Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1891, p. 4

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is i r tie wl jtrtt fjwss i arirfinatanuaia iwi the oiing jfotks fhe mslftutsltr hot i re ifiuucd trxiay o tlltsmh bw it letii uiefye toe to me tlifnt trf better tell to you ter r cp iwjt te ha b tli flrt pocket ktoite thfct 0wiu 8 klmtt 4 d rtcvrom to haiaka life utttum ul thvpraud cttt flic mcotki k tht arc hot r thtln i foruw barni tk rtbcfp to liart than not tb boy ho kw letnu olctplili tafcn worn uiecnto ttirte thiuci from wlstdora thctf li confidence to at id title iv lcmod ajt bynpull hot watercures tin n re but few casci of illncm whew iboald not occtijtv the highest place i ft u mkl koat a strip of flannel or a vpja i wrong oqt of hot water and applied aroun 1 the neck of child that hat croup till u aally bring relief in ton nana tot a urcrel folded several tiraw and quickly trnni out of liot watcr the sec t of pain in toothache or neuralgia will pncrthy aflord prompt relief the treatment in colic worki ljke toagic ave have known case thai haro resitted other treatment for itouri yield to thii in ten i i nimntcs there is nothing that vill so promptly cat ore throalor rhenmatien aj hot in ter when applied promptly and thor oupnl picxesof cotton batting dipped in hot neuter and kept applied to sores and new cut 1 ruiscswid tpriine is the treatment adopt d in many hospitals sprained manila bave been cured in an hour by aliowc ing with hot traker mrei from the height of o few iccl oat march 41889 u folio t have 1cn a grtat aafferer froni uearalgia for tha iut nine yotrt bat being idriied to try bt jacob oil can now haartily en- done h u being a most excellent remedy for thia complaint i hare bees greatly beneficed by iti oicj milbarivi beef iron and wine lit pre pared froni freah beet aohble icon and pare iherry wine combined vitubotoff aromalici docs lneiiefl count it i oes in every line bt batinen and cspccidly in compounding and preparing medic nee thiau illmtrated in the great fispen arity of hoods samparilla over other preparations uahowa by the re- jniarki bio cares it bu accompliilied tw head of the rra of cl hood 4 co u a titorcoghjr competent and experi- eneed phirrnicitt hstiog devoted tba whole of his life to the stady aad actaai pfepajatioqof medicine he ti also a memb x of the massachusetts andameri- can pi linnscentical association andoen- tznoes actively devoted to laperttstng the prepaj atton of and maasfing the basinets conneted with hoods sarsaparilla hen the snperiority and pecoliar mecit ol ho ids sarsaparilla ii builtpon the most cnbauntial foondnlion in its pre- parati n then is represented all the biow ledge ffbich modern research in medicsj ecaeoo has developed combined with long tiperii noebrainwork and experiment it is o dy necessary to give this medicine a fair tr 1 to rcalice itsgreatcoralire value the were roast iag chesthau in the fire lam going la call that big one by yoar name she said why uked he boca ise it seems to be cracked and wont pop fiat hedid powder juii expiosfon 1 3wder mill explosion affects the coostr for miles round bat dyspepsia bilioas less constipation headache loss of appeti e and debility affect humanity the worid- atervthe editor of ihfi mitchell beard r fiales that hewasxnredoibiliojtts- ness iter trouble ind sick headache by bordokblood bitters is it not worth trring i aa wich evidence mrs boihoq i wodd like to look at some iy dealer as about what price mrs balliad something at about 5 d- alerwe have no tahxej for less thsnflobnt i could show yoii some very decent xses for 5 use dr poes moscles -f- a ne iected coogh bringspnconsnmptioii the n oet fxtal and prevalent of all phys icaj ills that fldh is heir to to cheoluhe malady in its early stagevbefore the deazdy tnbercli a develop themselves in the long thomas eclectric oil which also tnrntwtt e bronchitis asthma catarrh idney troables and sarenesr pf the and joints pais mr poseyboy do yoalive next to alarm v mr oseyboy rk6 little one j live here in the c ly why dfo you ait dssj becaase mamma said you were aeit dot r to a calf tudr sara is lesion there isno lack of socaued cores for the com mot ailments