Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1890, p. 2

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turrjxd pariotilerin dec bib hv uottv mttrro johp cwtieof burou or kleh and nancr cnmjs tftwaattbf midcoce of tije brides s tbb oteria fustf ecastx at the home i the liridcs mot ir btrltn oo th cth deetnbr br kx i f bovtu mju mr william fvltotrto miu rlii irmfdauthmofthe lit jam bell coar iuiuas at ui rwhtencc of ihc bride rati a on tea iwit- br rt i bttvchan rid aid w cory ot rraudnb manitoba to man h roiumt daughter of john hamate la- frjunv xu btalluchuithactoticu thu ndav decvraber astfa iftp bv iter ttvo ttcnkeumr hcrlwrt j lw of lleelou lu um hannab 31 jcrtntu titter of xr it h jem yimucrchant urv sli8ju uiv tvftiuciicc ot uk- bridv fatu r church si- acton ui chrifcuua uv lrl ievjolffunimr ju ucony mju it ku n tkuuy kn kriutuustjipetuirjuur of jjr jtoic moot furuicriv uf cruwtou fk notes ixdcbm tb city o new yerfc make liberal pro- runon lor the evocation of its children it will p ly in ism c327f5i4 to the whcrs of the public schools this is tnore tuau the si m which wit paid ta 18j to the teachiri of public separate and high bchoo it and collegiate institutes of ontario ja c luegram from london referring to the t till difficulty in canada says it may be u tea for canted that the imperial governments mind it made up and that it it al eadily bent upon anglicizing the do- minio 1 u emperor william it determined to ma te her captured provinces german in fact as well u in acme the city al sydney australia is about ta fpead j 10000000 in a great drainage chemt the aothoritiet lootm to the healtfc of the people and the honest per- form ace of the work hate secured the errio of art engineer of commanding abiliti from england and he win train a band if yoow australians who in a few yean rill becompetent to undertake work of anj raa0ritade the joyoui festival of christmas seldom panel witbontan increaae of crimea of tiolenx thii yearihe number is uotao great u in former yearr bat then enoug i to confirm tle idea that there are peopli whomaka the occaaion j one for miastial indulgence and are betrayed into crimelbyintoxisation to lessen the temp tation i to all such u therefore the duty of the hi or montreal srar i all things eopaidered canadians have fiood i sajon to rejoice at thii festive aeuon altbo nhtjor climate may not be quite bo mild 1 1 in other lands it u fir meroaia- briota we hvc neither diee nor famine u is akou nor actnai atarntioa staring at oa is the people of kortli carolina natt thii i aay not be a good coantry lor thc- lazy a id the ihiftiem bat for tif others wbo cm appreciataile advantages it u a happy land thii ii indeed a festive time we hare moat t ni been celebrating oar christmas and b lore thii issue of the feee ftx has been i resented to its reader the new tear wfllm t arritedand we shall have entered upon 1 he bosiness and rcspooaihililes of an other twelve months we take the oppor- tnnit ol eiprrttaing the hope thai the kev tear rih be a happy and saccessfnl one eiceec inc by far the most enthusiastic antid iion of all oar readers- sir folian paonceforle british iguisr at wa ihington does notntend co be canht i an trap similar to that of ins guile- leas p tdeceescr being solicited for his signal ire to a oollectioa of satographs to be pro ented to sir gladsiooe sir teliae eyed h is visitor critusahyxno replied 5fy r signed a paper interfernns with a an politics and was sirmmarily re called i jid l think it unwise to attach m aatogn ph to soch a voinme j it im rat astonishingthai dakota farmers should be into haniioba- the cobditi mi of settlement of climtt and of bnainei s mast have become very oppressive vhenieople are bzongbz face to fxce with surrat ion in a coantry alleged to bq one of he mo t attractive in america- the sn- periori y of manitoba and the canadian korth- stest to the adjoining cniied btaies tarrito j it getting to be pretty well known and pe ipk are hppntiing to understand the advant igec of settling north of the jboond- ary he e- elcchatyu we d ishke pabliahing articles which show hootrtaj at a diasdvantage as compered with her cities bat r is of sacfc impor tance iht oar own citizens shoaiiknow the fax with regard tc city taxation on ligaorht ttfday we publish articlef on bdth subjects which unfortunately praseni jdontreal in a most unfavorable light u compared with some representative american cities for the informatioa of stnnge