hrj ji i ii it t f iolll is uli if it ikk ji stasias t- s ittiiitnsisit ismstsittswi i i tkui2in nejuirmui wit ib 1912 32 1 2 ii i t t tl iiitt11 i13p jingles and jo relets htlfaaluarwhu the whc upu iur witt ndtb prajrrihii orilt tiny i tho sabinof hrliutttca nyt l have trtnovl ten cocnftdm wayi orn ctre reader ta ihou and do likewise rnvumxiitkticvt son arc rheumatism iiiuralda eorc throat tiirictddiiom and coaxiicit for all thfe and other pduful tcoublct ifag- jatdwcliowotn the bct internal ud cilccntf remedv j ht jviltm jfm press xhtlesdar jaxcmrv lfir sfjf aurur joikfc ft tbs qpekixg yjur ttieou vearniiiu record s it cou far ertrcisr the kcr ytr tell cf icolu stand aiinc al tic door ui coald iir it over so lirfi e orthe iat tlal c hid lirei lb- lait tint isl il laaus teaching to ram frocl itlldtieiijcucc xtrs lead to stire uivicc ilu kih norf asj hjv uitli ittritoso crti and irsc let cs ps fcrlh tith ukxlixs cods rill ukl rcrt to do tbeflfiomrc tuouct fcaiicj aaddaytail darkiui tin i xi not o udly eoler tbc jtar kc cou ikia tdicesaxcl item iv a raid that thirty thousand people co o bed drunk ia glasgow every satordar johinbrighta first pahlic speaking via oc the came of temperance john b i toorh hid do tanner friend in england t atn mr bright- j the reason ihit some mea caat make t oth end meet ie hecaose they are too i mfly engaged in mating ote end drick there it not a brewery cor a distillery k7l barret of bonded liquor in the sute o k there is bat one pauper to o cry fs5s of the popaktioa and macy of t ledtyindajtmtyjtiht are etrpty tet rae intelligent nd respoctwe persons n ill pemat in saying that prohibition in lqu 5 s fsilore khal iflf pff eoxifr said t irect etu i efirti her brtgnt uzzk rteaiifcer tooi hlta i aa pearl tlore tea tad kun itis tad ci oa fcis i iac bet- tie kisses dont aaell good rhr le j tdsksmcr iera ui pod rith good sotiud pa in it pi hihitioa prevents povertr protect pr psrty promotes yeice prodeces plenty pr itidea pleavare procures prceress per- pe oatea pnxperiry prophesies paradik i the money expended on whiskey and rahipa by thia ooantry cu pat into mi aions christianity woch conquer the opd in decade josetosm u lady slid to her little daughters who i month earned the money which thev b nil t for their own ohildren i think yon ft atay too much last year if yon pire one tenth of your mooey this year it wili be too igh one d th ckflen tggfai o ma ocu we oaeonetenth ind we want i utile barer piece for the jcrenille gire the children gomelhingfor the mis- aiont j and teach them the blessedness of tbeuiine now is the nick of time one mm now a worth a hradredfiftj- years hence one dollar now is worth a thousand then the natites of india call ffie mtoiicatiflc hqaor m and wotd bj the gorernmrat hcenie goremment shame water tbi first missionary arrired in coret in 18 ihe fini coatert was baptized in lg xovlhere are more than 100 cfaratiacs in the coontry a gentleman of sew eogfed has given 4 1004x1 the coueeof the american board at kyoto japan- and i7c00o has been riuaed in japan a ijondon paper remarks tint criticism eemap3 be a disciphne which scits the miiacmry societies very well they lfcritcco dibptragement- the mat anodyne and expectorant for the care ot cold sad eottctis nd throat lauct and all broucluai troubles is u2 daabtdly ayers cherry pectoral alt yocr dmgdfit for it an j at the ra time far ayeca almanac which is free to all an old mitas advice xraicl moore xfccbsuic setucmcnl kcw dranswick txyt l stu goiug on 75 ywirs oage audiisd icrj- little hopes of getting suythiug to relive my eaurrb sceag kasal balmadvetttfed i scut to yoa for a paciate it hts doiic me a great deaj of pood i raciose i oa u for a farther apply part of which i iuiyrd giviug