Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1889, p. 4

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thtlrstiy november 28 1888 5i7coung folks i caztps taata3lx 8uit secondi a a minute here i year tmk w dot loin h sitt y winutrt a in haarr do yoor wort with all jotir power twt pood noon in every day ttmejor work and time lor play tsrentrlotir for day and sight some tor darkness iouic tolicbt evtryueefcaf dt hasictrct ah are cxvl eincc alt frotn heirca t tie first the hay of rest rwr ramt wt cocmt he bt lcnar u oaths of weeks hire fber calendar a few day niece twiri new uonthauicrery year etch ia tnru it coming uccr winter smnoier autumn spriec ahtbetr plmaant chaoses ring caolaryla hcadrrj yean leave with heaven its hopec and fetrt tuttcaltsiftuvltt pt c cuittentlw goslbyi jim said the- slrc car drirert rcychked wife early one morn ing kaw doal foccet i will pat yoar dinner pail ia lie big yard of die haute on east thirteenth and mallary slckts there a palirjg off the feooe and ill slip ii n there the isdy itidt might uieyve no do i asked her i it will be perfectly safa- ill right iciggie i roatforget good- bve lid jim went cheetfaur off to hi car xo they hid no dog at the hoase bat they hd a small boy lad girt tod their mother forgot to tell them ttoat the dinner etai when flossie and wni tentoat to play that morning their mother told them to go anaydawn to the end of the yard because the had i haadache and the tinted it all qaiet around the hooaa she wis goif to lie down i so they went dawn by the caul berry trees ud lhe were right behind the place where the piiling wu off frocn the fence and where the pul had been glaoed abbot fie minatei before they got there i wahtwedbrobgfcttlanchoatyon flame uunaxtf going to laie of to gnndmii far diaaer when the wakai up bat liint at hi likely shell wike op till we txe furred to deita uid muter will in doleful tone sides we coald havea fcxoaiifd pic- nieif we did hare lomefin to eat answer- ed howie and iat then the discovered the dinnerptil oh my wiuie6a came here heret a pail jam fall of the goodest things to et yoa erer aasr meat tad potatoes trufc big piebealbbckberrjpie leo sit- right down nd est it the cried excitedly where do yoa tpese it come from tuh wtil running ng 0h iipoae the fxiries most of hesrd u wthing gad tbey beat ic replied flos sie gdiag to work on the fury dinner it once and will joined in snd neither let their consciences ssy s word nntil the din- nerpail wxs empty snd the blxekberry pie pmdorer the fsces and spront then ftosae looking op toinid the noose uld oneasfly- 1 sm dreadful thirsty bat i dont believe anman wiq be rery glad to tee ns eomewsy i wisht we had merea- bered about learing tiungk alone that we dont belanfi to i well yoa hadnt a mite of business finding the- pall then and saving twas fairies fir f f itats jm was girl kow well get whippen or some- thing and its all yoar faalt miss said wax tisnt either replied flossie angrily snd she bant on- crying snd ran toward thehooaev when mamma came down tuirs with her headache gone the heard a dreadfoi wailing and she hurried to open the door where itood the two cnlpriu looking like two email india as decked oat in war paint one glance at the empty pail ru inni- dent backed up by their stained and tear- mecred countenances oh eaildren children yoare eaten op thf drititrs dinner and mamma has noth ing warm in the home to 11 it with again i most get a dollar and yoa mastgiteitto aim to bay dinner down town so say ing the harried into the house oh dear i wish shed whip as or iomething i feel to sneaking said will so do i said flossie sar willie wa ought not to let mamma pay r she dufrlt do it and yoa fcnow m snd flos sie paused ind looked at her