Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1889, p. 1

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tbohstst am r j cmcinft j botil seaet cub pet nrcftn5 iiof cootes colds hmfc croup 105 has be5 cubed iiimt has 1 r t t uj 1 l pol rrofixxt re kit- ho rasas ls a rf jva rii pj opiuli in sry foan r fljs uw jfw flwss fivbby thursday mobnino j itthlt fttl mlmowtrpmntlnq moust actok joxario yumcripnon rat shoict mew met icferiably faadvine if notpaidlndrance arwiubchargid no paper discon- st5tul all arrears are ptfdxept it tht gs aovcttlrfflot rater ium i1j itieeto f3uot90jaijdo ooo iuih 10 ltw toq to 5j0 i lim 600 gatl advert cleats s cents pur line tar the intlwmrttoa aadjwou per lint for each loff- putatlmrtfro cub the number of tines 5wi abttbipwtccapiedmofgrpdbt- tittudsoajma inrtimqifloi wilhoat specific direction fgtbaimmttuu lorfcidand charged accord- t tnacitar7k4trttmoieatimuit be paid j tivaaee- cfciafm for contract adtcrtiseinetiti anil be tt ttt offlm by 8 ul oatuedayt otherwise tfcitul tw 0t until the fallowing week ef1100rk edalorand proprietor finsmtss blrtriarp or h lovrsx ir b aicps1 ff gndaleortrlnitycouclfeaiberq ftf of fhttiam and sartwtl ofcpdredcac alujebadof frederist trust aetoe- fosk lawsox graduate of y ontario veterinary gallec toronio yet- i3tr sjnrgeoo acton oat office in xtaar gm boot and shoe itarerwideaee la tb tear grtw examined as to sona4nesx4adertiefttc isthieiclit or dy promptly attended to l bexkett lds dentist phkstox 4 sfceeas buristai s4lieitott notaries conreyuiccrf at pnnu faadx m loc oflsce towu hail acton ef b joerercx wx a itclcur t a mowit i buttim soiicnoe kuriix pcxuc uoner to lata omcrlutf tndj4ihlsatnrd4t nn lukhexvbioefc jlctoo cp4iirf mpouna kiquidi i iu iznir jl camp- m lcttii qj face cftkcjabcl 1 isllxz rcfzsc ell els 6achns frt bsarttrnm or vcaiting fcfe 5 ccntt per bottle it5cs ccclittitedx jjdgitad as jr fio vitauh ohiltokallin baied btxtiitert soucitori t tosarro ixd gtoecnotr oiaen qwejiaijii block geoicetdtn tnd si else nreet aut tcronlo r t xlux fieiliuxea- b4ixd sl f adgebo fi c aesos a 00 e1sreteks solictiobs t kotakieo ot5ttrhm i adfflriiii eu i toronto rnat tcrbanc ko 12ts cable address badgcnrr ctjiszxot johx citar bfcj 0li30txlhoisxi tohk davis pxa- c- eianxr fde g 3 by co jlsarien for iat will nceivc prorapt omce sfenk su goflpb v ii rtin pkim iti dirctr cf server- daie5 3et3 secubed fob lktek1x0x5 hesbt gxist ottfti cutldi ttec tean practice kafileef jto pif -w- heilstbeetr tirp a irrnifi ftrtbe coamles of wehinctan and ealton odealcfialtbefxet peiw office acton or car residence in acton h1 be promptly at- loaedto terms rtuoaablc ilia nwner to loan on tbe raoct -atonilft- tsnsaad at tha lorest ruea of interest oat of tan and opvxxdx joes day i 0 aecbxtect v xczltk oxt ornd queea i hot i koi hffr square peascis sttkas siccasor to t f cbapmaij i bqoebisdek- tgaorjeisojure caclpb0niaria aicoani hoalx of an kiatfs caade to f and mutttneult and prom ptiydone toe haklaxbabbeb shdp htusthezt acios- mtabate astylith htircota gooderiom ui enuliaraantf ibxtnpoo alwayi prea ww and p si fimelau cooditioc i ebfidreas bir uithy cat wordex toniorial salesmen wasted pepiayestpodrfohsenaracletdwiihalarj- nd eipens pt any determined 2miifcm pecoliar atactace i ram stock complete including ezany tm specialties ootfitfree kamethicp addren at once bbowk bsothees tenkocbaters t o be- guelpt business coueie guelphostabio pffth ficbolarfc rear tbere are no a bom the- colleff being to sesaiontbn nfib- entire year intending sfadent can mneatexatauj-time- it fgtdiuieftrc itb datinguiabed mcceas u wk- epen baiiaem manageri tbortiiand writers reporlert etc younfi men and wimec jansag tboronsii tnifi for socceas ia anr ee daa of waii will conrait tiieir own mart w anrfnc the gnciph basiaeeb col- j- iodindoal iintroctioei i a feature o tiie aior cradcates aitedhi obto nil rbskit forlerme and particulars addr jftao rr ivi gut ffnir lbei5eoi now tb z ydal iedto tl rue sua- or ir v- i t rialr jettef rf how flestoredl issretioc- gimlnm mihar m ljtotr rnndir wl smi iii mr niuccokjnc yuingtjii jtaiwe woks clark carter di rorterr of gtanit and lfarble tf jvuaiaaru mi headton of all totbe newest liesignt all wort a ztvrna4 trrtditt parties wlabi js22 pleae give u a call and ir tpect c4 tad prices a we art cotilldeot w w tiih my etuiietiaeat in qnur j isgdocimpisterert to tiie abort ajftrr z wticittle petnmage w cr fi w octbeirlibajr j j h haltlli 3x lumber shingles and lath lti taint toinform tli- sstu i hemlock i sziiihi loaber finl uii fla fhkze t ltt coal wood jrtajporplujh cotibmlaeh ol 5r ui wii jauzsmjowf r mutual fcljsijmice gompjny wwttor vbiiljjfltm j zmubuimpt 1610 jfofficej cuelph gslae onaadsvidsid ajtiaent ber ury 0p tayom arent vi3 company 8toaaj50hej8til ft 00 -rbankkes- yihm acton ax ontario x assklui bakmko business transacted kosst loaoto oh ajpsotsfl sotjs notes discounted sad interest allowed on deposits wbarber bros paper maker8 georgetown ont kixc i trccultt or machine finished book