Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1889, p. 3

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i irrr to fcswh itray am11i r tkemtrodistcrukoh acton bbv o a orprord ua rub ftor rin4oikotatinue taj un indgjo ficndtj piw cuucaadacled byui all conliallj ivilod j 1 octi j tnrtiii lisskuu klu roriiancenvsox pir skins nrrxks sincrtllriis r ciorlic- eoeoukdkaec v- tixr dvitcs lo 6- t iiorkuiii sir- irasluiisles cl 1k1x inctaiiiug lciitcnv tlu eiwrali itr trvt- irv vsvpaied u tuppir tx pilxks itorty fur sale w price j locr izslr y ijr ijtr taj lis vjcye3r t wofc 11 oa h- k tjtste bari tad lbcr ci truk tri fcr niv tt 03r ij t a r uqoiu i vsi 0irri- out kurance fftraapprr and vilto always welcome j at- tftitin usher l th door nfiuinr i u p uw bank of hamilton hbauomoe aiimton cirmitup cr sl000roo lanxrvl 1ryp hoodoo ceoroetowkacleha a gtotnl bouac banocsttrtomcted saylmis u1xk llefalltukxt deposits rcceivwi of h ind aptrixdsl intecwl allured it camsut nlrako notice of wiuidnwd required usl watsox aent sept lah is sauta clans hedquarteis geuicj reaii fr xtuas opening un a praud ctecuivi otterx dolls xcias aad new voir card lublcs aitona books vases cui nd sincert ltch goods gold ioabflwr wttebc jellct- silver wow ail bright frtxh tad ncr ko old stock at george hvnds acton ont srl asi iwtr wtekux kjtji pert j t ill larve psts frcrn mektijycx fov c ui ti 0lx a v kutffai i jrance cot amber acton i -os- j i i december 7ts cr cosatrmx tdb acton y de3ehbe2 i 1 i ftuvv j gerlr- rteztijtstaicc j jtte sthokc- jjahes fax iemsteett kkstahlh j i tso csino u3dce r a ujoa tic ii creditors tjc iii fun tm5 toe qrirj2i of tlxaefxc- irojsale fck implements t kennedy ytusotq lld irtad jlof i f js- suhss atool sst rzftbrakvtia fljfcfjm3frttfrfefi thrirsdax december 3 1888 3taxy jidtor locils collilcd by lie erertuoomfnl ud ajcrt 1 december i fiae dialer weather xo for bolidijr enlrtinnieili kcsi ihe christmix kdvertiemenu taesdiy kls the first nxl cold niflht otlfceseisci there bis bcea fxirly road gjeigbing do far wwjc z chnstsus cqaies bat aace s yeir bat iivoomiac fiit- tttfc tiieeighlag voai is couuo in more pkcuiauy presjytciui sibbiui scidoi anmver- nry as kev vexrs cijiu itethoiist cnrisumi siiabiui school ilsirersiry on chtistmia uighl the dote udgiris hive hid great sport tixiinj octhe pond the past week sanhide to stnr hit and fin yes- ieelit mcrpiog when will we three meet itx enh blaii township clerk of enmoa prochtd in the disciple qmrch on sandty i the finnsrs re insurince meeting in the town hil on satardir afternoon at tua ocsct i cctti of england christmas tabfcath school annirersaxy some fetenin dnxios chnstmas i- thespecal ecrrices in the uethodist charch are being continued this week with gratifying enccess the safttott army had a jabhee ti the btrracia last wednesday eranng- ascaptbiagb was present lira- barnes svig solos in the iletfao- dhx ctnrch aaia on sunday evening she retamedto baio on tnesday ir wtni plant has disposed ol his ejgfatyicrefarm lot 1 con- 7 kaaaagt- weya to sir benjamin wallace jr ior siom 1 ifessriwocuenigrahatnhare secared ifce pare shaun eicfc for the season tbt will co docblccndact it withjqperal safiction- the december meeticg of the ejird of trustees olaciicpdblic schoota wilj be heli is the i conned chamber on friday ctesiastthisst- tt 7 oclock sharp irtit in acton aboqt two weefci ago a gold broad with stone settings finder will be nritaky rewarded by leaving with iki joan eowtraeaae kr j a ilarray has been engaged by tie kersey hig co to open a warehonse acaelpbal a salary of 1000 per year mi expensec jlr llcrray will retnote to ucelpii in jan nary it is reported that a traveler for filee- niaas hrewerj gaelgh ha ifcipped oct tafcing with lim sereral handred dollars tobrhichhewasnoteniilkd hicollectcd omewhere between 20000 for which he gave no credit and then decainped- r j kewmatket is about to pass ft bylaw itll children nnder li years of se to b at home before 3 oclock ax