partner in garl yes wflf knew that upstairs there were tp red banks and in them werefifty cher tsbed cents each t ipose well hare to he said wii ugh i did want to sere np and buy a bylodpede and i was going to bay a doll that could say mamma md papa said flossie bat we wouldnt like em if we didnt do right da harry up fore mamma gets baefc when driver jim jemped off his car and ran jo get his dinnerpail he was met by a pair of grief stricken children holding oct a pair of red banks and sn caipty dinner- psil we ea cp yocr dinner by mis take were drefsv sorry tsud flossie ia a small small voice ies we played pcuicand onr cookris gone tni mammas been pick so we havent got macli to eat in ocr house and were awfully tfakroed so heres some money to bay a new dinner said will holding oat the banks shaking them industriously snd sending out a shower of pennies the pie was the best i ever ste he added oh thits dl right naid the driver laughing so the pie was cood was it ikpes pies generally are voave got icite coniderahle of it on yoar fxoes i see he would not ttkethe money the joke tnd the compliment to maggie were enoogh for him aod titer thst they delighted ia keeping i watch over the drivers dlnnerpsil snd neer meddled ilh it except to add some dsintysacto caat lfefecrtaprompteconbraic these few adjectives spply with pecaliar force to drthomss eclectric oil a standard external and interns remedy adspted to the relief aod cure of coaghs- sore throat hoarseness and all affections of the breath ing organs kidney troubles excoriations tores lameness and physical pain oil jtk rulas the wonderfal rirtaes of xital baltn are known and appreciated 1wm armstrong of the mounted police fort saskatchewan writes i have been using kasal balm as direcud aod find h to be allthatyoa claim for it- k sore care for catarrh easy to use r feasant snd agreeable it- gave me relief from the first application every body suffering from cold in the head or catarrh slioald ace kiul rslm jtngles ind jukelets ruifta hour with the wise ilea llic wlls tad hit iirijunlt ofthc lsy taketueaigktstde so it u and milt be ilwiys my dir boys u the aagel gibricl were to come down icom heaven aud head a laooessful ritcagsitiit the- molt ivaraunbtc sud an- rightcout vested interest which this poor old world groaal under he would oetlsinlj lose his chsneter for muy year probibly for ceatari uot only with the aphildecs o widvtjitodiakmit butwttuths wipjctible nut at the paople whom he delirered they woatdai ssk hiui to dinuec oc let their macs appear with hie in the papers they vroald be very cardial haw they tpoke of him ia the pilawr or it their clubs whtt cm we erpect then when we have only poor tllant muuieriag meu like kossaih giribildi mirxiai and righteous causes whiiili dj rot uiamph in their hands men who hive holes enough in their armor god knows easy to be hit by respectahiliiie siltiug in their loangiog churs and hiving large balances at tuer bankers bat you ire brave gillsat boys who bite easy churs and hive no balances or bankers vofi only wsnt hive tour heads set straight iq take the nght ti je so bear ta miud that nisjarities ei peciilly repeouble ones are uiae umts oat of tea iu th wrong iud thit if yos see s ma oc i boy striving eirueitly on i wcik side huwevec wrgugheaded or baogliag he any b yoa are cot to jjo aad join the cry guiust him it you cxnt jn uitn and help to mike him wiserit my rate remem ber that he his foani sgaieihtng in the warld which he will fight ind suffer for which it fast what yoa hive got to do for yoarselres md so thick snd speak of him tenderly tutu bcwcktstkool daft fiiufal beruftcraises sosldt snd cut sre qaiclly soothed and hetlel b victoria salve jtntpu kcsix tsrcy writes i wis induced