Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1890, p. 4

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tbss peb88 oalendar jingles and jokeeets ilalran hour willi the wise icu lut wits asdllie isrjjrrvhs orilie daf the most agreeable reatcralfte toai and mild slimataot is miibarns beef iron and wine 8fo xtmt ftu frtss thdrfida 1tay 23 is90 fj aung jolts alassoafnke what pipe the merry robin to rodder glistening blat t what sings the brook of tiltcr the dtdd ttuar tfttvacb vuat hmus the breeie m cherry bat iaf one swet refrain ob days so brijhl 1 oh rare delickt 1 til uowomtune acxin r in moraines dec aad sunshine the crcaardt tree arow seem uncled in a eloadlec of fragrant rosy cnct antl evsiy brtexe tint passec shakos oat i jereledrah while btitff awinf aztcarouiag th blauomtime again t bright gold of dandelions sew ccwilde tristlinc gay lithe wayside tines dererystaxled woe tnarr limb at pity soft eciioet from far apunt speafc bat one lactuage plain oil days so dear pc ill tie par tii blossomtime r uyheart sine with the robin the tflrct fiuhincrih and carol with breexea in joys delidoas thrill with flowers and craaa mi itmbbnt it joins the tud refraia oh fairest days oft cret days 1 tkluossatn time tgiint gmtjc cooper luna back cund seven ycfttt igfl i waa troubled with um back and ooald scarcely move isev- trl remedy 1 tiled tat ou tcjiug ha- yatdy yellow oil i found immediate relief and two bolutt effected a complete cure milhcutujercorbeti p 0 out unsightly pimplca blotches un ad ti itcluojj haniott of the skin are removed b qtinr dr low sulphur soap a waadcrfti keller edamndkecrchetrvilieoulwiy l can truth tally lay voir nasal balm tc giving id a great relief and i feel satisfied that another bottle will make a complete care ooald not expect poo to earo me ai my cam ni a very baaoae dr- lows vtorm eyrap his removed tape worms troai 15 to 30 teet loug it also fieatroyes fill other kinds of worm to ides or march lut march mother caught tevera cold krminittag in t very bid iajh everything we ooald hew ot wis tried urithoat ivail hisyrd pecion1 bilstm tuit lutreceomainded uxi procared the firtl dose relieved end oae bottle en tirely cared her j i hespeler ont it is euyi to find oat from inyone who his used it the virtue o higysxda yefiow oil for til psiaful ind infixinnitlory troubles rhesmttism ceanlfiii ictnbto frost bites bnrns barises epninscoo- tncted cords stiff joints sches pains tni corenecaof any kiad it hu no sapjnor j weuaiaptod the effective action on the glandular system sua the blood an the peneral rcgnlaticg unia and parifying action cf b bb especially adapted for the biliotis nervons custiye or scrofdocs from s to air bottles core ail blood duessea from a xacoa ptmpie to the worst tcrofalons sore- doe8 j consumption in its first stages palatable as milk i j be turc ynu gel the genuine in salmon j color wrapper told by ill drujjis i it j joe and it oo scott t bowke bencvihe kpeelal innohinaeit- we have made arransemeou with dr b j kfldill co pabliihertof a treat ise an the horse and hit dimssea whlimi wiu enable all oat labscribers to obtains copy of that valuable work frw by sending their address and enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing the same to b j kendall co eioburah fails vt this book is now recognized u standard author ity u poo all diseases cflha bone u its phenomenal calea attest over foar mqlion copies hsuag been sold in the put ten years a sale never before reached by any pnblicatioti in the same period of time we feel confident that oar patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this oppartauilyof obtaining a valuable work it is ceceasiry that yos mention th paper ffl sending for tha treatise this offer will remain open for only s ahbtttinie i i cbryan it co wehaveimpdrted an iramen constipation claime many ward off this dread disease by the cse of small sagstcoaled bordock pills when needed rlcfftttvstibles there is t general impression that rich people are as class hh livers we be- here that this is an error l man who has a feast only on such days u christmas and thanksgiving is likely to gormandixe and he ii also apt to select the wrong viands st eiooees jjioie before chickfin and likes a fat goose wter than roast beef se takes mince pie in preference to a bench of grapes and finishes ins enormous repast with a vulgar bowl of punch