nicht thk u ngh- the children oaght to be fcotce hot ihe pareau are the one who shoolddo tiier aeceasary compelling laid ecotiav sons the world orer na 1 tfid toft taeny aai ifie ii f i io be honest aad true iff jid wjjtcrt ctjodoci ciac t aad irife u- tie 1cff aai the uc ljsatsriaynigiit sl andrewsday peoplejare already stadyiag the news- paptrsfto diseoverwuit bosineas hooses are olttxing tec greatest attractions and induce ments for tlie cbristmu trade we advise all ench lolkeep their eyes on tie adtertie- ttgcolamsii of the fetk eexos daring the neil few ee a travelling doctor in ohio who wa wiling a eoxe enre for consamption at dollar a ioue w taken ry ill and in his fear c death- he confeased that his jrnp is imposed of molasses sassafras oiaidwhiker and that it ww a dead 4icle ci eicrj bnyev he got better after coafeesing and at jast reports was fcog booted ont of town tue hkmaton 77rtsays vesterdiye setrijineimcoestrfeetuethodis cbnrch wem all eaterefting and well attended in tbe ttornitigkerx e hanter of crowley and himter the evanselists tssuted ty the pctcew t a moore led fu aa ttnelita service kan y were deeply tgj- wnpressedj and there uereaboot 200 geriods ho went fonrard of whom there fflast hate been cearlrm seekers of salvation it was one of the best meetings since the erangefistffcarae to the city fut sile- large box store pipes tsrions libles feather beds pillowa shell- tahlf enpboards and secular books coeap ww si a- faueow ahnll slock to select from at satisfac tory prices at kenny bros boot sboe tore acjon ilyja want a reliable woriioj boot u ettgaoi fiaoday shoe a comfortable even hg ilipper or a good trunk or valise to use to imvelllof 0 to kojpuy bros boot 6r filioesuneacuio home gleanings wucutvuoly of a local chariclcund al 01 ran bemty tbe salt of oie chtislmas number c the moulttaamimminircued the rush for copic is deicttai ai allogctluc uupto- cddaicdiaulutify every copy hat upic hoi thrm bai al srt soppfcowqua lovely chrwlmu soavtuirtoicndia fiicudc tuc price s ouijr fifty cents r tfiaflarnuia5ajs tug mux wbo for year uvea in one comamuity and leads a reputable life even though be bn of moderato ability will grew in the conndti and esteem of his- fcuowa ctalba auno priuciplo ocwa piper advertise men t becomes familiar lo the eyes of the readers it may be seldom read still it mkos the namo aud buaiaei of the man familiar and its presence lutho colatnnt of a piper inspires confidence in the stabnilyof his culerpriie t t dommloa aiificce a prohibition the annual moctiag of the ontario branch of the jomiuion alliance will be held at toronto commencing on wednes day december iiih 1683 it is confiienuy anticipated tbu this kill be oue of the largest and most iuffaeulial gatherings of the kind yet held and an earnest appeal is hereby made for the atlcodincc and co- openaoa of all iu- sympathy with this movement and its objects among the miny iraportsn qcestions to come cpis that of the secsring of immediate prohib itory legislation jlovw cozan themcmlkrtof thc aoxw lcreare coapictipg arracgemenu for a grind con- cectm the towrnliauoalrijsyevcning 20 th last among the alcat acnosnoed are the names of the following well known favor ites hits kate strccg ill forest ir james fax toronto ilifs hemstrcet acton sir john strachin eockwood and others one of the principal officers o the grand lodge will also be present to ad- dress the audience c pan the merits olthe order tee committee is determined to make this the concert of theeasonv reiafeetlej at cbwrscs ccraers the teataeetmg at crewscus comers irhich wai postponed from wednesday evening until lloadayc veiling of this week was not favored with very agreeable weather bat the church was crowded to the doors a ptis4jt evening wis tpent addresses iruedeliveredby rev j w rae acton pjw wiktatns gnelphr and w- h harvey the junior- pastor the choir of the ilethodist cycrcli acton rendered seme exoelleti music aciilr wilson of eden hills jate several reiaings