Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1889, p. 4

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fjffi methodist ckukck r acton fiuy io lottu uti v lti jiteebcie jniejts haie ot i t re c c iht 1 sy o a ottfokd mi pb-d- pistor rirs2icc h3 arenac j sorris io til ci srciav i-iooiu- bibscumwuimiedljjuiij raikr all carflilly iarited jp u ituas ire desired rijl to it it hoorc hynds home gleanings wulclt sre mostly ot i lact1 cluriclcr md alllttfcrwtliig ac oa tfafoa lricii2arii society a mcclingc tte dirccvjre o actoa union agriculsind sociely wiil in held in lire tarn lull jacltra 03 sunrdiy jaiy 27th ut 2 oclock for tbe purpoie oe arriag- iofi priai lists appointing jndgci md the transaction o father bnwneae summer ctnkrilalstjaaa h b thesumniercirnivi and electrical c hibilion in honor ot the openieg of the canada acific railway it st john k b and vhich is tho flrat electrical eihibi toncvcc held in the htrilime provinces vuofnetilly opened it three evicck on the afternoon jot jlondty last by his honor sir leonard tilly licutenant- goernor ofkew brunswick the eihi 1 bition which is now in progress is certainly geo hynds actoil ont the american continent flarrow kscipc from serious injury on monday evening lit willie the five- yesrold son of 21r j b pearson hard wire merchant of this town wis etaniing on 1 dray driven by mr joen ilstthews and as the dny stopped near his fathers store willie attempted to jump o2 jest as the horse again etarted and missing his footing fell between the wheels fortunate ly for him the horse was promptly stopped by thcjclriver but only jest in time to avert a 6erioas accident as one inch farther and willies head would certainly have been crashed beneath the heavy wheel of the dray i george jsweuety stationery store actoa r t xoio want and vifbrosn p u ctl1 a fice liae oi birth- zt fcirds 02 btna kcmcuibcr ccr stock of ffifcctadetrtiidarpiwects we ca ealt x tlkp leading rorc ia acton tor wslche s jcrcilcry silver ware speu etc jtzvttt fhtcfatt fzttziss tedrsnay july 2j 19 trui for ar co ica tad r krives carpca- in- foral ii of eateliof iilndtjt r ess a or operty lico 889 iwn tx the t33- thc i- indfcxs jin icnglb ojcr mii k o the ocek xxfed itinuent to tt rropenr beiiir or jet lii fartic i i resixma- ljr mi j ii wtisiic- lcfcre en- 3c ont 5dlki7 nxoft locals r cchakdj tbe evertaaastitfai and alert j freerrusseeportere ciric holiday icgast 1st ltcic for dullness advertise 7 e hatths new advt bppeets in i4er cclumaof this- issue tavellicg fakirs are uiea jmco per yrfo da business at the soo vtilh rnihy o the farmers in this vi- ffi harvest operations are in full sway wccfcaca ccmmecced the brickwork calle cew manse on willow sireet this rl s neit dbredar is civic holiday ee fuu pncj will be delivered bn wed- esiv evening i bpeciil rates to different points on the g i e- granted actons citkeas jsri holiday lueusuarlnom the western states is3 tbe korth west the wheat crop is a fulace or almost so ehere- is s cegro in hart county gstsia whose foot is fourteen inches lo3g tiicl meascrenient idcnt wene abcrat hard times bat get t tf hemp cn yonrself and see if you can- z3t hg about a change 1 ifr w j player has secured a tran- zz tauers license for our village for he paid the surq of 5 oqjjq jililica players claim that they played tie best lacrosse on saturaday last but lie ttcn boys gotthere just the eame semeof the wheal and barley in this ricaity suffered slightly from being knock d inni by the heavj rain on monday the pulpit of theesptist chnrch here vat kccpied- last sunday both morning ud evening by eev ca cook of bloom- rjdn saturday lasf two of gnelphs xa epcrts fucceeded- in lauding over a fcaucrea fee trout froin the grand river ten osprice j i sarveit has cow fully commenced in tais neighborhood and crops are cp i to the trerage although wheat is in some places exfderab yruted trying io da- business without adrer- liiiag is like winkicfi- at a pretty girl ia the lark you may know what yon are ixir but nobody else does ithe gaelph trahnow eports a new c ttbich is a decided improvement otr contemporary is certainly to be congra- uied du the neat an improved appear- vxa i jens dust ca hill street i again be coclns troubedme especially afiectine tfcexnercbaats would it not be advisable iairrauge for a watering cart to sprinkle the principal streets li sensational preibyierian preacher of chwago toofe for the tert of his prizefight kraou st pauly words so fight i not is ilue that ixateth the air sullivan vasnt in the congregation jwould cot a nicely finished gate pre- he toprotectctbbicelom warns the