Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1889, p. 3

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ahjij- kstha l6tt v tin n ptttisiiitinib u stlllffiv the sletrodistchurch acton kevt qa qtfrord ma phj putor lrtoe pant amiitie fc uyei l6ur rfnc 10jo ata tad t suodty ichooifcj iuwcuconiuotftiuyui jcor- allccrduulj- invttttl stremxrr mid viutor strays welcome at- kbtire oht ute door j n tmiv dciiitsi irir to it t upon ft steward f mr bankiof- hamilton head omce halttltoh cutiilrm it- iu ilvti sjiuxn eojxn fur ki cms lcobtrrjica ur vrtinz mccf color 1 gmikausidius 1 ithi shiuglcsr qeosqetowk ioekot agcnertl ruclim- bmiomi triuucicd wlitli home gleaxlxgs li hit unlliy ot iomi clurttlrt uli allultrtil a coi ow dkrj if i malstis blvk uujuttwlkt deposit rc4circdu i ind opwird interest iliotod it current nfcs notice et vilhdritccl required xo seiillkltf ii ilxtatsok agent lmtvyituiot t tp rrrrn uyeibj roiierivj for sale low price l liilrtt dr w pr his itimrty illlack jl octhi iciitjjhe hud lad zur c niit stl for irs irt tlreetui h r nogui l riu qicp acuia out xg rixk sauta claus headquarters icleelicc r ip ivjlls iciul u vc yer ijrtkte il5shoca vuct co soorcv l ukiici2iimd silver wiicih jfcjjctrc all britfit fnti ml kr xo old stock at george hvnds actok ont i wiistetii r ivcrtrtrf til leu q trazrrnjhlfcr tnin 1c be tirrpuva ui cr cc cc ulk ixnlt- teos t 1i0ork msricn gap ileetixg paemers r fcrtl- srevc i d- riruruai klrancejcoy 111 ii lit hamber acton -oy- december- 7th thnrsnatx0vejibeuis18ao isss- tbt dm3xjb sec rti vredixobs deaik deceased rjzc tivis ssj i liivei fcbar lbernerfi of l- o tic fcahip o j fi c- hilled- geatie- z cr iiyntti rmatywcsqd i lc trc iitbr rotnirtd to l u ci dosald hcpbrid- fr lfrii t-tarc- i s asd ttmlgmfoa of x the secszitr if tt hdd bf i rtcil imxla ir- jr ten liai ius stt d i dbsriti lis wsrts at ie sl ib raritfi c3titid tt2 -i- t 0c ciisn of wtact ii ecicr i tic eiecwon ti tie use- of saei j ix x iitlejlv scveter tf- 8ajle p ijkstirnplements lkeknedt i c c- ks 5sirca ky 11th dec 1889 l iiosc lo t in eh cc ix cif to-5- ria lcier 5 bofff itfcirtaiersji caj lr it 5 tlciriiii e ir ttl d c ijryi m ia c i- ffr liulo i ia- i 3t uis i tam- i it i 3 n 7t irt4o dtr cwiiui craiutr j7 cffief b03iur cf 1ai livtrlk ltrt tixrs mil cmeitrs it icotiior o- lieu jrlt u lis sr r r iiiimj tei i ini fc i rff tin tmops t ri ci w centlernan esx op the iral weeklies iiritj lnr 4 prolg suxi 2nd e3h7ps- kd v lie w ijsij- cla f nm id eprrctrlt cff ites fob 80 maxy 3ck0r locils 1 toiiilej vy uic erijrthotijktfiil in alert tree pres f reporter j ejah roult sersocbie neither kaak- thcvelsire in demici tti cfcnila tiire weeti from next rtersrlecli belli cf thewisoa ere ird tesierdiy 1 pnrtty bi uste cf inlr irrivtd jeslerfir corcinc i wellington coaatv canal ffleeu in goezpir next tnesdir itgacph if biddiac for thegcrceybua- ress which is to be reinoted froc toronto clrisaus it cotnicj bst the people will px know where to pet barflies aajess roa jiitertise tnoagb people wla dischtxsc fire irms wiihin ihe corportiamiimiii tre fined fu3cioosuug neigh j reec cbas jl doadiet ol uontreil ipots list ettring in knar charcb on the mbjeci of french enagsiintion penetuig profaihiu cowr rtmnicg it iir from december to mj- go lh gardens wq do be devutod daring the winter totteshtm think of baliding is tievilar next rasner wi is alias the firmer to bj ehares u f 25 f i cood idex the gael htrcm drltts npoc tie iaarotkiscxfoid which hi imved frons toronto for use is the execatioii there to- i a deiler id hirailtoc w fined j3 urf c05u for ehl thlx ol tttb ihlt weighed only from fci to 6f ibcthe proper weight being m lbs net j i mr lun lsing the retean sgeat will hire mnrthrog to ar to our reden next weefc ibest whil he an do for them a tije w4j of re imancce i oa wedaesdij erening