Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1890, p. 1

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ran fc 1 ii feii ea 1 all3glva pcxoittojun dandsmpjo m iyotume xv no 37 acton ontario thubsday irtay 16 1800 b fi blood bitters i table l pun jnoitiottfllihtov52 controllras their at i6cuikooduitit ires t aa dwieafroai soooi l ortt senrfnlooa aore and t ia nnritajlcdregulatinv hrltinj insneaw ont hixldinttt boidi and kyjsiiiafcu a core bun kin jbollci fl ran boik k neut raah ourf letter ti- lam a atei diacaul t bnu rtlcaw taltrtcna ij trjsipfiaa nlomel mrsoniiaiiakinernptios iiat ffltrrri iron akin tases p acrra vatsd br intoleay qaieajj- cnbsmes on tia w bj b3 b- pasaiu i irtralccl disomies rodtex l hanoa aad jofula itm proottliat from lime litftiriijbtoatrad ll i lie ski ii broicni to u mil tffect a care the b- lt-r- is to repttlau the res ani blood to cdma i action of the atnmscb stnice tj ot the trjtjni docjedajid hpporc sccre- usre th5 to atceoterr cllail blood tuocstess dttprpctvk rhe and egy arising 4naj diaordend lomach bowels and blood vt bottle of b b e oa be dissilirfim ai using r will txfand the n rtjoa snaijycr w letter vvj rend tempnizs a- ra zz the ctcis of b l h ia 3 g2ftsf on xpnbtatica i co tonto031 pt ffotott free flmss i every tuorsday working i r i frte pnsaslreni 1rlauac oftw mill street i actok oxt per vtr i tht from fewer sutwcairnax one dollar it mk a ulrtacet or wiihtn tor mom banning btrear e ijo per rear it not to mid thtf date u which every sobscrtptioa u psld it deaotsd bf the ditc on the address libel ajiyartcyo lutntitrtniiont adrtrtiie- mu 8 owta per noapueil hm tor flm in- tcuaii 3 iwatt per lla or edi tabtecjuotit irtettioa j costuxct eatrttbe ollatioji tblc how out nta tee lb lntttoa ot ivnktmia or ipttd frriodi i itviirc 11 ra 16 ka iko i lka- mo co sun exoo i co too el in 10 inchot jlach j sl00 1100 frlidvvrumjiflau vitlioiit metfle dlrtctloac will be- fatertl till oriiid tad chirced tvecord- l ialr transient dtrtleoau tout im pajd iawtaai chpi lorctrtetllttuctufnt matt bf an th oftec bt tm oo tnbsdiriouienrlm thrr ui x ian ot uotu ui fouoriuf vk nlruoone editor ind rroprietor ttsmtss fiimlffnt rrr h lowrr if b uces it gr4atoltraircoliceumbrot 0o3mf o phfiidui ud saifvoas- ofllo ud rewidenoa at tm bod 0 frtdtrict tnt aeto d r- icld ptnicux scmmox kccotqxxxrs omci ua eaidctaidr l mogtrritii boiua coror kuu ud fndtsdd ctnrta yt e8tacey j 396 oohape sl toroou telopbaoe vo-fliss- jf eixstkd sld i pgniciis scigeqs etc bzzzncz um dnca sroar lfll 6tnwt next door to- wihiimjj boot tad tboe tore d eritcst hill eorix college or phtbclox edbcegk1 poltcixnc eye deptrtmeat i fnuun rai i et uiistaat ia calnl london eac ttironi iai eur htwpiul i ctetlxk0ceaoajte50xr swuwniiipottaotlgflclpbittxad laird taouuj of aca rnooui from 10 cm to f p-a- i omcca arcane street collar aveaae i toronto m 1am r tirrt teersee tr v2tr w tit i r i rt kiltmil i core fits r do not doe raer itiniibhattaa reran uadical lttee m tjiscasitoi 3pilepsy or ia sickess j thekavt tnj itldfdt it iri br rsbaic ws l ft a ii- vcir f jsm l bekkett ljs deiitist gcoaorrrrv ortttxo ai mceixlarld i fsaiceoy ddtut geokgrtotnr via acton u acnrwi hotel on tbe kcocd tmffonatediiaalafoieciiinantii offlo la gtc doar taath o bp- rtcbnrcbj mh- x f cleas 5nrit4ri souettmx kourie coatejxaet tc frirmi laadto lotui town h2 artac paise- jxo i sicllix lumber lafli t slilhgles sayeba hmt im now la itook a lntbr lnoladinj tide wde4for vofldlni nnni k ftrtt- iimmm tali eiut lomtwr ad rcmotubln ijcx ilh tad 8bidgl on nuid va irq iiroid to f upplr rery ttvnt la oqr line rkteusaybrs tillage piopeily for sale atxlowprlcg j thk aadnittml hu bma lottmcud by dr x hobu wtlteriooftorfuule hit proiexty la aetna eousiitiaf of lot 8iaock 14- on tbfl lot u i cood t rune dveulac t luble bud ud oft viler md t number of fruit trec for lennc tud ptulicauo inpirxi once to fatttniuttjaic aeloc onir weiiingtmi steam canndr atjelph eturtt10c collausfc cufffiic fimllrwwbinctiloctlraainjrlje per dor ftunllj- witfiiac xith ironing sitf per dor aenuemcnt wubuic md htiiriac uc t doten ah orfc pnad twt ta cad office tad worts s6 qcebocdw goodilcfl xith kciir hro- oar lcecti it acton will be teat la uie liatidry tad rotarned to ibeir irore inrt of chirgc it above prleec u hackney proprietor- walt pape1 i if j9u nt rour roomi to look oioe wltii bet- den tad ceiling dvecntlotti of fine soft colorlntti tnd bleodioj tod propor thftdlds days bookstore guelph uowpluetomreckamptjr bu wu omen tbttuaojrsmilptvitentitiieveriad bet ter electid uoy oi uibi mualkctoren tell oalr to biai tad therefore be hu the eiela- r itl of their ooodi in ottelph dolnf tlmoet the enure ptper trftde of the city too guelpliftfeiiibs icitractioct sirta by eipcrtt ia iiookjceepiac cecil arithmetic 1eamiaxai hoc correioadesw politic ecoaotnr coml llw frcach ltccatgc bof l shorthtad ttpexntiac rile moderate ttaitcuon cstrtateed for teni etc tvidrou u iticcorillck triacipii w barber bros i paper makessi aeoraetown ont ifirr l etzcujtt ot machine finished book papers eigk grade weekly vews tne ptper ased in this joarnij is ixcux the tbore milk wmbaebeet bros- jak0wjlt i i i bixaurttr boucnot koxifirpcxuc j j uoaey to loca- omac dit tnefcuj tad sttardcr mce