ntb table kk railway 1 u alus i cure paiim cure j t sara 333 h tcwfewi rrhts hr iwvuvj spavut gore i k- v ttabcr rtswr a of iet is jolru as i a at cert i cra spavin curl i nrr oao dec i si t tat sl r feat tot f llvtti glr uead ana volume xv xo 24 f ijt ctoit m grcss it rcmmnr fiverl thirbdal algumna it thk rrt press power pr1ktinq hou8c actgn ontario jlftri fijbscrtptlok rateb l f io tut k3vths men tertcottts wet tarsr sblrieadvanc tlnotpafdlnadvaace turned ul iir irc p cwettai the t aovertlrinq rater srit-t- jtb 113 1 1 i3 tc ltail i 1 a 1 0j 6ii00 2000 1100 4j0 3 ul 1 im iwi st0o is00 150 too iso 0ot 100 5pavik curl -a- 5ok- ter l as dna- t ucr uibekta r ftrt rwfr b arnfauyt dkfggtstsi 1- ti gsrrr sssr rtt catsaait t tricea tecutxperilaclortle lrtfceis 3vnti rr line lor eek sub rtjaeci cieu oa caii tl number of hues fclu the rac occupied uieaaaredbr a iiwrtcals vulout specific dlrecooai rilbl4 til 11 ictbtd and charged accord i r trtnutorrijtcnucmtnutunil b paid i advaa chaaftr fer coalrctjtctuujimf umstbe s the o3t by 9 am ou tours otherwise attwinbcleliartraaulthe following week v h r uoore edi orau ttrourie or isnsirifss dtmtarrr rrr k lowrt xr b if c p s tt griatqetnnilvcolljxembcro oswiaitv jcscc tltachc4ofrderict trt iaa l r atld ftnokcc lfcj4ma c drac store ctaa c e stacev ud cjx ftilcitn iso 3c ccjcc s tcro 2 jf ealsted it d erirrwvtt ura dat- st nx li stojt mh doar u wljaies boo a3iilociarv d r ersest hall bcriig u i or rittyicllvt lmxrtacc poixc ere drjtc 1eiixjci rsia u iic- fc ccmxl london tar thrtt talearsrji etc nt i0 1d tuba at rain taosholetgccirliraikl lisd tcesdaj- rj eah oa irooi 13 un to oftiol it avd cc jee arcocc l bewext ld s demist ccaegctoitii 0tiju3 c hcedc sx1y l-d- c dotiir giirot ti locrtfcwpajcsiir of each mozxi oseeltgtfocj jru fir d33s3 j o ht m vte f i mclea bx ucigi ati coreyaccn fa pcne sais u joj 021ae tqttl hall ixtoa vtx a itclrxr jro a kclxii fire insuihxck tie mlicriwr luiunt i x lour ttoci tad taut moiuai comnfutw miouo j wattrt00 nyrual oyal cakaolah i ptrth mwcamtllx j murok a u oolfscx moow 1 loooqh i tmt ott or ldkook w tmutt i rtrtu dw lliofft uiroo ywni roui caau up to i jd per iiu ind aurcmulfl ritki tnsm jcooutomjo liber adjutaiuu wd iiwuipirial b uciboc coaiini lhtc acoit altov money for all octtdlcoolcjcn ticliaor lcc o mil our fnil ttveo ltom fclnlt oniuucx tj lc rtnqjicaujajiiteut wne at oo f t icruj nd iccac c of cc icrnion vecuoalj firthiajt oci bindtotuo ocitt itvc iddrvfs ixvl luotkekjs vucrrien uocbcitcr n 1 j t dat actox ontaeiop thuesday decembbb 3 2 1889 lumber latli l hkuigles qersuili vtmlifivcm uslckio tlocfc 9 boit a iju ao foct o lumber icc3adlcc allundt cecded for iuu u nwi tlu iambtitwrliabui cdrcrlatiu for fin cltttlombtraad wiiouallc pnc lath tn slilj csaa liad vcirc itrvd to iplj even tu 1l cur 1 uc irrntsjalks fjtci ro lllagc pioyertj for sale at a low pr thl cajm ccd ut bec fftnc cd lj ur uobuiiiclocc fcrta lis nopcrtr fa acton cccasecotil b ocl 1 on tic lot is a poad irue dcllicc a iauic laid tod tvlx tliier i a iullr of fr- t trc- fcr term acdrariclin in k it ouco la h i jiooki riajrnin01a icloa 0t fruit tiee small fruits and ornisenui strubbet re k i cool artec l beca tppo ctej ole ajccl foe ti- wcacs for tle wej kaoxao dkocfctrcrcrv s ifoclsoc jto- pnetar and if prrrd to ule crden for aot of the re trw scuil frut c ilntt which a ihova ic tc ill etrmtod ckulocctc of the conery tbe jpdcc of lie old koclwtr viurvtrcliaratobc crxll rclb and corrgcur uct aadlcac icno uufaetorr rccj e to ijl wloi rciate ode iroia mo pricet rctiocab c pe u b cook afieat guelpii btisiuess college- guelph ontario tle t j- o as c letr beciai sept- ijtl aa kit lhi r- lax lea added ia wbich tlc coitaojrtcclii ic the domiaiaa will pceiaixc oam dancaadttoodcamflc oar shartatad ikaitpc tai loeompiiahod resslli that tre t ic te lutary of fihort bxed ocrcocexjl dcrerljeat offen the mot pattica id crrce ut boxinen cociv oloiue il u s en rj- i buc ex dead ere em bot lrrred la bcx tifrig oa- 3aiddiot la3 s icd funic pccccs czi tpp jocs l c icid tc vt in lrxucl ed cauol fotn rtv adess v tftrtoklilce 0ly priac rl thl actos- free press the leading- local newspaper 01 htltca co- it a1t0vtat fixixrr soinun oitr pceic 1 jteaer to los orm dtrt tceiatacdaapiat rnx 5tadtt b afc aca cpturi rood ow restored jy- cairer- -x- tie t ton 1 c axt7 cs xhiltox allah abalru bamitexa sctuatars it tol3sto aid groeanotr i crwata c eoeh georjetoxa tad 6c kz- ktki eat tcraa o iuit ehhtwt bo- r gfnrn dju patekta secure p foe ncvexnos eevia geist 0 awa caixfci ee5isxeeex is i uiicd c acton ont- abnilicafnwocir iuiu tdxcce ttt it c- tcree men i to- 25 cnli plush cases toy books fine books christmas booklets fancy coods and other choice new xmas goods vow ready tt days bookstore quilph day sells cheap waters brothers actelph u uie je