Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1890, p. 2

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j j ata id on on th 18th nit ui vila olst jowl v lilart ol dink kavriucd m22- lhaoce of uia ml as3d tlcbaccabomn oo tb list dar of ilar iso al lb jiioltororsujhi by bet 0 bjcooka hi uiu ittbrfna abofcaoaacton dod lomiisvt crowaoos coram on tha itui bt rtpn jtm rtss thtlranit uar sj wo- sotb ilvdoom joseph shaw i oil winnipeg hu fited a billot ootnpltinl against honon lamtrche echoohetehet tor holding religioni ei erotm in hti scliool the object ti o lest the oonitjtouonijitj- o the recent ichool legislation paasod bj- tie manitoba gorern roent j i it it creditable to both parties in lincoln thai use newspapers of all shades of opin ion oppose lh oandidetar o itr krkert one conjentue prganhu told him plainly unt hii seefnlntwa it gone foreter tad thai hit return to parliament would disgrace the oootlitnencr triihoat improteing hit position the tonseryalirer tit ctiled opon by the same ptpar to pat t right candidate in thai field j it itprobtble they will do nut nutter of jnitice to themseltk and their ptrty generally a rata ol rock tnd iron with m ermy tl hit back to enforce peace it the des cription wnutii 6 germany gine of him- ell caprmttid tie other day that he intended to emia africa with tha bible and rifles what it the mazing of tiiit tort of talk it probably may be construed at meaning that in the estimation o ger many the woriawanta a policeman and winiam thinki he ia the man for the ctoatim john ball hat held the place or tome time and we hare not heard of hit dmrmanl star an exchange says if it it necessary and right to raiee the tariff wall against canada what it the acme of the united statea stjendingionr million dollar in the instruction of a tunnel nnder the detroit rrrar the grand trunk it now weu ad- ranced with ita jttnnel at the tame place and tba aniericao- railways want one for themaeltec gowrnment engineer hare reported arorably and the work will prob ably be beenn at an earlj- date interna tipnal politiea and oommerciax neceeaaitiet do not seem to agree on the frontier braol doea not rem to be enjoying per fect peace in ita new republican haroeaa biota are breakutgont bwtalthorigh to far anpfnaaul tbeyi recall a prediction of exjgniste thoinas a osborne made when dam pedro wiideposed mr osborne pointed oot geowaphical race and trade reasons or the wief that braril wfflerent- nallybeairidedjfntotoree republice one of theaie he declared would be formed in the protinea o rio grande do sal where the matt numerput and more recent out breaks againtt the prorineial government hare occurred j r aooording to pobliabsd railway statistic twenty brakmen are jailed every day in heyejonantrrertgeintlmemtei8utei it it thaefbrei not aatbniahing hat tiie claaafromwhoab ranks ihit awftl tribute it taken by the joggemaat of modern eml- izatiod should petition to hare the railway nornpairirt rnmrrttrd to adopt tha moat approved appjiandee for ooopling cart it it tttordahisg thai men ahonld tateem ployment wberei they have only one chance in fire at dying t nalaral death the cott of puttiog perfectly aafeaelf acting oonplerf on cart would cott from 13 to no per car to ttte thit npenae twenty wn die ah agonizing death etery day borne com pazoea to their credit hare adopted the newayttem and the brakamen of america are mormg for legislation to compel all companiet fo do likewiae futtioe ud humanity are on their i and thevthould ictos jtpxicieix cocxtil a hanaanjoiu x octiar and coniidcralile pub lic bmileaf trtntacud the regular aemimonthly meeting of acton council wat held monday eren- in- i the beere in lie chair mem ben all pretent j the minutes of latt meeting read and confirmed the committee on finance presented the sixth report recommending payment of aoboantn atfollowt v george claric work on rtraeox ll sr wbliam jaekaon treat tod pitntiac ifl w eeiutindttjiliaaieentotfc on firaett rxi ma mored by dr lowry aeoonded by w e smith that the report of the finance com- rmttee just read be adoptedcarried mored by drjtowry seconded by w bmith that vken thir cocncil adjonrnt it ttandt adioumed until monday eyening 2nd one then to meet at a court of be- tidorl carried j moved bydr lowrj aeoonded by we smith that tender be advertised for the use of the park for pasture for horaeav tendert to be opened at next meeting of the council carried moved by w b smith seconded by dr lowry that the cleric advertise for tendert for the public park