to irybr thomas eclectric oil for a limenessvchich troabled me for three oc foar years and i f oand it the best article i ever tried it his been a great blessing to mc sizjcglcfcthte extract from the scientific papers of great britain and europe s l cepl sfl rr w is often occisioaed by i harassing ticl- lingcoagh which might easily be cared ii the remedy hsgyirdt pectarii bilum was made use or its sooth ingheslipg mi expectorant qualities make it wonderfully useful ia every family forcoughs and colds x kew oeftnme m kticma the four bred test medical certtts of the world are london perls berlin and vienna these cltirs tar ramene kosijtau tecatts iiili ltifltriuff huminitr crowus of stud tuts thrunc the atrils stcdvicffimdcr ihcvfrofciscn fa ciiireo the-moitrecowac-liifcrti- ci4iof the world each and prac tice here and fio icutuiiaa ara itareliouses of medical knocdro and exreritacc with a view jot mikice this errerience avails wa to the pablie the hospiul bemeriy c it pkit expense secured tme pretcriptioiis of those hcspluu jtmpkrej the speciscs and al though il wracli coil from is jto 100 to secure ihe attention of their diftiguiihcd originaton yet i la xhu way heir rid speciics iroffcredat the price of the quack patent medicine that flood he market and absurdlr claim to cars svery 111 from a tingle bottle the want always felt for a rcliahla rluiot domestic remedies u no fillad wi perfect uticiactlcn tte kofpital remedies make too unrcatonaue clalmt th specific fnrdtirrhciit thitsnd nothing el io with the specic f ersu- chltis coniumptlon and lung troslies rhecnatiimls curedlt xo jwhfl traftlilcs of digestion stomach liver nd kidneys hsvo thir oq cure to these u added aiicicfor fcvcranl ague jn for female jweakness a general tcnfcard loodmakcrtbtmakei bloai and gives form and fulnss and in inccmparaua remedy for jcrvoas dclility cold catarrhal dtafxc stbt tuiikeme can emanating fnn tehattsc loarti ryx tefsn tit pablk ids it nof a srtifcr cinirrt ni err thtcarttif a lajurtnt 100 ko 3covghs colds b8cftlf7ishthiu coksuupwkai icauaparcm nncia tat not acrtiif ta e f bat crciticaiti ttt ihaiz cai circifikf- tie anj eri ittiartt tzcitf lltiit smejttxuazecflift floo lzoxa tfteeit it it is ilitcic in paris rti71 elte baii its ttpriruaati itit n en4 ff- 3 trtait ntif 1 1 so luyer amd kmcrs cyzlsu akt imdigcstloff cchsvpitiqk xsat5 ptsstst- a fewtttt iteugkttrfitu or fc coil rfto hat rvliitd laott tfomadt that ajchc lcila tttzedq tanataatd in hytpiactt jg xo snya aud agvbovjis jzziuuu mvralglf ftm knaa trat jts tfjaaje ws ittz tkttftjtm ttutnettittv busk t fcr aitlz-c- lit anmtdsrvtaitratfcaiiill flcq kqrarat wcakxcss nrssvurniz vihnc4snf icqtnta art brcicx ici tcre thf tnakt tics diteatet uaultkrzrh t- utt kelg ari rsycit ktita c-itutr- k0 hcaltk fgrk am fuutrcs jorf bbod oat ifkmktift utt kqsmwyqasdebiutytosscfteiizza eitack turt44tx public tcii kzll c ccriuc rtrtv cr aft utifortxalt condition ks i gdtj r rci m trial sill pritx btrarc e lrzrtri rsxkt ra ciares hlok erfat fsrchzv cni vnrkktt trvqt ant pllu ue prepcrhes cf trtti itcy klitrlf cynorart ona rftocxcjctf tjt cwtfsie fetters 9 ctacrsn trt cri butincit ute he 8 aid lz cd ctip eood bbod and lots of tt ifxtckjfba ihll prfttt tonic rm- d u pt toiiehad of all dsuggists ttsj life i i- tm i i uiirj casf re titr v f bccjc u itx dciisdi j r ffsuooc iraefe has i iid7 u tsr tiltrcr xt nr icfctlzt new fall goods hevvkall g00d3 new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods xew fall aoods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods mew fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods we are showing the largest and best assorted stock of goods in all departments that we have yet shown millinery j or if winery