Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1889, p. 4

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kt drtt fm fuss thdittluy 8eptkmber 19 1888 ije ounjj folks drsssaro ror rb cszldrsk t mm m jl lidokju i dna or my huia children said antounr met and fair w atbvr little brood around fact ttood kacu eialmtns ttt uthe of care iwid hart thua all rflmuubor ttwur mother u t do mine who with pontic- art impnatd oar heart la a manner near dirfu bar drua in oar eye via perfect 6a staple yet made wilt er and ire mwm to ac htrehudren three the flora of her auinine liair aotoe ihal veil accorded w itn iptrlt pare and ci vo cmim rule bat qaict taste that uie children aodcrstood a mother could quite be likelier i thfiacbt u t took bar hind for the pleaaut walk and the treeing tali she held with her little band- so i tint for my utile tlifldren and oot for th world outside and my hoibandmea vnd quite agree w ith i wjtt and mother c pride i jingles and jokelets fhir an itoorwtth uie wuc ken lb wtt andthpamffjhlofthe day jamm h qilraoar o t gilmoar a co wholcttj grown brookvillc wji i havemed tumirtc ehur for a teverc oold and cough which it romcdialelj rehccd and canni 1 icauanl law oohsutil ci ro is ntccuarj again t unci lctd attacks of amnmer caroplaiuu no remedy it o veil known or toaucccuftil m this class of diseucf ai dr fowlet s lx tract ottttldstrtwbflrx keep it in the home aiafe guard a11 age and wnditions ot people may ou national piua without injury ted with great benefit cmumaptf tared an old pbysicltn rottod iron praouea having had plaoed in faii htndt by ineul india minion ary the formal ot ft atmpla tcreuble rtmedy for tho ipwdv and per manent care o conmraptlon bronchitis oaurrb asthma and all throat and long affectipni also a poallire and radical core or norrom dabdfly and all nervoqicom pliinte altrr hiunc tested jti wonderful curtivo patera in thousands ol cmt hu felt it ha dat to make- it known to his suffering follows act cues by this motive and a dcsitc to relieve human sufferlnj 1 will tend free ot charge to all who desire it this rtcipe in german treooh or eoff- tsh with fall directions for preparing and using bent by mall by addressing witfe stamp naming this paper w a notttf lio power a block rochester k y pulv talk to bols a boys position in a commercial house u mqjliij- at the foot of the udder eisdaties are plaint his place insignificant and his salary u small he is expected to famhiana himself with the business and as he become more in tellicent ior regard to it he ta adranoed to a more responsible position his first dnty then is to work he most cohvate day by day habits ot fidelity aoenracy neatnesc and despatch and tiiese habiu will tell in hu firor u inrely u the word revolres though he may work on nobcedaad oncommended for months such ooadact alsrays meets its reward i once knew a boy who was a clerk in a mercantile boose which employed ax entry clerks shipeontc clerks buyers bookieepers and salesmen eighty yoone men besides a small- army of porters and trnckmeo andthit boy of seventeen felt that amid inch a crowd asthu he was lost to notice and any effort be might make would be quite onre garded nevertheless bedidhis duty every morn- ing at eight o dock be was promptly in his place and every power he possessed wu brought to bear upon his wort after he had been there a year he had occasion to ask a weeks absence donnc the bosy season that wu the response u aa unusual request and one which u somewhat moon vement far as to grant but for the porpome of showing yon that we appreciate the efforta yon have made smee yoa hxve been with us we fake pleasure in gituif yoa the leave of the absense for which you now ask i didnt think and the boy when he came home that night and related hu sac- cess that they knew a thing about me bat u seems they hare watched me ever auice i have been with th they had indeed watched him and had selected him for adtincexneaf for shortly afterward he was promoted to a position of fsrnst with the appropriate increase of salary if most be sooner or later for there is nearly- always irfemtnd for excellent work a boy who means lo build np for himself a successful business wiufindit a long and difficult task even if he brings to bear effort of body and mind bat ne who thinks to win without doing his very