plee to ijuj chriistmg cards christmas proaeata pictures frames fancy goods artists materials aspenwalls enamel paints corniee poles from 1 cccli comp etc waters bros 8t oeobqek squire quel2k mutual fire insurance company or tot ootnttt 0 wsllikato estaeus1txd 16 to head office guelph arfeibi ldicjtiferchaadte ifxacfactoriei cadau other dcnp ios of property fan the p pw slvae ciaaa davidson president i secietary john tayl0r agent nejitj our native land rair anada god iao our iiath o ltud i ree miy iho ever stand ttir can ada ivodr miy woeer be ban of the brave and free faithful to god and thee i air canada i mr aa an opening flower planted in lieavou bower fair canada here man nauona dwell loving their freedom cll reaping ttliere forestj fell 1 air canada land of crcal inland scat bwept by tlie mighty breezj t air canada reachini from tea o tea great kill thj fatoxc be lani of the brate and free lair canada iimll god laveour craciot t qceen iong live our i oble q god save the qaeeu head her victoriout happj and glonoai lone to reifta overxs god ae the queen christmas carol blow fall the anow flake clothing eaxlh in wbue bwecth be is arc chimin on tnif chnitmaa nighl dark the earth afore lime white on ffinsimaa mo u christ the carte reverting hary a bou it boru fclowlj fall the taaw iukcs irpn white the eod in the chiu de coding like the rrace of god wild the taxied cbimicga one tale only ell lie m bethlehem a manger great lumiscel fcloah call the sjjow flakes hang the holly high encht its bernea preeting god mearnab nih dark the earth no longer darren nevermore grace flovrers pnnc to bio tsoms on the eternal ihore 1 i mtt a j price tlfeee cents dtct ifffntiiu tuamng tiie yankee teaaier f dlrlilluc till end to all concerned coal wood james brown haa ouli dl ilx hicj lcij ioopjv denser to the toim a rtaaojl cine lxutv of c in ji t coal y barber bros papee makeeb georgetown ont ci a hricliltt or machine finished booic papers if ok olade wlekli ltt lor the cots of wejicloa tnd halloa qitstisi a thefaxr pexas qsica actoc or atcjeaieaceie acioc ul b pramptlr ax- ledd if tcrau rcaaoaxh c ala aoscr to lota on the aost jararxhle terili3i a e laxest rate of ioiereat in nss of fcjoq ajid crcixda johsdat architect gctltk okt omcr qaeea a hotel block market square 1 i- 1 l p sickkxs5 l i ft e 2d gekts pracis 0kaiv f cbapnixii bookbdcdee 5goeasqtre gelpu osuno acr fci of til fciatft made to order fna aix of ererr description carefollr boaod uaneairaadproaipjfdoce rphe halax barber shop icnxsteeet actoj af cisjthite acviiilihaircat a good teafoam aaeiiyiirrat alajnciprea kaiort ho eaadp tin rrtcla coad uoa lsanx tai ciuireat hair tax ilj- cal j ihwosde toaaoial artiatt lumber and sliiniefe the cdcrtaed lave on toad at their trfl a lochoae aboa toijoo feet of piae rear a4 i prepared to t apply tinners aad others l icrqaatl i v of iniaber for baraa or ot-e- lrdcs t reaaocahle j ncec a stock ci poe aad cfidir clacles 1a ao on hand tavlol bkothees the paper used in this journal js from the above nulls wl baebee bros a little talk about shq6s hatja0j acd ttln clt t uu oahxed es winter is here bct j lee the taiur oi t t east end clothing s orc kaostlat cany ujcabavedo jc crod ror iaxr coj rr o- ia order ht all zaj be re lcothedtcrtlecodeauctllatc dcrmined to sell lay big clock npnct iglt- 1t abctcoott toa cab get good ord red clojii- wipxijl toft good siatenal acd lot roriu aaalip at tlc piee of uop iadc rtadj taalc ko xit lexve joarordeatoaccaad i vnll c re joa h valce for caaj w 7 leje acton- livery ireia iadfioua ortl b- se s is bcevio cocad tle 1 ctla boo boo aid iiloc txre l j c lcrc thcrrisan niberof cc- escf feboesacd e jnpen txer adapted for the caca these ctvr r3odi are les sold at j ic u 3crsr o ictbtct thia ihoc ttked fc- o t jlcs aad t0l tca gjois e rkbce evxmbouj en ix w 1 fur c lat all gen c wear ladies wear totttha wear chjdxens wear bibra wear vt t lvelliugtou haible works qcoec erixrr gtzurz clark t carter dhiect reporters of gnunte and ifxrble 1tt- j tad headitoaet of a11 thades aa frota tee newest deuia all tort aa 1 nia t firrased ars claw fartlea riifctfs to iarcae trij i ea pre as a call aad iaspec oar fui4 p cej u we are coafideat we can wapete r tafelabhfiluea in ontario havt f i o ir tarest to tlc above crm t rerxtf 1 1 t u e paroaa to civ fneadj a3dthr- l otherbeixlf j khalfilto sjiecj l cet cod oods vexes fc ic tud bet a1 ctiucj cj at w williams acton u02 tnuutd vt uesinttnc j r 3 removes s8jj kj55airj8al sfsfetcwbl jfirble voeks jk ha jtouf sfarl e work cle ynd injir7gaepii mu1 old tooadrr abjei 1 71 oa sauultoo propnetor wliotieaed rtil dexler aod direct importer md ina5fa of all kiad of gmolt and ii leeta torau etc- hartug bad aa ateaitre erfreneace for the ut lfi jean the pabueiaavrc voatiag alleopenor article at clapr ra thaa aar o fcer