known asccorns the vegstabl animal and mioerai kingdoms have ik en ransacked for cores iftts a simple matter to remove cdrns witboat pain fo if you will go to any druggist or medicii dealer and buy i bottle pi pat- r nams p tinlesr corn extractor and apply it as d reeled the thing is done get patnaa v and do other k notes here and there item i of otnwal lntret lo rr prem reaer tl4 wilier buibjlitt io u on ooououtl trlnd treemiat vorn mlubl luthelmintio porder- j tb dcotlu ti tinneh tooht mu lot he sll i urtchlo tiiij ttj eusliih oldir la the boudtn vera mppjw wiih 8t jool 01 tire lndin mlly believe in only ou greet jptrit end thitii nevet moch boe 90 per eeot pare i lhinoluedecehtdv- all beking roerden are uot eqoelly cood imperii creetn terur bekins powder ii uie puwit end ll told by ell rrooen wor ne caae everithueee moentiifi end netleauire duhnifileej mothtr ortvw worrft kiterroinitor u puuut tare eud effktitil- 11 oer jdraiiiiitt h uboe iu lock ijet litmlo procure it for jroa victirie crbolicitlve ii rreeteld to interntl medieloc ia the treitmetitolkro- iqioc ioree ulcere end abicoemi ol ell kind urtj joha sleleu vrilee irom berrie ielkad the j weckueu end debility which reeult from illoen miy be speedily orercome by the dh of ayeri seruptrilli thii i a ufe bat poverf al tonic uusu dijeattoa tegabilef the liver tod kidneye ted leuu4e the blood b u perm o dieeue bt end cemfart to the safferlnf brotni hoaeefaold vmtcct has no eqail for relieriu pun both iuteniil end ezternej it cores pain in ibe aide back or bowria tore throat iheomatiam tooth ache idmbacd and kind of pain or ache it will moat anrely qu the blood and heal u its acting poerer ii wooderfol broemi eooaehold pan aoeambeiii acknovleded u ihe feat pain belierer and of double the itrenglh of aay other elixir or liniment in the world jehoold be in every family handy for uewhen wanted aa it really if the beat remedy in the world for crunps in the atomaob and pains and aches of all kande and it lot sale by all druggiita at m cent a botue there ia no better remedy for worms of any kind in children or edallt than dr lowi ivoim syrop ittonr hdiie u on ptre von put water on the burning timbers not on the smoke and if yon bare catarrh yon ahonld attack the disease in the blood not in jyonr nose j remove the impure eaose and the local effect nbafdes to do this take hoods sartapsriila the great blood poriner whichradicahy and perman ently cores catarrh it also strengthens thenerres be sore to get onlyjhoodi sarsaparilla 1 i c c bjchuw 4 co gnrrs my horse wee so afflicted with distemper that he coald not drink for fodr daysr d refused all food simply apply iig- jokabds tjsimekt outwardly cored him feb 1887 cut emrii cui cvcbaueds ico gem i haveasea yoor irkabds ldthfekf for bronchitis and asthma and it has enred me 1 1 believe it the best lot s p e i vis k lrrarosrox 1 burdock pills care sick headache by re gulating the stomach liver and bowels a 1l hamilton tarkworlh writes weeks i waa tronbled with a swelled ankle which caafied me mach pain and annoyance- itr ktajroee of this place recommended dr- thomas eclectric oil for it i tried it apd pefoce one bottle was aed i trai carec- ltim mji article oi gnax vaine mm tho third paee of the toronto daui uaihithtoi for waol vruamana ifyiiowant otnyar soil anythldg if yoa wautas ltitlon meehaulo r bual sea tnaanld rylodshibijf you hire loal orfonndiny htng or if yoo wautl to flsd out whertab otuf ii advertlh iu tht to ronto dau i u and read the advtrtlee menlson the third pax of that paper the charge ii two cents a word each in nrtioa adoees tat aoi toronto bag ada bkiu dleeaa s are most anuoylug beoaute so uotloeable ur lows solphor boap heals sud clei nan tho skin actio to i lonutiu are yoa diitorbed at olght eud rbken of your rest by a ilok child snfferio aui crying with the pain of cutting teeth if to send at once and get a bottle of mrt wintlowt soothing byrup for c liildreu teething its value it incalcnlabl i it will relieve the poor little itifcrer immediately depend upon it mothers liere ii no mistake about it it caret dytet tery and disrrluua regulates the btomsch i nil bowels caret wlndoollo tbltent the qims reduoet loflammallon