Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1890, p. 2

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im m ilitl i t i pbd bomarrurtu kei tin wul wtn 1 atartti wife of ut chid tears srcaux jn toronto on i is tth november tuna marls daw daru star ol mr kdwsrd mcklln ansa wv iimntbs nod nj iw kwini r so nov mli ol krfc i onterrlllc tied lib nor brai m alexandra aged si ihtb8datk0kmbkn is 1890 notes and comments the trials of petition tylrf agiioit u return ol mfiocen ot tlio onurio legisla ture bean on tuesday the first cess herd wu thit ol north renfrew thelrlil ol which hwrtplire t riibrokf mr wa die still an m p judtrnsrt oive i in tho htlton el- octlonceee c08tb a1ain8t petitioners circoun hay tren tttji oat hy sic john thompson almslcr ot justice lo ail orim nil judgesind attorney general in the dominion ttkine llieir vfcw to the ex- pxlienevof abolishing jrsod urice an ottawa correspondent cleirns to hive it direct from eirotcliflethjt the premier will riot summon parliament fur the de- ttteh of business iff lsgljunlil the issl ot rbrotry the object ijjhoosht lo be lo sot the session u short si possible it will be ecn by t report elsewhere thit the petition iriimt the return ot mr waliiie the member fori hilton in the dominion pirliiment hit beeu dismissed by the courts with oosts i against the peti tioner hilton has bean pitying with election trials now for aoumberof vein it ii pretty generjujy hoped tint thii will pot in end lo protests tor least i frenenuon it the year lies will be not only the four hundredth anniversary of jtbe discovery of the continent hot itwill he the twenty filth anniversary of the british korth american protmoes confederation the silver vred- dins ot- tho dominion it la important event in oor history ind tuoald not be allowed to pin nnobsejtoi the yew tiro marks the oenteoniil otthe meeting of the iegisiatore of the proriocjes of upper- and lower ciotdi under the quebec act theie being the first of the oolonies glinted i legiiliture by the imperii piruamenl cinidiimi hire every reason to be proud of the progress of their country in the put quarter of i century and of the important position it holds on thii continent ind in the britiih empire board of education i a short session the staff of teachers cornplote the board of trustees of acton public school met on toesdar etiening- members ill present a e nieilin ia the chair 1 iliautes of hut meeting were read ind confirmed a oom from hiss cleveland of the third department i agreeing tocon- tinae ia the service ot the boird if her sal- iry were increased to 300 lad pledging herself not to apply for i position elsewhere nor to accept any other offer for the coming year moved by w h storey seconded by l francis that the services of acisijalii cleveland as teacher of i the third depart ment be retained for tnaensnins year at the salary ot three hundred dollars t the tenders for wood were opened and considered moved ly george hynda seconded by james matthews that thi i tender of james eu wtircn of 1100 for tiwrtx oarda oc drrt beech ind maple four footwood be accepud carried j i aaiccouat of tl3o ni presented by thomas ebbagefor repairing wster closets etc i moved by w h storey seconded by thos h harding that the account of tbos bbage bepaid carriedj the board then adjourned repented t bout nov j a too mr late louis bsu s analyfsrmer wellkaown in this town died yesterdsy st bis resilience in the wh- nt road from toe effects ot taking paris green shout s week ago he wss very anxious to hare eis medical attendant succeed in destroying its effects if was impossible however to make a complete cure and he lingered tili yesterday when be died deceased wis i man of stringe com sad powers ia spite of all drawbacks he became quite wealthy leav ing inesute worth folly 90000 serious shooting accident bajjpol sov 3 charles kane ac- cboipanied by mr georg harris and j w wilson were out partridge ebootiugoh the farm ot mr kfllop nrrt line west although unknown to v usoa the three were within r short distance of each other fa s triangular position wfaen a partridge suddenly rose wilson fir id and a part of the charge entered laaejt itetk snd nose the others it once came lo his assistance and secured a conveyance and returned home ksnei wounds were peedily dressed by a doctor coming andooinc miss annie csmeron of point edwird is visiting her acton friends missfrancis duignan of kiagara falls k 1 is the gnest of her sister mnw tvorden messrs geo williams sad d graham have completed their contnct at fenetang and retarned home mr w w worden ot toronto who is jast recovering from in attack of typhoid fsrer wis in town on mbndsyv the bcy dr gifford of acton occupied the pulpit of the korfolk stjeet- methodist ehuren on sunday and delivered two forc ible sermons gueiphlcrcitf mr john