Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1889, p. 2

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btovtixoti the qrdtniu it s tafanfce rtreft toronto tbe rife ot c a uignsll qfja on ucrwniuval frotpocl fsjtdsasscawya oa the snd xontnbtrr th wife ot john uo pbedru of a ton v 1 lvdwaol athoaoo u hrd november james amarsoo in tbe twh rear of hit act rne in tbaficoieb block on wednesday kot sxh vtt- jim bom belovsd vita of henry u hoss ssjad s3 years i ifctrfedftiv at rrocpmt finn xaasagawva c ths ih sorwmbfr the infant sou of john tod eatle uefhcdnn hrcsal rockwood ou tlie 7th xovtmbcr hajittorab relict of the itte ilslthew uccann ot esqueaing ejed m years lackt at hillsburk on the tib iatu the daughter of mr g a ltcv editor of the h4ttb agodu trar 10 month- dtutot at the residence of hear sister mrs cameron head street north chaihain on the foth xoteoiber iks catherine jano beloved wife of rev a h drumm of georgetown aged yean and 6 month cfjt jcfmt jfrxt rcss thursday xoveuber 2s 16s0 kotes axtroolucexts kiptaiior wik return a member to the next legielatart ol ontario tfaiunu ci the house ninetyone members it if stated that the quebeo ledilitare trill be called or deapatch o buainess ou january icth the tame date as the do minion parliament tuehamilton 5ccafwrxiidotherieadiuj cooterrative journal want mr mceediui to be replaced u leader ot the oppoaitioa in the ontario assembly since the election in lambton- stanley the great african explorer and hii entire earopean company of minion- ariea and explorer bare arrived at 31apva pva the news ox hi arririru sent by cable from zanzibar by capt- wwaann tbere aeou to be a prospect that the new administration in newfoundland will idopt the onreatricted reciprocity principle and will make an attempt to eetue ite part of the fiahery question with the united btatai upon that fatsia an extra of the ofcial gazette has been saved calling parliament together on the loth of tanoary the coming eeeicra ii likely to be a fairly iqjportant one this ii mini i wjjl be one of the four earliest -ees- stoni since confederation dooi pedro is wise in his generation to fling away ambition on receipt of 2- 200000 and an annus pension of w50000 a man wonld be foolish to lose his sleep amid the wrangles of empire when be can retire on such a competence it if stated that parliament amongother things will be asked next session to deal with the mormon question the growth of the colony in the xorthwest is simply marrdoos and those who pretend to know say that polygamy openly exists the last michigan legislature seems not to have been a famous one for wisdom and wit erery law passed by it which hat yet oome before the supreme court has been declared unconstitutional yet each session t legislature costs the state 143503 for expenses it if about time wunicipsi candidates were coming to the front for 1890 the hash fulness of some men who just sche for office is truly altminjr we know lots of them who think they can ran the nhow it ought to be ran but they dont come serenely forward tn say so here are s few dates of interest 1776 the united states of america im the united states of mexico 1661 tne united states of columbia 187 the united states of venezuela 1889 the united states of brazil will there erer be the united states of xorth and south america and how soon kswyorkm harvey to be hakqkd the exwitloo to take plan in the ju yard at tittdph toswrrow onii not 36 the evideqoe to the gtrelph murder caste hu been carefully considered by the government the ques tion of funnily has ot coarse been the oo i r out urged why the death stutepoe should cot be carried ont tod this qewtion wu fully considered by tbe jory before rcodering thtir verdict since senlenoe was passed upon the prisoocr it bts not been iliorcu that he was dot respouiible for his seta tbe minister of justice hi ltd this morn ing that im had decided not to interfere with harveys sentence bat would allow tbe lav to take iu course he declined to give any grounds for the decision staling that he made it arule not to do to in capital cases the formal eadorsation of the min isters decisiou iru given by the governor general and the prisoners fate is scaled the execution lakes plies oa the 20th init ikctol uo iuons ijiottat the fdlowiug letter appeared ia yester days ovoic to rs edrroc oa reading the semi- omcial notice i was ulled with horror at the announcement of the cootoaipufed execution ot harvey harvey had opportauitie s of knowing bis condition of mind more thorooghly than any one else l i hive uo hesitation in de claring that his death o speak moderately would be a legalised bloloo iaslicc and and truth l ue if now attcrly iuscntiblcu la uis owu