papers i lhkit geade weekly xetts tie psfkt used in this joornliu ron thebomilt wk r1kber t bhos planing mill thos ebbage man i have rwtnued uic macacetucct of the patnpbtmncas in actos and wocld rewpectfnlly uamali pamt in want of pomps tfaat we are now prepared to apply tbem from the old st ie jtooden pump a tha bextforoepnapcadar pumps for wind wni or sock wells fuppuad orishort nooca- deep ytaxix a spcaiut prices eight eyeet time our planing mill laciber dressed while yoa wait if ocldifs tc made to order we bare alto a quantity of lambex for tale mi table for i m ruing nnrpoaec orierk bj- mail will receive tomit ana carefci attention siopatfootofritex street thos ebbage hanager cautjht at last iii acton a lxrccv luajr tho tcrtre azt laruct to tait any one both in ticca aad material one wla3 fccei oa taad a rtock cf the wizic both in liglit and bcvy barae hat also a ttocfc of wfcipt ccrry cotibc bnbbex sweat fadt etrzees oh c acrose wubfag asyfmffytii mysn wfll cio well to call before cfllnsmirwhere 1 am boend to gire tatitfacuoiall fnaranfoid collars warfantecl kot to hurt j h jtattliews ictou vos car ley a nice halifax twecd suit uadc to order ic the best manner for 813 to 810 will ly s firtclati qactditc td suit for 810 to voa cjz fftt tiie ust qilcndid scctclj tweed it the east end clotning store wjilee acton picture frames at witees beotheks iottjbes -at- wltebs bhoteees coruicc poles banaer beds macldicgs corf kails gins bevelled stirrers artists uatertals wiaior i kewtons -at- waters brothers 25 wykbham stkeet odieph the actox- pree press the leadccg- logal newspaper oi hiltas cocty we have opened ut during the week large quantities of new j borders ceiling decorations very choree stock and extra low prices days bookstore guklph day 8ell8 cheap flotfrij the mehchants protective and collecting associatiok of oakajja head office hamilton ontario etabuihedlb x an association of btuinets and prof caaiooal men bating for itc object tbc t cbdecxioii of debti apd to present 1u mem beruf rota making bad- debiz bf fumlabbic tbem with liu of pirtioi tio dffwl par nadt aceotmu to collect will find it to their adxan tag to became member u bnndredc of tceoanu ar being collected lhrongb it that could not be coueclodln any other way uany an accoant that hat boen mod and then returned by the ballifl at no good after patting the merchant to great expense baa been collected through till aoociauon merchant wublng to become mem- ben by remitting 10 jd to oor uaaagen at hamfltnn will receive by retarri mail lull par ticulars certificate of membenbip etc tetti- manialf tent j b mills ss co managers acton- livery bus line the acderugeod rctpectf oil r tolidtt the patron age of the public and inlcnnt them tnat wail equipped and stytiiti rigs can az- wayi be semred at bk stables a eocifortable box meet all train between 9 t tn aod fcli p m otrgfol attention gjteg 16 exery order the wintt of commercial trarel- f- lert fully met j0hx willla1is a little talk about sh0es figcxecday lie and facte dittortad be list teeing ic bcliering come and see the feciaboo hoot and shoe store u jtut now showing a number of new lines of shoe and slippers specially adapted for the eaaon tbeunev ffooda are being cold at pricea at lor or lower tbaa those utta for old styles and shop worn coods elsewhere ererybody can be suited for we have si tlcea in gtnit wear lidiea wear youtha- wear jr cnfldxen a wear babyi wear- speoiiliss good goods kcwett stylo and beet nine for thti money at v williams- acton ccstoui work and rcjairinggitcn careful atten tion trent atd vaiiiac la rariety v rc of vubliihed every uandas st -actokqnt- j 6actflitim lrici ouir ii m ta ailvsnte tr7 it tor three mokss lot 25 cenii- mrt mirchell deairei w ujfonn he people of acton and larrdandlngs that ha is prepared to take orden cor weaving ajj kind of fancy ef carpefi flannel gfaeetine shirting and pre goods striped or plaid twill or plain alio bed blankets aadhoreblankettwo yards wide and over i and l will guarantee that i wulgivegood iafiflfaetion to all farmermndqiiieriwho will favor me with twiipajbnaje fancy goods ix feeat variety i desire to inform mr nunerous cnstomert that i hare pnrcliasad a cue variety of goods for hie xmms trade eomrrrfsfngt splendid lot of toilet article in hair tooth and kail eraihei the finest perfume i in the market i bare also tbc finest ttook in ladies satchels ever thown in acton albums booklets c we also keep ail the authorised school hooks col flnpphethyraa book- pencils slate ear etc we keep a largo selection of spectacles to stilt all sights girtmsaeallbeforo purcharing dont for get the place aaiogjirvtjsrs drug store the church was dlro aodiilcdj with the bosk before the jrtsjcr only he solemn trembling of the organ lurred the air wwswcfttiwsisnriiinwr wltbiutbobolycalu where the priest and people waited for tho iwelllng of the psalm slowly tho doors waagopcm and s little baby girl brown tyvi with brown hair falling la many a wavy curl with soft chocks flashing hotly by glances downward