Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1889, p. 4

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ii ms i wr- t ait ftufttss thtlbrdat 3 ulbeh 7 lfijm dbt foung folks tss bea vily fold thcrj b t loli whom aoae can stray and pastona ever con t whew sultry sun or stoniiy day or night it ncm iti i k tip the everlasting bills in godt oim light it uw au nolle iu wt luuiaaabii ftut with joy that icver hies s wa t hii feet tuy soil vfll lie la luvs hut sirassliat breath bat i shall onir teem fedie uball not taste of death far rota thisguilty trid la bo exempt from toll am strife to spend eternity rttlj thee mr saviour this u life eul bx5z7bje iv son oo earned k of any boont creature hovbeit weak imperfect illadapted fails so tufldi it is sot gathqjd as a grain of sand to caltxce the mm of human actiou uod for carrying oat god s end j i count uiat heaven itself ii ouiy jrork to t urcr itsae let us be content in tot to do the tiling we can and not presume to fret becacw fiylfttle tboi mutt be true thyself u thoa the truth wouldst teach tht soul tnnai overflow if than anothers soul fouldsl reach it needs the overflow sf heart to circ the iip ifull tpeecfa j u yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad ertae in the toronto itahy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homca every week and yoar advertisement afaoojd meet the eye of someone who wants to pox chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto fctuy hail for fire cents a word each inlertion or twenty cents a jrord or five insertions address the ilsil toronto canada ecfcamf beer area aid wime- uyoaare languid and weak and your appetite poor mybeefviroa and wine it the tonic be sure j t as an invigorating- tonic it is recognized by jthe medical profession as the best strengthening medicine ih os far prodaoed it is inxluaiile as a bloodaadmuscle mater especially in those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect oc w- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort it cntin the natriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to build ap the emaciated system sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough shflohs care is the rem edy for yoa- for sale by x mcgarriiu jikgles and j ikelets hair an how with the wise men ihrwiti andutelartgrijrikedayj james h gilmour of t llitmour tt co wholesale grocers uroomtue sayii hare used tamarac elixir lot a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cored i lank trail trashed ta will rise so will biscuit mad with imperial cream tog powder it is the only reliable aud bread tartar bak for lame back side or cues use shilohi porous plaster price 25 oeta for sale by n gexrin cc jacobs buffalo an the d8 express co aayii- eclsctric oil cored him of a piles ot 8 years stand trm most every known remedy boffalo physicians wlthod the ou eared him he thinks recommended too highiv etnplbyco of drthomas had case ot tried ai besides two relief- bat it cannot be ha or a die tdh l doom to be unable to satisfy hanger wit ho at being distressed by heartburn indigestion sicf stomach dizziness or faintness seems a dreadfal doom all who suffer thas will find prompt relief and permanent care in burdock blood bitter b b b positively carts dyspepsia in any form as a fickmeup after excessive exertion or exposure miibarns beef iron snd wine is grateful and comforting why will you cough when shllohs cure will give immediate relief priee 10 cu 50 fits and 11 for sale by k mcgarvin what toronto wellknown good sama ritan says i jiate been trocbled with dyspepsia- and liver complaint for over 20 years and have fried many remedies but never found an article that has done me as msch good as northrop it lymans vege table discovery and dyspepic care clars e porter i some symplons of worms are fever colic variable appetite restlessness weak ness and convulsion the unfailing remedy is dr lows worm sjrap 1 hih yixcltlov if there was only one bottle of- hag- yards yellow oil in sfanilobi i would give one hundred dollars for it writes philip h bract of ifonlcith iltniiobs after havinj used it for a seterc wound and for frozen fingers with as he says aston ishing good resalts catarrh cured health and sweet breath secured by shilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents kaasi injector free- for sale oy x itcgartin keitaa4cmrrttxfte tarrruf browns household panacea has no qua for relierinc pain both internal aod xternal it cures pain fn the side back or bowels sore thrnal rhcumatinn toothache lambao and any kind of a pain or ache it wil most surely qulcfc en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browas househoidpan aces being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of djuble the itrentth of any other elixir orj liniment