uev j walker occcjied the chur iroccodc near ly 533 the christens glebe this elegant production of the old esab lishedajsaif cams to hind ist week it is scperb in every pirticclrr it is the pro duct of cmidia minds canadian pens canadifn artiste canadian lithographers canadian printerrand bmders the illns- trations are ruperior tee fine colored plate the cxmau hilitii showing the uniforms of e different branches of the cantdiin service is remarkable for its absolute ihty ibeanty of arracginnent and perfect execution the other presen tation plate our friends is a sweet home picture clever in conception delight fully executed ind happily sngestive to old and yaniis of noosehoi joys and family delights there are ciaay other beautiful iuastralios brought oat by the most perfect process of photo engraving and a great variety of tettfx press matter of un usual interest to us sil as csmdians the mentidy examinitions- held last friday reunited a follows idlit lci knv n annie stephenwh 8u0 bdk stephenson ifio jiainio iffflnleg sco ida ilckab j0o anson smith 1jj john pertins 235i j f peirson i3j ilabel icmond 2s- kaggie cobban j3j- jr iv ilinhie slorton 250 lizzie hclim 2gf bettty perkins 2f0 ernest ebbsge i0 i gta- m wtd gitiard 20 james ifoore jz0 jennie itamsay 220 fred eyder jck ni liiuie snith 220 chester slattheve 2i johnnie kkklin ls set john 5tdcrili251 willie ijk-n- sid eddie itydtr jsi iltgie zx ilvriii hadiellcnab 233 minnie ed wards 230 robert hcpherson 177- jcs john edwardc 23g elsie qoitt- ner 1w hay ryder 123 ada franca 133 tiirnji mit sv iwc annie hycds iso percy gisori 177 etta laird 172 ep i ict ukiiie xloore ifc2 fennell smyth 170 lcnx holmes 1gs ella anderson loi jcs iijii ii willis holmes 1c7 edwin franes 102 jessie harvey ig2- eddie gambicjc i address trid pressnuticn oowednesdar eeningof last week tfce choir of knor church took occasion after the dote of the meeting addressed by the revilr doudiet to preseut to ifr e a lisvson an address and beautiful plash ilbam ai erprewive of the esteem and regard bome towards him by jthe mjmbers of tde choir filr lawoo is removing from actan which fact was deemed most oppcrtauebythe members of ihismasicl organization to make tbis tribute to one of their most worthy members ilmjucss lit ccthrr a lxtra f trt i gnu-r- tteitnowledse tlat you are ihort- iy to fcvc four cacncction intii us o3 j- rticled ocreits tfcirdsrj yet we with lpcra this ocr oiy onttniej to acscre yoa of ocr friijlictctt in jo our ticcere atticimesl aul rpect far yan and our hearty good iohes for your recess li the fntcre we wisu to ct- ijtcu our recosnittiu id spictcistibn of yojr tenicd uoi cjiv wiliicslr rcidircd bat given- iriui a leartice mid rcsulariiy that added ercauytotljeirvaice altlcushlcivirz cs wo do uot loot upoa your dlrlcre t that wlih ilull titrac fcrt lestkcucd icriod for re are cocviscei tlsat yfiur attachmtst to your iiiace of birth tdlioue will be tzziciczt lo proved at xcsxt aa occieioaaj vkit to jlcuju kow dear cricnjai t remiadcrof thetrattniil feeling and food uuovthiii vhich his in tle piit marlcd our iattiwraro and as a toien oj or replrd and rood ctiilje we uujer for your aoceirtacce this allam irlilch ihoush ul little intrinsic wartb will iuiiic ticetocoaaestne tocauapyltntact mearies oc da k tad years tlat ijavc iicd- in uiissgovdbjc we can ijutcoictnendyoa to the fare of hiia kjjo rcjcthtadcarethforih aud may yon and wc be iade hu willing sab- jectxicdin ail our experiences rejoice to and to uns to hua i god from whom all olessui ctw oil lcliiir of kiwt churclj cboir 1 i uv joucm3fi neighborhood nes funiuhrd by contspoudcuts rufled rom mehlneri ud jlckcd nf by tlij wa ubckwood dui ended the saffcrtuj 0 mr thomas u bo ot mr john back lraiuosa ycitcrdsy nmmiug it w 1 be nmombcrod by many o the rtsidert thai some yoart ago mr black received st a jary by which ho wat made a crippli for life uo bore his sufferiaas jpatiiuuy uoul doith relieved bm his wa in example ot caristiiu