best wflifind him- eu loser u the race therefore boys be honest in work sx fl as in wonl scuefrl oxe ov the lssfectok a school inspector tnm from glasgow has the aedit sayi the dundee scotland jtdeertnj of telling the following story samst himself it ought to be premised thai be is not tall and has not been blessd with much personal beauty bat he thinks himself and deservedly so an excellent public speaker xanung a j amor class one day lately he wiahed to lead ap to breath the reply to a question- hehadno reply si first bat after a pause he said what come out of my mouth a wee httle fellow promptly answered gas si afterward in explaining what an adjactive was he said i am a man but pla an adjective before man t lam a little man sxcjaimed one hopeful the inspector don not like to be called little he said well ah give me another m ugly httle man ahouled a too literal boy keif thu dei sms lhave used dr fowlers ex tract of wbd btrawberry for the last three years and can always rely apon it as speedy core for diarrhoea and all summer complaints i can recommend it highly and i wish you etery success has w fonxa 12 oxford st toronto c c jacobs basaln an employee of the u 8 ejpreu co- says vr thomas edeetnc oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried almost eterykoown remedy besides two buffalo plj yu cans without rebel bat the oil cared him hethinkeitcaanotberecom mended too highly aeompleterevoratiouin the state of a stomach harassed by dyspepsia is caused by asing kottfarop lymans egetahl discotery or blood panfier a medicine spectslly adapted to renew healthfal actfv ity in that organ and in those which most closely cooperate with it the bowels and the iner easy digestion an increase of appetite sod a free secretion of bile mark the radical change which it produces u youwant to bay or sell a farm ad rertise in the toronto watty uail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and ytmr advertisement should meet the eye of someone wjjo wants to pur chase advertisement of this class are in serted in the toronto weekly mad for five centa a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion address the hah toronto canada- mr r c wiulow toronto writes korthrop and lyman s egetable discor ery is a valashie medicine to all who are troobled with indigestion i ined a bottle of it after aufienng for ten years and the results are certainly beyondmyexpecutious it assists digeaucm wonderfully digest my i food with no apparent effort and am now entirely free from that sensation which a every dyspeptic well knows of onpleaaant fulness after each meal a rripl ffraleot t bad mood may corrupt the entire system and caasescrofnlous sores swellings ulcers salt rheum erysipelas sore eyes and ikiu disease as shingle tetter etc barjdock bjoodbittersparifim the blood snd cleanses tones tod strengthens the entire ivstexn it dt millrr however old obstinate or chronic jour case ma be burdock blood bitters ha cared so man scemingl insurable cases that tt ic well worth a trial ut joart caeordjspeptiiscrouii laercomplainl etc at twentj five eart standing have been cared bj b b b a single scratch mi cause a festering sore ictona carbolic stive rapidly heals ccu woands bruises burn and all sores parity of ingredient and accaracj of compoandiqg make jftlbarn s aromatic qainine me the cntenon of eicellecce mar rtt live lstc pro per oc ftill live longer if jour cook uses onlj imperial cream tartar baking paw der alffayi reliable purest and beat much dutrest and cknea m children is caused by worms xfother graves vorm etlermmxtac cie relief by removing the cause give it a trial and beooowjeed 3let4 c c eichici t co gcxts i lave ued your minards lua meat saccessf all v m a tenoascaseof croup ra my fanilv in fact i confiicr it a remedy nalome ehould be withoat caps island j i crvmvbiu so say all tl at mmard c liniment is the standard liniment of the day as it does iait what it is represented to do then fifc j- tried having giren dr fowlers extract of wild btrawberrj a thorocgh tnal i do not hesitate to ay that i believe it is the best remedy for all summer complain u disr rhasa dysenterj colic etc ifttils wiite springfield ont k short road to health was opened to thosesnireringfromchrociccoaghf asthma bronchitis lumbago tamnre rheumatism exoociated nipples or infiaracd breast