Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1889, p. 4

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w sdoit fm ffa thtjr8day octdber si iw- tbx xofktt affo nine tbew are ninety and lnua live auddic- lanauhtutdtruidooia tbet on may lire in luxury- and b wrapped in tiftea fold tht eltttty and ttin in hovels bar tbe ob la a palace with riches lisy too on th fields the ninety aud ulue for thfnrfts of oat mother earth they dig sod delre in the dusty mine and bric btr tramntra 6nh and tht wealth released by their sturdy wows to the hand ol one forever flows trota the sweat ol their lirow the desert i ueomi and before them the foml falls tbejr labor hufaallddhaaueuouu and cities with lofty balw t and the one owns cities ad bouses aud lauds and lb ninety ind nine hire puiply- bands aid the night so dicta- dark and lone al laathe tuorufnc shall bring and otw the laud lb riders oug of tin ninety and nine shallrioc and echo afar trout ione to toor rejolc foe labor shall haw its owu jimes andjokelets litlf lin honrffllhuw wilt lftntlic wj andthe ttrajrtanliloftlie day vittoria caibolf bj bofii ag ooroptndoi burnt tcaldi ftjjironilct ol iuki brui oa ilmprolt jtc 1 it a great public beucill th e tignl lent wordt wen ned in relation to 1 r thoi meelectrio oil by a reuuemeu ho had toroujhly letted iu merit id bit c n cat having been cored by it ol lamer eat ol the knot of time or fonrycan ttand ng it never ftlli to remove tonnest u fill ai iemenou a pieaawg discovery 1 toflored with neuralgia and obtained no relief ontil adviaed to try hagya it yellow oil since then i have foqnd it to beak admirable remedy alto for burnt torethroat and rheamaliim- f mm f ciutuox i 137 richmond st w toronto out iljomneboota and ihoei canto cornt liollowty t corn cure it the article to tje get a collie el ouce and care your corns cmempufttfirttl an old phytlolan retired from praotlca having had placed la hit handt by an etlt india missionary the formnla of a almpla vogetable remedy mi us ipoedy and par- rainst7nrjoftuow8r4ption uronchltu cmta ail i of a ajd all throat aud lung affections altoa positive and radical core for nervont debility and all nervous com plalnta after havlnu letted itt wonderful ooratlvo powera in thousands of oaeea hu felt it hit dnty to make ft known jo hit tnsering fellowt actus tea by this motive and a desire to relieve hnman initeriug 1 will tend tree of charge to all who dealre it tbit recipe in german french or eng 1th with toll direction or preparing and nting sent by mail by addreealng with ttamp namiug this paper w a mont uopowera block rooheabtrn y ibpathllarm timkof fl 111 i church sakxers dr llddodtt the aatbor of the ollowiiij- 11 barke uai ihown how varioaa attitadec of uw jianitn body corrwpoad to at a iaoontistctit with deep emotions o the hatau toal yoa ctnaot for jqbuooe lit louuut mckvlto aa umehur witti yoat tb6aih vide ojn and teel a warm glow ol indignation and it ronor i vere inlro- dtioed nddenlj into the preseiice of the qoeen ire ahoold not keep oar bat on and nt down with onr hasdt in oar pocket ca th ground that the genuine sentiment of lojiuty quite independent of iu oatward eidreaion and if people oome to church and tit and ulkand look aboat them while prayjct are beonfi addrened to the luioite and eternal being it u not because thev are in very rpiritnal as to be able to do withoat any oatward forma they really do ftobow becaae they do not with the eye of their toali see him the tight of whom awes first the sonl and then the body into prdloandat reterencecxcca bttti i it waojtt the prixcttle j litaww a burden lnul lately 1 saffercd from licadaclic alwtlyij preceded by conslipitiou inalinff my sile a burden a ricud aduied i ur doci blood oilterc i look three boule and now heel mytwlf a uck man aud coy headaches arc a tfjiog ot the paat a i 3vury 1 ottawa nl reatleaaneti raocftdaniiety andafpt- fnlflrtpofitiou are usually met with in the dyspeptic