fee ufrt l br bewalt4i kdltomtjuie ulh tusl the tfc of i 3- kxtal bert on tli uui january the wilt toolrmttkbyoti 4r h january uie vile of mr vu4 u uircl urt tailor oi t sou tnniton tbe lt v th wik ot joiih r tftfrtmvtemooui fcyqrtai uihou ou tou bmajuvib curiph so the nutjkuqur the 1 ifetewbohm toerchanuof sdausbtr vicsuyat glovom lie ka on the uth jan uary tht wife o iflr hi h nicklln ot a to- ausaxfifcalal cwsruo corners ou the crd juiqut1jie viocur lot 4 alexander ot twins tous uirtix vikhkr at eniujiir ou jan lhli hjtlwrtjvh uumbx wftlfar la- ton of stenruovn to tlitmle daur liter o william fisher ca eaqucaiuc umhkix wlixiavti in ueormtotu wednesday jaahai lmb tr hr a r dfnmm ja e w cbu of gattovlr to demlahtbere dn jbt of ur b wuuaiui ol gteawtuiatut ainu oicmoy on ai pswine of wcdueaday jliudlntlkhj fail at ih nsu- deooe of tfie britw father ur abnm it mairo grand fort co north dakota to uiabutitthtnld4dshtiofurjnldickwu 3nl5uio trxmc l thuesdir ih i f i from the ialital hmluium actln virattt4cawidftt d i torn a nortlnmt hanqitt1 lrs iufrjl canrtu notes aboct thr itolse riftp 4uut- at cobourc jntind january andrew black lieq in hf rna year buics at cotoarc qu january christina black siller of abott iced 80 years usut- la etqawiflg on sunday the tftli tuc george leslie wed 63 year sixllxth at east cmnrnacousv on frldir itth inu thomas neelaads ased 61 ears 10 month higgoos in turostol on bandar 19tu january elisabeth hisgtns sjife af henry yeaser aait paesrox at bruntoa on tne end insu levis rastoa emet ton ot ur junes pres- ton nenr cunpbciltiue aged u yecrt glovek at inclevocd on the 9sui jinntrr mr bentty glore brother4nuv o mr duiet gnhnm aon aged 30 fecxi and f months f bt din ifttt rrss 4akuary so 1800 kotes akd coiurexts tbe address in oeplj to the speech from tbe throoe in the ontario legislature which opens this kfternoon till be mot ed by mr charles miceeaacv of sarnia the derwly efected menjber for wert lambton and secooded by ir giimoor member for west york at the first meetiagof the nevly elected council of eton tl tu reaolted to add to the motion in regard to exemptions from taxation passed at last meeting a clse stating that the ootmcil are in faror of tmcajfrommanidpalities the power to grant boaoaealto maqafactnring iadas- tries it is ffiy that th dominion fiov- ernments cev hpiniit ct will a the ptoriiron which dres an insolvent bank ninety days gracef from the time of its sns- ppn before refieeminji its dote circnla- don x is ptofobed that insokent banks shall keep open doring basinesi hoars every day for the parpose of redeeming qotes during last yej the embezzlemeau per- prtrated in the united states amooated to 32753 most of the criminals ha ring found there way to untdf bringing with ce partim o this amounts there fshoold be somethiag done by twaty or otherwise to make the do- roroion moch less of a rogues paraduia existing legislation seeming to be incomp- etent for thai pnrpose the longdebsfted qoestioo at berlin of re introducing 4he court dress for gentle men worn at the time of frederick the great comprising kbevbreeches suk stocking- and nigh- heeled shoes has at length been decried the emperor william having issued si order that civilian o all ranks shall on presenting themselves at the court wear this costume- the new- order wa obserrsd for the first time at the reception held by the emperor on its birthday the 27th insfc ottiwa jan sktho wea hi parlia- ment nss been doll enooch with the eroep- tioo of the mccarthy jipeecr on the rsce iqetttou the coemnmnt has held mtt- ings every dy from lw to three and are rapidly retting legislation and ibe estimates into shape with good nature and diplom acy they bare daily answered questions of alt kinds from both sides ot the house only oooe has there been anything like a skirmish between the arrayed forces this vat a motion by the impressible frcmolleu who takes the idea ibto his bead that he would like to know how ministers spend their petty cash and thinks be trill get it brought down in a retnru at the public expense he- admitted tnat he could get tery detail in the bluo books bat that would bq two moch trouble bolter acux oatinji mr c w coltor whoe eleouoa to the honse of commons for haldimaod was protested ti again au sealed by the sapnme court mr colter obtained a majority of the votes of the haldimand electors on four different occasions yet he only aat it par liament for one fall session the chief justice- and mr jaitioe taschercau held last week that the