and gives torn and energy lo the whole tytlem mr winslowsboothlngsyrap for children t thing isplcastntto the taste and it the pre criplioo of one of the oldest and best femi le phytlcitniand nnrses in the united t tates sod is for sale by all drnggita ihnnghbut the world price twenty five ocils a bottle be tare and ask tor mas wimowi soomika srsnr and take no o her kind tp invigon t both the body and the train use the oliable oulc ullbarni aro matic quinim wine people wonder aiiev ti icy and how rapidly health wr saparilla preparation itnd most tonics to veritable cli mrs jos mich writ 4 indigestion and came for more told agony a nkcltton drag tiiyrcll distressed n bate could the time treated uic jffjphat i mauent poo l ayer8 banpi duced cotnmendug could see an find how rapidly health by taking ayers sr- tlio reason la that oili conuhts only flic purest iwerfnl alteratives and i liousaiids yearly it proves a er of jife lake brockway crntte lircr cotirjilalni and made my life a burden r ending my eilsttncc four years i suffered uu- i was reducid nlmost la lid hardly hod ircngthlfl about all kimls of fooft and only tic most imf- ligmietl at all wit li fir- tioued several phyaiclaus ithoat giviug relief xolh- ik sectned to do any kx until i began i he me of parill which lias pro- rful results boon after o lake the soismparilja i eih tn 1 inut t ck f woud jrfal iinprovement each olov ia my condi return and digest all ll improved t months of directions woman awc duties th new icac ol you too ujucl rcthe brockwayo tiat hie mrs lake and entitled chamberlain wyis drug i my brotlr long time nation by i sent hlui a timoclais it tryavcrs s a little while a well man at brisuane a attewcii ion my appetite beenn to rith it came the ability to food taken my strength a day ami after a few ajthful otlention to your r found myself a well to attend to all household imilicine has given me a life aud i cannot tbmk ft ofs if yoa want nndersigncd citiuns of ntre mich hereby certify ve mfemeut mada by true iu every- lrucular to fultcredeuce 0 p g w waring c a ist fnengland was for a uuphlc to aueud to his oecuj wou of sores on lil foot trg almanac and the tes- ontained induced him to rsartnrilla after using it f1 he was cured and is now workinjj a a mgar mill tice iu land australia ahaxbol lake outnrio s xritt cr dr j c ar co lowell tout price tj i tit i xii vtnhctok in ome iui outlet- the three in portsiit outlets ofdajeasrare the ekin bowils and kidneys set that they preform their fanction properly and aie bntdojck i bod bitters to iniare this proper action pbayorteil a farm ad vertise ia the 1 oronto tfieey oiy that paper reacho 10000ff fanners homes every week u i yoar advertisement shoald meet the eye o someone whayanti to par chase advert sements of this class are in serted in the t sronto wtthy mail for five cents a word iach insertion or twenty ceils a wordf r five insertion address the mail tort oto canada g aest sec here waiter i ordered young di ck and yotx hive brought a todgh old hen waife no gafa waa dock baf de dack gg was inenbrated by a hen sah and whe l assumed the dock came oat he done gontr ie proclivities of de hen sah a750cottace1 oritaeqalvalent incash will be given o the person detecting ha greatest namber of errors words wroqgly spelled or mis- placedjik the december iseae of op ffoina in addition will be given two cash prizes of 1200 eaoh foar ol f 100 eight of 150 ti of 2o tralyfive of 10 fifty of 5 cm hnsdred of tl and one haadred and fifty of 1 distributed in the order mentiooen in rules and regulations which will be sent with a copy of december issue on receipt of 15 cents in etamps special cash prizes given awar almost every day dtfring competition which closes february 1st 189l j address oar homes pabtiahing co brockville canada good skids donev tho go d deeds done by that uneaalled family h aiment hagyard s yellow os darirgtl s thirty years ii has been held fa increasin esteem by the public would fill volumes we cannot here enumerate all its good c oalities but that- it can be relied on as a c tre for croup coughs colds sore throat aujf all paimr goes without saying infiajbuia ion of the eyes cured mr jacob w iller