Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1890, p. 4

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m i ill i i x oar fu filhtea thank tbt for hu thoa tout teat at here for tht oiwuory o jam od her bbmofii tbo no um old earth ii so drtr w knortbm 4rt with ud doth tore ot bocaw otthe eodttloa out cin we utafctbe forhn c remoter d ihat re cui tee of hmtui we remember thjb ioj- of the tprlnjiide tb wmer 40ft meuatac hue the idtct utd bine of the aigbtuiu th comen aad bine of the dm aad now though the d4 are but loomjv and bre thre sold there fc fnr we are gladto rttnembtr the suhine so xe blea thj- dear came alxaj- a muoh of jdjoua ner birth when veir only remember the crayseic andwiu lire in tbe old and mirth bo we thank th for hat thou fll civ oi is well as tor wbat thoa hart pmi- for haj ve may- liwaj irmnlr and wbai wc maj- se of hetrco j tfut myrtltk 001 break p the laieit fashion in boston is to enter- uin gnmu it breaifut instead of iancit ot fire oclock tea the hoar is eleven and the daylight u shot oat- and cudles bamt u is enoaeh to make onea hair rise opon boet head to uank oj earlyru injj practi cal gcmible boston doing thii thing the aty of culture and sidy and insh air detoteea ox cold water blue spectacles and lyceam lectnrcs new torkifl expected to be fritoloa and ahsnrd bot boston i bnppose the weather has done it thk qoeer grayireatherthat one locga to that oat that has been upon ns so lone for who oocjd ahoi otjt the morning light if it was bright and dearand pure i knew the weather would do some mischief at but- here it isdooe breakfast at eleven by candleiiefat with mane redtations etc afterward i it is an upset tu all the preconceived ideas of boston grandmothers i wonder what they do with themselves on these occasions can they add the sanction of their presence to these unholy revels has jtiris spell of weather changed their commonplace view of life their sens ible ate of their eyes and daylight to sack adejgree why eleven oclock used to begetting on for din timer some years ago in boston tt used to bfc the busiest part of the day ko boston girl would hire thoaght of being anocenpied and so driven to desperation that she most light candies and give a feast at eleven oclock in the morning ten years ago does the pat powder on her nose and- wear magic invisible waves of golden color over her dark brown hair has she given op ttnung pndding9 and atodying m and being severely prac tical can k be the boston girl that doe this it is impossible to believe it seriously it is wretched sort of work no cultivated person rich or poor should haye so little use of her morning hoars as to dragj entertainments into them there should be duties to occupy the day colli- 1 tatjon of the mind exercise in the open air if there it no need of going into the kitchen social affairs should be at those hours when relaxation is natural to all work in the day whatever the work may be amusement in the evening seems to be a law of nature and this new affecuiion which has been growing for some yean of making the morning the social period is bad at the best if it most be done howeter let us pray thatat least the partidpanu in eleven oclock breakfasts may be induced to let c sweet daylight in upon faces untouched by cosmetics and not light candles for the thorough and speedy core of all blood diseases and eruptions of the skin take korthxop dr lymans vegetable dis covery mra b forbes detroit had a running sore on her leg for a long time commenced using korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and the is now com pletely cured her husband thinks there is nothing equal to it for ague or any low- fever when the find how r mldly health is rcstor d by taklnglayert 8r- sapahua t ic rvasou s that this preparation 0 nlafus only the purest and most y werful alt ratives and tonics- to th usands jcar y it proves veritable cllxf o life mrs jos- lake brockra ut midi writes liver cflmplaint ami indigestioa ti ida my wb a burden and came uc r cudfug my existence for more than four years l suffered un told agony- was reductd almost to a skeleton on i hardly iiad strength to drag myself j xmt all kinds of foci- distressed nte auil only tbo most doll- cat could be dipested at jail