instead oca small cop of coffee without milt bat a man who can have a christmas dinner three hundred and siityfire times a year discovers very soon that the ordinary articles of human food have become ordi nary because they are the best kb game bird that fliei or swims equals the domestic fowls the best tension u inferior to good mtxtton and the wng of til homan coaruh- ment is roast beef each men know this and eat accordingly we hare never known a man who conld eat whatever he chose who tu not hahitr oally a plain ever they seem to be all of the taste of the late lord pilmerston who said to his steward get for my goesu whatever theseason affords bat for me let there always apple pie a soon to mankind the qaickest sorest and best remedy forrhenmatifici aeorilgia ismbsgo sore throat sorenos and lameness is hxeyards yellcw oj it qniekly care sprains braises barns frostbites chilblains etc for croap cohs qainsey etc take 10 to so drops on sugar and apply the oil er- lercally also when imtnediate relief will result first and foremost amosg external cura tives of pain is dr thotnu eclectric oil kor it tt excelled u a remedy for coaghs pains ewellicgs cores bunions etc it is an economic as well as inexpensive article since the result prodacoi by it necescitate the use only of a small quantity be a leg of motion and an sieadei intlconsumptite byrup is a a conbinatioti of serersi medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other diseases of the longs chest and throat it promotes a free an expectoration and gives ease tren to the greatest sufferer coughs eoldsi shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weak ness of the digestive orgs ns or with general debility seem to vanish under its use ko other remedy sets so readily in allaying lnnammaiira or breaking ap a severe cold- eveti the most obstinate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing p when children are affected with colds cooghs iaffammatioq of the lungs croup quinsey and jsore throat this syrup ii of vast importance the namher of deaths among children from these diseases is truly alarming- it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and is pat at such a price that wilx not exclqde the poor from its benefits the third pae of the toronto daii uau it noted for want advertisemenit if you wanttc bay or sell anything if you want a tiioition a mechanic s busi- cess machinery lodgicgs if yoahave lost or found anything or if yoa want to hud oat where anyone ii advertise in the to- ronto daily uau and read the advertise ments on the third page at that paper tie charge is two cents a word each in sertiod address the mutf toronto can ada i csatbp ian screlcared to tte editor jr piese inform yoar readers tint i have a positive remedy tor the above named dis- 1 ease by its timely use thousands of ho less cases nave txu xnwueatiy cured i ahalloe gladjlosend two bottles of my remedy nxc to any of your readers who have conssmptira if they will send me their bapressand p o address respectfully dn t a- sijcch isc west adelaide si toronto ont caurrtul 0atbc har fevtr 1 new- vfltne treatmeac bcfferen ere not generally aware that these diseases are contagioac or that they are dee to the presence of living parasitesin r theliningmembraoce and eustachian to bee microscopic r hrreter hc proved this to be ajfact and the result of this discotery that asimple remedy hca beeu formalated whereby catarrh catarrhal m and hay fever are permanently cured infromooe to three tingle applnt- r lions made at home by the pantni once in two weeks k bthts treatment i poc i sdflff or n ointment botli have leu discarded by repotsble pliyriciaii s injur ooi- a psmplet eiplamiog this new treatmentisatutoo receiptor ten cetjfe liy aih diioo son 303 we kini fitrwt toronto canadatoroiito rofferersfromcarrii trouble rhold siiitoiiiiesbave steryotie should try to secure good health the great specific for all diseases arisiac from disordered stomach such as overflow of bile sick headache loss oe appetite nausea palpit alioc indigestion cocsiipatiaa and all blood diseases u bardock blood bitters hundreds of people owe their health to b b b uaturea regulator and tonic why suffer from disorddra caused by im pore blood whenthossands are being cured by using korthrop lymans vegetable discovery it removes pimples and tl eruptions jof the skin kr- john c fox olinda writes