men whose illegal acts caused the election to be annulled were not agents of mr colter hut they were over ruled- mr colter will probably stand for another contest the newly revised elec toral lists will be used at the election to be held shortly in haldimand cixiiux tirrobci casta the following divorce bills will come be fore the dominion parliament the present session doubtless the plaintiffs and the respondents think marriage a delusion and a snare who formerly believed it to be a rose colored halycioo dream hartford assley ts sbra maud assley david p clapp vs alice m- clapp k mcdonald christina gloom vs c c gloom hugh eorbea keefer vs rebecca ann keefer h tisdale and emdy walker n a h walker the first two are made on the groand of adaltery the oext on tbe ground of adaltery and desertion and the hut for desertion 1 xetstuek luxs kcktivkment the sympathy of the newspaper men at the capital tu evoked at the intelligence of the death at quebec of the wife of mr h i doggan one of the official reporters ok the house of commons and an old and popular member of the press gallery mr aid mrs duggan had only been married a little over a year mrs ijoggan ieates an infant daughter six weeks old behind her a socra vest bisycet one of the social or rather gastronomic events of the session promises to be the dinner which the korth west and british columbia members hare arranged to give at an early date at which only korth west and british columbia edibles will be set before the guests mr darin is the prin cipal mover in the affair and it is said he has already secured enough venison fish geese fowls beef and potatoes from the wild and woody west to provide a good square meal for ever senator and mem ber ft is not at all improbable that vigorous efforts will be made this session to secure the reimposition of duties on small fruits and vegetables the members reprettot- ing fruitgrowing districts ofxova scotia chiefly the annapolis valley are moving in the matter and they will doubt less receive hearty cooperatian from tbe representatives of the niagara hamilton and toronto districts it is understood that a large dejegalioii will interview the ministers of oasioms and finance oa the subject at an early date and the inestiod will also be discussed at the forthcoming dominion fruit growers convention- dreatregret wtwprsatd hen ou bat i ttrdajr on too receipt ol the information that mr btovfljson wife of the genial member lor wssrt peterboro died that morning l owing to the 111mm ot the lieutenant- governor ot manitoba chief jostioe tay lor nf winnipeg has bean daalgnaud ad minlitrator to opeo the session ot the local legislature this week ujlegguotleggatt wood hamil ton and k u hoach hamilton are men tioued in connection with the appointment to the senate to 611 the vacancy caused by tbe death ot senator turner it is understood that the canadian miliars will shortly ask the government ko increase the duty ou flour from fifty to seventy five cents a barrel the number of barrels of floor entered for consumption in canada during the ilx months ending december last was 10408 the duty collected thereon being ttt owing to i lie continued indisposition ot lady stanley the ball which was to have been held ou tuesday night is indefinitely postponed the dinner on tuesday night however will be held actdx lnwx auluccltlllal- society tuc 0tur reelected andsapiwrted by a stronc board of director the annual moetiug of this society was held in the council chamber last wednes day alterooon the attendance was large and a keen interest in the affairs- of the society was manifested the auditors messrs d henderson and george hynds presented their audit of nu ceipw and expenditures for the year as follows i uechttts balance cu land from previont year e gu hefondc aad rebales oajirues ii 00 douatibui j 0 03 gaeipttbootlifatc w u cath far iscmbets ticket 5fi 03 cailiborrotcdlrompauikeanody uo 00 inerett oa deposits t 30 iayitexts prtc 13 wa m pr ues i3s bent of haniiltoq loair btotof hall and groonds ptintise and adtertiainc paid baud w and li- r ctrpealcti rork limber and cartace secretary a ujary decorations and other ball cxpehm dionerl to judges etc gcards and gatekeepers jota duff presideat espeaies eosi and itatiancry refund to j saanders balascec hand local lkulallusui judge miller ui a idfortst st tli dljulou sjurtstliniittburs4y on thoriday lut hu horror j idge muvir presided at an unusually if frthy lilting of the fourth division court held id the town hall here after