thrown and small bands clasped before her stood a the aisle alone stood half abashed bslf frightened unknowing where to go viliilo like a wind rocked cower her form swayed to and fro and the changing color fluttered in the little troubled face as from side to side she wavered with a mate imploring grace it was bet for a moment what wonder that we cinilod uy nich a strange sweet picture from holy thoughts beguiled up then rose soma one softly and many an eye grew die ai through he tender silence he bore the child with biin and t i wandered losing the sertsaa and the prayer if when some time i enter tiie many mansions fair and stand abathedtnd drooping in the portals golden glov our god will send an angel to show me where to go sunday sifio vuuor hihduml railing irwes frailion ct c1m beictett wanted tood reliable men can find permanent cm- t ploynient for uaple urvc korseries of waterloo k v good salary cud expflnse paid weekly liberal indflcemenu to befdnderi oouit free pterloni cxperleneo not reqnired eatabflsbdd orer ho years all gendf nratelas writ atonce for trmi addreujwhekar gm manager si tliouiu oat iitputiou tin paper and ornamental shmbbery rev ebcook acton baa been appointed sole asent for this section for toe well known old koebeeter nursery s uoulson pro prietor and 1 prepared to take orders for any of the fruit trees small fruita or sbraba wniob are shown in the illustrated catalogue of the nursery the prodncu of the old eocbester kunery are known to be generally reliable and eorreetly darned and i can promiae aatifactory revolts to all wbo pvrcbaae stock from me rrst woiwle bey u y coqk two gitlc were luoking orer a photograph album the face to near together were a striking pontrast for while kiu dan vers wac dark beth wa fair u a yoang saint with a tftder pallor of complxtion that rendered the lastre of the toft eloquent brown eye all the more noticeable to look at beth one would immediately imagine a name shut away from the dis- tractiooc oc the wjtld of fuhiooand ho art pent in doing deeds of charity bat it would be a mistake for although no more charitable tool ever occupied a maident breut beth bad left a home of luxury and elegance to visit her favorite schoolfriend and thangu by no means a frivolous thai- low girl wai one of societys brightest or naments winning- by her charm and in telligence the palm from her more abowy vivtaoaa filters upon the open page before them was pic- toreda mmi htadaomeface with feature regular and denoting high character beth exclaimed in pleased admiration so that ia sfr- heilh yoar brother roberta friend what a splendid face how glad i am that i thll meet and know him what a contract to tbc dapper yoaths of whom yoor set begging your pardon kita teems to be rather largely campoed kita laughed a little then pouted xba are not complimentary misteilii bat dont ri4e yoor anticipations too high hu face u handsome ill admit that v jut then a load call from the hall below in robert danvers voice interraptednitat sentence and without waiting to finish it the ran to the door carriage ready lis youd belter harry yoa know prince doesnt stand very well a short while later thv two girls seated beside ifr danvers in histtjslisli eqaipage were whirling along the wide road at a pace that made kitas cheeks glow and brought even a tinge of delicate color to beths cnotaal pale face she was dress ed ail in teal brown and the dark lace was eminently becoming to her pore complexion and flaxen hair as they drove a carriage containing one gentleman passed them robert lifted his hat white kita bowed and beth raising her brown eyes interest edly to his face taw in life- the original of ahe picture- ehe had admired somach a perfect apollo t she thought to her- tell from hat time oat ttoberts theme was his friend the perfection and nobility of his character his benevolences and so en to ail of wbicb beth listened without comment bat kits broke in every now or then with some bantering remarks notil at length robert was perforce obliged to turn the conversation into channels more igree- able to his lively sister that evening the bell ring and the ser vant brings in to the yoaug ladies mr heiths card as hey enter the drawing- room kita a little in advance beth is con scious of a sense of overwhelming surprise and pity for the till form that riss to meet them does to with the aid of crutches that then is what kita meant with an effort the composes her face that is always loo ready to translate her emotions and performs her part in the introduction that ensaerl bat not before le grand heiths keen perceptions have seen aod understood the expression ofthe brown eyes that had met his one brief instant and had then so qaickly evaded his gaze i am sorry i promisedeoberttocome bi thinks to himself whenever i break through my resolution of keeping only to myself i regret it it will be the last time every one shrinks from me deformed hoik that i ami thasfor a few moments hitter thoughts throng throagh his mind bat they are dis sipated