i tesmeeting wu held in the iuuwdut ehcrcfa it crew enc coroer proceeds were ippropri- lied to the lijsidxtico of the debt on the diarch dtiz szlxjullz- wih yoa glewe toebse the xmoani yoa owe os for the fcxpixi in the addreaed eottlope we kci yoi some weeks 450 snd forwxrd it to ihiso ciliithszic ciissei imny the papjlt the public tad hrjih bcoocis ere beoom- insr 53le s asremoo mttter georgetown i in excellrt chus under mass pittosou of gaeiph ajcioa hxs ptenij- of culerisl fx i gocd clifs too ths hut dsy for the pajtccti of uxes is drxwina cexr hr edwird kicfclio the collector it inxlons to hire su uxec in bj sstardsj- estepiyen mty all si his residence it my time this week or t the tofrhill on stinrdsy treeing i tkt lsiegs ihorthind cltues will tneet in theoouncil cfcsxnber next wedaes- diy evening tt s oclock hsrp all persons tntererted sre incited snd those were not pesent it the first meeting will receive sn erirx lessen to entfafe them to tdnncewiih tbechus- dand jtwattidoiwnru- ocwesfavcr i one of the oldest i hoi lh oldest vomeri is ucvcrly she ii in ber wth yesr fchc jsw bcru ia the coanly bown iwlici bh4 oesrly every diy cnkicpd in kjuicc or kpuninf sud it msy be md of bccihil the it st baty st t bee til day louf uiy the live to ux looyctrr tie rinnsw af ruj zasunncc afabucraoetiiicof the fstmcts of thii section will bejlcid in the town hill acton on siucdiy ilhldceertbcriio ductus snd if foand prscticsbje orciniifc s firmen itatasi kins imaricce gompsny kfr robetl drod wctsryo the committee ia hit notice of the mecunc ssys ill fix- men tre rcqaestoi to sucudfar we believe intursnoc ctn b tffected it a much chesp- crrstc tksn prciralpriccs dstrted his bubr gcovcc fcx georgetown it his wife i coaple or wcekk sjo icd hid s bsby left on hit hinds he deserted the taftnl sud wt oat far kcw york hat chief ccntuble setrch fallowed him snd srrcsted him si- hcuilloo he at in jsil now it jlhtoii icd will be tried before jie miller he sxyt thit ihonch vis livic with the decciied wcrasa jhe wis not hif wife md the child i cot his vai is iu itjtih mm iboat co yesrs old a free notice cs the suc fircaert indothert will pleise besr in mind thii ilc turc fms ocz is the best mi nost cosvtaiect plice for those in thii toctiou tocctwlebxllspriated jobworkof ill kinds tnrnodout nestly ehesply md promptly a free locsl notice worth iloce the price of th wcrk will be civen every- ssje when the hills ire printed it the fox villus osix vit co eicht or ten miles snd pay more for tlie tills yoa can pet jnit ii cood ind iftsctite for less money it home a prciiuhje sehesic ailichiiineichangcgitethisidviccto its readers f s cnyhsired women cf 50 in modersicly respecuhle ittire is put cy the canic vonr town becanse she cant pay her fare my farther if the almost tmmeikiety receives i telecrtm urnc her to ceme home en the next train becacse her husband ic dyinr sni if the tetrfcuy and despcrttely in a pretty bni voice snnonnc- that the u coins to wdh loie 100 miles horns joa let htr wsjl she m her cenfederste who scnii the tclensi hare worked the dyin hssband racket in half a dozen ilickiin towns tt a net yttsst it is finreolcff iz t day tte iccthodisi church list sndsy hex g e cobhledick g d gcelph occupied the papit of thejietholiet chnrch on ecniay with great acceptability large oocrecatioee cere present both morning and evening the text in the morciegtrts titns 3 li who gave himself fcr cs that he muht rtdcem ui from ill iuiaity and that of the evening john 7 17 if my man kill do his will he thill know of the doctrine wueuier it be of goi hr cihiedirk has a remarkably clear and iccd mincer of cxiresdcg himself and makes his points with couvincms force the excellent solos of kr barnes of bn5- ilo it the evening tiice were very highly sppreciited by the cosgrcatiani acs tier etrlr se tilers