dirtiiiat vtiiiej f lay farmer remoa our mimnm m ttrf luv cotnc ind icltc your order ind pet yoar wort done in a 1 ftrle wo mko iycfihy cf uocrcicg ordcrt splendid utortment la til line of liuck good crand trunk rallay ooigeat ooixo wis mantle goods new new dress goods fall goods fall goods and see our umile goods that re ire clearing oat h n ices sway do rge sties in this line hat we ein supij rou with the best goods at the come had very large tu we ire always ref vicg new goods ices sway down we fcavc lowest lticrs 10c per yard isd opwirdf tlvcnlidy wsiitlw i nice dress should 1 1 ay one of oar kohed dre vve hire tfcetn ia all the hhsdes sad st sji jirlec extra pood vfjiirt in blact aad colored henriettas attta sc osr braided wtts to uiath ill our dress drew good fro imy one of oar kohed dree goods 1 blankets and comforters ficc our blsulcu and couifartert wc can k1 you thcc oodt at tic that rill astou uhyoc they are w low clothing secourifcyscosu that we are mllinj at tflo each t ood yit or cue dollar our on n mte gxxl ovcrcoau from tfuo up new fall goods new fall goods new eall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods- new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall q00d8 new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods picccr if- through y accom i llinrv llimsis c til 11uk ctclcar hill a doin going kfti vtec 12 ih -ft- 1 tvrj thia lix lfo tfl u y f m ti the rit sneerwfnl nemedr crt i crtuiw it j ctjli lnr ctriisi t7t 1 not blister le4i jrxr lmlon kendalls spdviihupe i it sirs i hate slwrs ptirehawd jdrsa i 6rrla cur fcy ilv luff iuzen vttues 1 awu prtcjlnlarsrq3iy i tbjitiiu m omct 0t crtittc i nu l sumii cs- cictxujn bst iso ttcnia ezzd ilcaei turwisop iii x6tt3va da bjkcnuiica dear sirs sails srttvu oneof tfis beit unlmenu oneiki lhatsuejj at my stable forthrre jesn tours iruiy can i bsrvo kendalls spavim cure i t tjy go linipinc and wtining iboat your cores wheu a 25 cent bottle of hollowiys corn cure will remove them give it a trial and yoa will not regret il dew aburd for people to rum their health with cn- wholesocne faod the food prepared with imperial cream tartar bsiicg powder is wholesome prompt potent and iperrainent rescltx filwiys cotne from thel qio of xilbcrut aromilic yuinine wincj tarfratt cites there is na better remedy for frost bttes chilblains snd similar troubles thsn hal yards tellow oil it also cctps rheami- tismlamhio sore throat deafness and lameness and pain generally yellow oil is used internally ani erteraally lsstariaat t ttarfcliafsc artinsns laboring men and mechanics are liable to sadden scadonu and injuries as well as painful cords stiff joints ind lameness to all thus troubled we would recommend hagyirdi yellow the handy and reliable pain cure for outward or internal use the third pace of the toronto zaii hail is noted far wint advertisements cf yoa wxnt co bay or sell mjsjthin if you want a situation x mechanic a busi ness machinery iodins if yoa hive lost or found anything or if yoa want to sod out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto dauj mali ind read the advertise ments on the third pajre of that paper tie charge is two cents a word each in sertion address i7t ilail toronto can ada c cltiliuid co glmu sly dsuihter tid a severe ccld ana injuredher fpine so sue could pot walk and ejfiend very much 1 1 callea in oar limily physiciiq he pronounced jt inuatn- mttionof the spine minuds lfnimeuttobe atki freelf bottles cared her ihiveased y recotimended three our ifin- srdfi linimeat for a broken breast it reduced the iuluincution tnd cm ed me in ten diys hri s silvc i i has tsport it is worse than mtdce to leglect a i caugh or a cold ihich is euily st bdaed if taken in time becomes whan