Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1889, p. 2

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bosk x eke in clinton oo the tod december the rife or hex j osph edge ot a sou majutnsd giuxtlucpoiuial vomje street hctlio- dlst church noctb toronto on tnesdur de- cemtward by rev 3 k smith assisted her lrriwlac daughter of hon john uke- douald todria ursnl son o kir jame grant ot ottawa- died sxiw in eaqaesidc on the rth december srott at her fathers residence in kockaood m the 9th december maggie daaghtcrot 11 htout esq aged tl jtm aud uioothx- iuftikual eden mil vleahach harden brother of june shadrect ilardvcu kamil- ton abodntjro bardweil gaeliti daniel hint- h chatham and three uvtcrv all children of the late itev wflkirn itardill nuoft- wtj1 4 p rtott ftu wsi xhcrsdaydkcehber h 1889 notice lo subscriber tbedale printed on the libel of each paper denotat the date up to which uie tab- criptiou htf been pti i sotesjlvdwlthexts a uie eoarii of hit speech before the wuion of the grind dinuoaof the sana ot temperance held ta luagloa laat veek worth v patriarch webster attributed the repeal of the boot ait lo the great gtnenl desire for total prohibitics while a o amber of communities in the united stile iadading the fireat elate ot kew york are acramuliqg foe a secret ballott it oomoru canadian to reflect that the controversy is aa indirect homage to the saperioc character of oar qwn uwc kapirt t kofewer than thirlj5re iteamihipa are rejjalafij- employed in the wort of labour- u telegraphy two of which are sujoned at halifax sight at london and theolheii at points on the soath atlantic end pacific oceans store than 150000 nautical milt of cable are now in operation throaghoat the world one ot the french paper thinks it mast be a creat mitf ortane to bruil if u report ed the jesniu ire leaving the coantry bat the brazilians appear to accept the affliction with eqcanimity they an nil tohare eipretsed theirfeeunc on the icb- ject by fmjwifinn the jenila eatis i nugnificent property the order having under the empire the pick of the land- jfall 2lr waaamaier v s foatmaiter general baa ectabhihed the rates at which bnainrtb of the goternment thali be tran sacted by the telegraph bernce for a dis tance of too miles ten ward shall be trans mitted for ten cent with i half cent for each eitra word far 1000 miles fifteen cent with three foarthscf i cent for fh extra word and for any greater distance an addition of half acent to the icmmile rate another llfatalitv jir william sliarpof ttirfonrtli line itikant- ly killed ft short distance from m home iikwa a bobghlgmt rejected wan the number of e on tuff railway daring the put three moathi withiu the borders ot this county baa been appalling they have occurred at actou at george town ai milton and at levcral points ad- jaoeut to these towns oa saturday alternoou beufcen throo and four oclock anotherudfttal accident occarretf opposite the farm of mr thomas somerviljc eiit ot the fourth liue to add lo the already large uomber mr william sharp who with his son june aud their families reside oa lot u in the foarth coaoeesioq wis wilting home from lime- house a concesaiou away and when cross ing the culvert oter the creek an engine coming westward street htm when he was instantly killed mr sharp was somewhat deaf and before tjoing over the caltert he turned ana siw what no doubt he supposed to be a heavily ladea freight train coming up che grade instead of this however it wis a single engine running at a high speed and consequently it overlook him with the sad result above recorded the engine tit caaght him jasi as he was stepping off the track then struck him the second time his neck wis broken skull fnctared face badly bruised and one leg broken owing to his defective hearing deceased always wilkectbeside the track on a footpath only stepping between the rails to cross the cal- verts for over thirty years he wslked regularly to and from hit work at lime house withoot mishap mr sharp ia company with his brother james and the late angus cameron fath er of mr joha camerou of this place came from their native county perthshire scotland to canadi in lt for some weeks the three families resided together uialosfaoase situated where the stone houses in cacuectioa with the dominion lime kilns now stand this was the time of the building of the grand trunk railway and the three men assisted ia ila construction at this point a short time after their arria the three were out hunting ons dsy and ia some way mr cameron got a splinter nf a ramrod in his hand little attention was paid to what was hoaght to be is triikag accident