Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1890, p. 4

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bf jfr t- v i ivk r fre6 pre8s calendar asaamii cttoitjfrftfrcss tkhrkday jani-aiu- 1880 jijc oung jolks tss woujuror rodr ih nebrevgrfcimilautt sheiscqoaiitcduanortir oil tb obtieuy tt fa r wl ll tnodcru laucoae 8bt h t4dbrhriirtsiacr her kat and scfcojsrhaacr ind ia tocc ifcci a eaccc of cjnuttiocahi it 5h t full of keen 3fijiae iu the ktljoct rksl it maj- lai oa tatt tocial qccsliot she hat fomfliiiactpt to y loo mr see let qttcfcre kindle with a bright and rivid test it tit mantiaa of a tyndall or a rcxiey potost case scrips of isnuoc the vih diih up with tkill that miiris tfaesi tire a will irjae rith a bshot gmj oa diarcii prerocut kith her ott sex th will chatter la the prop time tad place 3a tome rinl household cxur with qnalnt tad uitetm ihe instructs the cntrsiaed scrract to perform hia lui witii mm lad if called o sill war ferreaf orr fafaatde disease ib caa cook aad ruh tsd gag taoaca perfaapa thed rather cot i tsy tennii ride and anile and ii quits a champion iihot j 1 rom the public platfana jtss win vitfa the viir of a whorell 1 or lie wit trf sydney smith kfocjtt mere diaaawi dies c tritoa alio will always hare her wr jheliaa admirable criehtnn v- ii the womai of todar j fran tke si jamet gazzxt twohilllnwtkblemtban ou pay mor dhrivin uim wa the ready re iponw 0 ooarw wo touuded bim on ihfl rent qocition and elicited thfl economically in termlinft ttslnmcnt that rial wud be very hotrli- u he paid il bat n ho never thouftbl p doing bo be wit not to mrc that rent was w iniqniloqi tax ponw of hia altrtl brethren deemed it oodcorning his cart he ititirmed u ccu fldenually hat it never had bee a ncv aud to cjaiot our ciprcatcd fear thai the hone would not live to et as hack to the dock be assured ijt that he had drive a him iwinlj yean an he iiiver doiod yit after pirtinj with tat wc calkd back to him froai the lender ou which we were ifeimiug oat touie thin sc yoa liter pat that deptnds he shouted ottwhit the ttrac v day sure uartr jingles and to relets hatfao hottr wlik lh wiie uea the wits aadlfie uay itolhet grave worm kitcrmioilor has no eqaai toe desltoj iup vrorms iu chimrca indtdalu sec tint yoa ret theccnuinc whfld porchaaing aerbxnf throw all thccnwhoietomciukius iow- dcr outboard acd use nuly the imperial cream tartar tttkiiu iowdtr whoopiuji coaih croup sar throat coldc aad the lani troaba peculiar to chil dren are casify caalroed hy admuteriuc ajxci c pectoral th remedy is cafe to take certain iu iu action aud adapted to all ca5litutios prratuocsteknevt- the most previjcnt coraplihits nt this eeaacc are thecnzitism uecralia fore throat iallixatioat and coneitiunt for all tie and other piiafal troabei hag- yirac yellow oil is ui bct internal and eiternal remedy john hjf credit p 0 eay- his ahoalder was to lime tor nine mouths that he coal j not raise his hand to his haud by the use of dr thomas eclcctric oil the paitt end lirneaets disippettred and al- though three a 3ctht lis elipsii h his not had an attack of it tiasc i u hora wtth k qceessto wx jehc v tifla waiting gome yean io for her majesty mailata arrive at qaeenatown tbei to meet the ocean greyhnond npoa wbj zk i was retorning from a tnmmer in eai ope accomapied fay t friend i urld off 1 ma jaunting trip throoii the city of c ore and furrotinding hflla oar driver wai a typical coveiie indeed it would a u if the iiangtenn covt apnlied to ndiridaal of his stamp wis derived froi a the quondam name bt the latterday qaenstown since so many fpodmeoi of tail class are to be geec opon the docksof her faeantifnl harbor j 1 ne trap in which we journeyed was qaite nj jerure of the famoai onehone thiy ant the melancholy steed that in response to i he chirrups of our jeha dragged as we rily overthe roogh roadeseemed so blaw thaf it excited our coramenti and led to i wager between as as to the came to wh ich the animal anrsteredv when he anrweredat all iti bet yoa a sovereign hii name it mi ikey i ventnred m bet a poand his name is dennis retcted my wmpaaiocv unconscioasly drapping