Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1889, p. 3

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i acton 8ev o a tfori hjl phd pastor jarffiaapbowttarctia uyfcd- gkatbayr vlexjubeb spisici w ottiiauks rt and pny j j hvcbotkixs dayj school i rtteeiciiingtioir r entejtaijimeift i fth de jft en jd uk stfrviorl 10s1 atn 4od 6j0 saoday 26oll3xritlcciaeondoelsiliytiic- lioi all cordially invltal a ngwv an victor always wolcomo at- uss tt dcot rttmiorsaradesirod mir to u r aloor bank 0f hamilton headoftice hamtlton cirtiic vkii vr- sictoan imodjox qeoroetown agency 4 general biolinr business transacted savings llixlt oelaktltkxt deposit received o u tnd apkirdi lateral allowed at current rates ic of withdraws required ko scialilss u m watsok asent s meetinefa tic riicr otejisoi tri cfa irilttjie range cqifr tuil ox- l- iarhber acton i sos j l 3tii jn 1890 li lj x3asxf3v am t to itfd bijt- dredge sec ijnplements sauta clisius headuartw a jlime of oac stow will bo veritable bmpm of suu clint wuthoose to voa ad ettty bojfr of xmu gfu the iollr owsfinl wenu never to lire ot the lboc 2 inrtntic cew things for the delight o us lojii frieods cd this teasoa he hit ioetaed to oafdo himself jo the profasioa indnowlty af his vuot uyonwunt lo im to vhtt extent ingenuity cwrga tnd box dut pretty things lie within the reach at the smiuest parse jast drop in tod ukc i look iroand oar tore it will do yoa od i george filnds acton ont i xhm jtrjuircss ihubsday decehbeei 12 iss5 3felxriieffi0fi locals 3js c ivi r ecu t ya- 3rd jakuahy rses 1 travesr csl eofc 7 t lo caute i febrctry 1 iuiir nit i arr cts12es neck i sj bsihei otr 1 ctj ii jisd-ttn-i- fcfica g iiitca aader cash s rtci ca tpprored tiihrr ci lex cash i ijanistteet lactfjaocr pvhile4 tiy hie exerioujiitfal mid alert frc prts iorterf i 0 ileifihinfft week io noue now roouncilmeetihk oext ifoadiyewaiog brud is dowu to tea cents per lof ihe aec miase will soon be eox- somerery fpringliie weather in the list ta dl lots of thinfis woojdtcdiffercdtifthej- wete otherwise j ihe 10 cent ore gaeiph icrites l ah from oar reajfcrg the anh who is dexd ia love witlt titrflfjf aiaillr hu no rink in expected pleasure ia 1iv wet jboot it wxal hard to pat ofl the freqptct nins of the past week aased the wfmng to disipper stiiiahe ss entertainment willl cbewtobs tegsia e of jacs an- itbetiaaeof actqnrio f fa it as jecaxa de- j iristc etaune of on- c acec ii berttr gftts r jit7 or iftw uuzw ajderwa lat of the t ccrrj- of hiia ye- lirl c2 qr tbcsl d s i- 1 e tte sam yfllse ia ted poetpaistj j llios po ori pibj exeectari erftfce pes aidarkisdettmseior r iieir joijctors for the udrd of ico3ts it txj lid by tbo fiec lii after ihe txidfirf zd hieeciotswslpto- liscis rt lie ax decesaea miec titirsu htiq re- 1 escijtoa viq dr be or part thercl i drftckai ot whose i ie 0ti received at the t for tiu stid eieeclcis kebltorii dhainj decsasxip- i siir licsc ht-rlc- anj ui or ifcsleiac oj- vjjnde2 san thef ecf j of lsctvrtk- twriaiii of r tic i4e reryiccnd k trt ocrtlrr- rejcired to 1 s ljdaaeot rweaw mtphed- fmretjtcisiv41iird day j- itf soniaxocs 2 villi ftjlpardeniar t and ftaitacnts of ncczrijlf y 3 by dthlariiisdax i 1 tja tfwr uic saw rjas hie eitco- j kruie aaeti at the c ptruniiiji there- lo ut claio ct 3hieh i t tid ihj eiacoiara i e aaj r any prt k ziecjazijt wbosttlmjtnm c ii iu iis o och i acxok december uoxffiidleakings wlilfhatrxoitl a rjri tofti e llfiivriillue rmtct uj w ccar qf the asclent is arc trtangiac forone 1r pirta ill acton oh the c iiy irelitnotra talent sthokc- iriltfonat ies fax i cuiciifli tonuia streetr f acton- j tbachafl ivoulsud otlictft- labpreoni pfthe ih efthe- gfjb lodge spas lb fizfoiiu ia wner m- eia- cb3ft8 be heid oa mondif ereaing 23rd mst ir l francis is moving into his fine new residence on wfllaw slxeet this weefc the disoplea eanday school atmirer- ary will be iheld on friday ereninc j7th t decembers i is siam a una can gamble away bis