these menial indicia ihow how close is the connection between brain ind dtomach their- most prolific caute dya- peps is l complaiat for which korthrop lyman vegetable dtmovery and blood pirifier it- used with unvarying lucctsa it also remedies biiiioafinese couitipatnn and imparity of the blood kevtr allow the bowels to remain con stipated lest serious evil eoiae kttiocii pills are unsurpassed as a remedy for odq- e ligation a yonnfi man with excited step and unshed face halted an officer in front of the city hall the other day says the detroit ftre vieet and stated that he had been robbed when and where it naturally inquired th officer out on the exposition grounds this fore noon j h how much t f well as sear as i can figure it there was about forty cents in the portemoc- naie hve anysnspiciont v ko i missed it after coming out of the naike ahow isnt it a pretty small matter to make complaint aboat 77 queried the oecer or ii it the principie of the thing which actuate yoat principle of- the thing be hanged v hotly limivf the young man what fin it- is my fort cectaad if i dont cat it iii hare to walk thirteen mqes on the railroad track principle is all right when you hare a big boodle bat pd see a ton of it bbwed highaky before id walk thirteen miles a bad teak for k1xgs tlistppeah totbe a had year for kings lei alone the proverbial three or four that the poker player wishes he had not held the king of monaco has jost died the king of hollands death wpparentry a question of only a few weektvthe menul condition of the kinf of baviiti becoming wots- the king of portugal is dead the king of servia has been forced to tbdi- csvte the jaox of bulgaria may soon be sorrr tfiat he did not follow suit the king of montenegro is wedfled in between bessda and aastria in a very uncomfort- able way the king of greece is worried over the yet onsdred cretan qnestibn tne king of italy is still at war with the pope the king of denmark has a hard winter before bim7 and theking of belgium is thinking serioasly of anafrican trip to aroid ihe cares of staterutics herald iossixg sgcealvg giuls a scotch clergyman in a recent lecture said the great peculiarity of the old scott ish elder or detcoq was his power iq ex pounding scripture he was nerer at a loss aboat the meaning of any passage as an illostration of this be said an elder was r and gnm minting npftn the thirty- fourth pcalm and the book being printed in the old jtyle when he came to terse thir teen he saw keep thy tonguefrom erit and thy l from iptrikiag gutfc the last two wwslierea3 iloull as squeaeng girls and then he remarked by way of ex position it is evident from this passage the scripture does- not absolutely forbid iiating but ssvm christianity everything is to be done decently and in order we are here encouraged by the passage to choose rather those girls that take it quietly and not tahose that sqaeakimder the operation 7i v- anndc to motarearjlre you disturbed 1 at night and broken of your rest hy aiick j j cliiwsufleringaiidcryingwitiipainbf cut- ting teeth 7 if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs wmslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will tehere the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is nd mistake about it li cores dysentrv and diarrhoba regulatee the stomach and bowels cures wind colic tofteoi the fiftms redocestinfumination and givineofl cnetgy w the whoja srs tern itmibawgohthiflg syrup for cbildren teething is pleasant to the- tasfe and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nsrief in the united states and is for salo by ell druggists throughout the worh price twentyfi re cents a bottle be fare and ask for mrav winslows soothing syrup and take do other kind i cvsuslmpuaa tie rely cared- to tle editor plesae iofornryoar reader thai i have n positire remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands of ho j- leas cues nave uusu yetataiicuuy cared