within the time men ionetl several physicians treated me wit tout giving rlie xoth- ing that i loo seemed iodo ahyper- maiicut good 1 titil i began the use of aer sarsai irilla which has pro duced woudet ul resula i soo after commencing t take the saaaparflla i could see an i improvement in my conditlc a my appetite begun to return and wi h u enme the ability to digest all the ood taken jmy strength imnrovfid eacl day aud alter a lew months of fal hful attention la your dlroctions t found myself a well woman able 1 attend to all household duties the 1 lediciue lias given me a new tasc of 1 in and i cannot thnxk you too much- we the t adcraigned dtlieua of brockway cen re mich hereby certify that the aboie statement made by mrs lake is rue in everj- particular and entitled tt full credence 0 p chamberlain 5 w waring- c a- weils draggis p my brother in bngland was for 5 lose tune una ctojuteudto his occu- itton by rca- m of sores pa his foot sent kim aye almanac find the tcs- timouials itcpitaiard indttced him to try ayers bars tpnrina- ater using it a little ichile i iras cured and is now j awelt niau w jrklng- in a sugar mill at brisbane qttcensland ajistralia a attcwcu suarbollakckjutario- ayerj rt it jt an ar dr j c ayer price x tii loti u co painfal bums are qmefcly sooth carbolic salve braiies scalds n cats d and healed by victoria nature has ms le oecopalioa a necessily toas society mi kes i a dltr hah t may make it a pleasu e prompt potec always come frcn tlfe use aromatic qaimni it isdifncultto truth is not it th out ao betriyiti slf one time use the safe miiator nothing bottle and take it eil mass andj permtnent results f milbarus wine worm killer kotl er graves worm exter- enali it act apart long for wbete bottom nati ixe will peep pleasant and effectaii procure a is the new name for an illegal voting oldfasfaioueddise rse he poll evil in a good speec iheib are two important things one is the beginning and the other is hejend phe nearer the beginning is to the end ts a jeneml thini the better and more satisfac ory the spee the consciousn lss of having a remedy at hand for croup pneumonia sore throat and sudden colds is very consoling to parent with- a wltw of avers cherry pectoral in the h use lone feds is such cases a sense of k rurity nothing else can gire i employ your tir ie in mprovng yourself by other mens wri ings so yoi t shall come easily by what oth rs ha re lahoi ed hard for prefer knowledge to wealth cr the one is transitory the 01 ber rerpetui l it was once supp wed that scrof da could not be eradicated u mi lis sysu m bat the marvelous results rroduced by the use of ayers sarsaparins disprove t lis theory the reason is this medtcine i the most powerful bloodpcri ier ever dis vered aivice to monrrak are you disturbed aknight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pais of cuttingteeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winalowr soothing syrnp tt for children teething its value is lqcajcoiable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wlnstowssootbing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses fa the united states and is foe sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfire cents a bottle be sore and ask for mia wirslows soothtxg stkct- and take no other kind a rare cure for neuralgia neuralgia is one of the most common and distressing complaints incidental to this climate it is not confined to any psrtica iai season for whilst most general in the winter seasons yet many suffer its excru- datiog agony in the heat of summer in late years this form of disease has become better known and consequently the means of relief have become greatly docremsed in nambersas well as in efficacy among the most powerful sod penetrating com binktkms placed within ibe reacfa of the public for the relief of neuralgia we can mention no remedy equal toormoreoertajo than poisons nerviline its power over pain is something wonderful and ws advise a trial for neuralgia or any other painful complaints r in counteracting urdteta we should be cautiou not to t under by i nttatioa of others we sbouh seairch til we find where oqt character failsjand i tea amend it not attempt to b worn anotaec man peter keiffer b iffahi says i wis badly