in the world should be in etery family handy for uae when wanted u it really is the beat remedy m the world far crampr in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds andisforsalebralldrugeistea25 cerfe a bottle the thirdjparfe of the toronto dfu mamttiobed for want advertisemeit if yoa want to buy or sell anything if yon wast a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if yon have lost or found anything or if youtrant to find out where anyone is advertise in the toronto doiif hail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the cfiarge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress the hail toronto canada shilohs cure will immediately relieve r croup whooping cough and bronchitis for sale by megaryinj are you made miserable by indigestion consupation dizziness loss of appetite yeflow skin shilohs titalizer is a positive eure forssie ty x lfcv3arrin hackmetack a lasting and fragrant perfume price 25 and50 cents for sale byx mcgarvin will you suffer with dyf pepsia and liver complaint shilohs viisjizeris guaran- teed to cure you forsaleby x mcgar- viu f that hacking cough can be so quickly coxed by shtioh cure we guarantee it forsaleby k- uegarrin shilohs catarrh remedy a positive cure forcaiarrh- diphtheria and canitermbathl fcr sale by x- garvin j the bev geo if thayer of bourbon ind say both myself and wife owe our lives to shilohs cocsampton cure for tale hy x sicgtrnj anasil iajor free with each mttlefo bhiuohi catarrh remedy price 50 coots for sale by klcparvin for dyspepsia and liver complaint yoa have a printed guarantee ou erery bottle of shuons vitalizer it never fails to cure tor sale by x hcgarvin a short road to health was opened to those buffering from chronic coughs asth- ma bronchitis catarrbtlambagb tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or inctmed breast and kidney complaints by the in troduction of the inexpensive and effective remedy dr thomas eclectric oil utllts musc fktt i was swollen from bcd to foot from dropsy of eix months standing and my health wis filling fast hat after ujring one bottle of burdtck blood bitters i am quite well and think there is no medicine equal to b b b and to it i remain a true friend joseph heric einwood ont- aa inactive or torpid liver must be aroused and all bad bile recored box- dock pills sre best for old or young remember that ayers cherry pectoral has no equal aa a specific for colds coughs and all affections of the throat and lungs for nearly half a century it baa been in greater demand han any other remedy for pulmonary com plaints all druggirts have it for sale shilohs vitairer is what you need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia- price 10 and 75 cents per battle for sale by x ifcgarvin tartly gate tp in the year iss i cooghed for six months and having unsuccessfully tried many remedies i partly gave up thinking i had consumption at last i tried hag- yards pectoral balsam less than one bottle of which cured me leaving me as well as everl was henry w cams wabash out j catuatupuoa cared an om phyhctan retired from practice having liad placed in hi hands fay an east india moaacr the formula of a simple vesetable remedy for tht speedy hud per manent core of consumption bronchitix ciarrh asthma and all throat and lnn affections also a positive snd radicaf core forxervoo- dehility d all xervoascom- plnntafurhvia sted iu wonderfal curativc xwe in ihpamufl otxaaea has felt it ins duty ut mfce hi known to hit rnffriujr fcroc ajtijf t in- iii molive ii inlcsfc tu reliete safferiuti i will end frtf cdttrgo to ill- who desire it tins recipf tngerrainfreijcli or eng- ih witli famdtrectfoni forprepariug and mutii fitit iiy nifl hy addreskinc with auiii4mibtrinztfu- paper w a kotcs hflpowervdlclj shiloliv coufiit anl cotiumptiou core is sold iiy h nanitm it care-c- somptintu fr jv fy k krgnriin tfire u ft- iifprciutu fu medi- ciacjtriicj iffet fcwvl tile fnifitftiik if ai mtiu ik t ill u fleitiuiauw tie fir-ttr- nwfril culluf s ihe cfail i of genuine cfijxau- yrucnev a rndiistl cjire to tlie uuer cm wjuhk hoi throp ilyntanif vegquiile dootry nuh dya- pepth care tiwroujfli uew o qperaboii u ut special attribote in all caea nf eilliof ness coatjvenm lodicdtiota kidney com- piauifs ahd female wekue yxf-i- for xettle rash summer heat and gen- tral toilet purposes use lows sulphur soap avoid appearances a worthy gentle man having an ucasusily red dos was long suspected of being a tippler on the sly by those not well acquainted with his strictly temperate hahite his enfortanate di was readily cured by the use of ayers sarsaparilia i tofbisr liked ijwsa troabled with liver complaint for a good mony years bat was cured by one bottleof burdock blood- bitters i have never found any medicine to help me he