fortitude ind trust the ftmeral will take place on biturdi y st 10 oclock to rvertoo cemetery j the housoliold coods of mie mccaaa mill be sold ou taeiday next 0lh nst it her residence oeu tbe g t jr ivm hemitrect auctioneer j thoa eagle and aaron toclerhavo beeu releasod from raoi upon payment of their fine sons awn nve tnof eelv hossre john and wesley bingham of mr thomas bingham arrived ia jut week from detroit wherever been since last spring k- sir john auitia bis sold the old h imo htcsd consisting ot i00scros to a namesake of his from bollonfar 5j500 hr austin bad purchased of r james crorietf fi the same si tor i 600 adeoct a very pecaliir drowning case at the cataract a week or so body of mrs deline was found ii a burrel of water life being extinct a corofcets inquest wac held the verdict being ithat death ras cacsed by her own hands family ironbleg are supposed jto bj the cause ot the horrible act j the presbytertaa anniversary services will be held in burns chcrch on suqday dei 8th the snnoal tea meeting will be held on stoaday evening following kxatcllblxl t fai ic fiippened igo the mrs s r lister campbellvillc who tnstaiueda broken wriat a few days ago it doing as well as could be expected wednesdays snow storm wit the heaviest this season tbe ano x fallibe to a cepth of 10 or 13 inches ou the ievcl in lorn place the snow was piled up three feet high tbe eleicb bell lave once more the cobwebs from off tlieir luluthaud now send their cheerful greetings on tin air a teameeting was hftld in thellethodist charch crewsons corners oo hoidsy eveuing it was to have ukeu place vcd nesday evening 27th inst but qn of bud weather was pospoued til monday evening 2nd inst and althoaflh the wis not very favorable for icimectingt a large number were present ceeds amounting to 23 will o defraying expenses ot the churci glceetowv our citizens will be iurpria3 to towards hear that dr freeman his decided to remove to rock springs about 100 milea troa salt lake city utah the dr lis been a resident here for some thirty years an i will be much missed we have heard it rum ored that dr mcgarrio of acliu wfll take dr place freeaians family will remain here for a tjmc at exst- rmi the usual meeting of the eible sevscty will be held thi evening w c weir of guelph will address the meeting concerts are comimg thidk and fast some good talent will appea on thf 9th inst the esauesing torie will meet in tay lors hall tomorrow evening the habit that some of thi young c en of georgetown have of absenting ibemielve from tlie community on account of fines having been imposed on fhep for mi -ccn- dact is cowardly indeed some tfl o or three are away cow on siooant of fines imposed fcr their refusal talpar polltax tttkltl on sunday the 2fth limit rev hr clark a student of knor college occupied the pilpit in the prespytenan c urcli sir clart is one of the best palpit oittors which the people of oakyille have hal the pleasure of hearing for some lime summer wfaie dr cochrace wa en a trip to europe ilr clark last away tok chireof his coogregilion in b ran ford and daring bis stay in tbe city drew larcc crowd and was very popular he chose for his text in the morning the sords to be found ic the j 10 and lth verges of the 2lst chap of st john in the ci ecing he preached from isa 33 17 the many friends of hr a e bradwin were sorry as well as surprised to ra d bis farewell in the kuir last week i uring hr brad wias short stay id oakvile he made many friends and no enemies f proved himself to be a worthy ediur and was ever ready to work for the interests of the town he will be missed from the voeng peoples association where ha held the honorable and responsible position of president the members of above akoci- atipn will not focxet as they assemble on tuesday tn pray for the spirit sal peaoe and prosperity of one who wss ever willing to do them a good turn and in return we hope that ifr b will remember in his prayers the cock which the lord saw fit