i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy race to any of your readerswho have consumption if they will send me their express and p o address j bespectfnlly dc t a6ucrjr 1u westadelaide rt toronto oat if yoa faut to buy or self a farn ad- rertiaefttteirojrtd wetty may thai paper reacues 100000 farmer home every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someoue who waul to par duw advertiseideouof this chuaare la serted in the toronto wreuy hail or fivf cents a word each insertion or twentj cents a wordforflva insertion addresi the mail toronto caoada t miawrsts ustlavrst csirrs mstuberta i tliepourrairtaie frew erom one end of the ooan try to the oth the press is mskiug known the wondeifai i i cuoattvn properties of nasal balm for cat arrh and cold in the head p h monroe parry sound says kasal balm has no equal as a remedy for a cod in the head it istwlh speedy and effective inits results j an istlrreauai leper the inland revenue department hu recently issued a bulletin of aboat thirty pages which li devoted oxclaiively to tha subject of bakiag powder aod which ibowt that the majority of the goods to the market are adulterated aud utittiortse prof a mcgill who has had charge of this impor tant work for the government sayi that imperial baking powder i 1s an excellent powder a word tolboieubiblohoosekoep- er should be safneieo take ko chances bal depend- oa solid facte nothing equals hagyarde yellow oil for barns scalds frost bites chilblaius neuralgia croup tore throat aud aches and pains of every description no matter where the pain or soreness is or from what ft arises hagyard s yellow oil will give quick relief mr r a harrison cemistand drug gist dunnviiie ont writes lean with coofldence recommendkorthrop tt lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care lor dyspepsia impure blood pimples on the face biliousness and conrtipalkn- such cues having come under my personal observation i the alert watchman warns as of approachiug danger a hack inc coagb warns us dooming cops am pt ioa tike time by the forelock and usehajyi rds pectoral biiam the safest sorest and bst care for casht cold- asthma hoarseness broadilu tvud u throxt and isu troa ea worms cause much sickness amoug children freemans worm powders pre vent this and injce the child bright and healthy differences of opinion regarding the pop- oiar jnleroal o4 externid rimedydr tibmat eclectric oil do cot so lit u known exist tiie testioioay is posture sad coaccrreat ihat th article relieves physical pain cures lamenesi check a coogh is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaint and ii has no 1 as- eaiing or oilier an pleasant effect when ukeniqlernsjiy it is worse than madness to neglect a coagh or a cold which is easily subdued u taken in time becomes when left to itaalf the ore- ran ocr of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch ial lubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive byrap the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the lyi- tem this medicine promotes a free andeaiy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in caring consumption and other diseases of the throat and longs ii parents wish to save the lires of their children and uiemselues from much anxi- ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup and wheoeverachildbutakenoold has a coagh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions almost dnren insane i had such distress in my stomach and head that i thought i woald lose my reason but on trying burdock blood bitters i derived great benefit i have used three bottles and am nox as well as 1 ever was in my life thanks to your medicine mis tttttt doreu1- rednerrille out j attacked three times v having been attacked for the ihird tisae with inflammatory hheumansm which kept me in bed six weeks coder medical care withoat relief i resolved to try burdock blood bitten and before i had finished tlt third bottle i was