Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1889, p. 2

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ifi it cntni can n on the ku lujttt ut of mr wripl bemttt 0 debshter atlutteerlnoithuui tier th u ot robert auet of toltoljuw stint nttd notojtntbrldtl l tniko tat otlkramote to opmr charles wvjnsjtstatonj reuah f d nonon ratter ittser cuoater jojn b ecimfudwmtaoluria bkom acton 1 uutkirx the v lrtewstelber oft im otrort tatr cjasadnek tit dockkiqooriphto aon ontmsmth ksq residence of the f ma eldest tuogbter pi rtmaeter actoo rsifcct at teneomtrt b o aruur litowel mo o hct j 1 month and 11 days kiuoola acton oo iho mot mar jane apn ml of twunu b hi rdinc merchuit fed kt join and 10 wootba ckxyksl la itaasslac on ttod wm curfofo tielored ter acd jrwtvukl u mot hs sosjxseiu at ortlua on tin botsnson fomerjr of spejul u il 32 rout wjtdatt ftntm thrriuti 8ls a notes ksd com1 kxts the amount reoei ittd by gonnuncot or licmtetha aed to ameri- cu nebendea aader uie m jm einewi ex oeedt k000 ot doable the imoant rooctr daring tha vbola of ust fu r the english papers uinc rone that lord i doffenn leant linme abort y on a loare o j ebamoa oittodinj orer iw raj months it uu be will tot revuni bit duties u i britiarr ambassador it tfa italian coort until the utomi uuntj irgjmril w no tbe lath mar w lwhr md vrdneidat utr ord har john tbe dominion pttinaeter general wu uneker 1 ported u sarmg that be iu heretofore i overestimated ttie importan e and urgency of eredaetiea oc tetter potti ge to one cent bat that he hat tocee to tbe xnclaakm that better rather than cheaper ottace aerrice abosid be the fim conoero tbe reriatro officers bare receired uoliee that the reriainq of tbe do nimon rdteri uttja to be becnn aa early i fane uprac- ticable the osce of clerk hi been abd iabed and any taiiance re aired featt be paid for by iherriaingm4er oat of hit allavance i i xow thac tbe crooki a a it in torpe aia it vil be veil to bear ia mind that bayen ai well ii ellm of intoxioatink liqoonare liable to befinea for drinkink in ufcrnidirinf prohibited ioore namely batveen eerenoloek on sattrday ereninxi enduoekoamoiidayinoniingi ioryana1on and other portion of uiddleeei a aoffleient number o aiiaatnrei hare bees obtaued to prerest any lioenae being ranted in the immediate rtcimty tbe people vbo jeoried hard for tbe repeal of tbe scott aetjeineciinj to ret lieeneee are said to be rery mneb diifiniited tbe manitoba gorernment baa eettled tbe location of the propoeed pablic bafld- inj the beformatory till be located at braadon tbe deaf and dumb inatitnte at portage la prairid and the hook for in corabla at winnipeg 4 lu tract of land will be porchaaed or the beformatory lite we oold like rery much 1o hear tboee ho were load iu their denanciaovxu of tbe scott act and who prophesied all eorte of good thmga if the aab ot vbiikey wu only lioenaed tell m in what way tbe people of thia town or jeren thbwhole ootmty hare b by tbe chiange looking at the qoeetkm froaj dtfaeramoralorannkn ofal rtendpaiiit the ckampioi oagbt to be able to tell bow much tbe town hat- created ia popniation and wealth in the but year milton btfamer oanada ia do longer a baren of ref age for abeeoodmg bank ceetuere end other crimi- nala from the ctiitedbutea mr weldooe zztraditioqbioittartognbw beoome law a determined and iaoceaafol agbt waa made egainet the retroastire daoae to that boodlen now in canada will not be affect- ed the bill inelndee mardercoonterfeit- inft forgery larceny embeslement obtain ing monoy under aire preiencet rape ab- dnction burglary anon piracy abortion breach of trait fad any offence oooftroot- edae felony byfknarltin brw tbe united btatea cannot do tetter uuin to redprocate ai tbe earlieet opportunity as klx eyro lojaxnr eat may jg4tbe roof of a lonffiery at mertbyr tydtfl walea hu faqen in k31uigone man aid entombing sgotbera workie being jactirely proae- caled to releau he latter jfckdek is jiostkeib t j jfrt itraixearr cnopr on her hulaudt nta4uabtrlttaarrrj i i i uoyxxul mayn a man named wren and bit wife quarreled orerfanotber wjman in duke ttreet jtomrhl when the wife aetzed an ate nd nearly chopped hii head off wrenwaitaken to tbebcepilal at an early boor thia morning hii condition waa preearioni monday j one xbwilillwari 3rd will i of a new route to tbe korthf the opening western stafea by sanlt sle marie a route known aa the canadian facjne boo w the train wiu learn mootaeal daily iflo am and witran rut ottiwa reaching