Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1890, p. 3

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tjffi kethodisiichurch aoton usr a a armas 90dtltjob ftf reload terioo2 1 1 was iffllrted arti ahaat beamss coald do do faos i im to taka atok pslfcooiio lellent jrichrrktcwtafrn iri pill tsoacoju t- roraedio of on l been u tt in bit ravrirsroj nomj i o rjnne aariarae liubfla aa exoeuent i andfcrht fctrat j ort worth t iswlluvctdledno thin opon larthib ix riant to tvtjafi n ktvcry ia their ac i- work tborooriilt- r i ilk rjd tfs f irmrkfa kmner tnav t fthotlltr nctt york city ivrcrs ctftarrjc rd pr raarfne rorcotn- i inrrrubs within m r ore ex oalj rerr awl pleasant to vs u aist make then lie r jules ttl phia pa pills a hlfflfl prji ut brrheea 1030 jti i fcaaoltjq ftblccltmcoktoctedbythe pastor rtnooacc bora a nana pastor all cordis s nncrt sod visitors li ji tomo in allien tl the door bank of hsad office cirrtil run ctc- ltuaive fvxn kjlphj aft- mo sunday invited it- to ii p moore hamilton t000 cm fq0oo tvrxbflu 11 s steves i asst cakuduu ntrkctorjottx 6tkwt pnidcct a g kiviax vl4iw jousd tnocroa csos grfexzr geo hcicb a t wood a u uk oeorqetowk aoekct iiote difconoicd tnd fcdruicei msde oa ill tattble wcnnue dxrrf on ill prtt of co- uulie uimto btatxs qnutllutux ud um coxttxest of ecsors boacni end told ooiixcnoss nude on ill se4slblfl points on tnot fsnwbl torus 1 j sayixqs depabtubst dcrowti naiiwi of tl uid iipvudi uid in- uhi ulowi tram dtc of dflpodt to 1au of spxcul derosrrs am reivd h cimsnt tttc of iatancu ko notice of titmrtl roqured at geo hynds onesinc cp fuhlnc tckjf rod una tod boms troa ul tad vin viieel wicniu or u childrea robber btubt bua bhu from i mats dpririi oar s 6 tj 6 9 tad 10 cent will fpen ire mlllne tut window bliadi ut4botivoa nin dsicai left jtu one met of wuehec aockx jfleurr ud spee- txteton i i oeo- htnds acton ont sicn of the bic witch window sash ciiotofsii34bdis to- siciaptboam etxl ii fkee erkss office silf si sottsr mlc ktt sixk 5 is lie tillipe of arto eamer of wllio ud 1 bird id tatx vts pn tcr prtia ii til eicisond nm qj 1 piphjeti poslen bui te tcu execined m tb i 3der prices sad on ir iddres f ifoobk rsxr piles ofiee actaa cemetery j fjurvi- cejseiert tn ire of enra plots forsf vnavtis or bariiis i i er dirrcocci of the u dircid by byicv poj jledon eifl 3 r or cepv of t u the cdrssedots ehiwqbdes i becretj 5e xtoit fth riss thursdat may a 1890 1eany 1qk0e colls ud by the ettrthoaybtfoi and alert i frtc press eerters locals tfc6 ice nan ire tiuppiog isia yoten iitu sxe jast nar t premiani jsitardiy the qaeeav bjhbdsy- her terenty-first- t sttirdiy will of coarse lie ohsextttd u ipabhc bolidij- were shipped serersj cms oxlite stieic limn here oa hoods j the merehsnts ttci wquire to msie friday their batnrday this tect- j coart al berision or ftii manidpsjuy till be held oa itoodsy 2nd jane the cemetery it hot in good condition sjtd presents a very sttrsdcte sppecnnce- waited c of iie ppihc put for tu be ccerrod cp to or ut tecder oc ltsoobe bodi of tile lusicip2itf sale v bargain- aminjineitiadeotj- in coed- locality to sng ia orect respect ir hrui5 ontte premiss i tird ind sft titer sod i he 12 iitaetite asdeott led putr gt u bboioiilt r r tiecztzna orcpill- lmipplrio wiooke 2 toim hh actop n ber father odasna will condact eeisiox of erfrisioa for the jliiaje cl acton la tb e lii it tb tots hsu te 2ifil v unio ih gsters them- tbostjmooke heactff x 5 lt ti resliiis of jritiiil o cico their ij etr titer dotets tui praic ind re- ii fcsncnf or otber eadiyier tic public lent cospljted itutest i wdtu ite uie v e3eaj la ir notice uit the a aoitb act promwtilie jttkc its liiiiaf mr cr eipeclic perl it least lt ijie td ftfej from la oon bept free froiu rrif cea6td iad di- t mooiik stuff vurt qlbctlth wanted ijf lli ptrictijliailiiiorfi sf ccilrjfiei tlube re- d c p ic ii oody enlne erisz ai provle gci tui aai jor the projsft- rtiik f rstn dssractian uo3 cadermndinsthsi tjend ct bodisg- most in nofe tend tc ut tender oat oeces- imoolier- fe at thcilnaicjpilii-t- i cheeks i ajanicipistr re herebr jail rabfnsli etcl tbteo i slioat uieirpreails be csp no being uad is lea