ab e to wrfc again glizui iioil garden hill onl mijbums aromotic quinine wine jfqrti- fies toe system against attacks of ague chills billoas fever dumb ague aod like troubles cceiciuewd co i jcxtil i took a severe cold which set tled inmy throat and iacgv and caused me tojeolirely lose my yoiee for six weeks i subered great paia my wife advised me to try midards liniment and the effect was magical for afier only three doses and an outward application my voice re turned and i vras able to speakin the army that night a privilege i bad been unable to enjoy for six weeks yarmouth ciuclzs puriurcx the third page of thetoronto waitf stail is noted for want advertifemeufs if you want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lose or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronld dally mail and read the adiertise- ments on the third page of that paper the charge is twoce word ech in eron address itt tfail toronu pajnfs celery compound ct afthfiyie timi the nervs8 the liver the bowel8 andthekidney8 njs comlincd action gives it wijo- dcrfal power iu cure ill diseases whyarewesicki decamewe allow the nerve to i tina in weakened and irr cpd bese great orgam to become clogged or torpid and poisonous humors ire p liereorcforcedioto the blood that iould lc expelled naturally j pumps celeryx runes comun will cum flixioutnrzm n c08t atiost wotit c ftjujtts ttkutabt 9isea itsule weazvtssshzj tux weceal0u ajto seetovbdimeiiebs ely quieting and strengthening i icrves and catuing free action of 1 itcrurwcii kidoejsndn gthricpoivcraithievrifdi far bthidkyiimfri srumentejwidlpi0lupf fib j cidan ocrvras or dek n ffly ban tittfitn af shu 1 uk vkinrt clixrr comrotko i yokz is tcflth i in niiirdjf vegtta- ftakdy baftrinti u uuc stufytizpmaftff phuoi i slrfr00 roubicfwrdsokacopff moirrnkal p q caurrfaal dcaraebar tcter a stew howe trrafmtbf sufferers are not geoeraliy aware- that these diseases are coutagioas or that they are due to the presence of uring parasites la theliaiugmembraace and euitachiau tubes microscopic research however has proved this to be a fict aud the res alt of this discovery is that a trim pic remedy has been lfflaietv whereby catarrh catarrhal dsstfneesf and hay ever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applica tion made at home by the patient once in two weeks x b this treatment is not a a snuff or an ointment botd have been discarded by repauble physicians as tnjar ious a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cent by a h dixon a- son 003 west king street toronto canada toroaio golr sifferersirois catarrh troubles shoold carefully read the above keitaed kamxtsa ike sffersx browns household panacea hu equal for relieviag yua botli internal and external it cures prio in the side bade or bowels wre throat rheomattsm tooth ache lacnbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely qaicjairthe blood and heal as its acting powernl wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain riever and of doable the strength of any ether elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handj for use when wanted as it really isthe best remedy in the world far cramps in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds and is for site by all druggiics at 25 cents a bottle will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia lipsbtw dizziness dropsy fujtterimg idicty etoipelas saljffleuh heartburn headache and 0tti7 species of dls a tmm disordered liver kwuzys stomach bowels or blood t ffllbuek co sssw of the heart acidrryof the stomach dryness of the shn treemjstb worm powders axa pleaeeni to tako contain their own lurtttito ii a aafo sure and eilbcrttai iettrpjer et wvnnf in children or adults he uroest scale works in canada- over 100 styles of hay scajles grain scales farm scales tea scales wtayh show cases drawers heat caoppers aid backus svppuu aookxtt it iix wiitaxr lermt c wilson 80i 6 0 esplanade street east tprontcont