to placo in bis charge while in oakvtlte oa taesday eveniu of ust week ifr w b cnisbalm was eogsged j in conversation with bis family when he was seized with paralysis and oa thursday the 23ih inst denirted from this life to hit where part ings are no more onfridiy afternoon a large gathering of mourning- relative and sorrowing friends followed his remains to their last resting place passing- tway is truly a part of life ilr chisbolm leaves two eons tp mourn his loss snd as one whom they had lesroedto ioto has died and as the cold earth presses the lips they loved to kiss and freezes the heart toned to beat in unison with their ovrn they remember that the lordjciveth and the lord tafceth awayi blessed be the name of tbe lord city engineer haakinsi of hamilton visited oar town on tnesday the 2cdi inst with tbe intention of finding out the best means of supplying the f town with water we hope to have waterworks and tlectric light sometime in tbe near fotare- w w buchanan i editor of the infer- national uoyal templar vibited ou on ilonday last wilton the trustees of tlio methodist church on friday ovenliig decided to build a new cfiuroh tt is iiolbifofotieedef this town has the poorest ohtlrchos ot soy own of its size in the country jnd soma rood tub staotial churchos would add mcch to the appctrauce ot the town and the o mvcuieuce of the church people fforutcr in hilton uio nomination ihi i yottr will be held in tbe evening at last meeting of the counc 1 a letter rom dr c freeman was rosd a mating that the water ratei were too high ho had not used the water and would m t pay his bill the town could shut of bis water when it wishes the general sessions and cot ny court will be held on tuesday neil the fire brigade is almost roken up because the town does not remit the poll tax ot the young men who aro members it is a small matter for the council to do bis nod it should bo done at i nco the boys do good service when they ire needed and should be encouraged itrfo the high school question is not yet a dead issue the arrest of w j stern hero on friday last has caused a sensation he is charged with the horrible crime of enticing young girls into his shop and the parti ular case for which he it to be prosecuted is for hav ing criminal connection wiutiiuie bow man aged i years the girl i tales that the offenceswere frequent an i that the received money from stern frcn time to time it was the fact that shi bad this money that excited the attention of her parents and tbe enquiry jed o tl developments it also appears that come of the girls friends were similar y treated stern is a tinsmith and is marred he is 50 years of age anl was charged with a similar offence about 12 years ao apart from these charges he has been regarded as of good character he wss commuted for trial at the next assizes e shocking olitulxicual filllejw the ifadnes tucy transacud at or holiday evculug council met on monday evening members present councillor lowry speight and harvey dr lowry was moved to the tnair hinutcs of last meetiug read and cau firmed a communication from dr cje stacey medical health ofiacer tendered his resigns tion owing to removal from acton tenders foe the park akaticgrink from messrs warden fc graham and wm salton were received and openai both tenders were for the sanie amoaut and the tenderers being present they were requested to amend their tc idcrs and present again moved by john harvey sccaided by j a speight that the resignation of dr stacey medical health oscer t e aocepted carried the amended tenders being here presented it was found worden graham s was f 3 and wm suttons 11 for the season upon motion messrs wnrdeni grahams tender was sccepted the ninetenth roport of the on fmanccwaspreseated and the follewicg accounts ordered la be paid ilofjcrt jiorrotttorloyftrtctji tlck mclasi exlcanl dynes tbooiai ebbac lumber itc adac coot worv ou sinceis ljtkurlytin street ianji tbe report was adopted council then adjourned cruel tyio inim