cooceraiog ill otber w oat byuw o sttine of fllth rob- iiop orbypl frill be rotctlrpoforeed hbtdbtbact ivlsfb r mvii ffarf i j tba ate ot small nhaibia1 l ii s in st josephs church next sandiy j tender are asked for the use of the park and boildingi for the- dominion day eetebrslion i i l i j acton cornet band played- ah enter- tuning programme oa the street oa friday evening last j foand on john street a ladys brooch loser can have it by prqrag property w e- bxtra j mr- a- hctarish has porchased the merchant tsuarinr business lately carried p br w i re- i i i j akcrosae match between the cresceafz sad young canadians will take place in 1he park this evening- j i in oadph the boys- who persist in sliootiag fire crackers are arrested and braokbi before tkepoiice ucigistrate y messrs beardmore atlco are adding new building 60 x 120 toteuqpper leather tannery the excatatian is now being nrrfonned i the ig t e will issa tickets at one and a third fare on the 23rd epod to the 270 snd- on the 2tth and 2cth at s ingle tare good to the 27th- the arch orer the cemetery entrance tould look better with a coat of paint and t it would be an improvement if the name were added in suitable style of letter acton building association have had a gaaf of toronto roofers at work this week potting new tar and gravel roofs on their terrace of dwellings on bower avenue for fifty ceals hall a dollar thz free pxrss will be sent to any address in 6anada or cuted sutes jtih the end of 1s90 who wouldnt send it to a distant reiatrf e j mr george barely of toronto preach ad two exodknt sermons m the disciples electing bouse lasf gtrstaar mr h x law of west toronto junction will preach pelt huhday 1 1 i the sanitary iiispector will com- pence his annual inscectton about the first of jon aucitizeus ut notified by adver tisement to have their premises put in a proper sanitan- conditioiit a new scheme for lebeaiinjf unwary farmen is a piourjuhxe fake a farmer recetves on trial a new ploughshare ii it raiuhe iigns what he believe to be an igreemeot but which turns out td be a note- yesterday eer dr gilford occupied the pafpu of korfolfc street charch in lbs ibsence oc dr willo ighby who was preachiaj inurrersary si rvices in whitby rhfiqxtor delivered tuo soaad and ap- prsciatif e sermons to gojd congregations mondays iereffry hoirj gleanings vhlrh arevoiiiy of a locafcharatttr l d aulntcreitlnff a ptimtul accdent mr john cantfroa had itisright hand wdly ucffkied by cominj ioto contact wilh the rsptdly revolving knives of r puny planer in bi new planing mill onmalnsl ycslerday jiboot noon the first two queen were biiiy aititua ted u was at fint thought the index fioeer would havo to be amputated bol in drtwius u dr lovry concluded there was some hope otttving it queenx btroiday to miltoa the crtutmt days tportever put us in uit part of the country the milton drmatf park assocwtion will give their openiafi meetinc on 6tardav miy 21th there will be trottiac and running races for which ott 3c0shargqp there will also be a lacroue match dufferini ol orangflwlie tt olympics ot milton bicycle rices and other athletic i ports making a full days enterliiuracut and a grand concert in theqvfloingjorlhe benefit of the firemen tr tinetibhch our citizens will hiva observed that with the adoption of tbe summer time table there has been some chance in the running of trains the most notable is that of the evening train from toronto this is now an express instead of a mxed and runs from toronto to acton in an hour and twnty6vea minutes instead of two hours oc more as formerly the train now leaves toronto it 615 arriving in acton at 72 there is only a minute or two of change in any other truin wcrjrltaepjjc the park committee have arranged for a mammoth bee for wednesday next s8th inst ah our citizens and the farmers of the vicinity are requested to attend at the gap that morning prepared to work teams plows scntrx shovels and axes will be necessary the members of the committee are anxious to complete this work aa soon as possible and as citizens and farmers are equally interested in having a fine park complete in every res pect they feel that they can reasonably hope for