bat eventually tiood potsoningset in and mr cameron diedafter enduring most painfat bufferings the death of mr sharp recalls this circam- tince for many years mr sharp worked laboat the lime kilns at limehoase he wis wellknown and respected by all and waaa member of the presbyterian church for many years he never had an enemy in the world and all the neighbors speak in the highest terms respecting him he was 3 year of age ifrs sharp hi sea sfr james sharp carpenter and four diogh- ters snxvive him the funeral on taesday afternoon wis largely attended death of jeff davis rt- a former governer of kew jersey is said to be driving a street car in new york and an exgoreroor of rhode island is at pre sent chief of police it narragansett pier the latter gentleman wlfuam spragne waithe war governor of his state and had previoaaly been a united states senator hie was a mihibnafe cotton ind print mamifactarer antil tfie crash of 1873 when his fortune was wrecked his entertain- menia at his residence at canonchet were rrenowned for their oriental magnificence now he is pleased to hare a square meal such is xtzmail stanleys diicoterie ia africa have made the world acquainted with a beaatif ul coon try that is destined erentoaily to become thehomflof a civilized peopb iiiiimpos- sible that negro savages ind arab slaves caiimefebropeansora getting possession of so inviting a coantry the vast forest ud immense ptg lands described by mr bunley the lakes rivers and moon tains ih more and more tempt tie explorer and the cnloniaer as timeadrinces the rsilwifwai be pashed the irreaisuole infinence of civflizticn will be brooght to bearand as the tribes of the interior learn that iipsys better totrade than to stesi and maraer the enormous resource of the new continent will develop iod become a rival o ajnerica in offering homr to the overcrowded people of europe the cuce had the pleasure of a chat a few ds since ith mr f s spence the secretary of the dominion alliance who has jast retorntd from fredericton n b where he hu pat in a weeks campaigning in the mterest of the scott act he was of coarse pleased with the resale which as is noticed in our editorial cblamns show ed an increased majority against rtpeal of gs afcer the result of the poll was an- noanced an enthusiastic meeting of citizens wis held and t2200 was raised br the purpose of eqforceniimt temperance sentiment is strong in new brunswick aiaa iflosttstitja of the interest taken in the contest said mi speoce let me instance the case ofatlbrneygeneral blair who chartered a special train to convey hira to fredericton in order thathemighi he able lo vole for the acccinada i j read nd presented boaillofedccltiosc hiflait ktflrforuieyeir tc baiincsa j transacted the board of trustees met in the couo- 7 cil chamber last friday evening members present thos ebbege chair- man geo hynds a e nicklin i francis and th harding minutes of the last meeting coniirmed vj the committee on tiasmcc r their sixth report reoommendng payment olacooants as follows hlltootc tdvilttliocnyiutlportaie 3 i george clirfc reiins fence uaritrciiiicocciiooicstipuc 7 03 the report was adopted 1bved by geo hynds seconded by a e t ntcklin tut the aecretar be instructed to pabhsh the meeting for the nomrnotion and election- of trnstoes to fill the vacaocie caaned by the retirement of messrs thos ebbage isaac francis and geo hynds and that hp moore secretary be appointed retarninrf 0ffioercarrie3 i miss julia cleveland teacher ottliethird department tendered her resignatioo to take effect at- the end of the present year miss cleveland agreed however to continue i in her posjtfm if the board would grant her an additional 2flo her salary- moved by geo hynds aoconded by iaaac frauds that misrcleveland he engged for the ensuing year at 1 salary of two handred aod seventy five dollars- carried lpou riiqiiou the board adjoarucd prehat of the giafcdcrttc state of america dies ft a rood cll art new qateixs dec 7- hon jeiferson davis ccpresident of the confederate states died at the residence of his life locg friend j n payne at kuj this morning he vu seized hut evecing with a congest tire chill the effects of which his already enfeebled constitution was u cable lo resist the death of jefferson davit removes one of the most prominest figures of the history of the past half jcentary for number of years prior to his death mr davis lived on 1 plantition in the slate of mississippi he was in canada in is5i endeavoring to secure a copyright for his history of the american war mr davis was born in 180e and entered congress in isij he served iu the american war and subsequently