positioa sod ouly mourns over the terrible strain an his wu as ip the resalt of the petitiou as i said in uiy statcmeut to the minis ter of joiuce snd t now repeal it most solemnly the man only knows of the crime he has committed from external evidence aainot from hit own coascionsness when alladed to he goes off info an agony of grief tears streaming down his face i questioned hint in relation to the omis sion of lhe judge to ask him before pro- tjoaiicing sentence if he had anything to ttyetc as it had been stated that it was doneu his request he said certain ly not 14 would have been a breach ot propriety i did he said ask a gentleman to request the judge to be kind enough not to sentence me to be executed on uiree days in december and why did you ask this t i said because he replied there are three family anniversaries in that month and i did not care to be executed ou one of them however the lawyer assured me it would take place in november the article in tbe eapire says the question of insanity was fully considered by the jurr this statement would be con sidered here a burlesque and mockery weee not an insane mans life depending upon it trial by jary is regarded as a bulwark of justice etc and no doabt it is so if s man is tried by his peers but i never in my life saw a more illit eratelooking jury and from the many reports of their sayings and doings i am confident that tie expert evidence might as wefl have been given in greek or latin so far as their comprehensian at it went sappose their was a great financial question at stake would such a jory be tolerated for a moment 1 bat this u only a case of life and death alct dnas rector and archdeacpa gaeipn nov 2g harvey received the intelligence of his fate with the same degree of indifference that he has manifested on all occasions since the tragedy although for some time he has betrayed an anxiety to have the sentence cam mated he remarked to the sheriff monday morning that it was better that he should know the result and siii that he wanted to be the first to common icate it to ha son xote8 yiomtfctobia tc a few bfiulnlsotticseeiptctlniuic ute rob trt ffmwfcwid often of thicah- uooprwpecug psrlj dujhk utononrium this day fn re oeiptofthe kan pais which tisi some way been roing to vsiooaver and it has afforded ma much pleasure in havliig a the p0i80nk0 gaxi y 018k an indlctmeut r munltr etorned agnlnit bt johvn b nov tithe gratid jury on satorday af wruooo bill for murfer against wu ism j hcdon aid charged with tending lolsoned candy to rev dr mocrse harried glance over tho the suae ltm pleased to note many of the incident therein recorded espeoully the li t exhibi tion and 1 trust you may be mabled to have them continued from year t year si the benefit tbortfrom must be ap jtrent i was paiued to read the pert ionian of tbe death of oar dear friend mr hobt warren he si ways ait in the hme seat in church with me at acton and this sea son i have been called upon to tiink more about him than at other times from the fact that early in the season i wits at ed monton and met a hudson bay coy em- ployce who knew krattus halloueof the cariboo party well aud was with him duriog his last days having sat up with him one night and then on my- way here whilst following the coarse of tlefrazer river for many a mile through tbe mono tains wu again called cpon to remember the time when my dearest friend mr alex robertson of godericb a ooaain ot mr warren was drowned while he waa en deavoring to swjm to the shore after assist ing his companion robert warren snd a fellow traveller ucither of whom could swim to colon to the overturned boats 1 think they had throe of them j lashed to gether bat ho wu never seeaj having no doubt been carried under by the seething current which for many miles are encoun tered on the said stream it it wonderful how many of the said party have been call ed to their loag homes in a hurried manner i sincerely trust that we may be enabled to keep before us that oar time is s3so soon to arrive the weather here is mild- joocasional white frosts but the general bearing is to be wet although as yet we have not expert- enced anything to iaconvenieace one but i mast conclude i yours faithfully liamx kexxeiit victoria bc kov i8th 1880 failcee of the xcrwich pbodcce co- avery significant gift watrecentlyvhiadfl m theoontributton of uoc000 fcr the erection of dwellings for the poor in london and 1250000 for a like purpose in dublin by sir edward guineas thej head of the greas brewing rrm in dublin he has aocmnnlated an immense fortune from the profits of a bosiness largely supported by poor wuriutigmeti owing to the appointment of frfae sal- ursn to the chief justiceship of prince edward