a we feel justified in adding that the pec pie of hontreal are becoming con vinced at the necessity for reform and that jo all h oman probability the dvic electiomi to oe hi ildfcn fehurary tte first will have the effc ct f blotting oat the reproach under which dbntreal bow suffen of being a citv in whi h the use of liquor is encouraged ift bw tai ation and the use of water is dot couragi d bt high taxation star elections elsewhere tocmo urvfthu dhy mkyor e f dirk and aid uttrificw mayoctrho gowdy re-elec- cclamationl i bcatj tuv mayor thos hxtltby re elected by acclamatifln ifeevej john author y by acclamation deputy jkeeve eichar t blain by acciamstion j br c latieare iayorjb udatyre by accl nation br noum ilsyor israel stoise r- ejected 3 y acclaroatioa klte jicket- iayor eackson reeve t kj lojdiuepatriteevetj wood- i cocic oiiiriixr jxsyoc vc trrgijhtrt neeve- st felan deputy beeveiif l bler councillors ward l- ltfaot patters iu w h cronkxite wmwhi ti ter fcha ion a v chishoimj john wales 2- wv anderson ward 2 tbos beyook s c a- bradhiiiy jo boon hy wflsod wih joyce john msson jobir ltcdoni id w i- fcrrah s xicgriffiii ward 3- ju taylor h c lucas d if kmmed c w cootec a bradbury h mopre as hunter thos bej-nolds- hiitu v mayor samuel dice d w caopbe i reeve dr bobertson joha uantcr coaucijiors east ward w conway thos mcdowell ga smith bobert eutnshsw b s porter korth ward- wm mckeoxie dmcky c hoff geo a hemstreei 7 m bastado gw andrewi jofait eid thomas tomer satfth itvtik ioue6 ffm jarm- ftroog i sstnes home james m- fjcuk hogh m lea tbos tftverr the cotncil of 1890 rnusuaj ufttrb of noulnalloug tlic- viuai spthmakliii omitted tux bcltoot tbtttrcs c vv6imit j ixclvk tt j klvvv tr astxoms 10 dh lqwhv 1l jwlluaut the anuttal uominartlon of candidates to fill the offices of reeve and councillor of this municipality for the ensuing yoar took place at uoon pu monday the attend ancc ot ratppayen wu not as large as usual but uot withstanding this there waa no lack of caudidatck proposed and seconded the fouovviug is the list- lmuiau viljitiiiv uxomiil in l w hstviiuvw htemtlwct uaeiic i jtuv itluivav jcwaialcrkju a mcljtoti f0 colkciuloks l aasnutson w kcuiuccc it apuc 2 jhlujjion j hlur jo atidctvyu 3 jqus luanv k agucn v hcisitrcct i javbkokx tr kapncw a hcpucrwu uaviu jbiisri iiagncw tiio harding t aiicv a f fiuidii jioucs suan a ucfbcnoti ilagucw karacw v hcuittnxt ttl moore a ifctlicnon v hcmitrcct a ucrtjcrtoa j c sifglit thos eistou 1j j asrci tboe kastoa ic t iiscis i a inut t rcrrjiata 15 ftitkuxvivhhvonieu jasilgut 16 geo ilrxd alclcinnt kcvhucoofc it arlociu afsmitli jo audcnoa is d jteknctisox i fniaci a f slih 13 v wifitivs h r wotdca j a fipciffct of the above messrs d henderson and hp moore withdrew from the contest at the meeting acd messrs james uclam w r kenncy alcisecard i francis j b pearsougeohynds and g harill han smce taken similar action the candi dates remaining to try their fortune and learn of the heights of esteem in which they are held by their fellow citizens ap to the hoar of roing to press being joseph anderson john harvey james brown farmer wesmith john kehney dr lowrj- john williams c john cameron j a speight w waiiimi there are among the candidates a num ber of good men who would serve tueir town wellt and carefully superintend its interests there are others whose presice at the council board- would give the muni cipality neither dignity nor ability mere figureheads whose only desire is to get there and serve the ends of the mea who are anxious to make them their tools but the electors have the right to use the fran chisor whomsoever they please and no doubt next monday the majority of them will do so it is to be hoped that good men and true will warm the seats at the council board daring the present year we are informed that mr harvey has no intention of offering himself for the reevesfaip and will hand in bis within wsj mr storey is confajucatly elected by acclamation rut rartnxs ixlcilh if a person were anxious to learn how great is the degree of interest taken in local educational matters he would natural ly torn to the annual meeting for the elec tion df trustees to 11 the victories cacsed by the retiring members had he visited the annual meeting list thursday he would have found there present the following im mense tadience the beturcujg ofijccr aler grant- lcther lyniau trustee harding the coretaier of the hall july these and ucverxone more a though the