ueeuoo uut paper c- cry liu ra wilts jeaibquarteft8 l-or- arooeries fine teas botnu lbones sweet sugars frwbbaluor baking soda store blackiko g ssrssmgbi vottliaaoubitants grooni cocoanut bflbuua in fact anything to the line of choico grocoiies yrju want rock bottom prices sasdware natls hinges bolts screwjacks hasps hookb staples hat and coat h00ksj files pat locks z out saws axes ajce haslilks buck sawshand mws hammeh8 wkekches guns hkvolveks calltridoes shells pkim ehs powder shut caps wads whl h altlrs tow ties ropes shovel spades fobks kntvl w 8v00ns butcher knives carvind kniveg sjmi chan delieh hooks and an endless variety ok akticlts you want come am see them htvt joti a kickelaitrui clock f ifnot call ttgeo hyud tad bulouc very uaudj- 10 have around oaring uic wiattr niantljf inspect oar lock aik oar pneet no trouble to iliow yoa oar tuck ilt at t cad geoege hynds actox pal glass amd ptjtty nts and oils varnishes turpentine mac oils japans dryers peuchenspuepared paints tube- paints sion op the big watoh auelpk cloth hall large arrival -of- nsw fkl-l- goods shaw crundy merchant ta1lor8 cuelph lamp goods hand lamps library lamps stani lamps hajli lamps all sizia shapes and cololia blrneilfc wkkb lamp glasses shades lanterns lantern glabses rfc- flecters brackets etc oaowzery and h ass ware cherp cheap cheap wall papers ceiling papers- borders corners fftoatsots per roll up wiador blinds fancy linen rollers etc away down in price alabastiae in all favorite shades sole agent poh- branitccuiiuoa sus sasb balaaco grmvily saab lock and cartli uoltcn alio kunr- ouccfcrfectedspectacy machine j b pearson it is an established fact that j h mmtth6ms etwts the best assorted aud most reawaslily friccd itock of ugut and hoary harness whljs curry cotiiu unulioc tiwcal 1ads harnea ou dustsra and tly scu trunks and valises that have ever been displayed in acton ordered work and repairing guaranteed satisfactory remember collarsjfitted by us arc j gttaiaxtiied not to hurt j h mtthews mill street aetou special trial trip you can have whtstimftttxtss wjt jufint fut f resls he jufmi fm tisk until jany isgr for one dollftr and we will send it to the address of yourself or your friend any place in america l extract from thebcfentific papers of qreat britain and europe a xw dtpastusc ik msd1cike tba four greatest medical cg of the world are london paris berlin and vienna these cities bars immense hospitals tecmisir with offering humanitj crordi of student throne the trends stadrinxjuider the frofessors in charge xbe mot renowned phyii- eiana of the world tcafhjnd prac tice ben and the institutions ore storehouse of medical knowledge and experience with a tie of making this experience atailallc to tht public the hospital bemody co at groat expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitels prepared the rpedncs and al- thongh it would cost from to 5100 to secure the attention ox their istingniihed originators yet in this way their prepared ipcctiacs svre offered at the prfoe of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and bnrdly olaim to cure erery ul from a single bottle the want always felt for a reliable class of domestic remeoies is now filled with perfect latiiiaction the hospital remediesmake no noreaaonabra claims tho specific for catarrh enret that and nothing else 10 with the specific for bron chitis consumption and leng troubles rheumatism is cored by ko s while troubles of ingestion stomach liver and kidneys have their own cure to these is added a specific for fcrer and agvfi ono for female jweakness a general tonic and bloodmaker that makes uoddaod gives form and fulness aod an incoinparabie remedy for serroas dthtlity xq1cuces cajabrh hat fzyer hose cow catasmmal dafme stk sl attktatie are emanating from cfpffie a nam bmfor tieptrufer lutfimtateyfatolbtxtatiotnait ibtarttd a imjarizcs 100 xo 3coughs coux bmmhftjs asthma coxwmptiohaa lieemporebi rssicsy dou m nrdg