kewbury writes i was troubled with inflammation of be eyes so that dc ring nearly the whole of he summer of l i codduot work i took of korthrop aod lymans vegetable disec ery and it gives me great pleasure to infc rm yoa that it cured me of myaeiicttoo ft is an excelled medicine for cesifveoess hr hb mckiniioo painter mount alhertf as last summer ray system got impregnaisd witlf tiie lead and turpen tine used in paiating my body was cover- ed with scarlet epots as large as a 25 cent piece anil warin inch- a state that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of norrontt lymans vegetable discovery sod at once commence taking it in large doses aad before onehalf he bottle wis used here wis not a spot to be seen and i never felt jetleria my life the hcd elver- i- nedralgja lumbago backache headache roothache j jbore throat frost bites 8praln brul e burn etc som by j ngilsuland deefcn errmrhcre fieiitbobje unctions is 1 the red river of life is the blood if it be impure health is impossible and life a borden burdock blood bitters say those who have fried it ss the beet bloodporiner in the worid i miss hand carieton ilidgefowu oat says am niing bbb right along and fiiid it a perfect blood purifier jast as advertised r r i i toofc ihe beautifnl wheelcot and sspdcnt glass panels which are now to be seen in the doprs of so msny of par residences are the production of messrs mccaoslarid 4 son of 7sj king 8t toronto the fifra has jtlt prepared an entirely new and original assortment of desigos and the prices are hrpristokly low iflecn konttu eree fifteen months sgo i- had a dealing breast i tried many remedies bnt got no relief i the tried hagyards yelbw oil vluchgavejpiefnaunteaw it is the best thing i ever need for all kinds of pains or mks jobs coit- st marys odt fo rer block national ill acting on the removing all ob itroctioirt ooldphytiilao retired ffom prtolice having had plai ed in hit liandi by an kail india mlulonaty the formola of a simple vegetable rero y for the speedy and per majneiitoore ol consumption bronchitii catarrh atthna and all throat and long affioliont also i positive and radical cure aftr havingtei ted iu wonderful curative powers in thorn and of eaiet hat felt it his defy to mtke it known to his suffering fellow actuated by this motive and a desire lo relieve human suffering i will tend freiof charge to all who desire it this rec pe la derm in freocli of english with ful directions seiit by mall for preparing and using iy addroatiug withritamp nailing- thlt piper w a notts 820 rechoster n y are a itomach mild purgative liver and bowels ijlcket 1ivire fencing colts from 60 ents per rod iiei feet up rllic fnu or einlcu- lucre u tio fcucc 10 bajiid uialriirdcraud wc aseuro iou utii- ucttou will lo uit result dtcoirt ouickradfl price liu and rartfeu ifutpiiiioauoli adjrta jrm dooley 4 co gueloh ont hsv their oct ti i ranaiiij ore do all jtaciiine uul repair sjiop crindelil t dickieson 11 midline thop no la full tad ui prepared to dnd of rrptjj j machlqery boilers agriculfcind implement etc f steam cr yater pipe pitting ouuic bliortat poasflilo uoikc cetirt lcj ui tuxk for all ihe leading mikes of bcricwiural ujscuurt wt hsac ixjtli iron sud otjdortiit uueldu- ery urc bshuougcxiericucc ia ihe l minces and can cauranted tujf4cjcu iu al orden cu- tnutod lo us bmder repairing aspcciilty qrxndetl t dicktesok ufllfitrceactonj f ifarveyf ifill i mdtacoo rr war ma- tr jw e cwlatlpa rtt ciidvr waur bt ul au- tlat c ru tifqailijlnw ii- dl jrii ti j asm r tma1 imti-wai-t- id jirt t i aft isifhli jtoijucif r- btrsi ihrt ati it init utjrc irr f isrl it frtuiief tarljuirh1tlclvrnt ntt lll liii- tfffoaft numii sk to idutusii am m urcest scale works i in canaoa ovrlr loo styles jhay scales grain scales farm scales tea scalep impbovedshow oases uomey i drawers meal glowers mo bfchus anoxjss u rcu c wiu80n o esplan1de stbeet east j torontcont uecuon thii paier crjr iac l on wriis sarnies wnte r termi a son frank burgess housepainteiypaper hanger sign- writer etc i is prepared to eioeute orders in any of thi above lines fa usbit manner sadatmaonabk utnns evory job bsrlog mr periooal attention i can assure cuitomars oomplto