wife or rather he coid if be cooid find anybody willing to tale the bet hr georse barciaj of toronto preached two very impressive discoarses in the disaika chnxch hist sanday the uuoal show of the hilton poultry ind pet stock 6ociety will be held at 0toafisai dec 30th to january 2nd jacklfrost draws near the skies are drear on every hand throoghoat the land a heard tha roar of that that door f mr hpgh afcjns publishes inthu issoe a cardtof thanks to the friends who hite assisted him in his time of distress jadidooi advertising always pays and an tiwndance of it in the holiday season its the best cniliiv a business oaan can make i the young people of st johns church stewarttowu announce- a promenade con- cert in the town hill thepa on friday evening j vrhereoti where has the lamplighter fiooss was the plaint of citizens who had to be oat pa the streets the past two or thtee ereqings r the asets of the estate of the ujte bobert warren will be distributed amongst j ihe parties jentitled thereto after the first day of janaarynext h7ft kce snbwden of gaelph is v thinking of 6rganizio a claes in calisthen- f here iimiiir to the classee under capt clarkes tuition in gaelph the amiaal meeting o the dominion alliance wilibe held in toronlo commfinc- hi on wednesday isth inst a large atteudance of ail interested is asked for harveys mill pond has risen about twenty inches within the jast few dayf when it is kepwu that it covers aboat e cres it will be realized that a good deal of- rain his fallen a neat little pamphlet descriptirt ot the j newly cenkikedcrosshospital and contt- i lesceut home onilia has been receired at j this office from the founder of the institution i he j p secord the farm belonsinff to the estate of the hue jeremiah smith lot 31 coo c acsagaweya of 150 acrex was sold uat friday by aactjoneer hemstreet to the j the thxeeaons of deceased for w3i5 therejtre no more mwttng window in i on fhac those of j- b- pearson and nameroas lines of goods saitatu for christ- mas presei ts are shown mr pearson has 9hile a- fsw words for yon on another coi j the anmtetnsary cervices in connec tion with the lden mills presbyterian 1 charch wijl be held on sabbath nexf eer j j- w ew preaching morning ant evening- on toesdaytreoicg 17lhj a tea meeting rinbeleid r the christmas aiincnnceniebt ot k i heganrio i co in another cdumnii cal- t colated ta attract enstomer the cbrist- niu sjockof this firm aider its present nterprinbg raanacement is airasually fioe nd well selected- messrs galuher and sheaban f guelph together with good local ulenf ui produce the popular temperance drama jtbe social glass at the town kail brookyioe kassagaweya on friday erening pec 20tk i prof eobertsoo of gnelpfa atjhe etatfilgn farnieri institute meetnf at ajlmer last jreek stated that owfnfi to careless mfclhsds in fannlog enonxh wealth in he shape of wasted man ore goes y dbwnttu st iawrenoe innnally to pay v theintereaoothe whole debt of the do- jsunkul t j 1 a big biie for okkvtue j oalaille will submit a bylaw to the ratepayers oo the dili of january taking forf30000wuworkeltriqlichlandfot rcdetupthju of aoq0 school debonturo uow the overdue i i coam union setvices tt kcox caurci the oiaal hqartirly communion tervicoi ot knoi charch wcro held oa 8atardav tnd sunday ilevv joha stewart of llora rreached pcttparatary tmoa on satar- dsy ousandsy hcvj wuapthe pas tor prache4 itt english while itev mr stewart prcacaedia gaelic m the vestry to adoreu or toot the lovers ot the nalirt tongue iter jlr stewart preached the evening fernaon 1 rne phicktassaliloquj turn backward taru backward oh limrtn yoar fliihl make me an egg fgain tmooth clean jica white lm homesick and lonely and lifes bdl a dream im a poor chicken bcruta a hatchingmachine compelled in ihis cold world lo roam no mother lo shelwr lo place to call home- no mother to taaeii me to icratch or to clock i canhardlv- ouwhetlicr im chicken or dack aor itftf fwrwrr- a puzzled firatr r a