Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1889, p. 2

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dintat ajiemrood ou the 8tili vile ot air john datfi ot a won hajuusd october the ttlbxfiiunibal um bom th bride rrwu on uw 16th october bt re j edwin vartirtrlrotberttlbbrtalit j ob a tyler to jelfflit fuiddt daosbtet trf flohn fanner ktq both ot clenaec out ttui0nl8iloiui3rtiijly her rfaa ualkw at lb twuuiot f bride ertlnoaa to ivmb mtaa ida jao budd of b t wutou d nassasaircra uiula artoit ou uie th october marv juw ejdcat dancbtcr of robot uolt aged nan cod 9 tnouuw norttaxdcowtents it u said thai the bntiab gcverumctit hu initcwted sir julian paaneetorie the british ianbuudor at waahtnjjtqq to oesouate ot a wuiemenl o the bchring sea and atlantic fishery tiesliont ni the fact that tenral town havt caiu for damage oa their hands airing to aliened defetsate sidewalks and hifihrajw should remind the street and ndevaik oommiltes of acton mtmieapal council that it ii mnch cheaper to mend the sidewalks than to pay damacm or fight a iwiail thwt an at present eight vacancies m tthft senate it fy difficult to naderstand wty some ot these vacancies at least hare been left unfilled for so long a lime unless sir john ii oaot more about to iteali the policy of the liberals and abouah the senate by allowing them to die out ax monie gnxte among the suggestions for the consider- itioti of banker andfinanciers in reference to the approaching renewal of the banfc charter are the folio wing increased enruy o the public the adoption of the american principle of depotiunc govern meat boodt for the circoialioa and ia uea of doable liability act the tote per share u compared- vtthbe old ending scale and the appointment of permanent auditors hie 300 men tubing oil lake winnipeg forth large fish companies report the catch this season larger ihan hutand abont 1000 too of rommercaocht whitefisfa hare been packed for export the frtc przu taji one indian made f ufl m sir weeks this summer daring the winter the icelander and indians urine along the shares of the lake made sufficent oat of their fishing operations- to keep them in prqriawcfi pr0y s sjcoxtkntiok the animal hctunr the awwlfttlon at tot onto large attended mgut bsm0 orpba istekest the annual convention of the babbath school association ot thii produce held in toronto lut week was lately aluwded delegates befog present frttu noarly ovcry section of the province the convention was op sacd iu carlton st methodnt church at s clock p m on tuesday bet dr hantet coudacling de- votional exercise the election of officers beii took place a follows president j k ilaodouald toronto atioule secretaries rev e bactaw d d t pickenog and william m graham laiefield baiincu committee a shaw kingston j g goarlej- tor- onto geo fiatherford hamilton v johnson dellevilie thomas ifuir lon don w j daveys toronto l c peake toronto rev johtiifceweo lakefield j j wcodhouse forocto a diy tor onto mr william rejoold of peoria chair man of the international couvcuuau was iatrodaced atid ioke foe fifteen minalesoa the bible and lesson helps their relation to eacn other in the preparation and teach ing of the lesson in ktudyiag a lesson his plan was w first road it in the bible and then recoatit it lo some one from memory jte then got the dictionary and looked np the meanings ot theranoat passages and urns got all the light m thai way possible after that he took his lesson help and saw what other teachers understood from the chapter he adused teachers never to bring the lesson help into the das it ws well to fire the children something to do from sanday to sandsy have them hunt ap something and make oseof their bibles constantly then followed a few inmates of discm- bioc rev j ifcewen af lskefield called attention to the growing tendency to nse the bason helps in the opening ot the lesson and thaaftht the teachers shoald pa against it for the bible should be used ranch as possible the session adjourned at five oclock tet lvemit iceetlng at eight otlock in the evening in tin central presbyterian chnrchjthe delegal and their friends gathered in sach nambei that every pew was crowded after th devotional eierdses in a trx well chosen remarks mr kacdonald acknowleged the honor the association had conferred upon a canadian is lieatgoterna of soath dakota three canadians are among the aspirants foe senatorial honors in xorth dakota and minnesota democrats are talking of ronning jim hh1 for goternor and alltbese men are the architects of their own fort ones the pabbvc fatorities becanse they hare earned the esteem and goodwill of their fellow citizens