aav a brutal scene was ritnessed ou church sreet oa satarday aftersoan john craig the wellknown lime burner and aspirant for psrliameatary honors ot ahe gth line esqcesing delivered a load pt lime at beardmoros taapery and ia returning home oue ofhishorses sthich had apparent- ly been starved to death dropped in the street after inhuman poundsag to get it up without avail john left it lying in the snow and retired to a neighbori warm himself and fill up with beverage of hot whiskey the ig hotel to favorite poor beast was allowed to lie in the snow a 1 afternoon untilabout night death putan end to its sufferings the authorities she uld handle tbe owner for bis cruel traatn ent of the horse a correction mjlelitou a alight error ocurred ia ia item ia yonr issue of last week in which it was staled that mr matthew mecanu gave the laud for tbe site of tie catholic charch and cemetery oa the fi si line it is true the land wis given off m r mccanns farm but in consideration o two acres being given for this purpose m r father the late john molholland allowed 1 ir mccacu the equivalent of one acre akog the line fence where the two farms join gcoctic stiruiollixr we insert the i hove at mr muliholands request this uformatioq is aew to us and no doubt to many of our readers having no desire loldo tbe late mr halhollxnl any injasticej we make this torrection and make known his gener osity perhaps for the first time 1 brough tbe medium of the preis ed a hundred pairs of bed hlinkets to be sacrificed at kelly bros 200 i pair up a scotch paper will publish shortly- stirring canadian love story the harems of lome h kennedy w h dowry iathapfi leader arisu jicvsua 1ro after the reading of the address by dr dowry mr ltvsoo replied most fittingly thanking those present for the gift and for tbe good will manifested- rev mr rae aud mr henderson susocoade jom6r- mirks expressive oierefpectatloa ever ready and willing worker like mr lswsoo was to leave and also wishing him success iu his new home removal of a county editor it was with feelings of wirpr regret tfiat we read im iu t issue oakville ar of the xetire nent editorial j chair of mr ae forsome time mr bradwii had that position with credit 1 3 profit to his journal ind ba 1 gaioiog the respect and ateem reners and tbe kindliest i eelloga the newspaper meal of th batter ovidcocb of bis populi rity is ibafeibe very com plum our 6a1tlicotteipb6aonr jia mr brsdwin has j w 0 fbc piicuh wiabes hiro abphdan success fisin conn ly res arl a and of the tbe upied and succeeded in of bis among no deeded the future childrencry for pitchers trtea efcr im we cave hi vt12 ike vsi a cbllti the cried ybfc she became f iff fheclns wiles cte had difidrmhe gtbtieni writtta bj castoria for infante aneohlldrcn cmtefttmcwllvlimteitmnbttih omiiiuocot oolto omhhttai kaentome n i i- y t 1 sh mm tint ilotp ml promom q w9ookortaibnl7sltt illifindjiaabailmfea tm cnfini coirutr rr llunnf pmet h t speight 5t son acton j a speight manager can tapjtly you with ali uio furnlturo tfiqulrcd to furaiah your new and coij- litijo lome or to reitleaisb taurbooie u a settled one in any style at the very lowest irices there i uo article ot t kmiinre we cannot supply aad furtbct wc deliver our fumitan and you bsvc no arrancing freight charges aad run no risk of breakage wc cau suit all undertaking oar ihiny6vc years cxiwrience fa this bisiaeajiliaa rwulted fu couviaciag the public of this cutirc cciamucity tlrnt c supply flrstclaas work in all ordert and iu stylet abfch ceajiirtj with tose of the city at oua half city prices our hearse- lauciilcctoiicaadourleaiuaiwaji present abtcomluj apiioarancc w lave plea sure lu luritizs the public to call on us forauytbu roqairwl iu our hues allumlff um spetjtaqles -asp- e1teqlssls otip christmas gteetiiijr comes to yon right heartily for we feel just as big about tbe region of the hert as yes winter 18 here w j lee the tailor cr tue east end clothing store i kaows that maay of you have