snd kidney complaints bj the introduction of the inexpensive and effective reined dr thomas edectnc ou x kftxttaw disordered kidneys five rae to rhecma tsm dropsv pam m the back and lorn- etc besides many dangerous complaints aectisgthekidnevsthemselvs asbnghts disease uremia etc retuate the kidners with bardock blood bitters the best diuretic and ladnej remedy ever devised cattfsunpuu snrexjcretf to ttc editor please inform joar readers that i have positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its uniely use thousands of ho v less cases nave oetu miaueauy cared i shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy feee to anj of your readers who have caniumpta if they will send me their express and p o tddresx kespectfully dn t a elocck 1 west adelaide et toronto oct the third page of the toronto dl f uaj is noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or seil anything if you want a situation a mechanic a bosi nesa machinery lodgings if yoa have losx or foand anything or if yoa want to cnd out where anyone is advertise m the to ronto daily mad and read the advertise ments on die third page of that paper the charge i two cent a word each in sertion address 27 had toronto can ada annex to llonm are voa distcrbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crjicg with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and gets bottle of mrs winslow e soothing byrcp forchildren teething lis vrlce u iccal cckblc it will relieve the poo- little sufferer urmediatcly depend cpon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentrv and diarmaza reguktes the stomach and bowels ceres wind colic softens the gems rednces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tetn ilrs winslow s soothing syrup for children teething t pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physician and n arses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twenty five cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winilow c soothiog syrup and take no other kind hfurdc uflfmeot u lie uc 1 paine s celery compound ct at the 6ame tiki om the nerve8 the liver the b0wel8 andthekdney8 this combined dwn gircx i woo derful power o cafe ii aicaies why are we 8 ick becaase we alio the nerves to remain weakened and irritated and these gteat organs to become clogged or torpid and jjobooous hemors are therefore forced o lite lood that iftoald h6 expelled nalurally celery pawes compound will cure biii0tuxzm prlis cowsnpanos kidwetcow flatffti ueutaet diseases rxjtale wexejrrsbheoau- tis1- vetjbatgu a5d ail vzot0us dibondees by qraeung and strengthening the nerves and causing free action of the lircrljowcu andlijncvr andrestor ipg their poircr lo throw off disease vtvibfferhiijai7afai tni aefeeit tfi j tamented with ftuctttuftom wj rd4tfimsrcxdinjreseidwyil i vhy e4rttteiiicrievbmhsi wliy ka pucruu nifhu 1 ue faikts cxuxr laumvwd tod rejoice w imldi u it su enurdy rekta- bce ttmej btnnjeu in all casei sufyati dncptlt mtiljoo weusfilchardsontcoreprlsfcia hontflkai f q botand emrortle out swetvrtif browns household panacea hss no equal for reheviag pita both internal and external it cares pnn in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lumbago and an kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderfal brawns hoasehold pan aces being acknowledged as the great paiuliejiever aud of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every fsmily handy for use when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pain and aches ofajl kinds s 2d- j i for tale h ill droggiiu at itf oeati a bottle it is worse than madness to neglect ft cough or a cold vhich is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the fore runner of consumption and premft tare death infiammstioa when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and branch ial lubes travels with perilous rapidity j laen do col delay get a bottle of blckles anti consumptive syrup the medwln that grasps this formidable foe of the human bod and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the ooagfa heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder- fal influence in caring consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to sate the live of their children and themselact from much anxi ety troablo and expense let them procure a bottle