became governor o missis sippi united stalss senator and secetary of war in president pierces administra tion he was a canidate ter the democra tic nomination for the presidency of the united states bat wis defeated by stephen a douglas and scan ifterwaruyccmmene- ed the movement which led to the secession of the southern states in isg1 the con federate congress met at montgomery alabama and elected mr davis president of the confederate states of america personally mr davis was 1 man of slight baild bat of extraordinary energy and personal mignetism he was an orator xst the rrt rank and history is likely to write hira down as a great man who anderiook too much killed os the ee atceoegetowy a reacted citizen of corfctown fearfullv hsegled the shocking news that m gilbronson aoiet temperate and respeable citizen bad been beheaded on the railway near the hamilton axd northwestern station spread aronod town op tuesday about nice oclock it was true and the fact was that the en fbrtanafe man in some way or other got on the railway track and wis beheaded bv the morning train going north the body was taken into the freight station dr mc- garvin coroner notified and on advice of the county crown attorney a jury was suzn- mooed and an inqaest held the verdict was that about the hour bis on the morning of tuesday 3rd dec is39 00 the track of the northern division of the grand trunk railway of georgetown martin gqhrocsoa came to his death by being run over by mail train no 3l that after examining the evidence we are in clined to believe hat the death of the said martin gilbronson was caused by accident that we think the grand trunk railway company free from bjame an the matter the deceased leaves 1 wife to mourn so sad a loss he had no children herald detlttlllved 8cic1dk at 1 prooalilyfiul acemtut to eiuiitptui zix2xeivdec 5 emia pasha his met with probably a fatal accident- being near ghted he walked oat of a window by mis- ike and fell on his head fracturing his skull he now lies aibagimoyo in a criti- cil conditias all tie doctors except sianlcyvphysician declare emins injuries will prove fatal stanleys physician is hopeful of saviag emins life bat says that under the most favorable circumstances the patient can cot be raovm for at least tea days later emin misedged the height of a ba parapet overbalanced himself and fell twenty feet when found his right eye was closed and blood was isening from his ears his body was terribly braised loviovdec 0 dr parke sends a bul letin from bagamoyo reporting some im provement in the condition of emin laska islixch au tgri residua um oat to 1 swaiuii and criuhut liuur oa moo day morning fhc tuideuts of hespeler and the adjacent nelj hborhood of puslinch were thrown into t hate ot as ci tempo t by the nes that 1 he body of 1 man had been found with his throat cut about five miles from the villae the luicido was first diioovired by three youths from hespoler wuliari and colin campbell and michael hgan who had set out hauling ekrly iu the morning they were in mr robt littles baas when they came across the body of a very tall man lying with hit face to i ho ground what added to ibe horror of the discover wl the fact that his throat was cat from the right car and the razor was lying on the log beside him they at once gave the alarm and the ueighbon toco recognized the body as that ot alexander jjickeonea wellknown figure in the neighborhood he had lived for thirty years thro working for mr robert himmersley and was 70 years of age hr himmersley had recent ly sold oqt his place and inttnded taking the old man with him when lie went away bat the thought ot leaving and breaking ap the old associations it is belie vod was too muck for saudy and he grew despondent he left the farm at tea oclock oa saturday morning aud that was the last neen ot him so far as is kuovvu until the dreadful dis covery wis made that he had tkeuhis own life i he was an inoffeaiire old maa bore ft good character and wis macji respected his ssd eud is much deplored by friends and acquaintances he left no family nor has be any relatives so far is is known this coantry coroner keating wis telegraphed for and he is holding aainqdest in thetcmperance hall fmliucli lake today j the verdict of the coronets jury wis that deceased came lo his death by his own hand while m a despondcut stale of mind death of john gillies fcxjfrv mf john gillies police magistrate ot sault ste marie but better known as member ot the house of commons and of the provincial legislature died in tordcto oa monday morning he want to that cilyaboat two months ago to obtain mod cal treatment few men