dealer in the b 1 icrccatoff on a direct order re- t e aert sodarr bu5 lin a linkfe bchoal teacher dellelitfnllr eh said tle uiderhsaedcgicccilj solidi ts ot the ral ic aad laicnni ti well equipped and styhab riga pan al wayi be seemed at us abler a cotarortab e bas lj all ttalas betweea s en aad vis carefnl a tetoogiveatocvcrroi the wau of coaimcrcal travel lers fall cct john illiihs jahnnv blififa loa u sec hok ooa we ii p ich lum out of doors i men is good enough far at john don t talk so said h s ltepmolh er a rnh ehoaleced freckled uoman with waterj blae eyes and a chroma drawl bat the smiled as ahe aaid it and a mm ate or so later the boj 1 card b r telling a neighbor who had stepped m to barrow a posse stamp and a ah o paper what a fine spirit ocr johnnv baa i gneas hkely voall behare voarself jack said gilbert the big b other who wca mending earnest oat in th ttbed when join bean toair bis boais oa there or else voa ii get erst ciam thn shing hen v ca come bick vi e doa t want no 1 anks i whn roaud lere said jobo sailed oar fo ks was lanks aloe 3 they was esternert sagely observe i gilbert all the same tbooh i wish toe holley d got the plase instead o this f lode islaad fejow joea a good neighbor and be fi got a right smart o book learnin gil said john leaning bo hvbows oa the shed window wh doa t roa gom fo- schcohn reckon lve cot enough lo pass in a crowd said gilbert bonng a series of holes in a check strap so great thocgh retortedjoho ion cxn read and yon can write and that s a bo at all i ve always had sometlunideise to think of when deeatnek school waa gilbert composedly brisk since father died nigh sqaared up the work con lank i pretty nuddlin smart i may take a lorn at my books wme time m the winter lve si was i thoaght i ehonld like to see into what they call ceomery joer hollej can t teach that i o more can tb 1 ank i thu t reckon said dissatisfied john lvidentl his theanes and hose o the new teacher came into active conflict for the next day the first of the sctiool quarter he came blabbering home at noon iy books and laaket said open said times has- been bat e ve pretty aod if thn agents wanted in every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock doctor i the tuort complete and coiniteheasive work j eni3biabed it author stand at the bead their profeaaloo and bare acootloentalreira utioa worth iu weight lo fold to toy one mthjff korsea sheei- cattle fiwtne poaltry 03w htot a grand opportanitj- lo make moot j seccre terntorr at once addri e k moyeb publisher j20toagebt toronto -acton- pujrp factory planing mill thos ebbage man i li riaut tle icalaeuitat o tle r aup bet aaw ia eoa acd otid respectfully icfoty all partic la waat cf i cwps that we are cow prei ared to repplt them from the old style wooden pump to the beat force pump made pomps for wind m2hs or eocfc wells supplied on short notice deep wells a spcialt prices eight every ttme money money money ia order o ciclaac part of oar iaceaae cock fo- spot cksh we offc- the fo lowing eitrarixary ladoccmects loierccutrodacaon ca all parcajes from itjccna wiijo 15 per cent from l0q to i3j 33 per ccac froai 3jx to tfoih 25 ier cent oa all jjnrcbasta from jjo ot- ward ladadiag patent medicines fancy coods jewelry 8fverware books stationery library boofcs bibles hymna teacher s took away ray won t let we hev my dinner he and i m hnn n n grj the poor creature whintdsiri bligh instinctively catting a gigan ic wedge of pumpkin fie and looking art cheese don t stop for that cow mother gilbert setting h s teeth toge3er we 11 look into this bast with me john ness ever was a mile moe rapidlv traversed than that expanse of dreaxr p graas that lay between the d hoase and the blih farm with all hut breathless might keep pace with his brother s i ng swmging strides gilbert s face was aark hn evessparklcd omiooadj john glanced at then with scareelj subdaed aire gils proper mad he sail to hinuelf and when gil s mad it men s sathin arrived at the little red bn fc betiding at the door open aea aad sere strict school jnhn running oold scarcely iim now and cur planing mill lumber dressed while yon wait mouldings ac wade to order v a have also a quantity of latnbcrfotmle suitable rebuilding purposes orders by mall will receive prompt and careful attention shop at foot of blter stroet thos ebbage wanaffer also a fiac aisortuiea of toilet art other crudes too ainierocj too uentioc jl cablbie s ac un secorf block acton wanted g00d reliable men can find iiennaiient em r ployment for maple grovo su ries of vs aterloo n good salar and exjx asea jtid weakly liberal inducement to 1 eginners outfit free prevlons erperienco not required established over 90 jean all goods fcrstrcjaas writ at once for terms address j l mckay gen manafer 6t thotaas out me uon this paper salesmen want 3d tjepmavevrpoaltldnsgoaranlaed