scientific avuricaa gives the follow- ins recipe fair ererminatmg the green worms which of late years have woreed such havoc anioug the cabbage gardens of ontario kerosene 2 gals common oap illj water l gal disolve the soap in the wjter and add boiling hot stirring vigor ously all the while to the- kerosene and this will on cooling form a thick cream to one part of this cream add nine parts of cold vat sr mix thoroughly and spray the plants the above will also extermin ate the small insects which infest vines aad shrubbery cuuht zn the rils j young man named simmons a brake- man met with a terrible afcd possibly fatal accident at the c p r station at orange- viue about eleven oclock on saturday night he was engage in coupling cars when his foot caught iu rails and before he coali free himself a number of freight cars passed over him cutting off both leg he was conveyed to the eoyal hctel where his iajaries were attended to simmons is a recent arrival- from the old country aad has no friends here he is 22 years of age the doctors have eliht hopes of his recovery a long lost bctilbzg accounted for j it will be remembered that last fall a canadian mail pouch which was made up at the canadian soo was last and since then almost every possible method of ac counting for it had been tried and many broad hints of officials dishonesty uttered mja saturday afternoon last it was found in the woods near the soo junction where it had evidently been stolen from the train end cut open and rifled the pouch con- taiueim017 in rcfetered packages oli of which wascauadmn customs dues the thieves got it all bat 5j17wrfch was over looked but which was reduced almost to pulp when found the xe sues tel perhaps the meanest roan who ever struck the city accompanied tbebricklay era fcxcursics from torjnto on saturday he was witnessing the games in the park when htamps fg co it uis- lcltvcrs croup litis aid 61 ihe of it l fri-yi- 1rj t til 1 liiiarthii line i 1 1 idi-r- tirjvo- lislurtl im- 1 van t lii ol il 11- ml a m in lowell nil 2vo cherry uivali n- i irttt seusa more attractive appearance thanibe fuecf rotten boards and rails that ba-rn- ci the entrance to he beautiful avenue lsadtugto the public bchpol trobtthe broad smiles that chased adiothsrover the faces of some of ont local sports last saturday evening we per- iue they assisted our hilton friends to taload their capacious pockets the feiifcixss would like to see a de- uruilued and united e5ort made to secure k7eratmacufacturing establishment to locale here it us he up and doing and que a ehowingtenterpriae that will en- cociige strangers to remain with us rnecrcsentsgoto brampton to play lle eicelsiors of that place on thursday is 1st and an interesting match is antici pated the frrr pcns congratulates the cresenis on their hitherto eueceasful eeoeon and wishes thsm a continuation of such success in the comimr contest pi horse attached to alight wagon con- uitig i gaatleman and two ladies ran wty on the slora road saturday eferung- tie occupants were thrown out but escaped t any injuries worthy of note the t cenreyance was badly smashed and its ccxuts scattered on the etreet pi lacrosse match bet ween the brants of piriiscd durience of orangeville will tats place in orangeville on july 27th the vcuhe c i ii employees annual pic- oi there the high standing of these two cfe will guarantee a match which will cue of the greateit attractions of the fajv inteudiog visitors should not fail to ivjil ihemsefves of this opportunity of ituessicg the game pou tuesday momicg as zlr and ilre fjfe sommerviile were driving along ilill 4rwt at a lively trot thefrontaile tecame eiiealy detached from the rest of the sgy which drtpped down and allowed its iccatesto roll gracefully out over the dash fcrd ilr sommerviile sustafned aelifiht cui 02 the cheek the howe now only drafficg the front aileand wheels cou- iuued trotting up street as if nothing had tappentd until etopped by one of our citi 2usilr sommerviile then readjusted uiafcugy tad drove home thankful that fothiug more tenons had happened kutledethe butcher wishes to re- fnl the people ot acion and vicinity that he his alwaysiu stock a choice supply offresh meats spiced roll bologna etc at reasonable prices and- solicits a continu- ation of the respectful patronage that baa hfcerto been bestowed on him a fail etoclcto select from at satisfac tory prices at kenny bros- boot a- shoe jire acton if you wmta reliable wtg bonf afi elegint sandajbboca comfortable eveir- wr thpper or a gocd trunk or valise to use in travelling go- to keimy bros boot mob itore actoa u neighborhood