opening the court the following oases ware presented w b rnltjxie vs s a s toiijitov g a goodwillle for plaintiff mclean 4 mclean tor defsodanu tblt was an action to recover from de indents 100 elleged to be due pufnttff iu ooaaequenoe of settlement of liabilities ot partnership estate adjourned until next court m syith n j a bwitii administra trix to estate ot the late wm bmiihl to eeoureaoertsin euro claimed by pluntiff u wages due him by estate of tbe lat i wm smith w- barrn sa v j a sumt to sooare a certain sura claimed by plsintin u wages duo him by the estate of tl o late wm smith the two lut mentioned cases ocapied several hours and alter bearing a lo lg list ot conflicting evidence his honor r served bis decision guthrie n watt tor plaintiff mclean k mclean contra cook vs bwickumxia plaintiff claimed ual as dae to hiai by defeodai t but after having hit memory refreshed by ax plaoatioos on the part of defendait ad mitted having receited several instilments towards reducing said amount judge ment for 11600 was ellowedplainlir mc lean 4 mclean for plaintiff mcmouju vs bjxuvtixc a nicably settled before being called in couru cook vs tiioutsox mclean a i mclean for plaintiff an action to secure intaresl on certain moneys alleged to be doe plain tiff adjourned until next court i the next case called was rather j a ludi- crous affair in the form ot a garniajiee par bt al bins charon oouoert tableaux in the town hall tomorrow fug promisee to be aitrfcoli ve among thai performers mia how the loadinf soprano of bt tbomu cfcurcithditoowillulw a prominent part and will render a number ot her choice selections ot eoogs the ww waterworks system it luck- now which has aodergone a very satisfac tory teal was designed by and tbe con struction under thel supervision of ur janiw warren pl8 and ck of kin cardine formerly of acton uiildren cry for pitcher castoria tvbru sahr mg tick ws cava her caatorla when alia tu a child she cried for caetoria wlira aha became ktlss she clung to oastorta vixi the had children she gave them cast oris reduction sale k hjuk i isl brtllftinsf i tor sale p uiib mmkb lllllell i hdusetreyr m cburcll ttrwt at i-rcmiitpccii- w albertlamb cotoforubls tuble au3f to h i koork fjiei rats acios the number of resident and nomadic indians in the dominion at the close of tbe lost fiscal ear was as follows on tario 17752 c oebec 1s500 xova scotia 259 kew jrunswicfc 15 prince edsrmcd xaltmdau lfawfnha snd kbrth- weat territoti 21522 peace elver dis trict 3038 uhabaaca district 800 krikftnrif dial rid 7000 eastern euperts ivnd ifilg labrador canadian interior 1000 artie coast 4000 brituh col tun ka3765 total 12120 v the sinoand it the credit of the various tmm bands or of inditidnal tpala tf o- whom the government hold money in trait aggregated in principal and interest on the 30th lone 1889 43 ahowing an iflcrease since the same date the previous year of 1mj5553l the amount disborsed during the same period sntf which for the most part was charged against interest was 29 being 149671 more than the expenditure for the year whick eoded the 30th june 15s8 amomitedto money tsj tight very tight said aj wholesale merchant of montreal the banks have plenty of f ntds bat they refuse to lend them except upon terms that no one whi submit to what are they hoard ing it up fori tne merchant presumes the bankasxe expecting hard timeaxndare fully rrepared to meet them and conse quently are mnserring their resources for the protectuiti of their regular customers this is why outsiders find it a difficult matter to borrow except at pretty stiff rates and upon undoubted collateral it is a hopeful sign of the tmes that the leader of tin late london dock strike john boras decuredio a receat peech thaifhe had never dvunk intoxicating- liquor in his life and bad never smoked and that be would nave nothing to do with a strike that would minister to the vilest passions ofmn or pander to their drunken habits by riving money away that ought to go to build up ttie constitution of women and cbildren when tbe great body of worfc- ingmeu will join- ina perpetual strike against the brewery distillery and tbe saloon- anker such leaders as mr burns tbe jrtatem oppressor of labor will be speed- fly overtbjwnyartbaz tcwpvaflo atl- fafr it has been stated by dr blytii bishop of the aiadican church in jerusalem in an address fat the church of 6lmargaret lothbury ib 1851 when the bishopric there were 8000 jews in all in 10 there were 20000 but bees the mcrease ot late that