into what has since become a fan ota timg phrase pat iquariad what is your harses nuier thar depinds yer honor retaxned he i inis or mickey whicniver wan of vez cos i halves on yar winniac 3vljaredoffbntparat his ha sovereign for his wit he coin m pat comomaicxtive and he jroceededlo regaleos with same more or ha startling- reminisjencea among which be ocladed one pf an explosian he had once wil nested the noise of which was tiiot loo l it ma me so dxfe oi cuda hear it i ce matched tieoft told story of how one ofj is countrymen broke the news of a com rad b death to the bereaved wife by asking he if the widow staloner was in by sn- oth a- which i bospebt he evolved oat of his inn it consciousness and which was briefly as allows pn called at the house of his deal brother having been warded hy hia eon rrades to do his wark delicately and pre- paisthewidowsmindforwhatwastocome faef tre he acquainted her with her bereve- me it y i top o ttf raarnin to yez icissna hz- csftfay he began 1 same to yez histher siccaae its ony oi am far yez xiususk-cftr- ah for whoy otd kcowr t th roosther s did ye dout mine it vceh oi tort loifcely he- doy ah bat itwstntthrocujerthotdoied at i ii at all twasihc pigv the pigict anwhoyrecthlodyr thayre aint no body befca it wasnt th 5ig bat theopld cowthat doieil ah go long- wid yez paddy mccane ph rat thot bat th cow tfnazin oa th grass oat thivre th cold boes is live a 003 ir yez j0i know thot weil miua mccarthy bekase that eowtogtlifed yocr hoosband mcke whots lyin did bebw forninct dei iny barfces- i aii paddy but joiire a dfcroll felly to be fm loike that to me sloifce did oi cdi oot kotooch jvp i woold not be sarpriezaj if if r kcccoe fel that all hia uct had been thrown my- c nr driver according to his own slate- me it was acquaint with a young eriib- ma who had soajht fortane if sot fame in the western hemisphere and concerning wh m he was quite solicitous assuming thatwehad of course me with his emi- grt ad friend j oid loike t hear well av the hje he ssi j thongh oi fear he gouc wrong hi poor mother is a botherin lerrelf oat enlnrely beksseavhica for bkcuune us gin jemin the bye wiat an- paid his tint in k e v yark whoile his mother at borne vis doj iu for a dhrap 0 poteen i i ach an nnprecedentjy depraved course elit ited oar heartfelt sympathy fbcu asked if he had ever vuited loft 6oiimt tiniqde friend observed that he the laaea and ktrrett of a city are like the veiiis and arteries of the body if foal oe irpare disease recalls clente tiie blood f rum the foal haaors by asing bardock blood b tiers th- best blood medicice ever devised to care all blood dis- orden from a common pimple to the worst ktofoioas bore troroastaiid rws rkiri by disease anddebilitylhehamsii system becomes worn oat and run down before its time keep the head clear the bowels recahr the bleod pure the kidneys and liver active by the use of burdock blood bitters natures great tonic and regulator and disease cannot exist the laws of the hedes and persians were not more immutable than those of nitace ifwe transgress them we scifer some timeshowever we break them inadvertent ly dangers frequently take the form of dyspepsia constipation and biliousness which caa be eaily repaired with northrop fc lymxas vegetable discovery and dys peptic cure the great bloos purifier and renovator of the syiteai sarfdem chanzx- mrs george flewelling st jcfxn x b writes i have suffered from weakness and coetiveness so i booght a bottle of bardock blood bitters and before i finish- edit i noticed a change aftercsing thiee bottles i am cow entirely cured and recom mend b b b as a positive care for cos- tiveness if yoa katc a causm- do not neglect it it shoali be lyosencd a soon as possible- and to do this nothing equals hagyuds pectoral b elsam obstin ate coughs yield at once to its expectorant soothing and healing properties while colds hoarseness whooping coagh asthma etc are prompuy relieved by its perfect actiua on the throat and bronchial tabes well pleaf dear eire i can recommend kagyards yellow oil as a sare care for rheamaliem- i had it f nr some time and was cared by twohoules