a- mckaj far many years connected with the svsus i bctior hss prcbasecran interest in the windsor hoard sad lesves shortly foi that place the bevmr mitchell hi r decided not to accept the call from e iskihe church hamilton and will- remain wbefe he is highly esteemed justice says waterloo by all classes eev simoel frar ot elor l well known lo many of our readers is sad toebrussels font inforrnsos preached sermons ust sunday for his rsndsookev e a frar of nile last ssr day at a meeting of he officii board of the pabuo street methodist cho ch held last mbodar night the rev a caoniogam of gait was chosen tosuoeed the ber mr turk as pastor the neit cosereuce year mrs elizabeth thurtell teeswafer urjoba kicklin sod mrs liobsrd nick us aserfoyle chsrlcs n cklio elora mr and mrs pearcy bol ton mrt slid mrs f j travis mrs eli snyder mrs cl desnpsey toronto the iiessrs cortis iiiy joyoe and meuie campt ell and miss meda and mr 11 e nelsoi of guelph were here over sunday t tending the funeral of ihe talc miss a or ista nickliu i- i r issast-sks- years of sgr i mr cuiotlliutloo armour gistidgntint it oigoorjc i ill on siturdty in the hilton dominion e ectioii sue lush v waldicl lim it 1 niton as our re dcrsai iwarc the trial wis begun in jai nary 1 io and condudod in october 189 i at the do e ot thej rial tho petitioners i only tl poo charges 90 18 ii u 5t it 1 m id the pnrtlculiri and with these c urges lie learned chief justice in hit jodgn mil dealk rilioi charge is wis uiit charles taylor an igoiil of tic rcapdndout ou the 83rd augustj la st the milage of hronte cor ruptly hired i couitjauee from joseph m trillcrj a i route llolclkoeper ind look hciuybird rotu rirfeule to polling division no 5 in thi townsliip of kelson snd re tum to vol tot tile respondent a to this the iris judge fjridi that tho rig was hired lly on jonoiili mont who wis not su igcnt of the respondent md by him lent lotsylor a d hist moal paid for the rig but paid no nore for it by reason of taylor hiving used it md that tsylor did not hire the rig icept l r the larttul purjxjse of going to kilion and he dismisscr this charge chirge 9 wis tbail william caldwell tn agoit of tic rcspacident ou he 2nd august 1s si the fown of millou hired i conveyano from william k glasby of the lovh of xilton uvery stable keeper o eonvcyaud iid convey robert peacock of the toni-iki- of trafalgar from milton o poilingdivis an s of lie ownship of n giweya and clufn and from that town lo bisresidenci in the township of trafalgar slo vole for the respondent cpon this charge the li irucd jvalge finds it followi t find t at glasby s livery stable- ujepcr in 1 ilton hid igrecd with one grant in a nt of the respondentc for he tree use by t le respondent and his agents ot two rigs a 1 day upon polling day md for he free se of soother rig upon polling day if it hi pened lo be in when it was wanted mi i find that robert peacock who resided n the township of trafalgar sbout eight uiles from milton on the poll ing day got i chance to ride with i neighjxr o miltop ad there saw caldwell who was ss i fin i in agent of the respondent and told hii thai if he would get him s rig he could g out to kassagawcya some twelve mile i from millon to vote that caldwell got a rig for him at glasby s sod he drove o t and vpled and returned to millon betw sen g and 7 oclock that even- rag that ai er peacock had returned snd had fads sup er he saw caldwell again and asked him 1 1 send him home and caldwell promised a ig from glasby between 10 and 11 oclock tl it night and sent him home the chief ec itention arose upon the promis ing of the la ter vir as o whether it was hired or wh her it wis one of the rigs that gtasbyhad igraod to furnish free on polling day the 1 tier rig was procured after the election wai over and was not procured in pursuance o any previous agreement and the promisi g of it even if it had been hired by- caldwell could not j in my opinion avoid the eiecaoe for the sgenq of caldwell ceased whei the election wss over md did not exist wl mthe rigjwis rirocurod had his agency continued to exist up to the time of his remising the rig i doubt much if the hiring of it thenj snd under the cir cumstances under which it was fcired would have consti uted an offence against the provisions c the 8ch lection of the domin ion electior i act- i think however that tile fxir oa icltmort rata- the evidence m sad i so fi id that both the rigs procured for peacock tne one in the morning and the other at nig t were of the rigs that glasby had agreed 1 3 furnish tree upon the polling day sad i d smiss this charge charges 5 ind h relating to the bribery of richard i igley by in unknown man afterwards iiewn to be one buatoa and by william lamont were also dismissed the learned hief justice finding that neither bunton nor ahiont was m agent