a large attendance of workers kewpost office sqvpment our citizens were both surprised and pleased upon visiting the post office on ttiesday morninc to observe the change in the general ippearance of the delivery front in order to keep up with the times postmaster matthews has put in a fine new front manufactured by the yale lock o at stamford coon it is of neat pattern plate clua with brass and ash trimmings there are now about 100 call boxes and so lock boxes more than in the former arrange ment and til wha desire either can now be supplied hen the woodwork surround ing the new front is neatly finished to match the effect will bt neat and attrac tive a county ss picnic suggested at intervals durizg the past ten years suggestions have been made in halton ss association meetings to the esect that a general picnic which all the sabbath schools in the county ootid ittend vu desirable and would iei to draw the sab bath scbocls closer together to test the present feeling respecting the matter the officers of the association here have ad dressed a circular to the members of the exeortzte zd others ia ill prts o the county requesting answers to the following questions l is it desirable to hold a union piccic of the sabbath schocifof halton 2 when and where should ft be held 3 have you any suggestions to offer that might aid the executive in preparing and earning to a eaceeesful issue the pro posed pic- nic when ascertained lie re sult will be given in these columnc ir days services the services conducted in the methodist church last sunday by mr alfred day general secretary of the provincial sab bath school associatioc were of a very in teresting character and well attended the childrens service io the morning brought out a large gathering of children with their parents and friends the children each class accompanied by its teacher occupied the centre pews mr day addressed them from the words thy word is a lamp unto my feet is 113 105 he confined his remarks to the subject and succeeded ad mirably ia encouraging the children to assist him in the formation of the follow ing acrostic showing the character of the lamp referedto in the lextihttstrating each step whhpieasingandwelltoidanecdoles lighted i gexcngcfthahle g cide socest t riad fin the afternoon mr day addressed the children of the sabbath school reviewing the lesson of the day in the evening he preached an ahk discourse from eph 610 paten the whole armor of god to a large tad attentive audience mr days visit was j much enjoyed the people of atfton regard him as a man in every respect fully qualified for the important position he holds- field corn and turnip seed all varieties to be bad from t- h htcirra grocer nlijighborlloudneivs foritlim by comipoadtau colle i from mid hrked np by the v ay jckin t the cuurt of lieviaiqu for tha villl will bo held on monday next iwe con boy has rocliiraud fiidsy 33rd k jaulio liolidsy io litfior of ucf msjeiys birthday i tbo towusliipi cvutjcil met il uiusburs oa siturdiy rev t f mrdentvho ba been the tucumbent of the eoitlmr church of this village for the plit ysirpnwehed hu fire- well scraionou buudsy fast attwate tbo ladies jaid bodily of burns church hs yd secured in addition to miss alexander the elocutionist the services of two wellknown iaad ulooted vocsiikts from toronto a rare treat may be looked for on friday 23rd ot may r0ckw00u oa saturday lizzie beloved wife of eli warner after a few hours illness eutered into eternal rest aged u years mrs warner was a fajthf til member of the methodist church loved and respected by all who knew her on monday a large coucourse of trie ads followed the rcmiici to the fourth lioe cemetery the rem if r i of albert shiw who died at vancouver bc are expected to arrive to- day thefaneral will tike place from the residence of his father mr donald shaw owing to the heavy downpour last sun day rer g b cooke was unable to get to eockwood evensong was consequently not said in 61 johns charch mr john pasmore has purchased the skating rink from c strange and intends fitting it up in excellent style for next winter v joseph lister is suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis jxufle