korthrop lymsnc vegetable discovery ic giving good satis faction fthose who haveased it say it has done them more good than anything they have ever tsten a marrellous eecorerr i was so ill witli inflammatory rheama- tism in is2 that i was given cp and had all my earthly things pat in order one of my sons begged me to get burdock blood bttters after the- third bottlel could fit cp alone sod eat a good meal and in six weeks i was out of bed feeling better than i ever felt i take three bottles every spring aid two every fall hellxd bexiei sfain st winnipeg kan c c biauemaco grxrs sfy horse was so afsicted with distemper that he coald not driuk for foar days and refused all food simply apply- ing 1iikakds likqeext outwardly cored faim feb iss7 cur hccecrt cisk c c riooei 6 co gpnxi have ased joor siixaeds lixlifekt for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i tlas a linxcstox laarsts usfmeei fur ae tren where i people wonder whex they find how rapidly health is restored by taking ayert sax- gaparilla the reason is ihit this preparatioa contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives j and tonics to thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life mrs jos lake brockway centre jflcb writes lirer complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence for more than foar years i sultered un told aony e was reduced almost to a skeletonvmicl iiardlylud strength to drag myself about all kinds of food distressed nie and only the most deli cate could be digested at sil within the time mentioned several jjhyslcians treated me without giving rhef xotli- fug that i took seemedj to def any pex- maaent cood until i becan the use of ayecs- sarraparilla which lias pro- daced frondetfnl resnltg soon alter commendng to take the saraaparilia could see an improvement in my condition my appetite began to return end with ft came the ability to digest all the food taken my strength improved reach day and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions x found nryieif a well woinan able to attend to all household duties the medicine has given me a new lease of- life and i cannot thank yoa too much we tlie nhdersfpied citizens of brocfcway centre mich hereby- certifj- that the above statement made by mrs lake is true in every particular and entitled to full credence 0 p chamberlaln g w waring c a wells druggist 5fy- brother in england was for a long time enable to attsnd to his occu- rition by reason of seres on uhr foot slut bim ayers almanac sod be tes timonials it contained indncei lifm to try ayers sorsaparijla after usiag it a little while he was cured and is now well man working fn o snpir mill i at brisbane queensland auxtralia- aatteweo baarbovlftrioutario ayers sarsaparilla dr j c ayer u co lowelt imtass pifci iuuxucfp wunafivalouje when yoa notice unpleasant senutians aftermtiog at once commence the use of korlhrop lymans vegetable discovery and your dyspepsia will disappear mr james stanley lferchaat at constance writes my wife has taken two bottles of xorthrop lymans vegetable discovery for dyspepsia and it hu done her more good than anything she hu ever used keit and ctarru ike kafltertas browns hocsehold panacea has no equal for relieviog pain both internal and external it cares prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderfal browns household fan acea being acknowledged u the great pain believer and of doable the strength pf any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach an i paius and aches of all kinds and is for sile by- all draggists at x5 cents a bottle the entering wedge of a complaint that may prove fatal is often a slight cold which a dose or two of ayers cherry pectoral might have cured at the com mencement it woald be well therefore to keep this remedy within reach at all times auntr to ifcthras are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with the pain of catting teeth if sotend at once and get a bottle of jurs wiualowt soothing syrup for children teething its riioi u incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about itl it cures dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cares wiadcolicj softens the gams red aces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system jlrs whitlows soothing syrup for children teething is pieasantto the taste and u the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses ii the doited states and is for sale by all draggist throaghoat the world price twentyhve cents a bottle be rare and ask for sins wixsiowseoorhixg sracr nd take no other kind the prevalence of scrofciosb ttint in the blood is much more universal than many are aware indeed bat few persons are free from it fortunately bowever we have in av era sirsapirilla the most potent remedy ever discovered for this terrible asictien cinnipf4 carerf an old physician retired from practice having had placed in bis handa by an eut india missionary the formtla of a simple vegetable remedv for the speedy and per manent cere of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affection nl3 a positive and radical care after havinc tested its wonierfal curative powers iii tuoutud if cafes lm felt it bis duty to mk it fenoii tl hi offering felof aiitfel tiy i hi tunlive and a dire to relieve iihiixuku serin i will tend free of rhariie ut alt who desire it thic recipe in germui french or english with foil direction fur preptriuj and using sent by miil by adcreing with f tamp naming this piper w a xorcs 820 powers block recheter x t mr w thayer wright p q htd dys pepsia for 20 eirs tried many remedies and doctor bat cotco relief his appetite wm ery poor and i distressing pin in bis side aid stomach andgradnsi wasting away of flesh when lie heard of and im- niedittely commenced taking xcthrop lymans vece table discovery the pains hae left and he rejoices in the enjoyment ofexcehcnt litaufiin fact heis quite a new have yoa tried hollo ways corn care it- has no ejail far retnounif theie traable- tome ercresmnse a mtuy lave testified who have tried ii hiaard linlnieuc for tatc cverjnkere he larcest scale works in canada over too styles of hay scales gran scales farm scales tea scales impeoved show cases money drawers ueatcboppers m butchus suppuet acotzic ix rcu j wrfa jx tkml c wilson son 60 esplanade street east j torontc ont lufllioa uuj paper v ftj ine ra wiitfc this season sc rancre of 5 brussels i wilton and tapjestry carpets from the manufacturers in england our stock of carped of ji tjssllties and masas it probablvuot jequilldi bj- anr bocse west o toronto acl fuf iie nse et pattenm we ihotin new and beautiful oz oriacs isccch superior to sdrthinc m th goods ever thown by a before j we ara also ihowinj a ere it variety of wool union andhampcarpcklisojoanjaou ci otb bags ustx ylndaw- ibslet cartaini cartain- polea and infah everjiliip to be focai a a firrtclaw carpet deiicrjie new springgcoods novelty quantity quajity z- or tbs kenny bros dominion boot shoe store have just opened up some extra fine lines in ladiesshoes slippers tan shoes and other novelties for spring and summer wear men s alli gator and calf balmorals in new styles and of the best material our regular lines will be found complete with firstclass goods oaium work od rtpmzg t i tlwuyi cartfullyddnfl take notice that we are going to give the best bargains in boots k shoes that can be obtained anywhere liberal discount for cash fresh esgs taken in exchange for goods kekne br0s acton tranlu and value in giet variety johnnie get your gun cbryanco cuelphi where did yoa it tlut nieint baft that tits yoa so well sippel a co havd of worsteds bcotcli and pautingt wxxted one rnrchkzllt ha cirrler hleardi hahacai t ar kterynbere at ktxv bbos the nel assortment ud ciintinii tweed und riiiomert to j250 pkuhiiiade to blow gentle breezes- i blow to kelly bros store rilgoi a hat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for a boat a dollar a pair of boots and iteckiogf too sly poor old toes are looking blue ill go a five for a new suit ves ten and get aa overcoat ill be a dade i will yoa bet a city swell aristocrat hold oa that aint all yet an undershirt and pants fll get ill bay a pair of gloves unlined if they dont show a better kind a pair of bracei in theyll give for im the staff thats going to live to travel the country oer and oer and recommend kelly broa store some groceries too im gongto bay for my dear wife aa welt u i tea and other things ill get we ijteod to live till we have to qait they bell so cbeap it is really fanny what a lot you get for a little money they sell for cash aedbay goods right becaaae they say to draw at sight other merchants caut bay so cheap becicbe they dont go in so steep they sell on tick their money u oat and theyve to mind whit