of the respondent rjpeaking of lsmont the chief justioe said he wa not shewn to belong to the kefor i association nor to have been delegate 1 1 the noqiifiging convention and he war not a vrjter in the riding and had only bi en in ft lwo years and was learning thi trade of a miller with one lawson ia s ewarttowll and wis boarding there at hi ls tavern it was shewn by hie that the e were two committee meet ings if his tavern before the polling day sad that lai lont was at them and that be carried 1 vot tl list wil h him but lamonl boarded at r ills tavern and was t liberal and- might ave been at the committee meeting wifl sut being a- member of the committee a id heswore that he was not a member and that he only asked one person how he was liag to vote during that elec tion if hoi ever i had found that he was ia agent i s oold have been unable o find that he wa in any way a party to the bribery of ki ley charge 20 was that james carry- an sgent of the respondent oh or about the 20th august 1w8 st ihe city of toronto did bribe ci risfopher carry a voter by paying him fond offering to give- him t3 more at the t wn of milton to induce him to vote for he respondent or io refrain from voting f ir david henderson he con servative candidate as tended to to lot d appear trout ana strongi v idea thi mom on other than ota dm tttbllhon ad buggy down 16 iutreaa iioit ktting to fcrru wdonoii coilinoi butt hendanon tot jirriiiwortl ttoi titer leaving curry sttho live 7 liable h drove it onoe to the aoblwhe e hendcne lwaiwalungtorhlm- and htaid rton got irio the buggy at onoe and he dn vo him directly home i doobt very mucl whotlior aasumlng that jarvu and hem crton wer both agents of the respondcu ind tint currys evidence it to be taken as true cltjter jarvls or hender son oould k held to be inch i partlolpator fti curry illegal set as to make him re sponsible or it but ijwis not at all mtli- fled with currys evidenoe nor wllh his manner of giving it and i do not think in the face 61 the denial jot jarvii that i can find that he told jirvls of hit intention with rcsrwl o arnntrong hewterion was not illod a deny hat he drove the hone md xiggy dowa to armidongs nor llistcurr- told hlia his intention with raspectlo vrtnilrong sndtlioscftalementi are denies only inlsrentially by jarvii evidence- rat curry does not prove that when he old henderson of lill intention ucndcrsoi ciprcwly lppro or assented toil i fl il that jsrvii was in agent of he respoi dent but j i sra unable to find upon tho e idence that henderson was and it is not cl urged in the particulars that he was i in o opiniounherefore hit these charges mi st be dismissed all lie c barges are dismissed wllh the costs occsi oned to be respondent by rea son ihtrcc and tho petition it diimiued with costs counsel ayleswortb qc blickstock qc md icgibbon milton for the peli tioner 3 k kerr qc and william mscdonald for the respondent tklkofthe day a strang it obtained hu from s wood- stock firm n i forged cheque ou situ dty one vietorii cbintmin cot mothers 1 ead off with a koife wm gi he wis drowned irrtte griod river it e on on friday night thetteaj a barge bruno hat been wrecked tome dull ice from algomi mills at laoo e que on saturday a lunatic named for mini killed hit wife by cattiog her throat vith razor a portioi of the cathedral of st alban he mirtjr toronto hat beeu finished the catbednl when completed will cost 200000 i- saterm uked the tl- websteri book whicl aited teichen ofrontirio hive minister ot edncitiou to hive their allowance paid quarterly instead of annually the ldrrfcuthtold too of mr will hill got ihe cover off in oldfash ioned ope i cistern in some way snd fell into it w len discovered it was too isle to save the phildt life e new webster internelionildictionsryis the is destined to go into every librsry eve y public school every house hold where and where lmerican literature is received ihe english language is iludied the publhert have tpeal more than a quarter ot ti million dollars in bringing this work out in its unabridged revised en larged and authentic form it now takes the name daternalioual md this is in tended to emphssize the factlhai the language of the mother country now en circles the gldbe every pace hss been treated as if the book were a w pabliihed for he first time tbaeliima the publishers ti thai it re- isint that ixcellenoe la definition which has made w ibtter tbasafe mi familiar an- thority to wl ich judges journalist scholar artisan md i lan of busioea refer and that in etymologj pronunciation citations and pictorial illoitrations it carries to greater perfection th merits ot its predecessors we believ i thst it sbundaotly justifies the rocdest c aims snd thst ss i compre hensive pop lar dictionary it is likely lo retain he f eeminence which bis long been held 1 y