lctttbe aclon cpuirt civini etih or hh goodi be eta bar thvquin- trttuielaveetlaiide price catblins bltn to derwll eu tter ptper loycftpticee tuta toy other itore la the at- itrttuielaveetlaiide price catblins aadenell tu ooapetitorc dtr eta cite yoa better ptper borden cejhog decorttioo tad bee hec ptpcn ud iwce before ptrtac e joor moaey day sells cheap drugs stationery perfumes pure soaps gheap bibles and fancy goods rubberiand base balls my stock of patent medi cines is complete nrtav bated i xoboxto ud gzoecrrorx 0seetcteel3mm blocfcge ard 8c einx itnet eaft torosto 7 khttlox i virwn r t 1lux p tents sectjeed fos ixtekti05e l heskt gist otuta catiiji- ttentr tn prteaea xo ptlent ko ptr vjctm- hekstazex i liorxced acctioxeex for toe cbaatles oi vtejliatoa tad htllon orders left tl the fete pbzis office acton or uairreel4eaeiaaaoa hi be proiapuj tt- uaied to f term retuonxble aim moner to lota on the moet liranble tersctad tt the loweet tttet of latereat la anw of t3x tadoptirdi- actok pump factory -ivr- planing mill thos ebbage man i lxve rai the iaxciacnt of th nacp bosiae ia acton tad woiiretpectfallj- lafornt til ptni ia wat of pcapt tbt re tre no- prepexed to rcpplrtheaifroci tlia old style wooden pxaap to iha beat force pimp ciade branpsfor wlndlrffik or eoct wans ntpplled oa short nac dp weht aspccitit prices right eveet tike onr planing mill lssber drettol xlile jotriit if oldiag itc mtde to order we fctve tlw t qstctity cf lamber for ule iritxule for buildicc ptuixxec order by anil trill receive pr rapt tad ctref cr tueatiou snopatfootofeiter straet tnosebbige hanaccr choice flower garden and field seeds fishing tackle etc jvkannawins vrrt bt acton livery bus ltne tte cadetjdrwpectfclrioucittletlrtfa- te of the pcblic tad iaonac tbtrta tatt well eottlppd tz6 stylist eigi cia tl- wiyx be secured atlikittbletj a comforuble but cu til tniat betnen 9 tni tad fcls pc ord al tttealioc cirea to crerj- order the viatc of comnierciil travel- len ally met i john williams jr5 pbice thbee fcets ttovchprxvrqmkirarbaia twu i niodftit houie lo a tronbto ilieot where poverty mede itc honae where fvtr of tbbehee tnd bwui meet weweytrlodjrfmwromn ttit oat of tfeeaifiitj flthcurm flowed like jetn in ta trot btbd j deciuieof one lltflerwjni th4 ihoircd the touch of t omtni utnfl- tb gltu fa 4hr wfndov ibpne bridal tod clew j and the oaruini ctf wotcu leo qtve u trlitocrtuc tmoiphr to the rr plebeltu pltce aad tttrettf to tee thtt the poet vu luide of the little wctjthit command by thoee out ltd tokens thttlvell betrtved to toacucf a womtai head audmtnrt boateteemxfatlot cloout a dtrk tad deeoute plter dsctaie therei itddiiff from ffverj- rooai thli tstrt of feminine crwej for there itaci dvelliofr blgi or lov ia be leoftb or bretdth of the lead tbtl doeint lit tweet ittncticcc ove to the toacb of t vouitat h ad lint th not oalr to docortte aad tdora the pllcrimi tea ik woaitacndotod with i power io pet so itrtajielr beneficent fdr bt4c tbe lifuiblotafet tutt stqvt udhiaflf btooiaiweil fjr m tpi tnyar to kcotr and vbca la tickneu tad tort dittrcu oenretriod la hetrt tad bn a hot tee lone for tte htnd lhut trtr moat to bleu and loothe every tehe tad p un the toocb tbtt wu tender ta toft aad kind the wtnn eoaiptuioutu pi la thit give nev f trenth tobc cetlceaednilud v jud famiihod tbrhetlicgb lai and oh it u trae tiut tbe leni er ozch so retdf lit cood to fcnpsrt with t peech of id own erpn ulng mcch comes itrticbt rota t teada hetrt aad til hcmtaltr alb orloiv ia the lenfth tbd bretdth of the if ad ca be lifted np or debtted fcnor bj- the toocb of t tocitai h tad jopiue pollard stltd ftmilt juafimjj tfie bad and blassom et kutv qtucz ttllitxc this vu what the called them tl lazienie ulue htmlet tmoc tbe jmoaa- uic qntet tad doll enough the rear bat ia the tamnier tetoa hi l itive trith riiitors fracn th 11 the rest of ill city drtira thither by the betaty of its icenery ind t cf tbe ute whence edith 1 the cletr limpid wtor it derive iu ntme the tro given by comtnai coaient ihi chtxmiajily iaefitive title were t yoang tridow tnd child the utter k litue girl ahoatre the lovely imige ia rauiutare of her beta if ci mother ktte ctrroz trix mtrried it the etrly ifis of iiiteen to jaige linden wha writ mow thta three times her lyetn the ratrritge vru a htppy one ette hid not met toy one thtt the lit j or mptcuy more nd j adge linden loving hit betati- fai child- wife itnihod cpoc her t foad- cest aad devotiaa that parental in their tecderaeif and indulgence i there were deeper ctptcitiet for jjavtuc in the young vifee heart the wu pacooccioni of hem and trhen little edith vu hud ia her trms the felt thtt her cap of love tad joy trtt filled to overflowing judge lindtawti devotedly tttaahed to this child oi hi old te wiioee exceediuf loveliaest of fottn tnd du poeitioa woo til hearu acarceiyibearinf to hue her oat of hie tight a moment when little edith wu two yean old her- mother koelt weeping beside the dying bed of her kicdfruaa md ptoctoc for tome prize each meuarinfilp thai brief compreheomve gunce the others itrtoglh tnd chancetlv dy i carloui io- itincl they know thtt they wen rlvili conieittnn or whit wu t dearer thfoff to them ibtn life the lovely worn to whow iweetly ranqnllfiice hawed little