ithaajary l snjezpensos paid any deternined man can suodoad with ql pseuliar advant igea to be ginners b took complete including ipany faat- mlllng special ties addreu at ooee serrnies kochcsta bhfspaper buonvn bboth 3bb vur ictotfree name bbov out 1 s ihisaboat ii know the pretty yonog complexion the crois roads bhgb pushed and strode fiercely in now then satdhe wb bullying little jaci bhgh reason of it or 111 he stopped abruptlv inetyidof the tall angainlyiankee whom he hj d expected to see behind the desk a tnm girl with jet b ackliair and like a ripe peach rose from t le pedagogical chair well said she compose ii wanting dojoukuow voung man that it is the custom in civilize conntries to knock at the door before children to the little flock accord bad raised their heids all this does not in the least conceri you hind yonr lessons john bligb tike oar seat i won t blushed johnn r emboldened by the presence of bis tall bi other me my dinner basket books i want lo know began what right you liave miss boot emma abigail boot was iu the school certinpate warning finger silence 1 sheened leave this room at once 1 i will not have m y discipline in terefered with and for the 1 sad come nbat is ou come in who with one i won t again bawled the bclugcr out jobunj the children held their breath alias root took in the situation at once and brisk sets og the oang rebel by the coatcoliar walked lnm mto the book close aud turned the ke in the door gilbert advanced to tccue him but wh le le stood clmalrouily unwtiliiig to la violent lisxds en s woman mi s hoot tarncd opoa him aud took bm by the vytui as if he had been a child di4jobear me lel joj to go said she and pat him ott at the door withoat further cereuiouj ibrillrau tbruagli tie 1 tile sadiencc the gchoolruaan had tnamphed oter itwrles johnuv bligh and afterward coo qaered fan big brother hec rale was iloroohlj etlablubcd now there would be uo folber fear of revolt almlj mm root returned to the- little koodeii platform apon which stood her ct air and desk sow icter dorscv std afie voa raaj ci nie the bcuudariea of feoath car olica over sgaiu and bstineas wei t en jus aa it bad done lefore li c corse n uttered gilbert bhgh oataide aiu t she a plucky little thing 1 well i suppose i mav as well go home i reckon jack ill 1 are to wotk oat bu own rah alio i for all of me how those b sck ejet dtl snap ilotuli to gilbert s ii finite amusement some what o i is ducarafilure when he cume in at u ght from a kotseback nde to the sir rbile poetoffice he found ifua root sit mg at the domestic creaide gil sad mrs bhgh uacasily here s the school ma am come to board oat her week it was widow ijanui week bv rights but ibev re got the dumb ager over there and lowd the d rather she d come here cn school ma ara this is my eldest son or leastways m hatband son i never bad none o my own but 1 set a deal o tvore bv gilbert and john gilbert b gh bowed rather awkwatd siiss hoot rose dp acd dropped a dainty little courtes like a s im voang hazel beshswavedb the wind i hope voa doa t bear rail ce said she half smiling vvfilc a soft pink hash rose htr cheel loa see it was abac ale iv necesssr forme to nforce due phne and reallv joa were sail ng under piratical colors now were oa not i was altogether wrong saidgubert reddening aiso i beg yoar pardon wli h john has a read j done said ili root renaming her knitticg work john s not a bad fellow after all wiien once jou appeil to b s reason and common eense we shall et along capitally after this he hado t no business to laaa the school mam said lire bhgh who was has ling arojni to get oat the bea cbiua for tea she sarted h m r gbl when she sbet him up in the pactry where the slates sua the big d c oaarj was ken and he won t do it again if le doea he 11 get a ood lalbern to ham lint i can tell htm john wbg was roasting red apples in the hot ashes ct uckled he knew well from loug experience that his step mother s bark was mac degrees woree than her bile ife and the school ma arn are good fneids now said be i axed pardon a faro all the bavs and she promised to lend me lfaseraau reidv to read arter im doce my fams at night and gil she knows germe ry and them things like a book ard she says she llsbowyoa withoat joargoin in schoo and se tin smong the lojs that is httftr than oa be once core gilbert co ared bal hit hoot knitted quietly on i shall be glad to be of use said she i ara a graduate ot tassel college in rhode island taid hiss root they lay spcciil sires on mathematics there gilbert sat down itanng moodily at the ere here was he a strong muscular giant six feet bijh and broad sboaldered lo correspond there she sat round rosv and dimpled t mere dot cf a woman yet how matli more she knew than he da she mast despis me he thought an easik laggilg at his rich brown moustache bbe can