by earnest work in the came of the commonwesiui chicago gmadix america very uuk basiness is done withoat either adtertamg penonal nsrfing or something elae in fbe way of solicitatjon it is of no use to ait down and wait for customers unless some work has been done tovrard bringing them a man might as well go oat in the meadow and wait for potatoes tosproatilna planting had been done there he might linger till doomsday with out dining off potatoes it is the same with baainesi matters the seed most be plant ed fended cnlutxtcd watered and all the rest of it then are said to be eight hundred and eightyseven abandoned farms in the slate of vermont alone while all the other kew england states are similarly troubled the people who onoe occupied and cultiva ted these farms hare emigrated to the weit or gone to che cities the land uwornaat and nobody will take them with the mort gages that harden them how to restore these lands to fertility and restore their population are problems for the solution ot which no practical scheme has yet been propounded sir john lowthe greatest authontynpon agricultural matters estimates this years wheat crop in the united kingdom at 8732 2n quarters and the qnantity anilable for consumption after deducting two bushels an sere for seed at over 9fis85l5 quarters taking the population for the current hsx vest year at rather over 3000000 the amount required for consumption at 505 j busheuperhesnwulbe266ilaarters tobe pnmded by wheat in stock and imports his forcast last year about the same time and upon the same data proved urtlingly correct i j canadian cheese has splendid reputation in the english markets and in this line canada is more then holding own with the united states notwithstanding the fact thai the united states has a population about twelve times that of the dominion she only exported hut j ear about four million pounds more than canada the total exports from both countries being united states 88003455 pouads and canada 8f17327 pounds in the matter of price however the superiority of cana dian cheese tru clearly shown canada recti vingfor her smaller quantity 18923000 wsile the united states only received 8 sgflqq this record is one which every manufacturer in canada tbould exert him to maintain 1 trttt d2ath of th h0x a jfofiels a prominent piblle xan fanes awaj after i some year of retirement tctosto october 28 the hon ajer- 1 ander morris exiieuugovernor of uaoi- toba died this morning he has been in ill health for a long timeand retired from the local legislature at the last election oa that account the hon mr horn was the son ot the late hon v horns who was a member of t the old parliament of tspada for thirty- nine years he was born at perth in 182c reooring his education at glaegow and hc- guf being called o the bar in 15l the deceased was ejected to the old parliament 1 from sooth lanark in i so j aod sat for the riding until confederation and then in the rederaf parliament untdlfi7 heassam- ed the portfolio of minister of inland rev eou4o 1360 and held it antif july 1872 when he was appointed chief justice of manitoba being the first officer of that rank to the new province in december of the same year he was appointed the first lt- governor of jtfaoitob and the north west territories and he held the first position oniil 4877 he left uanuoba in 1877 and on the death of sir matthew cameron was elected lor east toronto m the local ltgiilsltire of ontario defeating the hon oliver mowat i jadge mooro ot kfw yock were welcomed to the conudtion and all replied with kind words ot greeting- two delegate wore roothod from tho w c t u mn wy lie aod mrs ravvcett the fornw ot whom read ati address treat- lug ot the great necessity ot temperanoe teaching in the sanday sohool i tho evening meeting was field in the jarvis street baptist charch evory seat in the large edifice was occupied and camp stools wen placed ia the aisles president macdonald presided rev t f potheriogham ma of st john k b gave an interesting address on the boys brigade the boys brigade had originated in 1883 in glasgow through the efforts ot mr w a smith and in 1688 the organization numbered 11000 in its ranks with brigades in great britain and ireland australia and st john its object is to advance christs cause among the boys the officers ot the brigade are christians and exercise a great influence orer the boys the next speaker was rerdmetariih v sc who delivered a thoughtful and in teresting address oa bible reading in the home and school after a solo from itr blight rev dr mackxy ot montreal delivered an address oo what can the sabbath school do or the