tell to itself the forerunner of coesurapoion u id prema ture death inflimmitiao whenjit attacks j the delicate tissue of the luoes ind bronch ial tabes trarek with perilous rapidity teen do not delay ett a bottle of bickjes anttcomamptive syrup the medicine that erases this fonnidilie foe of the hurain body and drives it 1 roar the sys tem this medicnjc promotes i free and easy apectoratiju eabdues the ca jgh heals the diseised jiarts anl exerts a i ost wooder- ful in2c6cein cnnrn coneimpxioa atid other distses of the throat si ungs if pareau iruh to save the litesof their children and themseices froc much inti- ety trouble and expense let ihetn procure a bottle of bicfcles anticotsumptive syrup and whenever acliildtas taken cold his a coala or hoaraeness gii e the syrup iccordicg to directions prof loisejttes memory discovery andtraininqmethoo i la pile of tdallrnted imitiiujiij bkb tubs t lhqtt tndorirticalrwchiothw qnrrji iztir um cvami mic tri entwas wrcmju- eatnpcfilivs tad taipimof bu tciasputatlt- of thatruitof hiiubarsiu of itiici aetaaaane tns cradkibad krjurrirntr ail pcrwjr-j- at bii iezchlc ptwc lfflett art rf kt tijxljac ix trencsvd adr in bath uenmpiicrw sc tatftmr ta koch ia mhkt colter eiprwpecaititilt-eec- cfivaat el perrt fa til pru c o ir who bur tci- oilfj- lod hi srtteoi irr oottwt3adat i2- tija hi fiprteni i tco mv vlhefiny ritifdt- glrrr tkitany urtoin l yqncrdia acust rcotnc 1 auwincfnirf evrrziit icrprxyxm term lad ttnoni fci jtw j prof al0d4ltte 237 fiqkavcuacsv hhafuwafcd is lometfatng that will mike a man sleep well eat well and rise in the morning refreshed and stroac with none cf the worn oat tired feeling sure to be found where constipation dyspepsia or diseases of the stomach liver bowels and blood exist burdock blood bitters meets every indica tion above pentlficamelcl established v 845 fc 1 trie odet ad i pcclir fcferjse aad chricl nrr pctljhcd a4 has the urti rvntiuijan cf aiiapercf i eu tn thetgrli felly incrtr btt cixjs iiwsi vctxx ctt lnf3tr ftrnrsiftrlsl ti lt lkk l ro itbuf ucks i isw jj nv a rchitectt builders edition of scientific americaa q a cieat meeeca eeh usee oxiahu eclnrcd itlccip6ie plaeot aciitrtnta ctr raicr ees or pabie bailositex kamelccu teennzet nil iall plia mtipeclflcstl3w rcr the am mceiiiiaycir ceiuinib iwibt kpwr- sff to jtrxx t ctl who here liad orcr years erperlenee mfi have iaaile tct htuod applicatii tor american al ivr- i etsti pateci eeoi for illfldlkjt crrvt- pwnaeflcattrleuy ccnfldeotial trade marks iaeyonrnurt l rx recisierej ltle ps- em umcb ppir to iff rx fc cu t3 pncure lcxediil prowdicc scajfci hirf coitercnts fr inobj clmru capj ttc slctlr ptfccrrf aliicesi iicxk ct co pneic wittier ii orncc ta baint7ai n r mciieontmpiifelaiciec lti sctfccopr k t c lc new fall goods- sew fall goods new fall goods new fall gcjods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods xew fall b00ds new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods new fall goods ladies and gentlemens furs 7z grctt stock of iiiei md genu fars it riglit itices- bootiand shoes uutset otct suocx tiid nd linoe low ind qatlity good sc oar nc itocjc ueu oajec t w kabbert ve htndle the eelnnted gnuby good lu ill the vidthi- groceries tiled lei iraenei rtiff jin htlaiidl hn3lhnltirarrcijpieorti luj rconiunlend a la u imntmol xoditralr 1bccott mnaasr trey litarj eutio kehdlls spavih curl 0nif i f pl it mr doty to ear w hat 1 htreiros vim yorr erndjjis sjetta cure i tue evtd tweatfflva borm hisl hm hpatlcn ten at blnrbvne nine nfll with biellrtijeal trai of bl j w hiacr itsretaociyoc boot asd i allow m tle clnxiioa i hixe aertr losf a onaor any ktnd toon truly asxtr tiucx kendalls spavin curl prfea tl rr botoe or six bottles for ii an