ble marie tbe fnuowing tnirnin and st fani and minneapolii at 6 oclock pn tbe tecond morning tb u route leueni the idiatuce between lionfceal and stj paul by w miiea the jbort line railway will alto be in operation on mondayj next train will be timed lofeare montreal at s pm and will reach halifax at u the fbilowiug night i- aei ktriiinerrhil aj all at the pi ttwjxoac i fay so- a pi ria letter ruttet uiat tbe macbnfry palace f the eipoar- moo ia the lerg set building e er constructed under a single dof it ia 1 too feci long 870 widvaad ijciiigb tie roof has no interior tappa teicept tweni r great arebee tbe a matntnery t bitiit occupies of tb i entire space in this build ing and is in a 1 respects be one more im posing than t i eibibil si any prerloaa exhibition t i exception it in agricol bludco- pari eipnluim in which wp do not ebow lines euro- lrsi nuehiner r sf rnoch progri i u in othei pen nation b been oven akingiuintke prodnctiooofoi own rnacbi jea j there arelvi jiundred exbibfton of ejntrioal sppa rttni bdiac tt exhibit ii lie largest aim 1 1 one in u exposition irpmentshu n tirecslotor of inventions sajbenokim otm capital letter j uip vottn sorts x com troniourouoombtnc otrki tht jmijiu iluuon hu mtmk urt cpiwoc tho uiird tiro id two tuonlht tben u uow uo sort of qaeftuon u to fu import tud tuteutlty uo muur what of4tirm tur ny u to iu ufttdleticy the looser uie ajlutiou oou- umm the gmter it toroe and lh hule oppoaltion to it amoufl tbe rejiyiooi bodlu only brioss oat ttic ilretitfth of uw mtjor pirty prominent obsorven lien wtxh that the movement ii crowing tad oomlor elector tmggl will e very oompliotted at i roeeung on thandtty thessrd of the ouwft mfthodiit diitriot representing twenty church reeolatlou pryuwliufl utvlntt the iction ofparlitineuttarefaiiog tojeivm tle ditllownee of the jmaiti act wu movod a debtte ipriqr ap u ribt here in ottawa the government never jacki a defender ber w w canon rer mr soott and two uymen oppoeed the ratolauoti bat the twenty eii other delegatea carried it and great ii the reaenl not of the city meuiodiits aalait tbe diuenteri last night a mata mcetiajt wu held in ute open boaee at which the act wu de- nbtmoea by eripcipal uc vicar of montreal rev hugh iohbtton ot toroclo and hall a doatt ottawa derjumen where will it all end here we have each albert of the preabyteriao charch ai principal caven and drl lie vicar not to ipealt of a yoanfter oateqaaily mpected putor iter d i haodoonell actoajiyitampingthe province ageinat both political partiea mr mic- donooh hm cpokeo in hamilton toronto and peterboro eo far the hlgheit officiaii of the atethodtet charch are oat on the lame platform wiu tbe pew follow tbe pal pit to the poua the jaiu eiwtct act ii a mere hoot on which many bang their geu erai proteaunt belief in llomiah aggret- aion therea thi rob nturu or ran ouiebt dtxixoii senaibr rjia of montreal died there saturday moruiog in hia eightyfifth jear ee wavthe oldest member of the senate of canada and a coaaerrtlite he wu pro minent in commercial circlet having been too a director of the bank of montreal there are four vacantia in the senate rsotai aaioou tx tisztsx osxujo a retarn prepared at mr craig request by the ontario department of edacatibb ibowa thai there are oat of a total of5h9 acbooli 12c in which kngluli ia not the only language need sixtyfire of theae axe ia prwcotf and rasaell thirty in eaiex fire- in eeot four in simcoe three in renfrew two french and one german one ia glen garry and two incarfeton the remainder ol uie 1 20 two language tcboou are gennan in raiaell and preeeott 1525 pupila are taoght both languages in acme of theee achools it if reported french ii the language chiefly oaed some few of tbe teacheri cannot teach eogliah at all arrisixc the ronaa lt i at but initructiooi bate been iataed to proceed with the rariaioa of he electoral hits ud copfea of the lifta hare been aent to reriaingfficen they are to be sold for three centa a page to intereeted partiea attention a drawn to the fact that there la no longer any legal anthority for advertia- ing ia the oewtpapert the inference if that the authority moat now oome from the secreury of stale it ia uie to lay that te agents of both political partiee will now look alive u the fifiht at the geoeril elec tions begins here me ittjjuuz messieur oratenr as tbe french mem- berr addren him completed his forty tint year on the 20th iost lt coloaimet mp for laval beioogi to one of the pldeat