theyre about and do ycu think i have the staff ot which few if any get enoagh to bay a sait from head to toes if not im here as grab for crows it i aint goodlooking i bave conceit that can pay for wbat i wear and eat for credit is oae of the greatest carses ill tell joa in the nert two verses i look like a man thats chased by dogs oh worse than that thy were really hogs tfaeycharged two prices for their goods they chased meto the very woods j becacee tbebill x conianl pay sly grain was poor and cheap was hay im honest boys yea im a dandy woald give them the money if i hd it handy before i left ill tell yoa sfjaare while the wind is whistling throagh my bair i happened to pat in my left hip pocnet tweuty in cash in there i socked it thats all i have not one cent more bat it will bay most at kelly bros store and after this i intend to bay at kellys store until i die yon think this rhyme contains no sense well let yoa say s without defetee bat to bay goods cheap and to save sfnu pay the cash and deal with na kelly bros the great clothing house acton we mast admit that the nicest and cheapest window hades are to be lad at kzxlr bros thry also have a very fine assortment of boys and childrens spring suits all sizes and away down in prices lukiltoxs uaeefx woees sprinc goods are arriving daily we have pleasure iu announc ing that we are making large accessions to onr stock every day that the goods have beeu purchased ou the most advantag eous terms tiie goods have ad vancedfrom 10 to 15 per cent since tve have purchased we shall give the entirehenefitto our patrons silks dress goods cottons and impofted woollens have ad vanced the moit we have a magnificent stock of dress silks and dress goods we begin dress goods at 5c peryd dress silks at 25c per yd- a beauti ful satin iferv at 50c per- yd our black and colored henrietta cloths are unsurpassed for quality and lowness of price- p our millinery department is in tall swing great kovelties stylish hats and bonnets our dressmaking is in active operation we turnontdresses gowns- ifantiea and wraps to suit the most fastidious our ordered clothing depart ment is in firstclass working order we have been busy all winter tcereason why we turn out garmeuts tofit and prices to suit readymade clothing in profusion carpets and oilcloths beauti ful goods and very low prices ladies and geuta footwear latest styles and lowest prices as a further inducement to patronage we will give to any party that will bay for cash s30 worth of goods at once or at different times book worth 6 websters encyclopaedia and worlds atlas and another i ducemeutto whomsoever willhuy for cash 2000 worth of goods a choice of three articles in silver ware consisting of a satin lined cabinet containing u half dozen table forks a half dozen tea spoons and one butterknifeaud one sugar shell or a pickle cas tor or a butter dish any of them worth over 300 tickets will be f arnuhed to show the amounts purchased at different times and when the amount is purchased they will get the choice of the articles presents are pn exhibi tion in the store come and get the great bargains in dry goods and the presents with the bargains w ucleod co georgetown itimiltoaa block foncedj hitches blocjc the core corner of woolwich and dublin bts goelph ont john h him uton proprietor th local marble dealer hiring failed in their combined attempt o tqeeeze me cat ci the lcsiaess i hate de termined to cirry the war into africaby go- don bosicess and selling raanomentc heai stones etc at snch prices aa will virtually shut ont competition with this end in riew i have visited the celebrated granite qnarriei oc the bay ot fnndy where t purchased the whole of the maaa- factnred stock of messrs epps dodda co teryiowforcaah together with the new est designs of other manufacturers the whole of this immense stock i have placed in my new premises as abore indicated and i nowinvite all lovers of ait and all intend ing purchasers to visit the works being the only practical manafactarer having longer and larger experience hav- iilg sonicient capital to bay for cash i am m a position to give better satisfaction and lower prices than any nn in the west then go to john h hamilton becaaae he is a practical man who aoderstaads every detail of his bnsiness and becaaae yon are cste to get satisfaction in workmanship at lower prices than anywhere else and