bitten by a horse a fet days ago and was iudaced by 1 friend wb 1 witnessed the occuraace to try dr thomu eclectric oil- it relieved tb pain almoitimmedi afely and in four fays the round waa completely healed pcothing cm be better for fresh wosnds m rjj aefcagjes of jjeisr gmds receivjed at the- rig house this w u wu w wii goods one oaas corseu one cass tweed oat 01st brsss goods csrpnt otit btlt orty dottorii filsok bilk vtlvtti burah silks jhwktd bilks lor trimmlns bmtoidsd b jjjffvjjr i11 unarming ttndtt andiht wrv lattst dtsfsns la frsnob stylet owltcts which art rtally heffwoitht udj 1 tor kiiown in medicine curing all liver troubles the third page uodii noted for if you want to bu or found anything oat where anyone of thii toronto datif waut advertiiomeuta or sell anything if yoa want asituati iua mechanic a buai ness machinery i dgtngs if you hsve lost or if you waut to find 1 advertise in the to ronto dally mali 1 nd road the advertise ments on the thid page of that psper the charge is twc cents a word each in sertion address r toronto can sda ing minakds cured him feb 1887 c c iucnums gexts i have c c rrcuirm 4 0 gents my bona wu so afflicted with distemper that he ould not drink for four days aud refused i u food simply apply liniment outwardly cirr hkraert cixr used your mikards likiment for ironchitiiand uthma and it has cared m lot 5 p e l have a care of 1 vil thoughtr oh 1 the mischief they ha 1 bad thoaghls come after and bid deed 1 bring op the rear cents a word eacl cents a word for fi the mail toronto italic rul i believe it the best mas a ltvtxastox done in the world 1 first bad words follow if yoffvant to bty or seii a farm ad vertise in the toroi to wttkly mail that aper reaches iokooo tanners homes every week and yo irsdvertisement should meet the eye of sou eone who wants to pur chase advertise it snts of this class are in serted in the toroc fteciy mail for five insertion ot twenty 1 insertions address canada will presentauoj portunityto eitendthe fame of dr t strawbern- the lers ertract of wild infilling remedy for cholera cholera ixacba colic cramps diarrhcci dyseoler siid all summer com plaints to every paj t of the empire strawberry never 1 tils m federation wild the fcojfcsirii take people make a aid misuke often with serious results whei piled condition of that bardock blood care at any tlige of warrant cs i right time use il tflnjirdk lfbmeht they neglect a consti- the bowels knowing bitters is an effectual constipation dost not kting to use it at the now fee ule evenwhere piirifr v jii5runce of btilhthciiioodlu 1 iie eruditfon is uniycrwhy kown wt yet here arc vcryfetrpeoiilcwho irve pcrfeedycarc uooel the uint of crofit gait riieani or otber foal humor is h reditedmdinukiniard for generations caus 15 catold soffertig and we also accumaute 1 ilson ted gehn of dis- your hie lair re the food tliejrater tuere it more con- proven positive caje from breitbe wc eat or we drink nothing cluslvely thin the power of hoods karadparihi nver all diseases of the blood this tietticiae wdea fairly tried does ni ere 7 trace of scrofula or silt rheum removes he taint wulch causes catarrh neutralizes the acidity and cures rheumatinn drives oct tfie perms- of malaria hood iwl- itoniflg etc it also altilizes and en riches the blood thus overcoming that tired fecliap and building upthelwbole system niousacds testify to u e superloriiy of hoods sarsaparilla as- a bloo i purtfler full in for- maflon and sutementj of cures sent free hoods sarsaparilla ealdbtairtfgtutiirtnirforat preparedoalr x c t- hood k co ap tltecariet uweu uus 100 doses one dollar test and comfort to the buffcrltis browns hoasehold panacea hki no tyjial or relieving pun botli internal and eusrnal it cures palu in ibe side back or iowqii sort throat rheumatism tooth acl t lumbago and any kind of pain or sole it will most surely quicken the blod aud heal as its acting power is wopderful browns hoasehold pan- being acknowledged as the great pa 0 believer and of double the strength of inj other elixir or liniment in the wo id bhoald be in every family bandy for use when wanted ss it really it the be t remedy in the world for cramps in the to nach and pains and aches of all kinds am is for sale by all