island thecharjottetown iiaatx- tr announces that his place at the head of the provutcial ministry has been taken by hon neil mcleocl tbe new premier like hu predecessor is c native of the province and has won confidence snd reputatiotras u able man and a distinguiajiejffarist insurance companies carrying risks on farm properties have decided that the engine of the thresher most be farther removed from the barn thin is nou custom ary they stale that the sepsrator can be driven with s wire cable in place of a belt and this will admit of the engine being placed at s safe distance from the barn th legislature will be asked to pass a bill to this effect among the things that are not perhaps generally known is the fact that the law compels each houseowner to furnish suit able ladders to each house so that at any moment the roof and chimneys may be accessible m the event of a firs or that snow or dangerous icicles msy be removed it it also well to draw attention to this fact so that precautions may be taken before the winter regularly sets in r asouiwnruecoverdttounstowti johsrrovy pa nov 25 t oar bodies came to the surface of the cowmaugh river here todsy one is supposed to be that of john r day of prospect md who with his daughter was lost from the ex press of the pennsylvania railway so many bodies are being broagbf to the sar face by the high water for the past few days that men woi walk op both fides ot tbe river between jobnstown and nineveh daily to look for corpses killed by a train in hamilton hjumro nov 2l a terrible discovery wsj madeoiltlie k n w liue betweeu stewart and stracbau streets early this morning the mut watcbuiaii at the grand trflnk elevator was on bis way borne a little after seven oclock this tnora- fag whsabe saw the remains of a man scattered along the track near the sir achsn street steps tbe remains were conveyed to tbe hospital uprgoe where they mre identified this sftcrnoon by mr robert loess u those of bis son thomas lacssj laborer uvfngoa wellington street- north tbe deceseed was doubtless going borne by wsy of the railway crossing sod wu struck by 1 train bat at what boor is not known he wu under tbe influence of liquor the qlxe3ts jocexev- eetonilae from balmoral to wlndw ttie german emieniri visit to coustantinoiilc ketc yoej nor 2g- edmand yates london cable to the trjuc says the queen had a beautiful dsy for leaving bal- moral and the drive to ballster in an open carriage must have made her regret she had to come south she looked rery well both here and at aberdeen and perth where u osual the pubuc were excluded and the usual band of devoted adherents snch as the dute at alhole mrs drummood etc were absent- she was somewhat lame both at perth and at windsor where she arrived on thursday aud walked with a elicit but looked wouderf ally well and none the worse for her long journey lord sal isbury and the prince of wales expressed sfter their return from windsor wonder at seeing hoiv vigorous and well she wu after her joarney i oursthsimkhl the visit of the german emperor and empress j to constantinople has cost tbe sultan frm first to last at least 1150000 all the preparations for the imperial guests were on struly oriental scale of splendor being characterized by the most lavish ex- fravsgancesineverydepartment emperor william is ranch blamed for having allowed tbe empress to accept diamonds from the saltan which are known to have cost ap- wsrds of 25000 tbe total value of the half shipload of superb presents wnich were carried to im estimated to be nearly 6000 the sultan showed the greatest complacency i to wards bis guests but the emperor left constantinople firmly con vinced that abdul hamids morbid dread of assassination rendered bim practically in sane the palace which the german em peror and empress occupied during their visit it isftaated within the extensive groands ci the yildiz kiosk where the sal- tan always lives the palace which is simply a huge swiss chalet with cables balconies nd carvings stands on hill and commands one of the finest views in the world it it guarded on all sides by a chain of sentries the vast and thickly wooded park which surrounds the saltans resi dence contains in addition to several palaces a prekt n amber of kiosks ia which the imperial household eaa bodyguard who number 6000 persons reside the juklnrofaureat messrs harper a b rot hi rt have isioed a neatly illustrated little pa nphlet by way of celebrating the olose of yur of their maguins making of a great magailnr while it shows the progress which h irpertmagaziue hu made it indicates tt which are essential to pr aperity in any periodical these rtqain menu may be summed up u being close current lines of thought 1 od