dei th the dexlh of sirs hecfim widow of the late ilatihex jtecann jv cf qnesxqjg occirred at eockwaod yesterday momin ifr ilcctnn ani her hcibind were eixly settlers of this vicinity and were highly es teemed by all who knew them tcey were devoct roman catholics and gave the land for the chnrch and cemetery s mile santh of acton an the erst line ailer the death of her hnbmd lfxi mccsnn removed- to gcelph and snbseqnenily to kocfcwood she ejojed tpod health until a conple of weeks ago and died tt the ripe oil sge of d the remains will retch acton tomor row momic by the k train the funer al eervioe will be held in fcjl josephs chnrch after which interment will be made in the ii c cemetery ajl erezizg vrztk lczellovr the proramm presented at the meeting of the koyal templars of temperance on ifoniay evening wasaeinilecccef the prorkmcie wiiateretoihrosghocttni emjtrrced the following i ttinltl3cttaetorcisti tlcclor i ilicnl t- 1 ioccdottc lazzzetiziv lis vii-s-laalhr- uyii triads uirtiilrr z jvctiioa tsiritlvciur hiijjali uimi adsiut fcned t lit fori- hits lawkju c- deaj cf kitafcl ithect s v eae 7 tie pnzijg of tle crane lliia uozu tl enter ji 5 u warrco s ttc yiljxje bitetsmhn jiita imy it- tlc wcril is 3cteso3 the choir 1i- fanl ikvcnt 1 eep koore ii finiincc eftnsuine iciovei- itne arrow anlicr tainc it ncetties ditaii lm irtrtoti ij- jlvniui cf lii tee choir the iwendacce was good and no coabt it will increase tithe interest tng character cf tle sesjons hecctne generally known neighboiihood neays kumlilnl ur cormndtuu alii 1 from juclint to mrttj op bj- tin rj j j tlieitethodiilbiblulhsdioolv uolon diarch iqt6d hiviub their ctlebrtlion on iridiy dwtrabcr stlli they ittjloikinj fotwird ind prcpxriug for good tine voffit xtrt ueeu tr an old rciidenl o ktuten died oeiribera l week lod iu boded on moudty lul i urge nambec o frieodf ul loqaiiauoce e compicied her ttraiioi tothe oemelerr xassaciaweva mr john ifcthednn gadpit holl had a fine boy bora to him hut week bat he only lived i few diyr ind wtt batied oa sdondiy ust this ii urn third boy mr mcehedna hu lot ia indncy theebeoezcr sibbath school will have a christmas tree thit vear on chi imu eve tlvrualvitle the loiispeudiajicuo of dock hu it last been milled rial v cor- a the coart of if r daniel vickenntn and famil awakened oa friday moraine last o find their woollen mill ia flames ind in i ihorl time ill toe raichioeryaod ttock a the haildinj were in raicfcwthere wis 30 scrtnoe oa the bailding or coatcn and tne lots to iff vickcrman is a tcrioi s one which he- it not well ible to bear h hat the fjmpathiet of the whole ueighbarhood it is ditncalt to decide bow the fire isapb iathebailciinciiskrjrii very arfal ihoatfire i ifrt s it lister jf campbelmiiu had the misfortune to fall ias week and bresk her arm kvatfhblll ifr david cox hit reated hit fatjm lot l con 3 kaaagaweya to ilr traes bowman near hilton ifrs donald ifcewen xusigiwns it dead the f anersl took place ifoadty tnd herremaics wre tcrred in the presby- terian cemetcrj at sodom the past week seemt to hae been the sampte week of the year riccntaine san- thine rain mist hail snow nd wts both warm and cold so far this week seems to be in f c the iecond indian sammer ihisiatcnc theploafifcwill toon be laid op fcr the wider the tcrkeysarepickicg np eoniidcrawe a tnre sign of a iferry christmat ifr abram easton who his been esid- in in goelph for a narndcr of years will daring the present week remove to his for mer home in the township where he will reidc in fctcrc j k0cktv00d appeal mirt grant it iticc stful fit sot uiaioft br cuii to th 100 damgo mumliy th jnryt lb fll aiiaci in 1888 cj mcimiiu haa ilrcad r shipped 1 cars of barley from erin for iew york mr jaraci tvaniborough c p igiint hero it jml recovering from 1 sevurcly praiaod inkle a leameetiug will