satisfaction gniainfj in all woodi a peclafty orders lelt at my residence uatn 8t aoton wl receira prompt attontloo bread cakes andt confectionery w l wordenjr has reinottvl lii bakery and confpctloocry store to tbe shop next william fcoot and bboe store vbere be always bus rood stock of bread cakes buns and confectionery wedding cakes a specialty this the plack f0u rchndies make your purchase here w l worden jr jcnelson wants to see you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries f a trial soucited ii i ii- is grand triink raltt ooraoaht csprsts juklkprnt jlav jl ajn threbstosl m03iniilaili mpm7afaz3 tiki oralosts4 iurs rot 3u effaciab oatvj 30 days attraction teeth with or without a plat kst jteth 0 4 piats 8mtfp tltalhwd air for palnleis erraeaoij c h rlflbsfcbn tow ad ktatti money u4 injnllr lj- urtae f idiasl in bcir miitijrlirtrllrt7i jktiiiiihmit utjtaktru wi fahiher71kinsirtiurtti v ruivil jb dttl janri4ri 1 ti sutrr trmv be 10 tli 1 u nturlrncw uaiad lqaf oodrrtai mrmi iu tttrr wetter terfamn rt ttraiaz ujm 9u ta jo jrftrk tard ifid bd ntrt iflff uul i j mrfracc w an tnltk jo iht nn- t4fvrwnllraich7xt vo ttdto ribat hm kill tpipl iltjirri iltk- iul nthiog so s iddealy obsiracis the pres- pint ion as tadt en transitatuons from neat or cold heat ariges the blood quickens the circolatfqn and increases tne prespir- ationbat wlien tlueaearcaaddenly checked the conseqaena mast jjcbsd the most common caase 1 1 disease isobstmctad pres piralion or wl at commonly goes by the name o caici ia cold cooghs colds sore throat etc if attended to in lime are easily ecbdaed batif allowed lo ran their own course gee aally prove the foremnner of more dangenas diseases nine- tenths of the coqspmi tires date their affliction from a neglects cold and the diseases caused by wet f et damp clothes or expos are ore more g nersjly supposed one of the most cffico ioas medrcines for all dis eases of the tl rost and iangs ii bickies anti coosaropa ion syrap it promotes s free andcaij eipectoralioo which frees the langs from isdd phlegm by changing the secretions h m a diseased to a wealthy stale visard t llaidcnt for tale ererj where pisos cure for jthebestjcough medicineti i his it vxitqttn aven consumption new years hollinrake soiij the live merchants of milton are booming business in the county town crowds of peo ple from different parts of the county are making their way to the grand holiday sale the public soon find out where the bargains are bhrgfflns id dry goodii i millinery and qlothiiig bkrgkins in groceries fanoy g oods boots and shoes good goods at less than gtty prices at- hoiifeiirakes grand sale i nvciiitoisr cihoige furs south sea seal jobter caps beaver caps persian lamb caps ottterj beaver and persian- lamb collars and cuffs all our furs are no i selected notwithstanding the great rise in price of all furs our prices have ncjt advanced as we bought long before the advance took place- shawcrundy 1 merchant tailor8 cuelph y summer tours- ptuacc fhiiutnii j lovftarttu pot trips pf waax brtvwa x- detroit mackinaftlsunb detroit and clevelaw haaaj sitp ah- 14j lrt las v- 1 ifudvw fuj j our illustritep pamphucts jutm sad fcjroncm tf oscttivltl b lanjiiimi e b whrrcomb a p j vmicn ukh the dew t cievela1d stub fw co i i jartvatrftiarj iwlinrflmsaallrmk r twtw ttmjm am aaauk or rsljtlnil auctl n ar fl iu aawmt far nt nlimmftamfw n atwrtl kmuij ndjf- i 1mit- f j tr fr rrrt-f- fr rrnwwjl y i terwalrradruatrtf iuj t ttfe nrpt jjjr3ry m powder thecooics best friend a new book from cover to cower fnllx abreast with the times i i four s bejit evetr so humble theres no place like home- at thli- mammoth house georgetown cold i took sick r took result j i take sly meau i take my best avoi asfloohoos espugh to take i axvthisc i can lav iv hads ov scotts ii j getting thttoo i for j emulswijofpurecodlfveroii 5 and hypophosphltesof umeand jsoda karmlxmiiieq uy iudp- flent coiisnmptlffli but uuilt j he ot akd is how putting j fje8h on my bone8 j atthgratb iy a pouftdaibav i ijgakeitjlsja easily i do milk boons emnlata lirput ofl nlr in fiamim cnlor wravcers sold br all tfrueslsis nt oeaadllm scofta bojytfc b tkdir pilled tee qreatest medicine