maeting for receiving nomina tions wtj consiuoed open for an hour messrs thomas efebae georte hyuds an isaac francis were the retiring mem bere to fill up the membership of the board geosou hems was uocuinited by alex grant and seconded by t h harding t liiic- fllvci was cominsted byt h harding and seconded by luther lyman jutes mittkoss was ncmicated by lather lyma and seconded by alex grant this being the comber retjuired at the expiration of the boar they were declared elected the beard of trustees tor 1k will be composed of messrs w h storey t h harding a e kicdio george hynds i fraiicis and james matthews i wotrm not scptoet eis wife georce stoddard called to account before tfcc poiice ifajiitnifc at hamilton the skeleton in the closet of the stoddard family 53 bay street north was trotted oat in all its grim gauntest at thepolke court this morning george stoddard was first charged with being drunk and disorderly which was laid 6c one side for the more important charge of failing to support his wife mrs mary stoddard a lady who evi dently possesses a will of her own told the magistrate they had been married for twentythree yean for several months past her husband had contributed nothing to her support she had paid the rent for one year and maintained herself by boarders a few days ago her- husband stock a roil of bills aoderher cose bat gave her none preferring to go out to the hotel and spend the money in drink she was wihing to keep herself if he woald stay away from her stoddtrd in defence said u i rare her 140 your worship and i dont know what she has dace with the money theres another thing i dont like- she is keeping some other peoples children at the house and i dont wznt her to mrs stoddard looked indignantly at her husband and said well george im getting f 4 a month for keeping one of them and its mv bnsiness not yours w the usual cross firing between the hti- eaiits occurred and the miosirate had to apply the cloture to stop theirtongnes he said he woald adjoarn the case until thurs day to allow them to make arrangement- for a separation but mrs stoddard ahowv ed fight and wanted to make her neglectful husband support her claiming that he attended to tbe wants of aootner lady when on his trips outside the city as stoddard has no property his wor ship poitttrd oat to tbe indignant wife that sack a coarse would be useless and mrr stoddard left the court parsing her wrath while her husband nursed his bead in the prisoners pen hamilton flcrall a hi ndred pairs of bed blankets to be ihewritelv ktjuet a verdict aflfunlfr by iuisoiitus loiarned apjul4kviitir clbtov dec 30 tbe whitely iuquest was concluded today the verdict of the jurywas that james whitely died from poison administered by bis wife at kelly crof 200 a pair pp the growth of the city of brooklyn is evidenced by tbe fact tbat during the past year homts were erected u the value of g27coo000 brooklyn is a city of homes as well ai of charches i rkeve nobeitsox op milton sieakh mr ennoiu i wu larprised two week ago to set tn a piper usually so fair as tba fare pntai an articu entitled clrcam- stances after caaei ycm purport to rive tbofactt in connootion with two aocoonu paid by the county council at its decem ber mmliijg but you have laliifled tbe record i enclose you all the prooeedingi of the coaatcoancil in referenoo to these aocouuts and would- ask you to publish thepalong sido of your lito article so that your readers may know the true facts if you had pabliihed the ptooeedingf at that time iu place of your garbled article ft would have been more couaiitent sith honesty aad common fairuesi and yoar many readers could have drawn their own coudaiions without your assistance in addition to what took place at tho county council as recorded you make other state ments whidiiiay arc uot iu accordance with the facu 1st kecva storey never presented actons accouut in june ha merely mentioned the nutter had it discussed and fcttahe feeling of tba couucil 1 stated then aud i believe so hill that iu my 6pin- ion thegt r ihould have paid the c coanl and if the man was illegally on their train he should hare beeo punished when he recovered i was strengthened in this opinion by the iatotoiatiou given by the rlirtvc cf actou in december that the rail- way had paid the doctors bill however as they did not pay i did not think actou should pay aud never said so not withstand ing your statement to the contrary j 2nd milton has had uu bill in any