uncared for children of oar cities he was in favor of preventive work he would have the sanday school provide the poorer classes with amuumenu and re creations in tact all that would show these children that there are those who cared fop them in conclusion ho pictured- by eloquent metaphor the possibilities lying before the workers among the degraded classes he hoped that the workers ia this direction woaldbe many and the hirvest great hicealu couvenlioa opened at j am jadge moore oondacted the devotional exercises the first subject was inlrodaced by mr j l hughes inspector toronto public schools sabbath school organization and order mr haghts made an able address though in some respects his ideas arc much too radical for general adoption the weekly teachers meeting was dealt with by mr reynolds who- pointed out the great advantages to be derived from them a number of delegates testified that even in many rural districts successful teachers meetings are held rev j itckwen spoke on the ital steps in the teaching process hu remarks were illustrated on the blackboard and his various steps were in groups as follows neighborhood news fumuhcit bj comipondciiu cufod from xxdiingci and fttkvd uji lijrltietvuj j our municipal laiei hae boeu made pay able on tub ifilu of november january and march mr henry gray principal ot milton public bchoolrhas been engaged to teaoh even ing classes in connection with the mechanics instil ate herbert dent was fined u and w12 costs and david lieut u aod i2m coats for assualtfng james a corner and his brother at zimmerman a week or so ago by magtslates dice and robertson erik mr john borland delivered a lector on music in the biqc ribbon hall erin last friday evening the reopening of barns charch took place last sanday when the rev a gtlray of tcxo a to conducted services at 11 a m and g jo pm the sermons both morning and evening were replete with interest liberal collections wore given by the con gregation the opening ot the belfoun tain new bap lilt charch will take place oa sanday nov 3rd when special services will be held morning and evening jldcocalt geokgetowx him and then called on rev dr potts to lit contact impression recognition and mytrp an address of welcome to the dele- attention 2nd co operation instruction a hundred pairs of bed blanket to be sacrificed mi kelly bros 9100 a pair op gates speaking on behalf of toructo- dr iotte give the atj s visitors s warm welcome he said the city was proud to greet the representatives of so powerful an army at that of which they formed a part thej represented an army the magnitude c whose work the j adranang erangelixrtion of the world bears testimony these figures he said would give an idea of the strength of the worlds army of sunday school worki ers 1jsm schools lttosoy teachers and 771141 scholars- he said the power of the sunday school wls shown in the fact that the increase in the church of god is larger from the snndx bchools than from all other sources the sanday school was doing more la unify the ch thin every other insaecce mr reynolds of peons responded in very happy speech reports of the worlds sanday sch convention at london were presented by the delegates who were rev a mclaaguj- hn sherwood mr d mclean toronto and mr win johnson belleville mrmc- doghlin kept the audience in laughing humor and mr mclean also made an excellent quarter hocrspeech mrjolinsop epitomized very neatly the report and work before the worlds convention and some of the results that ha ve crowned its delioer- ations t after mr blight uxi tceiled the audience to an sdmirable vocal solo the rev drt stafford spoke fifteen minutes oa the sub ject a general knowledge of the b ihle essential tothe effective sunday school teaching the point he brought oat very clearly by example and luastration was that there sboulibe a large knowledge of the bible generally or as a whole before t is attempted to explain it in detail it should be emphasised that the bible is ot e book ciillu the morning session commenced at nine oclock with devotional exercises condaci ed by mr j k macdousld rev john mcewen of lakefield hon secretary of the association was deputed to introduce the first subject the ultt mate aim and practical results of country and other local associations the next subject wai treated by the general secretarj mr alfred daj it was the ennday schl geography ct oar province in relsliou to be extension of oar work mr day spend a great portion of his time in the work of orgsairing and his speech was a sort of report of the work over the province he spoke of the impor tance of organization ot sanday school workers