a ready res ponse to the public demani in the way of information a comparisin between tbe first camber of harpers ii iaed lo 1830 and the number for the preset t month shows great advance artistically ioally which hu been nude daring these thirty- nine years toucrficbscelbebs the special annoanceme it which appear ed in our col am us soran lime since an noancing a special arrangament with dr b j kendall co ot euoasargb falla x publishers ot a treatise o tbe horse and his diseases whereby sar subscribers were enabled lo obtain a opyof thatvalu able work free by sending their address to b j kendal ico and enclosing a two cent stamp for mailing tie same is re newed for a limited perioc wc trust all will avail themselves of use opportunity of obtaining this valuable vork to every lover of the horse it is dispensable u it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble aiimal lis pbe nominal sale throagboat t le united slates and canada make it standard authority mention this paper whn sending for treatise norwich nov 26 dm dfloald man aging partnerof the donald produce com pany aud also of the norwich fruit evaporating company of norwich tillage left canada last week and his crediton findthst the concerns jhe rani owe them overmooog the past year oi two have been bad for the ming ibdsstry the trade has been at too high a preassre sod competition forced prices to ruinous figures a number of factories have tn vol ved them- selves- aithoogfa the business is tetter now than it hu been donalds affsirswere braced up by the injection of ten or fifteen thousand dollars by some montreal men some time ago bat their stock txn out in april i3s7 it it said that dbaalds credit wu kept afioat by the idea that this stock had been renewed although the re newal seems not to lutve been registered the ssset- are practically i nil tbe farmers from whom the concerns got their fraitsnd produce will be heavy losers mr donald has always possessbd tbe con fidence of the commercial world and in norwich was esteemed and trusted by his fellow citizens om country settler- for lunltotra ottitti nov hmr i a w oliver of giuow scotland manager ot the of the commercial colonization company of manitoba it here his company since its organization two years ago has settled on its lands in the neighborhood of salt coats ou the manitoba and northweateni railway 00 fewer than 60 families or about 00 tools mr oliver hks jast re turned from an inspection of the settle- meut the results so far have been fairly satisfactory it is true there jrui long drought iut sammer and the crops were poor bat the settlers are hopeal and ex pect better crops next year the company hu a capital of 2co000 andwilloperate on a more extensive scale next spring it will send oat 60 or 70 families aud each succeed spring mr oliver expects the com pany will send from 200 to 300 ismilies tee god erich braxch eaixr0ad the godericb slqual says we learn that arrangements are on foot for notice of applicatiorrfor a charter from lake huron to lake ontario the terminal points being hsmillon afldgoderich whiebjif proceed ed with will prove to bo one of the best railway services iu ontario j this road would ia all probability run i by blyth brussels listowel and througnwellesiey township to berlin preston j gait and and dundas lotho great basinets centre of hamilton there to connect with tho van- derbile system shoald this scheme be car- rid out and with the iofiaentiai and busi ness points on the route there u no reason to doabt its ultimate deveiopement it would serve a central portion of the western part of lbs province and run through a number of wealthy mnnicipaliues some of which are now lacking in railway services kelost iff position became dihndeur and took ilts life a i cacadii suicide tbswejund csnai is to be closed at nuiiiigbt next fialunlsy djrtoitnov2 p6er richards about nine years sco sod in pboyraph cailery at berlin out and moved to waterloo ont wbere he secured a position with a firstclass photographer from theru be inoted to pettoit in with bis wife and four children and secured a iositioa willi hargreaves manufacturing company an finisher on fsctura frames tliree more children were born mskiae seven in all a short time sm be lostliis position and became despondent yesterday afternoon wbile down town he bought some cyanide of potsssiom and went back to his home atou seventeenth street bidding his wife and children god bye about eight oclock be emptied the deadly powder into a glass of water dranjki and feji senseless to tbe floor a doctor nss immediately summon ed but beforp be arrived richards had brlslbed his last acabrketchavge sir jabntakmtlie railway partfuiiomr colby to fill the vacancy