and building for dominion day and that tendert be opened on monday evening 2nd june carried moved by dr ljowry seconded by j a rpeight that leave be grsnted to introduce a bylaw antoorixicg the eeeve tnd treas urer to borrow the sum o twelve hundred dolian to meet line requirements of the municipality until taxes for the year are collected carried bylaw introduced read tne rkiaik number of times tnd passed rule is beiog suspended for the purpose moved by wje smith seconded by john kenney thit the lender of bobert morrow of ua per rod for potting in drain on willow itreet be acceptedctr riecu j cboncil then adjourned ufjoik xazkejs tee wcalleeislatdre the uadcn in ontario polllint who arc nan- enrfgrd in m their ftrres tltklb time w1u 00 ox juki ill lut week the faxa faxas presented tha portraits o the caodidalea engaged in tha praaent campaign in tku coanly here with are gtrtn cuta of their respective leaden- for eighteen yeart hou oliver mnwat hat held the reint ol power in this erevinoe u the head of the government frequent energetic bnrmueffeclual attempta hare bees made during that time to wrest him from his position of power he now appeals to the country for the sixth time and hit followers claim that ire will be returned with atjeaat as ffrcalt majority tt in his itit coolest the opinion expressed by he people generally however it that the coo lest will he a close and more than aiually exciting one mr w k meredith the leader of tha opposition hu for twelve or fourteen yeart tiie 8ewu0v cfjxcludto the house ofoommom prorogued uit friua tbh gjjrt twtp t tlirote omwi may wta parliament hat prorojhw tha maajod joit oloaed was onetnalongattilnoiiootaderitlon tha certmouies apperlalntbk to tha prorogation whieh took piaoe on friday afternoon were ei gorgeous today aa in pravloaa yeart and want off with equally ak mnuh eoltt tha weather waa all that ooald ban been de aired and the crowd was aa large aa usual thegrooodt perhaps aid oot look qafu so inviting u the cool weather hu some what reitrdtd the growth o plant life hot the greeu award was mcit rereahng to the eye and arouuullhe boilding plantain tha well trimmed flower beds gave prpmej a glorious bloom trctcn ntom xlfk tuboxl at four oclock e s etoellency the governorgeneral prooesdedln itate to the parliament buildioga aid the membert of the house of commons haviog been sum- mooed to the chamber tt the senate hit hon oliver mowat rrlwlue of onthr10 ccpuioed the torcct of hi pmtr in oa- uxiq- ii u aid thtt he wtr neter mare hopftfai of victory thin it ptwetit ind hlf npporten ia avry coattitaeaey ire ir- ing no itooe a a lamed ia ihoir efforu to retain lum u the fatan premier of thic frovuiee ka irm of itrengui to hi pirtr if iflucifntad ia the sejxnfs school qoestioa ind ic the cothcrritiret ire re- taraed to porer it will be ihroach the pr- enutioa of thii qaestioa to the eleeton the cunpiiea ia thii coaatj mir no be uii to be ftirlr opened itr robintoa held the tint meetia oa uoadiy eveoini it tilermo oa tuesday he vuit kelwo tillic wedoetdty tit comminirule to night he will ipek it cimpbeiltiue ind tomorrow it brookrille heu inpported by mr h h peinrt toronto indmx d hendenoa c acton ipesju ia the iateresii of col kerne if r kerni meet ing vere imognnted on toesdiy evening it dmpbellriue lut etening he wit il broakville toaiht he till be it hornby indtomorrdv it ornish leeliagi will hkely be held in acton next week by both ciadiialet stttxlet tee etplosxe sliortu- to become i benedict his enciffe- ment i scettt fur turce rein losos miy 20 stinley hi mde i new ind nptd oonqneit i mirriie hiring been imngi between him ind hit dorothy tenmnt the itdy u weiltnown not only in iocety bat to the wottd it iire u i clever irttst- she hu been for km yerv put ilmoet the protege of bironest bardettcaqtts ind it wu it her hoaie neirlyfoar tad i hilf yein igo tint stu ley hu etifed timet innamenble tint hit minion ia life prevented him thinking of i wife bat the fintdiy he wu presented ia his future bride by the biraceu he teemed to find in the quietade of ids tenaintf tociety thit hivec of rest which befort prorogitiod mr xbro4m uked 1 theroimben were o get idjeitr 1d dunolty oa ooodnt 1 1 iht nfoa of the tmmlou fcnd wu un d lo ihe bigttin by hlrjohnh4odonilii mr uodwkiu ttio w cimpud of tarot to to bon tbomu whlt written id 188 and 00dipulnln of miiri pren titioo on he ptrl of ibe tun rinot oolontutlon lomptoy and harih tneiaitqt of the lorlp holders uoyal tkmrui8 3ftpmpeiiavce beiiremautfrts of