if any concloajmeiol how terrfbly inearneit they were who were iilfdtly trmiofl them- eltei for the itrangie all ot which m dope while the two wore injillorly acknowl edging tha otroductioorirenthembymn linden there being dot the aligfateit in dict lion i a the coantenaucei either of what wu piiifog wiihic an honest intelligent looklu roan bat nothing far we to fetr thoagbt iltfry everton t be stroked hii toft fciliy moauchfl with flogeri at white aod taper uawomini dr livioritoce did dot make the danger- oai mutake of nodervalaing hie opponent a 8nelcokinf joang fellow he thought jait the kind to eolut the feei- ngiaodiympttbieiof a womaa like mri liadeu bat i will enter the field agtioit whatever oddi and win bar if i can the rivalry between the twawti carried oo very good ualuredly x they bectme better acqs tin ted f think either would have bexui glad to have tbe other succeed in meat anything else but lhit the new name given to edith aod ber mother charmed dr livingstone with iti tppropriatvuee end beauty tnd toit would most tuy one who taw the two together and they were seldom apart both had i the same black velvety eyes frioged with long coiling luhes of the same color the same vivid color in cheek and lips and jetty lustrous hair thit never struck the doctor 10 forcibly u it did one morning a few dtyi after hii arrival he bad been standing for some minutes at the hall window which opened oat upoa the garden where he mother and child were frolicking very much titer the manner of two children chaaiog each other round aod round a big elmtree until hrit lindens heavy abandaat hii escaping from lu impritooment fell t round her u freo tnd unconfioed as the boating curls of edith who fiotlly slumblingwu caught npby ber mother who bore ber in triumph laugbiog and straggling to t ralio eat beneath the tree sweet bad and blossom i rightly named 1 hrf thought u be witched thebi wu there ever anything half to lovely supposing that be wu quite tlooe dr liviugftone uttered the last sentence aloud and with couiiderable empbatit a which the mother or the child v said a voice back of him which belonged to harry evertco who had beeu standing there an noticed for some minutes both responded the dccvvr laughing and coloring- you timire them both equally 1 said the other drvly t love them both diffeceally wu the frank reply i coasider ilrt linden tbe most charming woman and edith the wbjr tbia being t question do very easy to answer it remained oneswered but do ou lovedoctor liviogstone uamraaf repeated edith renewing the attack with fresh zet and energy i hlnk i do responded mrs linden slowly replying mopa to tbe qoettion la her own heart than thal jpon the iweet lips lifted so eagerly to hers at this opportune moment tbe doctor entered breaking away from her mother edith tin to meet him mamma does love yoa she just told mesor holding edith band in hit dr living ftooe ktcod before iher mother bis ftoe flushed with hope tnd joy kate mrs liqden 1 does this detr child ipetk truly the new tnd rt revelttion thtt had comsito that qttettianidg bert was very clearly mirrored iotbe eyes that were lifted to his making tbe words that fojlov ed fctrcely deeded she speaks trulyt witt luddwi movemeot dr liviog- ttooe duped both mother tnd child to the brersfrbit wu tu be their protection and shelter through all tbe yean that followed edith announced ibis on welcome fact to mr everton tbe nejit morning and in a manner so an ique and original tbtt we can not forbear tranicribiog it ycq oant be my papa doctor li v ingstones going to be my papa she shouted at him across the breakfut- table to the oo small am uaemenl of those present among whom tin liadeu fortunately wu not one not being yet down mr everion jem the following day takiag with him a very clear realization of how small wu the hand that bad toppled down the culle he bad taken so much parol to rear acimmc at the ch1xcel rama4bnm tttntanotkclmn lcarfriabma johsdat j aecbxeeot gnxrhtoar orncrrqaeeas hotel block lurixt bqaare tcotxbe cured a inasaljalm iaceruia tad tpeed cere r om iarae head ud cittnt la 4 iu sugtx r sotrranc cie i fcstarf berf pcnaeri cert frilin fepoiitrfe t ire thsyir ytnpcoiitt oi lariirfv panixx awoem uasat breua bitit tnd spma j of diiirrc h j cok cr idsdrcd ivnjoeai yoc stld kom tisieio proew halm be vxavtd in ri reca ia cjiara- ffs daih kimt bum it totd bf be teat post paid oa receipt iflci brjddjcnint ct bbwotui on titiiijrs ciailar fa ntaic itts 1 sion of pure cod liver oil and j hypophosphttesj of lime and soda or cumtbkptldvri isus x mfl- it ocif l p j t 1 iajiilhr- tmuitfw titrcw4etea saccenortot fcctpmaaj st geortei sqotxe gnalphoniarlo aecoaat boou of til loads oitde to order periodietif of every description earefolly boond eaaarjaetulvtadpromptlf done new planing- mill saab and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted ap the baildicg on ifxia street uieir oocapled u tmalc utetyrilhai mtehkmtt tad is prrpsred to ftnth jiitu pecuseation tad estimties for tu eltstci of boildinf tod exeeates til kinds of dsesstsg ifatchikg tad kolxdikg jclee ili vttles cr safbes doara and windows tnd door priunes anddrefisedlaxibet j aad fcaep t ttock o htsl all orderk prcaptly ttteadea to johit camerok t he ha20akbabbeb