of bickle s anti consumptive syrup and whenever achild has taken cold has a coogh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions oat arwtri catarrhsl dcatkciskav fevtr a new koiic tscavwcrr gfx are not ecally aware that these dises se eo2- ous or that they arc de to u a i r cc of hvinj psrullcs m the 1 tung rrembanc of the aose and enstichiaa tabes jlicoscopta research tircvc his poved ir j to be a fact and the re alt of this discovery is that a simple rcttedv has been fomnlawd where by caarrh calarrhal deafness and hay fever are rmanenlly cnwi in from one to thce s 1 1 eapp ications made at hoore by the pit tit once in tiro weeks kb ts ttament is not a snuff or an om trl bui have been dicaraed by rcj kibo phvcfars as injurious a pcjinikt cm jj mg nls new treatment is snt on tkct t of tea cents by a h duos i sq o03 lect king street toronto canada tt oj glolx suflenrs from caiarhxl troufales shoald nrcfnlw nnl tne ahovc best of all coiii rattli iu ave ci erry pec- tocl s n p itr 1cjjji 1 titan ever vo irtaxa for thrust and lang tr ubles is ro i amp fn its effects so ijccal dot i listr and so widely fcn r- t it i the family ineili- amiiiii i iva oflio chulds 4 1 iw ft r t fo- years from a bo dual l cubic that whether i tska fold tr a ii crsl to fuclement weath er oiuw i t if h a very annoying ticllir si sa ion iu the throat aad hr ii nculiv in bi3iin e hare tried a cnatinny rcmcdlck but none does so til ier ci trrj i tctoal wueli ai vz s ml es pojijit n htf iu retcms of nv old txnni laiut ernest v- hepler it jki a- of public roads parish ter- rc la i e la i ccmsme- vcr s cherry pectoral a l ot jnrralt rated r for home use i ijivc tcied uk ntritire power la my fimilv manv tiins during the past tuirtv xean an i lave never knaviii it o fail it will rehtie the most serious affcctiot of ibe iliroal and lungs wlic her iu clz i uxn or alulu ilrs e g ldgtrh co tun ijiufls iowa twenty wars ao i was troubled vith a diae of the itingt doctors pro did ine uo relief au 1 coha derev mi cue 1 jiii i tbcu began to utt ajars ciilrry lectoral an 1 before j i ad fin abed one bottle found relief i continued tq take this tqedictna until cure wax effected i belleva that ayer c chrrv pecoral saved inv itfu samuel grfggs waukcgaa hi s r retrt ago i cortracted a severe co 1 whuli settled on mr lungs and noon developctt all the alarming svrap- toms of cousunintfoa i had a coagb nlffht uvea bleeding of the lungx pains in d est and sides and was so tioslrated as to be confined to my be 1 mos of tbe time after irving shoos prescriptions withont benefit my physician finally determined to civc me 4vers cherrv lectoral i took f sad the effect was magical i tecmei to rally from the first dose of fils rnedldfie gnd after using only tin bottle am as well and sound as ever ilodney johnson springfield iii ayers cherry pectoral fbxrxizd ar dr j c ayer co lowed miss tcldlrivnsgimu- priced sxbaalmsa dr fowlers wmextqf li wild jtprvberby b cures hoixera holera morbus ramps ffi iarrikea ysentery and all summer complamts and fluxes of the bowels it is saf e and reliable for ichudren or adults urd0gk pills i asurjcune for biuousnccs conctipation indiacanoti oirzinc33 iick hcadachc ano d1sa0c3 or thc ctouack livun atlo d0ucl3 tmcytsniuito tiiorsocn alto pnomfr ih acnoc aho ronu a valuaclj aid to oursoca duoo cirrcna iu txr trcatusrr ao cont of chnonic aiiq ocstinatc dibcasc3 and united states vouch that if you are bick thut am th1 only bimlblcolh tht would that pval give you health jjksfk ftnia extract frofn the scientific papers of qreat britain and europe a mtw qcmktvk ik mcdicths fes tour greatest ra adlcal ceitci the world are london pen irlin and menna tbeso en a re immenns liosplial teen 3 with sofferliig humanity cowcl of studenu thronff tho wads under tho profc- es fi ko curc2 catammkay wfei boss coldcatasfihal 0bafhe 4vh vug avthtntio cj emanating fnm tclmvfietomrtct now toor cti lailltu jdu tinftatnvff6rointmiftiettut ctartfcrf ci lnjurkn 91 00 0 qc0u8h8 colds 801 hftis asthma cchsimrptiohattlneomparttbh nmtrfy tou not n k g ioi c cotgh but cndhettt lis iluat ami tt-ciyttt- tte lung- ant rtttoru watts tltiuti f jr r ca izaie of lift 1 00 0 zjthzumavsha dthingvh erf oirrf xttt- i ct f c aidt i ith 1 nest in parti mht trtlu iuilnnctie bu 1 1 it reputation en xhit rimtdf 1 0 iruvht