orrxwi nov 2f sir john macdonaid has taken the portfolio of railways and canals resigning the office ot president of of the council to do so hon c c colby deputy speaker of tbe house of commons and member for steostead it it said will be president of the council mr colby accepted proviaionaliy and left friday evening for his cpnsi ituency to consult the local party leaders no oppo sition will it it understood be of end to bis reeiectioa and he telegraphed hi s final ac ceptance yesterday he will gexe1ulvbws returned a trae lugbilnc helhlrty ninth title is the the end ot jin a- hu a political series of defalca- office before his clasa bis son last fri- court at quebec the montreal fkraidhii a 130000 fire oa saturday night stanley the african explorer is expect ed to reach london about ary a great fire occurred m lynn mass 00 tuesday destroying property to the amount of about iioooocm prince edward island scandal in the shape of a tions in the crown lands a great sensation wu created in peter borough on monday by scl 100i trustee j b mcwniiams horsewhippii ig mr f c col beck of the institute because be had punished day in tbe yiceadmirality on tuesday judgment wsi given in favor of the owners of the steamer cynthia tbe case arising ont of the collision between that vessel and the polynaian near mont real the president sir darnel wittou hu jast received a cable message from ham burg announcing the gift ot 1000 from mr j dins kossin who is 1 graduate of the university of toronto and wishes to endow a scholarship for trie encouragement of he study of modern languages and especially of german i magistrate barlett ot windsor h at writ ten to the minister ot justice lo see if a law cannot be framed wlereby individuals who run away with another mans wife can be punished daring the lut week twelve men have been in windsor seeking to find a trace of their unfaithful b posses who left with a handsomer man the florida orange gjowers union hu consolidated with the florida fruit ex change tbe total orange crop of florida this year is estimated at 1 800000 to 2100 000 boxes the eichaogewill probably control and place 1500000 boxes it it expected the consolidation will save the growers 1100000 this year ocelphkahcets flour oloiierl hoarstoae white c1iwoul scott wheal democrat wheat snrlnc wheat faliwhest bran barley oata bye peas hayold hay new straw wood icr cord kegs icr doztu batter dairy ieked- butter rolls potatoes icr bcf apples po zftmbaldiik pelts hides cosxm wool fine wool turali vember phil8e3 2 13 lo 1 50 j 10 to j jo a 00 to 0 oa a 00 to a 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 80 to 0 oao to a 10 00 to ia 00 0 ss to a is 0 to 0 0 too u 0 k to o 5j 1000 toll tn 00 to 3 00 a co to 00 03 to i 50 0 93 to 0 tl 0 is to 0 it a i to a is 0 ii to 0 ii 0 50 lo 0 60 0 t5 to i oa 5 so to s co 0 60 to i 00 mo lo f i 50 to j 00 w 0 83 to 0 30 0 1 to 0 s3 0 10 to 0 13 children cry for pitchers- castoria then baby was tick ve fare her ca when the was a chfld she orfed f or csstoru when she became kiss she ung to castoria when she had children the are them castoria ottawa on monday tuesday return to he wu sworn in on ellyey jhluovs left six fejjtcisco nov so the will of the late mrs chsrfea crocker bequ tbes ber entire estate valued at eleven diilhoua to ber four children charles tt villmm h and georce crocker of this city and mrs alexander of new york charles f crocker states that smoog the pa lers found with the will were memoranda showing that bis mother wu preparing another will in which it wis her evident inten ion to be- qacaut lo charily and distant n latious a sum of money aggregating over v ie million dollaru tbe licin will utiomp lo carry out ber witlnat sa set forth iu the inemor- and am luiavg tkaiv llobbelt faux woinir tkx nov cfiteen masked and heavily armed mer boarded the uonthbonud biota fe passet ger train last njfibt at berwein and att eked the express car the guard and n essungera fired twenty shots bat finally gav in after tbey bad literally riddled tbe ar the money fa believed to be about f 20000 or f30000aod came principally frpn chicago united sulos marshals are in pur nitof tbo rubbtij money for all wanted a coed energetic man or men to sell our fruit tzeos botes shrubs ornamen tals etc permanent empleyineot ivrlteit once for terms and secure choice of territory wstehonl firstclass itock handsome outfit free address i hav bbothebf kurmrrmau rochester k y 1890 harpeb8 young people an illustrated weekly the eleventh volume of haofints yorxo ptople which beclns with t ie knmber for no- retnber scb 1b6s presents ax attractive gramme it will stfer to its r dsra at least wrtalt of the usual length an 1 others in two or throe parts