websteri unibridged no dictiooir can be anal but for the next 2j yesrs he interastional dictiomry must be acci pled ss the best work ot iu kind ia thi english language boston herald sept mber 28 1890 i free home a cottage worth 750 will be erected or its equivalerj t in cash will be given to he person defeciog the greatest number of iypogrsphica errors io he december issue of our montily jonmal entitled ode homes three hundred and fifty additional cash prizes smounf ing to 12800 will also be ijrirdsd ia the order mention ed iu rules governing competition prizes payable st par iu say part of canada or the united states send- 15c ia stsmpa for complete rules snd simple copy of our homes whiih will be issued about nov 20th address oca hours prausunro co brockville cinads lo this the chief i find that james carry did at or eiouf tub 20th day of august i8t8 pay tf christ pher curry at the cily of toronto the i am of j2 to come to milton and vote for i te respondent and promised to give him fc more when he came to mil- tarx bat i an unable to find that james curry was an igent of the respondent he was not a mei iber of lie reform associa tion nor a del igate to the nominating con vention nor l member of any committee but a mere oter and a laborer who was employed by in agent of the respondent mr grant to listribatc posters and hand bills announci ig meetings throughout the riding with o authority to canvass or other aalhorii c save the foregoing and i should be goin fsr beyond what any judge has ventured t do and against the whole weight of auth rrity were i o hqld hint to have been on a gent f the respondent i therefore disn ssthis charge charge h re ated to the conveying away by james ca ry of a voter named arm strong the tui ht before the election to prevent him i om voting for henderson and charge 04 as that archibald janis an agent of i w respondent was alto con cerned in thit attempt to prevent arm strong from vo ing as to these the chief justice said i find that the object that carry had in d iving armstrong away was to prevent hii votiagfor headerspn ij have already fc ind that curry was not an agent of the res pondent tnjt curry swore that he told j irvis who drove him to the livery stable tl it lie was going to get a conveyance to i rive armstrong off to pre vent bis iotin for henderson and that jarvis laughed nd said- all right but this was denied by jarvis curry bo swore that alfred her derson drovfjtne horso aod boggy down to armstrongs that he saw henderson on t e street liter he taw jarvii j and that tie did heudersdii what he in- i free trip literary noe the next w numbers of harpat wizk- fwill contaii a new story sybodysrd kipling entitl a ithe beoord of sadalia heroysfoofc tnis will be found a remark able prodactio i for various reasons it is the first ttory i it mr kiplings in which tba scenes sro enti ely euglish it is i strongly realistic study f aocial conditions which ire seldom trc ted with to much force ind directness snd it is sn exlriordiniry com bination of grim humor deep pathos sad incisive satire altogether it will be re cognized as on of the roost characteristic productions of i highly original mind around the world 5 1 birchallwulhang rprlvt rfumd tylrtaidnliter r4tloij hi efqu to jllfewajlfor 7betilnldbiniiirivtlu lit hiogsd on novrmber h tba osbinn council hu fully eonildired lilt oe ud i no reason why bitcolive olentmoy tld be ctteodtd to him this declnloti irrlved it on the very aftrrnikin la whleh lilt wife pleaded in the office of tho minister ot juitlee tor her huibinds lift the pipers hive tlnoe been in lbs htndi of iht governor general or hit tpprovtl and were returned lo dty with lilt tlgnatnre tbs uudsrseorittry ol bills iminedlittly dupltchtd to bherlfi prry of oiford oounfy soqoilntliig ll with tho decision irrlved st by the kiecutlve mucruix tnxnoouio vix woomtocx nov 7 this his been sn eventful day here sod lo night every one it discussing the judicial tragedy to be enacted one week hence birchill did not breik down on receipt of he newt from otlawi yet he showed ligm ot emotion as the last ray ot hope vanished the first to communicate the newtte the prisoner wss mrs birohall she called st tbe jail snd kitting him through ho bare hiuded him thit message j ottawakov t tt dcoild aucltlschr barriiter qovernorgeoaraltncouacll bu bseo ploid a order thst the law be allowed lo ul lu coarse la re birchill gignodi ltoumt sroosmar now intciuu icceirni thi kits tbe doomed mm was visibly sffected with tesre running down hit cheeks he lighed then i luppote i mutt go the faithful wife then bade him goodbye until evening and brushing tears from her eyes left the jail she went through this terrible ordeal with wonderful nerve bu when the reached he hotel whit hid p- peared it first to be i dreim vmiifaed and tba tteru realities