iuitjai coaaclli meet at acton in qiur ry sen ion alttur from john eioellency wu pleued irororae the foarth leaionof the tilth pirltiment of the do- inioa of cinidi in the jollowiag ipeech sok gentian of the skate ww of ac houac if comment in bringing a i clow thii somewhat pro incted mnoa of pixiiiment i detln to convey to yoa my best iinla for the dik- gence with which yoa live ipplied yoar- lelret yoar importinl datie the negoulioni respecting the behring tei qaeettca ire itill in proflcets it wuhiagton with good prospect of firorible reealt meanwhile the continainoefor mother yecr of whit is kaowja u the ifodas vtrendi vill serve loj show oar earnest desire to caltivtte the most friendly relitioos with the united bute govern- meat ind people thtj reidjastment of the castoau uxiff cildalited u it if to promote the development of oar igricul taril minafictaring wd other fndaitries will i doabt not recefwe general icoept- inoe from ill clusee t im glid to beliere that the ut reisting th linking hu been most carefoilyconiideredandwillbe fotfnd to gaird the interests 01 the public ind to ed upon his perilous mission to find emin pishi he proposed to ifiu tenniat and wu duly locepted by her baroness coatts and some half a dozen near friends were informed of the engagmect hat all were bound to tha strictest secrecy until sach time u the lovers should deem lit to mike their engagement public property how well these few privileged friends have kept their trust mty be judged from the fact that nearly four yean had passed and not one word hu escaped their upc dor- ingthe years that stanley has been absent from home ia africa him tennant and her lover have been regular col respoii dents u fir u the difficulties of the postal image- meats woald permit each mail that hu hroogfct letters from the explorer to emin puhas belief committee has also contain ed a large budget to stanleys lovein eichmood terrace it is openly luted that hiss tenmnt has now ia her possession more written facts of the dingers privations and dis coteries of the stanley expedition than even the belief committee are aware of or the nablic can guess it it seemqd some what strange to some people that stanley should when first patting foot on london soil after his return to this country drive direct to baroness bardettcoutu hocse ia slrtttoa street the mystery is now explained u some one u precious ax existence to stanley wu wiiting for his coming l gexerocs wojuv be loffiaedtly liberal fo hose who ire most immediately utected jiy its provisions tne measure relating to bills of exchinge cheques ind promissory notes will doabt- less render more certain and plain the law in tnit regard uniform in ilmost til respects throngfaout canada the imendments to the eruoinsi law inclade i great number and variety of provision all of which will probably be found useful and several of which ere urgently demaaded for the pablic welfare the crejatioa of a bureaa of labor statistics will promote the investi- gatioa and study of capital and labor and which are nowengiging jhe ittenuon of ill great nations it will likewise aid the diff osion of informitioa on ill thit ooaeern the occupations and welljbeingof the work- ins classes in some other meuurec of the present session yoar desire to improve the laws which spply pirtfcularly to those engsed in industrial pursuits wih likewise nour boiler ptonrbume hsr- wpod psc eonl emi- par j batter aaixj picked 0 ib to 0 sb g 03 to 9 00 f so w 3 00 ootom 0 09 to 0 10 is now rarely hit i it will no doubt be news to the pnblico hear thit three days before stanley deparf recopid the rtras prorisions la unead the laws relating to eailwsys ind pitenls copy righu jnd trsde harks and to the department of inland eevenve and likewise the enactments to improve the statutes for the minigesaent of oar indian population are well idisted to promote the efficient idminiitrstion of the departments to which they relate while i large imount of private iilwsy legiilation indicates a spirit of eaterpcise throachoal the country which it is to be hoped will lead to a sub stantial development of he biilway works ofthe oountry otsuaiua qcoui saute q commotu i think you foe thai liberal provision which yoa hive mide for the reqaireraeat of toe public service hon gtviliaa octic senate gchtiemta ofltc totwe ofcommatuj i tike leave of yoa for the present with the earnest hope that ia the coming season oar people ia every part of caoada may be bleaied with an ahandant reward for their labors and