sense before the county council for payment io all said about the mayor of milton writing keeve storey and the fun beginning does not concern the reeve of miltou or the municipality cf milton a man was in jured in tafalgar broaght to bennetts hotel by bis employer aa american and left there he was fed nursed aud cared for well by mr and mrs bennett at an ex pense o over sgfloo his employer left and never again paid any attention to his servant private parties paid nearly half of this account by subscription and the county co and wu asked to pay tbe bal ance for mr bennett which it did as well as actons account 3rd the records show that i votsd foe hbtblbat i seconded mr storeys resola lion which wu at first defeated mr storeys 6econd resolution was made with- put consulting me or i would have seconded it also if asked to do so but voted for it n without my vote it would have beea defeated j 4th as fcr entreating mr storey i did not need to abo nor did i speak to him aboat seconding my resolution but u soon as i read it be kindly offered to second it i do not think the reeve of acton needed any coaxicg to vote fjr payment of mr bennetts account as from his friendship and old acquaintance i fancy he would be its anxious to mr bennett as he cccld be to get actons bill paid yours faithfully d komuitsos j bceva of milton milton dec 2sth lj the letter of dr robertson above is sweeping in its charges and were it not for the evidence published herewith which substantiates in the main our remarks of two weeks ago no doubt many would coo- dude that the dr had made good his charge of unfairness against the fiax itixo the following letter from his colleague the mayor of milton places matters in a very different light however from that- in which dr robertson would have it ll imoii jli- xiltla 5 miltou kcd ins w ii fci uiiv lf itwvu- actcc dllu bik i ltra that joa iruscnted tu ic- count to tic coact- coeil tctne utu time 5o iron sir joliciiaa of actoc far tiio kect iucfc man bu received icjcrj- ca the g t juutytuiilmi ti cocnci st lht time re fused to cctcnain the idet that the- were ualle to par tfco txre wc uavc t tirsilar case licrc is hilton tie ccatv cosndl ted to lay it lst they trcttcd it witl the ji icdif ftrccce the town council ttfesod lo jr the uxccet ta they cosiidft tad r thick jnrtly thtt it tlioald be t chtrse tpoath oaocty voa aty icrnsps btve hcri of the case it tit broustit forcird tt the itit acctizg of the ccuttr cosccil in yoirehcsec ccd u dse lo joba rcnitt of the thtkison houte tern i lcrh tlitt jtrar ietica is to lrirs tie eeocct itia before tbe cocaea cd mj thctn to rr it i decre thii roa ihosli do o tid we rillileoiirtsesi ilr benccts taxizct acwelj acd try tsdgc the uilttcr rcttfl as it is cot ist that ifibnccttthrcld bear tbe eipctnes is each acase corthetcnmof ifiltoa cor tbe village cf actou titber weiug thtt both teci- dcais occurrtd ostiidc of their inudciinl bcaa- dtrits i tin vours truly ejutltx dice kow the mayors letter shows that the cases of acton and miltou were identical in character in actons case a man wu injured on the railway in esquesing and brought to acton for treatment and nursing the municipality acknowledged no responsibilicy bat when toe hotel- keep ers bill for his care was presented concluded that lome one sloald pay it and eeeve storey u mayor dice says presented it id the county council for payment in miltons case a man was injured on the railway in trafalgar and brought to milton for treatment and nursing the munici pality acknowledged no responsibility but when the hotel keepers bill was presented thought it should be paid and presented it to the county council where is the dif ference in the two claims 1 dr robertson makes a play upon words in tne matter of presentingthe acton account to the county council ha says it vis cot presented but was discussed mayor dice thinks it was preseuted and it would surely he a strange proceeding to discus c- matter not presented a dis tinction wthoat a difference 1 dr robertson did say actou had uo claim upon tbe county council and ex pressed surprise that the reeve 0f acton should expect it 3 dr robertson says milton had no bill in an sense mayor dice evidentlythought milion had and that the municipality of milton wu to some eitent concerned 4 dr kobertron admits that he demur red about seconding mr storeys second resolatton as wc stated mr storey wae approached by a representative of milton council to give bis