to an afflicted need i advise allsoffettn frcra catarrh to use kasil bilm pabie speakers actors lu vocaiicu find and statetbat dr thomas eclectrie oil relives fiosrscnes and irriution in the throat belter than remedies specially ldcr tiled to relieve tint difllrcltj this oil has a wide ictipe wncc it cures eitcrcal harts ccrn wares frostbites piles and a variety of other unhealthy cpriditiuuc ttip lnc and slrrfl tjf a city are like the vcius and arteries of the boiyf if foal or iinpare djfcciteresultc clciijse the blood from the fual hntuors by ushjceurdockrblood bitters tin best blood medicine ever devised to cure ill ho6d dis orders from a common piruple to the irorst ficrof clous sore john hays credit v 0tay- his ihooider tvss to lame for nice months that he coald not raise hi htiii to his hand but by the use of dr thomas eclectrie oil the pain and itmencis disappeared and tl- thoofih three moythi has eupsed lights not had ao attack of it since wornottttai rtttt oata by disease and debility the human syetem becomes worn oat and run down before its tttce kp the hold cleir tbo bowels regular the bloid pire the kidneysaiid- liver actire by the n of burjock bjocd bitters cttnres grtit touic and relator and disease cannot eiist ainct monufti are yon disturbed at uuht and broken of yoiicrcit by a lick child euffouug aud orytnj with pain of cut ucfl teeiht if eo tend at once and sot a bottle ot mrs wlitblow soothing syrup for cliudrao teolliing lu value i inoal- culablo it will reliovo the oor little uffcrcr i ir mediately depend upon it tnolhtn there is no mistake abuut it it cqkadywntrv and diarrhoea recalatea the tlcmoat rvaieut cpmplaiuu t ttptomaeu andboweli cures wind colic bofleuft the wtu reduces iuflammalioa and gives tone and energy to the whole ny- tern airs wnniown soothing syrup foe children leeihtng is pleasant to tbc taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and ben female physicians and nunes in tlie united saten and u for aalc by- all draigifiu ihrougbost the world price twentyfive cents a bottle d iqrc and ask for mrs wtnilowe soothic kyrup and tike no other kind attuatiott sorclj curctt totlokditor- ilcise inform your rtidcrs thst i hive a positive remedy for the above named dii- case by its timely use thousands of bo i- less cacs nave owu ikutauauy cared i shall be glad to gen d two battles of ray remedv mcc to ay of your readers who have coniamptioa if they will lend me their express and p j address eespect fully dk t a slochi 1g weal adelaide ht toronto out if yoa want to bay or sell i ftsm ad vertise in the toronto frrzy ifc7 that paper reaches 100000 faxmerii homes every weefc and yocr advertisement ehoald meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of thisclass are in- serted in the toronto wecly tfcil for five ceptsa word etch insertion or twenty cents awnrd for fite insertions address the mail toronto canada hndtfciichxacr ifre george fiewellinj st john xb wtites i have eagered from weakness and cofliveness so i twnght a bottle of burdock blood bitters and before 1 finish ed it r noticed achieve after cdug three bottles rm now entireiy cared and recom- cead b b b as e positive care for cos- tiveness csluiszsli cozsol litii philip came running into the house when it wis snowing tad the sun was shin ing wng o roammi we are tpinz to have akhowbowr a teacher askd a class to write an essay on the besolf of lgzioeas jand one of the brigjit bat lazy boys in the class tacded in as is composition a blank sheet of paper- tteareau worms exclaimed the preacher in his sermon and little bobby whowsirfouctn the discourse attentive ly whispered to his mother then thats the reaipti why the big fish twsuowed jonah isnt it mamma t as little laura was