not yet scored j ivaows mat maaj- ol you have not yet scored you will fctl when you bare shared our vour winter dothiag now ia order that all may be well clothed for the cold weather i have experieuoc and wlty shouldnt we feel good ctinstmas is the gift season of he year and it is our privilege to elect tbe gifts that will bring joy and goodwill into hundreds of bomei we fed good over that then again we have beeu able lo boy at such prices as wiil put many a nice gift right witktu the reach of every person wc have reached up to tbe top bongos of the xmas tree aud pulled down the rarest fruitst within everybodys grasp- that determined to sell my big stock st prices sufbt- jr above cost vou can jet good ordered clotliius wamuted to fit good material and bontst woramauabip at the price of slop made rcadyinke roods it yonr ardor st ouco aad i will rive you wc value tor caah w j lee the best family newspaper in canada esuwiahedaearly half a century im king of the weeklies -1889-90- free press lqkdon oxtablo the handsomest prikted paper in the dominion all tee news in ftjtz urely is somethiug to be glad of then iiy tdecrarhtelcphcaekaiiaiidcoitespond- etice np to the hour of publication there is something maguetic sbout the j illns trauons iraeucaj aad useful ara given 1 ch week special vlarket dejiartinen apriculiural deparuncat capital cngbtnesa and ieauta- of our stock as the each week special ifarltot dcpartmedl ural deparuncat capital story always ltunning ingen ious iurtle coluinu uuiii- croui kcadluf light plays upon it it stems as if the beams j just the th1xc mb jtie faxilv of light love to dance and sport aud frolic i livery member of the booaehold eagerly looks for il each week among the gifts that will gladden so many i tie acfojal derrcnt ls a noted fea- i tore of tlie free lreaa 1101 always up to the times aud conducted by persons practically hearts such a stock is one lo wxrrant the aimed ia farm wort large iloo paper ia clubs of four aad nturards tjc each balance of 1889 free feeling of genuine pride we take in it what hive we m fctock well the easier question to answer is what havent wet we have presents for the baby or tbe grandfather and all intervening genenrtions wc ivant you to put our statements to the proof by aaexamfnalioq of our stock cur dictionary does not contain the word trouble so do uoi hesitate to come and ee us von will be warmly welcomed at santa clausheadquarters glo hyxds actox big rush wc feel that wd iboald apologise to a very large aarjbcr of castotaers to wfaoia owing to the very great rush oa satordar laat xm could taow but very homed aucnuoq wc hope we nayrtlyoa their iadulgcacc when we ay that on bitcrday last wc did tuu largest days business although weeuiploy a dariag dayi of special unpotaible to pay close that we alwajt ilm to to ice our frieuds back holo of this moath cf ach unfuse hues and ifar castoria castcxla tocaslcrix cast aria oteltk kaekets decetiua tbite3 flour holler flour filacer white clawsou bcou wheat domocrut wheat spriag wheat fall wheat brau barley oats i hve peas hay old hav new tiiw wood per cord eggs per dorea butter dairy packed buttcr rolla cboese potatoes icr bag apples pork tflnn polu i hides wj cona wool fino wool i turnips y 1 to s 3d i 10 w 50 t 0 00 to 0 00 ooo to 0 00 jo 00 to 0 00 0 80 to qso omtooeo 10 00 to iq 00 0 3j to 13 ij 0 26 to 0 38 0 42 to 0 15 0 48 to 0 w 10 00 to ii 00 too to s 00 3 00 to i 00 i 00 to i 60 eao tooa 0 15 to 0 17 0 ic to 0 ib 0u w0 13 j 0 50 to 0 60 0 75 to 1 00 550 tog 00 0 60 toloo 0 40 to 0 80 850 tosoo 09 to 03 0 23 to 0 j3 0 10 to 0 13 money wanted a good energetic idaot or matt to sellonr frolt ttos bosm bli uu cmanieji- tsjs eioi emplorn ent write at oicfcctnnkai0 soenrtt cholie of territoi wajl odliiclsss etock 1 free addxuai hay bitothebs fo 1 all ihit we have ever diuc large aad efficient flair crevdi it is sometimes atlcstiaa to everybody do hcwcvcr wc hope again and during the december thai car t law prices that