news furnished by corrcspondenu called trom lidiauses aud picked up by tilt way mltok every available carriage ia ourtownwas hired to go to acton lastsatardajv wo were sorry to sio the delapidated state of our lacroaso teatnon their retani from acton last saturday night their usually bright and chaerful countenance then betokened umnistakeabte evidence of defeat during the afiieruoon some evil mindod person hsd sent word to milton that our boys had won by foor straight games and the consternation with wruch we received thefinalnews is easier imagined than described the boys say they cannot run all over a mknttofii farm and play lacrosse at the same time last week a farm house in the scotch block owned by slrj chis joyne and occupied by hr john fletcher caught fire from the chimney and burned so rapidly that it required the greatest e2orts on the part pf the occupints to save thetcrnitare before the house was completely destroyed the house was insured for 60000 the public school j inspector has sus pended the certificate of ephraim buck the teacher who was charged with commit ting an indecent assault upon some of his scholars in kelsou township rockvvood hr t e and itiss anqie jago jeft litf saturday night for a trip to kiagarafalls the sacrament of trie lords supper will he administered in the brick church on sunday morning august th hr and mrs enos iorrish of st cath- irines were the guests of his father a few days this week j r a very interesting base ball match be tween the married anii single men pf this place was played lata saturday evening in the old academy grounds the score being in favor of the former mr james black tjaviug spent three or four days pleasantly with friends inbnmp- ton returned home tuesday evening i the many friends lof mr james barry are pleased to notice that be is slowly re gaining his health i mr and mrs sinclair cf chatham are visiting the athoma of her mother mrs donald bkck we are sorry to note that ira clark is lying seriously ill wih inamroatory rheu matism and coajestion as a result of severe chill received the spric we understand th siahal men and his- in the water earlv in t one of our profes- agent are at present kxat mr thos bole busily engaged in do ng road work its good job that eomeijody takysan interest in oar promenades hblll kassagaweya raised tie frame of a fine hank barn 30 a jl feet last friday there were about a couple of hundred present imongst the spectators was mr d henderson eimp acton the captains were messrs john locker and david bkck the pontest was a close one but eventually mr blacks men were tbe victors after the raising a grand tag o war was pulled six men being chosen from each side but this time the laurels went to mr lockers men mr and mrs boles provided most hospitably for the large crgsd and a pleasant time was spent aivr the raising one diy recently a little son of mr wm lang kassagaweja was attacked by a heifer mr lang who was working in an adjoining field hearing screams ran to his sons assistance and seizioga heavy club dealt the brute some heavy blows on the he observed a little girl carrying- hehtrread looseaiug itslhorns before it would with a tilver knife fork and epoon in it which she bad just wonin oneof the races he approached her and asked for permis sion- to take charge of the j articles the innocent little child handed over her prizes and ran ewsy ia take part is another race- when she retnrned no trace of the man could bo found her hat was discovered later on at the north end of the park lynching would be too good medicine for a man jwho would steal from a child gneiiercary successful eaiert2inmet the members of the y p a of the presbyterian chnrch eockwood presented tbe oratorio esther the beantif ul qneeo to a large and unusually- attentive audience in the town hall here on thurs day evening last the entertainment was of a character reflecting great credit on the promoters and really was one of the finest efforts we hive witnessed byamateur per formers in this place and reflects great credit on the- local talent of rockwood- to select individual members for special credit would be a difiicalt task indeed the sobs duets choruses sic were eiceeding- ly well rendered and specially meritorious while the costumes were rich and elegant we only regret that greater publicity had not been given the entertainment in which case there wocld havo teen a crowded house wewisb the young people of rockwood success as they well deserve it icsrrzed vs 5zcie on mondffj- evemdg one of tho most in teresting lacrosse matches of the season took place one team was composed of married men