aboot to start for sondaylchcol namms said dont yon want ip tell eucei yoar text again before you go rj for a moment laura hesitated if she had forgotten tbenher face brightened and she answered promptly am brothers tmiuc-bxpa- 1 a fulfi sanded grandfather recently had lik beard ibaved off showings dean face for the fir t time for a number of years at tfaedini erlablefais threeyearoid gracd- danghterj oticed it gazed long with won dering eye and finallyejaealated dan pa whose iead yod dot on clean bands m rrauers of money among the soaug certainly oagbt to be the iudispeosal ie condition of ccntlemaniuiess no man wl o borrowr and does no pay and does n t ore whether he pays or not is a geutlen an no matter how witty or gay or fine he n ay be to speak iu good plain eagjish thi man who dresses himef at anothers depense not feuowins how to pay not car ng whether he pays is t fjeu teel acoundr d christffl u and iu happy holidays are at hand s i chnitmas gift is more appre ciated than jie iplendid photos executed bfliamshfv the artist what is nicer than a weu tlkep family uronp and the country side knowi he w superior in this line kitiui may be had at any tiqe wlietber the j weather be fair or cloody wishing you w compiimenu of theseaion etc f luniuir do not neglect it it should be loosened as soon as porible and to do this nothing eqilshagyxrdspectorsjbsisinj obstin ate coaghs yield at oncer to its expectorant soothing sndhealing properties while col is hoarseness whooping coah asthma etc are promptly relieved by its perfsct action on the throat and bronchial tubes r c c ekluaci k co gects i certify that jlinirds liniaent cured my daughter of a severe and what appeared to be a fatal attack of diphtheria after all other remedies had failed and recommend it to all who msy be afilicted with that terrible disease joitv dcuiliilm french ikge jany 13 the ant tout lcjjhc artbetitt visible in cinxdi will occaroct 1st loq pat this in yoar scrip book im- periaj cream tartar batirm iowdcr ec lipses air others made absolutely pure that tooin of the socl the dinner beliasbrjon calls it sugets no pleas ing refections to the dyspeptic bilious sefferer he parukes of coarse but the subsequent tormeut is egregioasljvoat of proportion to the quantity of food be est which lies undigested a weight like lead mhisunhappyttotnicu there is i remedy however and its name is northrop k ly mans vegeuble discovery and dyspeptic care xo case i entirely helpless i kcaat cam tort a e sutterlng brawns ifoceehold panacea hts no equal for relievioi piin both internij ind external it cares prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lembago and any fcinl of pain or it will rnost surely qcicken the blood and heal ut its acting power is wonderfah browns hpasehold pan- aoea being acknowledged as the great pain believer aud of doable the strength of any other entir or liniment ia the world ihoald be in every family bandy for cse when wanted as it really is the i best remedy in the world f nr cramps in the stomach and piius und cfaes of all kinds and is forstle by all droggiits at 5 bents a bottle the third pue ot the toronto xuf ileitis noted for uant advertisements if yoa wut o buy or ell anything if you want a eitnatiou a mechanic a bust ncss machinery lodgiugs if qu have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto ihuly mail and rcid the advertise ments uti the third pae o that paper the charge is two cents a word each in eertkrj addrws th hail toroato can- ad i writ viewed dear sire i cm recommend ifagyarda eilow oil as a sure cure for rhearmtum i had it for sonu time and was cared by two bottles aud i mutt sxy that it is the best thing tcintt for general use is a pain rclievtr j mrtiii htretbaven ont