ttep a corgk ftirt crasvestct iif tftfcatf end ctrcbftjtwse tie tocpawa ratom wild vit fining a an icase of tlf 100 xo asheuttatimfa iltilagalm atd mto- tnxra r eaaiitt h tils ttftuast im purls jst trtat ztwof cist bustt kit rtptttatioa otitis rtmcdg 11 so tutia ko voters ctepsia aud ikdtgesliqh comsvpatiom mights disease- a faoorha iluagkurfth fcr tie cccs irho hat rvietd mart ttomaeit titu tucci ust a reaedf uatttimtd la klgk pice 100 lfeyer amd abue dumbavge uauvav keuralbiaftm kmm mhat groat domagt ihit deet tkt tftttm h is trtattdto trwcklt fcr atlzc un orerfy that sraavcsfss it si 00 ko fitai wauat asvucates whitesmomf arpawi or broken fqc3 fcnre tktf nefftct ueseiusseacs tnrtsl tkrezfc crcctlcd tin no 8 and rtyalm ktattk asd eirts cco so lntalth form amd fvlkess evesr a aoodbhodandhtscflt it wtai if blood lc xr licmaka4tmuprftctttmk 9100 xo txznyoos debjlirr loss cf powesa avack atrtflddtm public mtti hell a ecrvko r nedf for at utfbrtmott condition no 0 h geld tt tr hi eat trial mill prove betrars of lgrtczi rvect wko cisrn klgk prkis for cheer en rxrikksm drtgs and ptui tit properties cf aklc fey crt ttturlf ignorant and wko expats voc fry seilr a gear coitfidniial ittttrs to otktrt in tie race cefcrioct business us ho 8 and libc again 0100 to be had of all deltcoi8t6 imwjt tkjti jrc r lctp iirk rcniki rani ptlc to u tad e i0 itbtorai dina ura tie so mui fmcilj druoaniauc quick cartas rwt aiad dw fanttad tbcsn fcajfh oka lioptts kcascles cfaidi mejie buu ttiniiak mjutco and llaj fxakng tow lfc anad tugb priocd ind dkrrt qtacki bo crctecd ibn itei mcibubo ton ulxkxa ncmi adj- rafccuus pfayikiu wd tes roa ou itvre bop ebcie ko itotlriuljtrfjitttiljatwedqtifaf wetfyttre amb tio mlkxtetatvakacmritxir6iixy taljrciccdramaicakbpttadtlrtnaivttribtnt write 3 latex t f naillmi ahild be usd had htnered to olfaen fa tbe tuts djaepatibfe haiaek car cidt pramja tl leokjartsoniiks tbe qwcktxtoptoipmia ndiba lia ttmtiasvaie or ttao cwtuiar trncjc bttrofnpbu ihc tui re- nuue trm doint usiaeusddaafcsilbaenameaddoe trader hoc foieija aim vto cmme cae pnirarxecciutaieuacttaaaavaccaaiainrtpcdilwtci hqsfitilfiemedycotomtom live catajogvt to proprietor t j xsijaltiuicr lulttn ptssttsttx rq3dj r t a 3 izttax- cc itcrfh f jrfjllcnifn ridto tnm km- j iilit jlynln cjiforjpiloij ind sato la a m- vl tuj tkii and ktlltjobitsc-ndlouilittcr- tirr in cttry rcptxt isotuxsj fnxifflaursd u to dl vrtaira verjrwpccaxliljjcce ctaxttsj kendalls spav1m- sttiiouatja pm d j citnmx t ksmtarsli otaui bate few ooitkscl jjall 8p3tia core tuck m eotcft rwa lua tery bad ft jour kna curo jnlo cooijiete etui i cin rww nfttuld etkt llt ilrtatintwvatirllrrt joneofycnirtitaambootiefltltto ok on ue hursc youn rfrfee- kendalls spflls yoet etucx has kc dil b s tjssniii co eauebursti vaj ototunttn i always keep reu 8ptln care and buiter en bxad awl tber tare vertr failed ts wbal toa stale tlitj wttt do v hite cured a bad cae of tjatta aod also two cases of klncim ofteaittaiidtnkoaniarvskhlcb i urojrtit to treed from tad tae not seen any iifss of dltnm to inelt ohiprtas toon trolr priee81 perbottlear tfxhmueiifir dnisxtatjhateltorcangettri l rut to any addreu la receipt of kstt twdill co rmja4 sou by all purer r purest strongest contains no a tww ft t osjast auvssxn ewgiilett t aurofutiiiel ie ths celehsateb b0t4i s aftetl jtakracaieaanniilttawtlt- iko co six 140 ausm majhgolf r how tost how restored j si bxadia ay just published a iiew edition of s rctfkat welts celebxsvtcd essay ou the e bakan at spcrmahirtiiaia or lncanacity t oeh9 exccsaorearlyiqihiacrotion the celebrated natjior in this essaj clearly dctaonetretct from a ancccsstnl practice that tho quencos of early error ulnv he pointihgdt a mode otccn at certain and cfjcctoal by tntssof sufferer no matter what ins coudttiob mav caro bimscii cheaply prirate eally rtjhia loetnre toiould be in ttchi youfliariaeteryiliantn thelanj bfct cfiflar seal in plain cure addrcssbhroceiptoifotir