in ontario were better known than john gilliec arriving in this provinoffin isji he and his brothers took up land in the township of- eldertlie and of which he hid been reeve for over twenty years in lsjt lis contested in the liberal interest north brucd defeating col sproatt ike conservative candidate- by a narrow majority in 167 after the fall of the pacific scandal government mr gillie was retarued by acclamation and acaia in 17s defeated col sproatt who wis considered the strongest man in the coanty mr gillies in j is83 ran agunst mr rowland for a seat in the legislature and wis again saccessful last year the ontario government offered him the position of police magistrate in sault ste marie which he accepted up to early last tummcr he was in the enjoy- ment of excellent health he was a grand representative of highland character his hospitality being nnboandad the de ceased was born id baliochray kintyre scotland and was nearly sixty years old hi home was called gilles hlli paisley and there he wis buried yester- dav i fatal accidext at bebllv blnllv dec mr simutfl shape died this morning from the efiocls of a fall from a childs high chair last ithorsday while enraged patting up curtains in his residence it appears he fell backward striking his- head on a bareatt ha had be recently retired from agricultural pur- soils ind hadmored to berlin where his son resides and had oailt a fine oew resi dence in which to spend his remaining days which were however cut short by the hand of death he was true isii hardworking churchman he will be buried at blenheim beside his wife who died only some six months age and in which vicinity he spent 40 years of his life i the general is ojoluis lo america new vont dec 10 gen bonlacger has accepted in offer from the manager of niblos theiler to deliver thirty lectares inamericut j700 for each iectqre the geueraj however pats in this proviso that the agreement is ta be ntll and void in caic he is able to enter france as presi dent of the french republic before the end of january to ifare water works nufiiici out dec ilyo tics a the bylaw to raise 30000 for water works here resulted in 82 votes for the bylaw and 23 agnast the cutiraiian oarnuin dead akeujijc sooth australia dt henry ernest searle the champion oars- maa of the world died of typhoid fever to- mght the waterloo coanty council is growing berlin will hve a third deputyreeve next damage done tor truth building ind slock by the fire iritoroatooa friday night last week amounted to betvreeu 15000 and2000a it is iboat covered by ance satledav xigars chcisritas klflf iieff toroulo fire at glruwtt minis saturday kljhce christmis- uumber jast issced is one of the most ar tistic christmas numhers ever printed in canada- it consists of forty pages of of pictares song aadjtory all original and illustrative of canadian life and one which when mailed to friends in the old land will not compare unfavorably wiqi the productions of london ind palis a dozen fallpage illustrations all by can- adiaa artists and engraved and lithographed without regard to expense will lend great attract venejs to the edition and in every page some charming pictare relieves the text ahostot poets fiction writers and essayists have coatribntedj while sketches fairy tales and many charming things for children are provided by other contributors this holiday number so far surpasses the one lssoed last yetr by saturday jctgkt that no comparison can be made if you wish to send a christmas souvenir to a friend abroad nothing will be more appreciated than saturday xtqlicg holiday number the art pictares are not copies of old country engravings uor a job fct of lithographs but exqaisfte photogravures of canadian subjects not a line of reprint nor a copied picture appear in the whole forty pages the paper throoghodt is heavily glazed the printing cannot celled and the cover with its heavy personal 11ent10n rsrnrnilii luiurrtlng v tltorsto and from acton with whom piseprcii readers aremre orleiia qua luted ou mot day ou a visited friends in a couple of days 1 berlin jnde of glovers- gucsls of mr i and miss clara dr staooy of toronto was iu town oter bunday mr d henderson lof 1 trip to the ctpital mr thomas eaaton toronto oter sunday mrotmfore spent this week with friends i mr rb johualou iciycs next mooday on atrip to hii former l ome ia scotland mrs bradley of darli agtou is the guest ot her brother dr hsls ed this week messrs 6 and m zin nicklin arrived this wek from portage la prairie mr will rogers and ville n v were the francis lut week mrs frank midgley midgley of toronto wre the guests of friends here last week