shop kill statrr actok aa eur tatre t stylith htireot a cood tetfoam to exailitrsliaeihtaipootitartffitea buon boded tad pat la firtdim eaadufon laitu tad eaildrea ntir tattuy cut j hwifloektoatoritjartftt lumber and shinoies rnee nadenica have oa bxad tt their milk 1- t xiseboate about toojxb feet of pine lumber tad tre prepared to topply finnen tad othen with tnj- qaaatity of lumber for barns of oitolldiatrrtiaonbie price aaioejcof piae tnd oedtr ibiade it alto on haad taylobbeothees yelliagtou marble works j qccsec stetet gcaxra clark carter utffxt iiaporttfn of grtait4 aad ltrbe faaaeautad headstone ot ill hide tad f rcai tfc nee dedfint all work and ma terial vtmated fintcltm ftrtiei tritbiaf to parcbm trij piette ffire m a eaji and jatpect oar node ted price tt we tre confident we ec eotapet trzih ay eutlllbnient ia onurfo if tries tad oat mr tnterett lo the tbore arm i nwpectf clly t oucit tbcpatroutge to my frfeadt tal it jauic oa their bebxlf tinjtual rreinsufwuce company i ioftale co rjntt op wellington ebtlbtimed 153 heap off cuelph iatcretbaildlaesifercbtadie uiaaitctorles tad all other detcriptioat of imartble property ontbecttfatadpreniica kote syitera f w stone chas davtdboit president idanager jokm tarioff aamtt goal wood wjlee htxtodty opeaed taother taipmeat of mew spring- goods cevtittlaroftberalettkoteltiettui scotch fit canadian tweeds also a fiae rtricty of worsteds goativtiacof vide tad atrrow vtlet la all tbe ittett tbadec also a ae vtxtety of satin finish and corkscrew worsteds i have also t fine utcrtaieat of 8prng overcoatings of ali ihtdet tad my f pantlngs caanot be equtlledla the eoaaty havfag fa ay employ tbe best cott vest tad pint mtvers la the province tad beiaff t pne- tictl taflar mytelf of tone experience a tbe largest dtietja ctatds tad tbe united bute i ia preptved t eninate t perfect fit for til defonnitlot tad erect raea cau aod see my goods aad price before par- cbaalag elsewhere i e i 7w jlbb pbactldai tailor and obafzb mill street acton r- agents wanted in etery townabip to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stocfc and complete i stock doctor ttijfteoaipitibi eorapreheniite worfc evcrjiibiitbed lu toibors tuad tt tbe hetd of tbeir profeiw tad btve t eootiaeatal repn- utioa j onb iu xeigbt ia gold to toy one htiajt hones sheep cattle striae foakrr doir beet a grind opportaoiry to make taoay koeare territory it oa addrett james brown hu oa htad t itrge ufbutyofcxdellbnt coal bieh be will promptly fsuver to any part of tbetcxa tt reatontble pricei- bnl motzh publfiijer j 120 tonge 8t- toronto wanted eftrdkood tad ilebt oa btad teiepbone cocacalcitioa it tisvo length always a little talk about ishoest rignrea may he and facts dfirtorttd be i bot tinfi it beliettnn com and aee waters bros the picttmz oallehy 0u2lpe thames nctubkb pictuijb uooldixos book modldikos corx1cb poles from 33c bxa8s hods davxfb nodsfrom ik aktist8 mateelos saiekukktomukanar block all ooodi nmol 6nvctm pettdaoeot pieeatot rottafjie pmltoo for tb rfffbt mm good lurucnd expopald wckly lflwr1 in ocemeiiu 10 wtanwf ko mwrloo experf dcb dbccarr ostnc tre wrjw for term vriakace chablfb b cbafle kg tfeduoa uri paper llodi sv 01 color uater color cofaa colon bnrthc etc elc keadr wzad ilnu aiiiod- walls eirunl cordi wlroi xui chadu hookj etc 1 wateesibkos the rekboo boot and bboe store it jottnow abowitef a number of new unas of shoes and bllppns apeolally adapted for the seuoa tbeae new goodc are being sold at prieea u lov or lower tbaa tbom asked for old style tnd tbop- wora coodt eltewfaere everybody eta be salted for we havo til tlxef ia oemi wear ladies wear youlbs wear children a wear babys wear snscial lines good floods xeweat style and bet value for the money at the old man jtid bit haad tenderly on that bowed head- i tbe lord bleu yoa dear child for all the love lad teoderaeu that hxve made my hut lays so happy tea areyoaof and will marry tgiatj cor am i to selfish at to wish it otherwiae if i did jt wodd be for the saie of edith car pcecioaa baby- gltl ibe very carefal for ber sake u well u yonr own lftrry seme one that will be kind to her ktfindenrnonrned sajoerely for her hoibtkrfd amj m equally ttuoere in her resoiauon toifemtin faithful to hit memory far two yeaxx ape remairied in the teclcooa of her beautfnl homej receiv ing and paying no vuita eitepticg to rela- iivet and a few of her latej busbtcdf old and dear friends but the elasticity of yoalh and perfect health nu hen ted to richly dowered ia hi that makec life so full of joy aod beauty her heart begta to re- boandagaicst the pressure pf thesocrowa of widffhowhichffletpjierjpcaiiy and to cherish a kcret yea ruing far toenes aod society more conceniaj to ber age and farkmeao tpfteejjere so stroof agon b the fflntwwjthe bird year that she resolved to tike edith and go to some quiet watering- pi tee she wu cca- finnedin thia reaoiatioq by the advice of dr livihrstdue her family physician v ho had come in to see edith who had some duldish ailment toa hid better take ter oat into the conpy jdva xihden yoa both need a chacg olakabciiesjne go to some quiet place wbert yoa can dress and see u little or u much society u yoajchcose this wu how it happened that sirs linden wu at loaerne the summer en