he teliered that ot the gjocxjo yoang people and cbildrep in the pronace there were at least 250 000 protestants dvtr whom there was no sanday school in fiaence rev j w rae acloo spoke of ssi bath school statuses their character ar d utility he urged that the questous sett to gather statistics should be of sucli a nature that they would interest those o whom they might be sent the retorts shoald be carefully made np for no one would be attracted to examine statistics whose arrangement seemed unimportant to those from whom they came rfe also referred to the utility ot statwtios and illustrated his remarks by a cleverly arranged map of the county shoeing the location of babbit h schools ac 1 hon james young one of the cx-preai- dent ot the association after remarking on the valae of rev mr kaes thoughts aggeetod that the provincial association shoald have a form of questions to be asked by the townships and counties so that when alt he retarns were gathered the ii formation wonld be uuifonn at the afternoon session mr a- shawif kingston occupied the chair in the absence of the president the report of the execu tive committee was presented by the gen eral secretary mr alfred day it review- edtbe whole field under the care of the association and iu earnest words exhorted the workers of the astociation to rest not until every child should be andertbebenign influences of the gospel m uaght in the sanday school they saggested that the matic for the coming year be occapy till i come the treasurer mr j j woodhouse if toronto then road the financial statemen which showed a smsll balance on ham although over 12700 had been paid out in association work daring the past year reports from the delegates were thei received they all indicated great actfrrty in sanday school work at this point rev a b mo kay of moi treal mr j parsons newtlrnnswicknnfl and assimilation ird conviction habits character in the afternoon rev r p mckay m a treated the subject attention how to secure and keep it in a very practical manner he was followed in a discussion oa questioning caadacted by mr wm houston ma which broaght oat ideas and experiences from all sides the afternoon session was closed with the convention in council led by mr rey nolds many practical thoughts were pre sented and in the general discusaioa no doubt much good resulted the concluding session was held in broadway methodist tabernacle on thursday evening where the largest audi ence of the entire series of meetings gath ered after the devotional service rev g h sand well was introduced and gave a- very able address oa parental example and training mr reynold then spoke of better things this speech was one of the best of the convection and held the uadirided attention of the large audience to the close after a camber ot twomiaate ad dresses oa the personal benefits derived from the convention hon s h blake made the closing address he felt the parting hour to be a solemn one and hoped as the delegates departed they would realize in a great degree the immense responsibility resting opoa them toward the children of the co3ntrj his closing words were an exhortation to work with greater zeal sad more complete consecration the couvenlioa was closed by rev dr potts with the benedictian calseof george fttxfs death the coranert inquest tie jary charge the g t 0- with vegugeaee tne coroners mqceut as to the cause of death of george flynn night switchman on the g t r- at gaelph wbo died from injanes received by a train passing over and crushing bis leg was held last thurs day evening at the police court the jary after s short deliberation returned the fol lowing verdict tfctoecrseflrc oa the sind october 1889 in the jird at ue o t ii freisht at gceifti received injuries ceased by trim ko ltuirudi bcdiodon llc ijornu of the 3rd u c cud uixt deceased awc t lux dath villi jcrfonicc duties wbcli lc iu cat bound to jjtrfon at the mac time to tnd the g t k coicpany ris jalty of ncellcffflce a not having he miss rail lloded the remains were broaght to acton on wednesday evemog and conveyed to the home of the father ot deceasd mr martin flynn from thence ibe- funeral took place oa friday morning at nine oclock tbe reman catholic burial service- took place in st josephs charch and was oon dacted by kev father oloane after which the large namber of friends and neighbors present proceeded to the r c cemetery where interment was made aceovix cafcejurtseclued after seven vccv s selection undo from orcr a tlioaiautl person- crucifrj oct 11 a complete jary was secured iu the crcnio ease late this after nooa when this work had been finished the states