families in the district of montreal as commander of the coth batt he served n tbe northwest campaign and next year voted against the government on the riel question he had shown his independence ooce before by lapporuug a motion of mr blakef in 1833 for commercial indepen dence and it issafe to uy that mr speak er ooimet favors the independence of can ads u nearly every prominent french canadian does mr ouimet it said to be tbe sixteenth child of bis parents and if to the stock did not detenoale as it increased for tbe speaker if a tall broad iboaldered man with a massire head he makes a dignified presiding officer and in that re spect is not leu popalxr than his predeoes ors irorr the 23rd being the seventh snniverbary of hon john costigans entrance into the cabinet the minister of inland re venae re ceived numerous addremes the fisheries department hu ijready received k 000 from americsn fishing ichbonrs for licenses to fiib under the moda ukxdi sir joha mxcdonsfd will in september unveil the itatae to be erected at port hope to the memory of the late col wu- linns kj the governor general hu gone to his summer fishing resort on the cascxpedia his excellency iu passiog through qaebec gave 1500 to the victims of the st saaveur fire the gorernment is being urged to pro mise aid to the extension of the ontario central by from hastings coanfy to sad- bary through a valuable mitingand lamber country mr anderson hu arrived here from england to confer with mr fester con cerning the proposed new fast line of mail steamers on tbe atlantic a post of the grand army of the re public usa it being organized here ai headquarters for all canadian who fought for the north in the american war there are about soojo veterans in canada and branch potts will be established major chaplmu of ottawa is eligible for member- ship last night ottawa appointed delegates to tfafl anujesait convention to bo held at toronto jane 10th and ilth tmtstah bjti puis f iniert tbu item appearing in the oakville star rnomben j tlutu town council think they umralejhe press by looking tut theolar reprtsaouuvs trom the oouucil rooetiogi 8noh action it chlldiah u the councillors desire oompll- raenury reporti of their prooeedltuii they ehoald behave themaelvss the star did perfectly right lu exposing tbe nnnnue manly conduct of a couple of members a weak or two ago nothing of the kind ever oootirred and in hii editorial- nn tho uhjeel he militates and mlisrepjresouta the proroedfogi of the coonotl hewmairopiy jiiked to leave tbe nouocll board at which he wu sittiugwith out any right whatever and takehil proper place at tbo reporter table and in future to give a fair nopatlial and honeit report of the prooeodiugs ol the board this oourao was ttnetfoped by all the members present withouta diuenting voioe the following li a copy of a resolution passed unanimoasly at the laat meeting which will peak for itself moved by e h gulledge seconded by john ion in view of the faot that tbe re porter of the star hu from time to time misrepresented the prooeedingi of this council to the pablic be it therefore re solved that we do not hold ourselves reapoo ilble in any way for its publloatiooi and advise tbe publc o be caatioua u to the acceptation of the tamo and that the oom mittee on printing be authorised to publish this resolution in some paper within this oonntr by inserting thia you will oblige voars truly e u gnxuxie a geobgeto tbuubls broofiliuauidligtireihq harden her baby and then flees to the stales last thursdsy the georgetown chief of police wu notified that tbe dead body of a child had been found in a house there wherea young woman named annie brig- ham had been boarding afterwarda it wa discovered the child had been strangled miss brig ham hsd been removed to neighboring village and u there wu a good deal of auspion in the ease a war- rant wis issued for herarresl on attempt ing to effect this warrant the following morning it was found tho girl had left her father house sad lier parents declined to give any information iu to her whereabouts the case wu put in the- hands of county constable d pope of toronto who wu in georgetown at the time he immediately went to the boas of the girls parents snd u they told a lories that did not tally be arrested them both u being accessories after raskinnameroas inquiries constable pope ascertained the girl wu on her way to the states and accordingly boarded the midaight expreu for detroit as the can were about to