number came upto 70000 about tztat came up from babylon farther stated that while the feeling of itbeae palestinian jews towards christians was toeing its biuemesk and an arical anal aptitude developing the sfot palestine so great in 1888 ibenuml jhebii isftiiisang tjsina known f iicripture as the j utter rai ta had been granted for the 0jqo libu been jmmmtek the rsirss qixjjrc the annual meeting of the press gallery was held on friday afternoon when the following officers were elected pbeshjestj s woliaaa ct the giole vicepeesmtsn fred cook cf the empire sicbttixt y- a- harfcia icoctreai star exlccttve ccjocttee ucaan horace wil lis toronto uail fnsd wilaacrs kcatretl gtzctte 1l vidal lejodax g tl eaa vcfanipectrtmpreaa wis ifarfcikirig lon- trealgaeoe a cordial vote o thanks was tendered to the retiring presidenji mr jas johnson of the cdhek a resolatiou of condolence was ordered to be forwarded to mr e j dug gan of the kasimird staff and an old mem ber of the gallery whose wife died that day the gallery also expressed its sym pathy with mr alex jacques he old man in his severe illness 1 tlti mc1xt sexltodshu- mr c a dansereau is the wanrimt far- orite for the vacancy made in the senate by the death of mr trudel there are ten candidates for the position all of whom are willing to retire in fator of mr danserearx with the exception of mr joseph tasse editor of la stuttrec mr dansereaus ability so overshadows this rival however that it is unlikely that he will prove a dan- gerous competitor the psosrnrnjy ciccrs the prohibition caucus of the hoase of commons sat this morniog in the tower room with open door there had been in vited to it by circular all members who voted against mr john f woods when- tfaecountryisripe amendment of last session and there responded to the call seventeen liberals and foar couservsliver as fallows messrs jamleson fisher maodouald briec hale kirk scriver eowand piatt lang lepine mcmflkii waldie watson eoome somerville lovitt freeman meigs gulmoar and keveux mr jamiesoa was called to the chair and in opening tbe meeting laid that the most important point they had to settle was whether the alliance prohibitory resolution would be introduced as usual this session personally he would favor not moving it this year a communication was read from mr f s spencc secretary of tbe alliance announcing that a meeting of the alliance legislative committee would be held in ottawa ou thursday february gth and asking if possible that tbe caucus no action until then ko action wastakei ottks j i senator clemow ia folnlliag bis promise to ventilate the sawdust question proposes to ask for a detailed statement iu connec tion wit b the chaudiero leases and will introduce aijilj to deprive the government of the power to exempt any streams from the operation of the act for tbe protection of navigable waters or iu other words not to permit the deposit of sawdust iu any navigable waters 5 intercolonial bailway receipts for the last six months of hij were l181 and expenditure f 1808481 the deficit was 6000 leas thax for the same period of the previous year mr caey will move this resolution thai the guyurniuent sliuold gnaraufa u3jj b3 the report was adopted the electioa of officers wis proceeded with as follows peesiurvr joco duff fisrr vice peek sobert alio etccsn vice pai roliert irvin dikectoas acros jolin harver i li petr- ton uouc aaew and w h storey bis heary dnabar a j ccrtie jamea kixtwood aad thoc talbot eicxs- jao vriceacarthjuo bccrart abcxiu burk aad tuoc cameron xjuaxgarcri hogli akiaa tt irviaj wm tackaan and george hit eaaxosxjames black wm sharp m fer- ries and joseph crolu messrs d henderson and geo hynds were reelected auditors the date for the annual exhibition for the present year was fixed tor tuesday and wednesday 7th and 8lii october tbe president wax tfaen requested to vacate the chair in faror of mr a j cur rie when it was moved by h p moore seconded by alex waldie that the hearty thanks of the members of this society are due and are hereby tendered to mr john doff the presideat for his untiring zeal and energy ia the interest of our society particularly in connection with the annual exhibition and entertainments under its auspices oiten to the sacrifice of his own time and pcasureand we take thismeans of giving additional evidence of our appro- riatiou of hi efforts the motion was carried by a rising vote jx6 president duff replied tu suuable terms he had he said endeavored to do all in his power for thd society and