aad i mast say that h is the bestthing i ctn get for general use as a pain relieter jmrstiu straibxven onl there is cat a more dmeroas class of disorders than those which affect the breath ing organs kallify this danger with dr thooiaa eclectnc oil a polmcnic of acknowledged efiljacy ft care lameness and sorenens when applied externally a well ai swelled necfc and crick in the back and as an inward specific poesess most sabstantial claims to public confidence the flthrrjqacicfan is an important one bat the question of pxracaoaat importance today is vithit call we ase for cattrrh ilr john 3fcswm model school teichr charlotte- town p ei- siy i enclose yoa 50 oent- forwhichbend me a packaeof kaal blml the package i recetvei some timg ago hii done me a grext dd of giai o much that f think it will care me cc erlhaeiisaco geats r certify that mtnards liniment cared my daagbwr of a sovereani what appeared to be a fttal attack of diphtheria after all other remedies iitd failed aci recommend it to all who may beaiiiicted withthat terrible diflic 7 joits dborriliix french village jany ls3 mr rcberchtrdpabucschocrt teacher korland writes daring the fiitaf i3si i was mach troubled with bilioascess and dyspepsia and for part of the time was unable toatteud to thedatiesof my profess ion korthrop k lymans vegetable dis covery anddyspepticcarewas rbcommeai- ed to me and i have mach pleasure in stating that i wa entirely cared by asiag one bottle i have cot had an attack of my old complaint since aad have gained fifteeu poaud in weight beitkmd ctmuri ta fbc kofferlnff bcowaa hoasebold panacea has no equal for relieving pxwi both inteiial and external it curei prut in the side back oc bowels tore throat rhcaroatism tooth ache lumbago aud any kiild 0 fain or che it will tnot urely qaicken the blood aud heal as its acting power is to ovn synsciti the ipooislaououncetpeot which appear cd in our coloimis sohwume iinoe an- noancina a upocisl arrangement with dr u j kendall co of enosburtffc falls vt pablithon o a tnatise ou laic hone and his diimicv whereby oaf tabicribori wctc ensblod lodblslu a copy of that vao- able work rw by sending thir address to ii j kendal ico aud eucbttog k two- cent blamp far auiliug tho taoiel is re newed for a limited period va least all will avail liioauelves of tho opportaniiy of oltsiuinglhis valuable work to every lover of the bono il ii indiipcosablo as it tresis a a simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal its phc- nominal sale throaghout the united states and canada make it standard aalhorily i mention this paper when tending fori trvatite pour company may be t little better than none bid oompsuy is certainly a great dcil worse one scabby sheep spoils the flock one rotten apple will often rain a 1 doiea which may lie aroand it while all the soand ones in the world will not restore one that is decayed- jast so a man who is corrupt will infect intiiy others t caatuoipdaa sarelfcarcd to tic editor- tlcaw inform your readers lhat i have a lositivc remedy for the absvc named die- case by its timely usetlioasandsof ho j icsi case navy txxu jcitukuuuy cured 1 1 tball be glad to sei two icttles of my remedy inix to any of year readen who have conkiimptiou it they will tend me their express aud p u adtirefis eespeetfully dtt a slocitu igt west adelaide ft toronto ont the third pige of the toronto haiti slcwit noted iuc want advertisements if you want la buy or sell anytnmg if yoa want a situation a mechanic a bun j cess machinery joinings ii yoa have lost or foend anything or if yoa want to find ofct where anyone is advertise in the to- ronto itikj uav and read the advertise- 1 mehts on the third pie pi that piper the charge is two cents a ward each iu i tcrtion address the mart toronto can- adt if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto livcly mail that ptpcr readies 100000 tanners homes every week aniydar advertisement shcald meet the eye oi someone who wants lo par- chisel advertisements of this class arc iu- ecrlpi hi the toronto wtu3 mail for five- cents a word each iuiertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions addre the mail toronto canada wouderfal browpts hoasehold pan net sr had bat once and then only got afls being acknowledged u the great far t dablio that bis bosinen inirfinctk were well e- doped pat demonstrated by offering to sell us his home snd oar for two eninat pro niing to keep the toniout for os anttl wt me back sgsbi atui wliitt wilfyoa juty a fur the me ofticuor j pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world nboaldbe in every family hany for use when wan tod it really ix oie btmt remedy in tbe world for cramps iu i toincir ani uii ttiij ciik uf all km u miil u for uile by sli dragnwumt 2o cit s bottle ayers hair vigor isttje wool holrhlrtstlng it re- 1 storesthe color tograrhtrproniotefl fresh and vigorous giowthj prevents the formation cf m ilaodran makes tho hal j soft and silkeri ana imparts a de li en ti bftt lasting pcr- fnaje jscvrral rcnls nga mv hair ccm- meiced falling out and in a few weeks invjhcad was almost baiil i tried many remeoics but they did no good i final ly bought a bbdle of avers hiir vigtir and after lining only a part oi the con tent my head was ravered with a heavy growth of hair i recommend your preparation as tlie best in tha world t munday soaron grove ky i have nscd ayers llfair vigor for a i numberof years and it has always given rae satisfaction ltisadexcellentdre- lag- prevents the hair from turning fray insures its vigorous growth and epa the calp white and clean mary a jackson salem mass i have used ayeri hair vigor for promoting the growth m the liair and think it uucquiled fbr restoring tha hair to its original color and lor adrew- in it cannot bcnarpasied mrs geo la fcvcreatou xtapld4 mich- ayers hair vigor as a mosf-crcr-i- lent nteparalion for lle hair i speak of it irom ray own experience its uo promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft the vigor is also a cure for dandruff j vt bowcn editor enquirer xfcfartlmr ohio i have used aycra hair vigor fcr the pasttwo years and found it all it s represented to be it ikorcs the natu ral color to gray hair j catiscs tin- hair to grow frvcly and kjkj it foil and pliautmn m v dy cohocs k v ifv father at aboud the age of fifty lost all the hair rom i hi- top of his iiesd axter one months trii of ayers ifair vigor the hair began j coining and in liirce montlis he had ji tine growth ot liair of the natural color p j cullcn saratoga springs k v oyers hair vigor rerrixen cv dr j c aye ft co fiili tr jr85u aa 1 1trfseirt lowe mass it is worse than mxdnesa to neglect a cough or a cold khich is easily snbdaed if ukea in time becomes when left to itself the fererenner of consamption and prema- tare death inllimmation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial- lubec travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickies amiconsumptive syrap the medicine that grasps this formidable moe of the hnmaa body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration sabdees the cough heal the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful inffuenc in caring consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lives ot their children and tfcemselces from mach anil tty troable and expense le them procure a bottle cf bickies anticonsumptive syrup and whenever achildhas taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrcp according to directions prof loisettes memory discovert amd traininqmethod la tpiu of dnld initilhkic rlicii tiis tl umcit iodpr-iiclreilt-h- oririe i3ftrf um nuwuri mtnrttttiiuri for ecti coonictrtoct adlatutbr bldirt tarai o i lie rait ofkiubctti3 r islicis ccioccitti bs proc laimtut and seta ttntec is xfccfz- tfvdcj- fa bath liwatberw it nntsg ti epoc sy modott cnltare u pmjikd c ct pojtrtrwjcitf opinictii of pett la d rrt o l6 fiabc ta titt tcl- uxlif rodia tfirrttt fcr twtis thai hi srttem it veni cntf titvc ti nj fjirj st aftmttttif lint one lxit lfniii fafi ttrai tadtrtiiani fciir pwf a lolsette 23tfiflii arcane n v alt fyles he largest s in can over 00 s hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show ms 1i08ey drawers meit choppers mo shckessj supplies p wilson som 3 0esplakde street