may witness a marked advance in the prosperity of the dominion ktkzzts isnxririos the following suggesttae paragraph from ifr bykerts iddress to the electors of lincoln why should i be singled out for pablic censure when there are dozeas of members ia the same house who not only hive ipplied for tnd obtained limits for themselves bat sit there dailfrvoting money into their own pockets i fcinoofc under- stand l comment is unoecesmry he auptnt ixu the ehhtehs in replying to the deputation of ebmpoei tors who waited upoa hira saturday to pro test agiiait the iatrodnctionjoflypesettiag machines in the governmeat bureau sir chapleaa said that it wssjno part of tiie work of aa employee to teach his employar his buuaets ind he tfaoaght pe mr chsp- lean wis the best judge of whether or not j the linotype should be testedin the govern ment buresa if by the iatrodaction of these machines a saviag could be made surely it wu hit duty u a iiiaisterof the crown w try ind effect sech ecooomya perhaps they would illow biai to run the barean and he wonld undertake to see thit the mea fiot fir play ms time kis com sir fred if iddletoa retornei to town monday he refosed to say anything re garding the breraoflr for matter in he coarse of the afternoon he had an hours interview with sir adolphe baron minis ter of hflitia it wis understood hi case would be discussed at the cabinet meeting that diy it is difficult to see how he can avoid resigning it seemi reasonably certain however that if he does not see fit to do so he government will intimate to him the impossibility of hisjreuining bis high office 1 sorts in the house lut thursday in intwer to col obrien sir john afacddnald said no action bed betm liken on the petition re ceived from manitoba nskinglhe disallow aoce of be sets respecting heschooli and thedaitjiangosge in answer to hon peter wlia derates a larje portiau of her fortune to cliaritalile benevolent and eellslous purpomi pcraaweo may 20 the will of the late mrs kichoiis is very liberal in the matter of bequests for public purposes the presbyterian church is a favored ben- eficaary the total amount bequeathed to schemes of that church being 117000 in cluding 1 15000 and 15000 to st andrews and st pauls churches respectively the aged and infirm ministers fund gets 2q- 000 widows and orphans 20000 home missions 110000 north vest minions j 10000 foreign missions 110000 french mitsiocs f7000 queens college it3000 enox college wqflqq local institutions ire treated u below petirboro pro- festaut home j20000 young mens christian aasocition ijoooo mechanics institute 10000 lt andrews church i15fl00 st psuls church 15000 kich- olls hospital thoooo i to each protestant sunday school in town s500 say nine uj0q coijegiite institute to fonnd scholarships 1200 for public parks tg0 000 the amoont of bequest to private persons relatives it present is nearly f2000oo in addition to the above mrs kicbolls hu distributed between 4300000 and 1300000 ia gift to charitable and other purposes making her total donations over f 1000000 if you want a dandy fitting suit and good workmanship go to siphkl co i everyone should caff aodsee onr 1000 11200 and uijx baits made to order john uaeonald said the flahery negotia- oobtoou tbey tn brftor vlaelhl canbogotat jtions t wahbiomon were filing on vary 0 h to 0 li i y otljer rbwe in town by three dollars a pleasantly and he might be able to give 15 lu i bait insnectioninviirf fittmtrmfw ai ininrmmn foutot iktr lag 0 11 to o 11 1 8mt p inv 0 go o 0 co kiaxtbttos t priday i- mitchell sir the quarterly meetl ag of halton district council of tht royal emplari of temper ance met here lut th iriday each oounoil in hi on wu well repre tented delegate beloglpresent as follows actok j l warri dr lowry iuv j w iue revdr qlffajrd h p moore ar that lalof joo m warreajno ramsey adtm uing charlis davidson mary brown lottie e speight sadie and annie turtookate lawign annia williimi aod minnie adams i bniuxotox jamel mocay h f fos ter j s allan misses kerns hopkins freeman and barns gtobaztowx h- w kennedy rev j w charohill rev a w richardson b a j gilohriete j bailey 8 frawley and mrs l l bennett j mitiox jr robertaoo j h peacock a- c bally h i hoilinraka v d and mrs bret hen and mri gray oixvnxrh mclell b fairfield j doty misses mary and lucy anderson and miss taylor promptly at 1030 district councilor dr robertson took the chair and opened the council the basineu of the session wu proceeded with and a most interesting and profitable day wu spent a