mr and mrs h 6 wnte left this week forrockford 111 their many friends bees wishlbem saccess and comfort there mr hugh cameron pl edward and mr angus ctmefon woodstock were ia town this week attending the finer of the laic william sharp mr ay mcorhesd the beardmore i- cos hsrness leather tannery arrived last week from pennsylvania and is now iniialled in hi po itioa in the works hers mr j m moore left itesos job oecc gaelph last week to take of the bolton adkriua position with credit to oflice from which he gradated mr d w campbell nouniy treasurer hu been quite ill since hon day and hu been confined to his bed iat as he is now on the mend it is to be he ped that he will be all right within a few lays ckziaptoit staff opt mchardy sf the salvation army and formerly an ariprentice of the mercury oflice has rece ed orders from gen booth to report in london england daring january next hi will probably t sent to aoitralia we were macb pleased to leiru yester day u no doubt many of our reader will be this morning that mri l p snyder son of eli sayder toroito formerly of actoii hu been proniotet to the rcspoa sible positioa of manager of the traders bank at elrnira oot i r snyder went tothebqika year ago as accountant and his rainy friends nere ongritckic him dpen his preferment great special closing sale at the right house hamilton new manager cf the foreman hip he will fill the himteif and the dont be tormented by hearing your little boy crying abaat bai ing no overcoat and the evenings are so very cold when yea can bay one for t at kelly bros icely made and of the bei quality the siivitiou army council represent ing the order in the new england states decided to change the name from salvation army to christian crusader it in expected the rails m the northern pacific railway will be laic to brandon by curistmas- to olk subscribers the special announcement which appear ed id oar colamus some lime since an nouncing a special arrangement with dr b jrkrodallco of eooaiargh falls vt pablisher of a treatise the horse and his diseases wherely cur subscriber were enabled to obtaia a copy of that valu able work free by sending their address to b j kendal ico and ei closing a two- cent stamp for mailing tfc newed for a iimitedperiod will avail themselves of th obtaining this valuable wacfc to erery lover of the horse it is indispensable u it treats in 1 simple manner ill the diseases which afflict this noble an maf its phe- nominal sale throaghoat th united states and canada make it stamlard authority mention this paper when sending for treatise children cry for pitchers castoria i same is re- we trust all opportunity of vfcri rati i tct xre rave vitfa tljc vit a ctnd ahe crii d for cwtcrit wlia fi becoee kias the cltsff to castorix kluf t ise hid children the cae them cut oris kowbeadt3 grand christmas doubfekunber the ret m fash on bazar gu3tfxuis oat dec 5 about foar oclock thi rnormng fire broke oat in the woollen mills of messr syfcest ainley formerly owned by mr ft williams totally destroying the rear bnilding which was used for a pooling room boiler house picker and mixing rooms fortunately the main building the predecessor of which was destroyed by fireaboat threeyearsngoj margin conuins a realistic rocky moan was saved tioai aboat 5w0 partially j u sketch price thirty cents ai aj inaared mears sykes t ainley are men store xr address the shepwcl i to utter or ctfock and alcnttiiy and will no doubt soon have heir i mill uj lo it old sundird pablishing co toronto adelaide st wt price oceiuk br sabscriptioa izjx p j vear run csnimlts xriaia ojtjxxs magnificent chromo supplement ifeiasonlers great fainting ftjedlahdrlsa kciireentics at uie battle a ictore now in cw york tor which ngfloq xtra iwid at the famoai etewtrt sale it is the icidias fashion imlsjcatioii on this continent and no danld the chtiicl truro ifoet of the fahion vutai in the hieilt arc isaaedfiuncjtacoaosljrln xcw ttrt and paris itfs the most complete icriodiaii fir dress- iqikcrs in c world and the mort popular fashion uaizhie for nothcrt and heads of the christmas kcaibcrl ttiperoij- ill titrated a heortifsl colored tiokr fashion plate a briuiact cover tulc of ch ldrcst whiter sait the plates auj ensravinss coi tafned in thi uumherembraceeveniiifr and uu1 costimios winter overgarments viafting sad bcci- tioa gowai winter bonnet and nits saiu for bof and cirla c es coau cloakf wraps jackets ifaffs sad costames for all occasiakis em- broiderj- pattcmi etc kew rrokini uv atufi alexaxdeb johk etkaxgh u1k- a new coutlnoed story hy tha a thor of his wedded wife and a splendidly ulnirated christmas story entitled 