leave strafford station a lady answering the description of annie brigham emerged from the waiting room and hutily boarded tbe train the con stable accosted her u annie bat tbe denied her identity uy lag she wu nellie grubb she wu placed under arrest and constable pope returned with her saturday morning on the lightning ex press it appears that a gang of masked men called at mr brigham s house on thursday night and gave her the money to pay her fare to detroit and under threats made her father promise to drive her to rockwood tbe following morning tho girl declines to give the name of the man who has caused the sad affair k case of luksxalgrteb affjcafurttiute qaarrel about the eirlil lo ftih ai glee erou oexxgettlle may 28 a quarrel over tiie right to fish in nottawa creek at glen- cross mono township hu ended in the death of james scott and the indictment of henry atkinsou a welltodo farmer for manslaaghter on monday morning may 13tn atkinson with i friend named wil liam carson of toronto came to the creek to fish and they selected a spot just below the dam at gleacrow where speckled trout are numerous tbe creek at jhis point rons throagtrthe farm of daniel msrkls and he a short time ago gave his soninlaw james scott the right to collet a fee of 25 cents from those f thing on his property when atkinson snd carson canw along they were met by scott who asked for the 25 cents they refused lo pay anything and threatened to dock him if he insisted a scuffle ensoed scott it u said hitting atkinson with a stick he hsd in his hand scott retreated to secure help when atkin son pickedop a large stoue weighing near ly fifteen poaadu sod through it after him it struck him ou the head behind the left i felling him to the ground just u atkinson wu throwing the stone scotts fatherinlaw and brotherinlaw who were working in an adjacent shed came out and witnessed tbe occurrence they assisted scott to his feet and took him home atkin son being arrested for common asuult but afterwards allowed oat on bul after liv ing for tfeven days scott died on monday night at 1030 he was conscious to the lut and able to sit ap occasionally though suffering a great deal from a fractare a bo at the size of a cent immediately behind his left ear during his illness he explained several times in detail the altercation with atkinson tut icccsed- henry atkinson the accused is one of the best known residents of- mono town ship and was at the lut municipal elec tions a candidate for deputy reeve he owns a farm of from 250 tosoo acres said to be worth about 910000 ha is aboat 38 years of ago and ii very uil and mus cular thil it vkjufox statue ivrild 8exatorutakdead one of the oldest heathen of tlte causdfaa parliament passes away mfrjrrxuj may 25 hoo titos ryan jsenator for the victoria division of this province died this morning after a seme- jwbst loog illness at his residence in this pity- j i mr ryan wu one of tho oldest members ef the canadian parliament thirty years go he had won a foremost position in mer cantile affairs u hed of the firm of ryan brothers co of maire mid qaobec he retired on a cotnpeleuoe in 1803 in which yer he vu elected to the leg ill- five council of be old province of canada for victoria j tlw pressed brick employed in the erection of the new brampton post office comes from the uei brick works at milton and is a vary utisfactory article former ly pressed brick could he obtained only in uie stele the imported article costing f 5 jper ifaoassiid delivered in toronto the mlltcrn brick 1a sold fur 120 the statue to the memory of dr kger- tou ryerson the foander of the pablic school system fn canada and the general superintendent for so msny eare wu un veiled on friday in the front of the normal school toronto which was the scene of mnch of his labor there tos stands a bronze likonest of tbe man to whom ontario owes a lutingjlebt of gratitude for having established what is perhaps the grandest school system iu the world the height of the bronze figure is 0 feet c inches and of the pedestal 10 feet g inobu tbe statae faces bond street and can be seen from from qaeen street easily pr ryerson is represented in tbe pewe of addreiug the legislature fn behalf of popular education his richt srin and leg being advanced his lips slightly apart and his face having tbe animation arising from the consciousness of pleading for it jnst cause iu bis left baud is book nod behind bint stands a petlett on which are the school laws of the province