the oiscassioa of virions matters relative to the temperance work which is being advanced by this order throughout the county tha committee on tate of the order re ported u follows from boruagton connoilko 50 we find that very substantial progress hu been made there being a gain of 23 ia member ship at the beginning of the quarter since that date 12 initiation hive been given and at present a number of applications are oa hand warm interest is minifested on the part of members the iverage it- tendince is ibout four committees are ia existence whose doty it is to provide entertainment for each meeting this consists of music readings debates dab swinging 4c total number of members 17 i from the council at oakville we also hare encouraging news it is nourishing and progressing seven initiations hare takea place since the report at beginning of this quirter miltiag a total member ship of 153 the avenge ittendance is about 70 in the way of providing eater- tafnmeat for each meeting a committee is appointed each tright to provide for follow ing night in connection with the council then is a cadet corps uumbering 53 ages ranging from 6 to 12 yean meeting weekly to engage fa music drill etc and the mem bers sn pledged to abststin from stroogdrink tobacco and bad language milton council stands first on the hat la point of numbers and continues to prsas forward with vigor glace tha report at beginning of april ten have been initiated which added to the number on roll on april 1st makes us in addition to this to have been initiated making ia grand total of 170 ia the select degree 12 have been added since the meeting of the grand council the average attendance is to in addition to ordinary baafneu o the council enter tainment is provided by two committees taking charge alteroatje evenings music recitations short addressee constitute the programme generally while a form of exhibition by a broom brigade adds greatly to the interest of the meetings the council at georgetown report pro gress and increased interest since lut re port no lees than khive been i diluted and 12 applications are now oa the table all since the 1st april entertainments provided by the committees supplying literniteiy acton council no 800 we ire pleased to report is steadily gaining ground since lut report in idditioa of twelve members is reported continued and warm interest is manifested on the part of the members generally the attendance ia very good under the head of gocd of tht order the exercises consist of music readings also eveuiogs with foete making a very pieaaingfbrm of entertainments the coun cil is at prtsent in aheaithycondiuoii its membership is about 68 the committee oa opening and resusct tating councils arranged for the vinous coancila in the county to resuscitate xorval council and to make an effort to organize councils at bsilinafad drumquiu campbellrille or brooirille and appleby in their report the committee said be lieving that the reflex influence of this work will be very beneficial to existing councils we would urge that the wcrk be undertaken with increased earnestness ia order that our county nay be speedily or ganized la every aviilijle field for royal tempiaritm the committee oa temperance reported u follows your committee be to submit the fol lowing report thit while we view with pleuure and deep gratitude to almighty god the increase in the membership of the different organization sr throughout oar county yet we ire equally ilive fo the fact that those who ire engaged in the traffic which is in such deadly opposition to oar progress are still at their awful work ind we believe that dunkeoness indite attendant vices ire teafold greater than under the scott act i e would therefore strongly id rise each co incil of oar order to put forth every effort to establish read ing and recreatioa room for the aie of oar yoaag mea the social i iflaeoce of which fwiil coan tenet lha perai ions influence and effect of- the bar room notwithstanding the ii created popularity of onr councils ind ither temperance societies in the county e view with feel ings of sadness the fact hat drinking ind drunkenness are so ak tningiy prevalent and experience proves that under the license law we cannot ho wiihany degree of confidence to sucoeefl in the general recliraf lion of those addicted to the habits of intemperance con lidering this we wonld reaffirm the grat desirability of exerting our influence ir every legitimate way to induce the you ig people of both sexes to unite with onr