of he titaidoc drove her into hysterics beversl triendi colled to offer whai con solation liy in their power to lesson the awful blow birchall however soon brightened up sail as he stood gazing at tbe shadow of night gathering aboat the jui wis baird to quote dickeni welikaowu words tnr vita melancbolr i in dolefol ehtages ring- on life and hamin folir but merrur merrfl r ilsg tnu then he lighted i fresh cigar and chatted with his deathwitch like s man who hid been reprieved rather thin one who had but six ihort dayi to live an hour after one ot the officials staled to your corre tpondeni that birchall ippoared to be anxious for the fital diy i ix irrxcttkc drrriivttt at eight oclock tonigfat his wife called again and was allowed by the attorney general a long interview with her husbsod touching family mature birchall claims he will fall heir o ooniiderablo property ia the spring snd desires to will it lo his fiitjbful wile before be dies the meeting ot husband and wife in the cell wu very affecting woowrrocr kov 10 birchall spent bis last saudsy on earth with a fair degree of cheerfulness he got up st 1 oclock ind dressed ss be had not done lince his sentence in the sail he wore at hi trial he wsuts every one o believe that he baa no fear ot death ibal he would rather be killed by the hang man than iu a railway accident bat he uisplsys great anxiety less his body should all into the hmds of the doctors or be stolen from the grsve he requested his tpiritusl sdvikr to do wbsl be couid to prevent inch a calamity wooostocx nov is oneof the prison ers latest ttatemeat is to the effect that had he told s straight ttory it first he would not now be awaiting death but he admits that be lied it first md thit it is too lite now lo remedy it he says that he lied to save mother person and would rather die than give the thing awiy now ii it not expected that he will make s con fession or sny further statement tbau has made tbe elocution will take place is soon after oclock on friday is the srringe- ment can be completed it it reported that birchall has made his will leaving all hit property including s legsey hit he expect from i relative to hit wife mips sad full information concerning rstesetc over sny route to manitoba the north west or the western states mif be had at the grand trunk station acton 1891 harper8 magazine illustrated uafllxnrrat nseot ot other idbowsli tad the ro6t sure lathe- rue the pro- u loon goto iter w without though prompt i ayer pills ire purely i the safest ng at home or aycrahik im ore halle to dorodgemonuofthe which if negloctod of ion fatoj oonseqi mtaiwofcorneui of ami ilimt aallliiinimter wutvltlmutlrh a supply of these add ouorgetto in ope icovo no 111 vogotawo and lugv modlclno for old abroad for olglit yoars i was afflicted with ronsilpatlon which at last became so bail iliat tlio ilocton could do no mora for lira thou i began to take ayeri pills find soon the bowels recovered lliclr natural and regular action w that now i run in exoellent health mrs c b clark tewksbury mauachnsetu i regard ayert plllt as one ot tba most rellahlo general frsroedlos of our times tliernave been in use in my fmnllv for artoctloni retulring a purga- tltoaiil liaro given imvaiting satisfac tion wu imvo found them an excellent xomnily for colds andjllght faveti w it woodson fort worth texas for several rears i have relied more norm arers pills tl an upon anything else iu the medicine cbest to regulate mr bowels and llioso of the thlpl crew tlicse 1iin are not letere intheir sc- tiou but itertholr w irlf tboroufflily i lime nseil them wl h good effect for the rnrn of rhotima istn kidney trou bles nml tlvspensia 4capt mueller sicaihsliip follcta k ivrjtork city i itnvo found ay r cathartic pills illy tnbtlidne lor com- limn ui thnii our olacriplllj within my to in a better family iiintviedgo they aro not only very eticilrc lint safe aril pleasant to take nnalhlcs which taunt make them vnltu1 by tlio- publli jules hauel i vriuincr 1hllailiilpl la pa ayerd pills dr j rnxraif c ayor h 1 liy nm t i lowell mass k uedlclaas s m cook co oeohoetofwh licensed aiiotioneers appraisers valu ators oolleotors eail estate and ueneral land agents ron raz corrrntt or hallon peel wellington slmcoe york ind ontario ltonoy loioaa from 1100 op st su per cent rsrtiec nlseiag their sales or other boslnem in oar band vtl bare tbe time promptly attended to at moderate charges j orricx sxn solki boom mul l gooree- lown or sdetren box 1st b u cook a- co aactioqocrs j itaixch ornce 3l qoeea sl east toronto 8 m- coos k col ancuoneers oeorgejown and toronto cauatlas best eainily paper the uaujltox weekly spectator exueced4dlltpr0vd contains all the hews many special faatares cilsp and pointed commend the most entertaining the ctioioest llthrary matter erertthlng for everybody 1 