be bold jiti method it chnrch conoiugiby next wednciday evoning th december the leachert of the public schooli mr d campbell principal and hut j thorn ton mutant have been tt engaged for ikk mitt beidhas been rei ngaced fors s no i miia m ttiompsm for s s ko 8 miu mccallam forb ko 1 mr charle worth and miss cameron for hilti- barg dtfroeafr speotal lertices are being held in the discinlei chnrch ililltbarg elder ifan roe his charge the coniervaiires of we york have nominated mayor clendenai of wett toronto m their candid tc fcr the local leiiitlatare he it son in law cf xfrcha mcmillan formerly of etm gf0rgctorx al the next regaltr raec coaikii a by law to raise sgricultcril building will be ratitaiskidu la ihe ntrpayen date the galvatloa army darnel 4r castor i a for infant and chlldfen nontome eaaacntlla i bbt wertu gtrst kep njba0xrcfd8terookl7ukt i oaotftpiuon mnctatiam aadproaomfi- ts carrin 0oi5t r mumy street n t icg of the 000 for in jrcpamf for at lii early 1 wt barn- arrancements are beinc made by the directors of the erimosa agricaltonl soaety fcr a grand concert to be held in rockwood on or abont the 27th decetnoer we are ghtd to be able to say that willie lnndy is recotcricfi frocn a tererc attack of diphtheria last eanday eveaiaff her jaraes walker of the methodkt chcrch preachect the memorial tcrmon of the late battie higgins the trastoesirehavii the interior of the scioolrtcortvod oa wednesday erening the s the banquet and hallelcjah windcp ir town hall ghosts are reported to be in the vi yonng man beware 0akvtlle j pebs0xal 1iexti0x tarapif fcs kspeetine visitors to sad from j actdit with whom free pre eeadcrt irtkcre ortestafqaainted cf b- m l uioikremiu- do to rt 16 ijj to rrjs tttiber for jgffislr r- mreijtrxes of btmiiois the ctjcsi friars here ifr w g smith of gcelph was in towuon tuesday itr- j s deacon p s l visitod axton proreesiopxllylist week mrs dr willonghby of gceiph visted frieads heron tceday mr g w cook of toronto spent a day r so last week with friends here hiss tcderhnrg of wellaad has been a a gaest it thaiome of mr thos perrj- n in jr da rifi-g- the week a cali has been given to kev d c cameron of dangaaaon from the coc- cregatiaa of etrahane afcd ehhride at a kry o 0q per annam eev ii e miitland pastor of the king street mfcthodid chnrh icgerbo das re- eeired a cajl to vahcocver b c at a salary f 2cw with frfe hoa- bis three years term expires at logersoli next jane eev dr gifiord of artoo preached the aanirersary sermohs of the paisley street methodist chcrch on sanday the dis- ooorses enzuicel good matter and were- fcurtred in excellent rtyle gaelph scr i sm glad to see that the oakvulc xiets have riien np aam i mppose the long and lonesome evenings hate been the acse of their- resurrection on friday evening another fanny 1 feel ing wis held at the el t of t cocacil the qaestion which provided the mosi fan for the evening was if a toogh beef- itafce ooald speak what poet voald it name the aniwer being chis cer the most pleasing right that has been my let to witness for some time was that of last friday evening when five joung men of oar were ttandicg befor the alter taking the pledge of total abstaic enoe ssrely a great temperance work is wrohght ia oar town and it is the desire of all tave a few that it may be continued the iteihodiat presbyterian an jades eanday schools ace eich propping fcr their annaal christmas anniyertary serricea on wednesday evening aimissionary lea was served iu the leciare room oi the methodist charch after which his 2sxt- wdl late of jtpan delivered an addn se hisses lacy and mary axdersot are visiting friends in palmerston held the lage a foil ttock to select from at istisfac- prices al kenny bros boot t shoe ttore acton kjz bmlarge box itove pipes tirioosubles feather beds pillowa ihell- table capboards