east tcjrontcont mcricrnzii piper c- err irt j vj wiut aiviccto mothels are yoa distcrbed ai night and broken of your rest by a tick chiid suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at occc and get a bottle of mrs wieslows soothing syrup for children teething its valce is meal culablc it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend apon it mothtrs there is no mistake aboat it it cares dysbntrv and diarrhea regclatec the etomsch and bowels cares wind colic eoftens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs win slaws soothing syrap for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the cnitcd states and it for salt by all druggists throagfaoat the world price twentyfive cents i bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslows soothing syrcp and tako no other kind uimratllnioitnt lnmbenuxftt friend caw mm wm tmrm catarrh nasausalm ccj ialhr c-i- 1 ari cifj uiv f-r- ti is rninh edi it j e v-i- fif rtv fl k- jvc citsrrh tzd r-rr- i h 1 lottc cf nihi fulm rlcaj cii i ix1 ti i draeipct cr t lc r i-e3cclsa-jil- rjlh3s3 cc rriiz o17 nrtrcr cf ipltxtcj sclcb extract from the scientific papers of great britain and europe km departure ik uedicise the fo crgtca test laedicalcefrcs of the world arc london peru berlin and vienna thg cities have irarnecse hort3li icszus mthatcrilff humanity crowos of fclcnu throve ths vcrdt stndjioffnnder the prorcicrs m chars tternostrenowc-lpbru- cism of uic world teach and yrsc- tico hctcstd the idttitaticn torch oaie of liedicil knowlidgo and evpenence with a view 01 mstine ihin cxrriac avsililo to the piiuis the hosjital efniedy co at prcat eapen bcczztd the pcrirtion of these fccsiuli prenrtd the rci5cs and al- ihoah it world coit from s3 ta 8100 to secure the atlention of thcfr dulinguijlied originators yet in this way their jrejared specifies are offered at the mce 0 ft he quack patent medicines that flood the market 11 cd absurdly claim to cure eveiy ili from a tingle bottle the wact always felt for a reliable class oi domestic remedies is now filled witb perfect satisfaction the hospital remedies make co wireasonabui claims tho specific for catarrh cares t hat and nothing elie 10 with tha spoclftcfor broo- hitis coninmption and lnug troubles bheomatism is cored by no 3 while troubles of digestion stomach liver and kidneys have their own care to these fs added a srxciflc for fever and agne ono im female weakness a general ton 1 can j moodmaker that makes blomand gives form and inlnoss- asd as incomjiarsblo remedy for 2iervoai ifebilfty jro icjznc ctrmt rj rvtr co j catarrhal oeafke strc l iutcih ctccrnciijcyjrttt czsetjtc zzis s rsj ufzre tkaiic 7klitrcicciijcrzaicricuzii so 1cgvsiz colds ssoxlitftjz a2twa cgstcf710va izzzzr rtittf czst rzt nrttfiiiccs- tit crzdjzstel je iinzcszi ztrzjll z ic lr crj kczrtf tstc lis t a so 5rhzuyaira dwhhz- rrs rclf- ztildzg de bat iu izpjzik-c- rvv rctrzlj t hp3 disease- ctrri c3 hst so cuyes ak1 rmsfr- ihdiqthttoh csstfatok s a fenriie tla- fkizzfzl fcr ii ramtd rorc tlcicact tic cs tz lmxizrti li g plcjes fioo so sfeyea am a8ue djbjv- uuri neuralgtafta ukx ast gra iiizts if jj tm u it utatta tatiek ifzcoit vie aremkifoiziercdzaies it 7w xocfekale weakkess rlv7 whitesmcny tvemea ere trzhh -c- they rtglett teat diteans urmtrthr vv zici lickq 6 estf rtjaa lezlih ant zlcj cc so 1health fcru aho lvhtc c ci good btood oji4 lots of if btaaffrst if icraxnff ute viit perftci uaiz 7 5 j sto snerv0u8 deeiuty loss cf kxeta quack tutteidfan public isuhil a n r jg for en t r janus e ccrdaicr kz 3 zi c rih ant trial kill pnoc bcarz ciji czzz kha chrgt high pfc t fcr zzzt tragi and pills ikz prgperf u tie lj ignorant and icnz czfazi tvcf confide tlal letters f 3 ah rt in fj buthas use he c ctct c i oiibdoiiae bjioh to be had op all de oi3ts rtarrtitute cuk oireiji mcdidm md tra tmiad thaa lh iji it- 1 uurtjiiltboprolaikittie acu bh littrt aj ca ikmttuat jaahupc an 3 ubukxii imount anr tcipdauc uijudi mte3j l il- tktlamtldufrftuurflliuibucslirfdrivnitjrsic dto tuo median- trr v k whne ibm dhlamat qucki get that wwk tn jnrtriiur doic irrrpatu li j- llz ad fatii raikcj row