b b b tn fact one bottle made a com plete pare wjj west psrkh ill ont paikes imffi compound acts at the same time oh the nerves j the liver i thebowel8 andthekidners i this cotnljined nction gircs it won derful power lo cure all ihcues jwhyareweslck becansfc we ollow the nerrej to remain wcateoed and irritated and these great otjacs lo become clogged cr torpid and poisonous bindors are hcrctorc forced into the lioodi lltst should le expelled naturally j rams c0mp0uhd will curtlxu0titzu7au coutipinoj mitet cox piadtti vvaixt sltzuzt tvuhtrzaxszsbmzuma tux nntiuii axi ail ixyoojioepze bf qaloidg nitutogtbmin ihe nerrej and caufrng frpc nclion oflhe lircr bowdi and liidncjtlnd restor ing uicir power o llirow olt disease wtirmaersiiimf psinf aeiei wkr ctmtttjflitiltt coitupilual why cs4an unni or tick lacmbml wtyttfilctrtaasicacil cj ciir conrepim and relet ta belli liiisnciiiinirntka ok remcdflianblcttiaaucuct smfya dmahtt ptici 1jx otbatvpa longslanding blood diseases are cured by the persevering use of ayers 8axbaparilla this medicine is an alterative and causes a radical change in thn system tbc process hi some cases may not be quite no rapid as lu ollicrs but with persistence the result ia certain ileail those testimonial for two years i miffrril from a se vere pain itr uiy right sme aud had other troulilca cauncil by a uirul hver aud dysppla alter civing buvecal nedicjiiei a fair riarivitlmm a curei bcpiil to take averv sawoimrllla i was greatly lnoitl by llie tlrst little and alter lakin live liotilc i was com- pletety cured john benson 70 lavvrcuce it- lotvell itasi last may a larse car bti tide broke but on mv srin tlio usual cemcjiei hail no eltect ftt t wax confined to iay bod for eight weeks a friend induced me lo try ayers saroiurilta lena than three hottlos licalcd tliennrc iu all inyexpe- rience wltb medicine i never saw more wonderful results anolicr marked cftecl of ttio una of this medicine- va tlie strciigtlictifng f my sfght mr carrie adanw holly spnit ttira i iad a dry mily liumnr for vrtirs and suffered urrilily iindai my broth er and sister were siiuilnriv flflucted i presume the iiuhuly is hereuilary ltut winter lr tynm of fcruaiidtna fla rccdtituicmlci me to take ayers sarsanarilu ami coutinac it for a year for five month i took it daily t have not had a blauilali urxiu mi btuh for tlie last- three uwuihj t e wiley 1w chambers st xiw vork city tflst fall and winter i wa trotthled with a dull heavy utu in my giilar did not notice it much at flfsl hut it gradoaliy gruw wor until it became almost unhearaliuv during the latter part at this time disorder of the stom ach aad lfvcr increased mytrutibfes t began taking ayers sarsapatillayinid alter faithfully cuntitiuitig the use of this medicine for same inauihs the pain disappeared and i was completely cured mrs august a furbmh haverhill mass ayers sarsaparilia rarrauen nr dr j c ayer k co lowekvmut canada is being congratulated everywhere on the eicellence of her manufactures in the various brandies- art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her im provements thanks to xtccaailand son of toronto who for 10 years have laboared sot only to accumulate money bat to make stained and ornamental glass of all kinds a credit io the dominion cronp whooping cough and bronchitis mmediatcly relieved by shilohs care for sale hy x mcgarvin common croop is often fatal when not remedied in time leslie b xicholsoa 13 wellesley ave toronto says as a gaick cure for croup colds sere throat chilblains etc i can resamtaend hagyards yellow od it is a sure cure directions accompany each bottle a udy writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the use of hcliswsyfi cora care others ho have tried it have the same cipcnencc caae and effec many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feelmgthat oppresses them with- oct any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case he stomach bbod and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persons they will follow a doll heavy headache nausea and many oliiiy symptoms that precede a vtll developed case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using meachams mandrake mixture prepared by j b meacham 1s3 yonge street a chemist of nineteen yean experience he largest scale works in cahaoa over oo styles of hay scales grain scalec far scales tea scales smpeqye fhoyf d mm drawers ho bjtchks swpus c wilson 4 son 60 esplanade street east toaontc ont t thii piper c ezj ihze rca wriic urdock pills abvrz curc i foabiuoushessconstipatlok inbiscstiok frlzzdtess sick kadach mfo discifza of tkc stshack livcr fho bowels tkct aac mtntmorwcm ito faaitft iff actios ano fchu a vauaolc aid to buhdoca suoo eittria n the thcatkckt ako cvkof ckrokic and 0d3tinatc diseases will cure or