drat- fruhite ltornaret it lor joor tiwulhut to any arilres on ttcelpt of trie by tors iu r j kxjdaiicc eiitnr sold by a lis dkrggibti cbeap lines c imniiictii cheaist tea ind sugars in the mtrtet remember the right place for bargains is at the glasgow house henderson mcrae co kcton si iss mary campbell elm writes after taking four hottlas of korthrop lymsns vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure i feel as if i were t new persoa i hid been troabled with dyspepsia fort number of years and tried many remedies bat of no trail until 1 used this celofarstsd dyspeptic cure- for all imparities of the blood sick headache liver and kidney com- plaints cottiveness etc it is the best medicine known the best ever bade gentlemen sly trouble was heart dis ease and dyspepsia but i took two bottles of burdock blood bitter and one of bur dock fills and got well i never felt better in my life sy wifehas alsotriedb b b and thinks it a splendid medicine st sao eirly htmiltonont it is cafe to use freemans worm pow ders as they act only on the worms and do not injure the child lay ia juper i can recommend burdock blood bitters is a sure cure for scrofult i had it foe four years tnd was so bad at one time that i wa a solid sore i commenced taking b b b last rummer hive ulcea three hottlen and im entirely cured hts eruv plpejasperont jibesh snow gnnoiojj cove x si writes i wis completely prostrated with the asthma but hearinc of dr thomas eclectric oil i procured a bottle and it ccoe me so much jroodlbat i ro another and before it wis used i was well jlysoa wis cared of a b id cold hy the use of half a bottle it coes like wildfire and makes care wherever it is me6 sick headache ciascd by excess of bile or disordered stomich k promptly reliev ed by using kstioasi pills ktce oat of ten of the healthy men young or old who whine ibont their pov erty owe it to their own lack ofe3f denul this is simed at the time if yoa are fhe tenth dent like it to yourself olfanptlaa tfatcfjcsred to tlc editor please inform yoar readers that i have a positf vo remedy for the ibove named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho less cues nave oven pcttuiueutiy cured i shall be glad io tend two bottles of my remedy roee to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and p 0 address eespectfallydbrtri6wctir iwr7tldeuidejrt toronto out hiasrdftliafsaeaf r uuienper retcet cotufartto the ttabjeriag browns household pansiea hts no equal for relieving pain both mternsl and external it cures prin in ths side bick or bowels sore throat rheumatiani tooth- ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will roost surely jujekea the blood and heal is its ictin poer is i wonderful browns houiecold pan- j acea being acknowledged a the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be iu every fimiiy handy for use when wanted as it n best remedy in the world fnr c stomach and ptius and aches f and is for ile by til druggists a bottle if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtdly if til that piper reached 100000 farmers homes every week and yoursdvertisemintfihould meet the eye of someone who waits to pur chase advertisements of this ciss ire in serted in the toronto wttkbj hail for five cents a word each insertion qr twenty cents a ward for five insertions address the kail toronto canada ly is the ps in the i all kinds vhe largest scale works in cftnadj over 00 styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales moved showcases hohey drawers meatchoppers anic iv iuu c wilson 60 esplanade stret east torontcont deiiai uns piper c cr ihsi suplfs wriu ti som t nasalbfl nasal balm i paines celery acts at the same 1 the nerve8 the liver the bowels andthekidniiy8 this combined