druggists at 25 oentt abjttlo equal kizliu i li have equal rights in life and liberty and the- pursuit of happiness but many are handicapped in the rice by dyspepsia bilsvotnets lack of energy nervous debility weakness constipation etc by completely removing these complaints burdock blood bitters confers untold benefits on all sufferers kr john anderson grass mere opt wriiea the vegetable discovery you sen me it all gone and i am glad to say thai it has greatly benefitted those who baio used it one man in particular says it baa made him a new man and he cannot ay loo morii for its cleansing and curattre quajiliea a acceasfal combination the tuccess- fal combination of the six oils composing dr thomas eclectric oil is a geuoine triumph of cliemislry whether applied externally for the relief of pain or to allay inflammation or taken internally to remedy a cough it is tfpeedily and entirely effective xialnr kcws mining experts note that cholera never attacks the bowels of the earth but human ity a general find it necessary to use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry for bowtal complaints dysentery diarrbcea etc it is a sure cure cooiumntioa cared ah old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east ifidu missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis cattjrrb asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested iu wonderfal curative powers in thousand of cases has fell il his datt to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive snd a desire to relieve hamau suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe n german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notts 620 powtrs block iuchester n y timely wisdom giat and timely wisdom is shown by keeping dr fowlers extract of wild btra rberry on hand it has no equal for cholera cholera morbus diarrhoea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com plain 4 or looseness of bowels izards uatneat for sale everrwfcere autumn 1890 t j the mammoth house georgetown in a valiant sufferi ig far other r and hot in a slothfal making others suffx for us did nobleness ever lie thechie of men is he who stands in the an of men fronting the peril which frightens hick all others which if it be col vsquiseed will devour the others the true gentled an darefal y avoids whatever may cause 1 jar r a jnlt in the mind of those with fhooi clashing of opinion o colli siou f feeling all restraint his gr at concern being to make all at their esse and 1 1 home 1 the canada blal ed glass works of torontohave again i icreaed ihursiaff in every department 1 he cl arch 1 nd house ornamental glass tailed irut by can be relied on bot 1 for excellence of detiguj pejsous glass in any style address iw mskerf toronto liretff iiserj i-ay- ilia taint s4n thd otber to boassods ofpeopl wbo bsvo of tcrofali in their loodj th caaitti by the roaai ig minifautiopl of thi i iitaue i b beyond remedjr scrofnu detoriptjipbi tbere 1 do otber goil tolloodi 8rs uriiu or ult iheamtai every i rm of blow duea it reuouibly lure u benefit ill rbo give it fjur irii bor to get hoc it ibii firm darbjity aad requiring ilioald i aaiit 1 ifccaasmoc boa ifuoi bemalr tirctilrrti u lis ftiimlatlouiiiulott catarrh so id bj dmsslttj dr cat by mall be e t niiciuae ttrrea i vbjll iii ijbcxt hinzd iz i 120 zz c w saja hitaiicturers tbrarc cf impoiitijni i soli qauffl ike seatest medicine world icrc33eyrflfiuid8ii pr3iie testiri ziis etc fke- litdi u rntor j raltruco jjl toronto ont ortij dominion sec oir trmdemarfc will cure oi reueve 8iu0usness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice raysipelas saltrheuh heahtburn headachl and mjr speeies cjt dzzinessr d opsy flljttefllng acdw jof the skin i jhlboet cojtssna v atter bateriug to the public of this ricmity tor the last 27 yeaia iajuitna lively juat as young just is anxious and is better pre pared notvuhan ever to do busi ness and would respectfnlly solicit a continaationand enlarge ment of the generous patronage bestowed upon it i we have a complete stock of dres goods including the latest novelties iu plaids combination robe silks satins plushes silk velvets etc we have beeu busy ppeuing oat krge importa tions und consignments in all the different departments