who had never played in s match before and the other of single men having tbe same qualifications as the majority of thesingfe men havebeen doing considerable practice they were quite confi- dent of fcuccess and it was etated by several that the married would bo no match for them but little did they think of the concentration of njental and muscular poivers therewould be by those who have entered the matrimonial sphere when from toe stand their better halves would behold with pride or disgust their actions soon fter seven oclock the contending teams faced and then began tbe struggle for victoryor death after 17 minutes of hard play uo agnew ecored for the mar ried the second game lasted 15 minutes at the end of which time geo havill made the lucky shot that gave another goal to the married men and thus left them victors by 2 too if yon want to teoure a first- clas reboot or shoe made to order ont of good material hhd by reliable workmen- go to kenny bros boot a shoe store acton desist tbe boy was not much hurt be yond receiving a number of bruises by the beast trampling upon him the farmers the past week have- been busy hoeing their turnips and several have commenced cutting fall wheat mr john mctavish who has been living in st george for some time is home on a visit mr james aikins manitaba is visiting his parents in nassagaweya mr aikins intends taking another car load of slock back with hira when he returns to mani toba a very heavy ram etorm pased over here on monday night the lightning was very vivid but no danisge was done every thing fresh and cool this morning castoria for infants and children t liissf fmtl toehfldrm th i gutort m colic coepi fcobwatont haaicdiid ilafrriooj tax cntticu tout 17 jiamj- street t r iturcperfortoasprtfcrfptioa i boar stomach diarrhcsa eraeteuon haaxcznud i kills worms tlra sleep and pronotm dt- naocaiotifltmunir waes tojmtaa oudleufao peesonal kenteon larajrapirespctins visitors to and from actoa with whom free press leaders arekrre orlcssacaualated mr m cowan of toronto spent sunday witn acton friends mrs jas warren of kincardine is a guest at cedar creek farm miss minnie fraser of limehonse visit ed friends in acton during the week mr w d brothers license inspector for halfon was in town en saturday hrjjandmrs w t stone and family of toronto spent sunday at cedar creek farm mr will ebbzge of the georgetown eraid made us a pleasant call on satur day last miss maggie moore and miss minnie xelion of guelph visited friends in acton last week mr jas warren of hamilton epeut a few days during the week with mr john war ren of esquesing miis katie brennan with miss annie and miss maggie lowry spent last week with mrs mckab mr geomcgarvin who has been attend ing the high school at listowel is spending vacatisa at his home misses- annia j kann and katielawson are visiting friends in stratford st marys mitchell ana st pauh mr alfred warren of lincoln neb is spending his summer vacation among friends in the vicjnity of actoa mr will j bruce of bradford ont is spending his vacation with mr geo mc- garvin at the home of the latter mr a c smith of the western insur- ance companys staff toronto was the guest of his mother at fairview place mrs oliver lashy who has ibeen visit ing friends in elora and fergus for sever al weeks past returned home last week mr and mrs j f grant have removed to parkdala where they intend in future to reside their many friends wish them prosperity and happiness in their new home mr joseph crewson who has been en- gaged as classical master in the high school at cornwall ont is rusticating among friends in the vicinity of acton during his vacation rev c a cook formerly a resident of acton but at present successfully occupy- ingalurcative pastorate at bloomfield x j is spending a few days at the home of hid father ha v r b cook of this place agents wanted address household remedy co i7s queen st west torcsto repairing promptly carefully and neatly effected at kenny bros boot tt shoe store acton oakville i public speakers actors and vocalists find addstate that dr thbmas electric oil relieves hoarseness and irritation in thetbroat better thatremedies specially uvcrtised to relieve that difficulty this oil has a wide scope since it cures external hurts cams sores frostbite piles and i variety of other unhealthy conditions tbe third page of the- toronto daitif moil is noted for want advertisements f you want fa or eji wything if wants situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yon have lest cr found anything or if you want to find w where anyoneis advertise in the to- tonto dju mail