fifteen ranis 1 thii fro rpw rwn no till jiaaury lit ifiai li laavcm of retding nutter wecjuy tnd jour thole of two greau piurra- for only 1 the picture aw reprddttction of the tro greteit pintinff of the tg chribt befohb pilate br monkcy ti orictckl aold for tloojxb- ru3bian wedtilko feast by llavkofliiy the orlfflnkl told for tloojcoo prizes for 10eekt8 qmldea ubenu commuiod tgeati for tbe srnratqu receive tiloavbje prizes ravcgtng in worth from u75 to i a great eliuce for haavur cnbodr with thi ion money for wfth the urgest ind ibjvi weekly ptler id caulauu to cotui fof hid ihmtou cfuluiioil md rilnable prlzei acenu find it aty uid pro- aubla work i far tenni tad puticulut tddnu 8pectatoe tbixt x oomlakv haunilloa noye hu come with snow ted frott thatt all right tbalt mtuei course our course ihe course we fas re decided on snd mspped out forqarselvei for this month of november is doing tn mike things hot in he business nmoiphere it soy rale we sre going to do some puthiog our stock it immensely isrge too large iu tome departments it will be miller before ihe end of the month speci u cuts in prices are going to do it come and share in the bargains k rj bollot 4 co dress goods several very elegant lie el bought by kfr bollert while iu kurope have just come forward tbe miuofocttjren were a little low in delivery they ro lo go out lo you fully 23 per cent leas- than it was in tended to sell them thty are beautiful well have a great 8hecial bar- gain file of dress good all this month in which yon will find mpneyiaring bar gains we recommend pur dressmaker mist lennox it being it the very trout for style snd elegsnoe in executing all orders entrusted to her e r boixesi a- co vii nellie blyi route or its eqoirileot in gold is given by btws magazine tor the largest list of w rjr3i constructed out of the hs words seltt magauae also pianos orgins parloi suites gold witohet silver tei sen parlor coal stoves etc etc all positive y given swsy everyone sending oot leat thsn twenty words will get a present send 12 cents in stamps mentioning the actdh fuxn psxss for rules illustrated catalogue and copy of piper to bcwi llagazine toronto out the importint teriet of pipers g the greater part ot tho vesr ml the articles on southern call- ai lvpttsbt ftfif 1tam 11 1 boath cod tinned amaru lr tbmdore child in hiapea kjuuznrz daring the greater of tho tear lflsl the article on sontiioni forolav bf charle dodjey avamct will tjto be continued- amoiiotherooieworthrittractioox 1 novel br chariei egbert craddek ft on of original dnwiipily w u thack- btiibod for tbe dm urae uorel written aod illajtrttod by oe at lorelettebr william dao re da uaarier lowelli tod seriee of pper on london by walter bmant in uienamber and variety of illmtratedpap and other artlclee on inbjecta of timely intereit the cana han manufacturer the oajiaduzn manxifadurcr toronto aanuaaceg that su aabaeription price will heretiterbe oneidollbr per year inttead of iwo dollara u btjrttofore tbe lite of tbe paget and the ndmbcr of them will rraiain odchadfted and it will bo uiaed twice a montii aa it bai been evermore iu eatab- lisbmedt in 188 it ia dvoted kr the rattia tact an dr fdteretti of canada and u a itaaneli aupporjer of the national policj at welt u in the acrirajled chi raster of iu short lonlef poems etc hiapini uxakznnt will ootitlnae to to maintain that itandard of exealleqee for which it hae been ao long dit ttngniahed harpers periodicals i pcr year huperj uagaxine 4 00 harper i weeklr 4 oo harper i baxar 4 00 jtarpvr 1 tonng people 2 00 poftag 1 free to all obtcriben in the lnlted btatee t uada aod xiexlco mantlen oar importationi were ver doable those of any former aeaaon ot withstand in oar immenso trade we hare itill upwards of ioo jackets circalara i olmaii tititeri etc oocipriin aonieof life moat elejfaot goods ever brought to go ilph we hare ajao manv lion of lower pvicea and each and every caae we jtre prepared to givo tpecially low prices dc riog the month of november yoq will not find mch raajte of mantlei aaywbecc in tbe trade of guelph e r- boxlittt 4 go smiths ortfc ttyri peril slttba laaonro- ursseb xnfltab america ktetlb sicca liuwns auinaouv bertriwls uitlnx j keesn and galllt onloiaorlatlonsof j bruanea toou brutbee bmabaa draaaliil oombi lflrwrarjabbntsbea- ish towala spom tdi cbamtns skint i is rerj isrjs ind cerefnllr selecletl t ortmtwsea the irf sad sth iu- rjl srdlasdbanalobehliad br eand lhacoati thns ilixtstnli ttat jofensoas betal sdmrs atclu pbt8 febqlboil asftj remember the place j the oldest drug store in cuelph i wg smith m cor wyndliara t macilonald streets american agriculturist published 50 yearsiconsecutively kccotniieo ai the hett bnrsl and fimllj perlodfcal in the world jfirinjtnraliisbljhellitts information thousands of ilinlprsctlcsl snd useful hints and