r mr t c berchard public school teicher norland writes daring the fall of les i was much troubled with biioanes and dypepia and for part of the time wb unable to attend to thedaliecoi mvprofe6 ion north rf -pi- lymans vegetable die- covery and dyspeptic core was recommend ed to me and 1 have much pleasure in ftiting that i was cntitelv cared by using one bottle i have not had an attickcf my old complaint since and havegtincd fifteen pounds in weigltt it is worse than mtacess toneglcct a coagb or a cold which is easily eubdccd if taken m time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death ipflsmmitiorj when it attacks the delicate tisueof ihc lungs and bronch ial tubes travels with perilous rapidity 4iie- druo deliy get a bottle of bickles auticonsomptive syrup the medjcine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it irom the sys tem this mediciue promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heads the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in caring coo sumption and other disease of the throat and lung if parents wish to savo the jhes of their children and them eclats from much anxi ety troablj and expeate let them procure bottle of dickies anticcmiumptive syrup and whenever achild has iatencold has a cough or hoarseness give the syren according to directions people the preparation conta and most pnwo wonder when thoy fiii i how rapidly health la restored by taking ayorb sat saparilift eason is that this us only tha purest i fill alteratives and lonlca to honsai tls yearly it proves a vtrltablo elixir of 1 fo ailrs jos lakei brwkwav centre mlcli writes tlvir coiaplaint and ndf goat ion laadcjiuy life a burden and camo near emutijr my exuunce for more thau fotifi years i mitfcred tin- told agony i wak reduced almost tu a skeleton al haidly lmd mrcnirth to drag wyxlf- abourj all llids ot fcod ltrvued me niuljonly uos deli cate could if digihetf at all wiibin the inn uicitiloiku eril plijsiriaus inatcd ni u ithom jriviug rtliif noth- lug that i took setiujcl todo titiy jxy- maucul cood until 1 ixgun llic iiy o ayerv irnakirili which iias ntf- duccd wonderful results soon after commencing to ukh the saxwparflla i could bcc an j improvement in my conditicn tny appetite lan to retitru and with it ttiuie tbc nhilitv ti digest nil the food jtaken tuv ftrcfigth improved each day and after a few months of faithful attention to vour directions i found inyof a well wairau able oaf end to all household dmics the nictllcie lai given ne a new lease of life aud i cannot thrnk you too much we the undersigned citifcrj cf brockwny centre mich herein- tertifv that the above sins euieiit- niaie hv mrs lake is true iii everv larticular and entitled to fulljciwleuw o i cbanibcrlaiu g w waring c wells druggist j my brother u qicland was for i long tnneuramc u attend to bin oceit- liatlou by reason sf uores i lin fool i sent liiiu ayers aldiaiiaaml the te- timunls ifvmtaineil fuddicd jdm to try a rn karsairilla after using it a little while hi was urwl and isnov- a well man workind in a sugar mill at brisbane jneendkl australia a atteweli sharlt lube ontario aflrt saraparilla or j c lone utii luk- prof loisettes memory olscoyeftrand training method a titt of xdtmitd isrxitkjvj whkb k v- hwwj laiiiciclroitrffl urickj ta ic ui um tvei m l r a a it covhm wnijijin eocidian tad ia ipiie f ti titcnrpt lo p6ha ot 1 be net at bit uixtt il c t hich ttaaant oijtfsdia ijiirono if ctntpccjeac wicr that lilt srtfeni u vxd tnr vkie wr tvdii v cfttnknit lulau 1tltviilr nv m a tittle teraiiadtnrt3iriis ar m f a lo imrttfivmt fitui avcane s v wjs we mean the mammoth house georgetown is the headqdabteha for millinery millinery novel ties mantle making mantle materials ore s making