iwsljif jhial lw ku aid uincmi in mbcn tn lin- fm tjl tcifimit4c ttnr iitag buuui under ftbioinc muo jflf jt inkrr ii- trrizr wcvi ri 4uj ot but ro a 10 y note ecnsiac uaeti ibic t lula ef- t ii t uj ylflosplialjlprc0lonntqca ccrfrcs rr tll ck u protend ii rcrrfci4eiirjt te rxaastt rf s txy ili ttjo wc emiarjeo i cckia ji iho roll i uitzi d on proprietor for everybody one feature of our xmas stock is that tfiere is some thing for everybody some thing for everjbodys taste something for everybodys purse almost everybody has to practice a little economy in xmas buying to make the gifts go round and we are here to help everybody to do just that thing come and look through our stock and remem ber that next to selling its our great pleasure- to show goods gro hyxds acton the houidhvsj l abb keably bgbe l the domixiox boot and shoe istore kennbv brpfl aotom hto no t tr wwnifloul itoclt in 1 lino of i boots and shoes rubbers and overshoos trunks and valises etc lad cm id eveijbodyt u qoility rl ud ruttnw ijm- preiali nd nifiv nther lines of boods will aier oill and sex cuilomotkuidrepr kexney bros aiton a low price gold watches ibraclets silver watches rings ear rings brooches cuff buttons bibles plush boxes annuals flush albums j toy books xmas and xew year cards toilet sets i vases xapkin rings- cruets parlor games to3s cups and saucers from 5 cts up childrens sleighs other place can offer you such a complete assortment come in and see us i whether you want to buy or not george hvxds actok sakticlitts headquieters we wekeikthe mammoth house georgetown is the hxadqtjastebs for i millinery millinery novel ties mantle making mantle materials dre s making dress coodsjand dress 8llks tailoring cloths 8uitings overcoatings and cents furnishings ladies wc have au extensive variety of fur boasaud huffs in tlie latest styles colors and very low prices we have them in bear beaver lynr wallaby sea persian lamb uink astrachan goat trairatiou bear imitation seal opposum and llurfuloon gents fnr caps in beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal slink and french seal fnr- robes aud fur trimmings of all kinds oar stock is very extensive ti15 principal part of it was pur chased tielbre the recent advance iu woolleu and cotton goods novelties and scarce goods de sirable and cheap goods are add ed to the stock every day our staple stock is immeuse aud very cheap we can give yon the greatest bargain ever offered to tlio public mantle goods for 50c worth 100 for 75c worth 175 a maeiuficieut sealette for scoowortli 81000 allwool doublenridtu beauti ful colored henrietta dress goods for 30cper yd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black aud colored silks and satms and a choice iot of remuantsof colored silk- aud satins being slaughter ed fr 50a per yd that were s100 and 150 per yd plushes 25c per yd up other dress nihter- mls br sc and 10c peryd worth twice tne money winceys for oc per yd worth 10c prints for 5c perydworti 10c check ed shirtings forsc per yd worth 13c tweeds for 25c worth 50c grey flannels uc per yd up good allwool white blanketb tor 175 per pair mens uhiler shirts aud drawers for 30c worth 50c au immense slock of ready- made clothing and overcoats nice boysovercoars200 mens suits 400 and the biggest drive on eartli in men s overcoats for 450 aud 500 worth 1000 boots aud shoes ladies and gents overshoes and rubbers carpets in brussels tapestry allwool union hemp matu oilcloths and a splendid union carpet for 25c worth 50c pat ronage respecjfally solicited w mcleodco oeobobtown having closed negotiations with a french dress goods maun- factnrer for j two cases of henriettas lying in bond in new york and thus saving the duty which the manufacturer pays we are offering them at the very low price of r 4 cents thee goods are worth 05 cents aud are a bargaiu that you will ityou allow them to slip a beautiful range of trimmings malchin blackandall colorsand the first dress maker iu guelph to make them up regret to j dwilliamson cco 5 and 7 wyndham st guelpti 84 oswald st glasgow speicht son acton j a speight manager cn tsililj id with all the f arnitcrti