wbioh oor story opens ud it followed a a oat art sequence thtt here vu where dr livings tone cose to spend a few weeks respite from h s busy laborious life tbe bote where his magnet wai located wu tilled tc overdowing hot at be bad taken the precaution to secure it at tiieooromencemeotf the season he found hie room wtitiag for him edith wu the first to spy him u he stepped out upon the bread pizza where boarders were in the habit of congregating in the cool ft the day oh mam rat therei doctor living stone 1 she cried mailing to meet him ber sweet face all agfow trith delight with the child clinging to his uecfc dr livings tone stood bef o e mrs linden laaghiogly attending his disebgtged hind which happened lo be hii left mrs linden received the doctor with evident pleajsoxe wasting and smiling tery prettily u she greeed biro be bind ber chair hood ayoimg raan whose slender eleaut figure oo itrasted u strong ly with the nerwwmerv broad ihoulders andtqrjyrarne u did the formers carefnfly gotup attire wtith the puin suit of gray which though ntit tnd wellnttine ws evidently intended lr the wear and tear of the aurronnding jrocks and moon- w williams acton uios i j- 1 i- they looked at each other vry ojnob at j livingstone c ssrtr iwo llitate migbl h wer ooctadiak all lo with uuehe t ldl4il2 very pretty stid everton carelemly bni im not or fond of children tre a great bother aod confoundedly in the way sometimes the truth was everton wu jealous of the child a tell as annoyed by her fre quent interruptions aod demands upon ber mothers time md attention mrs linden wti a demoted mother she had u cood a nuraegirl as money could procure bat the never delegated to any one tbe duties and responafbihuei that were bar edith wu her constant companion she was never 10 happy u when the wu in her arms or by her tide she had no tdea that everton felt her pretence to be an tnuoymce or coo train l he had too much policy lo allow anything of the sort to be viible to ber though sometimes it would creep oat when she wm getpretent t edttht affected dr livingstone very differenuy he never felt so much at eaae or so much freedom in conversing with her mother a when the vu- sitting upon bis knee with her head on hit ihoalder with a chijds unerring instinct she knew who really loved her and while she submitted passively to tbe with which ever ton sought to win his wty to her mothers ftvnr the returned dr livingstones honest affection with all the fervor of her liuie soal she wu unnsaally bright icd from beiug so much with older people r very ma- tare for her age often making remarks and taking questions not a little embatraaiog to hear and puzzling to answer uamma she said one dty what ia auoaans a nuistnce darling v yea hr everton said i wu a little nustns yesterday ytbat does it mean it meane thtt you are t troublesome little eirl im if nid iahed mrt lin den tatningher eye away considentely from everton a crimsoned ftoe r i jsint 00a bit twuahlesome i erclaim- i ed edith iudignaotly be i doctor ykot to mf il dr livingstone gathering her op closely to hu hreut sow do mother however tensible likee to hare her child called a rruistnee and sirs linden treated everton a little coolly for some days after this xnlacky speech but there wi something to seductive in tbe charm of his words and manner that the old spell returned until there were times thtt she laved htm bat mrt lia deu instinctively loved the good aod tbe true and there wu something in dr livingstones simple honesty and sterling goodness if be had the courage to urge bis suit that woald have turned tbe aaales in hii favor as it was they bangyery even ly mrs licdea being puzzled to decide which of them sae liked best it was while 10 this doubtful ansettled j state of mind that both suitori broached the i subject that was so uear to their hearts evertdq with a bjldoess aod confidence i that have won many a women from leu assured bat more worthy men j lrvingstone with a trembling eaceroeas which showed how highly be estimated how much be feared to lone the prize for which be vu striving to both the had only one answer that she would decider and let them know before her departure whioh wu so near at htnd minima do youlpve doctor living stone now as this was a qaestion that tbewu just asking her owu heart mrs lihden tvts not t hi tie surtled tt her words jvhat makes yotrult that t we1 but do yoa pefsifted bi child he uked me lat niflht if i ttpalnt- teaclryoa tolove btra 1 tafajfoifiiidnt need to be teched wm thtlrirht voa ahoaldnt stty such thingsto doctor said mnr linden lterfaoe the thought of the bridegroom u be awaits at tbe altar the arrival of his bride may be tapposed by the romantic to be filled with sublimity aod rapture while if the truth were known ia most cue they run something like ibie t now wberes bmlly i tbooght she wu to come in at tbe cborcb door u i came ont of the vestry of course brides are generally late but she made me a promise to be ponctnal i dont doubt the beat man bugot me ont here a full fifteen minutes too soon that is what tbe matter u well at least he hu got to stand it u well u i wbat a lot of people all looking at me of course lo see bow i appear 1 i de clare i have a lively feeling for the lion in the circus show there