about uatchlfr i i show you tome out of tha watolien lothat ct the yooqk njen how to ox up tbeir own father uaiohej tliem limvtt tried being tducated tc uiiaj mien utupis to do sotfethldg he 1 miltow the board of ihealth is making it warm for the batchers whose slaughter bouses do not comply with the law petitions for tbe submission of the canada temperance act in halton will very likely be circulated inside of the next few mouths so hat the vote can be taken in kovember reformer the auditors received 800 each for their services- the following members of the council constitute the court of revision for the year the reeve rnd messrs hemstreet mcdowell fields and jones miss ryan of trafalgar wu one of the four who took honors in first year at the examinations in the womens medical college the county council have had the vacant square in front of the court house levelled and sown with seeds laid out with paths and planted with trees and evergreens we believe a fountain will be placed in the xntre of the square champion mr d wheelinaa has sold the timber on hilton falls lot in xassagaweya and on the carradics farm to messrs greenless bros- who intend erecting a saw mill and cutting the timber the ttmt msiches of the 20th lorna rifles which were to have come off here on the 23rd and 24th inst have been post- poned until a date in june which has not yet been fixed- 1 wheel and hair spring work perfectly in accord with the wcapemeuu tim airaid boys that with the little initruc ioo i can olkxille- across the atlantic by u d warren for sale at hyuds and kausa- the giods and chattels of andrew lawson late of limehcuse deceased will be told by public auction at the bennett house georgetown onlfriday gib june ai one oclock s m coc a auctioneer where dja you get that elegant suit that eta you so well at kellt bwjs wool 30000 lbs wanted the highest price ia ccji or erebmndi- will be given for good clean merchantable wool wit mcleiutt co georgetown out a great boom as ejexlt bbos- in spring bait prices catch everyone foii site secretary stores writing- desks cupboards labial and books cheap mus 8 a- second the house and lot recently occupied by the iie f g clarke will be sold by public inctioa it aghews hotel on satar day the 3 1st inst at 4 oclock divik miloxzt admlnistratdr wx hzwtvot auctiooeer- maps and foil information oonceming rates etc over any ropte to manitoba the hortfa weator ih weatern sutea may be hid t th jrmsd trasikl btmtltm aetoo l4r usdaest f ak ztttfna doe not know about thty fail 1 and hatj to savi money fur a loc time to pay the wmtchiiaker for imittutg tliiiiuh nibt agam we often hive tu i pleoes of a witch or doc i to u tm up in b ohlef but co men try it agai while you will ence and let tli so naettmes older tempt to fix i watches but of course some people are not jus able tor what young men are because they arei eeking ei n lly ud pi e if on rience and uso lly get it hese wheels at i are the exact size the foil size watch and you ci see what a hoi dirt it lakes to t ii pace between ih cause the stop i how carefally sac fectly true each rbeel and tooth most be mi le to work into each other they do with ths pecaliirf teeth is called wheel and is so cause tbe pallets tooth of this wheel to escape or pass by each time the lever na moved j backward and fonward by tpe motioa of the balance wheel this part of the watch is called the escapement and ia the fstgt most difficult to put in order asv and the easiest gut out of l order whether iejver verge or cylinder movement unless the ad justment of this part is correct yoq cannot get rpdd lime and not then unless tpe balauoe anything mentably up their brooght hindker u young alter a tt ex perl em alone eoplo it- teir own account they do axcasable anions lose in american n readily piece of tne teeth and age and how per- nlcely ss the imtii one y shaped be icipe alted be- allow one give you here you will not be ible to do much at it aa i sometimes fall myself in the first attempt and i have b a working at tbe trade for about 88 years i will give you this advice which ii often neglected even bv those wbo call them self es watch makers do not file away it anything until