attorney asked for an adjourn menl for two day in order to give the prosecution time to make out a plan for the presentation of its case the defence objected and jndge mccounell com pro mised by adjourning the bearing anul this morning the empanelling of the jary commenced aagast i seven weeks have been occupied in getting the jary one thousand and ninety one jurors have been summoned of wlom iii have been ex cused by counsel for cause fatal accident at gleuwlhiani georgetown ffcraltl a sad accident occured on tuesday by which old mr grant met his death hs was walking by tfie bridge near mr boards tannery when he stumbled and fell striking his head agaioit a timber this is supposed to have stunned him perhaps killed him so that he fell over into the water and was found lying there dead the receipts at the anniversary services m the presbyterian charch last week were 1150 rev d strschan who has been officiat ing in the presbyterian church for several sabbaths retarns to kaox college this week an open meeting ot the lsdics mis sionary society of the methodist charch will be held on the evening of the 7th no vember the revising ofiacer had an easy time ot it at the voters list court here last week the two parties got together the evening before held a protracted meeting about five hours and came to an agreement so that the judge had simply to coufirm the list a it stood tftrxrfj more plate glass front are being pat in this week where is acton tor fine stores kutckblll at gaelph on 2ind oct bj the rev mr cobbledick of that city mr wm taylor of nassagaweya lo miss lizzie humphrey of wawanosh mr tsylor and his bride will reside in the royal city in the future oa oct 23rd at the residence of the brides father by the rev mr walker ot rockwcod george thomas bog of kobert wilson nassagaweya to miss ida jane eldest daughter of mr wm rudd eden mills may their wedding bells ha e many echoes mr hogh akins nassagaweva had the misfortune to have his bam and out build- tugs together with this seasons crop of about 1000 bushels ot grain consumed by fire last thursday at noon it appears ibe fire originated from the scholars ot no k school smoking elm roots about the straw stack mr akins son who was in the stable attending to lh horses had nar row escape with his life in trying to rescue the horses as it was he received a severe scorching about the head aod neck much sympathy is felt for mr akins is his mis fortune there was no insurance most farmers are taking up heir turnips the crop is not large probably averaging tlz bushels per acre fuxeltuv my remarks on the municipal candidate seem to havi struck a sympathizing chord in some ones heart judging from the fol lowing letter which appeared in the avid on saturday last an llutka ctl 1 laitoc hlltuji 4n cuuidern ojitaiuu uli lshod in your ppcr ut cvcaics btiij rtiicr racfhca aid hclctiiu licdh tstlsl liu la coming trout tis perch bj imblishlithe folio- t ode our tmuxl clcclio u iio clox it lxud lch noljncc uppcrtwl bj lis little- land there is uzlcuah emlih tad ltnoct au unbiiioa for fiirc to iosr the kurilu ttjb tlat uc i luocs ind fly v liatctneit lint be eta no deaj kever tniud itic co it vera re tbe si tbe rriulp itgirias res a political uilc soloo tofxijfi it seems to be generally understood that major moore and c r smith will retire aod leave the field to mclellan and kenrick in that case mclellan will get the lvthohc vote and no doubt the majority i an important event ot this week was the laying of the corner stone of the new free library building in spite of much oppo sition the project was carried and we hope soon to be enjoying the benefit ot it the baildiug will be s credit to oar city and occupies a fine central positiou tbe dis orderly meetings ot the board arc a thing of the put and business is conducted prop eriy lady assistants at a munificent salary of mjw per week and prospect of a raise some day have been engaged also a caretaker at f foo 00 per year it is aston ishing that competent persons can be got to work for such same and more so that any one can keep body and soul together and dress a these will ha e to the y m c as new building will bo ready for occupancy at an early date the gymnasium will be an attraction for yaang men run as it will bo on the best system iu vogue anywhere the subscribers will each be examined by a dr who will report on their capacity for training and they will be assigned to classes accordingly it seems that hamiltonlans arc not all charch goers the annual sermon of a certain society was preached in a city church last sabbath afternoon and as the members were filing in one of them stop ped