and read the advertiae- menton the third paje of tint paper the charge is two centa iwordeach in sertieu address tu llai toronto caa- sdai lultiltux another newspaper is to be started here this year three of the wealthiest men in the city are mentioned as furnishing tbe capital and it will be a one cent paper and independent in politics the timet and the spectator will have to hustle to keep their subscribers naturally enough rumor has it that firstclass writers and energetic managers are to be engaged the office has not yet been selected i believe although a newspaper of this character was started here abine years ago and failed in a ehort time there sems to be a welcome for this one and if properly managed it ehouldpay reacsrs are very glad to get an independent piper as a rule and read unbiased report- of meetings and matters of public interest i mentioned some time ago that a batch hi juvenile thieves had been brought before the police magistrate and though proven guilty were dismissed with a warning gentle treatment was not what two of them wanted evidently as they were cap tured in a coal and wood office this week having broken in with the orthodox crow bar their ptrents appeared before the magiarcte and stated that they had done all in their power to reform their boys but had filled the p m enjoined good behaviour on tbeo for tbe terra of three years in the reformatory the ccroiral committee are rapidly get ting things into jshape and have already arranged a ust jof attractions that will please the most fastidious there will be no better place in canada iu which to spend a week than in hamilton while the carnival is going bn from the 19th to the 23rd august rd my next letter 1 will be uble to give yoa some of the leading events on the programme one of the local newspaper complains that news w scarce just now and calls on the free library secretary to call a meet ing of the board- that would certainly liven things np fcr a day or so there are cot eo many men out of em ployment now as during the spring months applications have been frequent from 014 connlryoffice hands salesmen and laborers of all classes and one wonders what the young lads who ale growing up so fast around us are going to do when these chaps are willing to fill any place at any salary it is geetting more and more diffi cult every year to start a boy in the city and boys and parents in many cases are thoroughly discouraged shorthand writ ing for a time was a field that enabled manyto secure employment but it is now included in the curriculum of the city bchoolh aid hundreds of both boys and girls ore adepts at it- 1 the weather has been eiceedingly plea sant during the past week and the thermo meter maintained its iommec base nicely more pleasure- seekers or as the oldsay- ing goes summer boarders are to be seen in oakville at present than at any other time the only complaint thst i have heard many of them utter so far is the rowdyism which exists on certain cor ners of outfavored little town- a few take it upon themselves to gather together in the evenings more especially on sunday theirjobject being crseemingtobe the pass ing of remarks about passersby the spit ting of their tobacco jaice on the sidewalk making it unfit for an animal to tread upon let alone civilised people in a civilized country we all know that- of all the evils that curse this earth inmperance is one of the worst- very few of as have any idea of the terrible magnitude of this rapidly increasing scourge i for one strongly believe that tobacco is the forerunner of intemperance and am often led to wonder why temperaare reformers and lodges dont say more about it whydontthey include it with spirituous liquors when the temper ance pledge is passed for how can we expect to overcome any evil if we dont begin at the very root ofit the pulpit of the methodist church was occupied on sunday last by mr peart of burlington in the morning he etrongly set before his eongreration the great ne- cessity of private as well as public wor ship in the evening he dwelt chiefly upon the force of kind words kinl kordt can never fliu cherkhtxl aad blest god kootvs bo- dwii they liu stored iu tho breast i noticed in the milton litformr last week that it has again been display ingsome of its jealousy this time it is not towards the acton feci peess bu the oakville star the star his never to my knowledge ceased to shine and never has it shone more brightly than at present but the lit fvrilfr i think is ceasugto reform by displaying so much of its envious disposi tion the temperance excursion from hamil ton which was to have been