t help it sach a dambhead as i must seem to her le how pretty and ao spoken she is poor gilbert 1 he was very wretched that night becatse itiss root knew geom etr and he did not let what a vague happiness il was to be under the same roqf with her h gilbert had oclv known it he was falling in love with emma root the schoolma am siajed two weeks at the bhgh farm became the wida dunn s ager etabbcrnlv he d en and toward the end of her sojoarn there came out one cf those terrific rain alorms that sometimes sweep ih wes era slopes i am go iig lo h ich up old sorrel and go alter siiss root said gilbert at noon the red bridge foundations are pretty cigh abed avcaj aod i li have to bring her aronnd bt nv point i low its a good idear sa mrs bhgh scratching her head with a knitting needle i m glad voa thoaght on it bat either he had miscalculated old sor rels rate of speed ofer the muddy roads or else the family clock was wrong for when he reached the red school bouse it was closed and locked aod ills root was goie he drove at a railroad rale to overtake her but jas ou the ede of the river he saw that he was to late the uimsv i mbers of the bndgs had given wav benoalh her weight and she was s rugfiling m the black waters gilbert oh gilbert sae me through the rush of the swollen stream the roaring of the wind her frenned cry reached his ears he flung eff lis heavy boots his clmgiug coat aad jumped into the nver andai be did so an odd fancy eddied across bis brain geomelrj vasof uo ase here matlie ma tics could be of no avail it was a man s strength an expert s skill a hero s heart that counted now les he was her equal mora than her equal at last blankets my ole woman had that i jour own firelight voa re itann at after all it was only drenching a fright and a chill said gilbert that dusk as they sat by the fire when mrs bhgh had gone out to feed the late brood of due ken i and johnny was in iho abed try ing to luild a ship that should be like the oae described in llasterman ready s fascinating pages hoims shuddered i have been rescued from the very verge ot the grave iid she aodbyjou gil bert gjoert looking wistfully ap mto his face v ell v ill will joa teach me to s vim 1 loa are so strong so noble ahd i am so weak and ignorant ob gilbert after this ou will be rn pnnce among men lmma m love rn darl ng that was how it happened there was no formal proposal not acceptance ouly these words onl a lover i kit ashygirls joifal nestling to he side of him whom she had regarded as her heart s master aud so they were engaged the people of red hollow expressed themselves d ffercntlv oa the subject gilbert bi gh lusu t no book larain said b aire peters and this oung wb man s a gradoote of tassel college uon t see how she came to fancy him that don t sign is said idow dunn he a mortal smart and owns good patch o land right on the farmin fiats but i onl lope the u ine happy together if i was a man i woajda t dare to marry a gal that had pat me outer the school as she most hev a terapr but neither gilbert nor lmma bad any misgivings and after all they were the chief pertoni concerned saltrdaj qh iflmasto be c0trte0t pbacticalf htlp if politeness brought uo other r tarns than self retpest and freedom from fr etion it would be worth whilq to exercise it on all occasions but even a more practical sense courtesy will never be found lo be valaeless and those who are careless m respect are in danger ot being taught a wholesome tboagh perhaps a disagreeable lesson m robert latfarop an english resident in alger a tajs that there were many dehghtfal walks in his neighborhood lut that it was necessary to exercise care in order to avoid trespassing ou private grounds public wjyr as they exist open old maps have in many cases been stopped so that intakiuea waikitisalwavs wire to mqaire of an rren who mar be at hand whether the wav is public or private landowners are verv sensitive in regard tu their ngbtf thoagh they will almost alwavi accord the pnulege of entrj to an one who asks for it coarteocilj a gentleman was once sauntering along an uncertain footpath and had passed a man laboring m the fieid near at hand w hen he had proceeded come disanec the work mg man ci led ut angnl that the way was private and that the trtspanwr must retrace bis steps the gentleman s temper was somewhat displeased 6r this acd as be returned he demanded to know wbj he had not been sated unnecessary step by being told that fact when he first passed the laborer the reply was unexpected and courteoai had monsieur exerted himself to the extent of paving mc the ordinary civiht of a good morning h a misfortanate might possibly have been averted the traveller was equal to ihr occasion drawing himself up be took oft b i hat with a floansh bowed low and in the best french he could master good morning monsieur i trat