yon know what you are doing it for and dont leave out any pieces juu because you dont see any use in their being in there any bow i am fully satisfied that more watches are spoiled by boor work- manship than ever wear out by their own running a well made watch should run a hundred years if cleaned u ofted as needed but they usually die by the hand of some botch long before that one thing never do is to allow an spprentice to jdo any re pairing to tbe movements urtil ne bis been at least three years at the trade and then he has to practice a long time on old watches of my own before he is fallowed to do a customers and my system of examin ing personally every job whether witch clock or brooch after it is doni prevents much danger of bad work foing out when a workman knows that bis work it going to be critically examined ly his boss before it is taken away and is pieo back to him if not well done he generally does his best it is the easiest thing in the world for a person to grow careless in any- thingjjot i find that there is nq money ia being careleaw with my cosfomsrv waioh- worfc gdpringlewatchmaltergaelph qaeens birthday perwnaii bev j vt bae attended a meeting of gueipb presbytery at berlin on taesday dr c e- stacey and barrister m k cowan of toronto spent sanday ia acton- mr and mrs alex irving of little current have been the pieats of mr alex grant this week- tbe fexe pnzss had a pleasant call on tuesday from mr p 3 pearce editor of the waterford siar kcv dr giflord and mr asa hall are attending the annual district meeting of the methodist church at fergus mr john lasby of bowmanville ipent several days during the week visiting his mother who has been very ill for some time messrs owea f coaley and james gfb- boiis write the fbee pczss thai they armed stfely u vancouver b c and have bad cteady work ever aince laodiog with good protpecis for the future at the annual nretin of the hamilton district of the kiagira conference held io be first methodist charch yesterday morning bev t albert moore was elected secretary and hevchss bowlby assistant secretary hamilton spectator mr angus mclnlyre night operator at the g t r station here has been appoint ed dayoperatorat actor we congratulate mac on his promotion fully tarnedin the service of the company a more obliging and efficient operator would be hard io find on tbe g t e- brampton banner on sunday and monday anniversary services were held in the presbyterian church the puiptt on sabbath was occupied by the rev keil shaw ba of toronto- oo monday evening a teameeting was held after tea wu served an excellent programme icouiisting of music and speeches was given all joined heartily iu singing the 263rd hymn after which rev mr hunter of toronto led in prayer and followed with a short address he spoke about the unity which should exist among church members and referred to the fact that the closer people were joined together the harder it seemed for them to agree as an ulus- tratton he told a story about s man and his wife who had had some little quarrel resulting in the two not speaking for half a day at evening as they sat around the fire the wife at one end of the stove and the husband at the other the wife for women are generally first to give in noticed that the cat end dog were lying together on the rug and she said to her husband john we ought to be ashamed of ennefvef the cat and dog can agree and why cant we should they nof leach ns a lesson the husband looked up from the paper he was reading and coolly remarked yes but tie that cat and j dog together and see how long they will agree thus mr hanter said that tbe reason of so much strife among church members was the fact that they were joined so closely logetber mrs caldwell then rendered a sacred song in her usual charming manner rev neil shaw ba wu now called upon to deliver in address he spoke upon six purpose without which life is i failure prayer the at of medilatioa which brings peace ooursonhi and rest to our caret pluck without whichweaieliabletoget plunked per severance enabling us to accomplish all our purposes and designs then comes progress helping us to mount tbe last step of the ladder soocesa another