aho kwttcrs ctsppsli amd hdibcstlot constipation briqht8 dtteazb- a faoorltm tlaughttrfii d far tit ynaca mho ka rvlntj port rmacms than ale a li a nm4 rancfenrrf ia high ptax tf 00 ko trsym amd abue dumb auq uauma ncuralbtafew know what gran fomagi wt toe thtiyite it it trtaleito break it fc a uk utt a rtaeif fiat eradicate it 1 00 ko femau weakjtm nwu ftes whitismany wotnta are grokcn ceai besauer hey neglect inett dleeettt until ktorle mi eatei ln no tt and regain keattk and ttrtlk 7 co ko 1health f0pm ak0 fvuios dterd m mrf blood and fott of tt tf weak if blood it pocr ftcnwaf uittkit perfect tonic 4120 ho tmesvouf deb1uty loss of p0wesa uack cureridden public wit hcltt acrclre r aedg or an vnfortuale condition no 0 it geld a a jen one trial wlil prone sevan of ignorart cvackt bo charge kigi prlctt for cleat anf vortnleu dnigt end pill properties of which beg an utterly ignorant and who expats vov bg eulng pour conf denial lettert to otkert in as tame refarlova bminetu c no 8 end tfn again 100 ohx doivivajl each to be had of all deucoists i jtfavirfncbcltfctmniiklinrtnlprfcaunticnarhnct vrd3l ttk i m k rowdj dixomnst qatcx otn41 nertmna ial km rttcail tiaa bif uufl llcoptti kcncdks vwm n tcicctlc wvixf uvl ttun mfanr nor lie and luv prkcd tad dnixxsat skt bo fctem aninoqik aar topecujc pfcrweija fl lei hit hcra tiiw nadnafavt n dona to tacana or leouic wakteataa peraa ocbtxj taivuur donc imiviue i0m7 la the puktt v rtte u kttcn m otbm b lb un dwvpuuw ualaem hr sdi jnuiia tt inctlini twoncpcidpajttfaualh ttwbbwbui tr tbt omadmz farak der rep habk rm ksft lvuqcu snlcr trauma usm md hoc cawr toma brdk iltai wo gamma am ut i ot net mimon pw marc cmciaa 1ma itm dm f t fxitl or puesi dkiom ja tbi wtrld rf the most renown cdphrs ns of the world teach tna j-ric- um here and tho inttito ens a a storehouses of medical knowldrc and aperience snh a vlrvr of aaktnf this cxnertcneo available to the nublio the hospital bcmcdr oo at great oxpensa secured tbe tvescrlpilons of these bosrjuls prerared the spoclfies and al- ibodfh it would cost from s25 to u0mseeure the attention of their usilngilsfasd oilginstori yet in ftu way thslf rmpand sptelfles an ovoni at tba iirtos of ibe uuaek mknt medicines that flood the jnarset and absurdly elalm o cure twi 111 from a ilngh bottl- the ani always felt ior a reliablo class q domestic remsdles is now ma with perfect satisfaeuan oipltal jiemedlm make no oable dahna thespecue nrcatarrbetirei thai and nothing 1 so with the specific for brou ti wnsompuon nd long luolmi bheainaulin is cured by 1 awhlla troablm of pjfulon stoniafia urt and kidneys havt their ewn onre to these 5 addod snfcifieforpeterand ague ono to tenjausweakneas a general tonic and blood maker thai makes uomand gives form and fulneu and an incomparable remedy for mrrooi debility ley nssgifstlwsplmr remedy qo headquarters for scythes snaiths rakes hoes spades shovels forks scythes grind stones nails hinges locks and all building supplies i harvest mitts i machine oils i paints and oils i tube paints peuchens prepared paints wall papers window blinds alabastine croceries c sole agent for brami common sense 6ah balance rrantjsash loci and coruinl ollcrr iisoh laur ence i cfce td speetaciec j b pearson s2sb wpringle the jeweller of cuelph being an issuer of marriage licenses sells a great man engagement and wedding rings possibfy as large as jou would find in an store m canada it is worth while looking ana ceo d princle watchmaker cuelph speight son acton j a speight manager caniaplily jou with all the furniture required to famish your now and cosy little home or torepleaiib yoorhotaa if a icttiod one iii am style at the very lowest prices there is no article of furniture we cannot oi ij and further we deliver our furniture and 1 ou have no arranging freight charges and run no risk of breakage vo onuialtall j undertaking ourthfrt fircjeani cxiertflnee in this ijasjacii ha trsaltod la conrtocing the public of thu ontiro couunuult unit wo tupph lirstelaas work in all orders and in stj lpa which compare with ujosc ot tlio city at one half city price our hearse isaueacelleutoue and our team alwsjs jmisenl a hocomiiig appearauco we have plea sure in inviting tbe public to call on tut for anj thing required in our lines speight fe son the golden lion guelpii k glasgow j there