order as soon as they become eligible foi membership and recommend that similar activity be taken fn connection with he e tending of binds of hope and other ju enfle temperance organization a very profitable am eocouraging day was spent the delegate i from a distance apparently enjoyed thai c visit to acton the homes of tha local m imbers were open ed to them and every thin to enhance the pleasure of their visit i u arranged and was evidently appreciate i by the visitors dr lows worm byro hu removed tape fit guaranteed j some piaiive information respecting them i worms from 15 to 80 i ml loug it alto destroyes all other kinds business flotttisliiqg iiatdly h at v 1 the right house hamilton manffawtean that ha it enabud to ell hit good to ohean u always loattraot immena crowds of ki k coo thfiulht in hunting up tha wflauat stylaa of mods and sails ibem at small ptolu so that ihodwocu of led coma to tna houta with the utmost oonfldenoe thaf they will cat their wanu supplied on tha very brtl latrni xe 04bbb w goods this wmntainino dhess anlj tkimmin6 silkb in pgloeb fattle d flah bilk plush bilk velvets ribbon velvets velveteens cashjdebe mkmooom flannels tioklnj www cottons dress shields drju linings dree sgels aw cj 9svnl satohau lawn heoisee silk miua a large assortment of hndsom fansthat framm udlaj straw heu uam unw 8ss0ollart lad psdreat buttons cotton and silk tbrwd and twist chenille ahi l gftame kb fbom masked down fboh h00 to m00 from h1s to l jo and from t s q nnpfp n1j to il oobtalrsobui at lfc worth boo ladies and misbesmcotton and lisle hose r ioterul 8k qvesdown to about halfpkice8 charm inc i njv8tyle8j 9pji down very lowrsee the lace mittb thev are selling off jar below tfflujt value wejj jraatly redooad in nrleet tha carpets window blinds and an almost endless variety of hooawurnublop lmg latt it sty y ssfi 5k btjl and filing very ohmn just see the bibseli carratbweepbr it isthe most improved style out and is wtrrtnted to save the prioe of itaelf in any o i rj3 in on tyaar wafklijla tha tola agent for it pleue enter the stores east of the carpal window many main nltltka and do not gat into tha right house ooruer king tnd hnglison striate htmuton mty loth 1890 spring millinery opening we will open our show rooms on wednesday april 2nd and following oays with one of the largest and most attractive stocks of millinery that we have ever shown the styles are the latest and the trim- mine the best as weeiploy only experienced hands every lady can depend on getting the work well done we hope the ladies will call and inspect onr stock as we will be pleased to show them through full range of new spring dress and mantle goods v new prints suitable for early springs new parasols with long and short handles new embroideries jast to hand something altogether new in these goods jtofci has been coved b7 the ptimsul aycrslllla travefcrtslss v ana artjlioblo to coretlpatka ssf5 dnrangcnuut of the stomach m tajsv whlclf if clcctodiiaul to mriajzv tbebstis nnjuih nf corrkjctlng thcertukffisli of ayers grlbartlc pllia- tjs dont uuugmastct6alal sioobsi urn without his chronometer u wibbs a nfipply of thew pills though pts and uuergctlc in operation avers le imvc no il eitccts they are pwlrv innlicloc for old and voune ittbostw abnkbl fur cblit yean t vu afflicted cirupoiioi wbich at last faeeimv- bul iliat lie kturs could dois3is fur iiik tlicn 1 bcan to ake ass pill and the1weuteo25 tlidr natural and regular ttisiantis now i oil hi r v excellent heajth c e dtrjc tewbtoi- masaachusetts r i repvrd ayefs pt11ijuomoh mnt reliable general rttoedje o gz i tiiiivs they have hocn th tat tttjs family f- affivtiotw rcqairing pai tlvi- mil iwivepivpn iinvaryltigiisc tloii we lave found thew an rrnrlfc 7 rfiwilv for col anil hght fotsa ix j w d woodwri fort worth ttslx t for mtural vean t have lebadbom at ayors pills iban opon uwtsw else u the lofdicine chest to rmjs mv lnwflk anil tliok of tjis lupsasw tliwe pillt arc nt serere in tbefe fcl lion imt an ihcir wvrlt thomflrth t iisve umsl thrrn vrlfji fftwoffe the cure of rliemnatlsm kidnr- mes nnd ilvnfhift cspt 6uaiihlilp filicu kcw yak city i have fnfmrl aycrs cathartic kk in 1 a mter fnmily medldro fareesa jim into ilian nny other pills wbutte inmrlthlgr tlicy are not onfr vs tftiltc ini afc ami pleasnvtthtb qualitiijs wljirli imut nuu tsi uiluil li- lle public jales bua- ijrlmacri puilivklpliia pa t ayers pfllgj p2epaeed bt d 1 c afcr l co uwrt um c 1 1 t l zcmler in m i- 3 a ovm second handwinjlotv sadl