the total cost of the statue wu 18176 oh the front of the pedestsf is the inscription egerton ryerson founder of the school system for ontarlrt while on tfofe back fa recorded born lit in charloturille connly uf norfolk oil tano unroll 21 itm l at turuuto february w 1632 the body of joseph baydefi totndlftftel nooe wu found in tbe creek ivl road leading into llmehouie aboat i quart wotttnllrwjrttrfthtnm charles mfredfth hi hat was lylog on the brldgev the general opinion settbs to bethattheoldminwmmitted sulctde by drowning bflt ahere is reasonable room for doabting the oorreotflsss of that theory it u barely possible hut be had gone out for a morning walk and oomlng the ortek had got down for a drink and soci dontally slipped in and was drowned hawu afflicted with a caooer in the face and drs lowry of acton and howitt ot onelph had arranged to perform an operation upon it on monday 7 lb inst i ii believed by residonts of lunahoase that the thoaghta of ibis coupled wifh do- mesvio troubles oaued him to commit the crime ot self dee traction coroner freeman wu notified of the matter bat deemed an inquest unnecessary mr bnyder was 73 yean of age and wu born on the farm where be lived until hii death he married bit second wife about fifteen yters ago life wu not to him tbe socosea which his younger days promised it would be his remsins were interred in tbofresby terisq otmetery on saturday rev- mr drumm offloiating postal news hcwofllec opened in ontarioouier closed tthanges in katnei daring the first three months of this year the following new postofnoea have been opened in ontario mikc cocktr fiarrrvals benfr sw cloudslmaljoma rafles nest brant heason jerth new flos m slniooe romusru patrick barrr n ucewsn j w foster j getsebene gouorsn fvkersttllfl utukoka t h osbonis wutebsji ktuskoka grhrooks these postoffioes have been closed i bal- ties corners glengarry oouutyi patterson york county rabbit mountain afgoma oouuty changes have been made in the names of postoffices thus credit to springfieldon lb t- credit fsxmersvule to athens red rock to nepigon serpent river to cooks mills and stewart sufioc to port cald well j tbe milford bay posteffioe id simcoe county established ss a summer offioe only is now kept open all year round tbe following new money order offices were established in ontario on april 1 baden deemertou duudalk hepworth nepigon schreibner booth woodslee spriogfieldoolhecredit addixg to theih titles 1- tha university of toronto fusing arotnd its uegrw of lld the senate of the university of toronto held a degree conferring meeting mon day olgbt and honored many of the public men and jurists of the dominion in accordance with the report of the standing committee on the honorary degree of lld it wu unanimously resolved hut such degree be conferred a poo these geutl men bifbt hon sir john a- itscdoasm kcjl ac hon edward blake uju qc 1lp r boo joan aleixndtr uoyi if a cliasfrellor of ontario hon outm mowtt qc- mxa wk martdilb llijvcula wtaiiioiud prof john campbell uk john hoakin qc i special a5x0ukcehext we have made arrangement with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treat ise an tlie horse and bis diseases which will entble all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same to dr b kendall co enosbnfgh falls vt this book is now recognized u standaad authority apon all diseases ot the horse u its phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold in the put ten years a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time we feel confident thst our patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this op portunity of obtaining a valuceble book it is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the treatise this offer will remain open for only a short time l james h gilmour of t gilmour co wholesale grocers brookville uys 1 have used tamarao elixir for a uvere bold and cough which it- m mediately relieved and cured r a gunn m d dean and professor of sorgery of tbe united states medical college editor of medical tributte author of gunns new improved hind- book of hygiene and domestic medicine in refering to thejise of warners safe cure in a case of blights disease said ever his own signature i wu greatly surprised to observe a decided improvement within a month within four months notubecuta could befound and only a trace of albumen and u he expressed it he felt perfectly well after this demonstration of its power i prescribed it in full doses in both