i caught ilrs blenkioanns eye i suppose i mustnt bow bat where in tbe world un i to look and not catch peoples eye emily emily the first thing i do after were mtrried will be to tetcb yoa pnncttutlity i think it moat be twenty minutes tince i came out here theres an awful draught from the vestry door and there is tbe beat mtn sneezing hang it i what does he do that for everyone is laughing seems to me tbe people are smiling at me too i wonder if there is anything wrong about me 7 my collir is awfully uncomfortable perhaps it bu got nnbat- tooed bebindyand is riding over my coal i dont like to put op my band and feel rn hod my head aod perhaps the darned thine will settle into place gracious 1 there it mrs blenkiosoa nodding too she thought i bowed to her this time if emily dont come in about a second i shall begia to withal had never started to go through this sort of thing theres boae mitt hews i used to be a good deal of ipoons on ber once see her ungh i of course iui at the figure ieut up here now she is whispering she is looking mighty pretty i wonder if she would serve a mau thia way t what in the world shall i do with my hands the best man bu his behind blm it loou rather eaay aod graceful ill try that but here we cant stand here just alike like the siamese twins the rector hu hit bands clasped in front hi tee bow that goes it wont do its more awkward than ever j no emily yet 1 ill read over the com mandments behind tbe altar well i shall break the third one in just a minute and u for the fifth i certainly shall not honor myparenta inlaw for bringing emily op no better than this til read the fourth its a long one and will distract me quite a while best msu piochea bim what under the start hs themiuer oh the bridal party auut now if i dont mis take one of the bridesmaids for the bride p bat he doesnt and the service begins pvek there is no greater preventdrfl of nerroos exhaustion than regular onharned tn as- outer tserclte if we could moderate oar open tir exercise a large portion of oervow disease woald be abolished for those who cannot get a sufficient holiday the best substitute is an occasional day in bed many of wbce oervet are constantly strained in tbeir daily vocation bave-dis- oovsred this for themselves a spanish merobaot in barcelona told hit medical mio that be always went to bed for two or three days whenever be could be snared from his business and be laughed at those who spent tbsjtr bolidtys on touseme mounuins tae of tbe btrdest- worked women in eogltod wbtfrhtt for many years conducted a largfe wholesale bosiness retains excellent perves at an advioced ace owiogit is believed to her habit of taking one dty a week in bed if we cannot tvotd frequent agitation we ought if possible to give the nervous system time to recover iuelf between tbe boekiy even ao hoars seclusion jter a good lunch wpl deprive a hurried anxious dm pf much of its injury the nerves can often be overcome by stra tagem when they refuse to be coo trolled by strength oi will in fraooe if a patient who is under chloroform shows signs of heart failure i those in attendance bold him head down wtrd till he is restoreov the method- is said never to fail andso ccttiiaesfd- ate some surgeons of its effisiy that tbty have operating tables made in such fashion that one end can be elevated at a moments notice and the patient be praticasuymade to itaod oo his bead for an instant or two dr enorr of germany the discoverer of antipyrine the great grippe remedy is reported to have acquired more than 11 000000 by the winters epidemic tbe medicine sehs ai 9mq per ounce and h gets a royalty of co cenu on every ounce sold tbe demand everywhere wu tre mendous and sometimes u high u f5 per ounce wu paid for it electricity it used to col glut iu fc- lories the glut cylinder is encircled by a fine wire that is connected to a small battery tbe wire is then drtwn tightly and the current turned oo naturally tbe wireusbested and the heat extends to tbe glut under it when in this sute water is ponred ou and a clean break effected on the path of tbe wire the medicintl virtues of tbe tpple tre being sounded on all sides in europe it is said tonentrajiymbeevy eflectaof eating too much meat aod th german chemist state thai it is richer than any other fruit or vegeuble in phosphorus an element that ra useful in renewing the essential nervous matter of the brain and spinal cord for the lul ten years i have given coffee to patients suffering from typhoid fever with nervous collapse tbe results have surprised me and now i frequently use it u a medicine ia affection in which pros tration of the nervous system it the dom inant feature it u much belter than wine in the case of one lady whose prostration wt so great that her respiration was seriously threatened and who although she retained consciousness had not strength to whisper tbe was quickly and wonderfully relieved by a few spoon lo is of strong coffee without milker sngar in several inataap- eslhave alternated coffee anil lemonade with htppy resolts dio lttcu passing yips tbxpa bt emu alica baoita i lingered where the light and dtrkneu meet lpon a vtued threshold worn tad giiy and beard a souad of weary plodding feet ttt jowly tolled along the wejtward way rod with the