joar health is ood and that voa are eojojicg the freaj and balmv ur while voa till voar field in expectation ot a boauleoas harvest uonsieur i ibsnk yon was the reply mv health i rejoice to saj is satisfactory monsieur has bad the goodness to refer to the cultiration of my little property which affords me a healhful and agreeable cccupa uon though i am not as sanguine aa men tie ur aboat thd boauteoas uatare of the fatare harvest vousieur js perhaps a foreigner and possibly anaware that there are three iagoes from wbich we colonists soffer to the determent of oar cropi droughts icccsls and strangers honstear is a polite exception to the latter clau and i trust he will continue lus walk throcgh my htile propertvwhich he was kind enough to saspend for a moraem in order that we might have this i iteresting conversation leisiueuolrs- a boot ten ears ago a quaker lady in one of our urge pities whil bnylog some trifle in a retail shop noticed tbat the young girt tbar waited upon ber was tblir and pale and had the jaded appearance of one who has nothing to look forward to in life oo questioning ber she found that she was from the country and bad not a single fnead a the city w ith thousands of others the worked ten hoars each day- for foor dollars a week slept in a garret with three other women and ale sach scanty food as she coald bajr what does thee do m the evening asked the interested lady f sleep generally or look oat of the win dow i bate no books some of the girls go to the ten cot theatres but i have not done tbat jet tie friend went home and considered bow she alioald sapplv a home friends and all theprqcet nginfiaences which sorroaud ed her own daughters to this girl who was tottering oo the verge of ruin with the help of a few friends she rented a room with an open fire near the ufge shops famished it with comfortable chain growing plants two or three hand red inter tiling book and be magazines and then invited the sales woman and ber colleagues to join a club wh rh shoald have the use of this room at all times isv meut of one dollar aniaaly was exacted to give them the feeling of independence the came eagerly 6rought their lunches it noon gathered in the eeoigs to talk read sew play draughts or chtia or to sing as the club grew the interest in it in creased saleswomen seamstresses art its every class of homeless working women joined it it now numbers over seven bun dred members they oocapy a large bouse which the have fitted ap and dec orated with their own hands it is their own home in which ea b one feels her self a hostess they have a piano an organ sewing machines a gym nasi am and bath rooms night classes have been formed in cooker music erabroideryrawiog french htera are and historj for which the feet are but five or ten cents the members form intt macies among themselves snd make for each other a society cheerfal active and fnendlv during the last ear the have been cealoasly combining in circles fordiffer ent benevolent purposes sach as visiting hospitals orcootrmng christmas surprises for poor ohldren the humble beginning of the qaiet friend has grown in ta strong orgamza tion in which these fnead leas homeless girls are sorroanded by ihe purest infla ences 1 ottfji cjoipa oa bafpy voicss u in ibis basv nineteenth century there be a c ass of persons possessed to any marked degree of the commodity suggested by our tit e we have failed to discover it that there are however hours which might be more profitably em plojed than the are is trae of many lives besides those of the bojs who are specially he he dher on she said hon he tt a paid fob the saddle who has bought the handsome saddle job t inquired a saddle maker some fime ago ot his foreman apon coming into the shop and finding that a very handsome new saddle had disappeared indeed i canno tall who it was and ihe worst of it is it has not been paid for v was very basx this morning when a gentleman came in priced it told me to charge it to his account threw u mto bis vehicle and drove off before i coald ascertain his name i am sure however he is one of oar cus tomers fnr he has freqaently boaght articles here before that s rather a paxxling case reallr said the master scratching bis head and some owe mast be je vised to fiftd oat the purchaser and get the pav or the saddle a i have it john charge every one of oar custom ers who have accounts open with the saddle those who dido t get it will of course refuse to pay and in that wa we shall reach the right one john did aa he wis ordered two or three weeks after the jul bills had been sent oat the foreman was interrogated as to whether he bad succeeded in finding out the purchaser it is impossible to saj sir he answered or aboat twenty have paid foe it withoat iaii4 a word willing to obubhthe lad1 col thorn aj one time member of con grtss