farmer real ia an acriccilaral joarnal a side window ia asuble makes ahorses eyes weak on that side a window ia front harts his eyes by the glare a window behind mates hini sqemtcyed a window ou a diagooal liiie tuikea him tliy when he travels and a stable withoat wiadows makes him blica the firmer has written lo the editor of th acricaltoril paper ask ing what effect a window withoat a stable would have on hisbcrscs eye the plrxdiut alalmc that repository jot asctal knowledge the canadian alraacac cor li30 pabluhed by messrs copp clark co toroato is to hand as usual it contains a mass ot in teresting and ralnahle ceneral information inclading etatisfice of xried character a new dcpirtcneat ts that ot the oalario medical reglsier fcr l2 this however caacot be said to be as authentic as the carioai other departments represented for instance take j oar own physicans dr mcgarrin is located at markham dr sucey at chcltechaci dr aald at georgetown aid dr htlstei at ceder- vale kcvr qcers if actzz r t cft th oxr bf j acioa council ot the lioyal templsrs of temperance for the easaing hilfcirprtre elected kstiloaaay evcmagicd arc is fellows rivr cfwilicsrjiro dr lcry suc7 corxiliii bro j l warrcs vut cofytiiofiiettt eaie iirs3c at six lrfer if tsrle jiatthcvs fis sec bra aljrhaiin tiaijlsitteeimr itassfc itoi cejutjltkdffliievj wiiti- hrcm hrojjcaauasitcy detitt elfjlirsatcr sjuiic tcntn gtiiii siilerbtila jolcsis- slxtlvtlhria witjaeef tee intiallajfoa will take place a the urst meeting in jasaarr a detate wiu u lei rorsjeme for the neit meeting the farmers fro icsitnnce tle meclicghsldln the council chamber on satcrday aferxeca to cazsider the ad- risibility of fpraucg a farcers mctcal fire tturaace ccenpany was well attended various phases ct ike natter were explain ed by messrs kolt dredge john ilimsey and john warren and those present ex pressed themselves favorable to the organ ization o a local company the meeting adjoarxed until 13th january at that dale all farmers in the townships of es- quesicg erirnosi erin and kassagaweya are iarited to be cresent the inipressioc seemed lo prevail that when organized the company ekaam confne its basin ess to a desnite aiii imited territcry and the townships aboce paced will probably be the bbonds within which the proposed com pany will operate tee zioqaeirt dr hfdatyrs grace charch 1 pa eramptod with commendable enterprise have secured the great western orator drmcintyreforone lecture on friday evening of this week miss strong torontos contralto andprof schradit an organist from germany will also take part in the entertainment the iectcrers jsabject will be the wyandotte gtvc or thirty hoars in a sualesswcrld- tle genial wit3ill kye known the world over says in the matter given by itobt mclnlyre and his oricinal manner of presenting it x regard his wort as wonderful he held his aadi- ence with perfect mastery we have lecturers and lecturers bat only a favored few who eta administer their lecture pain lessly and withoat the use of anesthetics bobt mclnlyre is ae of these ko one will regret hearing him admission only 25c so reserved seats- doorr open to ticketbolder at j7 to the public at 715 ecurtainment bogies at 70- neighborhood newjl furuuhnl by corrmitonaeuu uiflled frtm exf hiiufefi tud jjtkedjui by th wrv ocorifjetowxi the village council will k ho rriie- payers on the cth of jancary nail for their coucurranm iu iherahuucot ixorjfor buildings and improvementa in the agricul tural psrk 1 marti o g iibromon who was killed on the track here last week loaves a wife but i no children tho coatcsl for the llccvotlilp is likely- lo be between g u kennedy sud lachlao grant j ekix miis milligau was a delegate to the s s coqvcntiouat drayton last week i w tyler esq village clerk haa wen very ill for some weeks the pobiic school examinations will be held from the 18th to 20 ih ioela i angus stayner the young man who had his leg broken on mr cuss leitchs farm last iammer did