t ttott fttt press xhtlrsniy december u 1888 cljc goung 3foiks press ok little pilgrims fmtpa litut ulrimc md tievtrcive up thf olwn th itceert tc ilrry prton liu interim ret lc itch yonrcap from wells of skiiion vlwu vcry cito when youve crossed tfce river voau c hippy ever sale oa ciiuji uiow voau be happy evermore j pwaon utile pilgrinj and lean oa the friend whose heart is the cenptre of pity whose wisdom shall etude yoa whose arm thill defend tiuaje in the betatixal city fresa on tittle ptlcrimc sad never retrett when siin comet forth o annoy yoo the darts which he hatu with a merciless hate xtay wound bat shall never destroy you treta oa little pilgrims yoar home is in view lu doors ire throxn xride to receive you a bright crown of cory is laid up for yoa and sorrow and iia shall tbou leave yon lbfttfascgesnok how is yoar latin xlut cettin along herbert v atkedhis father at the breafcfat- table oh tolerably sir said herbert withi half iccwl which was becominc very fami liar with hir face i dont like latin maeh myself and tpme of the boys are each poor scholar that they keep the whole class back i wish i was in some other cftm wfli too bare some more potatoher- bert r aikedhis mother well i dont beliete i want any i dont think this it a very nice wsy of cooking potatoes we ased to- have them a reat deal nicer can yon spare a quarter of aa hoar after breakfast to help me with my ex iinplev herbert iikad his sister ob i suppose so i ui want to step and speak to jack lee aboat that book of mine he borrowed and hisnt returned i wish folks woddnt borrow bat if they will borrow i wish theyd retcrn lhityi what are yoar examples lathe least common multiple thais easy enoagh im sore i wocder if youre bright at arithmetic loll bat of eootk til show yon seems to me this steak if toagh u well hare to be looking after the wood aupplr noil suggested mother andtfien therell be more piling for toe afooarae remarkad herbert bridget most born a lot of ood in the kitchen while yoa are helping yoar sister trith the examples herbert said his mother th pat a stitch into that necktie if yoau hind it to me something about it teems to be wrong its a miserable fitting thing scarcely worth mending i wore it last night and it bothered me all the evening by the way did yoa have a pleasant time last night v ob rather bet i expected to hear wimetfring finer oocld have done almost u mhinjself herberts father folded cp thenewipaper he had been reading hud it betide his plate and taming towards the boy gazed at him so fixedly and so critically that he fecial inqoiringlj at him at length ask ing- well what is it father r herbert do yoa know that we all lore your why exclaimed herbert greatly as tonished it the question i suppose yoa do are yoa sore of it f tas said herbert ixcgbitig a little inn quite sere of it u yoa are rare that yoa with yoar sister ire objects of the most constant and loving are and aoieitnde en the part tf yocr mother and myself v yes father- said herbert mere thoughtfully batwhy do yoa ask yoa are sore that yoar besi and high est welfare is the thing most earnestly ought by us yeair t and that there is nothing ia the world so reeioui to as four at this table as just we foaxr yes sir m yoa sre a bright boy yes bright as the average peehaps a little brighter al though my thinking so may come of my being slightly partial to yoa welflooking too well kept and healthy yoa sre ible to fake in the fall delight of oatdoor boy- life and you enjoy yoar school in a general way dont yoa yes sir and are fairly happy in yoar home got- roandinksr yes father in everything bctwilryoa please tell mewhat all this means 7 yes ive come to that now yoa awake ia the morning in the fall enjoyment of every blessing yoa came to the table snr- roonded by tnose to whom yoar happiness tx dear herbert loosed into fiw fathers eye waiting to hear more a he made slight pause it seems as if c boy in yoar condition ia life ooht to find hipjiues iu everytliinc bat instead of ihit everything according toyoarowc khowing eemsto bear athoru for yoa of the half a dozen things toadi ed apoa within the list fifteen minalea some pertaining jo yoar ttadiea some