cents art stamps address j i axa tr xxv tons bayj elj i bsleskj- rojowp pc stt- speight son acton j a speightmanager cauiiipiiiyyta with alj the furiiiturcreqaircdtoiuruisli 0tr new and cosy lituo home or to replenish your liomc if a settled one anr style at the very lowest price there is no article of furuitnre we cannot apply and farther wo deliver our furnitore and yoa have do arranging freight charges and ran no risk of breakage we can suit all wtmd coiamfi ih undertaking oar thirtyfive years cijericnseiu this bnlncsbas resuitod in coavinciua the tullic of this entire community thii we supply firstciass work in alt orders and la stvles vbich compare with uioseof the city atonahalf city prices our hearse v is an excellent one and our teaui alvsys present elecoming appearaticc we have plea sure in invituig tba pablic to call oa as for anything required in onr lines speight son onlt 25 cents also evehv ukbcuittiox of eubber aud metal stamps tihoust 4 btzwakt mpo co ft ii h wt toronto hi otctitcbuttelllxri hliitlukjlinianul mm uaittatii- onaiettitrk hit aii s71 team ike coatrru alsuwulti aalfate ihm hurt 6rr li 1m tnsi tawri l avhmawawssslossm 100 packages ofljjetar goods arrived -at- the right hottse hamilton i t meek v contittlnsof carpelt carpet fet brayroa boat corteu blanket table dardatki towelliuiri i caaet german mantlet directjrom batjin table ollewil frain baij cotton diapert tarkey doyleflottonadea woollen yarat bhmtinm prill- iogt flannel xkneroideriet boja collari 829 pain painted window sbadei wxltilrdi window shade cloth tapeatry carpeu lace cnruina sharmiok new ttyle of laoet mechlin and bratieli silk vat watkint bis ttore are crowded eiery day there it a great ran on tbe mantlet bboo jacketa ijolmant linttian circnlan childrens and milan mantlet jerteya etc joit remember that watuot hat imported 23 cuet of mantlet jerteyt etc iu the very newest itylet in all lizci from tyear old girl op to hajlargeet woman from the german maoafectnrert who make them cheaper than any other people and they are telluu now at very low prieat for toporior soodt he hat alao received 9 oawa of new and taehionable mantle and ulttor clouitf ont the beat german aud knghtli manolaclorert jnttieethoae handaome mantle clotht in plait twilled pmboated bro ihe plnth and sealette clotht the dreat goodt etc are beautiful and veryohfcp the millinery jbrett aod mantle maken are all doin a roihlns bntmeat ind the ltd iff are delighted with the itylet andfite of the tfarmenti uarpelt ate ding off w il tietookr oarprta carpet materiala window fnrnitiinst fornitore covering window cnrtalna lam bretnlniofvri5thiwpdaandiiewaattylei bemember the mantlet mantle and ultter clotht and dreti oooda from laat winter which re ellin oejow coat prioaa woaae enter the ttoree eaat of t le carpet window mary make mittaket and do not ret into the but honae camar of king itreet eatt and hngbton itreel hamilton oct i 17th ibm tjecoivrtais o wtitts i r j cfe h tic k ja m- infill jtssiiga 00tbiki sleateljri beaust fckfcltt rf j s fiilirii- r anyfocaled distj iyej r 7 lrrh sach z- hfii parii uii ii 0 of smtllforl ijriii hndre zf je3era fcchri oi dclriytiz it- mtziy focaled d ratarrh nanse trouble inrith have ciurrh snd tl bottle ofsaio i1v iifvsrsca hcittred cad ia bw w ctanh by consoinptioa an- i i44l nwt fcji 4il dmegiits or will b rj i pr- jrcc 50 cents sri 3 isx bt jvijcihs i futftlfiti cp bfi9t51 la bcvors cf imitatjosi cinurr is when i sayrrnk i do not- stop them for a tiints and then nawiw again i meax a kadical tubh i liave nude the disease of eits bpilepsy faitilng sickness a lite ions ttudy i v riliethcworstcawi rveau la do reason tor notjiow r inj i at once lor a trvili anj 1 1 bjtt ixunijilsiaikiiv ofbre it cuts fu nntklm iis i branch office 1s4 west toronto ffissm r4 wfs t554 bill w 1 c tuauj aodfl p r p ealinid tjb bonada ahlt mlqh elatsh j wbl wei sal

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