reueve biuousness dtaniss dyspepsia indigesnofg jaundice eryslpelas saltrheum heartburn headache dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin not every species of disetst arising from disordered ltvbr k7ijkky8 st02dacb cl5 blood tmilbuenco jssswa tnw cfnipeb losts ttte greatest xoteltt m u iuair koses cvxsl ontsxo ul iiihii w ha ibmtmr aimji a itfw r aarw barfwa vtatanr rtbd nuel um- wkrrel tstwlxabxl t uowtodcahi vaosb avkipuunrl w ifhj aj ihimj adu p lltil g w tina h xoss7be rpttl but we are still continuing our sale house georgetown wm moleod st 50 we have unearthed a lot ot goods that we are anxious to convert into money that- we shall offer at phenominal pri ces which shall command at tention and effect a sale we call special attention to ladies furs gents fur caps goat and fancy robes gents uhderclpthingblankets flannels knitted woollen goods woollen hosiery mens over coats boys overcoats ready made clothing dressgoods silks satins milliner- mantles also carpets i ladies and gents footwear and over shoes the public can rely upon finding special drives in the above goods well worth- of their attention we beg to re mind the pubfic that cottons silk goods and woollens have all gone up in price very much especially cottons and silks that we have laid in a large stock of cottons and silks at the old prices and are prepared to sell them at the extraordinary low prices we have heretofore sold them at and now is the time to pur chase cottoriades check shirt ings factor cottons white cottons prints ginghams and all kind of cotton goods good factor- cotton for 3c per yd white cotton 5c per yd check shirtings 6c per yd prints fast colors and heavy for 6c worth ice cottonades from i2jc up a magnificent cottonade for 25c worth 35c we call particular attention to our new suitings our tailoring department is be yond all competition in price style fit and vorkmanship our milliner- and mantle departments are a 1 turning out artistic designs which meet with the approval of the most fastidious spring goods arrhing daily come and get a large lot of the bargrins wmmcleodco ita30oth house aeoboetown h c stone house sign and ornamental painting hatha latest styles lessons ixoilpadcrixg classes vdaesdajevcainitiarsd4yasd saturday afternoon ordarx lettat free prow ot2ee acton or ad dreuod us box 16 georgetown will roccitb irromitsttfinlion h g 8tone iyer leay je actoy ylttu you can get a pood aa snide aiu tx cheap at j hi matthews harness shop call ind soc if he is cat giving the beat hu- cim in i light and heavy harness blankets bella curry combs brushes whips 4e i iay eouic io acton to fulvflni vi endesver to cfro the lxt tifadifia to tlioco wbo favor me with their iintrenipp 1 htvc wall expenses and canahord to sell chosf collars warranted not to hurt j h matthews actoii oemovod to shop next kally bros h i i great gut in garpetsl m 1 we are offering extra values in carpets for j this month only you will do well to take advantage of this j opportunity j mr ryan advises usof the purchase among other goods of a large variety of carpets curtains oil cloths c which will be shipped at oncefrom liverpool so to reduce our present stock we offer special inducements to our customers in j brussels tapestry wool and hemp carpets and in lace and tapestn curtains we lave file largest carpet kooiu 111 the city remember the place bkyaii cfe co gueipii the leading dry goods house 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son neisr spring goods 1 h abe being- keceived byj hollinrake c son milton j hollinrake son sell j dry goods and millinery hollinrake son sell clothing hats aind caps hollinrake son sell groceries boots fc shoes the largest and wst selected stock in milton ask to see the remnants of dress goods prints tweeds etc which they are selling off at about half price choice pound roll butter lard fresh eggs and dried apples bought at i hollinrake son the leading merchants milton -2stew- importations this week -at- the right house hamilton one case rubber circulars or waterproof mantles beautiful goods three bales pnuts four cases white bhirtins two bales extra heavy grey cottons french cashmeres crinolines jeans honeycomb clocking turkish towels corsets bustles veil fog oxford shirtings cottonades cham brays ginghams beersaejters garter elastics window bhadee just see the hew all- wool carpeu kensington crumb cloths etc great bargains in brussels and tapestry carpeu marked down very low this vreek watkins has jost made np bis sales for last year and is happy to say that they are larger for 1888 than ever- before owing to parch asing his goods direct from the manufacturers for the cash down and selling them at very small profits he has had very many enormous increases in his tales year after year bat 1688 was