namely the led mustang by william o btodaard phil 1 nd the balry by laeycliuke prince tomi iyrby john bot- rel coryell and mothers ay by uarcaret e bansster two abort sediji by hjalinar hjorth boreseo two series ft fain- tales wtli attract the attention- of loten of the wonder- world nsnral the qoalnt tali a by howard pyle and so admiiably iflasttbted by blm sod sn- other series in a different 1 em by frank u blekneu there will us th rt stories w d bowells thomas nelson psgt uary e wukini nora perry harriet prescot bpofford david ker bamklah hattsrworth 6 plilo svott hlch ltd malcolm johnston etc a subscription to haavbht vocso peoitb secures a juvonllo library there ts umifui knowledge alio plenty of siu iscuient hostou ajirbbtuku tekms7rwlitce pttpridjktw per tear vol xi begins tfoiria r j- iso bpochiien copy sent on juce it of s tnoceut tamp single numbers five genu taeu remittances shoald be ms le by fostomc money order or draft to avail chance cf joss ntwpapert are not to cap ojt adccriue- mail wmoulihe txpret ord r of hxapza a baoraxu adnreu hakpehabbottlekskew york fine job peisting job pritriiob of all descrit lions neatly and promptly executed at t id fnxx rnss priutuig office orders- by t isil receive our lcfal attention try ute rci r par so for four uttprinuugaudyoutlllbstbc toosblybalhbed spectacles jam put jltn aant- icon 1 yea jissssfss geo iynds jewelr store acton ont a little talk about shoes chrd of thkrlks figures may lie and facts distorted be uut lecing ia belterinc oome sad toe the peckaboo lioot aud hlioe itore it jut uow ihowiug a number of new lines of shoes and slippers specially adapted for tbe season these new goods are belnc sold st prices as low or lower than those asked for old styles and sbop- worn goods elsewhere kverjbod- can be auiled fur c bsu all sites lit gsntf wear ladles wear youths wear childrens wear j babys wear special lines good goods kevest 6tyle and best value for tbe money st w williams acton custom work and repairinc girsa carefnl aten tlon trunks and valises in variety jfon btrtismtbijpll servant wanted t ailyto mbswll a good general mrvjit aiy to a11k olwn tbeitctnucsof the tmaw r j let 1 con 5 ftria about the lshss a ram owner can imvb the lamcbfs property and payfrm exjienics j strayed st1uved to lol i ton 1 erin tuioiiilw olxormurtt ind oncsss- whit tod lo potl oicr colcvinrs by jirovfwn totthy tod rrinaexjeti hofigaxcer8os cash for fur skins thk uudenigbcd 11 y wh for ibkiij j farlkin inclodiag loonu ivzz- mlakikbiktu c1ias gnttxee i asacs til korth cielsas strayed r the underlined hu now been in banneu in aoton or bont yer nd ibe people of ihliricinity bnejitronid him k liberally iutiet that iime hib deure lo tender bin hertytbnk for iheir uniform klndneu nd nameroo order tbi hu been tally pphied by him ud give new punr in ijwrttrgagj glringcoitoroert the higbeitutufmtion in ery order iotroted to bim by geokoe mi taroinc oat good work he hope to reuin every cnitomer md peroude other iht hi hrne emporiam u tbe bet olu in the ooanfry to wenre ny tide in the hirneu line j h matthews harness maker acton speicht son acton j a speight manager ciu tnitlj- yea iili 1i hit earnllare rsqairfd to furalih yoar ne ud eoy utile lionn or to rpjeij your home if icttjed one in mr tyl t tne rery lowest pnee tliere u ao uuilc of inxnltor cinot lopply mi turther e delir oir tamitare mi yoa hire no urtasinftreigiil chine ifld ran no ruk of brtuce undertaking oar thmrnre yesrs exiericnc in this bnsliieas has resulted in eontinclnc tbe public of this entire commonity that we supply flntelass work in allorders and in itylfi which compare with those of the city st one hall dty prices our hearse is an excellent one snd our team alssys sore t a becoming sppesxaaee we hare plea- onesndourteamaissyspresent abocominc sttpeaxanee we tu in invltiiiff the public to call oo us for anylhlnff required in our lines large shipments of neisr goods to- the right house hamilton i lfery week immense stocks of kew goods arrive to replace the enornous sales which are being made daily please read this weeks arrivals colored pongee bilks colored silk flushes kew stylish french dreu goods bilk embroidered table covert fancy bilk gimps ribbons batina in new shades ladies black silk mittens fancy flannels german mantle and ulster cloths knbber cueolars dress shields elastic corset laces hose supporters velveteens swiss checked jluslibs black mooreen muslin and cambric embroideries hemstitched handkerchiefs insertions tray cloths dress laces silver thimbles crochet and anchor buttons white marseilles honeycomb and toilet qnllts canton tabling white cotton grey navy and scarlet flannels blankets ladies wool yesu flannel embroidery