toot jprinti of deptrtsd wty and fbro tbe ftxbsnng dimneu z artwd x koluary teavslterdiaisflbi sear his ide4gfb plaetrtd by the wijtfnl wind tbe burden of the world he teeaisd to bear altslii1d the spent tad puaingyeu and there were mtny rites upon the road that opeusd to bim with a hollow dang aod rvenaora 1 ttw his crleroai load orffwa ttfsi brueo gtts uaiadbbji raatf the hoursacb with ju added joy tnd pwog oat of the tut tbe wutfnl wind msds moto tbe noueleu wheels of jhmtvwere iphialag aad thtt grtv flgaro toilioa oa tloac drew btr httarer tbe dim sitei tbslitt cpoa the eroaibliog boandtries of fhe put then from t uiyriid shidowy itteplet bdrled a inddaa hollow oltinor ibooktbe lied and oa the oubost fbitthold oslahs woald 1 siw the angel of the jndpnpnt stiad the ailgbtr btltace juised lblsstroaji bandl behold therein be wdjbtsi thedeeds of men ilecorddd in tbe doomdsy hook of god and signed tbe twfnl score with aiming pen tbe iword of jmuce dipt iu to ri tjijd blood 1ijlecotrcriognetth hit lotd thstjd year u then tome dread hand reached fqffh tnd idol with might tbe keyaote of the oulvenc iapd lo j a rashing mutle stortned aerou tits nighjt and tazo- tbe gttetof tlidalabttut simalow i ttw t dim aad specutl peo got xv tbe long procuion of the naiibjed yesa since time begta tch spent tad olji and sny bowed oeath tbe woes the crimes the vrrongs and tears i whose tprievoos lotd they any apt cut iwty bat still must cirry till tbe jadjmeat dj tbk ttf1cal avkt howhegothisgtbe a story is told of a sporting blacksmith of boxbnrgbshite who w famed or hi edoces in stalking wild geese on day lord wemyer went to see tbe performance the smith produced an old rusty bell- muzzled gun six feet long in tbebarreli into which be poured a handful of postier ramming it down with a wad oi brown paper hitting it u hard u if it wares redhot nail this done heved into a a promiscuous beap of ashes fragment of of old iron and beads of nails and having dropped these in upon the powder ind rammed tbem in with a wadrf bxnwn paper the smith felt a match tor anv flock of geese rgomeoa my lord be tbsm cried theres a flock of geese on tbe wilds aod 111 tbow yoa bow i deals with em t parting company lord wemya took the bigberctouhd to watch the sequel whbv- the smith crawling within an easy distance of the geese compceblmaeri for when about thirty yards off iifter aiming f for about ten minutes an enoanoui report respanded tbroogh tbe sir when a vol- nme of dense smoke arose armiltaneoskary with tbe contused eese whose caoklmp were of the moat terrifie kind wbue on or two of tbe flock were left fluttering on tbe ground fearingfatal consequences snd that tbe gun bad burst lord wemysc has tened to the spot the smith vu inseos- ible but soon cosdoosneu re turned and crawlmg op to his cub and eyeing u with intense utiifaclon he taid wal toy lord noo doabtshet pretty foil of destruc tion to the fowl but abes used me wal ibis time it moalj takes twenty mmatognd afore i cornea to myself after letting ner off bot 1 always gets my gnse vabietresl i- the extreme lo which she will ro to please the small boy i votes lamp burners that have become dim and sticky can be renovated by boiling them iu strung soda water using a tin tomato can for this purpose then scour the burner with sspoiio aad they will be as good u new j to clean knives cat a smah potatodip it tn brickdust and rub them oreue mty be removed from silk by applying magnesia to the wrong side new iron should be gradually betted at first it will not be so likely to crack the french method of administering ouior oil to children to poor tbe oil into a pan over a moderate fire break ah egg into it and stir op when it is done flavor with a little salt or sugar or currant jehv dipping fish in scalding water will cue the scales to come off very euily but if the fish are to be sailed dowu they must on no account be scalded you may poor over them vinegar with the same result bait fish will soak fresh much quioker in soar milk then in water j two elderly ladies living alone on belden avenue are try proud of a certain five- yearold nephew of theirs snd whenever be deigns to visit them they lose their in- i dividuality tud arehisdevotedsltveswhile he remains in the home the other day when he returned home from a morning csjl upon his relatives he brooabt with him u souvenirs of his visit a great paper bagfilled with hickory nols every one of which bad been neatly crack ed by their aged fiogeis un 1 besides these he bore a musiveojdfibjoaed solid silver teapot and a heavy cut glua salt celltr which had happened to please his infant fancy he displtyed hii spoils to hi par ents and his ftther stid to bis mother after the inspection i believe those waters of mine would climb op on the roof aod get down the top brick of the chimney for the tittle imp if he hinted that be waoted it i the remark wu intended for her ears alone bat hopeful ctught it nevertheless and u boon u he had bolted bis dianerhe pat oa his htt overcoat tippet tnd leggiot and started off up the stree about an hour afterward one of his aunts rushed up to the house in a it tte of greit excitement as toon u she bad cadght her breath she explained that our little boy had just been to our bouse tnd with lean in his