to yoar amaecnetjt some to yoar cmill doxies to itherseverjlhia hti been mec by yoa witn t direct or iudirect compttint or fault gndii2 i reillyam afraid ray boy that life u becoming t hardeasotce unhappy lhin2 to yoa oh joa are mistaken father sid herbert with a rising jor iresiiv dont nieau to keep np a noovl and a rottl about uliiig i dont think oj it half the time then kj1 his father with a helfje mgeipreatiotj oh hi face giving way to one wholly aerioa itut it time you were tfauiking of making dear to yoa the itippi ess of thove to wham yoar iiappiuw i dear- do joo ever re2ectio a cpirit of fsaltcndingraiftfa shadow aboat yonapbn thom entiilftj to ometriin fietter uikji iiadovg froni yon how a mpliiii voice and soowiini face take awy alt the sweetaewaud beaaly from the hoars wliieh shtkiid be highly prized boors in which we who lore each other are togeiher indeed father i iever took it to heart tjflfottv bnt i will there are many boys in the horoea all orer he world- woaldn they do well also totakeitto heart syl jjure in l sing s alleluias shou the glad praic the saviour is larn eing jialloiojau this bright christum mora jesus xtesstah iticlorj of us ill kow for thy plory eo fondly wc call cio shout hallelujahs to jesui your kinp iload let year inosic this hippy i day rtitc chime out yoar voices yc cay merry i bolls rwhit a bright message your il- ing now ells peace be ou earth and x will to all men send outthe message jes tell it again glory and honorto jesus be givu gmof allcrcaiurcstriamphantiuhcivu honor aad homagoto jesus en high christ reigns triumphant above yoafcr here with glad voices hosannas wc raro singing our anthems in notes of ewect praise a starless crqwtf jingles and jokelets hsltar hourwuh the vtuc ken the wit andthe rarsnlis of th day have yoa tried holloways corn cure v it has no equal for removing these trouble- come exerescenfes at many have testilicl ho live tried it epemteeanotuj is practiced when people buy cheap biking powder the best is the cheapest and im perial cream tartar baking powder is the best sold by all grocers k ifckae wyebridge writes i have sold large quantities of ur thomas eclec- trie oil it ifi used for colds sore throat croup tc and in fact for any affection of the throat it works like magic it is a sure care for barns woands andbruuies dews br hcfenxtutlac a d s ifcdonald habou c b writes kasal balm has helped my catarrh very much it is the best remedy i ever ascd valtuuc t sibw coceamption maybemoreeisilyprevent- ed thta cured theirritabngandharrasing coagh will be greatly relieved by the use of hagyxrds pectoral balsam that cares coughs coue bronchitis and pulmonary troubles the special anuounccmeuttvhich appear- 1 ed in our columns eonin tune since an- 1 nouncmg a special arranccineiit with dr b j kendall co of kuosbjrgh falls vt publishers of a trettueoq ihellowo and his diseases wherehy oar subicnbers were enabled to ohtaiu a copy of that valu able work fre- by sending their address to j3 j keiidallco ind cualosing a two- 1 cent stamp for mailing thej same is re newed for a lituitei period we trust nil will avail themselves of the cpportanity of obtaiuiug this valuable wark to every lover of the hone it isicdifpeiieable as it treats in a 6inipe manner au the diseases which afilict this uobe aniuial it plie- i c i nominal eile throughout the united states and canada make- it standard authority mention this paper when sending for treatise i xicbt jthtrw i stroke last night to find iqy boy so bad with croup that he could haraly breithe but on giving him some haryards yellow oil on suglr and robbing his cht throat and back with it also be soo i was sleeping quietly and awoke neitmarn ng completely the third page of the toronto zawy uail h noted for want advertisements if yoa want to bay or sell- anything u you want a situation a mechanic a bnsi- ness machinery lodgings if jou have lost or foaqd anything or if yoa want to nd out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto aiiy slau and read the advertise ments on the third page of that gaper the charge is two cents a word each in sertioo address tkt hail toronto can- ada jtmjxacsrt of god yon can