was in ihe city this week and amoqg the tales ot the old das told ibe following aboat tbaddeus stevens tbaddens stevens wa sitting in his office one da with a few friends when in walked an old ladv wearing a poke bonnet blue goggles and carrying a green alpaca umrbella she looked around the room as if in search of some one and then said selemnlvr can yoa tell me where to find thaddeas stevens the apostle of libert oldtbad blushed i mjthaddeaa stevens he replied short- are you tbaddeus stevens the apostle q liberty i reckon lam ma am the o d lad dropped her parasol made a rush toward stevens to kisabirq and when nature s dheerfpl voices all in harmony chime bongs frdm the trees songsoer tbe seasi murmurs soft on the floating breeze songs bast of alt of phildboodi merry timei gnu tbaii iheij yoar powers employ happy joices fallof life and joy gladam and jove leaeninlj melodies for the world all things praatl their maker each with a different vjoice some to the eye praise silently i ike yon stars is ibe evening sky b it bori of gcd with heart and socits- joicd l cold and dull tjhelden s groves and mar ma ring fflls till high in aft burst on the ear warbling ootes jf the fark fnll and clear life hm alonfi the bring bosom thrills cold and dead he worjd ires en with lti miiad itegs till herd and there rises on ihe air praises pare aop believing prayer soaring to goft amid the ahgalio throngs not like stare nor birds then praise we the heavenly king ith soag and lyre anthem and choir hands jlhat wording for christ never lire and hearts at love whence all good thoughts do spncg tss christmas tbxs i to be saa buloro the distribution of 011181 gather round the christmas res fver green have its branches been it is the king of all the woodland scene for christ am king is born today his reign shall never pass away cuo hosspna hoaanna hoeanrm in if ihe highest gather aroaoi ihe christmas tree once the pride of the mountain side now cat down to grace our christmas tide ror christ from heaven to earth came dowd to gain through death a nobler crown r- hosuna 4e gather around the christmas tree i evert boagh bears a harden now they are gifts of lore for u we trow for christ is born his love to show and give gooigdu to men below t hosanna 4c tl to bo sang ajfer the distribution ofiilifta farewell to tee 0 chnstmai tntf thy part iadone i and thy gills arelcone and thy ligbtt are dying one by one for earthly pleasures die tcday but heavenly joys shall last sjway i hosanna tc farewell to thee 0 christmas tree twelve months o er we shall meet once more merry welcome singing aa of yore for christ now reigns oar banotir dear and gives u4hnsirasvry jear 1 hosanna drc 1 gira ler lme have m gjbert bhgh root it raised a is she dead lmma for heavens sake speak dead grumbled old abrahamgaylor no mora n joa be look at the color comin back mto her lips but i say though it was a narrow squeeze ot it one i time that current s powerful strong and i the bridge limber was sweeping down on j e like a thousand o brick its a good thing e knowed how to swim like au otter oilbligh yes you re safe at homel i brung ve both back wrapped in all the addressed m the following anonymous j article clipped from an exchange a boy was employed in a law er s ofiice and he bad the daii paper to amuse him self tfith he began to study french and at the httle desk became a flsent reader and writer ot the french language ha accomplished this by la ing aside the newspaper and taking ap something not eq amasicg bat far more profitable a coachman was often obliged to wait long hours while his mistress made call he determined to improve the time ha fouud a small volume containing the eclogues of irgil but could not read it so be parch ased a ltin grammar day by da he studied this and finally mastered is intricacies- his mistress came behind bira one day as he stood b the hores waiting for ber and asked him what he was so latently reading oaly a bit of n irgil my lad she mentioned this to her husband who insisted that david a should bav e teacher to instruct him in a few vears david became a learned man aod was for many years a useful and beloved minister of scotland a boy was told to open and shot the gates to let the teams oat of an iron mine he sat on a log all day by the aide of the gate sometimes an hoar would pads j before the team a came and this be employ ed so well that them were scarcely anjr facts in history that escaped his attention he began with a little book on hngliah bistorv that be found on the road having lesroed that thoroughly he borrowed of ft minister goldsmith s history of greece i came from backs county tq see thaddeus stevens the apostle of libirtv aud to take home w th me a lock or bis hairv the apostle of lberty took off bis red w g handed it to her aud said there it is ma ara take as