support to the motion voting the pay ment of miltons bill injustice to dr robertson we have to admit that we were in error with reference to his vote upon actons bill we note by the minutes of the council that dr rob ertson voted for the resolution authorizing the payment of the acton hotel keepers account eifbkc pius found drmrucd ailicuuu dec iu isaac walker a welliodn firmer imn aboat six miles from here while on his way home from here last evening was drowned it is snppposed that the buggy wlieed got into a rut and np- set throwing mr walker into a deep diicb thtt now swelled into a small torrent tbe deceased was 10 yean old and uumar riod ikjuottation stit18tic8 ilnod in ontario o maaitoba and year of the nnly 8ib a de- 18 2705 and of 537 scotch l2gg a decrease a comparison between tbe immigration return for ontario for ll a eleven months of 16s9 and the oor reepo lding months of 1688 enow a decreaie o 33870 arrlvali there were 89800 arrival fn 1888 and only 64990 thii year while 60174 who went to the jnfted slates fn 1830 there were only 484 17 or 17677 ion in 1888 there were 2000 ho went to mani toba and 10004 who rem compared with 1m3 14800 in ontario ibfi nationalities ot tho imnigrauts who re mained iu ontario iu 158 there were u- 733 english and ia 180 crease of s0i4 dish ii in 1s8s 2164 a decrou iu 1888300 and in of 1200 german in 188jf 927 and in 1880 720 a decrease of 10 scandinavian in lag 201 aud iu iftjo 201 au increase of 3 american in taw 7j7 and in 1389 039 a decrease of js other countries in 1888 150 and ia 1880 771 a decrease of 82 it will be observed that while the decrease iu the number of immigrants this year wu 23870 the decrease ia cue number who went to the united stite wu only 17g77 auierlcau kliiiiaicuutlirougucauada ottiwa dec 28 at lie customs de partment today it was learned that a itate ment ia iu course of prcparatioa which will show the quantities aod values of the united states aud other foreign produce which found its way to europe through our terri tory iut year montreal being the port of transhipment butter cneese and lard are among the principal items there having been 5500000 lbs of american cheese and lard carried over canadian railways canned meats shipped lokurope reach the enormous total of 83750000 lbs the total value ot merchandise received from the united statea and tranihlppcd at montreal iut year wu losn39g in 168 it was i80i88ea iu 1867 170450 and in i860 15745606 these eguresihow a gratifying increue and indicate the growing popular ity of the st lawrenw r mxlevtyarica there was keen a mea acd one according to a statement ot an english journal mr stanley hu jready eold the publishing rights of the v ilomet in which he will tell the story of his travels in detail for a sum of f 0000 competition for the vo firms enterprise carried it ro fsr that it cot out an agent whom we may without violence call in a sense iito an explorer to pickup stanley u early u possible in the jungle cr mcrus and ct the first word with him on the bargain according to our information the rescuer of emiu hu preferred to stick lo its oldfriend mr marstoo and messrs sampson low co will bring octtho book the german pub lishers have been just u ittire in getting held of dr emln in tie hope that his story also will prove univarsally allaring harpers ifsgsiiue the russian general wlo is to give an account of the russian army in her- pen uaquztnc for januar will it u said present the cars empire an an altogether new lighl even in this day cf russian revelations hivartice is not only a notable contribuficn from s milittry point ofriew but also importan both in its po litical bearings and u aa ethnographical study tthe surprising mi idents giveu to illustrate the points of the article have the air of being related by an e -c- witness even by aa important actor iu them and will whet popular curiosity to learn the author ship tdftthulftrup his made sixteen drawings to accompany the article christmas 3 attractions everything is prepared and ready for you busy hands and besy brains have for weeks past been at wdrk preparine a eret christmas 8arpriejfor yau and cow the feast is spread ind you ire invited to come and partake christmas thai- most gladsome tirce of all tie year always feuds a peculiar pleasure i to scappine pleuare to the poor and wlthy may be the baying simply of that which is necess ary for bodily wrmth or comfort or the gratification of affluence aid luxury and in no case