eyes begged he top brick in the cbioroey tnd she tni her sitter feared that the dear childs miud wu being tffect- ed j well what did you do about it the mother uked u her tender eyes filled with moisture and she biv her lips until they almost bled tbe figure 0 in our data is with as and ha come to stay ho man or woman now living will ever date a doenment with- oot using a 9 it now stands on tbe second place 1890- wljere it will remain for ten years it will then move np to third place 1900 and there rest for 100 yean i an ohio minister at tbe clo4 oi some remarks tn bis own cborch said we will now bearjfrom oor colored brptbert the visitor lddreteed before entering upon his i object uid my brother is mistaken i am not colored i was born black 1 1 is well for ns to know that the emotions cause moreonhappioess aad crime than any other function of tbe brain- it is its emotions thtt wear away tbe brain and not inteulactcal work very few people suffer from intellect nil work and if my memory serves me i do nav recollect ever having a mathematician for a patient it is not intellectual work that causes nervous dyspepslt but the emotions snetf as anxiety j fear sorrow and live dr w a mamulotui t selfreliance do not rely upon others ton suooess bat rather rely upon yourself a young man must ohieqy be dependent on bis owu labor for snlhuiteuoe il is found by all men of experience that iu mo far a one trusu to his own exertions solely he will be tpt to nporih and to so far u be leans upon othena be will be the reverse noth ing can give so good a general auuranoe of welldoing u tbe personal activity of tbe uidividutl day by day exerted- if a man pn tbe contrary suddeoly finds in the midstof sach a career a prospect of sbne ptlronage which ate mi likely toenrich4lm at once orif hefallsinto the heritages of do about it 7 why the poor boy cried 1 mtiqaated claims to property wiich so for it tnd we knew thai he couldnt hurt himself with it and we opened the seattle palled a ladder op on the roof tnd sitter went np tnd got it for him we didnt do anything wrong did we a uttd speller not long ago publioipfrited teacher in a kingston school talked for a short time to ber oleu of small scholars oo tbe subject of wishing ton and then told tbem to write upon their slates what tbey ooald remember of what she had told them and submit tbe compositions to bar one little girl wu quit vexed because tbe teacher laaghed heartily whep she xsrnlned ber slate and told ber to take the slate apstairs touiss tbe little kiss said i did so and then she laogbed too just because 1 spelled united state ypinighted b tales you spells yon dont it t and ntgbr spells night and ed spells the rest of it and and with pouting j lips- it spells united buses and thtt v tbe only way t knew how to make it- kingston frttfnaxri ahe of a good story- oomu from a birmingham photographer a lady sat one day for picture tbe next she returned for the proof which wu given her in an envelope on which was printed keturn after five days toi photographer birmingham conn tbe lady kept the proof much longer than per sons usually do particularly as she said shd wu in a big hurry for the pictures ou the fourth dsy she ctme to the studio bringing the proof and apologized to the artist for coming back one day ahead of time- bat she said she had bosiness in town and could not come again it took the artist a day to understand what she meant he thiuks t necessary to procqtit is ten to one that he declines from thai mom- entandisfinally ruined the only trosyray to make a happy progress through iflbis wpuld is to go iu a determined perseiwing pa ran it of one good object neither jaraing tb tbe right oor to tbe left makfajtoor business u mncb u possible oor pitsatfir and oot permitting ourselves toawsjhom our dream of activity till we sod deir find ourselves at the goal of our wishefiwith fortune within our grsip knowledge l professor whitney etysthtt from tbe summit of lit hamilton in california more of the earths surface can be teen than from any other spot on the globe though it is only 4500 feet high dr howard henderson in ao interesting article io zios herald on tbe lecture- platform says dr o w holme wu invited ta deliver without oompensatioo a lecture to which he replied i am so weak that should yon tender ma 50 to lecture i think i should not haverengtb enough to decline 1 koocvlsdge of himself is not anmcreot to develop good character or to insuragood cood pet it most be supplemented by other and subtler influences that act not upon the intellect bot upon the heart if we woald iruly help men and voraen to a better life in any respect we moat not only explain to them the nature of right and wrong not only enlighten them u to tbe metbocvof cultivating one anddisooact nancing tbe other we most also io some way so act upon the feelings u to pat them into sympathy with the right and bring the desires into oobsonsnee with doty as ihfkoxm a miss wisehavingmarriedamryoong there wai born to tbe conple a son whose resamblenfe to bjis mother wu thus im mortalized in rhyme yoa have your iiothcrs bonny fie a joy to til beholders ibyoun sboulabut wianlog pics 1 whbvti wlibeaaoayouagiuoiwtr ttt qbfbkknun stwiwww

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