dresscoodsand dress 8llks tailoring cloths suitings overcoatings and cents furnishings catarfcal 0aliichay feicr x aew haute tccxtatrat sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are coatagtoai or that they are doe to the presence of living parasites in thelimngmembrance and eaitichian tubes kicrosocpic rescarcb howerer has proved this to be a fict and the result cf this discovery is that a timple remedy has been formulated ivhcreby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured iu from one to three simple applica tions made at home by tut patient once in two wecis- b this treatment icuot a a etyjs or in ointment both have been discarded by reputable physicians asinjar- oue a pamphlet eipltiuing this new treatment is scut on receipt of ten cents by a- u uiion a- san rl waz king street toronto canada toronto gl sufferers from catarrh troubles should carefully read the above i to 0l subscaibeus- htrtl uax bc lauhicimaii friend the gpecialannoancement which appear- ed in our- columns eomff time since so- noanciug a cpeeial arrangement with dr b j kendall ca orfcoabaryh falls vt pablishers of a treatise on the if omc and his diseases whereby our subscriberd were enabled to obtain a copy of that valu able work free by tending their address to bj kendal jco and enclosing a two- cent ktamp for miilfog the aame is re newed for a limited period we trait all wilt avail themselves of the opportunity of oltaiuiug this valaabfe work to efery loverof the horeeif isindipeuaable ai it treats iu a dimple manner ail the diseases which afflict this no6ie animal iu phe- nomioai sale throughoat the united states and canada make tt standard aathority keiitioa this piper when sending for treatise if you could suppress the exorbitant love of pleasure and money we curosity in- iquitous pursaits and waton mirth wfiat blijlcess woald there bv in the great cities the necessaries of life do not occasion at mst a bird pirt uf the burr v j vke largest scilfc iyorks in cana3a over 00 styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales ihproyed showcases moket drawers heatcfeoppars uu 6jtcku3 c wilson 60 esplanade strkrr east torontc ont liesacc tuii p na8aijjalm acfiuic irl treed v cere f coh ia its tikil mi cizii in a ia lutta soetthlhcjcujutsikc heaukc rarstmkelef pcnii crtt fifc irrcti tic cf nhil bitw be uine1 vt line lktded ia tctd resii in cturth fihawd cco3 tsd dcs vial tiixu iaolibr ldrziitt or ril besnfi crcpcc fulforq 4 co baofcyiufoict r btwrare cf fwitsticas siaisir ia mrss the ttxess mroiitant avv6rckiixt oitr ubiat foe 1890 iehnihs lo il tin iljoni jj iii uill ctc oj fl lucnuilcrv iibtumtl5i ycuralpit iauitj8io spiirl dfciti ear td toolliacljc liruiiti eud irftij t cords slojsfi eons eary by ovemav uncfirrefrrjurecsalcr prlllrtrz vux ik irrn urtrit x pi fc artf r- i i ti i 1u riw uw- fol cieo rr c i fi rxrc ttrc u a ticitcr x iih ilflltml mfre t3ks icntfi ilheic rujiiir dfiij ujut ii enrjody c3 cjelifiririi ftr ii- mhj cii f tlf ifcxn ifto creates cvm rin -i- iciixeh to ail pocscstterri vnr rlimrrsimcjbniu nttccs 16t1j irrji r r iclnhmie aft l t finis mi cutikcofilii s ctlttjo iii- wmm mms vll cure or relieve dizziness ladies we lave an exteudrc varioty of fur boaaand mafia in llie latest styles colors and very lou- irices we have them in bear beaver lyux wallaby seal persian lamb mink astrachan goat imitation bear imitaton seal opposum and muffuloon gents fur cap3 4n beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal mink and french seal fnr robes and fur trimmings of all kinds our stack is very extensive th2 principal part of it was pur chased before the recent advance iu woollen and cotton goods novelties aud scarce goods de sirable and cheap goods are add