would continue so to do he always had a kindly feeling for acton because it was the first town he stepped into in canada although he lived in erin he wjould rather work for acton union agricultural society than any other acton has the best grounds foe ex hibition purposes in the country and the people here were alive to the interest of the agricultural exhibition he had not intended to allow himself to be nominated tor a second tarn as president bat at the earnest sohciutioa of numerous members he had at last consented and now he wished to thank th members for the honor they had thus conferred upon him the meeting then adjourned porting to have been issased st the instance ot daniel graham to secure against the firm of botledge a johoston certain moneys in the possession of w j moore and being collections made by said moore toe the firm ot butledge johnston as graham had neither iasued such garciihea nor author izedany other party to do so khe self- interested debtor who had taken upon himself the- responsibility of causing such summons to be issued was instructed to pay cost of tame and the garnishee was dismissed itoreu vs biuivrace an actiou to re cover amoant of certain promisoty notes shilton udemeot mclean t mclean for plaintiff allan a baird for defendant for plaintiff with an order for ik mediate execution against defends ut bbowx vs wiltehs mclean a- mclean for plaintiff sought to recover amount ot an account due to said plaintiff judgment for plaintiff for full amount claimed many a life has been saved by the prompt use ot a yera pills travelers by land or sea are liable to constipation or other derangements of the stomach and bowels which if neglected lead to serious and of ten fatal consequences tne most sura moans of correcting these evils is the use of aves cauiartic puls tbe pru dent sailingmuter would as soon go to sea without his chronometer u without a supply of these pills though prompt and energetic in operation ayers pills leave no ill effects they are purely vegetable and eugarcoated the safest medicine far old and young at home or abroad for eight years i was afflicted with constipation which at last became so bod that tbe doctors could do no more for mc then i began to take ayers puls and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action to that nave i am in excellent heallhmra c e clark tewksbnry massachusetts i regard ayers pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our times they have been in use in my family tor affections requiring a purga tive and have given unvarying aatisfac- tion we hare found them an excellent remedrfor colds and light fevers w b woodson fort worth texas for several years i have relied more unon ayers pills than upon anything else in the medicine chest to regulate tot bowels and those of the ships crew these pills are not severe in their ac tion but do their work thoroughly i have nsed them with good effect tor the cure of rheumatism kidney trou bles and drspepsla capt mueller steamship felicia new york city i have found ayers cathartic pills to be a better family medicine for com mon use than any other pills within my knowledge they are notonly very effective bat safe and pleasant to take- qualities which must make them valued by the public jules hauel pertnmer philadelphia pa -at- jrm to rekt uelpt ac tou ieljsl rbjbrmyns jy io alan 1 fttfiaphessomfi during february v- i thfc boisb of hoke 1usst0xs of uie uidlud inodiuou rf lie uul csuniihuu acton r a meeting of the boud oc eoine lliaiont of the above ajaociitioo vu held in the bcptiit church here lut thandij- the following delegtlea were present ber f betttie gelt rev j u giimoor onnserille lie m p cutipbcu st kuyi bey w c weir end jr b bow- ell gtuiph iir mriittmh freeitoa be d o ifcdobtld etrttfoca itctsn r fv beer md k d tvirren georre- town be w t tpkott jramplon ud est b b cook actoo beiidee uie natioe and fioinu baei- nets of tbe dtt lessioni there re diicni- tionfapon knngeluticworkit oonueetion with the ajaocution and tbe adrif tbihtj of opening u fnguei ipeajung baptist church in berlin the puton belonging to the aaaociatiou engaged to eeaiet each other in propmed trcial aerricea in the evening a public meeting trac held when interesting addreuea were de livered by beva afeun weir giimoor mcdonald tapaoott and beattie iadi exhorting ehriatiana to work for the ad vancement of christ a kingdom the abaolnle laoodneh of til paper car- rensy iiaaed and circolaled u money and aboola make aoch gnarantem onrrrooy tegal