held here qjc saturday last did not arrive owing to the boat being disabled the oakville council of the r t of t have arranged for an excursion to wilson park kyon tuesday the soth inst rgreat- summer sale x id xi jermjois acton n k picnic for bargain seekers 5000 yds of kev dress goods iu tho scarce hades jch ei lahcvgi2yaaigreaatbotthaif price we can save you at lent 50 per mul black cashmeres lieduccdto 3 s3 45 so 65 to and 75c we entrinte the 75c lias to be tut warp aud well wcrih tl per yard we causavo you tt least so percent new prints zephyrs l chambrays j and muslins t l good assortment sew shades heavy wideccioth aud fmt dyes we can save you 25 er ceut ia this lice gloves and hosier all kinds liitlcs and colors we tave you sc ier ctut bere we dont itretead to ecll roc i cheaper than every other bosio tu ctsajx far there ire others rho sell equally as cheap but they dont uo b tiiih ess in this connty it is an established fact that jh mrtthews pithe best tsionod icd mart reaiouabjr priced neck of light tad hetry htmeu whfpf curry comb brashes svet itdi hiroesii 00s dusien and fly sets trunks asd valises that hae aver been displayed fci actoa ordered work and repairing guaranteed satisfactory remember collars fitted by us are i guaranteed not to hurt j h matthews mill street acton great summer sale clearing out our summer 6wd are you married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager caa mpplj- rotnrith all the faruiturc rwjrired o furuisii cur net and cotv litj lcni 0ttartplehiabyoarbc2ieuaictuedoisryttyffl tt tbe very i sires prices tiierc is uo trtfele of fcrzliure kc cazct iuppv ted fenher driver r f2ruiure tud you bate no irrasgizj ireib cbarscs ted izs co riit ot lreakic we caaiuit til undertaking our thirtyfive years ccicrieccc is tuls bsiecsi bii resulted ic cocvieckr ibe itiuicof thlm entire coiaccity tbtl to fapply rstctis wcrv ic til orders ted ic itvlw whicb compare vdlh tbosc ct ibe city t one fcalf cily prices our hearse it an excelleut gu acd oar teaei tli present alcoraie ipiytriece wc btve plaa- sure ia ictitiag the public to call ce c fcr tnyttieg rcqod in oar lines speight son for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b sayagejauelph great bargains will he given in millinery gloves- feather rib- boiis straw eoads ot all kinds a fine ladies straw bat worth swo for 25c some as low as 18c dolmans jackets in cloth and silk to be slaughtered jtarasols 25c original prico 1 greatlinosof dress goods re duced to c 9c 10c 12jc and 1 15c worth double the money j muslins plain nud pnuted5c- 8c 10c and 15c aliuo ol sue- fnncy rausliu for 10c worth 25c blaclc aid colored silks at marvellous ftw prices colored satins and silks from 25c per yard npa beautiful black and colored satin merve- leauxntfloc per yd seersuckcry for oc worth 10c prints jc worth 10c ginghams and qy- prus lawns in great variety for 5c per yd and up 85 yds of lactorv- cotton for 8100 white cottou for 5c 8c and 10c per yd worth 20 per centmore also we are astonishing the people in summer keadymnde clothing nice cfoafs fbrsoc all our immense stock has been bought right weare bejling it cheap and we have reduced large hues to be sold regardless of coat remnantsirrsilksressgooclj prints tweeds and other goods very low it will pay you to give us a visit of course our miuip- cry department dressmaking department audorderedolothtog department is running at high pressure speed turning ont tno stuff to suit the most fastidious wm mcleodoo u mamxoth house qeoboetowk our spring goods keuly bros hcton a lool tlirorl cr irtil tsscrtwitndiiofby itoct of spriug hnitiug and itntlngl will ctin- bice yoa that wc hive the- chcwst goods jii tka-ty- a perfect fit fi atrantood every lime ordered clothing new hats spring ties t j r r vcu ciqsavamcmcyljylcyingvoilrlw ifftj caiinb tt kenrc wclivobflreceivl fteaciy mad6 u10tnldert7liailockctucn youtluuwitnacliiurcslskwuchi ol the choical toheni tiiitrles heoi suits rem oc bli od4 tintfi item cllj ur chitdrcai suili rotfc aimuf dry goods a ctrelcr tore eyas is t look tiiroh keily droi eloiet lasortrotit cf the inoit fashionable fprirg htiswhib itcycaa ell cheacx thtntayothor bosse in tbocoanty wchtve juit nceitedahtt3dre4diwe2olh jttesi and cost fajblonablb fiprftifi timl soirfs lor geetlenieq t vcu caqsavauiancy by lcyingjjonrlteiy ift3c oialiintt kelly lircs we btvfljflrcelvd e groceries 0rt4edrjgoodjctctbc batt n 0ritavolcroccrici u urj complete abd of lt iiy t iracit prices ourijjc jtpaa tea lmt tie world kelly bros buuer and eggs wanted kelly bros e special sale of carpets and dry goods at reduced prices -at- the riaht house hamilton satins a cirautl lino of kitius eveuin shtdes tt 32 ceuts per ytrd do tat deity ts tbit line is bclsg picked up rapid j- tnd ire caeuot ruict l less tbte ij cent millinery iuvice to montetts are yoa distarbed at night and brokeu ol yoar reet by a tick child gaffering and crying with pain ol cat ting teeth ii ao wad at oooe and get a boule ol ifrs wimlows boothics syrup for children teethidr iu vilae is incal- calable it will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately depend opon it mothtrs there is no miitake about it 11 enrea dyscntry and diarrhora recnlatee the btomach and bowels ceres wind colic softens the gumj redncea inflaramation and gives tone and energy to the wiiola sys tem iln winslows soothing syrnp tor childrea teething is pleasant to the laate and h the prescription ol one ot the oldest and best female physicians anil narseir in the united states and is for eate by- all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and aak for jlrs winslows sootbing syrnp and take no other kind durbjsjnly re will sell til trimmed bit tt cctttsd cntrimired tatsttij x ce b low cot sow is tbe time ta secure some cf tbetmest bits at medium prices parasols- corsets and buaucc in variety- eocj shoe and groceries kemember ve have tie best jjc lea on tbe market sir thomas c watkina is now in earcpe pcrciiiaing hii winter scpphes for the kigut hoase llead this good newi for carpet bayen a large variety best qnality 5 frame brussels carpets have been reduced in price from 135 to m03 per yard a few pttteras ol same quality at 65c qther brawls formerly 125 reduced to 7jci handsome bromefa border former price 130 now telling it goc brussels stair and hall qirpet at etjaally low prices bojal wiltoa carpet redioed frem 1135 to l5 best velvet pilecarpets reduced to u per yard various tapestry carpels at redaccd prices- a lot pf mm fiogi and tapestry bquarfi in large sice sellicg off at bargain prices hoatekecpprs beware and look at these choice bargains the various departments are showing many lots ol coodi at greatly reduced prices the bargains in gloves and hosiery will inr- priseyoo lota of nice silk gloves formerly 45c reduced to 30c others formerly 25c redaced to i5c other gloree for- merly 20c reduced to 12 a lot of hosiery in lalics and childrens tires odboeoto 12c some of these were formerly 15c per pair remember these cheap gloves and hose bargains in laces wide flouncing formerly 150 reduced to 5c per yard deep laces formerly oc redaced to 15c lots of oriental lace at bargain prices a lot of mens socks very fine quality formerly 50c aad 0a cjearioj cnit at 25c per pair childrens fine underwear at rednoed prices dress good f or- merly 80c 25c and 20ctm selling off at 15c see them in the window see tbe allwool double fold dressgoods formerly 1 nqw telling at 50c a lot of black prints fcrrrecly lc selling off at 7c ysrions lots of prints at redoced prices ladies belts at redaced prices beaded grenadine and wool cashmeres at rcdaced prices easterners wiil find many other goods not mentioned here at special sale prices new goods received this week black cbaotilly plonnciocs white embroidered fiona cings silk ribbons silk gloves in old rose and serpent shades choice fanojf frfllirigs ladies co usrs si j k parasols verr04 lot of ladies embroidered underwear beantifal flns liatu hxndkercbjaf tacrwfamoas wiait mhex stitch ladies sara mer uodervests at 10c and 25c each cashmere hose dress shields fast buefc lining alo 15 packages of virion makes oi cotton goods come to the right hoase daring the summer clearing sale oa will be pleased with tbe prices of goods r- natnbet to enter the store east of the carpet window many make mistakes uul do not get into tbe right hoosej hamilton july 2nd 18s3 i thomas c watkiks a word to the wie is syifffcieht rbjermyn feraiyii pells cheap what we- intend doing for our customers ticcivewirmdabuiinessifilotellcodictbcirmerij and we 5 uy that m w uale oar ou ioo4 such m lugrsio wool and union canieu we know whi wc arc kiij invite cur cotncpf to call tnd j as before baying eliewliere tud doatbedeecivedbrothmiicnhtiiuwnatroarcorpe tre not up w the mark pvopla bo do not tnfccarpcu do dot know ac tnacii tboc them u those who manufacture and we tnk all uitcodiug purcuuen o call and let cs sotice tbe fuowicg for 10 days all wool 6oc union30c tapestry 300 brussels 66c i hemp roc per yd all stair carpels 25c ppryd- specialtylace curtains o11i7 50c per paor 1 clhrk sl thompsons 30 lower wyndham st next door to herod co s drug store bublph x

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