acute and chronic brights disease with the most satisfactory results children cry for pitchers castoriii when esbr vu sick we e her ontario ffbca sbe was a child she cried for castori wbea she became hiss she dang to cutoria when she had children she cavo them cast oris absolutely pure tajfte4aurelotpa t leeeeflpueoleai jnnot lie sow ia flommoawuktlieialuia4fcfiowistaiiwt wriebt albia er pbotebele vewaers tuii eal iseui boru bal powssacow wall r- w u far infants amt ohlldren w siiuh l swnmm aijaonld l mmt tnimhimarminiit i meafatm w r 4lbobveevdcxlptlok0v kubber and metal stamiw ttoocmr twabt 1100 10 kid hi west torosto 100 cases bales of carpets cfeci received from europe up to date fop rar spruig and summer trade we claini that there aro very ctv houses iu caoaik that huy their goode as cheap as we do and nouccbepcr we claini to be able to give you newer styles a larger aeaortment and better valae than yon can get in any other dry goous horisein gnelph aullonr reasons are a follows lstwe are the only dry goods firm in gnelph jsending a buyer direct to europe andwe can almost say we are the only dry goods firm in gnelph importing as very little is imported ontside what we bring in ourselves i 2ud not only are we inrge importers as jqu will geo by the number of cases and bales given above bat in almost every instance we buy our goods direct from tho manufacturers which yoryfew reuil men in canada do and not only do we buy direirt from the makers but buy for cash- every dollars worth of imported goods that enters our store we pay tbe cash for on tbe 1st of the following montfat and notonly dc we buy from the makers aqd pay the cash but baviugthe cash we are nblej to approach the largest manufacturers in the world up matter where they maype now being in this position do you think wo go beyond the mark when we say tbat so house ijn ida buy their goods cheaper than we do and very ftw l l styles better value and a larger assortment from which remember the place canada buy their goods cheaper than we do and verfewaschap and that we can giv you newer to choose than any other honne in gnelph gcbr3rapi fe co guejpk i the leading dry qoodi house 1 upper wyndham st successors to ao hogg son m lib 6iklw moriey j abwag5r hbttse to jjetflt jl a4f ibboonhafwij apillawlulenadfacs and tajta bar wjr i wm those raqtto hnibv caa boiu tbe torn u sow tsshz it au sleds olsmlto3b al b had ihiei vt fl tosohto umecoa stees ajar lumber and tbejdulaiatpmd a lbbsbooae lombef and are pmarsd ttu otben wluraoy qeatty ofl otbsr tnildldss ai naionablenlm plat and cedar tbiafittit ataj c tallou s5sv lio and dwelling for ttoube and un ai baton h i 1 b mcoanill h hard ssd soft wstat ederea doi apply for rsroenlati to bnilding lotejfpj anoutwr of terr aialralv hi aalt on part aadjake jam bmlqilrimt aaunberetstel dtesare offersdaad a bolmigk urelr sere ud ttmnner tbelab rspfdljlacrmmjuiralds texas we desikablfefi houfee am y twi very gomfortobl bouts sad a aaoiiiias n charch stnatjteil istit loeaittoe aiwinefoof tenas atl csher psrticslais a spetfbt on tbspreiiuies or to fiilyf ltbsjuciueibr- ii forsale steiml planing mill fjtyharg dweotsg the alwre premlsee la actoa an x tale toe macblnerr epnnrfi and raeamlaf rnaftlilne csat oalt eiretilar i and fig wood drain lathe with mas blading tons ete aleoalqsaa uritooli wutbe told loceaetof toolssprelt ifm r welcome spring henderson mre sc co kcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuaice of their liberal patronage i millinert display where there is on exhibition a most g6rgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come andisee general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings r special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing alfin stvle quality and price beautiful prints gingtams arid chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up xt t and by the yard rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybody see our 8100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 10000 doz fresh egj a wanted at oncle a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at henderson wcrae co new lace curtains in setts vety pretty comfortable dffi 1 p 7 tbai sue tew dooua wcat bower avtanw tvo kltcbw hard and cstt in dtflxr respect and moeuii x tv briefcdad rcwddenoa dsio tvo storer sritb lam ijm hard bjtd soft tsisr to ttas moss udwttoalazrsiadi rtlee fust frait trees i and ocuoibntsl rev 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