ed to the stock every day our staple stock is immense and very cheap we can give you the greatest bargain ever offered to tliv public mantle goods fnr cqv worth 100 or 75c worth si 75 a magiiificietit scalette tor 000 worth f 1000 ailwool double vidtlr beauti ful colored henrietta dress goods for uoc per yd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black aud colored silks aud satins aud a choice lot of remuantsof colored shk- and sttiub being slaughter ed for 50c peryd that were 1 00 and 150 per yd plushes 25c per jd up other dress mater ials for 8c and 10c perydvvorth twice the inouey winceys for 5c per yd worth 10e prints for 5c per yd worth 10c check ed shirtings for sc peryd worth 13c tweeds for 25c worth 50c grp3 flannels lie per yd up good allwool white blankets lor 175 per pair ilens under shirts and drawers for 30c worth 50c au immense stock of ready- made clothing and overcoats nice hoysovercoats200 mens suits 100 aud the biggest drive on earth in mens overcoats for 450 aud 700 worth 1000 boots and shoes ladies and gents overshoes and rubbers carpets ia brussels tapestry allwool union hemp matte oilcloths and a splendid union carpet for 25c worth 50c pat ronage respectfully solicited v mcleod co geoecetown attractions ret from olil and j to i fu tlc xoethiiiv mitmvjii nuu tanuuiit jjc tut ip- till uktrau-d- arid contain iho kutidtv ficlilil and nts aliuudaetol inttrtst hi the jitt ot rrenjitim bcjosforoldiiidic- eulucrilxry acnu vctil simple ct jiirt frc joek dojjgali fclffok witness 1 office montreal the best family kewspiper in cmsda ectaliluied nearly liaji a cou iiry king oflhe weeklies i -1889-80- free press llvdov ost11sio tke hakdsomest prikted paper ik the domihiok all the news in ilj t rrii ifria ilestion ivvdice r pifus dropsy fluttering of the heart aciorry of the stomach dryness of the skin evdry sptcfes of di mrisfnz r 112 bowels ok blood tr f1 rfrtitorf- ttaiiiteeiiliicjitiujdfc vntti ci to tiie hour of imlliciliii uluttratjout iractiti ad ivfu fich wck srsw llarbct dtjiari ajrrjnjltnnu uciirtact ct story cjvayt jiuuuiof irj inns iurilu coiulji iiiiuj uruus itidiu jtfet the thivg imv tilt ivuiuf everjilicyiberof lje losliold cacck foritcicb ti tlieasricuitsrajpeiiirtirikat u a t turc oc tljl free irew bciris askjk tiincw and ooadnctcd hy iicrtcm r fcaicdiufann work- large 6100 paper iiitluucf fouraajuitiirarji7 iadi balance of 1839 free ly loobi tea fix- itj tje rally a hasdsos1k chflrstiras xcjtber -1kh- j iqvu ckuaifos fwvtuaaa f r oi thirqa ut tvltj- msriur t rh ht h fciraacu icceuoifiic cljrunnas cumber itoaoaice it a wm aadaloae ortn tie price cf tie iqii- kverjthicg is prepared and ready for yoa busy hnjs and hasy brains have for weeks past been at work preparing a irest cbristrnifi sorprise for yoa and tiov the feast is spredi and yoa are invited to come and partake christmas that mot pladiorne time of all the year always lends peculiar pleasure to shopptnc pletscre to the poor and wealthy rnav be the laying eimply o that which ia necess ary for bodily warmth or comfort or the cratificatioaflf aeluence and ictcrj- acd m w csq more pleasact to the average humau heart thau vvhenthe pcrchae par- lakes of a eurprisc to some loved one gar bet impoucs and sympathies arc thns called oat oar display is confined in eoods fecit- imately within the line of oar business ah goods of practical usefulness as well as richness aod beauty every dollar spent with cs coes far coos oe practical use ilcmernfaer we are headquarters for dry goods the many pretty and useful article now displayed on oar ehelres and counters will in a few days be distributed and make clad the heart of many a child wo- man and man dircifxis varying from jo to so percent off tiie regular