and secolar books cheap kac fa l fitajuu hyoa want to wcore a firitcfaas boot or tboe made ia order oat of rood material o4 reliable workmen go to kenny brcciboot shoe store acton dont be tormented by bearing yoar little boy crying sboot liaving no overcoat and the ertniagt are so very cold when yjocau bay one for 25g at kelly bros uicely toide and of the best jliiy siddeith oftl respected residezt oar citizens cecerally were tnrprised on satcrday morning with the news of the deith of jimes acderwn hsj who resided on main ttreet next to school lane mr anderson r health was fairly pood for one ofhisacecpto thursday when cangrece mtde its apperack in one of his feet ke endcred verj little snilenc and about four oclock saturday mornm his death took ps mr icderon wts born in bread alhane penhdiire sjaud in 1 810 came to canada in ivij and settled in the scoxh block -etjbesicgi- where he remained actil he came to acton in october liso at this date hivingaccncinlitedan ample compe tence he retired from active life mr an derson was s etianch preebyterian and althcsh citered the position of elder he retasedou the gruacd that hsvjogno child ren he was not the man who tkpcld occupy each an ofsce eis partner iu life snrritef him ilis remains were interred in boston cemetery on monday decthcf ectwnsemnmi ilev wm meldram an aged and res pected minister of thepresbjteriancbnrch die4 6cddeulyat his home near morriston ust ikeek of a pxm lytic stroke he was in his tisatl ijealthnpili three oclock cf jne morning when he was loddenly simefc down and wasneterconscloos afterwards the deecsw wts f yearc of te he was born in abenieifay moraythire scotland i0g tnd came to this coantrfin 1883 iu response to a call from ibe congregation of kutaudlvett pa si inch and naus weya ho wasuidacted ia us 10 and mio- irtered there for foartecn years when he was called to yaaghin fromtberj he was palled w ti m oxf drd co any after thit he labored iu vacant congrega tions and mission fields retirinc ia 1876 spending the rerasindef of hit days at bis borne ch pctlineh ht mttp nan of iter- unit worth tdmghlyelaeaedandripc- ol wherever he was known which was to a large circle being one of the pioneer presbyterian miontters in canada r he was especially fltied or mission work and coold preach ia readily in gaelic as in eoslith ka mr meldrom freqaently occopted the pulpit in knot chacfa actou doriug hi jisjiiolate io kutigfirtya ed last week a qaacuty of clolhing two drams a tamboariae ind tom f 13 in cuh beloacing to the cfiioert were we are in formed dettroyed ffcraj oa satnrdty captain clark visited the calisthenic classes at georgetown taught by mhs patterson of goelph it hat orer thirty membert and its prodcency wis very pleasing and reflected maai credit on 00 the icttractor ilev k davcy i assisting in cal services at actou this week- mrs drninra wif of the pistor ot the presbyterian chorch gecrgetawa died at chatham on the 20th mtt the miny frietidtof rev mr dramm extead heart felt tyampathy in hit heavy lerevemeol the clinton aor em sajt oar readers will rtmexber that two monlt tgo bev alf dramm of georgetown son of mrt williams of thit town wecu to denver with hit wife for be benefit ofiber hetlth the doctors there foand that ndihicg ccald be done for her and adrisetl her retain to guurio on silarday last thjey reached chatham snd after teeing jthat mnr dramm was comfortably settled with her relations he came oa to clinton thit week there ipparcntly beinj no dialer in the case of his wife wednesday iiorulng lie 1 received a telegram lhat the was dying ind before hr coold leave town he received tnnther s la tins that the was lead ills old friends here deeply tympatbize wiui him in his sad bereavement mr williams and wife left yesterday to attend the ton- era the next meeting o the coogrecttional social