itgdwbttbat ieoed buouern ayers pills nxrxxxo bt dr j c ayer co loweu mass bolibr an dealen u mailclaee mantle cloths cloakings dress goods millinery- hats caps and furs ax notice txarice 1 hereby slven bat allmpnidpaj wus i ot js5 fy w fa proximo nil be lerli t r ttggsihd sickus collide r acton 4nrlb- r s5js75 per moth and expeilto 8tjccesftjl sales- itffln aoilcitlnb oriera for a fulj hue ol nunerr btoek crimmlsaton ejven when preferrtd all stock luasaoteed orstdaas and true to uauic and can b examined before paid for thirty rear ssptrlanee to the business and reputation rtillreaublisbed special terms to new men fpr the nefu tplrty daji ko experience necessary nvrite at once fot ternu utidg ge 1 it gchase co vheckise svbstara geskmvt must be cleared out before march to make room for very large bpring stock which we bought before the advance larprices this is a chance to make money r b jermyn for sale a bare bargain is offered jo partr purebaaing a neat aod com fortable brick recidenee in good looality is yulafle ot acton and being in every resjeet a very oeairable properly having on the prtmisea aa abondant tbpplj- of hard and soft water and a hood ttable 7ms property voald be an attxactiye and con- tsjiient borne tor retired pfcrt or an unnsuajly prbuublb luteatment for ipeculatori or capital- lata por fall partictilars apply to 1 wjuooke bii office tn town hall acton- harris rnral annual for 90- 72 pages 240 allustrations containing articles ol interest and value to all growers of farm and garden crops yroitt flowers etc we vant onereader of every tamfly vbere tie faix pmtas is tasen to have a copy 0 thb bural akkval for 1890 it rfflu tent nil ii yoo want the besi of seeds llanta k ac we nope to get an order from yoa joseph hakis seed co uoreton farm if onroc co sy mutual five lusuranee coy fatal accidents boaed of edccat10k the cauunltteet to do the business of the pub- he school the x oaths accounts- the board a trustees met on- monday evening as per adjournment i members present a e kicklin chair man w h storey george hyods l francis james mattess minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed moved by w h storey seconded by james matthews that the standing com mittees for the current year be composed as followi ftxixcx v k rorcr aad oa uattbevt fsorcstt georfie hrada and iaaae francis sctfues isaac francfi and a e klcklm r v ft hatftirngnr1jai vitthrw the appointments were confirmed the committee ou finance presented their jirst report recommending payment of tbe following accounts hltcdongan3q cords ofwtxki tfltti 00 interest on load 43 00 booald ilann aawimi woodi is 00 j e jaclaon indoir shades g 03 it p hoorev election oxpenaca i 33 j b pearson school supplies s 07 t179 3s moved by w h storoysecouded by james matthews that the first report of the commit tee on finance be adopted carried the matter of tbe of tbe organization of calistbenic classes iu connection with the pobllc school was broaght up and debated moved by isaac francis seconded by george hynds that tbe secretary instruct miss alice bnowden gnelph that this board will meet and confer with her res pecting the organization of calisthfinio classes on friday evening next at 7 oclock sharp tbe board tben adjourned to meet ou monday evening lotbof march mil coltktt agalx unseated his appeal dismissed by the sujrcme coart and haldimand is afalu vltiwut a heiirtsenlauvf oiuit jan 23hl judgment was de livered in the bdpreme coart this morning iu the haldioiaaj election oaw all he jodses excepting j ml ice strong were present the appeal of mr colter i gain it the decision of mr justice faloonbridga unmwting him was dismissed with ootu chief justice ritchie dissenting a petition thai bolhigool twsive months in th jw uotored in the ad wbgiom jan tl when ise g t r train from kihcauiewu coming into wiogham station ihix momitg it struck and stflled aa old mji aimed latther storm whose duty it was ti watch the crossing when struck he was shovelling now from the rails and it is supposed he thoaght himself out of the reach of the train he was struck on the bead and hit bodynurled about thirty feet into a cattle guard death mast have beek instantan eous he formerly lived in linden brtutsaot jan ha fatal accident occurred yesterday on tbe farm of mr haraphrsy 2nd line korth adelaide in which a young man named jtaeph ander son lost his jife by falling iron a tree it eemsthat while anderson along with humphrey and his son weru out in the woods felling trees a tree being felled