fcijwtfoosjaoothoosaodi jut of original ensritings snnostlf try it this tear 11 will par ron veil bailable and prseueal infonnsuoo profltable lo everybody ko one can read s number vlrhoat gettlint each comber contains lioromthlr baetelmsef imborbelptaj ooettitances to aid ladoc and ootdoor wort tint ensrstlilgs of anlroals flsnu k1oki otttbaudlncs with many ileulnc uutrnetlre plctone for yoons snd oi4 aob- scrfptlon price eljo a year we sre dmlrlooi to make this tie banner vear fa- clreolilion wbich bow is ortl 1coob oopies monthly our pre7ynu7va offer the farm and household cyclopedia v frloelloo bormdingiothandoilt a cuiiltle brady deference ubnry for firmerf airdeaers frail growers btorllmeii snd hinarkerrieri eonulnlnj 1 lanre fund of useful iatbrauthin tseu hints sod sntrttioa in the virion departmehu ot acricallurcuonicultore lire slock bailing poultry keeplnf bee keeping dairy farming fcrtillxcrs uarsi arcultectare fsnn implements hoasebold sfanasement uomestie affairs cooxffrr tidies fancy wort floriculture medical uatleis elc containing 644 pages with m8 illustrations this valnsnlfl itook fnrniibed witli hie awzaiciv acucnrraist one year for f 100 or fot ouly 10 ccuu sdditlonal to the mutcription price psjmipostage on book a larger shipment of table covers table drapes maiitie drapes wool felt and chenile v in applique and enabroider opened today at r b elermyns i these are beautiful goods and well worth the attention of all who wish to make their homes beautiful at a moderate cost these goods are below regular prices 085 to 5 50 chenile table covers reversible wool table covers felt table covers applique trimming beautiful table drape only 00 up 25 up 2 furs furs furs beaver muff and storm collar from bokarren muff and storm collar astrachan muff and storm collar opossurj muff and storm collar i 8 50 to 25 00 6 50 5 50 and up 7 25 and up ajpreutmj wanteiljli rlwnlbanr51osloi j bnsumsa applj a eoee l t ageoits iwanteit ityt wml to aajuinmr iaas bold t aanewebolee kuriery steek llwll urns writs as si once for terms mat bbrthetlkamytamar bnltalo kobe lost ygqbsale w a house ind two lots in the rulaie of aaw itusud on tbe corner of wuolstftj church strswls bsrlnj bard snd tott ilgr trliu stcon tbe pnoiats for mbefti isle tililnes t boi iu blcbtnond hillioat waited rratsliaa tosell my mek local r nursery mick salary otoornmiafasi weakly outfltthe special sttratkn befbuwri wesajrt mtst fsu to weakly wafes mrlls mast once for e 6 okasajf kuissrymaa t tnu boose b reliable termteb acton liodge no 20 frf meets in tbe oddfellows ball uaukesmvj block ny wednesday rreniaf vjatbi always weboma for am ot asaaav d laws ipply lo tbe underiigoed oraat brsthrsti tutlosand of lbs members w willluis jr o bbwobbbr- secrstary js wanted 2 oaiiesvek to hukurwrr stock airogoio o warranted anvclasa rlttaaf profltabls poatlkms for tbe rlabt men qeal salaries ami nr paid weekly jubatalay docemstna lo bsatimers ko prerms aip i enesnsotasary- outfit free writ for4ias giruf aaw s v cbable8 b cl uentioa this paper bsssspi j w dkry evfuton v8terinjy surgeob octjnr t beats alhiaasies ol doomslleilerl anlmabj special attentkm trea to diseases k the tmtbandlnoutbocborteaamtcanle smflil operations of all ktnds usltonuad tetertbarf msdkides always on band and prepared t3 order calls nrempuy attended to by da ef nigbt or by teleavspb omcz axd basimtxcz ererton chit auction sale 7allentimbse m baa ben inmtncuhjj lfiw il aod otxnie slclpfn eiacn- tort forth aetata of fj the late oliver uasby r to mil by public auction on toe praadeakijk v cob 1 eaqoaviuc op saturday 22nd ho vemfeet r 1 ocxocckauxr tba timber blown 46vn by tba cjtsooe on ivfisj kb july lart on tbort lot r fbe timber b priadpafly beech aodlfapleanl 1 will amount to aerersi hnadnrl eorda j t j tbbv8 tbwe moatbsezb4it upon approriia 3 aecurity for partlcttlara applr halt iricton or to t vfllbplstbbtancadmm antral meat mabeeh 1 abario purchased tba botcher linrfnn latalj wakefiellbros kve pnrpoaa fcep6 in ladk mx saivlr ot i i 1 choice meats- fowls ind se illwbo game in seaspn etcj raaoest s fair sfsre of the public pstrce- and f eel confident of drtas astjsfaftion to rbo will iitor nt wgh tbetr custom swghs ashxixt a iuuqe or a wllford halls health pamphlet jrlseam cured without attodicine jas matthews acton a been appointed aasnt lor tbe drctdatlw et balls ootefaatatbsalthp boas in lamb coat and opossum muffs in seal persian lamb astrachan bokarren beavej opossum goat and coney abig line of gentlemens fur caps cheap the millinery department is booming aiv very complete the stoik is r b jrmynp tbe vc lumos of tbo usussrxt be nsmben for june aod deoembor c children cry f jr pitchers cattoria wben baby watt when be wil a rvnensbetteoamsl when sue bad ctlldl wecsreberoastcrts lahecrtedforcastoria tbe cioai to oaatorla the