ere long for with her exquisite charm beth soon brings to him forgetful- new of aught save bene if she fascinates without an intention of to doing limply because the cannot help it and the has conceived a more than ordinary liking and sympathy for this noble- faced man who has been ddowe4 with to many of natures good gifts to be deprived of one that men prize beyond all others that strength and comeliness of frame without which mere beauty of feature counts as nothing and so mr heiths call la bote prelude to many others his own borne is not far distant and his magnificent conservatory supplies oat of its wealth of bloom a daily eojite forvuitwhjckhe is never able to feel are otilocfflifone day after two months have ehtpaed as be is alone with his friend robert in the latter particular anotum le grand asks aqaestion do yon consider me insane in loving foar sisters friend robert wonld yoa advise me to try my fate and gain or lose aiir roberts reply is unhesitating any girl yoa care for might feel herself bouored and so at his earliest opportunity le grand risks all upon a maidens yes or no eetpeaks frankly and eloquently he tells of a boyhood and youth embittered by the misfortune that she alone of all ha had ever mot teemed neither to notice or tojare for i thought at first that yoo too shrank from me and as for long i had eschewed society i votred that never igain wonld i expose myself to upueoestary pain bat yoa soon disabused me of that ides and as time passed and i read the treasures of yoor collared mind and saw that when i spoke instead of ridiculing yoa were pleased and interested my life gained a new hope for t thought pity is akin to love she pities ma and it may yet be mine to win a loving response from those eyes whose every glance pcoetrste to my hearts core oh miss ellis answer me quickly and pit me oat of my suspense have i de ceived myielf oris it only through sym pathy for my misfortune that yoa have been to kind and gracious as to prompt the hooo that now animates me v as she listens behs whole frame trem bles and her eyes droop beneath the ardor of lo grands fervent passion she has long known that this oew friend ship has been a very precious thing but until now has not been aware of its element of danger but suddenly the truth breaks in a pou her she loves this man whom the has knowi so short a while with every fibre of her being despite his physical in flrmity aye even despite an obstacle greater still i her voice as she answers is low and cold so great is the effort to control it to prevent its disclosing a secret which to tell would be to be undone u do not rpeak farther mr heith i mast cot littcu until the last few mo ments i had no idea yoa regarded me in any other light than that of an agreeable friend if 1 had thought otherwise i should have told you what do now that i am al ready betrothed betrothed the pain in bis voice is so keen that the girl quivers before it and buries her face in her hands they are drawn away and looking up she tees le grand kneeling at her feet do not weep each tear rhed by yoa drives mo mad t believe yoa why should i cripple dare to aspire to the loteof one like you i see my mistake i have known it all along it was only the frenzy of hope that impelled me to take ad vantage of your kindness do not weep beth farewell i resign with this moment ill nearer ties than those of friendship it is no faalt of yours only my own mad mistake farewell i he was gone the echo of his passionate words incoherent with pain and disap pointment alone left to resound forever alfer in the heart of the girl wbo knows thai she laves him bat who is bound by honor to another and wbo cannot call him back j six mouths before ber acceptance of her friend kitas invitation beth had promised her hand to the man into whose power her father throagh his rih speculation had been drawn i ostensibly rich mr ellis had in reality no claim to sach s name and beth had beenawakened with a rude shock to the instability of their fortunes when her fither in his agony of entreaty had im plored her to save him in the one way opened before her although the girl had shrank almost with loathing from the old man who was thus proposed as her f atare husband she had not hesitated she had given her con sent and then with a tense as of escape had flown to her friend kitas eager to avoid if only for the space of a few months the attentions of ooe who however much the disliked him had now the right to claim her society wheocver it to pleased him one morning robert tells his sister and bee guest with a grave disspproving look in the lalfra direction of the departure for the continent of le grand heith r short time after finds beth at home ouce more a year jster this letter wings its wsy across the atlantic penned by robert dan vers to his friend le grand heith in italy dcih giuxi i have somelhlnc to till list if i am not laach mistaken will both snr- priss yoa and at the tame time bring yoa back to your native land ac fast as steam can accom plish the distance