lodged in- a limb of another iree and an derson went up to cut it dowi hut just as ha got up he slipped aud fell i o the groand on his head breaking his neck he only lived a few seconds afterwards prosperity of wel nual meeting ot tbe mutual joof the county of wellington he companys office on tbe general 3 fire insuranoeg aihubeldint ttttjadayjllth february 189c as oclock pj1 when the dfrecton bepprt rttiintforlbe rear will be submitted thfe isotrf lpctoo 6n tke place of tbe re tiring onesana other business r bvordcr chas davidson secy gaolpb2stii j- ls30 i j f j 10 reward to our- customers c- dire distkes5 tcrrlljle tiles ocstarvjition and hafferias in south dakota cmcojo hi jan 23 a reporter just returned from the northwest brings a tale of terrible suffering and des itution in 19 counties of south dakota lathered from eyewitnesses the failure f four years crops has reduced those fori lerly well-to- do to direst distress m my thousand families lack means to purchase tbe necessaries of life the condition of tbe people in kingsbury and mil lor counties is heartrending- in tbe latte coanty they hare no flour tney live on a scant supply of badly ground oornmeaj every farm is mortgagsxibheavily most ol the block bas beeo sold by the sheriff at ruicalonsly low prices the women and children have pinched and meagre faces and in many in stances are unprovided with proper cloth ing the railroads have gi jen out a little coal where ft was most needed john bull hi halways get my dry goods boot shoes hand groceries hat the glasgow ouse hin acton toon iiand downt yow go hand forget hit neither hi tell yowhit- pays me hevery tahm hi deals vi em loost tr- hit for yoursen hand see hif hi avent been tellin tn treuth rpheabotbnvazdwiube paid lor lec ajipre- x beoaion and conviction of th ioo or persona bo dnetrored tne windows io hieri colttml bau 4 similar kkwu1d vila be paid1er information vhicb will lead to tbe caotiction of any perooo or persons found destroying any property within tbe eorporafion by order vnstorevkeete jany utliiss auctionsale iwoughbred duxjiam 1 lr i- and grade cattle e undersigned baa received instruction from dhswajren to aell bypublic anctiou on lot sb cqorrjwiiqn s euqnwwlnc to i i s siccan a place for bairgains as you gfasgie hoose in acton i dinna ken o in a these pairts baith the misters- henderson and mcrae are thocht weel of in a oor pairts an its the bonny bairgains they gie that tempts the bawbees oot o anes pocket thenoo and again tbeo johsv ln j- miles txotn acton sttion gt wednesday february 5th at 1 oclock abarp the fallowingbtect rinixea fialton ijily 3r4 haltoo lily 1th acton prineeta cth acton princes tth eaatar ere 5th easter eve 6th i 1w thejn iiriuh rcforuu lvon chief swallow daric lad- bulls troui 3 rjonuis old two irixo taiers- au toung stock- j re4 prince 10414 numlr of sueep teitus 10 months credit will be tjvwi on furnishing approved joint noas wmhembtbebt auctiombt p a witty writer has doaarved willi moch truth that every mat la iu a eense three iiherent men loth first place he u the man t trunks hlmaerw be in the second place he ia the mar other persons think him to be and 6nallybe is lbs man that he lealty i aad acoident ocoorreij on sooday by which a gnelpb lad of twel re years of age namel andrew sobarlo lost bis life he nu oat with several other oys and espy- ing a aqnirrel obaaed it ip into a tree while high np ou a limb ie fell lo the ground was taken np onjxraboiooe and died iu a few hours the mount forest ttlprvtatatm has jut completed ita fiitb year ill credit to iu enterprlslu a favorite with ita raaderf ibis journal publisher and ko rasper in wauimrton u belter prlntet or mor care- folly edited and nj bodttjut 1 a linjurtv sopeivljiiou it confident that pmt v 1 b- n shure and where abouts in the wide world wud oi go til for the splindid bargains if it isrit till thim same misther henderson mcrae co the glasgow house in acton beyant biddy always sinds me there for the foine tay an jshugar and dhriss an iverdthin else entoirely and they bate all for cheap goods henderson mcrae co kcton only one dollrr a year fancy gkood atreduccd prices at ir nmccarvincdv drug i stationery st acton spectacles vebt csz kdtpont mdk op rfjwr i scfcbjliou has beou paid a v i i twop i yi i ndfi itdi rint i tkiji r j ujeia aikfa j t 1 tow j tp fibenz icton sjaj pnutg j 8 j rii ntxt jor la v- ftbe t we toi f iuureaa 4 jtv livlpouioj 1 fs4 ca v rt- 7o j utoe v iw 1 1 dai i 5 j c kko 1 i liiia f ia l 4s- arvas ri m sagmio