action give i won derful potcr lo cure all ic so why are wesiclc uccaui ce allow ibe naves 10 rcesin cslcncdend imtstcdj and these grot ergsas to lecomc c ogged cr lorp j crl jjcisooous hannns are uikcfore forced irio be llodd that ihould le crpclled naturally i ccd i the jcii zxi ciuxit 1 tail us sr s00thk cleaks1kc keauka i lrvxt rf prmrl cix mt eied euca are t irnjat i jl i i j sense cf sel i brui luwrc asd pic time on ij j naasjksertl seexzt ef deascif t ire paihes celem compound will cuke bltlouivzsibtlcs t cohstipatioh xotct flaiht8 uehf aft di3u8es rxaleweaetea8eee0hl hs jtectulgia axb ill seltooa diboedees j ey qafctrg and strengthcnaig the nerves cad causing free octioa oihe ljoarclsi udncjs and restor ing ilcir tevver lo llnxjw uz disease wt r lifer bilioai 7 tint ml kmtt 1 why ursicaiei with pile cenctjptitl vtbj rifhiirsti orcrciurtfertdhjutyil wfcyctxiarc aerroaiortiek litaitetuil why iutc cttfuti cifhul j- j uie paiices ccirir couroivn tnd rejoice til iicji t- ntcutkzlxtgetf ue izmcdy harmicu iu til cites- j siije all druaii prtct flm sir tr ts-oa- wol8 ricwsdson k coprtpriftei moxtheatpq tiein jtkrir csnicl k tine cjiinh f3std tioobltd with inr cf te er kiied splccr y i bcule cf kihl bilk e recteetet catd fa heal ruslm iz br ccaiapgaa tad tiath kiial b ilv it ici b ill dni5isu cr wil be iwi po tlm 53 cents isi itjx uyiddzt fulford co bsocrviiu okt ts beware cf jralutiaus aitilz is rjrc cures rheumatism frkematrg woem powijefts an plcarza to trie ccn la their ca rarlua ii a lafs rrrr llj cccczzl destro jw ot warms la cilltaoz ltlaliz vste we mzax the mammoth house georgetown is the headquabtees for millinery millinery novel ties mantle making mantle materials dress making dress coodsand dress silks tailoring cloths 8ultings overcoatings and cents furnishings i ladies we bave an extendre variety of fur boas and ilafis in the latest styles colore aud very low prices we have them in bear beaver lynx wallaby seal persiau lamb iliuk astrachan goat imitation bear imitation seal opposnm and iluffuloon gents fur caps tn beaver per sian lamb astrachan seal ilink and french seal fur robes and fur trimmings of all kinds our stock is very extensive tk principal part of it was pur chased before the recent advance in woollen and cotton goods novelties and scarce goods de sirable and cheap goods are add ed to the stock every day our staple stock is immense arid very cheap we can give you tlte greatest bargain ever offered to the public mantle goods for 50c worth 100 for 75c worth 175 a magriiricieut sealette tor sgoo worth 1000 allwool double tvidtli bcauti iul colored henrietta dress goods for 30c- per yd dress silks 25c per yd a choice lot of black and colored silks and satins and a choice lot of rerriuautsof colored silk and satins lieing slaughter ed it 50c per yd that weresloo aud 150 per yd plushes 25c per yd up other dress ninter- tals for 8c aud 10c per yd worth headquarters for fine teas evcct sugars choice tobaccos gcnaiiie coffees pare spices sour vinegaks xcwkalslxs vostitm ccttuayto groceries bataiafblxefl fmb salmox keens mlvtahd 6perm caxoles cfariatiei biscuits kich sahdtxes cadbuxyi chocolte ground cocoaxut jialdag soda stmt blackixu royal yeast corned beef bakinfi poweters rn starch cream tartar sal soda lc fact anithias lu the hue o choice groceries you want st rock bottom prices pen win twice tlieniouey winceys for 5c per yd worth 10c prints or oc per yd worth 10c check ed shirtings forije per yd worth 13c tweeds for 25c worth 50c grey flannels lie per yd up good- all-wool- white blankets for 8175 per pair mens under shirts and drawers for 80c worth 50c auimnieusc slock of ready- made clothing jand overcoat nice boysovercoats200 mens suits 400 aud the biggest drive