make a man rich but it cannot make him healthy if amicled with any form of dyspepsia biliousness consti pation scrofula had blood kidney com plaint or skin disease the remedy that will make yoa well is burdock blood bittern it is the best bljod cleanser known aqtr frkafc i say that yoar hagyard6 yellow oil is the best thing i ever saw for croup coughs colds cuts or burns and it is good for man orbeasc hi e 51 hoiwvsciaremoat ont yeilow oil cures rheumatism neur algia and allpain caaicmpctaa sarrtrctirrtf toiteedlmr please inform yocr readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of hn leas cases nave lkxu pujacpuy cured i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rem to any of your readers who have cocsamption if they will eend me their erpress and p o address respectfully dc t a slocru 1 west adelaide et toronto ont h yoi want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto ithy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmer5 homes every week and yoaradvettisemeiit should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto vttdly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions address the slail toronto canada oh shall i weir a farleaj cwn iu youder world of clorj or will tome htllo friend pe found to wham ive told the story ths wcudroas story of thd cros the sutterincs o lie ksvioar who died thai he from worldly dros might win us to his favtr cuo o happy dsyl o happy puoc we shall soou mffltother where jesus stands with tuulirp face to crown as his foievcr a youthful army noiv we itand ur captains word ia given well pnwsrd move his blest commaud will guide us on to heaven ivheujrausomd hosts t hall gatlter round thelamb on zions mountain oh here may we each cue be foand beside the living fountain il profr loisettes memory discovery and tr aininq method la itilt of sdaltmtrd uillion whfcli mu ihe h47 4nd nrmcticu raltt f tha orifind in ik- at ht trorrt mlnpiwquliii br etuiaui wksutl ccnipturn wnhariltaof tikttiiju to rot fciai of tti miit of hit labuti kii if vnicti anoailrc a aodoqmaa nptrialtr nd pitwiirttt of hit taach i pwlrtmusart of kro tpourfunf u tl soar tn bath uornltvhprm ik mirklnt iner- wnotr caliurft hlfpraiicia nt it trozst opinloaiof p1n ijlpnifi lhlctwrkawicti lht oil 8fium it vied etfiff faring futfj dtmttirst lht any lxiin ttarnird ia a jrarfinfftiiftiyar to our subscribers it the cfcleitscd cent ftur iciczutc si ntvrlcal rh rcbm ard tit die itnrirt rtivailintf umtktdi lc tn ttcwcrlil l-qllj- luratm ikl tfat wil kwrcv inc lfcuca ll srid xt fiticn rckiteofjts builder c c bjceim i- co gmcts we consider ifinardj liniment the best in the market and cheerfully re commend its use j h hiutts h d bellevne hospital f u ameesox if d lkcs edinbnrr itkcs england h d wiwjn h d urn of penn advice to ifotheta ireyou disturbed at night and brokentif your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of sire wiuslows soothing syrap for children teething its vilue is- incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it it cures- dysentrv and diarrhtca regulates the stomach and bowelc cure wind colic softens the gum rednces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem ilrs winflowta soothing syrup for- children teething iir pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tba oldest and best female physicians and nurses in theunitel states and is for sale hy all drniiists throughout the world price twentyfive utk a battle bd sure and ask for mr windows soothing syrup and take no other kind tlie rw ward- eapepsia is derived from the greek aud jraeaos a conditidn of perfect digestion this oonditioa is alwayi attained by those who use burdock blood bitters the only guaranteed medicine for oil forms of dya- pepaia constipation fbiiiousness rheums- tisffi sod all blood diseases 1 ptxln mxtrmrut allpoisonon iratte and worn out matter ought to escape frotu tht nystem tlirouiii the aecretioun of the liotrels kidues and kin b b b clritn njieiis und regu- latea thttc lutucilviallet- fur the removal of dee it in wnrx than inadries to iielect a txiub or a cold hich is easily fubdaed if tajctu in tini feconie when left to itself the farerun i itr of