to ask the janitor where he should hang his hat and coal he no doubt ex- pected to seehat stand provided railway matters and the hawkins case are quiet np to time of this writing previous meotings held respectively in milton and oskvills will not fall to tend a tow rep regents tim st ltut to let ni kuow that they are living aod are in good health especially would we urge ibis opou oar acton friends i have heard a great many remark that ac ion li such a pretty little place and better till that the people were so kind and sociable now we would be very much pleased to test their generosity three months hence providing we get an invitation at present we are living iu hopes that oar temperence friends in aatoo are as good at taking hints as we are at giving them mr w h young who has always and who still takes a deep interest in the welfare of the young people of oakvlllo gave an address at the ypa last tuesday evening mi youngs address was ot sach a nature that all present ooald not help bat feel touched by it especially when he mode their thoughts wander to the city ot toronto nol however to the busy streets where men and women were to be seen dressed- in the latest fashions but to the homes blight ed by the curse of drunkenness the address was appreciated by all and the young people hope to bear from mr young again m the near fat a re mr j a doty leader ol the methodist choir returned home lut monday after a two weeks visit to maskoks messrs c w anderson and w h young left on wednesday lo visit friends in lslmcrstou thevugesor sr three irutucrt flogged at the ccutrul mwu ou ifuadsy on oct 3 patrick sheeny william leader and wm tarnbull were councted by judge drew of indecent assault ou ehr- ahelh richardson at gaelph on- the hlh september the sectencem each case was imprison ment for one year and 3g0 days at hard labor and to be twioe whipped with nato nine tails in presence of the gaol surgeon the first of ihese whippings was admin istered at the central l shortly befor uooq on monday m the presence of the warden ibe depaly warden and the gaol 6urgeou leader look hjs flogging very coolly after ihe first stroke or two but the other two bellowed vociferously antil their punishment was concluded- the men are of a better das than the usual recipient ot floggings all three are skilled mechanic and men ot fair education none of them had ever been convicted before but all were of intemper ate habits this week hto xbijtrtistttwtis r b jermyn is making a big display of dress goods mantle cloths and millinery every lady uakulle if you want a reliable working boot an elegant sanday shoe a comfortable even tag slipper or a rood trunk or valise to nse in ravelling go to kenny pros boot a shoe store acton lee tbe favorite tailor is the only man in halloa who keeps roeu coat makers only his work isooiisoqotjntlyfittclas leave your orders with him if want your gar ments entirely satisfactory an mteroating aod exciting debate took place at the meeting of tho r t of t council on friday eveuing tbe subject being resolved that a railway passing through the street of oakvolle would be detrimental to be town rev mr kettle well led on the affirmative side and was lapported by miss l anderson and messrs d robertson and j doty mr 5 bacon who was to act a leader on the negative side was not able to attend bat bis place was ably filled by mr h has- band lapported by miss m anderson and mr e wales the speakers were confined to five minutes each excepting the leaders who were allowed ten all were waiting in breathless anxiety to hear the decision of the jadgos tbesflirmillvc aide wo declared to have the best of the argument next friday evening there u to be- a fiony meeting of which yoa will besr more next week on thanksgiving day the district conn oil of tbe county of halton meet in bar- liogton we sincerely hope that tbe r t nf t councils not represented at ihs two dont be tormented by hearing y oar little boy crying abotrf hating no overcoat and the evenings are so very cold when yoacan bay one for 52 jo at kelly bros nicely made and of the best quality it you want to secure a firstclass boot oc shoe made to order out of good material and by reliable workmen go to kenny bros boot shoe store acton itcie should see our dress goods which for variety of style and elegance of design surpass all our former efforts the cloth is right the shades are fiiajhf the price is auaj duwiu c utbtlsi lilottuyj i ii u acton t acne hotel on tbvwjri 1 fourth wfdiidr of f aeh montli floor south of btp t hem slid office fa teorimot lut church fixe j0h pk1stis0 toii rutus ocil lcni lioti uca iia imoting jofficc