now thanking my palrons who for the past 1g years have shown sach confidence in me and soliciting fntnre orders lam yoar obedient servant jolix h siurtton gaelph ont 20 per cent discount for the neat 30 days on english scotch canadian and american- granite it yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto ny mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement shoald meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this ciasa aro in serted in the toronto kctmy hail lor five cents word each insertion or twenty ceuu a ward for fiie insertions address the mail toronto canada swearing off tisianfffor making good resolutions and this end of the year t the tiiae cccocally chceea as being the not ichtame and rpro- vriaifi for turning over a new leaf during isgo we have resolved to make more photographs than we did hi 1889 to make better photograph than we did in 1889 to please everybody better than we did ml889 we fcavc the fciliues or 1 photographing your babies dt rue i instantaneous process brin the rwy little cberabs to as ad get chinning pietare one that will be otfc ct your dearest treasures in alter da vs i lmetarea re u low u good wort iej li pnafit will aucw rrvieshaw phjoto artist acton c a lfvingstooe platlivillcsat i have mach pleasnxe in reccm mending dr thomas eclectric oil from having used it myself and having sold it for some time in my own case i will say for it tiiat it is the beat preparation i have ever tried for rheumatism f to mackinac summer tours puacc stumers low rant ror trips par wmk 3tvtt detroit mackinao fsund vttmkar tu im ibronitts aa4 lata httfoay itstj srijalaf btws9 detroit and cleveland tttr usjsolt ah- our illustiutcd pamphlctb e b whttcoub a p a- dtthorr mich the detroit ft cuveiud stem uvto scccccitnis extract from the scientific papers vf great britain and europe a hew depasture ih ued1cihe tha fonx greatest medical centres of the world ara london paris berlin andt vienna these cities hav iinsiecse hopitaij teenir with suffering hmnanitr crovds of itudcat throng- the wards study mrucder thetrotesscrs is chaik tbemostrejiowtedphrsi- ciairn o the world teach ac i prac tice bcrcaad tho institutiass era icrfluoujes of medical knowlcdre andfltpcrieuce with a view of inalang this cxperieiicfl availctlo to the public the hospital eernedr to at prcat efpense seeuredtiie preemptions of these hospitals prerri the speeiacs and al- jthongh it would cost from o t secure the attention tifthtir utniijmsbed originators yfet in this wy their prepared ipecifics are ottered tt the price df the ouack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim toenrfl very iii from a ingle bottle the sm- dtle remedies li now flhi witfc perlect satisfectioa tq hoipjtai remediei make no unreason bis claims the speeifio fir catarrh care that and nothing fllaic ua with thd tjiciijc for bron- cfntij comnmpfion and- long troubles rhflmnalism cared by o 3 while troubles of digestion stonach liver and kidneyi havo their own cure to these is added a ipecific for fever nni ague oro ot ernalt weakness a general topic and hliodmaker that makes blnjlund gives form and fulnesi ano un incomparable remedy for sd 1cvftes caumh hat feyes 80se cold catarrhal deafneitt 7 exthtntfe cart tmanatlug from teitatific swrau mr be for ta pumc tjiii rirt a taiifcr ointment bet art tfijcarrftttf as ujurlcns 100 xo mcoiahs colds bbokhms asthia cohsuhptionaa facomparahit rt4 tfoc tot ncrcyttap ccoirpa but eradhattm tlt rtttaas on cinnyiitc tha lunys end rtttorti tvoiua ussivt ftdrrg a rta baa of lift 100 j xortahsvuattsma dithtigulstd cndvtlf- tcouit itttiaijtt in this tiigt in parit gho trteti sctiaf cite ovvt lit npuifftiaa an iaim rtjatds fl so tuver and kidkeys crspepsfa afs jhdiqe7iqn constipation brights disease a faeoritt efnjftijftf or the jcjac tat rvlagtt aort ttomaehm than ojctto vtt a tttdt tanctlmtd in 7ja placts 100 ko sfcyts akd aque duu3 ajse uauria neuralgia fix knoar aet gratrtdamagt thit dots tjhipiwi ttutrtetmdtobiiakltfsrattit utl a ribisttfjr tiat iradlaxta it 100 ko tttmals weakness irkslurms whftesmana womin art brotrci tec lxzjtt of y ntaket riw dlttan until tinnr ck -rrca- utttoo t aerf ngax holtx and etrtrji w 1jial77f form amd ivuiczs frtt tw roorf bloodana totm of it- tf rtua if kxd u peer ttramng utt this ptrftct tonic- fw ko sjkctvs destltrr ldss cr porra quack tnffddt pvbfh all- kla