j special inducements will lc tic order ot cacli day special values iu black silks specialvalues in dress goods special values iu sealettes special values iu ilautles special values iu table linens spectarvalues in overcoats special values in ordered cloth- iug special values in fur goods special values iu underclothing special values iu carpets special values in lace curtains special values iu goat robes special valuesitt woollen hosiery special values in fine millinery a handsome christmas xumbeb isd i foch chkolfos given away free of charge to orery subscriber for 1830 artists who bare ksn the adranee shecu of the christmas number pronounce it a fern and ajooc worth the price of the sub scription agents wanted everywhere liberal caah commission allowed the most popular paper to work for more money can wj made danag the fall and winter season working for the frte press than at any other employment address frzi press london ontario we will send sfamott fm fjress to any address for from now tilljviy isgi bc xtoft jm xtss ry oit ocbeswr k y un usual display e r bollert 25 27 lower wyndliam st guelph try it i send it jo your i distant friendi 8omethlrk new in 8pettacles and eye class frames uright assilver will not corrode as light as paper will not- break i easily i s sole agertcy secured by bisyage guepk a i i special brlyes -in- dress coods mantle cloths i and millinery during xovmnber at rbjjermynsi prices have taren a trum le 25 ceuts ou every by buying from us quality and style i guaranteed you must visit our millinery department o get a correct idea what cutting aud 8lashiug means our stofck of millinery goods is superb too large for this time of the year but it must go do not look on while others pick up the plums if you require furs we can make itiflftercstiug for you boas storm bollars muffs aps and coat8 r new goods and tlie prices are cheaper than wlicat ii b jeemy3st jf b we open this week a hue ot 40c japan tea sell for one month at 25 cents per lb w to be equal to any 40 centteajsi jjfxbiit plni uiwlfflfme it back and refund money dov0u eer f- t i iftead adyertidements ol f if you dp dpypu faktheui all lor gospel truth or doyjuigolo the other eternity and put them all ilowii iifjvluit sbalfwe call tbjem fabrications well the thought just suggesled itself we are not going to tell you howjoview them you knnwjust as well as-wt- can ell you that fhey ore uoigotleu up to convince you that tbe advertiser does not keep the best goods and sell them the cheapest that mighty do in the tweulieth century ot bellarirya coiicepticn if the very sys- tern itself did not do away with the necessity tor it weve got something tosy you can and wjll use your own judg ment as to how you willreceivfiitior wht else is your intellect given you we are vain enough to think that ifyoii all read our edver- tijemeuu aud fottffwedjheir directions that they would save yoa money aud make you happier in possessing better and more stylish goods but we are not foolish enough to imagine that vo cap con vince you all of this nor ate we geingtotry bat we are going to state a few fact about our goods and leave the rest to your own good judge ment colored silks have von heard of the durable silk well wc keep it aud guarautcc every yard of sothiag ukc it a the trade about dress coods do vou hot know that we sell a henrietta at 60c that others charge t3c aad even oc for and that onr stock of dress goods is the largest in guelph about curtains it ia a fact well worthy of your verification that iu turkoman ottomanaceand llaj dras scrim etc oar itoci is the largest and choicest yes and cheapest in the city our manufacturing- departments dress making millinery clothing aw inodelb intli airway tbe beads ai tiicsepaxuueuu are ruu cthflnulam order n their respective branches our terms aritlictlycaall and our prices in aceoroaae j dwilliamson co 5 and 7 wjidiam st ouhii 84 oswald st qlaagow- t il l 1u

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