not progress after the same being set and on wednesday last amputation was resorted to adrocalc ou wednesday dec uh the methodist congtegatiou of couiogsby held a very suc cessful tea meeting in the union church oth une enn the charch was crowded and the proceeds were 3g after refresh ments had been served rev mr ball ithe pastor took the chair and a very interest ing programme was carried cat cajtliiellvllle the methodist charch sabbath school have arranged to hive their entertainment on mondayveung the 23rd inat there is a pretty general feeling here that something ahoald be done to help mr d yieketuiaa lo rebuild the woollen mill lately lost by cre something moce-iab- stactiat than mere sympathy should be given to helphim to bear his heavy fosa he has lost his all and is not able to bhild again nnlest he receive aid from iliia township ocsome other soarcc it woold be aloss lo the ntiguborhood indeed ti the whole township to be deprived of the mill whea it had cot to working so nicely who will take hold of this matter and bcingil before the public we suggest the calling otapabllc meeting ia campbellulle at an early date to take ap the question aud recommend some ojone of actkn that weald help to keep mr vickermau and the woollen mill in llie township all should be interested ia this milter for mr sake and their own exitchbcll ino v6 the attractive and varied christmas stock of mr gorge hypia this year eclipses any former collection thowa by him if you want expensive presents he cansait yon if cheaper bat still very pretty goods he can meet your wants owing to the indisposition ot kev g c cooke who wis buffering from a severe attack of asthma there were no cervices in sta3faanchnrch on sanday we are pleased to learn that mr cooke is recover ing and will take hirwgrk as usual next sabbath t eev mr mcconnick lately oat from enginihtpreachediqtheconere2auonil church church hill the past two sandays service was ais3 hell oa monday evening last an effort iff being niade to have mr mccorsick take charge of the churches at the hill and ciiedon the cmcdxanhjrikalmul improves eyeryycar botbin appearance illaitrations colored plates acdreading matter every trait gnwergatdener and farmer should have it the odilorui a practical fmit grower and the other writers are the lead ing practical gardeners and fruit growers in ontario one dollar addrettedto the editor grimsby oct acares this monthly the iuterestiog annual report of the growers and a choicebf plants for testing cram mircrrs in ktsiagaweyt en dec at hie dence of the brides falherby the rev hough jas sherwood ot kaasacaweyu to lizzie eldest daughter of hiram wal in rasllnch oa the th inst at the resi dence of the grooms parents by rev dr torrance peter hame to marion c cam- craa of xasagaweya 0a wednesday ith inst a social held in the church at crewsoas corners the programme consisted of music bv the chcir readings recitations solos speehes etc and a good tims was spent by all present 1 on mbniay 2nd inst mrs- jeremiah fletcher of kassagaweya and another 2ady were driving through eockwooi in a cotter and when near the town hall the cutter was upset and the horse ran away the cutler was pretty badly ased up bat the occananu escaped ifljory the hone was caught by mr david schuliz jr who gxfd apj the cutter sufficiently to allow the ladiu lo proceed oa their jocrriey mr jos anderson ot the firm of acder- scn brof wsgonmakere edea mills is icaviag the village and coing to west lorre elin co where he has bccuied a good position with wm ford of that place the recent rains and mild weather bare knocked the bottom out ot the sleigning- xlltox wj stearn who bad been ia goal for orer a week awaiting his trial under the charlton act was tried and convicted en friday and sentenced to eighteen men the in the central prison the ministers of the iowa unite ia advis ing parents to keep their children off the streets at night r the municipal pot in milton is jolt be ginning to