoronchly bvised and xuarctdr i fadudistismabiiig uo bean tha name of jwebsters ictrb tiiuial diotioniur editorial wort upon this reriaim haa been inaddtoprogresateotw ten yoaw hot less than one haa- dxed paid editorial laborezs hart beon encased tiqn it j over s30o00o expended is tia preparation bvcore the first oopy vas printed critical oonrpariaou vith any ether dictionar jjted got taa beat g- c hkkiclaim cq pabuabent sprin idlyajibookllflu5tjtedppmiinifr i money v fatmfafc u mfarrif srw 1 j jtij u iftn- utile tjtbtilt uf itadl taa ealtitrirr4i fvrltwiqitatsn i iw itul jvnoraurltt tkm iuj wi rbrr omrffcot tut vlillf brrrytt ibrjttuitg n ii the wwt euttalaisa i tktti ysriiit imojwm t i rtttialo tfc4t twidm i oalfrtfartt ntormrnwnkabsltvkmsftv t cfwmnfmithilkfls xitvtiawu9hw a co uttni i burdock regulatekiihe stomsch liversndborirels unlocks thesecretlterslpurlfleathe blood and frejrjnovea alflm- purltrles frtrfj a pimple to the worst scnofulous so re blood f -5- cllll dyspepsia- constipation salt rheuv heartburn dizzinesj e1s biliousness headache scrofula sourstomac r dropsr rheumatisk skin piseases bitters m talitiwitiwi 7 i mif wil nasi ifri h akly fc isrshfjt- ik muinr mrr i it satsf a rtk sjw4urtk ltwmw llnw4ar- hstsmbjtl 3 ll iwi 1ivi l kt11 1 r 1vvnt4 jusurmui iltimml to mtu judratilsi- io laxtuxn sum 1ku yelldwq1l cures rheumatism if you wantanythihgin rubbers overshoes slippers trunks or valises call at willjams acton choice purs fifteen newlndsofpotafcoes 1 crown jewel j 9 early maluo s etorctr eally new zealand 5 green motrotalfi qaeen ot hoses i laritao s uornliisstar 9 monroe boedllo 10 woodllbll j 11 clrloacb tlarkol 13 early gein 23 pride of americ t 11 rochester faro lto 15 blfatrick for particulars aprjly to war onirra gardener south sea seal otter caps r beaver caps persian lamb caps ottter beaver and persian lamb collars and cuffs all our furs are no i selected notwithstanding thegreal rise in price of all furs our prices have not f advanced as ye bought long before y the advance- took place shawcrundy mb1chant taitors cgtuph ptf mts 8to6hoe8t bitj aid 4llumo etsliariasularials kwtjltlett sssi ta rrrftbmnntmtinta 1 bftasssb pfiiefchkv

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