the crowning year of all and his sales are truly en ormous cow the ladies are becoming folly alire to the fact that they can get tbeir supplies of good serviceable goods and of line fashionable goodj of the very latest novelties iu french knslish german swiss beigain austrian and amerioin styles at this celebrated hoase it the very lowest prices possible as be purchases his immense stocks direct from the manufacturer in each of those great markets of the world ladies can obtain almost every article they are likely tq require at this enormous hoase his stock of winter goods is now offering at an immense redaction many articles being rodnoed wonehalf their vaioe see the mantles mantle cloths blankets ladies gents misses and boys underclothing gloves millinery toboganing fnd horse blankeu comforters carpeu window shades etc mind and enter tbe door east of the carpet window many make mistakes and do oot get into the bight honie corner of king street east and hughson street hamilton feb 16th 1889 thomas o watdkrktsj grand trunk rafafils uceom y 00 pm i mfesssi ttxiorcioiuraaail ooagwmt9i5ajdqdwd tim ljtjri nrsmu lie leibti tuc reiledt for clfioto coksdinrotohvcoij asthma croup- kf all oisaxs of the throvflosjii pulmonary orqocs lj- by it riuurci tia 0058uhpti05 eas bbhtoffli t liiftl to ttd ft aau- r emaimd4 ij rnvncuv mlxitrriiili sikits iptici breiyfartijhotiibir usfood trial ltrtrjatltkihitjhgi ss a cxpcctoffaittiymai tt itjiatnleutotiifjiikjlcaucmi it contains no opium ia toyii pnicc 3c so ash 10 tea vmu cavi8 ts laws5kcs w general aoeuu jtoytiskx i liifi f3i m at ijiffuia l ie7ave thuarorititicskmhftd i up- in oral bottles hcldiwj rttnaen edek viii tic name uovn imtie gtda- and thf name of he inventor a csmftj t bctl in red ink cctqss theactpliiiib bacart of iaiitaiitnuf refuse i all- listing i itiicm and you will oi be dbajipontti arising from a diaordpreds- x or the l stomach and loirels snth as byspepsla or indigestion bffioas attpctlons hgadjehe- hsarttrifebi aoidtftr of yo btdmach ieitos3ieo y- jjobs of appetite bravel yerrott debility uansea orvomiting tetef j price eijcentnper botfle v affipawc cures l ttpabo 17 iv savi3 i liwistccs errors ofydbtbej kcrrtmi dcqity seminal 1wsesgsal ntbi tnre decay promptly and pcnnasesttjegwd tistiferowitiidietornnsjecetoatkkl usjeeeatkt and fully restores lost tigor and inserts pehset manbdod srtt to ut address jjruf irttjl flti recsiptomiceoaedonsrperbox bchofield qbci store elmi ss sewlahvmuaetl aacaiw knmmtkifree mm 7it7 exhausted whm hphe bciexce oflltk the grat medical work ot the age on hannood perron f and phyaical dcfailityr rrr- mature doclinc envra of tooth and the untold mhvr eriei tooaoqaent thefoon 300 pages 8 ro lis prcwrintiotibsi for all diseases cloth fn lt only tlttbi toail scaled ninstraiive buajjo free to as ypnng ud middleaged men bead jbowt th- gold and jewelled modal airarded toltio snfliaf by national medical association adarm p 0- box 1333 roatoa si or dr wtl pabf ker cradnate of hshamiledicat college reanprsetlce in bortonjwbo m j- be conalt3j eonfldenuklly specialf y disease of man i onleekoiualnnchst kelly br6tftere merchant tailors having jukt passed into stock the finest assortment of- imported and domestio suitings pantinga and overcoatings r that have ever been shown in the oounty we are now iu a position to suit any personreyuiring anything in clothhig onr prices nro niaht umi wo will giurtutoe every garment to be perfect both in fit and finish nofitno sale hun- iredsof mticnm to delect from w also carry tie bnest stock of keckties collars cuffs and 6hirts to be found in any house west of toroiito j asking for a slmre of oiirikaronage we kemain sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros subscribe for the acton free press 91 00 a year manhood how lost how restorqd joat pobllibcd a new oiltioo of dr cultc walls celebrated xaaay aa tbe ludicll core of spermatorrhea or miaciiy indaced iiy excess or early inuscrctipn the celebrated sathor in thii sdmlklt aaaayelfarjdeinoostraiesnoma thirty yw saeceaifnl practice lha tbo aiarming wnse-f- qoences of early error mag be rrdicadyfurw pointing ont a mode oitrure s anx supida certain and effectual 6y ttoaa of wmch eryj sufferer no matter what bit conditiad tuay w5 may cure himicll cbeaplurn n rsttnls lectarenoald he m tbo hands of etot youth and etery taan in tbp land j sent under seal o a pfcjn enreloi to snj addrets on receipt of foar cents cr to oti tamps address till otlrorveulmodftl co i uiy it saw toaa robox ifl5 j authors cpx manufacturers of trusses artipidiai limbs aud ajipliaac t tin all ic j 1u4 u14ljciui uj jt- u r3lin uume hip j piwwe diwmsombr- nil anils ktt0ksil icsclnlfiklo also cltuichps- 117 ghuash st torbftto

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