quilted satin linings mans knitted shirts and pants tickings cashmere gloves safety pios hooka and eyes woolen socks brass brackets bods drapery hoaks7 and various other cortain materials tremendous reductions in prices i a large lot of allwool french dress goods put down to less than half prices dnas and mantle trimmings marked down to half prices fur and feather trimmings reduced to to ooehall late prices long mantles and dolmans selling off at greatly reduced prices a large lot of knitted woolen shawls fascinators and scarfs offering at onefourth their value fancy mantlinss down from 550 lo s per yard fancy velveteens tt about half price mind and tee the carpets rugs mats oilcloths wtodow curtains blinds poles carpet sweepers mattiogs fur carriage and hearth rugs and bandrtds ol other articles iu every department in these immense stores which there is no room to name ladies come to the right hoaae with confidence that they can get almost anylhing and everything they require at u cheap prices as they can buy at in canada please enter tbe stores east of the carpet window many make mistakes and do not get into the right house hamilton kov 13th 1s83 thomas c watkins economy tfcr waitine for something to tarn up is a poor way of acquiring wealth neither is spending every dollar you oafn a good way there is a happy mwfrara and that is to make sure every dollar you pay out for the necessities and luxuries of life does full duty if you buy your goods from secoud or third liauds the purerjasiug power of your money is decreased iu proportion to itha amount the middlemau expects to make as his share of the profits now we buy your goodsjust where they are made and from those who make them by buying in large quantities ajid the nature of our trade in guelpn makes this necessary we are able to purchase from the very people the wholesale houses buy fiom so that we actually undersell others iu the trade by the amount or the wholesale mans prxfit this is the secret of the success that he can offer customers the very finest class of goods atlprices paid else- where for goods of a low quality the daily growth of our tradrt is ample proof of the truth ot these remarks as a rdcpeople will buy where they obtain the best value aud a glauce at the customers lining oar counters in business hours sbowsthe popular opinion of our advantages iu purchasing as compared with thoseofother guehph merchants j we have been devotiug particular attention totjadiet aud chil drens mantles and jackets this season and can offer you an almost endless variety to choose from anr goods in this department rang ing all the way from 2 to 65 i t gbryaii fe dq the leading dry goods house gcuejpli successors to john hogg son stiuved to lot 3 con- iu dx ox u i of beptraibcr jhnc jlecr color b eo grt nd roi tbe owner tosr vjt r ptonng property nd paling jr8t oeokoeihsib lumber latta shingles sayek8vilfsisjajswevshinowfai stock about ljjvpaj tixt of lumber inelnsu all kinds noccred for btiiljiu iorpo tfhfi mill hss a well ettmibel rcatatiw for nns- clsst lumber and reasonable prices jjbathaud bhlngles on band wc art ttepared to amtoh ewry want in oar line peter e1tee8 i xiasacsreyi village property for- sale at a low pr the undlrsiened has been infracted by dr boot walter to ofler lor sale his tvopstr in acton ctfcsistingot lot sin block 1l on fits jot is a 6oq frame dweiling a ruble bird ana iolt water and a enmber of trait trees tor terms and particulars apply stance to y puoobe fitee ijatmaeicoatl skakngrixky j ojembees wasted texduerin bereceitedbyflidnahxienrt npt0enelto december fomfie li ot tbe skllioe ktk t the asrienlfntl hill ex tbe muht 140 tenden to b py tuj in witkice or etve acceptj thos t u i i uwiwilctat acteofidremblso f in conl pes coun sa ec meeting pabmee8 it vitb tbe tutates of ontuioi 3uioeting for tbe pmpof0 dnv jinsantlf powibe onning pabmeks 1totdal j insurance coy j will bo lield in u cil chamber acton -ox- ay deuembee 7th it x oclock nuxr adnalqts e riptioly iwjnertrf te it- tedfotiwobebtinkinuicecnbeefflclelltt i mccbenpertotllipreielitprieot i 5 st obdetb of c01dntttery 1 eobt deedge sec i notice t ceepitom dokald hdphedratw dxcbassji the creditors linclnding these bsviag aaj specific or general lust or incumbtanes 9 on tbe estate or any undlridetl share theraco donald lacfhedrain late ol tbe tcnoaarts kassaeavej in tbe county ot hilton ccbok man h died on or stoat the ttstrseem day of eeptcmber ub9 axe berebt- rgojre4 ts sendmbobert akins xnatcbbuu eff atst tbe exceptors of the estate of donald jtephatv tblndeceoaorbeiontbetcnftbiida of rjeeeolber wb their ciirlsticn aiidarnabia addresses and description with roll partiealsn and iiroaf of tbeir claima tadatamsnsi