1 jimofthewhi1l tha bizih editorial departmen is fall oi bright articles by variooa contrfhuton ifrs fewwell has an interesting article on soveltiei far christmas hr bryan has w article on elizabeth barrett browning aj the jegalar departments tre replete with choice and ceason- ahlereac waikins does oot put down bis goods one day sod up the next ha hu boon marking tjiem down in very mj any cases far be- low cost prices so u to clear oat the balance of bis winter stock beforo the arnyal of spring goods to porohaje whioti his aon thomas watkins intends sailing for europe in a few days jut read a few of ins bedaoed prices on which there will be no advance ladies oew styles of floecloth jackets are marked down frcm as5 to w from 116 to piletobs manljei down from 16 to 8 from u to 5 several large lots of ladies aod girls mantles dolmans short jackets and mantle cloths down lo about half prices vsiveteeni 0 plain and fancy makes audoew colors down to cost buh plushes in the very latest shades greatly redaced in prices beautiful oriental laces down from 52c to 13c irom 17c to lw ladies and girls woolen gaiteri down from 175c to 75o- from 1135 to mc from 45c to wo handsoma allwool french dress goods down from 90c to iscrfrom 85c to 2cc the latest style of checked dress goods dowa from 23c to 1u from kc to 124c and 12k to 10c canadian tweeds down very low blankets greatly redooed in prices girls woolen htocjoogs down from wo to 10c ladies cuhmere gloves down from 50c to 25c an immense stock of new stylet of biboodspot down to about half their value dress and mantle trimmings dress buttons feather and fnr tnmmingi and knitted vooiea shawls scarfs fascinators and far boas and collarettes au down to less than half prices certain chains gimps golden fringes and cornices at leu than half their value girls hals and mens collars at onefoarth their value tapestry brusela r these are bat 1 few of the redaotioos the sales are eoonnoas call early tnier many make mistakes and do not get into the right house corner of king aod hnghson and wilton carpets pat down very low the stores kast of the carpet window li a tood prncril itnut ahi ram astray j io j con ft hnn idont th uzi ram otmt cnbar u niilict a1ik ulion ll wctniatact lie lal strated i heifei astkatt fltemimjotnhtnil hamilton dtc 12llj 1863 thomas c- watkins stkaveu uioa tl er lot jh toil 3 ol norem ler dark ijicaamcuy prstii rropcrtf tad penef alixanwu f ts w m- cashfor fhr skm agents wanted every townahip to aell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the tot complete and comprahcutivc vcrk crcrpiufthed iu sothorsitand it the head of their profession and nave s continental repu tation worth its weight in gold to any one fcavinr horftcs sheep catue swlae iooltry dogs or bees a grand opportunity to male money sccmctcrrltorj at once address e k moter ptibliher 20 yonge st toronto io cent store the onlr eidesiro toy and piney suarc in quelpff the holidays abk seaklv hkue the uojflxioav boot and shoe store eenheybros acton kavc co a rcrj conijilcw ftocl ia til lines of boots and shoes rubbers and overshoes trunks and valises etc acd can iciuver tolv a to quality iljlft and particularly irim wo have aaclcsamlincofihrporpiataandaiictiiiaisiiioflalleiorcliriniilk preacul and ir-aaj- otnor line o gooli 11 anacr lor iho lame parpotc cailj and 8ei cuitoti rort sld rciihaft iktu pvcnbcst atkntiqu kexxey bros acton xmas goods cheap for cash chveujacilv j james f kidxek i io cent store we able reading matter ifrs ajlco walker writes i am a dre- maker and i have bcantat the kei aorlc faah- ionbatxaneverymontuforthcpi f four rears i could not do without ft the fashions are the very latest now is thf timk to svbkcilluk price w00aycat any jicrson sending 3 lor a reari tabcrijtiau u1 receive the heantlfol christinas chrsino buppiement of uotasonieri grwt painting fiieliandiat7r the folio tn rreinfain in ctsh aiu hcircu to parties stindins ns sobscriijtion for five sahscribcrs ouc year year wo will give for ten sutwerlberf one year twenty 1 t 00 tbirty tt m forty 30 00 fifty 3t 50 one hnndrod subscribers ear 75 00 thousand 750 00 and for larger numbers in pre portion send ramittancet by postal i oney order we mean the mammoth house seorgefown is the headqoaatebs foe i millinery millinery novel- 1 ties mantle making mantle materials dress making dress coodsand dress 8ilks i tailoring cloths 8ultings overcoatings and cents i furnishings j ladies we have aa extensive variety of fur boas aud muffs iu the invest stvles colors aod very low prices we have them iu bear beaver lynx wallaby seal pereiau lamb itiuk aitrachau goat imitation bear