reqaired to turnish voar uew and cosy little borne or to iicaiih yocr home if a xtued oca in anrityfe at the terr lowest prices itbcre is no article oi forniture w cannot larrlt and iarther we deliver oar faraitare and joa have co amoging freight charges sad ran no risk oi bivakage ve can init jl undertaking oir ihirtyive vcars erperience in this hsisess has resalted ia eoarincing the iablic o vcis ectirc comciaaitr that we esnily fintclass work ia alt order and in scries which compare with those of the curat one half city price oubvhearse is tkcaccllentoie and otir team alsfs presect abecominj snpearancs we have piea- isre is in villus pahlic to call oa us far aajthinc reqaired la oar lines did you get one of our circulals r ths new yemr is here and our line of fancy goods is larger than everr now is your time to secure a nice present im- plush goods in endless varietyrcomprising dressing cases jewel cases collar and cuff cases writing desks i giove and handkerchief boxes ink stands photo albums in plush leather christmas cards and booklets in all the newest designs bibles and hymn books for all churches a for 1889 9 rickseckers lubins colgates and atkinsons perfumes and toilet waters in great variety diaries for 890 i i i at n mcoarvlim x50s drucknd stationery stors aoton i to farmers and threshers tjbson vour madnneryonly the weliknown peepwless oil eailway tims tft i r ii hi m crahd truhli railway v borxorirr artv f ii w em i thto eivsmjjs rti uii l oorx eipresi pamciigci mai throophfi accoio 10 1j1iu i atccbtztw tin drclohfi aaa ooo6vclotfttntnd5so v goiagm 1 thmiautj watisijc -tr- hiu-l3ggr- the 3fot sncemfal remriy ptet ervou ulimum is i tfltiimg bct-i- jiroi ujo kendalls spavir cbk omcs cf cstls vfensa eatrsln or cirrrlixd hit xji taimsg baa hxbit da bkcstuuco ft iear sirs bare jwn pcrchaa rr 2111 finarla cora bj u fcl cto lcsufi would uts prices in ursqcttty ituskltfi tme ot the belt lihlmenw tm earul i wmui ramriubwrokltirhjteant luuairaly csil 11ml s kendalls spavin cube dear sin desire to tire toa tetbmurf j pood opinion of your kendall irtatlncoctlfai nied h tor luimrsb stiff jauts u2 ftpmtlns and i h3ciaoadrtsnrsenralitts auy rfctnnincnd h w ulhananrtl p t i vours truly aegnim ilmfcg troy laanrhy jk kendalls spavin but w twos ccgstt oina dm nim i- da e 3 kbbau co twentyflte henes that had fenfiat tntf kins bfflf nlae afflicted wtui bis beuu mtraof bin jaw lncvlbsttttiaxernit books ud folkmrd the dlnictioss i hmiew ksis camofaay kind yoois tndy xssurw ttws i id kendalls spavin curl prfe 1 rcr bottle or tlr bottia te s link lut karo i cr caa rt for yoa or it wtq beast losk odriresi on mripi or pa- bj tt profe wntpi a j ktsdiiico- tarbttiktl sold by au dkrgglsts purest stbg6gttbet r 1 contauj ro alum 1 aearccis lisa pacsjiaja t duu3ic33 ktu ewgillett csia llair r the celebrate sgtil- t2ast caxb vttien i otclrk i ti net rsean madyft stop them for tioie ana lha hayo ihern recn i hait niade the disease of j fits epilepbtor y sickness s a iie son siv i irarnantjny jqayl f ltriovsce rirrhrr5li2teo b ii rciir uz nt i- ins 2 fur hm j oiin fr a trvaic an j a itj imtoltf ot iximlubu kdiijiv uprvslsil iw ofjcv it coss yu r-hiir- lor 1 mij l hu cure viil adjrt- h g e0i- branck offlos 184vrei ildeiams 8nk tboui awrhri criaba 11 lwriii7ti 11 tjftt -l-ll- m bl tna 3 10 i o ii f- upks lidmllillllirnitvftto 1 vtlll urdqck pills a sure cure f fob biliousness constiraticrr tndlqestlok 0zzizzs sic headache ao trzzxsz3 or thtf- stouach lives ano dowels theyafie killstwcatvch i3 pnoet hacrion aro rcna a vawite to 8uacck euj tj r7hc treatkcrrraj can cr chs3- and obstinate diseases m only 25 cekts alsj iviimiis ilubbef aud mital stamiis tingley a stewast li g co 10 kii st vvcs tcto2 9nrt hittpn 4t1 hare bun mncid il ddiii r 1 li c if vltr yeu ioud mhjubljo try our p ax s yon wagooui ud hors pcuter these oili re ne4 ntl hismjr recommended tbemode farm goelpb ftraerikf them me oqather miniotredtqueil8ltt0liw0pklly samuel rogers 4 co toronto i destroys and remdvls wobjjs qt all hinds n ohllpkrg adults sweet as sybugii i 4 i

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