eidcn by mtil reedttta iieuprtuuflgw j you ill us lkarougbl hutfe caili for fur skinf thi uidcrigau i i a eai lm tjtadi tu fur iliur including w jilrwj fiu2 iuill ikuuk flc has ql ittfk v- b scttliofelsing lumbeh th05e ngrta laubcr can u applied t tho tortffato liaif cjujiny mail at unsx house tbe uijl 1 bo- running tai a cof slock of ill linjs ol lnbcr is onhand fafi urn also 1 lad lh- rv sj toiuvto u1u compam ltd f village piweitj jor sale at a low price i every ladv should cannue our llunllc cloth uud cloaking bclore purchasing it is not old back number stuff which has been resurrected cverv fall for raanv years but new and stylish goods wc have to offer audwe do so with confidence knowing the style and price arc ccrrccl our millinery opening was a grand success hundreds thronged our show rooms and expressed their admiration a great many put it in more tan gible tortn and gave orders the milliners are busy hut wo have anticipated a big trade aud are prepared lo fill all orders we solicit a trial order and would lemind you that we do the leading trade iu fashionable headgear in acton i r b jermyn kb this week we are receiving large shipments of iur goods m coats jackets muffs boas caps and collars al ters to the fair sould see them chehp the rcotto children cry for pitchers castoria wlwa dbr ttu nek vt jire her cutori when die wu i cfafld ibe artel for cmton whea the became hie ihe elm w omtarti when the had chfldrai the eare them cutorja absolutely pure tliupowjernctervsncs amarreloritaruy itrflngthsadyboletotneneii uore economical linn tfca ordinary kfndf and cannot bo sold in commtitionwith the multitude otlowtestoh art weight slam or phophat powders bold oalr fncaii uorii bixixa poworii coiog wsii 8t xv 1 drucs medicines toilet articles and ci crj thi5 kelil iu sicl assokimesror fine stationery he who would block icli of pre res is ibblso sctcrusli- princle the watchmaker ofglelph will i1tijs ik fuujdasauc attcadui to liiccanof hiicualotucn vvatcboscocl andjevcitiy j scsre auuoas to rlcae j ou and try oar ust w do pood uri u joufaavc a watch whicli others have failed to uiie go ngbt tend it to us ceo d princle watchmaker cuelph school books blpnk books etc wlllhtlouiida mochrvins drug a stationery store acton j y kannawin manager 1 lumber aud sliiuffles laudatlbolr mill eel of pine tuptily fanners and thk utidcnlsued st idiuotiouh abotlt 7u0j2oq foet of pine lumber aud are prepared to upply fanners and other with any quantity pi lumber for turns or other building at reasonable prices a itock of nine and tadar ahlngles fs sii on band tayiobbitotheus the golden lion guelph and glasgow remnants itaxltactukeks ends llaviug cleared from a leadiug canadian mill the whole stock ol- remnants of the scusouh production iu ilakxels at a little more than 50 cents on the dollar we are uow offering them at a en great reduction in price these eodo range from ii do to 20 yds in length aud the price is such that they should further increase the crowds that constantly throng our stores j d williamson i go all icriou liauiigpuuipliiii growu frou tho hit lain iiuiiii luu stcdn distribtrttd h ouhatntoc 4 co will kindlt bring tboiu lotbc uou on or before bai urdsjaoth luiuif they uii tocoiniwto for the pnxes offered a that la tin utoldav ou which thej aui bt rocchud j i wjlxuwud i thl undcrigitd baflncr i by br kobt waller to ptor far sale uls tttiftv u oir cuusuuns i t ui block il outq lot is a good rainc dv au a italic laid tta oft niter and a uiiwr of trait treca ha al onct lo 1- hoohl i v111 jni oiici actun0n utp0htaxt e1ig doutljiiizlh lit canada tiny can oar reputation ni rciisibility u otabliib- cd o want urco men in s our vicinity to re- ttsiut us loubciii cicijitl umuiry ni b pen haudsouic outlet nt balary aud es- icuics laid moovj employment tha jcarroand write m itoucc flcrms iltrdj 8kl for canada a fpcciajl ui hkothlkb sirscryinen itocbestcr x t saless8eaxted3 a i e lautut joition eaniiid mill salarji and ciitiios i aid so expeiieaas neodai tiii us great advances to begiimert fat wilms iiwcialure outfit free wrii ijoick and g cbo cc of territory stating asc ill hoohelcobocbesterh 3u6ikess change thx oudcrijded wishta to inform the ynblirf and his noinervcn costomcrt that be bw diaixwed of bfi bntclianiig boiiness to ilma jamca 4 edward uatlbewi who nil conbani the boslaiss aa heretofore lndisi06ins of tbe buiineas i desire to beartiy qnnl my etmtoiners for their kind and liberal cnmiort dqnng the years 1 have becnin buisca here it tb same time i would ecik for xfeasrs mattbewi a conunuance ofibat patron age resting aasnredtbat they will do thejr jlnv kift to aene