andwecau snit ind please both in price variety aud quality in dress qoodn dress silks dress trim ming velveteens mantles man tle ci hhs ulsterings millinery small wares ot all kinds ladies underclothing hosiery prints ginghams checked shirtings tickings denims cottonades tweeaa suitings overcoatings gents underwear gents shirts ties gloves hats caps ladies arid gents footwear ready- made i clothing readymudc overcoats carpets oilcloths linolepms kugs miifts cur- taius itc it would fill a news paper to enumerate onr stock we wjill begin iu dress goods and winceys at 5c per yd we have ajldsd a new department to our ordered clothing that is fancy ilaimel aud tweed shirts made o order our makeup departments are uot excelled anywh re namely millinery dress uakiug mantle making audorlered clothing vfe get the beit superintendents and hands fbr the several make up departments that money and cx- peneuc i can procure you can comoivith confidence and pat ronize us lljiiud with them i qidmd hitfn llnldg wy biodieme own work try olotln which rjo whm ib wj 9 rnilulbeirublrlookrbotrmolnllni bldlui finserinu yni hon bobportefi skirt brtmi mton j flnrl fltiinthttw kldir down funneli jrmyfinnlideiilmxoek 8nlrtlocottodl omeajmt t nortmantof uuille iod uler olotbi in betlettei uoii sklni umb bklui deiver riei piu pz nvnitsrc iraporud thin mjod ram tb beei dritith tad oermin rnikeri nd mlllrtk offvery uhmv a special une 5 nwftt et88bllwo0fpatorbs1tlybeuu0rdpbi0e8 canton flannels from 6j0 opto the 1 best j08t beg the bbdc0ti0n80n last winters mantles and mantle cloths sj qualities ab good and the btilesulmobt the bame as last yeait the mantles aremabket 0owh from um to mso from its6 k w60 from 119 to w from 18 to ii the mantle outhb abb pown frop i30s to 1150 from wmtt0 13 from m15 to 75o and from h7s to ii the stocks of oarpetb linoledmbploobanli stove oilcloths matfj mattbios roos carpet sweepers in bi88elb be8t makes windowoles window blinds window oobtainb andj cdbtain matbbialb l nottingham swiu and irith point laoei chenille madrai and art hoilini aod ether new atue ill offerlnx u wwtm prloee carpeu made and laid at the prioei qaoted by the yard be anre to ee the millinery the etylae u rmm 1 yon are ea8t ol the oarpet window before joo inter the itoree oorner o kloj itreet eail and haghaoritww nortli hamilton oct 83rd 1800 tecolcas o watbzcilsrs strming when we oonilder be many weary honri ipent in tewing aod the amount ol thought that ia given to each garment we feel very ranch inrpriaed hat more attention ia not paid to the qoaiity of ibe material lelectod some in their eagerneaa to boy cheap whjoh almoit always meani a lower grade of goode at a lower price aeem to forget the great amount of labor that will be put into be garment before it i iniahed in many cu bringing it op to almoat three times tbe coit of the material for example take two ladiea boyine a dreai one goea to a atore wbich ia called obeap becauae tbey handle only an inferior line of goodi wbich were intended to be ahowy bat nerer to wear and pay ay 20c per yard her neighbor who deala where only reliable good are handled payi lay 5c per yard more after the dreaaea are bought the eeme thought and labor will be given to each and when nniihed there i only a trifling difference in tb coit of the dreiei but one will wear almoat half aa long aaia u the otber new if thii were all the difference it would be quite aumoient to oontfnoe any thoughtful peraon of the folly of purchaaing to called cheap goode but it 1 notall j the difference in appearance ii 11 marked aa the difference in the wear when on he itreet one will bo noted 11 having a ityliih appearance whilo the otber will never have anything but 1 ihoddy look and yet the one ooet but 15 more than the other and the tame principle appliea many other material aa well r i we do not handle the u called chep goodi by which ahould be properly under ilood unreliable goodi we do not offet our cuitomcri what we are not prepared to recommend and if alter a trial we discover any line of goodi to be of an inferior quality it doea not again enter oof itore j have you aeen our new fall dresa goodi in wmereipocta the moetattractive ihowtag we ever made of theae goodi and at litoe prices the variety