nrvire r rf for an unfortuift condition ho c i cc r irl ont trial vltf proo aww r tfxtzzl o tetio entry kla nrtci foreie v crzrilas drvut and plui tt proptrtits ef eaw tjrt others la tit tost trj crioc bvtlniu vuhb 8jid ilea cgdz qlcl railway timbjj rand trunkraj i jrai- eiltss anapileiptmi- z tlnoo8ili m iir8ii cecm- ki 0 1 icccnjztaijz tlliolltok4a r l tjn- to be had of bilch i r r- la gists ivmiz prl to tnjul w lahu tifp ta yta dra itvvizrr tab ijtiuei 131 ik bultad uicm tajr uli ccari krajta trjua lttli any reipcniu phjijcun u 1 reu l ifccr ii m d kaomjv b b b j burdock blood bitten h c parljr vcriabie compocndposasi rrfrctjc4iiitirsoteralitis et tin fjtn t contrelhog tbarie lions li to iurfea th- kood thai it cure i ail blooi tamo- mi iiieascafroo csn ipldto tivnirt tcrcridcioioijs taicnlmedwilii in nnri tailed km cleariin and ra7n innuenees secreticmo lii irr kidnejs sadsss ui rcr i i urccej tan cotfnjj dlitsc cf the skin from cr- ts itobotdes wulenya boflj i imple tlrch- ttttle rash tcmi i ani nil tho inzfi uzuii of ekin iit- f i uiii t vrci it z ion i ui les will care salt afm or ccicma shinii crtsipelaajv tceait raiajins wrt5acdail skineronsom it ii noticeable tiiat tffn-eircgfifcfg- diseask kic nearly alwivs sjtratited by idtoleir -itchin- ln this ijaickly bnbadef a removal of the die by bb3 paow onto praverjt irevilant diseasea taeam krcfjji frellhij honors and scrofula vte have cndonved proof tliat from thm otlibottrfa uaoj internally amlbtj application iihud if the skinisbr lib the affected farts wi tftt a enre tie preat miasioa of bbr ti torejnlakttie lirer kidnev3 bowels and hood toctakt acidity and wrcng action of thestotbath arj to open tha slciee ways of ihi aytea to cany off al crped and intpure ken- tion nlbwing nature thus to fi rfc and remove withon fail bad blood liver comrainl liiiormsyspepsai headache dropsy rheamatisnfastiereit epocioa ciduezs ari5in froxndiajrfleai hver kidneys stomach bowds andlooi we pnarante evr bottle v bj p e roadanyperwnlcdis5atiscdctebbi the iirtt bcttie ve vill refinidtberneinoi application personully or by letter weail als3 be glad to scud testimonials as in formation prtnnp the effects cf b bifi is the above named diseisc- oa ppplieahoi to t milbrrn a- co torontotai t saw oldwuthl m tta iuii uiu u 1 unti i twafrfabwtai l we mtqtntw dfnl bftb vbit trai 14 iso tltmfm thmli otil sdittwn ttvl lbhp ili in ilniimjifr la iiltubk taictjtmt lo l i fnilhl utl itaf trt irpaii it cut txtimbtiibe 1w firi kina if ioa tii tjt 1j t mhlk tiihn sso to 880 pr tkiilpiclt iifam ut n 1 wlien i say crnm i do cot weaa n ti lhcmfora time and then bavrttoearetel top lhcmfora time and then barf thenn rpain 1 mux a bauical ixee 1 have made tb disease of fits epilepsy or failing sicpeness r a life long stndv i wannalrrtit rejartti- ctui the rst caw biacahtnharttule is no rcascc tor not rqv pm ing a cure seat at pact tor a treau- ad u 1iikf eornxot ivtaujilk linirndv uij expies and r ofjt it costs fi unthin for a trfalww will cure tl atillrt h o boot mai branch office i west adalaids straes toronto caikam o nasal baim a eenaz ma tpeedfturttl cold ia the head tsd catstt in aljiu stages feootwhc ciejar kaima- imkatsshef pcrraeest cm failure irniwic m3t socalled disii ae uopjt itopceaacl cattrra achas hcadich pnl dsaraos icsbc tqm cf asell ftrcl broadi hinkfnr aaiiptst nausea ceacral itxli df dfciit ciz if yoaot trocbled wiihantciihcie cr tiadred its hive calma and ticsd le no liotein a bottle of ku iulk sj u4jci in negfectad cold ia bead resell in caiasrh fal byconsaiapiionaniiieai xim biiuisssmw tlltlrskgila cr wii be ucu pot pai ca rcipt price jo cents red zx bvidlitssii fulhjrd co beociyilie 0t fcc beware cf ira utiaaa tiililar ia ozs shew li tsiiifn of iu- i- i jt iceptl 1-1- i jriir- -i-mi- i v 1 v i4 k u lai i ais3 ljsiumvt irtqirmife bai powper mix dm imi ut wric itw ford- tlii wbtdms ssassj stnt stamn fi j hosf hal remedy cqj lhk hirstsfain extebmjnator houisehold remedy namtllonont deabsiri nave ued roor ralm tn5llujlor la na knurfr eieolhinsc iba a rtmut ts nj bided willi iurhiulnscllos mfacnizratlsm sprains and bnrnt i itpntjutbc nd trlif rtvr r tkere is vpals iwnnldnol be tillloihi- j u mj hoae x ran rerotunvaa itt ihr world bo n rllaa i rtleebotilni- ybiv iteja erreins pre prohlpt n btslett mid bf 11 drcrcuu rftleytce- naisilj

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