imitation sea opposum and ilnffuloon gents fur caps in beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal mink and french seal fur robes and fur trimmings of all kinds our stock is very extensive the principal part of it was pur chased before the recent advance in woollen and cotton goods novelties and scarce goods de sirable and cheap goods are add ed to the stock every day our staple stock is immense and very cheap we can give yon the greatest hargaiu ever offered to the public xtautle goods for 50c worth 100 for 75c worth 8175 a maguificieut sealette i for sgoo worth 81000 i aiwooi doable width beauti ful colored heurietta dress goods for ooc peryd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black and colored silks and satins aud a choice lot of remnantsof colored silk and satins being slaughter ed fnr 50c per yd that were 100 and 150 per yd plushes 25c per yd up other dress mater ials for 8c and 10c per yd worth twice the money winceys for 5c per yd worth 10c prints for 5c peryd worth 10c check ed shirtings forsc per yd worth 13e tweeds for 25c worth 50c grey flannels lie per yd up good allwool white blankets for s175 per pair kens under shirts and drawers for 30c worth 50c auimrueuse stock of ready- made clothing and overcoats kice boysovercoats8200 hens suits hoo and the biggest drive on earth in meus overcoats for j hoo and f500 worth 81000 i boots and shoes ladies and gents overshoes and rajbbcrs carpets in brussels tapestry allwool union hemp watts j oilcloths aud a splendid union carpet for 25c worth 50c pat ronage respectfully solicited w mcleod ccco geobgetow i pringljes stock j-or- watches watches both gold silver this christmas is iirger than over an especially large number of puled igold caaes being bought in quantities to apply oor now popalar cllbs particukrs aboiit our club system write for princle the watchmaker of guelph a low price having closed negotiations with a french dress goods faeturer for two cases of henriettas lying in bond in new york and thus saving the doty whichtfie manufacturer pays we are offering them at the very low price of the undersigned fur unit is aiisk ikauk i nieaiy nrjuafcrf chas oxilttxei asastxinl cle card of tiwiiivk t ptople of acton aw3 vih- rry and kaaavuuwcta i b hue alio and fiimily htrebrnia rm ujci tuectc ihni lo thvugrs ma iner in wlikb pu lave obrilw ts be in unlrloiav cre d srsafrs raaf lapplr llje icu of y and joir uaus aod pre to yon all ol his merer and peaet vou4 graternnt- btttims5 christ- itmaji enteitaimueut the sunday school v- in courjcuon lth che djarch oi thpiadrjm of cbriit fa acton rurjiose bokuogtito christmas atertaininerit- ir noti f fkrt 0 the tvesisn of friday 27th decembr the program sic will coasiit ot rcaiina reet tatlons siaglng by the choir or the etertoo charcto mr ueo llcnro ot erin is eipsctad to be present who ithtbcminiteriofthiom villbetho speakers for the ocxmiob a collection will he tauiex hvlf of the bchool k eordial inritationls encoded apt to attend the chair niil be taken i 7akzsos he- public leetin6 op farmers x ihihlic meeting for tlje furrier c of tno fonuation cf a taemehs mutual fire insurajnce will te held ii ox- council chamber acton -ox- i a monday 13th ja9tt 1890 it j utxocz rulaltl i au laruiers rdsidinin the io33ihijs dtt- aenng eramcka krin and nasfagawpja an respeetlallj- reiaeiid to attend ffr oadea or couumxr 1 kodt dredge seel 49 cents auction sale farm strjck implements the undersigned has beci jcbtrad hy thomas arthurs toseu bpnhlic aaction on lot st con 6 sua- caveva on j friday 3rd january ati odottmroixotn6 stock span horws j twoiearold eor t milk coirs in cxli tvo to caire in febroarr yearunjireiicn i tubtcaroid heifer ssfran calves lutleuentsl dct imsuozd biadcr s ft ctit 1 liaise- mowtr 1 ilajiev riiy imt market vicon 1 lumber uigoa i pair fadb ridgbs 1 light pair bobsleighs i fanniia snu i imd drill 9 pair iroc harrotrs 2jloilaac plov ssett donble harness vhlffletrees bki yokes chains forks shovels and niussraus other articles ibont sou bushels oats htw of fall wheat to be threshed and strvw left ea the place 5 wniood timothy hay thrsi5 all sums of eioo and ander caii over this amonnt 12 months credit on apbroved joint notes six per cent discount off for cash oats asd hay cash wu heksflteet auctioneer laa boot 11 uew dbcei rr- i l ana mil w x0hce to credit0ks i inthenaatur ft the estate of jameian- deraonlaje of the viliagi of acwn tn the oondfiy of halton yecmsfl o ceased ijlftsvast tj the revised statute at oft- tario chaptfcr 110 notice is hereby crrtp that all person having claims or decani agaiost the estate of james afldeison