elitabcui ellis is here at our home lying upon a bod of suffering and h- uest this u not all in her delirium she calls oue name over and orer again and that name is yoar grand sle did lovo yon but because of ber enforced promise to another wbo held her fathers fate in his bands she did not lot you see that ber pain in giving yoa a refusal was equal to yours in receiving it a month back while her betrothed was spending tba night in her fathers house s firo broke oat before the alarm was given ft had gained sneb headway that all that eonld be done was useless to stem eta nry and out of ail within the bouse at tte titnn beth whose sleepingrooul overlooked ibe frcst porch wa the only one sarcd her father and intended both met the same terrible fate directly following the spinning disaster it was learned that lfr elliss affairs wert hi a desper ately involved oondition and that all his pro perty would be losudsnt to pay the debts be had incurred that therefore had been tho rea son of bitlis intended marriage rith this mr hattoa i confess i never could understand where the attraction could be in him fora girl like beth however i of coarse set har down a mercenary sow i kuowdiflerentiy as soon as ibe beard of bertroabl my sister went at once to j her friend when she returned the brought beth with hcr- stunned brokendown apathetic shadow ofjher lovely self with illness in ter face and im pan ding madn in ber eyes u was pitiful to witneasl as i fully anticipated when i taw ber in a weeks tune she was ttrfek- en with brain fever it was the natural outcome of what the bad deen through thenit was we learned all ber abhorrence of the ana to whom her hand was promised and her hopeletslovs for yon the crisis passed last night and this morning with haste i pan jou these lines with the hope tbavlfyoalote her itill her conval escence will find by ber tide this lover for whom hot hoart yearns and who aloha can torn her thoughts from the horrible occurrences that so nearly cost her her llf rand reason foar weekt have rolled on- three of which sufficed to bring the eager lover back to the land he had lf with such a heavy heart ha standi now in the hall before thebalf- opendoor of the library withitr whioh is beth ihoahl she sleeps came in very ioft- ly mta says as she peeps within and beckons back to him t r shall i not startle hertj he asks long ing to enter bat hesitating j joy if it startles does not harm -nita- rewiet with onnaual brevity cornel and be needs no second bidding can this statuesque form so deathly still wan be beth j the siok girls eye ppenj at fjrft dream- ily then they diw with vuiiden sarpristt 1 and there is cause for the latter a tall andfidgnred form itanda before htr with the hand to me noble ace that hopeless ldrs hu so indelibly stamped upon her memory she mait be dreaming ha kneels gently down beside per beth he taya softly i have dared to approach yoa once mors for gotf throagh a miraculous cure has taken from toe the deformity that made me unworthy to be your lover i have learned all that yoo were induced throagh filial duty to ancrifice yoar freedom and beth they pave told me that iu your tickness yoar heart spoke the name of him yoa traly loved and that that name was mine is it sol if it is raise those dear eyes to mine ithall un derstand whatever they reveal j it was true while abroad aq ebioent surgeon had studied into le g raids case and had accomplished with the awl of a perilous but tncoesifol operation what none of hit fellowi had been able to do or had ever ventured to think of j bat i doubt if in betht adoring eyes the lover who has come to change the darkness into light is one whit more handsome than he was the day her heart cried oat to him ves all the time her lips coaldpojv otter no fl solft bio bridges worx- ortsmpbtimi a bad scene ix couhti what pathetic incident occur almost daily in our police courts i one morning a short time ago a woman- was arraigned before a justice on the charge of having been found drunk in the street the previous eight when asked if she hsd anything to tayjor herself she flushed and trembled but looked the judge tieadily in the face as the replied i lean aay nothing i forgot myself and must bear the consequences j she was fined five dollars anj as she could not pay was aboat to be conducted to prison when a man having the appearance of a hardworking mechanic and accom panied by a pretty little girl rose in the audience and offered to pay it for ber it was her husband hearinjc his voice she hid her face in her hands and said hastily yon mast not pay it but we want yoa at home replied the man smiling at her pleasantly ko yoa mast not pay it insisted his wife dontwaste the money on me use it at home bay a new pair of ahoes for baby with it please come home mamma said the little girl and her father silently drew the money from his pocket and handed it to the clerk of the court bat the woman still protested declaring that she would cot go home and she would go to prison and it was not until the little girl