club will be held in the town hill on fridiy 23ihwbca hiss akxsnder of torcato md other noted ulent lstitted by local talent will give an entertaittnenl the christmas globe the queen of the holiday numbers fcr 1889 fortr pse of naw njojsnupm d uar7 natter coiled paper coloied lltho- grsphi mignificenlpreta wort hiidiome coloied com twolirgsupbrbltho3rapbicplat3uil5eolor occompiar thii number enalled frieivjds the canadian jiaitu do you e22er read advertisements proaptafi uo loo itil the whit umeb luring price 50c to l lid rota til kcnjeajcr and si he office of the globe irlntixc c011paxv toronto orfinftcuiluomcolryuimtucconrnily fin c to cover clip if yon do do yon tnke them all for gospel trntb or do yputgp to tho olber eternity and pat them allrtownjw wliatthall wecall 0ieni fabrications well the thought just snggeited itself we are not going to tell you how to view them you know just as al as wc can tl you that they are not gotten up to convince you ant the advertiser does not keep the best goods and sell them the cheapest that might do in he twentieth century ol bellarirys conception if the very lys- temiuelfdid not do away with tho necessity tor- it i j wvtvgot something to say yon can and will ase yoar own judg ment as to how you will receive it for what else it yoar intellect j given youwe are vain enough to think that if you all read onr adver- tisements and followed their directions that they would eaveypn j money and make yon happier in possessing better and more stylfah goods btft nor are wc going totry but we are going to state a few facts ahout our goods and leaictlicrest toyour own good judgement the diflercnt aalfenn tm correcuf given wi the vtiricrvi lb v holidi iicerlnejia llii eooutrr nd uajuts- ndiatinilrhioum h mantles well wc dont fuc a memeat sappoe thai we have sold ill the mtntles lhat hare been sold in gnulph this season bat well tell yon whil we hire done scares cf times wi misrii lj tucw th it01lk tho those strsr a nimsls ail ttray aoimals thonld be advertised to care troable and tawsaits headers of th feci pnq if yoa have any tnimalt on or aboct yoar pcemues that do not belong to yon or if yoa have lost any ad vertise ihem of coarse the hexl icxaai is ihe best mediam ia this tectidn tt e elder brother the man who went oat lo milk and sat down on a boalder in the middle of the paatare and waited for the cow to back np to him was the eldest brother of the man who bpt store and did aot advertise be- cause he reasoned that ihe pnrchasiag pnblic woald baet op to his plaie when it wanted anything spe services the cpocial services in the methodist charch this week ire bang well tttended and much interest is manifesied rev dr gtiford was assisted an xooday by revt grtarkgaeiphandil hoagb kuaagaweyi on taesday by revs dr willoaghhy gaelphe achawn b d elora and r walker rockw6od revs mr cbown and h j fair of eramosa were present yesterday and ru davey of georgetown is expected toda services have been held at ija and 730 day a hendred pairs of bed blankets lo be knox -con- iflltun the jcry in the case of patrick ocoonor killed last satcrday evening by the goelph special on the c p r near hilton toand that no blame was to be attached to the train employees and that the deceased was intoxicated at the time the jary also deprecated the habit of giving intoxicating liquor lo anyone already aader its inflaeuce or lb one known to indclge in the same to excess toe literary society of hilton model school held an interesting en tectainajent in the public schoot haildins last friday evening xiht school in connection with hilton mechanics institute fs held every taesday and friday evening in milioaloblicichcol commencing at 7 oclock mr henry gray ii the teacher annirdrpary tervices were held in chnrch last sabbath services weri jiacted as follows it a m by rerj john