on earth iu mens overcoats for 450 and 500j worth 81000 boots aud shoes ladies and gents overshoes iud rubbers carpets iu brussels tapestry allwoal union hemp matuj oilcloth and u splendid union carpet for 25c wbrth 50c lut- ronage respectfully solicited w mcleod co j oeobqetown hardware kuls hices iiqluscretticti hin hooki slrlm hi laip4t hook tuca vid locks x cut saws- axes aze handle buck bn hand bavs hjuumcrs wrcuchos guns revolvers cartridges shells prunert powder shot cat wads whip haltera cot tiea hopes shotds siade forks kairessojl fozas spoons botcher kufves curiae knire steels chandelier hooks and an endless varlcty ot articles jou want come sad see tfaeia glass and putty paints and oils sruishes turpeuttne uachiue oils jans dners peucheut prcard tahits tubs paints lampgoods hand lau uljrry laujtwvstaad lamps hau lampc all dies ihapes and colors bunier alcks loinr glaasea shades lantern leatera g lasses kesectcrs braetcets etc crockery and glassware cheap cheap cheap wall papers ceiling laiers borders comers trocis cts iir roll cp window blinds t ftccy ltuca kolkrs etc ij- dotti ia pricv alabastine- i iu all favorite shades sole axient for iiyinis common sense sash balance grarit sash lock and cuxtaifl rollers also rlaur- ences perleetedspoctacles j b pear son gcuelph clotn hall large arrival of nlbw fkli- goods purest str0kgest best alnm aimctia tirir tjcspiaia jewgillett js the celebsiler msiaat 933 rennsuafiiii ihea w wgj kx free wa1isi th tbt tcr whkk wit rsa o wn ra btilasoptvio msi aioiici fa s5qbltkr-mtvrwa- t ibuhise m iftc nrd as k ft n otfcal rft tmz tma jnom borji la ctit eaata- tan fre ik tu elebitia a tin aii isjo tkcaj i csx box 740 iiuuiu uaia manhood how lost how restored jastpablishedls uotroditfoa ot dr cnlycr- srellt oelobrqtcd essay ci thti iliiitticare or sperttatorrucea cr iacapacity udurcd by excess o early iniiscretioo the etiebratcd author in this ajmirslle etssy clfarly dcmonsirates irzln a lhiryret soccessjal practice that the sinrm2 coak qaenccs of early error may be riiirajlj rcroi pointing oat mode ofcnru at crco sim certain and ctspcl r tnan cf tlich etcry snffereruo ulttcr vhi his coojnt itst bs- may cure cuascli cheaply prtortlv ttd is- cally i rtths ieclu hou icir iht iftewry yonlh aij every inanc the lasj scat cider soap in tt pllin ravcicit to say i address en receipt ouor ecais tj tvoposlace itampa address thbjoaltenrclllfeiicilcoi i axx st kst rons fqj hsxv3- y vflll cure or felleve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice eiiysipelas salt rheum ieanteutld keawaie dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin zd crvrr spsciis cf dismiss arising is tuscrcsrcd itmr kidxsys sraai bowels ox blood shaw grundy il i jictv a imukai tutl- t i tit c trik 1 d jjjie c fits epilepsy or falling sickness a lo- ar i irtitrtvr r t tikiaor l tula is i jratcn itrno merchant jailors cuelph to r farmers and threshers usbcnvourmaohinerronly the wellknown eeless oil 9 gold medals b uanrinpibt im iin k a uwjju wiiisj3uj try tl0 our ptull axl ottthor yon waggooi ftud horta powers tbew oil art aiad and highly recommended at themode fannooelph farmera ask for them oe no other uannaotaredatquies0it70u votklhy samwel rogers col toronto i l j j tr nji-cv- wth o boot briehbl l4weat adelaide sweet toronlft ia- ks 1 v atxirlt lrti- t- 0e it tvj als0fvekv dijiamnosor i rublh and metal stami wnqtetr a stewart ufg co- id kiusut- wt toronto if it oxri ciij ant u ftalen idrl riilbl iiilj cbit dtb on 01 psu l lt mdef wiui third f l g wkj offices i ta w for thj cqrderai at my rl leaded f also f terms d samtoil omcsl p st geo j itihe jweul ilfndft- wfiijg m tvubit h x b- lvecij tjjtteail perjt

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