any person desirlnc lot of 913 and 1st i dow tun ind glass ctttp tbonld cshtt the fltbe pbksaotnol i foe sale lots 51 and 33 youngi enrrey uaia stml actoa address j l kennedy l 13 elgin itreet haoolsa 0 foe sale chnrcb streets hiring bi trait tree etc on tho prcta lsrsatldrea boxih job pbli- heads circolar 4e btmt ttrle of the art at i short notioe apply or j h p m0 tirvl iew luku of frvie the car ol t any mnonbja ba doaa aadar cootrol or d7 taasr thomas easton as d byordct cxuetektcojoomx fall stock of cottons cottauades table linens toweb toweling8tc cheap stock in boots and shoes extra values in all lines cf groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs hendersonmcraeoco i kcton canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and jpb work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder ihress j come to kcton knd see our improved country prouty press 7tt work acton ixjdge 3fq 207 taoj meets in u oddlauows hall block etcttwadposda brethren al tntionodl ot the members wwilliaks c erery wedncttdavereiiina tluie war wejeoif far eopy et t i laws- applyto the ummigatavff 1 ibers j j hhwoiy tendebs wajilettf to be filowed tbtcblgheit orasxtendcciict necessarily accepted j tho3tmo0be clera of the mm foe sale is offered fe party lortable btici rwi vu iwaoy fa- roperty hiring oa toe ip ply of hard and soft wigir sqs a ftare bargaiii nrebastns a neat atf eooj teoce in good toc0fr viuie ol jetoo and being in ever very deairable propt as abundant supply acoodstable this property worrid be an attraptlre cadeest venlent home for retired party oz an ttt profltahle investment for ipecalaton ereptts lets pot full particulars apply tqt athis office in xk hauiaekfc i- hon- tak dotics thai a coort of iiw of flio vulage of lion will bo bald at i for alia haoi i worms the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work county actoo oa monday jung 8ntu890 1 at8pm idtarosttt narties wu kxzn thabh elra aecordiogly thost iioose h aclon bay aoth 1830 ctea pplic healf h notice is hereby jivoa tint au nida vj acton are required forthwith to cleaotfdr jrl oallkra dninj ymrdi pit mresj tr clofrta i and other oat ballditiits and praiita antt rs- roove tberefrom all dirt filth maann or inbstaoce which tnty endftiier the ivblw healtfa and tobste tht lamtfcoinpletodatlateili- by the slat day of uev out at jrliieh date the banltary inspector will teminpifce a jeaeral inv pectton and farther take auco that the eetion of the public health ct prohlhffln the keeping of hogs betvtfen tit 15th of hav aadihustof korember expjin eiatle4j ta feet from any dweltlas house ind 50 feet from any street or lane with floors kept freefrwn btandlsg veter and rezulrly cjsknstji and ai- infected win be itrictjr enforce thos- t moo ft secrttary libani of health- w hv jna tha prooiy for eight years snd the looger we ran ft the better we like it it is simple easy to run easv easy to handle ootu little toe repairs and is easy on the printer s pooket book we call it the best proas to be had in wnrm today for the mbwy qome aod tee onr press it work i yoo desire samples o work send for them end we wiu dadltfarnish them we can give yoa yoar oholoe of a number ot jiserent tires and styles of presses at all prices v on type the world think of it 1 a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 6od to 700 or an 8 coi book press for 800 full particulars from agent for canada aoton oht tenders ranted tendbks for uie use olttilark isj 1uiuui9 for dominiou dr celebratiau wij be i- oeived by the nndeisiseed up to uoadsy vsnltf tod june parties taoderias mnt provde w ties lor penitent of rental auj fortlibrroptf preserretion o uie prniuc from dwtnicuot in khj way with the dutiact undrndinj taaj all damages either to pounds or building maw- be made good by the parties abcuw tender a aeceted thetlghest or any tender sot neces sarily accepted thos t moose clcri ol tho uoidcipauty notice lb citiens- the raddanu of thii monlcipalltt tt larlud to daooil ill reobun bawlir lorlwd to depotil ill rnlibub cu irliia may ba aojamolaed about their v darinatha wrotor la te p now loc st uiapark and aotic is also siven- eon mini all otj narts of tba mnnlciiniy flat i j b which prohlblta tha depotluhf ol n iii rpn bisb ate apon any atniet lane or ifvplaov within th monielpaiity lb strktlraaforosa- whstoefiyjt bawwyodoa april hthlsw j ooosupauon clairor many ward 0 this tread disease bytbr utoqf sroabj sogamoblad barjcck illl lieu u0o4lg

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