keil b a of toronto 3 p m by rev j a macdonald of toronto editor ofi knox college monthly 7 p ra by rev john keil b a the aanirersarj teameeting in the town hall on monday evening was qnitoa saccess referring lo the death on the track at milton the other day the lufvrucr bays who killed patrick oconnor liays- old rye wth a smile in his eye i killed patrick oconnor oa aeconncof the exoeasive vmooat of work in connection with the senior depart ment of the miitoa pnblic school hiss c mackliu has resigned the position oc assist ant dflring the model mtimlltfurattr taro gentlemen representing a toronto firm of sgricaltaral implement mauafactnr era were here a- few days ago ttey ex amined ihe old brothers foundry and finding it satisfactory offered to ealibliini branch lierii employing ai least foriymea on condition hat they thonld receive a boons of 10000 and that no taxes iboald be collected from tbem tho pn vailing opinion via that they asked too mi oh and auleti they moderate their demax is it is uot likely that they will be able to orae to term with oar town albert vh mpkn sacrificed at kelly bros 200 a repairing promptly cap f ally and neatly effected at kenny broa boot shoe afore acton lee the favorite tailor is the only man in halton who keeps meucoat c tkersonly his work is conseqcenllyerstcliss yoar orders with him if wint meats entirely satisfactory pm each paircp leave yoar gar if yoa want a reliable workiig boot id elegant sunday iboe a comfortat le even iojj ijpper or a flood trunk or vails- to ate jq go to kenny bros boota enofiiwre actoo a- j mcmillan manitoba government agent reports lhat qnite a colony of vircin- ians from near char lotto rille i re moving next tpriag into htaitoha whe they will engage in farming amoogtl them ire several wealthy tobacco planters who have bought land and will move northward taking their plantation hands jvilh them aiivtceto honixxs are yon disturbed it night ind broken of yoar reuby a sick child tnffering and crymg with inof cat ting teeth if so send at ana and get a bottle of hrs winsiowssootiungsyrap for childrea teething lis value it iucal- colablc it will relieve the poor little tafferer immediately depend apdn it mothtrs there is no mistake i bant it it cares dysentrv and diarrhoea r tgalatee the stomach and bowels cares mad colic softens the gams reduces in lam mat ion and gives lone and energy to th whole sys tem mrs wmslowt 6ooth ag syrap for children teething it plea ant to the tatte and is the prescription o one of the oldest and bestnemale physicians and n arses tn the united etates as 4 is for sale by all draggists throoghoot the world price twentyfive cents a bott e be saro and ask for mrs winsloat soothing byropand take no other kini loottn celmf jvc v vthlu nrir takixi rr ujiv hi nitirct run tiuie ix toxf ixii ior r kll e ilui tux xiczst we will send colored silks hare yoa heard of uwdnrsbltr bilk well ve keep ia tnd cumsu cxerjnraot notbtag like it in the trade j about dress goods 1 j do yoouot know that we wilt henriutlfiueut otber cbarje tic ind even huc for and that oar mock of dreu goodi the ryrt iuiudptj about curtains j it i t ftct well wortliyof yoar trriocauoii thit in tuaouun ottoman w and via- l cin scrtru etc oar ttock u the larger sad choice od cbeptli tbeeitr k uji rtarc tu qvtss mo riar mtr feu- foxx ijk mt stoxni we still thew i veryeleganl asirtment in ladies and chiuncois chtts dkess goods this foremost tfeptrtment dl our large j boaincia never knovts what it means lo i sitckco op etch tea wn we sell more rich dress goods each season onr dress- 1 making orders increase we parcbase direct from the milafactnrers aid thai not only once or twice a year bat throngh our london ageou are in constant receipt of notcllies showing new lines almost each week wc have jest opened oat some lovely new goods