more pleanant to the sverage human heart than when the purchase par takes of a surprise to some joved one our best impulses and sympathies are thus called out i our display is confined jto goods legit imately within the line of our business all goods cf practical asef unesa u well u richness and beauty every dollar spent with us goes for goods of practical use remember we are sakta chaus headquarters for dry goods the maay pretty and useiul articles now displayed oc oar shelves i and counters will in a few days be distributed and make glad the heart of marry a child wo man and man discocvts varying from 2c to 50 per cent off the regular trade talaes on many lines on which we have made recint very heavy purchases at eacrigc priies will add additional attraction to tie wealth and beauty thatis displayed everybody likes a bargain and especially soj at christmas time and you can get it fro n us aboct 75 ladies misses and childrens mantles and jackets at redqeed about 150 mens aud boy reduced prices about j50 mens and boy reduced prices about 350 ladies jerseys prices overcotik at eur caps at at reduced brrk ditiatmtyr parit beauty of color andiownes charicteristic of the goods lovely evening shades in p merveilleax fcfaljiefrancj 8ilks of every price of texture of price are show here obgor surahs is bicli black lovely sflk haudkerchiefi broidered handkerchiefs gloves all colors misses fiies cbarminc knitted grand value in cashmere lovely em- reliable kid gloves all fooleu goods kd esse dncss goorni are always christmas tame our upecl oil oar shelves with beaatifi cannot fail lo please sc3gh hthhftesl4iinis just fl the liueus the value in by the yard will amaze y beautiful snowwhite frinced 3 3j yerdtt toog with doyl will appeal to your good tasu ladies bear boas a muffs and maffi lynx boa and lamb seal and astracban ful and attractive in their v bat vere crowded for space be sure and see oar aispla frieitds with yoa end if theres no barm done he to see anywayand to lake feel inclined and may merry corislmas votire lo tfnbkribcrs the date printed on the label of each paperdenotes the dste op to which the enb- scription has been paid e r bo after at importations 1 goods that tonch herein able lineai u while the cloths in 2j i lo match beaver capos persian all ose and very d must halt y bring your dont buy are yours lome if you have a nffs toffs gods 25 27 lowef wynt ham st guejlph lert ne t ar john bull i hi halways get my drj- goods hoot shoei hand groceries hat the glasgovv ouse hin acton toon hand downt yow go hand forget hit heither hi tell yow hit pays me heverj tshm hi deals wi em joost try hit for 3oursen hand see hif hi avent been teltin th treuth r shndy siccan a place for bairgains as you glasgie hoose iii acton i dinna ken o in a these pairts baith the misters henderson and mckae are thocht weel of in a oor pairts an its the bonny bairgains they gie that tempts the bawbees oot o anes pocket the noo and again l j pat shure and where abouts inthe wide wphd wud oi go til for the splindid bargains if it isnt till thintsame misther henderson mcrae co tkn glasgow house in acton beyant biddy alwas sinds me there for the foine tay an shugar and dhriss goods an iverdthin else entoirely and they bate all for christmas goods henderson mcrae co rcton great special closing sale at the right house hamilton himilloo dee i2lh 1889 thomas o watktisrs enterpriser at tbe beginning of tbe present season tbere were many who thoabt we weroa little overeontident iu patting in the stock of mantles and filling up a mantle room in keeping with any house in canada aa we did aiid that tbe trade done here ingnelph was not sufficient to wanant any house in carrying a stock of tbe 6ize and quality we bad selected wc however thought differently aud ovents have proved us to be correct time and again have we been complimented by our customers on our handsome mantle room and the choice guods with whicfi it is filled although if that were all we would not consider it a marked success but wheu these remarks havebeen followed up by purchases from us on the part of those who informed us that they had formerly bought iu toronto and were much pleased to find we carried goods that rendered going- out of guelph unnecessary we felt encouraged and rewarded inone or two instances weliave met cbstomers who have as in former sea sons purchased iu toronto arid who on seeing our mantles ex pressed themselves as mnch disappointed at