began to ory and the judge begged her to think of ber children that she consented to return her husband at length took ber by one hand andthe child by the other u between them the was led slowly from the court o the corse of intemperance j a code of masxees fob bots- the following clipped from the curutiar luuutqxtxr is the best epitome- of boys etiquette that we have ever seen j until a boy reaches the stage of propriety when he sits op late and rises early to read manuals of social customs this wb help him solve moat of his puzzles j in thejstreet hat lifted when saying goodbje or how do yoa dav also when offering a lady a seat or acknowledge ing a favor keep step with anyone you walk with always precede a lady upstairs bat ask if yoa shall precede her in going through a crowd or public place at the street door hat off the moment yoa tup into a private hall or office let a lady pass first always unless she asks you to precede her j in the parlor stand till every lady in the room also older people are seated rise if a lady enters the room after yon are seated and stand till she takat a seat look people straight in the face when they are speaking to yon 1 let ladies pass throagh a dpor first standingaside for them j in the dining roomj take jour seat after ladies and elders never play with your knife riogof spoon do not take yoor napkin ap in a hunch in your hands j bat as fast or as slow u others and finish the coarse when they do j do not ask to be excused before the others unless the reason is imperative rise when the ladies leave the room and stand till they are out if all go together the gentlemen by the door till the ladies pass selfuade women stand lacy lroom was a mill hand j anna dickinson began life as a school teacher j charlotte cnahman was the daughter of poor people 1 i miss braddon ihe novelist wst s actress in the english provinces sarah bernhardt was a dressmakers apprentice so was matilda heron 1 the most renowned woman who fprang from the lowest estate was jeanne darc who fed twine j adelaide phillips the singer now dead was a very poor girl- and so waai sarah jewett the actress kell gwynu told oranges in the streets and theatres from the pit whde vending her wares she took a fancy for the stage the mother of clara louise kellogj strained every nerve to give claras musical education and at one timewas a profes sional spiritual medium misi kellogg failed three times 11 christine kilason was a poor swedish peasant and ran barefoot in childhood jenny lind also a swede was the daughter of a principal of a young ladieai bearding school j poalbrookdale bridge england is the first oast iron bridge it was boilt the severn in 1779 the covered bridge at favia wer the ticino waa bailt in the 14th century the roof is held by 100 granite colamni the bridge at havre de grace over the sasqaehanoa is 3271 feet long and j is divided into twelve wooden spans resting on granite piers the bridge of holy trinity at florenoa was ballt in 1509 it is 32 feet long con- iracted of white marble and standi tin- rivalled as a work of art the cantilever bridge over ihe- niagara a built almost entirely of steel its length ii 810 feet ihe total weight is 3 tons aad the cost was 1900000 ta eialto at venice it said to have been built from the designs of michael angelo it is a tingle marble arch 98j feet long and was completed in 1501 thu bridge of sighs at venice over which condemned prisoners were trans ported from the hall of jndgment tothe place of execution was built in 1599 the bridge at burton over the trent was formerly the longest bridge in england being 155 feet if is now partly removed built in the 12th cent ory tay bridge old bridge over the ty at dundee destroyed december 28 1879 new bridge about two miles long has 85 piers height above high water 77 feet the niagara s aspen lion bridge was built by roeblingb 1ss2 55 at a ciseof 100000 it is 215 feet above the water 821 feet long and the strength ia estimated at 1200 tons- the new london bridge is constructed of granite from the designs of l rennief- it was commenced in 1821 and completed in about seven years at a cost of j720- 000 clifton suspension bridge at bristol hu a span of 703 feet at a height- of 215 feet above the water the carriage way is 20 feet wide and the footway 5 feet wide cost 500000 the britannia bridge crosses the menai strait wales at an elevation of 103 feet above high water it is of wrought iron f5u feet long and was finished in 1s50 cost 13000000 its a work of prevention and cart a work for the rich and the boot 1 a wort thins slow and yet sum a work whose effects will endure then ihqus for it bearer and preacher then shout for itmaster and man ehout or it scholar and teacher praise it wherever you can tamperauco lessens the stealers robbing by day nd by night temperance adds to the kneelers who in religion delight temperance aids the repealers of the infamous liquor laws temperance helps the reealen j of light on oar nations cansi its a work for the oljand the young its a work