much as yoa want new lork tnlu tc 1 pisle a young civil engineer who came home to buffalo last week after a foai months expedition through the black hilli with t government surveying party told jthe fol lowing story onejevening last summer we pttctttd camp arid after sapper the commanding officer iij the party ordered me to make a detour to a certain point farther north the distance lavthe road i was told to take was believed to be aboat four miles bat to get it exactly i was given a pedometer to carr in my pocket on the way i came to a small mining settlement and a dance was going on at the biggest saloon as ibatlplenty of time on my bands i went in and joined in thenrjanoe nd never rested a leg until midnight i thin proceeded to finish my detoar got back to camp and turned in in the momirjgl wa asked to report aud without a thought i handed lover the pedometer the omcer looked aft it m amazement and then ex claimed forty- four miles where on earth did oa go last night i was per plexed ai first myself and coald not explain mv wonderful record and it was not until later that i recalled the dance bat 1 can believe at i danced forty miles in a single eveningi buffalo courtw i j a duaguceablr bed fellow i 4 one itght ihe son of colonel dodge while sleeping in camp upon the ground next to his father and lying onhis etomaobi was awaaened by a disagreeable oah trei mor running through oim he called to his father apd said bather there is aome- thing the matter witc me i udng i hare got a chill i haefh cold sensation in the small of my back very strange unlike any thing i ever felt before and t am frighten ed toibis tbefaiher suspecting the trnth replied lis perfectly still then jumped from hia bwn place of repose stood a few feet away from the boy with his pistol in his hand and said to him whea i count three 1 want roe to jump the uoy re phed all rijbt the colonel then oo anted three and frederick jumped to his feet dislodging from his back an enormous rattlesnake which bad coiled there for warm thj and the colonel shot the serpest before hn could strike the boy the best yet the bund basket girl a poor blind girl once brought to a clergyman ihirtv shillings for a missionary societ he surprised that she shoald offer him so large a sum said loa a poor blind girl voa cannot afford togne so much as this i am indeed sir as jouea a blind girl but not so poor perhaps as you ma suppose me to be audi can prove to ycu tbat i can bette- afford to give those thirty shillings than those girls who have eyes the clergyman was of coarse deeply interested and said 1 shall be glad to know bow ou make it ouf siam a basket maker and be ng blind t can make them as well in thedark as in the light now i im sure that dar ing last winter when it was so dark it must have cost those girhi that have eyes more than thirty bhilli6gs to bay candles aud so i can afford to give that sum for the missionaries and i hope that you will take it all true happiness does not imply aatlsfac hod bat continual development tht student loves knowledge for its own sake and can never oease acquiring and when this good maa became greatly interested i men love goodness aod truth for then owa in him aud lent him books and was often sake they shall have the untold happine chollj and fred are lunching athenna i for fifty cents fred pretty waiter girl eh old chap c holly amusing his imonoole vaas i s appose i shall hate to mash ber trettj waitress approaches cbolly what is yonr name my dear p vwith due respectl pearl if yon please sir j cbolly with unction i ah 1 see the pearl ofj great price eh p w demurely no sir a parl be fore swihe if you please sir t coolly subsides fred explodeeamnd the pretty waiter girl goes on setting ftie table unmolested 1 a bxda11y qlestios law er then your troublesome- neigh bor has put ap the fence after all and his fowls ua longer come to scratch up yoar garden j bit bow everdidjroa manage it without sgoing to la smith fmdinc that he tamed a deal ear to all mv complaints about his hens i chanteb my tactics and began to send mm a dopen ejigs every two or three days say ing that his hena had bud them after a while i dropped it off and he immediately putup his new fence the thing was done in less than a fortnight seen sitting on the log conversing with with him aboat the people of ancient times boys it will pay to use yoar hoars well -i- qoldeh rate not only of satisfying be everunfolding ueeds ot their own oatores busjof miquler- ing also those of alf others who come with in the sphere of their influence dollars which might otherwise be thrown away by resorting to effectual medianee are saved by purchasing that inexpenatw specific for bodily pain and jremedy for affectiobs ot the throat lung atomadbi liver and bowels dr tboina oil which does not deteriorate and l thorough and pure