citjamptioii audjjrema- ileith iifltmnmuou when t attacks thedtiicaie tiue of he luuqs and lronch 1 iuik- trcvelfi wiili periluu rapidity tneii in nut aflky gtt a bottle of dickies auiiconcumptivu sjrap the medicine tlmt jrinus ilii formidaltle foe of the jttimii body and drives it from the sys tem xhi nifldjciuepromotes a free and easy iipectoration subdues the cough heals the dweaaed parts and exerts a most wonder- farinflaeop in canng oonsumptioa aud other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents with to save the lire of their children jind iheruseluesfroa much anxi ety trouble and erpense let them procure a bottle of bfcklea a ntf consumptive syrop and whenever a child has taken cold has a cough or hoarue give the syrop zeeatditig to directions edition of sceerriifio american- lulktniimr riatf cuiftry na cllf rclc-n- m r pslllc tiilmitxi neo crmnti tnd ilii rlxs cri r3piiy i h u r hs efwf jiic luhijr frit iz c5 flaccr it cnn it0 ifiutueiih nsr be rfrar im ir pir lru iivx i t ci v tare hide ljw tppjltxjr pyaiecce lirictir zciitc ilaiibiut ttal trade marks rljtcrclntip iv- s a to in it imtrure 33crllandlit kvitt cltu tir iresi j it sallcltor j jl blloaiirjunir 6c in tost mart u noi rt tirxec arrir i lit lscu prwcccursu copveifihts tor tcc qclctlr rk-re- mcsk 4ca pat j3x11al olfice i cured john egliutoa ont elj-iit- tatarrfiat aratarniiij feiec uate trcataiea sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contasioas or that they are due to the presence of living parasite in thelinintnembrauceatideuitachian tube microscopic research however has proved this to be a fsct and the result of this discovery is that a timple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three eijpple applica tions made at home by the patient once ia two wesk- n u this treatment is cot a a eunff or an ointment bop have been discarded hy reputable physicians asinjur- ous a pamphlet explainipj this new treatment is cent on receipt of ten cents by a if diiou i- saa 303 west kin3 street toronto canada toronto gldr sufferers from catarrh trquhles ehoald ctrefullv read the above volumes of bombast have buea published about the multifarious irreconcilable effects of many proprietary remedhs the pro prietors of northrop a- lymans vegetable discovery content thsmielvei with facts suepecttble ol proof they elate their purifier to te what it has proved itself to be an eradicitorof ijyspepsia constipation liver and kidney troubles aud a que gen eral alterative cevt and caaxtarc a cbr saorrtiie- browns household panacea hts no ejnal for relieving pun both internal and cxterm1 it cure prin iu the side back or bonels tore throitrheumttism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of piin or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its actiifj power is wonderful browns ho seheld pan acea beins ackuowledgsd as the creat iain ieliever aud of double the strength of any other eliilr or liniment in the world ehould be in every family handy for ue when wanted as it teally is the best remedy in the world for c amps in the stomach and pain and aches of all kinds and is for esle by all druggists at 3j cents a bottle to lessen mortality and etoj of disease use northrop ly table discovery and dyspeptic all diseases arising from import as pimple blotches biliousn tion etc etc it has- no thomas smith elm writes this medicine for dyspepit many remedies but this is that has done mc any good he larcest scale works th catcada over ioo styles of hftv scales grain scales farm scales tea scales i improved show cjt mokey drawers mufcioffcrs uid b3tch suffl1es sjetss in nl wrlc icj c wilson soh 6 0 esplanade street e ast torontc ont catarrh faarfi mcb i- hai rh- icm of rs0 l ttraih rki cti fociir ii d lrt3ubtj ivilh tit o i have caitrrh ar4 hiij i- a bctc c1 nti iui rc in htd rr ircmin ptiirurrlrin ildrficcijscrkilliesf ic ticcrtirj sitc alfoso c efirili c eevirt cf iraititio in chztt ah iut tilc nl woeh poiwdshs arg plearsat to tita cciin tliriro pcrrtira ii t tt ti ct iesrrcjer at worcx great britain and europe a kiw veurvirb ik kedtitxe the four grea test m cdical centres of the world are london paris berlin and vienna