is no claso of goods tliat afford so much worrj and annoy ance in the purcbaing as black silks it is so difficult to judge them and bungau expenbire dressa lady is naturalh ciutious about venturing ou the purchasing nhero there ia such au clement of uncertointy about the wear if jouget ngood one there is no more serncabk or economical dres but it you are unfortunate cuoush to get a poor one and the chances have usualu been in faror of the latter it is just bo much money thrown away tu future we are going to sac our customers all trouble apd risk we hare secured a new make of silk every yard of which is guaranteed as to color and wear if it is not what c icpreacnt it fo be all weaakis that on return it and wo will refund the mono this make is the durable letoffe princesse ask for the above btind or cut it out ot this papeiand bring ltfo j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st qnelph 84 oswald st glasgow it is an established fact that j h matthews keens the bt issortej and icfit reasonably priced stock of iabt and hesty harness whp cum coeiis hrashcfij faca i ada harness oqi dusters and fly vets trunks sd alises ttat have eve- been displayed in acton ordered work and repairing guaranteed satisfactory remember collars fitted b us are glrasteed not to hlrt j h uatthes hill street actoii for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins snew gem rings i new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b say age guelph guelph clotn hall large arrival -of- nsw fall goods shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph big- bargains the faie will wind up business in acton on the 7th sept if the people of acton want bargains such aswill never be offered them again the must come at once as the fair is bound to clear outeverything in stock and is anxious triateer bodj in town and countr should come and participate in the rare bargains remember the 7th of september is the last day railway tlws3gft fxjrcm mali- oyim tliio einnli throughhij difli ia iui h aeeoin 10 v pi ccei ixlorcloshokutl going e3siatn anasopjn oonigeaitojjain aojswuju the moet poeeeaifol benedy rm oh arcd u tueenntn inljtjrjr domliuu j tr t pooflttj d2dl j knrtu co tn ftbci mj tt gentlemen 1 niva atd k a injalnjfri aeic thsv 1 i n tfllffjoiblfl tnd t arelnevy itqlj rccoamiead it 10 th h n asl verrcjpccmrj ft m c ductiui kendalls spavincure t p qarrata f qeoulllaroicd tr- i ilool jwln k 4a 81-1-1- cruutn btsm biehku isfrtarrjoortbi mjjiit roar kfcllwte fearteeo mrnatt irt 2 a nt rtreu htsrofrrrlanilkij1 1i1 l 1 vi 1 1- eh 1 s wm 1 mw7 l ktoaijrf tnecneef7nirtaiuljjmks 3 iiled atj uh on iht hone- yorj iririwdn l p waiascj kendalls mm cure fot fcjc mis a da ii i tcrdilxo ijtmln rsull uttioeniua 1 ultsri jecti yosr spa tfn cure nd bllr fa fcaii i illd iter h uil j what jtm line vary tn rfa i lar and auoiwi cav r klwr ot jean itaivl let on mare t ics i boaht u urvci itiijina t- noteen anjiljni ct dlcia tbej- oliprias iccn r r h 3 oima drusrt he u or fan rrt t rynniwtan mt in nr ddre q 1 cc or pk lj tfc soid y all liyj nxsts l contains np iymi ajmaoma m plospiiiaai 01 jut uuqekhs scsstusl ew gllleft- uakofanuhsb of tttr celkbhaizd iulyai teafflt cas uftoe ntiiij fit bntltmi3bint ikon sir wt n ejt 6i tr re tk wumvtedhua m ii iiwra tftuc co bx 3lo auu 1 manhood how tost how restored just published 4 netr odhioa of drcolm veuscelebratedeasnxc tie eadieal cca of spennaiarrhce or ictjai tctr ladoced bj excess or early in iisrtuesi 1 tne celebrated antbor la i this adminu eaaay clear jflemonsrxateafram a thirty ran inocesiful practice thai tho alarming ecoie- qnoncesof early error miv be radially eared pointing oot a mode ot euro at once unpin certain injf effectual by mentis of trhidnrery lofferer no matter what his icondjiion ih may cure liimself cheanlr iritalcly and nak calfy j r3tpiilctarc thou dbc 1tlcuindslifbtrj youth 4nd arcry man in tbelatia sqt under seal in a jli z i3mlopw tq addreta on receipt ol four cctu 01 fwo ikwk ampa addrea x tie oultorvell mouclc w jl 0 mice s qocei tentr j st oeorg accotin periodi- fituugn sa iutkit hqwtoue po ujtttt burclook blood wltl cure or relieve biliousness bizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion ruttering jaondice of the heart erysipelas acidity of 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