simmer and the chances are it- will never reach the boiling point ac least for this year it is generally conceded that mr dicehas proved himself a model mayor and is entitled to fill the big chair far an other term the reeveship ia safe in dr robertsons hands and it is to be hoped no change will be made in that direciiouj we presume the present cocneifcirs wiu again becaadidales for reelection bat whether they will all get there next jiaaary remains to be seen 1 former mises m m panton and e rixpn of billings mont are here on a visit the county coart has been in session this week a meeting was held on monday evening in the methodist charch in reference to the proposed new charch the tneeting was ajmost unanimous in the desire to with the work next summer oar town council passed a by- their last meeting to hold the nominations fcrmayor reeve and councillors jn the evniegbt dec 30th at the townhall e0ckwo0u goon aw at w nassagaweva wm lliirveyoltba rockiood cir colt preached on sabbath lul at bbeoer brtheuodcpnipbellville in plici of rev mr williimi who waa called to ireach at ui a reopening services of thelfethodiat cliarch iu derliu mr d d brks sup piled mr harrpyi tppoiulmoa s on tbo rockwood circuiu miaa emily grammctt nf tho 2nd cou cession la very low at tho present into with coutumption 6bo onnot be exjweted to last vmjt loug mr joromiali ilctclier and mrtjonathan adamson are both con fined to thfir hornet by sickness a merry load went from ebiuewr lo guelph on saturday last and bought prcaenu to be put on the chrittmai tree for the scholars of the methodiat school sabbath l the coming maatcipal election are liv- emag affairs graatjy caudle ales tor alder manic honors are coming u rward in abnudance the quantity iimoi a notice able than the quality it seems i npotiibla to get men ot infiaence and tslcn t to ran for aldermen and the carters coi i oil ped urs and io4fcn see their opporti nily and take it tlie mayorality race is becora ag inter- eating if the catholics dciert kclelian reform fcr moore catholic theikenrick consenativej will get in if they do not then mclellan will goin aodaokt itauds he cilholics holding the balance pf power mclellan baa been running after this power too machto aait bli protestant friends and had much better leave them alone railway matters are at a sta ad still thethb co liat not prweuted its credential yet aud until it does t olhiug is to be done the ymca have opened ihe rfioenew building and every one is delight d with it the gmnasaim is attracting largi n ambers of yoang men and is splendidly furnished and run the free library bmlding isbtmg push ed forward and the staff is hard at work arranging the books the weather here ibis week is s mild as spring not a vestige of snow oakhlle evening oa behalf last saturday evening about 1 oclock the a m e church waa consumed by fire it is sapposedto be the work cf in incend iary mr keltlewell on bandar offered up a very loaching prayei of the brothers and listen cf te colored charch rev wm meikiepaitor of the presby terian charch w turned home from mobile ala after an absence of two mocths mr metkle looks and liels better for his trip and we are glad to earn that mrs meikle is recoverinc from period of illness and expects to return in the spring tally restored to health mr meikie deiivired two able sermons in his chcirch oa sunday last in the morning he preached from the words haw long shall ye halt between two opioions it the even- he dwelt upon the words show me where- fme thoaobnteodest with me toe r t of t coancu sent a letter ot condolence to messrs a and h chisholm who are both members of thi council sympathizing with them in thpir recent bereavement mr w kerns m p p attended the funeral ot the late w b caiiliolm j waldie m p visited oar town last week messrs jas mcgill and chaepttersoo of torontj apent sunday anden he parent al roof christmas is coming and k are the municipal elections i wonder vhich will bring the greater