csretbemtaitoria address lln wllb tlio each yesr wbau ni time is speclnod snbscrljitlont wil begin wil ii tlio kumwr current at tne time of reosipt 01 order bound volumes of hsapans uiaasnrx for tbrserseff back in oast elotb binding win be taut by a all postpaid on reoeipt of 6300 per voluma clotb osses tor blndida 00 rnts eaob by mill postpaid index i o buotbs luuuixs aiinsbetloal analyties i snd cltssined for volames 1 to 70 inetusin frem vone 1830 to june 1sjj anorol airj01oam bemltttoees ihoold be made by fottafflce voney or 1st or drift to iroid entnee of lots mewipsi en ire not to copy tbls idrerllse- mnt wltti rat toe sinress oraor of binrsn 4 biorranu overcpat9i we ire prepared to mike a special sacri fice on oor bnedredi of mi nt and boyi overoosti we hive too r liny and want to redo ce the ttock 60 pe cent in many cases it whst we are tnnwiog off ws have also a big rinfe of bo ij and tooths nobby soils one word i i j referenoe to oor clotbin please do n onnfonnd it with the ordinary thoddy ttoff tost is ntuilly sold and which hi 1 1 broanht tbe mme of ready made qlotblng into disrepote for square honeai work arid material onr beady hides iro equal to ordered elothin ej bouuht co ilaulbii 4 wiothwtbnow york furcoods everybody lias read of thk big adttance in fori lookily onr order were plaoei early and we can uy mat i e bare never been able to sell fan u oh ti u it the present time we are nit at ii jj lo idvanoe prices hiny will have i a special fine of worm collars and c ij e in baal bearer persian avamb sabli oatnrn and baltic betl we ire sellins ti vtry little over half their reenlir vil it however wo boniiht tbem ohesp and g ve yon tbe benefit we cant deeoribe iiery derjart- rnent spsoe forbidt oomf hd tee wnat we can do for yon e fi bolleetli co 25 4 27 lower wynt 1 jam st gujelph niasre lleliaral far sate ifmbiir itq special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness -at- j h matthews all in need of any of the abuve cannot do better than to leave their order with him as nothing but the best material is used in the manufacture rjf his goods m f aeepaon haad tbe painpfcm tbriai br tba atmeat li adrlaoa ran ear for itiieai mth i fwiidxm tbe jiriea for tbe fampklet r dollara and a guarantee ia gtrea tfaat u febaav la not aatlaflad mtu jpqttla the- eat into eofaavaieatiooa farasqea foroac itb to refttod tho money on we rotwra oltfce iphlat with a pledge never ajaaln to see iput intorallovlttobettbedultofrfliilr wlllord hall tovajxnefit wllikt roedktoe for the talae leeetred fnm the aae of this traai- t pleaae enquire of anjr et the following j ber pr oufordiketbvb cook aafll jfra jamee hrfjam john barrer ma- t harrer winum heaslxeot t c luaccuooraljainmlaaism u ulobew win jfoijeb ltn mullen jmehoaae jamea martin mra ji wnlanemnwlam v rther natnee vql be aaiedweeajy valuable peojeaatlf i yorslb 1 be undsnlfined oflen tbe iollowmb pared of woperty for sals upon reasonable terms b8qub8ino 1 ired no ltbs westmuf ol lot it wd s k nosing 531 aerea tlmbtrod land r ueel ko s part of lot is eob t bwinerins iso sens about so acres vodar culthaltoe dwkninbosaaiiraaabstllr inul on tba premises tblsniluhaadomabfnotahla bniness tor many yean y psroalnaarirtolioacipl btoaesiiyr sb anna on this pmpetty is att frame ij barnasaaolabadsuaxanoiber uata joooitort- able avetuiii boms and ectnardaadaaver fall- log tprina parcel ko part ot lot it eon s eaamaing sire i tawl no ion tie property it a mm abou asooordspfbardwoodcntaud dry acton ko tbltek boose m ujacasmitb tbavfilaes of aemo two uda half- jloteenanllb acre eacb j tma laini u stated oa main street in a good ucaspn- ltnolsoldltwniberatitoa fall parttcubtri may be bad upenappliciueii oy or by letter lo r b skouf bpeysld po tq farmiers and threshers rr noniytjjewalliknowa j r liver acre 9 gold medals apjuh waggonaandhoraa powara theaepuaaro ntedan farmonelph farmer akf6r tbem tua no other maniitaotnredatq 8amuturtocei aeieaiamii 8t lawrence cal als rapide plat division koqoe to oont seaiied tbkdebsaddmssed to tbe nnder thh and eadoned tender for tbe st wflt be raemvad at this offlee of tbe eastern and western vrsrlneedayuxm d of mumnbar inatrietfoa ol i hnrlocf vein tars and the deapanlns bind en- ot the ktpld plat caaalttaeirort inoaaasealossaaenabosli locality tocstber wllb plan and f tbe respective workaican be awt um wfi day at sthjs imvaaad aftne aesh i morlabaiv wliare print 1 akmebed n tba aeteal aanatsns of tbe roll aabars ii tbe oeenpatkw and rati- awmberdcsbemjae aad fortbev- oaoaeoe a enartsrad bank ia- eaeboltbeotbetseetloiu im maeeswaddmquas muit beetf jjj d asle terms stafcwl ia the oaar waatawj jbs rborrors urn teft in will be- gsnashh tondets seat dpas aot bowrrcr uad the toweat er say teadsr breeder i i ap bradlsy rjw- ii

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