trade values oa many hes ou which we hive made recent very heavy parcbases nt sacrific prices will add additional attraction to the wealth and beauty that is displayed everybody likes a bargain and especially so at christinas time and yoa can get it from us aimct 75 lidiea hiesea and childrens mantles and jackets at reduced prices about 1c0 hens and boys overcoats at rtdaced price about 2jq mens and boys icr caps at reduced prices about 230 ladies jersaja at reduced smi ditictiiivr parity of textare beauty cf color and lownesa of price are charceristc of the goods we show here lovely evening shades in poofior surahs merveilleuri xealliefraucafs rich black i silks of every price lovely silk handkerchiefs lovely em broidered handkerchiefs reliable kid glovea all colors stiiocs kid giovefi all tiicacbarintec knitted woolen cods graud valae iu cash mere hose dwjs gooirs are always soacbt after at christmas time oar ppecial importations fill our shelves with beaatifal fioods that cannot fail to please hnririiviviijxi- juit a touch here on the linens the value in table lineas by the yard will amaze yoa while the beautiful snowwhite fringed cloths in 21 23 yards long with- doylies to match will appeal to your good taite ladies bear boas i sfuffbeaver capes and ifoffs lyni boa aud muffs persian lanib seal and astrachan muffs all use ful and attractive in their way and very but were crowdedfor space and mast halt 400000 people in canada and united states vouch that if you are bick they are the only remedies ih the would yiik hll gve you hetalth dbsl4z extract from the scientifio papery of great britain and europe j ktwommnmutmu the four preateit ra ml cal csrtrc of tho world are leadoa psrj berlin and vienna thoa cici hvo fnimenio lioiruu tfcnir with ufftriuc humanity crowdi of itudciiu throng tha wajui atodvinff under tho rrofcsacri ia charge xhcinoit renowned y-y-i- clanjof the world teach and prc- ticeberoand tho institutions rrc storebdiua of medical knolis and axpericucfl viih a view of making this exrerience availili to the ptililic tho hcritfll etmcdy co ai triiat cxneiue jeecrcd tha jireicrlptiflnr of these hciritali prernrcd the specnlci and al- thoagh it wocll cost ftoai to jlmtflsacure the attenticn cflfctir diirfuibixl prioaatorii yet fa thii way ikeir pni pared sci are offered at the price of the quack pateat medicine that hood tho market a niabtardjy claim to cure every ill from a ting i a bottle- tbo wast always felt for a reials elai ot doacsticrtmeditf is now fiilai with rrivct satiifactlon tiis hoijtal rcratdioi rcake no urca tonal claims the stcic far caurrh cares that aid notbisp else so with the specific for brcc- chitjj cortumpfion and lurg troubles rhcaniatiiin it caret ty no 3 winie troalifi of dcetici btornach liver ard kidcejf hive their owu care- jolhese fs added a nchicforkevernd agtio ono for itnale wcakrciia ceneral oaicard lfoodmaker that makes mojiikcj civii farm aid faliii-r- an aji ircorrifaniuo rcaiciyfcr ncrvtdi tnulily to lili had ofal uk- ot3ts xo xcwrj ctrsff tar rens c00 catarrhal detfsz stm atrtktitu cur emaitirg fnri scienuc- tsanoi tint- befjia tfi obiie- ibis it net a srstfir clnijrcribcii eta tfxstftf cs bjurkrj 8100 vo 1c0vghs colds bbohhms asthifdj c0hsjuftigha ir com nor able rtnud fatl not jsvjj ip c co- f- ii crsdieatea im sitease and zuziit ttzturgz rat rtstoru uajiti utu gicizc4icczceftft 9l0o so zbhzlmtisifa tfiwifs kf end raff- lrcj rcca vis ciltcjc fcrit at be trtots rohinj ds tjt iu ttpaeioflor thii remedy v vo 1llyer kwucxs ctpsa akd wigcsrtoft cstipatw s6ffrscf8ese a faccnu ianghurfj c- the fan tho his nsed rort iremaff iai c7aci iita rtmtdjf tarztlined m ugt pacss- 100 vo rtvtr am ague duu3 avsc utum hluralskfto kaoa ust gravs dssisqt