enjoyment lo a certain class of men for everybody one feature of our xmas stock is that there is some thing for everybod some thing for everybodys taste something for everybodys purse almost everylody has to practice a little economy in xmas buying to make the gifts go round and we are here to help everybody to do just that thing- come arid look through our stock ana remem ber that next to selling its our great pleasure io show goods gfo hvnds acton riost tuoucti flourstoue white iciawwu scott wheat- democrat wheal bprinff wheat j faa wheat j- brae li barley 4 oal lt fcaa hayold ayncwj btraw wood per conl egg ir dorxri hotter daiiy icfccd batter rolls choete 1 potatoes iht hag apples ioric 4 ladbakiiin jj prlu ii hide december 12th lsbc- 2kwiw 2 10 w a 50 i 00 to 0 00 ij i lia 0 00 u0 00 i 0 co 10 0 00 coana wooli fine wool-j- torfii i 0 60 to 0 80 0 0 to 0 80 10 00 v 10 00 0 35 to 0 5 0 86 to 0 28 0 42 to 0 i5 o m to o a 10 00 loll 03 700 tooe 3 00 to 00 00 w 50 z 0 3d to 0 23 0 15 w 0 17 v 16 to 0 16 0 11 to 0 is 0 50 w 0 w 0 75 to 1 00 5 50 to 6 00 0 60 to i 00 o 0 to 0 80 9 so to s 00 0 90 to 0 bo 0 s3 to 0 s3 0 10 to ll 13 fob sulriclarge box stove pipes various tabjejj feather beds plupwi shell- table copt9arabdcnlarbck cheap j mfcti 8 a iittoai i oa monday afternoon after a lingering fllnesa miss maggie stoat daughter of mr eli stoat departed this lifefaged 21 years 9 months miss stout was consistent christian an earnest worker in the charch and sunday school and much beloved and respected by her many friends who unitedly regret her early demise the remains were interred in the fourth line cemetery on wednesday afternoon oo thursday mr john hill fell fvom the hay mow in wm wiliooghby a bam ijreak- icg one of his ribs last thatsday mrs barber fell at the corner of gaelpb st and broke her wrist eevmr ball of toronto will preach in the methodist charch next sunday morn ing and evening wj fields wfll lecture in lint town hall on the 19th inst i there were no services ia the st johns charch last sunday eev g b j cooke beingill mr v strachanba has beer elected president of the alma mater sc ciety of qaeeos universitykinestn mrj strach- an is a son of her d stracbao of rock- wood and his many friends will cod grata late him on this high honor at the bands of bis fellow student aboat four weeks ago mr geo drydea of eramosa lof a brood sow diligent march was made for her in the i eighbor- hood bat bbe coald not be fonnl last week mr dry den heard a noise ii a straw stack and on discing oat a qcanutyof straw be fonnd the miisiod ani nal and strange to say the animal was a ive and aftr being out a abort time was is active as ever although not so neaby as pf ben she gold watches silver watches ear rings cuff buttons plush boxes plush albums for infants and children trftusowefltdaitoes lrecnmieik1ltagnpriortoaiiypracrtptteq i gggr ftfii ptonttai- taowbtoine w a 1 kflsswonns sdwst steep and proawt o lhboifortebroqkiyant hscsddoiisasdioatka to comvi coxrure 77 mamy street k t did you get one of- our circulals christmas will soon be here and our line of fancy goods is larger lhan ever now is your time to secure a nice present m plush goods in endless variety comprising dressing cases jewel cases collar and cuff cases writing desks glove and handkerchief boxes ink stands photo albums in plush leather christmas cards and booklets in all the neyest designs bibles and hymn books for all churches i-ro- heabquartf t8- w for j-j- ttseful 03iristms fiasents i beg most respectfully to call yojir attention to my nev sfctu dl glturtre srtti o while duh 6etl o chini dibci ianc cup and bancet vim hind limp stud lmpf hau lamp libnry brtcket lunps 4 setti ol citfefl w sgtu o mr potu 8ld trom suit rfkulv fork sett ll silver fork belli ol fiilwr knivm ectta d silver in bpoom betu o silver dwrtspootoi setti ot silver tible bpooni llel catleri fikitei etriogi beui jick knivu jfincine kuivej revolver gane craete -1- whip am q cat sim