these- citia havo iomenie hotptals teeming with iuffcriiifj humanitr crowds of itajent throne tho fcardi itsjvinzundtr the profesprs in charge the raoit renowned hhrii ciactof the world teach and prac tice fcere ami the institutions cro itorehocies of medical kxovltdgo and experience with a- view cf mafcinc tuu erperience aviilatlo to the pulhc the hoirttaleimedy co at preat expense secured the prescription of tfceta hcepitals prepared the speci5c rii al- iheech ft would cost from i5 to t imtofecarp the attention ctfhelr dittineuiihed originators yet in this way their prepared epecics arfrofffcfed at the pnee of theicack patent medicines that fiood tka market and auczdly claim fb eura everj- ill from a tingle bottlej tho want always felt for a ratiaua class of doness rcmedae u now shac witlr perfect aatiifactlon tie hosittal rfiraedie mate no unreasonable claims the ticdla for catarrh cres that and ccthiflff else j a with the specific for bron- clntu consnmpuon and xunr ronfclc hhcumatiim is cured bv vo s while trouble of digeition stomach liver and kidcerifhavft their own cure to these ii added tjkciuc for fever and agu ona lor female jweakneis a general tonlcand bloodeakertbataakes blajd and gives form and fulness ami an iocompaxaua remedy for acrvocs leujity sro icvxrs catarrh hay cold catarrhal dzafhe stic i are tmzrdjr frcn tzkntifz csurizs i ike paitic ttlt u rsi c suffer cni so cojsk cams bsoxuims asthva cqxsmptioxan ircarpzrzth rer tf te mrejf etsp c y t vt crzlfcsits i e tiizi cri ctrctfmnstkz kfp ri resicrts a fhleicrtatczsscfifc fjoo 5t0 srkeukavska cltjnkci cri lrcxs tttclalltt in this dhtexe in fdrit kiq trczts rsiihg die belli lit rcsxicticicn fttrcrclj j7- sqtuveft ahd kidueys ciopefsta aud ikdisestiqh cofistlpatidk erights d-ea- zilcl tltlu fesariis tzqkitrfcd fcr tfz nefaei mere riot sets thzn c csxeitsati in tjzh plixz ftox hi ft jig 1 rcczx xq feyeft akd ague dm- keurllgtafcx km tjaura grvedieiliscss 1 elhe vie ikt tgticm it it irtslclto trck it j a remedy tkzt trzikxus it 1103 itogfeiuls weakness mrzyjifrr whites muy kbiw arc trdcn they reaieei taut dstesses urrill krc ute ha 6 cd rejalx hejt eji crtki so 1kealtk fqru ako fulultz i wk4 6oorf ant lets cf it ffuczklf iftaajnrg ute tift perfect uriz sto skerflws oebiim iocs f ov eaack tareriiien public all hcil a fur eft utferiatie corditiw kc 5 ont trial aill pnze besrzi of i icha eherze ktgk prt fcrccr- drugs and plut tkt properties cf tii uiufy gnoraiti end tzko cxpoz ai j- cnnfidetusl leitert to cihzrt in thz z r btitlrttt uitkzcrdtezczzlr 703 ohe doijlr ejlch iuf ltj 1 1 a 1 that t xkjtatzrtxv to be had of ale t3evcgta n w tccp irne madia mci pries ta at lai t rz fcip is yz j- uiejout aixcio apr ropectlitfapbrvci- rj kz x lu- tehiocerijqrfrlwajce faa the dednefrfjattc r qcit prt xixit 4arfc m ennriiifr iaisf iwpsrjlilc faicr n ii jruij ls via ksd uinensl ta txiia 1b om dazcyzizda ur- txy jjrf jbffloi 4fcr gtnaiaz aaiae uul ut emir ccu frr its 5tii 7 dzoii proprietor hfiantscamea care garget fa cow new fall gboods railway time- new fall goods kkv fall ooodit nkw kall goods aliw fall goods new fall goods xeiv fall coods xew fall goods kew fall goods kew fall goods new fall goods new all goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods we are showing the largest and best assorted stock of goods in all departments that we have yet shown millinery cto uillfccrv ucinciil h wj uii- ioti lice our uillineri vy i- teirdlcr cflionijcntl kcajlduiorumsmiilliof biktoooi mantle goods couio tc or lfilk good u crinc o u lt iojj hidvtt urse uiet in itu lice lint re azt nr foa ufc t 1 c llc ovtl new fall goods new fall goods new eall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods dressgoods dvs gi frejl laric irjvoriecrojrkaljci dmiet we ktve theni ia vdiimilililick cuicciorahieariesu ail w kc or bnidediou to 1 ill c i itr pctd blankets and comforters scourbiatiutaciioruri we na tell you thtweooj l ni tti till sc ibjoa they ire o low clothin sco our ucu c04u llj re trt idlii tt feioj ech oin uittc gd 0vcro34u froui 3w cj ladies and gentlemens furs a good vtit for tua dollir our grcit eloct c ldici si uezj iurs u rih jrices boots and shoes