missing the better value they 6aw in our show roomi oncof the great advantages wc claim iu thu and other depart ments over others in tbe trade is that our mr ryan visits the manu- j facturers in the old world twice a year and selects personliy the goods we import to realize the significance otthisyou have but to ask yourself should i be as well suited by remaining at homeand orderinggoods by letterfrom one of the dry goods houses of guelph or would it be to my advantage to personally visit the stores and make my own selection rather than have another make them for me it may be much easier for the merchaut to leave the selections of goods to a man 3000 miles away but we would ask what would he be likely to know about the tastes of your customers r if you have not as yet paid a visit to our mantle boom we think it would repay you to do so gcbry an co the leading dry goods house gcuejpk successors to john hogg 4 8cm v 3i3p sall ss1 s 01 hte miuii nn1 fljfijtuljt 3t- iitteitpsrbr btsarabls ajarles ant pipchm dacetnrnl r lgibd alarles ana piictio j dacetnrnl r lcibden coca uecctuty 0 giving age xssesh monuon uli sj tr watkina does dot pat down his good one day scd on the ceit he has beea mirfcing them doini in very many cases far be low coat prices so as to clesx out the balance of his winter stock before the arrival of spring goods to parch oe which his sn thomas w watkins intends sailing for europe in a few days just read a few of his reduced prices on vhieti theresrfu be no advance ladies nw styles of fine cloth jackets are marked down from jsjio to 1550 from 16 to 8 ladies ion baletohs mautleal down from 16 to 8 from 1l to 3 several large lots of ladies and girlss mantles dolmans short jackets and mantle cloths dawn to about half prices velveteens ic plain and fancy makes and new colors down to cost bilk plushes in the very latest shades greatly redaced in prices beautiful oriental laces down from 32c to 13c from i 7c to 10c ladies and girls woolen gaiters down from 1 175c to 75c from l25 lo 50c from 45c to i3c handsome allwool french dress goods down from 80c to 15c f torn s5c tosccj the lateststyle of checked dress goods down from 33c to 17c from 17c to 124c and lijc to 10c f canadian tweeds down very low blaukereatjy reduced in prices girls woolen stoddors down from 30c to 10c ladies cashmere gloves down from 50c to j5c en immense itosfc of new styles of ribbons pot down to about half their value dress and mantle trimmings dresi buttons feather and fur trimmings and knitted woolen shawls scarfs fascinators and fur boas and collarettes all down to less than half prices curtain chains gimps holders fringes and cornices at less than half their value uirla hats and mens cellars at onefourth their value tapestry brussels and wirtbn carpets put down very lo these are but a few ot the reductions tbe sales are enormous call early enter tbe stores east of the carpet window many make mistskus and do not get into tbe bight house corner of hong and hugbson public meeting opaemees a pill k aiou i fcr u fjrj er ttfl pahmtes mcttjal fire insurance ccyy- wi i u ic a i j uc council chamber acton -on- monday 13th jantt 1880- ir oclock mir ah trtucnruliiiic ia ibe townfuiiii of e- ueiii knidosa kria icl xassaeavtra rcpectlully rtyj3rtil to ittesj ilt ouueh ol lommittet kobt ulepfiet cleaeina auction sale farm stock implements tin aiivicnigaod hu hctived initmetiouj rwa mr p lamb r to mju bypollicsoctica on vest half of lot s con i townsyii of kartisg oo monday 13th janxjaet b0 at 11 oclock tul jollottlxt- fitock 1 bpu wkifl tor 1 toot-jtat- old mra in foci i 1 bone tix jcr old 1 m ten rears old 4 ccnri la ciit l lurov am 1 ycarlinfiiteer 5 iprins calves 1- implesfentb wsgom 1 dcmderij gon nearly new 1 top bugsj dec cart 1 3 lez 1 pair bob tlclphi 1 tctt doable ntii l ett tingle barm 1 tett jlotb buam i ussiey reaper 1 torcuto mower daily ntw 1 teed drill 3 tuiuiiig milli 2 bone tuaj i catting bos i wtt iron bancwi icanoneb 3 ploughs 1 joialcr pioucij l bt rack i criuding itone 1 iugsr kilt 1 coosicg hern i pstlor iioto 1 dinms table nil other artkkr too namexoci to meution tkieus j mil under tiib ttn tauiaf credit on ipjirotod jjiut uolcx biz jacesc sunuui djount for cuo so rtstrrxeu tbe rroitiotor s giving ii7arnmg j mheiitieetiiccluiiia2 bb1 1 j etrtw usiuf ba j til pibli cmsnt notice to cbeditob8 donald mcphedhain deceased the creditors liccludiaj thec hsruj ssj iteclac or general uen ot tneuaibrtaee ttp- on tbe