ef their aeeounu and tbe security u any hemby them qaiins wbflprorcd bstatiitoitdstar ations and noticcls bcrcy tvcn that aitertbe su trentytblrd ds- of dijcembex 19 the esoes- tors ui proceed to distribnte the ssssttot iss ssid deceased amoril the parties snuusfltddtfj to having regard only to the daluwof hks tbotihalfha had noficeand the execattn will not be liable for tbo assets 6r any wt- thereof to any person orinrrsoniol whoaelan ther shau not aavc notice at the time df sua distrlbnilons this notice is given imrsiiaat to ilso- is chap 110 ilt lean tfcleas i solicitors lot eieeat dsted thisloth day of ko emher 1s8 t fmll goods -ir- kelly bros hcton tjic right place to get right goods at right prices is at kelly bros ordered cuothinjq our lock patterns every and overcoatings is of the cbslces attention and guarantee satisfaction ew branch in the businesa thoroughly a good tweed suit made to order from 1300 up j an elegant good wowted suit made to order from 18 00 up we can make you a jood teedpanta for s4 dont ulsa your chanosto secure these soodi as tbe prices are rlghl rbrdywhde clothitg and larseat stoe very large we bsve ra tbe roadytnada elothlar una a very large stock 61 kens tenths boys sixes boys orekoats from mx up mens oterooatsfrom hxd up the la are to be seen at kelly bros and the priewfcw right wehavesi i andctps at the lovest prices a food stock of staple dry goods always on band flood factory cotton 6c yd all voolflai large snd complete sod abraya fresh any kind of apioes 30c lb a bars klectriosoan ourcjautcistbflbcst is otereoats and bolts all oioestfiirnuhirjgsin the itoefc of uodarvearibattl irieea and jounty iyta yd our stock of amoariea is oar sju of course everybody admltr kelly brqs acton auction sale- farm stock 1 tri pleniwht the uudcrtiincd has bcin instructed y alex kennedy to sell by imblle auction aa lot 31 con- j es- quesingob r wednesday sdi deo 1889v it 10 oclock tfurollotris stock 13 fepan hmscs 1 twoyearold wb colt 6 mtfoh cows supposed to w in can tbreereacold heifers onoin calf t troye- i old heifers ia calf 1 yearling heifer 1 aoltt calves 4itoro cattle yearling steers a atcst caltca 6 leicester cirea 5 sbetfrllufi es ewe lambs 1 shearling ram gotyby itopktf stock 4 ram lambs jwbens afiw doeksrw cattle an abaep are all welibro and ta cool oonditlonw f noemjexts- brantford binder i iwj ford mowar 1 land roller 1 inlsy rake s ita-a- r ber wagons 1 democrat 1 pair bclcign cosaltt straw cut 1 spring tooth cultivator 1 osbaws seed dr 3 fanning mills 3 fay jilows 1 double bfculd board plow t stephen- son iron plows 1 dowdy potato digga 1 wsi- fler 1 turnip pwpwi setts iron hsrrowi rakes forks etc canadian cretmvr ka 3 leookstotes 9 jfirlar stoves number of ssp backets slot ofpee hives ssugar kettles v- sett double harness 1 sett double plow ba 1 wtt doable vit narness 3 ett doubletrees andwbinutrees csainssbotelssxd oumerom small articles j y the pahm 1w isxm eorrtaics 1s3 seres sxreasiodcr ealtlfipn sboot as or x seres good erdwood tujr snd about ijsots slash- ed anfi covered wityf second growth rtalaocagow graiing land ttstind is la an escullent state of cuutation olfabe firm 1 a flood frame bardwtui stone suwung below alarisbazftfer storing hay irsiiifhiduse two never isiusa weustgood orcbara there arc eighteen seres undeuclover and tiuinuir newly seeded down and nine acres of fall wiict tn tbo groud tbe farm u cosvcnioiiu- taatod bcteg in one and a half miles from the adlago acton schools ehnrched lo- ooix and ran- way all convenient terms for lanahdisousble tui msde known on day of sale fob stock implkmkntaau 5 i3 and under cash over that amount ttvc monlha crodlt ou spercved joint notes 1 wu heustiieet aurtionecr- jgjjj thx cultivator 10 t and x country centlerrian the best of the agricultural weeklies v ilvottdtj rmcrop and processes horticulture 4 fnulorowlns lirtstoc and elrjlnj i wblle ft jo lucludi 11 minor joistrfmtnlj utolob b0okciul tinuliotlrfi ml i wen fnid kelin dotsctie ij ud miinaum- oi tbe xe ol tbo wca mnelittontlon u id to tbcrrosrfva i cioimuirolilsusbl ulkio one ol ibo b ltniiortonlot lrineilionvbcn rfh wife lo soil iliubetlvulutimtoi rmdlu mitter tbi otr berorc tbssffis uon pboe u iso per nt bnt wc cbci ww lalbsdbctiosiiktir uon woe u iso per nr but c cbci ibsdbctiosiiktir club rates for r890 i ia fcsrolxewbnfacb 1 in3bono i wdtlt wwjinsf i tromoirrocolmptuie wmlunce to jmiwp t m ltbeliue lis fcspecinicn luitie jrv addrc -ii- ldthbr rtckbb bonils aibuuht mm 1 fl 1 bl f i i f- not v ftcp 6 i on so je wet flm wijlf irgt next i in thl oo mnsl itedj chart eockl eot third yi prj acq r h pines j itowul 2 delivl tatjl f uwj myoad gwcdj

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