for tho pen and tongott it a vorkior pulpit and jicw f ii s tork for lib and yoa j i i how 10 choose hihl spoiling ocrsextes how mach better tve do jfpve ourselves than we love any one elae u a pity for instead of making u happy tbis fact ends to spoil our dispositions and ruin oar char acters to think ill ofjmnelves unjustly andiplaoe no value on oar own thoughts or works would be as bad we should be able to treat ourselves fairly as a foolish mother who makes her child ul with ton mach sugar doeanot really show her love to her greedy little off spring as well as ihe would by forbidding it a surfeit so we should refrain from staffing ourselves with the sweet morsels of selfad elation until we ire unable to swallow a little hit of bitter self reproof we are willing enough to admit defects of feature even though we lament them we see when our own hands are soiled as well as when the bauds of others need waahinj but how few will say i did wrong i thought meanly scarcely onej even of tkose who admit in their sab bath responses that we are miserable tinners and there is no good in na that is for sanday and church they dp not carry the admission into worfeaday lifej i am not sere there is maoajgelp for this phase of human weakness except in the practice of the golden rale to do onto others as yoa rfoald that others should do onto vori tuciudes confession of yodr f salts of omission and commission to really rise above selfdattery one mastbe able to sit in judgment on himself and be neither cruel nor partial and consider hfnlself as he would some other person heaven knows that uiat is difficult beyond expres sion hut bo only can any one become really good and great h ki by inches what woman was tuch an idiot as to ttitch her eyes out over this asks a masculine friend boxveying a silk patch work quilt made out of bits an inch wide quilted in flowers bright a a rainbow and soft aa down conld make it its pretty of course bat what a waste of time and patience tea tnnswered but ai least she attained her object she has made a beautiful quilt three yards square inch by inch a bit of bonnet ribbon a fragment of this dress and that a rich but ragged scarf ihe bad places thrown away i do not know who did the work but i fancy it was a worn in who conld not go to a shop and pay fortydollari for a readymade silk quilt she wanted one and she got it at last dont you see there is a sermon in it which miht have for its text the old negro boqc inching along there is a hope it whatever yon want very mach yoa can get in this way fortunes a penny at a time an edua tion scrap by scrap there are other ways sometimes bat almost always tku way if one chooses after the woman who made this quill spread it out and looked at it i think she most nave under stood that ae at least could get almost anything she wanted by inches a hijuxskile nothing on earth can smile bdt human beings gems may flaih reflected light bat what ia a diamond flub compared with an eye flash and mirth flatht a fice that cannot smile is like a bad that cannot blos som and dries up on the stalk j l inghter is day and sobriety is night and a imile is the twilight that hovers gently iwtween both aud more bewitching than ielt ler the pious man and the atbe sv always talk of reogion the ooe ofwbftsto loves and the other of what be fears i am somewhat astonished carper remarked bigbra as he looked fro md the room to find that so great a bof kwortn aa you are should possets so ami 11 a brary ah my hoy relnriied the cer ml takes a gieat deal of raiding to sod oft what isnt worth varieties wua reading evening paper my dear here is a very interesting article 1 must read to yoa hatband if itt rery in- teresting i guess youd better not read l theres probably a patent- medicine adver tisement on the end of it w are all adventurers each sailing oat on a voyage of discovery guided each by a private chart of which tbere is no dupli- cat the world is all gates all oppor tunities strings of tension waiting to be straak there are two classes of people whom it if i were sweet seventeenanfl on the lookout fo a sweetheart or if i were aboat tq choose a husband i know what 1- would do i would discover the man that good and noble men liked the best and if be loved me i would say yes hen he said will yon i think 1 should not often had him a beauty man i believe he wonld seldom be one of whom girls wonld ssry iint be sweet 7 bat the man who has the and affection of the beat sort of hit brother- men is the man who trill- make a good wife happy j iten makelgfeat mistake about women pistakasof all sorts they see angels in vain crasuuras whbhaveoosoala they see saints inwomeu wbo are only stupid they often blame those they should praise and praise those they should blame and they only find b best sort of wins by chance after all and women are just as atopid the ladykiller rolls his yes at them and the man of worth goestp the wait they reject virtue and talent with rugged features and a plain manner and throw themselves into the arms of impos- ters