song by mrs- caldwell and an italian song ty mr cplverwell of toronto and mr waldie mp arose and gave a few remarks judging from what he uid he no dotlbt thinks that the presbyterians would increase in number and in zeal if they were a little more like the methodist rev mr eettleweu followed with a fifteen jninute address he said he eh highly esteemed in once more being able to speak to a presbyterian audience in which there wu a good sprinkling of math- odiits and i am sure those who helped make the sprinkling felt proud of their pastor for had a medal been given fortbe best speaker ha woold have won it an other abogby mrs caldwell and tbe meet ing closed with tbe benedicuoo will be observed u a holiday in gaelph on monday may 20th instead of saturday the 24th wa are offering a most tempting bill of fare for the qneeni biribday trade every department hu been re coked with fresh arrivals for some days put beaaty novelty and freshness are everywhere apparent in addition to this tee bargain- iih featare is hpwing itself vety strongly lines that we hare picked nj cheap are scattered all aver the bouse and are tempt ing you from all side speciil discounts oa some h price on others and on several just ibout the regular valaes they have been springing ap lately like mushrooms thick and fut aijd tbey are disappearing just about u fast bat no sooner does one line go out than another take its place here are afewjitems taken just at random from all over 10 doz- miaves and childrens sailor hats it 15 cents each were 50 j cent hats 20 piece window scrim at j 5 cents per yard were sold at 15 and 20 cents so dozen gents undercldthiqg at 25 cents per garment were 50 cent goods piles of drees goods it 5 8 1c 15 that usually are sold at over doable the price thousand of towelf commencing at 2 for 6 cents going like ripe cherries piles of tweeds at 0 cetiu per yard that were worth ordinarily 111 several pieces all wool carpets arm strongs make price i l to clear al 75 cents per yard job lines of ladies and ch ldrens hose commencing at 2 pairs jor 0 cents and special saturday cuh disco int of lfl per cent gents fancy flannel hhirw with collars attached very nice goods- alio boys sizes mens and yoalhs summer hats at half their usual value 1 these and scores of other ltarflmg bar gains are ripe and ready for picking very special i infanta and children cmtorlilimwtfadapwdtochlltabtiat i caitaha lltuoprkrrtii7pnkrlpooo oortaa and promotai dl kamraioina aaaaooaltd li8fcobrt8lbnu7bkt till tu ctrnn dodin 77 kmray atnat i t ontario elections county of halton touic elector- your vote and laflaeaca ire reepeeuoj- reqaeited for a four repreurtutite n tbe legislative assembly jofout14bot1kck hse ctii ibm ontario elections county of halton to uic elector your vote and ofiiiencs are respectively requested for s ai roar represantatir la the legislative assembly of ovtabio i viu fiitbfally diicharga tbe datlei of tha respooslble posltioa uid do my otinct to gxiard your intereeti election june 5tfa 1890 equal eights to all the gcoldn lion ofguelph readymade clothhtfg boys two piece suits natty little things apes from s to 11 year torn j200 to 600 boys three piece kuickei- bocker8ait8 9 to 13 years price from 8400 to 800- mens suits from 450 np ilej is coats from 300 up wonderful value iv tapestry carpet from 30c up union carpets from 35c up allwool carpets from 75c ap brussels carpets from 75c op velvet pile carpets from 90c up tape edged curtains 75c up from fine watch repairing we havojust pnrchajed a stock bt fine american llain springs fine jewels and other good material tor watch repiiriug bjtng your work to b sayage watchmaker cuelph more chses -of- gjioige milli3iie2y passed into stock tliis week at r b j6rmyns -also- new dress goods chailie3 andprintsv we otler big drives in curtains and carpets dont forget our t boot and shoe department theres bargains in nobby footwear there si r b jeim headquarters y i -fqr- house cleaning supjiies curtain poles and trimmings from 25o np- i autyool tweed an immense stock to choose from four times the sine of any stock in town j children cry for pitchers castoria 1rieobar7irufidlirbiatahetoata wheo alia wa