eworld atftbtafpf omnatwd u claimed or messy rcfnnded pamphlets tfesumoclals etc tree wb bltlu hi 1robe r1llfji co ul lip king si wvoronto ont 8ola haoniact iren for the dominion tfbcwsrsof impoi tional 8eo our trstfmarfc ujlnljeubco uof iiclcuriulmti rora ft o tr aim c anttiii rut ird jau-xuioa- tittdu ho k nit otbrt trr jiiup u il w faal fwtitf rrn birr fmo00 a uteutk v rn do iht wi lod j lr ltonif n uirrf rr j ttj ut kttn ln- aatn fit ntllr tinn nut ti lo iou ul itrt wtifaqw j ra u mi lin irort ia ituir iroi ton mf unmf tvt trcotikamo ttarif brtrt fl ox hbo rurtlaaduaiue ind itiri j tjsiocks nil the clogged atenues pf he bowels kldne re and liver mrjing off gro4aauy wit tout weakening tlo sys tem ejt tbo imp irilies and tool hamort of the secretions at be same time cor- rectli g acldll f of the stomacb cttrinir blllc lsness dyspepsia headiohes dzzlness heartburn constipation 1 irynoss of the skin dropsy dlmm ss of vision jann- dloe salt ehei m erysipelas scro fula tlotterln r of the bean her- vonsnsand seneral debility jail tbeae a id many titer similar ooninulnfi rleu to l hjppj inflotnoeot bdbdocs for baldly an ttaia of choice dry goods fmviifau- tles millinery dress goods clothing readymade clothing overcoats bopts and shoes overshoes ladies and misses- caidigan overshoes we es pecially call attention to our rich assortment of dress goods and dress silks splendid all wool dress goods for loc per yard worth 35c per yard we have a choice assortment of long man tles and short jackets which will he sold at greatly reduced prices fine astrachan mantles from jj1500 to 2000worth 2500 to 3000 a magnificent stock of mantlings including fawn beavers sealettes etc a mag nificent sealette for 400 per yd our fur stock is laree including ladies dear boas beaver setts alaska sable astrachan lynx fine persian lamb 8etts price 2500 reduced lo 1250 ladies and mens fpr caps a big stock of overcoats bought at 56c on the in boys youths and mens mens overcoats from 80o up our carpels kugs matts floor oil cloths are well assorted and nt the right priues our dressmakiug mautlc- uiaking millinery and ordered clothing departments arc in tall swing busy turning oat goods to suit our patrons iu make np fit and price now is the time to get bargains during the christ mas holidays christmas novelties suitable for presents soltl cheap we farther announce that the ticket present system shall close at tho end pf this month so hurry upjind get the bargains and the prevents w mcleod dec 0th 1890 f speight son have aiarge stock pf furniture suited to ever pocketbpok in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich r we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the dining room in many styles and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always 1 j a speight mauser ia grand investment tw for uio rimi c profci uhiaj sj the aatiantio wekwtna via jn attht bsi taeotmjily beniaed aa sotva aatstttictjsatilt tlfiutss jhs me of webwtarv interna sm j motioampt editerui wnrk wpoa tils rwiiajsa ha w fatetlt toirswr isatwi ncrtle-uutaolihwa- dnd paid edmorlisl laboren bnf been ancacsd npaa it ore 300000 eneadad ia ht preparation before tkeftntcww wuintatea oritlesa g cxebbia1i co fabbatm i sprtnt06iamim bol4 br all bookselhn- 111 ojtralea lmtl i urdock pills asurervnc ror biliousnccsicohsnpanoa moigcstioii- dizziness sick- hcadachc ario oisc4ocs or the stouach lilrcn anb bowels thp w1c ullotrfcnovclf ahd psoupt 111 romi a valukcic juo tocyitdor dlooo bltttn3 in tflx tncatiicrtt alt conc or chronic ahq odctinate dlgpvscg good evening do you wear williams shoes pure8t8tronc38t tjesti alum amm0 arfiafatmisauiefiti at w iaillett oort i cuicuxru aaatrntatatnutliimtaititw you want the best you want the neatest you want them durable you want the cheapest therefore always go to williams boot shoe store if jattsssifess 3 you want anything in rubbers- overshoes slippers trunks or valises j call at williams acton j- j d lows y0rm syrup utvbtkutb a or all ki adults 4 ca ssm the and removes worms ind n children or i hirsts pain exterminator ww positiyhlv cure suiiercowpuihts kb bottle it a9g9r-miw-f- ti

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