cuu or any nndiiide4 lhsx thereof or donajd ueptaedraia late ot flue township of kiaisgavera in the county df hilton geuk- maa wbo died oo or about the tratyseosd day of septmber 19 no bertbr rqiifad t tend whobert akiai knatcblnni tx obed tho hxcetiion of the eiule of dotuud hepheds rslndeteaod on or before tbe twenty third dsy of december 16 their ciiniiaa tndtanubnsi addresses and description vkb fuirpsrtinusnt aod itoii of lbiir claimi and tuucroenu of their sccoou uid tbe eccurit y if aoj held tj them clxtnn tobcjirovcd la sunjlorydedsi- ationi and notice it bcreby piren that after fltc tsu tweatyuibrd day of december lftfl th kxiea- toti ill proceed to distribute uus essei ot be taid deceased amontbcpartieicutiuedtlieifr- to baviiu regard onjyo the claims of wbieh they snajl have had notieo and thekxeceuri rill not beliable fotthc ssseu or anjpart therbof to asy person cr persons of wbotdaina thertarall rrot have notice at the fxzne cf tock duoiibauon thfis ndtice is given jukuaat to ilso itft- chaplh i utlean a urxtlls- t sollciwsf for eiecoton dalsft this 3bf4 day of november 1sfo notice to eedrtqrs in tie matter ol the estate of james an 2 derboi trie county of hlton yeoman de- ceased ihrbtaxt to the kcviail htatuu ol gp- tarlo chapter uu- notice is hereby pa that all ersons haius elaiihs or d agnintt ii ftxli ofaaiua anderson ialsoftae 3 aiace of acton ia the connty oi haltcn yecj mia deceased who died ofl or aboat he s3h day qf november ajj 1sh at the said tblae of acton arehereby retroiiwl o send poatpl or deliver to finlay uccalluui muton poot john duncan uiltcii io- tbo eiccaton the estate of tho said janus anderson deceased or to guthrie watt gtfelphi solicitoni tor tbe said executors on or before the 3rd day ol january 1 their chrifiiiaa namea snmanms- addnssea and decriptiocs with toll pa and proofs of their claims statement of accespta and nptic of secariues i if any f held by theau and orther take notfte that after tbe saidttd- day of january 1830 the said executors will pre ceed to distribute the assets of tbe uid deceased anions- tbo persons entitled tlwrcto baring j- card only to such claims of nhieh notice hat been given and ibe taid eiectitoar will apt b 0 liable tor the saia assets or anv rarttheieooo 1 diatrtbated to any person or persons of bc r1ini aottce shall not have beea received at the time ol tald distxibntinn glthltle watt 5 solicitors for tbe said tiecoton t da tod at iuelph this 9th da of doeenibcr 10- the witness jhpoutant a-brvcehknt- foh 1890- i over la peejiinls to tktl fnjm gue1t ixditemests vo old ixb sew 6ubsckljjfts si tin rnimv llat notice ofl fremotj merry m ao 5o ba worki odj uptionl thl 3 n brisk risti shooqj army 1 v ttoye ersd ti anmal svnscittrnra uail witm iw mjxtxv ll the sobtbkks uisenui vulv a cents ix anoam ii the cheapest illustrated ianer in world contains the gundav school leswwj and has abundajji of inicrvrt- iiic tbe iifi w- premium books for old and ucw subscribtra agents wanted- sample- copies free john dottgall 4 son- i witness 0ce mbfltreal the best family newspapei in cj established nearly hill a ccjyury ohida- iking ofth9 weekiies r 188990 free bress l6ndonuntu4o r the handsomest printed pastf in the dominion all the xeavs wfdll- by talc euce npj ibc bum tf pubcaiiou niustratiuiis pracbcal aad vselnl arc ivtn each week bpecial iltukei dcpartiu- agricaltnral deirtiueut capital storj- always kuiimug- la-a- ions futile colmna han- grigg5- sol street tbat i bcul mrata esqo 13th 3 ae smauef v ation lowhij numbej mutuaf agricoj tpwn jct the thing ior thefaiuly sverynicmbcr of tbe hcaholdetri- looks t for it fctrh wtci cd fa- p o the ica large 8loo paper- in clujs of forarj upwafv 7-x- ifh balicoe cmfis3 preo- auanu rhllistjias xdlliku l kul l auomoa tiitiuiawavfncuf caiv cnry tcnuf for 1890 artists uiio liv sau ti ifclv shecu of ihocurisiuiaj number iroauci eemadalouertii ihc liitij c liy eenption agents wanted everywhere liberal cash commission allowed- tbeiiiost iopujar iikrr to ireri i-i- money can bo made during the fl and inter season working for the lz ppa uia anyother employment address pree press luiidoa oatar thli acton free press the lkuils- local newspaplik- oi htoli tjountf 1 tuliulboj verytharsdy taonyui ao q smikriiitlon pri oolr tloc ln ml eelutj 3act i mtthd idg two uhnn was vj is aa j tcril t 1 oitsi 1 sais r j it hi i rbrnih try it orthrea montlu for 35 oentt 1

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