of material ii great ooloring the neweit patteroi the choioest many ot the itylea are eicluaively our and moit be aeen to be appreciated g b ryan co guelph one dollar to jan 1st 189s the best at the price of the cheapest the publisher of the acton free press has decided to offer that excellent paper to new subscribers from now to theend of next year for 1 this offer is made for the purpose of introducing the paper into families where it isjiot taken the free press publishes news from every corner of the county and more of it from all over the province several hundred names should certainly be added to our already large list before the end of the year 1 see that you are one of the number call at once arid leave your subscription at the office or send r addressed to 1 h p moore free press acton 3stjbw goods astobbt goods i ohibjjp gooids f ordered clothing department t j fortiie fill ind winter trd via bve notr iottock tbe fiawt rsago o suitings overcoatings aid panting you ercr u14 roar ejm oa whatever j ou want la clothing it ui pavyoo tocomo to u u nricei we rirht nt rtjht and itjle right t v gents furnishings ke sblru collsxs caffs tics icd indonrcsx ia sbandioce readymade clothing i in men tooths boj c and chlldrcflt saiu aad overooau ue have a veiy large rtock at very low priect kelly bros acton ti canadian printers bead i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press f come to rcton knd see our t improved country prouty press ht work k w 8epi bnaktfi sassaxxzutsav the free press is pointed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper orposterwork we have run the prouty for eight yeara and tbe longer we run it the better we like it eaav to handle ecu little for repair j and la eaay on the printer 1 pocket book wecaliit the biit tj tojay for th money com ul pre at work if you tab ample of wort unrt for thmnd k wil tllislrn them we can give you your ohoio of a number ol difftent aizea and atyle of preaae at all nrioea t mcleodcoj oeohoetown 1st 1890 think of it a newj 8 col folio or 5 col qto- power press for only s600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from h p moorb agent for icnada acton pht raxiiwaytpa tskw mm grand trfink railway aorao win aono wxrt ripreti iutmiii kipreti mj3 riprmi gj fum0bgtx l ab mall 1101 ajn tbronfb eipeco pni amvm- tbro eipmitia m 13 mail s2 im 10 oi pm 1 aeoonif a j5 tin 0 rctoiian aiuta ootnweitatoindsj0ptn oolnjeait loaoajnaodoopu tblatlm table went into effect on oct- pot tbl lew jl teefrt with or without a plate ritallnd ur tor- rmrnleu stttrtctw j l h rigfls coner rev nd jtofcltl to mackinac summer tours paimi sttaataal low furte detroit mackinac island tk0t tltjfto mmutu 4ad xrtry ztifaing bttma detroit and cleveland imjit trip j tot n l oon luostrtarji pamphlet 1 hm e b wriltcoub 1pl brrtott uot 1he detmit1cukuw ttuauhco powder purfstf 8tr0cest best coktains o alumammohia lmeph0sphate4 or mj tojoriam tufihals l ewgiuett glli lbsrttftvcxusu39s9talti9tcaxa mftft all ibe week j wawtwwtalbmftj9ublauw fcolljw ud hrtbfltlkumultl jttttllwitrija im tslbuat mala t kv ku ia wl nd mini jm ko ak y kl bk 10 d t a toe aa raaa tmn trmm la mqo pr rrfc j atbttu aiaai ulmmwm a ck bltls soruaj mtae dunns baking powder thecooks best friend he lamest scale w0jk3 in canada over 00 styles ot hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales uprovedsuowgaogs honey drawers meat choppers mo butcheis stfftllles anoatu i reu wrile a una c wilson 4 8oh 6 0 espuanabe street east toronto oni tendon tms rarer f e rj ime tou write dr fowlers ext of- j wild tryiwbeiffiy j gures iholjera iholeramophys jramps ii jiarrhgea ysehte1w and au summer c0mplawt3 and fluxes ofthe bowels it is safe and reliable fob children or adults a onearthe b est tl- ofrbcokb the jtwid ovfioarmar arnptwr fwadi tql mtdltk t itktmr ukboi omij aom kfc wfim w avu m th tkar ill tn urtta d ta rtwviiittw bow wfwdi k ttow b muni rfkuca wlilvmaannflj n ie in woowtm ft w- f ih f mmem tiw amiw rw u i s 1 o a 4i y u ynsttom k ttinvtta u uptrftm uettcr wtitr 1 a nt t1awii hirstspain exterminator ewffislimswfi dotnl caarpulsta dliurrkma ajmul juiiiiercoliplaints keep a bottle j house sold byall dealers ms38gm

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