fcr ihe early hoidav j trade clothing oar basics is distictively icd pre- enrineclly a ladies vni gecllement ciothicg and oatfitting hocse contriry to the exjiloded i3eaa lhat the two trades cannot be docetiaier one root we always believed thit the y could be done to very idriciigeaaely and the great success of oargcnte fine cohirvg trade has demon ttrated the cocrectaess of the belief true we have never iteaptad to create a sen sation by paihmg low trashy goods simply to give oe a reputation for cheapness but j have confined oar efforts to a fresh reliable class cf goods correct ia style moderate ia pricft and elegant ia mike cp we are con- ttantly siding new ctiildmort ia oar ordered clothing department i to akv addkhss for w from now tilljakv isgi overcoats we oiler several hscdred hjis toe and boys orercoats all of our own make infinitely superior in material and mike np to llic ordinary rexdy made clothing we give yon btler intrinsic vxiue or goodd axe ihoroaglily rulitblc besides- all this we pitronke hoae indnitn- we keep i large number of people employed at home making cp these goods instead of tending the money for them to other markets cold weather is coming see our over coats e r bollert 25 27 lower wyndhamst gruellh ihi th rtmt fnt riss trvit i sexd it to your distant friend ii p5i00ee editor aai proprietor our manufacturing departments- dress making millinery clothing art models in tueir tty tboneadi of these department tn artitu of the fintclua order a their respective bnaeha oar tcruu if c ttricoy cub tuid onr prices in accordance j d williamson sv co 5 and 7 wyndbam qt guelph 84 oswald st olasgow allumixum spectacles vxu j i something new in spectacles and eye class frames umht as silver j will not corrpde as light as paper- will not rreak easily sole agancy secured by b sayage 0uelph citlkbb laftrrbat oaaieetbar home treatment 6 offerers aro not generally these diseases are cootagioai are dne to the presence of living paratites in thelioidgmembrance and east lchian tabes microscopic research howcvci this to be a fact and tho r salt of this discovery is that a simple rerr ndy has been formalated whereby catarri catarrhal deafness and hay fever are eared in from ono to three atdiple applica tion made at home by the pa iieot ooco id two weeks k b thii treat ment it not a a inoff or an ointment botli have been discarded by re potable phytic lane as injar ooa a pamphlet explainf ix tbi new treatment is sent on receipt o a h diion son 803 we toronto canada toronto uihc soflerera from catarrh tn ablcs slioold carefully read the above aware that or that they ten cents by kins stree t ccnuent it tr utvni he who would block the witcls of process is liable o ct crush special drjyes -in- dress goods mantle cloths and millinery during noviiulor at i m r b jermn8 ii yl prices have taken a tumble yj 8 i- 2o cents ou every by buying from us quality and stylej ffuarantccd you must visit our millinery department to git a con ect idea what cutting and slashing means our stock of millinery gcods is superb too lanje tor this rioa of the vear but it must go do nottookoir while others pickup the plumsg primgle the watchmaker of gulph i vntalrarbefoojidmabovattrtfllnitothberbhltcortomflw wo are anxiow to plaas yoa aa trr oar beet4o do sood work u yoa have a watch which otbaitsiaire failed to make o ncbt tend it to nt cebib princle waitchrnaker cuelph if you require furs we can make it interesting for you i boas storm bollar8 muffs caps and coats xew goods and the prices are cheaper than wheat j rbjlirmyn bt b we openthis week n line ot 40c japaq te which we will sell for cne month at 25 cents per lb iwe gaoramea thi to beeqnal tonny 40 cent ten ip tlluconnty if it dont pleaae we will tqjee ltj bnckjnid rotondmoiiey k t 1 hi t

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