a gboi ibo cried tat oatttrta wbco aba baoama wm aba daaf to oaatorta wimalamcuibmathttinmcaawl b0aeu of education a blort 8tiiiimsmall dottet of bniliim to traauct the board ol truieea of aotoii foulc sohoolmat lut wodnetday evening mambari preieat a e mioklln chair man and i franoia gtwroe hyndi w h storey and t h hardiqk orluiataa ol lait meeting were read and confirmed tbe committee on finance preeentad their third report reoommendin payment of acooanta m follow edward pynai repairing tcbool mam us h p hoorepauuibing annual repfrt 4j6 alice boowdeo leatoua 1q callttbeulei 1sjs au moved by w h storey aacondod by t h harding that the finaooa report be eirptad carried the eogasemeot ot mta snowden calii- thenio jeacber barlrut expired the board deakled noil to oontlnna the olaiaaaat pphetit pn motion the board adjenrnad we aak yonr ipacial attaotiou to the wealth of attraction in olr alillioery deparment which haa never been bo re- plenderit and in which w have never done anything like aa big a trade aa thii seaeon i to the dreei department where variety of material and elegance of tnalce combine to produce tbe moet charminijerleou to the ordered clothing department where atvlea prioe and varidly ofler yon the beat tndocemenfe in the tirade bojiandtontha eeady made bnita with little difficulty to make eitherj the rtyle the size or the price uvi handi sds to chooee from long live the queen e b b0llert l co 25 27 lower wyndltam st gueiph madras scrim and art mus lins very cheap j d williamson co 6 and 7 wyndham st ouelph 84 oswald st glasgow gcuelph olotji hall new spring overcoatings every requisite on hand wall paper ceiling cornera centara and borden the largeat stock and neateetpattertutarebarto ever had spring aamplea now ready come and aea them j v window shades w and t tenders ta smillostiou intbanorth- ted sealed t30den mstkd pt uoonledrollco protiiloo snd light bop luef md j- drtvsed to tfaa honoursble tbs 3 unlstflr of haii- itss sod csoils otuws will b recelrod ap to ooonon tqa4j0flpwanelijl ltedtems of tender iaonti lulus fall iaint- msuw is to tlu srtiolw sj d sppnndrasta qoiijtitios reqnfr m boiisi stiof of uio uotmtodtollae ec wast or ttb0 offlet of no toodsy win b reonaiinlsmidfl oa sacli uiutd fornf tbo lowest ox soy tender noil necessarily so- ocpted eseh tender roosi b s- oepted otnsdisn bank cttpqnt eqntl to ten per eentof tbe to s veins of tbe uiiclm tendered for wnlobwii be forfeited if tiis ptrtt declines to enter into i contrsot wben celled noon ia do oorlf hojlltommplote tbe terrloe oontreotbd for b ti e tender be not soceputd tbe cheque will bereti mod noneynuuiivrul be unju to nowi sertinff this hdverusenient i liont tatliosity hsrlnfl b3wi flritobttot tj fbej tshii u jcaibpkuss j ottsm april stolwl- v j4ii- jfliijpolico scotch and canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph war with the knife fancy linen in beantiiol ahadei of color and deiign in decoration all eg hemmed with spring roller complete ready for immediate rue v alio paper bhadea in pattern and by theyard alabastine a nil anpply ot thii favorite ealaominc thoae who have traad it onna will han so other all the pormlar shade in stock pain1j3 oils yafinishes etc qlne whiting waahing boda fearhne wuhioicrjital soaps brooma brtuheario everything yon want for a geucral oleennp also prof bnrva disinfectant and deodonziog powder c hardware spades shovele qarden rakes glass and a general stock of groceries and fore spices r our feo cent t beatb them all j b pearson hcton ckrpets -at- j 4dmattwws vu cutting up the beit leather that money can buy and mak- in it up into no i harness u you want a et of heavy or ttgllt harness collars halters whips brushes oils qr any fnkgjininj line call befdre dealing elsewhere as i am boundvto please in prices and material repairing promptly and rwatly done a pleased customer will call air is t j h matthew8 acton just to hand the following lines v j brussels carpets alliwool oarpeta hemp carpets tapestft carpeta union carpets stair carpets clark fc thonipson carprr house cuelph hxt door to herod 4 co 39 lower wyndliarri st i i v j stwspsa

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