our stock ii full iulirioeloiidquiitycood sw onrnek iocfc uec wouieai tzd uivti over kuo vii ltullers we lucdle tite celebrxted grutby goods iu ill the widuli groceries clci lit cuejit teix lud kuutirr iu the luurktt remember the right place for bargains is at the glasgow house henderson mcrae cv co kcton economy mr aitiii for sotuethiii to tarn up is a poor way of acquiring wealth xeitheris spending every dollar you earn a gooa wav there is a happy medium and that is to make sure every dollar you pay out for the necessities and luxuries of life does full- duty if you buy your goods from second or third hands the purchasing power of your money is decreased in proportion to the amount the middleman expects to make as his share of the profits ivow we buy your goodsjust where they are made and from those who make them by buying in lare quantities and the nature of our iradein guelpn makes this necessary we are able to purchase from the rery people the wholesale houses bay from so that we actually undersell others iu the trade by the amount ot the wholesale mans profit this is the secret of the importers success that he can offer customers the very finest class of goods at prices paid else- wherefof goods of a low quality the daily growth of our trade is ample proof of the truth ot these remarks as a rulcpeople will bay where they obtain the best value and a glance at the customers liaiug our counters in business hours shows the popular opinion of our advantages in purchasing as compared with thoseofotherguelph merchants j we have been devotitg particular attention to ladiet and chil drens mantles and jackets this season aud can offer you an almost endless variety to choose from aur goods in this department ranc- iug all the way from 2 to 6o xbryan co the leading dry goods house successors to john hogg son the best fsreijr newspaper la cinida king of the weeklies -18s9-90- j free press loxdo oxtuuo the hikdsomest prirted paper ik tke domik10n gtuelph quelph cloth hall all the news inpull by telcprib ttlcyhaza kailudcorrix2d- czee cp to the hotir of isliicafaa nicstrttiors irxctfcil ind isctnl ire givea 1 tacli kcet fenecixl utrfcer dejiartiect apcdtrti denarticcct capil hwrj ilways ijussicff inea- iocs iuttlc celcisu hu-i- oro eeaizg iarge arrival nsw fhllgoods i just the tiiixg for the fakilv evtry meajljcr ol the ljcaitbom citrly loots i for it tick itt tuericnltcnlbcrwrtccu is noied fea- turc of via free ivvsi ixiaa alicirfc cj to the i tiaxe md candzcted by arsons yrtcticalh skilled icftnn crt large 8100 paper in clubs of focr mi urirdi 75c each balance of 1889 fres a o1kds0ue chrbtltas xlmer xsu fouu chkokos gircuiirtyfriicof clixgd w evcrj- ubscrilwr for laso aniiu wbo ihtc tea um adrasce ihecu of ibe cbrutinu cumber tocoucce it a gaiand idoaa wortu tbe price ol tbe jab- tcrjiaiaa shaw grundy merchant tailor8 cuelph agents wadiad eveiywhere liberal i cash commission alioved j tbc izati imjiular papr to work for uoru i money e4n be mtda daring tbe fall and winter aioncrfcini for tbe fnc lnwn thin at cjyoihiretriloyraeni adrlreufree press speight son actonv j a speight manager cnutyyoaiiihtjlttcluriiiturrtiqiiitotcniijivotroe ci axr illile bonie u replealili roar toee it i mttjol o fc ur tlo t lie veiflorot r ilere it nn ijde of fcccire 10 oumatisprir id nrjier we deliver dor turullare md yoa hsve io uncej treuht chdryej ncd rsn no ritt of brfaiice i we cia ait li undertaking uttzip rrimmtouiitbriimmiutmojud io convmcias lljo public of ulii entire copman- tit ijplly talolm wort in ill orien mi ia iti lei wuica ounre witll boee of tic citj- it one bait city prices our hearse- riinciceileuioncaujourttfaniajtaitrirekeutabecomiaff apncrane we ha iiea- iuri m mvituigtho public to ca31 oa m for anytblng rwinired in oar lines grand trunk railway fioii ft- tt utc n net tutor lvfcuitr kendalls mmm rce ct the hi qaimeau ra cijl il25 nt ny itaiiirt for thrt jttn 1b xosainlr wie kendalls spaviji curl tmtli fdi ill co vtr sir i i3ctir li pft tctj tt mrm1 t ccaicpalon cf f c3kii7scsri2 vtcj ii cr iarariinm stiir jigs t at tccm me ad it to u icnaec l tob kendalls spavin 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