late oftlw ulae of arton in the county of halton jto- man deceaesd vbodied on or abont the sty dayctf notnber aj 19 at the said of aeton are hereby rpqnired to send or deliver to finlay mecauuu hilton po john duncan ulltcn po the tecnkn cf the estate of the said jaraee anderson deceued or v togothrieit watt goelph solicitorj f or the said executors on or heiorc the 23rd dfj t- janoarr issa their christian nmul inrnamei addrdtaes and descriptions with fan jvrucalatl indproofa of their claims statement oiaccobnta and notice of securities if any held by th and farther take notice that afler the saldsiri dsy ol january 1s9q the said execntonvillsre coed to distribute the assets of tba said deetaiea among the persona entitled thereto fearing te card only to tnch claims of which uoue been given and the said exocators will not fce liable for the said assets or any fart thereofar distributed to any pcron or persons of claim notice shall not have bccu roceired at the time of said dutrlbqtion outbuie x watt sotfdtort for the raid exccatcn an an iathj 91 dattdat inelpbi this 9th dav if decenibfr 10 thetegoodsfirewortlicjceutsiiudareu bargain tbalvoa will regret it ou allow tlieui to slip a beautiful range of trimmiugs to match iii black aud all r colors aud the first dress maker inguclphto inakcthemup j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st chielpli 84 oswald st glasgow fhll goods xotige to creditobs donald mcp deceased flhb creditors iincluiing these having w7 a sieciac or general lieu or incumbrance n on th etute or ail undivided siutra therwfi donald ucphodrail late ol the township of nasaaijaireraintba county of halton sep man ho died on orabou the reentyjieeond t day otbepttaiber ifetfl are hereby required to send wrobar akins knoichbcll fo one of the extcnwjrs of tho cstato of doiutht mcplwj- raln dfrceaaod on or before the urcmythird dari ofdecimber iflk9 their christian sndsnmaines addresses aid descriiitions vith full larticolars and irmaf of tbejr maims and statements ely their aecouousjid the secmitv if any 5 them claims tohu proved bv statauydtciar- ations 4 and notice is hervbyiveu tha ar the ssiit- ttentythlrd day otdocemlt ixs exw- tors nill proceed t distribtue the asseis of the aaid defleasod anioifcst the parties sntiued their- to having ifegird rttiiv to tie claims of hjeh tlicvihlll hive hail notice sad tto execssm- will no h liahlc ibe as3ct or any part thereof wtiej- persiu ortersousof wboieclaiini thevahaainot havejiotice a tho time of seen distribatfoiii j 1 to bso jo t ajii in j this nouci 1 chap ill vuc piirsi jjilkav a mi leas solicitors lr evscuturs i town i pfttdlt kelly bros hcton tu r addreai oeoeob llunkol uunro rubluhiig i iloa ta it lotrt vauduwi i the right place to get right goods at right prices is at kelly bros ordered j clothing oar f loci of seotcl koeuau wall french and canadian moedaaod ivorstol bnltinei ranting and ovarcoatint la of li djole pattern and aha beat qtudltita in tie market libla brtnen particolarlv na7cial aknuon andtuastvo aat2factjon orerr tune onr cutter haa had long eapcrlonro in city aide and ondenland eterj tranei lnthbr7aso7r3- a good tweed suit made to order from 1300 up an elegant good worsted suit made to order from sis 00 up wo can mate you a food tvcodlanu for j dont tnlaa yonr chance to aoonro tin ae jooda aa the pricta are rleht rehdymhde clothing i ilma tsx th l o hln tontha boy aud oludre ia overcoat and bulla all price andt i aire hoy a prtafrom mj np bart overeoata tnmgai op nautmod 3 genu fnrnlahtai tuv lie knrit aratoboanatkallriroaandt4ieprcearrfcht wo hare a ton- larro atiea ol urkierawhata 1 and can at fh int aton bth decembek uj v tbo metubare of ajiou cour of hi aaaient xrder of unit dvorilicn are cjmniu forooe of the finest nbnrertdivttr piviin hi acton oa the abote evciiinl thcfwlowinjclliknaxa talca vul take pa te strong- mist illffcresl- lmes fax tlipjn tftl83 mstretr sopmo acton n mb john stfuchan eiocuti aiat llfctkwood and olhir a gool stock of stapln dry boodi altra large and and caps at tbo lowest prices iflditgoodiilwarianhaiia good actorr cotton jc yd all woomannsl acta yd onr stock of oroeerles i complete and always fresh an kind of ipioe aoc lb b birt kietrii5wp io5c cff ioss orarthsj aliml2 par sac japan to jt tic beet laaddlt on priholmloi fli wui be yr tuerits of tlie pro vpect i admtflsio kelly bros uton al6e one of tha ofthe oranotodqe addkpaithe niesiin aisn the 10 nl be dratclaas hi overy ji 25 cents j lijj kins i i 1 leaner t i jul llaithews committee i jo kelly 1 jo i kennty tmj jeiia nil t ill jsaifi

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