mi m eqdlen miely ol other articles tt bock ibotum fhoet a for 1889 9 rickseckers lubins colgates and atkinsons perfumes and toilet waters in greatvariety diaries for 1890 at n mcgarvin cos drug rnd stationery stors agton big rush we will send wt tiwx fm ftes braclets lilacs brtioches billies aniuals ton- books xmas and new yeiir cards toilet sets napkin rings parlor games vases cnets tcys diuprciroa qnery whit did lie m tuirt cups and saucei s from 5 cts up childrens sleighs no other place can offer you such a complete assortme it come in and see ui whether you want to buy or not george hyds acton santa clatj8 headmasters lee the iivorite uilor k the only man hilton who keep meu on t iniken only huworkoonieiuenujrflrouai leivei you otden with bim it inl yoar er meat entirely utiifutory a hundred pin ol iti urifimd it kelly bin a so pir up we uel uit wff uoaid wlogiic lo k rvry lxrsc cmiibrof castouien to vljom owtng to the rery great rash on stanly list we could ihovr but very lmrried ntctition we uoi to may roly on uieir indalgonce vhcu e y tnat n salurday last tec did uic largest days business thai wc kavc over done ajthoush we vniploy a large and efficient rtaff during dsy of special croaa it ts sonktfm iinicaibl to pay close attention to cterybody that wo always aim to do however we hope to sec oar friends back again and doxiat the whole of this moatti cf december shall offer inch attractftc lines and ow prices that special inducements will be uic crder of each day special values iu black silks special values iu dress goods special values in sealettes special values in mautles bpecial values iu table liuens special values in overcoats special values in ordered cloth- ing special values in fur goods special values in underclothing special values iu carpets special values iu late curtains special valrles iu goat bobes special valuesinwoollen hosiery special values in fine millinery to any address for a- a fine line of choice croceries newluuini kewcomnt i kew itingsnijin neit ixwfiml liiev lemon peel hew orance peel hew choodte chriei buemiu ketv ctrou wl new flav extracts 1 kew candies etc etc etc call and see our stocli we have a thousand- and one things not mentioned here which we will sell at the loivest possible prices for cash ti i wishing all the compliments of the season i remain etc r j bv pearson at sayagesil in cuelfh i c v yco will now find a toll ftock iuitabl for tho cooling fesuve scauoi gold watches silver watches diamond lyings gold bandeiap lovely patterns goldspectticlesandeyeglasses full stock of silverware the nicest kapkin rings in town come in and buy now aud give us plenty of time to engrave mouograms or initials b sayiqe jatlepli v n i i special drives -in- dress goods mantle cloths and millinery r f it daring xovembei at r b jermyns prices haye taken a tumble 25 cents on every by buying from us quality and tile if guaranteed you must visit our millinery department o get ia coned idea what carting and slashing means onr stock of millinery j goods is superb too large ior this time of the year but it mast go do not- look opi while others pick up theplnms if you require furs ve can make it interesting for yon boas 8torm bollars muffs 6ap6 and cojts new goods and tlie prices arc cheaper than wheat k un usual display from now tilljany 1891 r b jermyn wixicl nt nss blankeu to be e r bollert 25 ft 87 lowerwyndham st try- it spnd it to your gbistti friend w mik n b weopen this week a hue ot 40c japan tea which we will sell for one month at 25 cents per lb we guarantee this j to be equal to any 40 cent tet in tlie county if it dont please we will take it back and refund money to farmer and threshers uaeonvourmaolurjervonly the wellknrjwb peehless0il 9 goyd mbals js sli3tib8s waigoniaudhotsepowora tbiaeoua renwlna highly reoconpiemaectatcheatocta farmooelph farmers ask on them use noothtr 1 1 1 t manntaotareaalqtitiaoltyolltjorklby v

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