the bt lattnata of all wbo deal wiuitheiu t ui x0tice to cbeditobs -or- i james henderson deceased the creditors mclndint uuosc bang any specific or general hca or in cam wince njt on the kstate or any nndidded ahare theretjiirf janiea henderaon late of tbu townahip of mf i qneaing in the connt of halton fartner tb died en or aboot tbe 3th day of jolv 19 153 hercbj rciuirci to scud lo jlichaol lamb egft nnin acton lj3- one of th liccutors of ifcji eautc of jam handcxbott decoaaed oa or fore tbe fint day ofnotemkr 1s9 tbar tia and icrnauiea addreast and descri with fall partlcnlan and proof of their 1 and statement of tbeir acconns and security if auv held bv them claims to prored b btatnlor dcclarijols and notice is hcreb civcu that after hie first day of november 1889 the execatora proceed to distribute tbe aascts0f ihe and ceased amongst the partieli tntiued tte- having regard only to the cbtnls of what tyqt ahall hatd had notice and thedecotora wwao be liable for tbe asset or any part thereof to any person or persons ot wose claim or elr 1 0 shall not have notice at the time of socn tribuuon this souct la given imnlint t k60 chapua lie le ks a mclean boiicitors or eiecntcre john hascll and llichael lamb notice to credit0b -or- w1lliam smith deceased the crwiitors nclmliii thavc bvienr any necinc or grneral lean or tnecmbranea npoti the estate or any undivided share theroeft of ttdham smith lal of tho muage of acton- in the count of halton who diul on or about tbe tcvcntctulb da of ugiikt iso are hereby rttjaircd to send to jam nn smith acton pu administratrix ot tbe estate of m plum bmln dorcased on or 1efon ulic flhtb day of october lekmhcir innstiauaud surname addrcbcsaad descnpuoua with full jiartifalars and proof w their claims and statements of their account and the tccuntv if anj held b them claimi to berotcdbybttutory declaration and uotice is benby fmn that after uit tail ilh daj of october ls the said administrate will proceed to diitrttrate the asseu of tbe m deceased amongst the parties entitled thcrem having regard ouly td the claius of which she shall have hail tnlin aud the administratrix will not be liable for tho aacu or any jolt thereof to any person or persons of whose cuum or claims she shall not ba c nouec at the tnpa of such distnbuuoo this notice is given pursuant tj 10- wi chap 110 c uilk4s a itcllan soudtorsfotumiidstratruv dated this jtlh da of sept 1b80 1 1 18- the cultivator q country gentleman the best of the agprcultural weeklies neoiunw farm crops and processes horticulture 4 ftuitgjowlfig live stock and dairying fflle it also include all minor department of itaral intcrcat such ai the ioohr d ento mology beeheeplnggrceuhonse and urapery nfterinary bepliea farm questions aod an swers tlwide reading domestic economy aud a summary of tho news of ibe week ltt market llcporta are uumuahr complete and much attention ia paid to tho rociu of tbe crops aa throwing 4ightuixiu one of tbe inert itnjrtnt of all juwtiouswbcii touuyand sbantotmll itishbcralh illnsirattxl andvy hecent bkuuuirmeni contains wen reading matter than ever beorc the knhcnp tion prico is i 50 per year lut wc cflcr ajffec- 1 4l redcctios in our club rates for i8 two subacripuons m out rtmittanctiii t 4 blibubacriptions 0 do 51 jo twelve budscripuoni o d j i0 ijitnahkc subrlrv r 1s90 f lu advance uowwc a ill enl 11 e japer eckij iroui oar receipt of tu iz ranci io jtuiwt 1st 100 witbtlars i sitcuiicu copivi i nt i n luther tucker ron albany n y 1 ulljien 1 000 subscribe xo7 j fob the 1890 weekly empire c1vida- u idivg mtpep i patriotic in tons true to canada true to ths empire remnants j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st gaelph 84 oiwald st qlugow the emm3e is now the great weekly paper ol th i mimj k srvial arraictrrv r uiv rdd ui and altraunr dauir jtli i grcatlj lucrittsi k inurt t i alit vi an induceucul to 1 ircc il u the baud o all patriotic canadians the balance of rroa iar willbogltcu free to new subsribers llakiu- it only ono dk ma iphi now 1w cad of w adduess nieemptretwrouu oiu ffiu ban i 1 r soliw oil t jeweller iiller menhi htlu 1 ih mobt i winoed amill i iy on p i han j t i fcre j uomfei dr steet a sueh il lo mer daf sacp tb hethd irterly i mi o4ay the 1 biiolelj tbi extent 1 po iionatt j eeevj hate nt entt nqiires biyu m w con inct t i dot hi l for t paiat mr oilarml on iex hot l filledee1 i alaa j 4tinlnj ow ii i atreta are a4e tilbedj itguaf 11 loe at at iwl hj iwrtedl b eonan1 we t witt ljaite i4- tbei the i cillege- u catu ter f 0 onuhd thej hi om ioftol ieybj ionj hrt avlel 5i

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