who have the hearts of banditti and fiqe monslaches i the opinion of other girls is then guide when they had mach better take the opin- ioa of their brothers or their fathers wile ignorant as they ma be of oar sex knmr each other well v love cannot be made to obey any law of coarse bat i am sorry to say that girls d hot fall in love very deeply nowadays they like to be fallen in love with bat thire are few juiietaon thj stage of hfel flattered vanity pleastjrein being abridet impulse and a disposition fo yield to the persuasions of a lover lead moat girls td the altar they walk np ihe sisle with tarn- bat it might have beendicsj or harry if either had proposed first afterward tbey recognize the fact thai in the spring a young girls as well as young mans fancy lightly tarna so thought of love and thju in the samrsfej and autumn of wedded ufeaffectaontxiexm ahp respect and faith are reqoiaite to msjke a wife blessed so though a whole eemioaay should fall in t love with that charming i creature thoagh it should be a feather in yoor cap to bethuheartbreaieracicethotjghjiebe pre tty as a picture and quite too delight ful pause ere yon marry him if uncle tom says he is a rascal andycn father thinks poorly of him and be has no a mesial word to say to yoor brother or yoor coasin a man who does not like other men a man that other rnen do sot hker- is generally a very poor sort of creators when yoa come to anew him wall wall srstkt jqiiibxs thefailnreof a ipecnjatar whose opera tion i made the family barrel of floor dearer ibjapnblic hlesaing jone of these speculating gentlemenfailed recently who t it is aaidf began business with five ckibaxa and in fide years tamed it into fin f mil lions thjp reminds na ofa remark once heard from the late comaaodore vandsffaisfi who bada particular contempt for specu lation in all its forma it was his boast j that nesr in blsjifejhad he bought any- thing intending to sell it again on day atall street mansaidtohub v v commodore i made seventy eight thousand dollars last week v have you got the money asked the commodore j well no 1 havent actaally got u then yoa havent made it was the astute old mans blunt commentary wall street iplllions are qnlte diffszeht frqm other millions it is not of much cooseqoence how tnany miluosa yen have while yoa are engaged in specolating in the street the important question bw how many of them can yon take odt of thtreet kothing so adds to the treasures of the mind and increases its power as lis own thinking learn to think for yborselc it isall very well tohear read the wisdom of oibrv but one sbonjd not let this takethe place of ones- own thoughtst many persons are like isternsthey are good to qold tbe thoughto of others but when th4 time comes that they are forced tolrely on themselves they have bo por toido so the outside supply hi bat off v and the cistern rubs dry bat if one uke a triver is constantly fed by wws own springs then as the learning of others came to him it unites withfalsown waters add the stream widens and deepens iteter fear to tlrfug the sublime motiro into the tmallest duty and the most infl noe comfort to the small eafetscftible iseythat your cluld never leaves any task half bone or slovenly finished ana tnere- fbre i not wy tasks thoroujjj ness p the corneritone of soccesa then it no place in the world now for tmatterers wbo know a little aod only elittle of every thuig under the son there is always an honorable place for those who can do any kind of honest work in the best manner m fi 11 women and men nat wrongdoing eversprings up at once fallfledged in society if a dog falls in love with yoq at first sight it will do to trntt him not so with a man there is no room in this world for any thing that is worthleaa as certainly as your masters love is in yoo his work will be upon yon let us be of good cheer remembering that the misfortunea hardest to bear are thosejwhioh never happen we need little less than infinity to make as happy and little more than nothing to make u miserable it i the sublimes power mid ever pats fortl o be able to sky not my wflj bat thini bs done m auvile to mothihs jut yob dutorbcs afm and hroken o your rort by lck u fnpobk to oonviom unit ibeir willjxbild aserini 1011071118 ylth pain el cmti titijtmth7 liaomud at ooce andgla bittlo ol mr wiriilow soolhlnj sfrup idr ou0dn teelhing lit value ii inal- enable it will relieve the poor little eaflerer- immediately depend npoal it jothot j there ii do nutake about it if oireadyaeotrraod dlarrhma mrolatea the attimaoh arid bowele cures wiudoauor afteos tbo taraf redaoei iuflamruthmtr aod gives lone andeiiergy totbe whole syi wm ilra wmalowe sooujing bjnip r chluin teethini is pleaaaot to the t ate andis the prescription of one of tha 0 dest4nd best female physicians i aod nines in the united states and is foe sale or- all brwsisu throngbout the h 1 rice twentylve cenu a bottle be sure aid aik tor imrs wlnslowa oatluiif e vrufi and take do other hsd

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