js dees he lit tat t it trtatedto btii i fzratii e use a ttmtdy taaljradecits it s1cc sog feltatf weakhess tsrzsvit7e whites uomen ait bnics ra- lczh the rifled tfsi diseases until thrrrt rj izd use kz 6 a reftun htzlth cd iirtj- c0 vo jxcaltk fqru ah0 fvlxzzz dfcrt cr eocd blood and lets ef it tfiieikifuud is r i tctasiry kit tilt ptfftct tanz 1cj vo sherycus desiuty iocs cf pcxca cuack cretdde paitfewilhriia rfzit r rrzlo for at irfsrtuae condition hi c i ci t ill ort trial altl prvee be a its ef zzi cjzin in ho chree mk pfkt fcrciss ci arurss drugs atj pliis the properties cf cct tcitll igrarajit and to azote uj if 7 inur czitfdc liiffcttcri j ctai t m rr txfza cscis ft- ficirf cso izrvj irltrd 5- dc r boccij iiirrl t tt-i- iru i secf smp fzr deizripi uitcciziweiq j sfiralriiemojtorontocm- headquarters for t first class goodscheap i beg most respectfully to calfour attention to niv new v i ketuof ghuatcarc setts cf white dishes setts of china dishes fancy caps and saucers vases hand limps stand lamps hall lamp- library i uracket iatnp utit cattcrs states strides bells tack knives ixincink knives ilevolvers gens crests setts of carvers setts of mrs potts sad irons seiw of knives and perks setts cf silver fork setts of silver knives setts of silver tea spoons setts of shveriert spco setts of silver table spools f fcr whips aij x tt and an endless vsjrie ty cf gther articles at kock ucttcm trices a fine line of choice croceries xcw lliitiss xettccrrmli xew lemon ped new oracle peel xek citron peel kefliv ilitracts set chocolate chriatiaf bisczi sev candies ktc etc etc call and see our stock we have a thousand and one- things not mentioned here which we will sell at the lowest possible prices for cash wishing all the compliments of the season 1 remain yours etc t b pearson pringles stock 0 batches watches both 1gold silver this chriitmis is l tim ever an ttpxaily arrc nurcter oi fffled gold oases iiting baostt in j untitles to ispply our ra popular clubs write h- particakrs about cur club system pringle the watchmaker of guelph railway time crantl trunk eiiists- ooisg r ejlrc iacjr mh i tlrcjliiji lecoiu i- jvu i asulrh iiurenlcsisoaufj tvslar15 ocirff ha 1 i iiu a ft i cl in iu niac osuutcr iijikijr kendalls mm tim one ot im ttst lateen n cuse i i i joiinlrulr cuiilfcjg kendalls spaviil mjr rajkwuutu w dear eiti t tusirr drt r usitamvig pafinaadl fcitcfomiitacfts3ft2tf allj retneimeixl jt io ajtorstcura a vmrtuulr -a-e-coear- hiscr tnj lioa- kefldalls spaih pete v ocomf iteluwrdztj tnarwhstl kira klarfltodt tit- asir4 wi rttimvlffji boowaad joilowwt tha arrtdwaa i b2z ion a eaiwr an j tm t vouri ljjlr axicr ttaira u kelwalls spawltis r imcelrerbottieorilictiafoftsxnfcki t rul4 lar- it creaa k h lor yoa a- tt in bets to aaradrtniu pa rtcrt oi tirjce by the tos 1 ton tft u j keoau co eicbwih jastft sold by all ikrgq3bt8 mid 48 pvfiest stbcfisest best j ccttiiro i3 v ajuta znzzi itzx rrcriate syimrtsrrijiz ewgillett -vsorl- laircrr r ike crtttntair rr u rzisi cisb n fri rjuitfttr i in et r rrnry a i a ir arl tleu v im return i rt a uaiiml lotll j fits epilepsy or failing siokivess i st e is rcml lf rf ht v or- i j trrii vte av i- h o soot rc ftrrrrii 0m lp1 weit ajjialds street icrro 1 pu rseelrl2ps oem povsees agents wanted ererrwhare l caah cornmlaaon allowed rue uiqtl ioilar paper to work for leaner can be madadrjniij tha fan and icaaon worfciiiir for ue fret ivw i auj- oilier iuilonoiai iij- phess iujujcliitarii v ihwk h e r bollert 2 5 t 1 lower wyndhim st quel ph speight son acton j a speight manager i wc caa suit all udektaklg nii ecuirauc wa uoe of lie city at otic halt eity jirics our hearse wi andfl eriajl xl rivoijty t stewabt itfo co i kir st awit tcrclto and metal scamijs